Nineties Eastenders (10th December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (10th December 1996)
00:00So, I'm going to go and see what's happened to Billy, will you?
00:29Yeah, all right. There you go, love.
00:32Oh, and, er, where did you get these?
00:39Are you all right?
00:43How old were you when you met my dad?
00:46Oh, er, what happened, 13, 14?
00:50Oh, you've known him a long time, then?
00:52Yeah, we worked together very long, Joe. In fact, I didn't see him for years.
00:55Not until he moved back down to the square.
00:57He must have been pleased when you saw him.
00:59Oh, I wouldn't exactly say that. It was a bit of a shock.
01:02What was?
01:03Nothing. I'm just explaining a few things to Joe.
01:07I thought you'd be at work.
01:09I've taken the day off.
01:11Robbie's doing it, you know. No harm done.
01:15Listen, um, I might... I might just go out for a walk.
01:17All right, love.
01:20Won't you be a bit nicer to him?
01:24I mean, I can't believe they're taking more time off work just...
01:26just to look after him.
01:28Why, Carol?
01:29Mum, Billy's not well.
01:30Oh, what's the matter with him?
01:31Well, he says he feels sick.
01:32All right, I'll be up in a second.
01:33No, I'll go. I can see you're busy.
01:35No, I want to.
01:43Look at the state of this.
01:44Yeah, we, er, we slept in this morning.
01:48Well, look, I'll give you a hand tidying up, if you like.
01:50No, it's all right. I can manage.
01:52Well, it don't look like it.
01:54Look, we're just off to the park. Do you want to come?
01:57Don't think so.
01:58Oh, come on. I'm sure you'll both do with some fresh air.
02:01Maybe another day, yeah?
02:02Like when?
02:03Mum, when I want to go, I'll let you know, all right?
02:06Now's not a good time for me at the moment.
02:08Ian, it's never a good time for you.
02:10Just leave it, will you?
02:11No, I won't. Not any more.
02:14How long are you going to go on letting Cindy get you like this, eh?
02:17Ian, she's gone.
02:19It's sad, I know, but you have to move on.
02:22Do you think she'll shut herself away wherever she is?
02:24I doubt it.
02:27Oh, look, love, I don't mean to sound harsh,
02:29but I'm just thinking of what's best for both of you.
02:32Ian, things have got to change now.
02:36Life does go on, you know.
02:42What do you think you're playing at?
02:43What's it look like? I'm tidying up.
02:44You're not supposed to be lifting anything. Leave it.
02:46I haven't had the baby yet, and until then I'll carry on as normal, all right?
02:50Morning. How are you?
02:51Oh, fine.
02:52Mum, why don't you go back upstairs? We can manage down here today.
02:55Well, I was thinking of taking the afternoon off, actually.
02:57Why don't you take the whole day off? Go shopping. Enjoy yourself.
03:00Oh, goodness.
03:01Well, Tiffany seems keen to do as much as she possibly can.
03:03I don't see why you don't take advantage of it.
03:05Oh, well, I'll think about it.
03:09Hello, Queen Vic.
03:11Oh, hello.
03:13Well, we'll be seeing you today.
03:15Good. It's for you.
03:21Oh, hello, George.
03:23Everything all right?
03:27No, I can't. I'm going out.
03:30Well, why don't you come over here later, then?
03:33All right. See you. Bye.
03:40Want a bit of company, Nigel?
03:41Oh, yeah.
03:42Yeah, what do you reckon?
03:44Christmas with an X, or written the proper way?
03:47I always think it's a bit naff when you get a Christmas card with
03:50Merry X-mas written on it, don't you?
03:52What are you doing, then? Sending jam jars instead of Christmas cards?
03:55No, no. It's for the Christmas tree fund.
03:57I had a word with Kathy. She said it's all right if I leave a collection jar here.
04:00Good for you. I can't believe the council are being so tired.
04:03I can. But I'm sure people will chip in.
04:05Maybe you could put the word around.
04:06Yeah, no problem.
04:08Listen, I know who could help.
04:10You and Lenny, they could plug your phones on the radio.
04:12Oh, yeah, that'd be a great idea.
04:18So, Mum, are you seeing George today?
04:20No. I'm off to meet your Aunt Sal for lunch.
04:23What, gone off him, have you?
04:24Why do you say that?
04:26Well, you normally can't wait to see him, that's all.
04:28Oh, you make me sound like some love-struck young kid.
04:31Well, aren't you?
04:32I don't think so.
04:33Is there something you want to talk to me about?
04:35Why do you ask?
04:36It's just that you haven't really seemed yourself lately, that's all.
04:39No, I'm fine.
04:45Oh, sorry we're late, love.
04:47That's OK.
04:48I see you've tidied up.
04:50Yeah, well, I think it was overdue for a good clean-up, wasn't it?
04:52Oh, you said it.
04:53Look, I didn't mean to have a go at you.
04:55Mum, you were right.
04:57Look, things have got to change and I'm going.
05:00I'm glad to hear it.
05:02Well, Lewis has had a great time, haven't you, darling?
05:04She's really enjoyed herself.
05:05We've been on the swings and we met the other children.
05:07Yeah, well, it looks like your face needs a little clean, doesn't it?
05:09Oh, what's the rush?
05:10I'll put the kettle on, shall I?
05:11No, no, it's all right. We haven't got time.
05:13Well, why? What's happening?
05:15Oh, well, I'll see you later, then.
05:17Yeah, all right.
05:18Thanks, Mum.
05:19Go on, you.
05:20We've got to sort some things out for you to take with us, haven't we?
05:23Well, where are you going?
05:29As soon as we've packed.
05:48All right?
05:52Is Billy still in bed?
05:56I don't know.
05:59I had to keep him off school today.
06:02He wasn't feeling too good.
06:06Oh, there you are.
06:07Thought you might have gone out.
06:09Is there anything I can get you?
06:11Well, look, Robbie's got some magazines and some books in his bedroom.
06:14If you wanted to buy one or two, then I'm sure you wouldn't mind.
06:20What are you playing at?
06:23He's ill.
06:24Look, our son's not very well either, though, don't you care?
06:26Billy's fine. I just locked in on him.
06:29What is your problem?
06:31You have to ask.
06:32Would you keep your voice down?
06:33Don't tell me what to do in my own house.
06:35I can't believe we're back to this. You're being so selfish.
06:37Oh, me, selfish? Me?
06:39You've got Robbie working shifts for you,
06:41Sonia's practically moved in with Claire,
06:43and you don't seem to care about Billy,
06:45and you've got the nerve to call me selfish?
06:47Listen. Listen, why don't you go back to bed, all right?
06:49You're tired. You've been up all night.
06:51Look, I was trying to unwind in front of the telly
06:53when he came in and disturbed me.
06:55He didn't mean to.
06:56Look, you'll feel better when you've had a rest.
06:58I'll feel better when I get out of here.
07:00Where are you going?
07:07Ian, you can't go like this.
07:09I have to.
07:10Well, just think about it.
07:12Mum, you said yourself I have to do something.
07:14Well, going to Paris isn't what I meant.
07:16I mean, what are you going to do when you get there?
07:18I'm going to find my kids.
07:19We don't even know if Cinder's still there.
07:21She might have moved on.
07:22Yeah, well, if they are, I'll find them.
07:23And what if you don't?
07:24Look, you read about it in the papers all the time.
07:26Parents searching abroad for their kids and finding them.
07:28It happens.
07:29That's why you've hired the detective.
07:30I mean, let him do that.
07:31I can't just sit here and wait for him to call, can I?
07:33I have to do something.
07:36How long do you intend staying?
07:38I don't know.
07:39Until I find them.
07:41What are you going to do with Lucy?
07:43Are you going to drag her around the streets with you?
07:45She'll be OK.
07:46No, Ian.
07:47She won't.
07:48If you tell her you're going to Paris to find the boys,
07:50well, then she'll believe you.
07:51If Daddy says he's going to find her brother,
07:53she will expect to see them.
07:55And you think how disappointed she's going to be if she doesn't.
07:57Don't say that.
07:59Look, I'm sorry, love.
08:01I know this isn't what you want to hear, but...
08:03Ian, you've got to see sense.
08:05You've got to think of Lucy.
08:07Are you listening to me?
08:12I just want my family back.
08:14I know.
08:16I know, love.
08:18I hate having to say all this to you.
08:22I just wish there was something I could do to take the pain away.
08:26It'll be, Mum.
08:28Ian, all I know is if you go to Paris,
08:31it's going to make things worse.
08:33You just end up being hurt all over again.
08:38Here you go.
08:41Look, I've been thinking this over.
08:43I'm going to phone Nicola Rook.
08:45She's a friend of mine.
08:46She's a social worker.
08:48What do you think?
08:50I'm not sure.
08:51Look, it wouldn't be official.
08:53No need, no.
08:55I mean, she's a professional.
08:57She would take a look at Adam.
08:59What if you're wrong?
09:00What if he's not being abused?
09:02Then fine.
09:03Nicola wouldn't see it.
09:04End of story.
09:05Are you sure it's as simple as that?
09:07Well, if I've misread the signals, then, yeah.
09:09You know, I miss a good gift the social services have away.
09:13Look, Mark,
09:14I could never forgive myself if something was going on
09:17and I never did anything about it.
09:19I'm just sure.
09:21I just know something's not right.
09:23I suppose you're going to have to act on your feelings, aren't you?
09:34Thought you'd be safely tucked up in bed by now.
09:36Not my chance of that.
09:37Picked you out, has she?
09:39Couldn't sleep, that's all.
09:40Fancy coffee?
09:41Yeah, great.
09:42So how's it going?
09:43It's not bad.
09:44Should be on air later this afternoon.
09:46If you're still awake.
09:47Yeah, I'll try my best.
09:49The equipment looks sound, doesn't it?
09:51Yeah, it's not bad.
09:52What's he done with that jingle tape?
09:55So, how you doing?
09:57Don't ask.
10:01I don't know if you're into all of this stuff,
10:03but you might see something that you fancy.
10:05Joe, you OK?
10:07Yeah, you're rocking.
10:09Am I?
10:10Yeah, all right, don't worry about it.
10:13Do you love my dad?
10:15Whoa, what a question.
10:17Well, you had Bianca date you, so you must have loved him.
10:19Well, you're direct, I say that for you.
10:21You get that from your dad.
10:23Yeah, yeah, I did love him.
10:26But not anymore.
10:29Well, I loved him, you know, for a long time,
10:32even after he left.
10:34I thought I got over him.
10:36You know, I never forgot about him.
10:38I mean, there's certain people that come into your lives
10:40and you never forget them.
10:42So you do love him?
10:45Yeah, I tried to kill myself that I didn't.
10:47And then recently I realised that I did,
10:50in spite of everything.
10:53What do you mean?
10:55Well, yeah, I knew where you were with him.
10:58He's let me down a couple of times, I can tell you.
11:00But, well, I knew all that this time around
11:02and still I fell for him.
11:05Did he love you?
11:07Yeah, I suppose he did, in his own way.
11:10He's terrified of commitment, though, you see.
11:13I mean, he knows that.
11:15He's his own worst enemy.
11:17Ah, well, he'll never be happy.
11:19Why? Because he's a bad man?
11:21Bad man?
11:23Do you think he is?
11:25Yeah, maybe a little bit.
11:27Still, that's part of the attraction, if I'm honest.
11:35Freestyle FM.
11:36Good, innit?
11:37Pirates of Walford.
11:39Yeah, do you think man's going to listen to that?
11:41Sure they will. Everybody I've spoken to is behind us.
11:43Can I give you a few for the night, yeah?
11:45Yeah, no problem.
11:46I reckon we should really take off over Christmas.
11:48Yeah, good idea.
11:50I mean, there's nothing else to do, is there?
11:52What are you doing over Christmas, Alan?
11:54Cozy family get-together round the table?
11:56No, I wouldn't bank on it.
11:57Yeah, I bet you love all that. Turkey dinner, Christmas...
11:59Yeah, let's just drop it, eh?
12:00Christmas is a long way off and I don't want to think about it.
12:05The true-cut biopsy shows that the carcinoma will need surgery.
12:09I see.
12:10You mean a mastectomy.
12:12In your case, I think a lumpectomy is the more practical option.
12:15So I may not have to lose my priest? Is that what you're saying?
12:18Until I get you into theatre, I can't say for definite.
12:21I wouldn't want to give you false hope.
12:23What I can tell you is that a full mastectomy is a last resort.
12:27If it's possible, we'd like to save your breast, Mrs Mitchell.
12:30But I don't understand.
12:32I've had all the tests. Surely you know what you've got to do.
12:35We have to examine the carcinoma in our cytology labs,
12:38but we can only do that once it's been removed.
12:42Mrs Mitchell, would you like me to go through that again?
12:45Is there anything you don't understand?
12:48I don't think so.
12:50I mean, no. Not at the moment.
12:52You see, every year, well, until this year, that is,
12:55the council have always done the Christmas tree.
12:57It's a tradition. We've seen carols round it.
12:59And the kids really love to look at it.
13:01Don't tell me the council's gone and cancelled Christmas.
13:03They've cancelled the trade-off, Stingy.
13:05So I thought, stuff the council. People might like to chip in.
13:07And maybe we could raise enough money to buy our own Christmas tree.
13:10And maybe, if the unknown faces behind the radio station got to hear about it,
13:15they could tell everyone about the collection fund over the airwaves.
13:19What do you think?
13:20I think if they heard about it, they'd say it was a pretty good idea.
13:24What are you talking about?
13:25Oh, nothing. Cheers.
13:26Tune into Freestyle FM this afternoon. You'll find out.
13:29Well, I might as well. I've got nothing else to do.
13:31Tiffany served the man, will you?
13:33He's a porn lover.
13:34Oh, sorry.
13:36Is he still watching me?
13:38Yeah, OK. He's really getting on my nerves.
13:40He won't let me go anyway.
13:42I can't do anything without him saying I shouldn't be doing it.
13:44He's more like me mother, not me husband.
13:46Well, then tell him.
13:47I already have, but he won't listen. He's doing me leading.
13:50Well, why don't you come over to my place one night?
13:52Rikki wouldn't mind, would ya?
13:53What's that?
13:54See, I told you. What did you say?
13:55Well, I'll say great, but I doubt my mind over there would allow it.
13:58I'm not allowed to have a good time, remember?
14:00I doubt he'd even let me out.
14:01Well, why don't I come over then?
14:03What, over here?
14:04Yeah. What are you doing tonight? Get a bottle of wine?
14:06Oh, don't let Grantie hear you say that. It'll string me up.
14:08I don't know.
14:09Well, can I come?
14:10Oh, must you?
14:11Let him come. I could do with a bit of light entertainment.
14:13What's going on?
14:14I'm just having Bianca and Rikki over this evening.
14:16Grant, is it all right if I have tonight off?
14:20Well, me and Bianca are gonna have a quiet evening.
14:24What happens now, Mr. Simpkin?
14:27I mean, where do we go from here?
14:29We'll make an appointment for you in a day or two.
14:32So soon?
14:33Oh, it's an outpatients appointment.
14:35If we're going to operate, we need to check a few things.
14:37Blood group.
14:39That's how.
14:41I had a blood test once.
14:42And we need to check your general health.
14:44I see.
14:46How long will it take?
14:47Shouldn't be too long.
14:48Couple of hours at the most.
14:50And what about the operation itself?
14:52When will you do that?
14:58I've got so much to do.
15:00The sooner I operate, the better, Mrs. Mitchell.
15:05He really thinks he's gonna get up. You know, he says he feels better.
15:07Well, he would do now the school's over, wouldn't he?
15:09Joe, are you doing it again, darling?
15:10I can't help it.
15:12All right. OK.
15:13Just take it easy.
15:15It's because of Dad, isn't it?
15:16It's because we're talking about him.
15:18No, no, Joe. I doubt it, darling.
15:20I don't like this. I'm scared.
15:22Well, I'll tell you what I'll do when Billy's frightened.
15:24I'll hold his hand, all right?
15:27Tie it.
15:29Is that helping, Joe?
15:30No. I wish it was.
15:33Joe, I think this might be something medical.
15:34I'll have to go and find your mum.
15:36No. No.
15:37Well, you know, I'll see if the doctor's said anything to her.
15:41Well, OK, but don't bring her in here.
15:43I don't want her to see me like this.
15:45All right, sweetheart.
15:48I can't stop it, Carol.
15:49It's when we started talking about Dad we shouldn't have mentioned him.
15:51No, no, no, listen.
15:52This has got nothing to do with your dad, Joe.
15:55Why won't it stop?
15:56Is everything all right, Mum?
15:58Yeah, Joe's not feeling too good, love.
16:00Just give him some space, eh?
16:02I'm gonna go over to Claire's, all right?
16:03All right.
16:05See you later.
16:11Thanks for coming, Nicola.
16:13I didn't know what to do for the best.
16:15It's OK. It's on my way home.
16:17Which one is he?
16:18The wee boy with his sleeves rolled up.
16:21I just wanted a professional to take him account.
16:26But you must understand that anything I say at this stage is unofficial.
16:29I'm off duty.
16:30Tell me about it.
16:32I was telling him off.
16:34And it was like he expected me.
16:38I mean, I tried to talk to him about it, but I suppose I never handled it very well.
16:42What did you say to him?
16:44I asked him if he'd ever been hit before.
16:47Bruce, you know better than that.
16:49Look, I was only trying to get the truth.
16:51So you thought you'd try the direct approach?
16:54Come on, you work with kids all day.
16:56They don't always tell the truth, do they?
16:58Look, take it from my point of view.
17:00I mean, there's been the bruises and...
17:03His behaviour's odd.
17:05I mean, he's a lovely wee boy, but he can be very wild.
17:08I just can't seem to get through to him.
17:11Something's not right.
17:13I understand your concern, but from what you've told me, there's no solid evidence of abuse.
17:18We just can't dive in, not until we're sure.
17:21How much evidence do you need, exactly?
17:24Well, more than you'll give me, that's for sure.
17:27The trouble with these sort of cases is they're sometimes very difficult to diagnose.
17:33So what you're saying, I should forget it?
17:36No, no, not at all.
17:38You have to be very careful, that's all.
17:41I need more to go on.
17:44If we do investigate, there's no guarantee we'll find anything.
17:47And in the end, Adam could end up being more traumatised than he already is.
17:55Yeah, the Warford council has done it again.
17:57Just when he thought they couldn't stoop any lower, they've gone and cancelled Christmas.
18:01You're having me on.
18:04Oh, you're OK, you said good, didn't I?
18:06Sorry, listen, you haven't seen Alan around in a while, have you?
18:08No, why?
18:09Well, he left home this morning, I haven't seen him since.
18:10He's been up all night.
18:11I know, he's got the hump about Joe being around.
18:13Oh, well, it can't be easy for him, I mean, he hardly knows him, and he is David's son, remember?
18:17Yeah, I suppose I should have discussed it with him first.
18:19How is Joe?
18:20He's not good. I've got to see Lorraine.
18:22Poor kid.
18:23I mean, I must admit, I'm not sure that I'm up to looking after him.
18:25I mean, Billy's been off sick all day.
18:27Well, if Joe gets too much for you, no one will think any less of you if he's any better than me.
18:30Yeah, well, that's exactly what he doesn't want, and I've promised Lorraine that I would try and help him.
18:34Well, see you.
18:36And this is for the best little barmaid in the world.
18:39Oh, not so little anymore.
18:40Yes, Tiffany Mitchell, if you're listening, this is for you.
18:44That's me.
18:45Did you hear that?
18:46Not so little, I'll kill him.
18:48Joe's a bit concerned, what was it we both are?
18:50I mean, he can't seem to control these spasms.
18:53There's not to say anything.
18:54Well, that must be the side effects he was talking about.
18:56He's given me pills to counteract it.
18:58I'll just go and get them.
19:00Look, do you mind if I come over with you? I'd really like to see him.
19:03Actually, would you mind leaving it till a bit later, Lorraine?
19:06Only I've just managed to calm him down, you know, he said he wants a rest, he's a little bit tired.
19:11I see.
19:12Right, I'll go and fetch those pills.
19:18Look, are you going to be all right?
19:20Am I?
19:21There aren't any guarantees, you know.
19:24Anyway, I've got to go back for some more tests.
19:26You left a cover for me.
19:27Don't you think it's about time you told Phil and Grant?
19:30Not yet.
19:32Let's just drop it, eh?
19:33You can't do this to them.
19:35It's really going to hurt them and I can't keep lying to Grant.
19:37It's not fair.
19:38Look, I've told you.
19:39I'll tell them when I'm good and ready.
19:41Well, make sure you do it soon, before Monday.
19:44I will.
19:45In my own time.
19:47Oi, I was listening to that.
19:48Yeah, well, not anymore, you're not.
19:50Anyway, that's not the sort of music we want played in this pub.
19:52What were you talking to Mum about?
19:55Just leave me alone.
19:57See you tomorrow.
20:02OK, I'll talk to Adam's mother if she ever comes in.
20:05She's Lee's older sister.
20:07Then you'll just have to wait.
20:09No going round to her house and confronting her.
20:11Come on, Nicola, would you take me for her?
20:14I'm just advising caution, that's all.
20:16Is there nothing else that you could do?
20:19Which school does he go to?
20:20Walford Primary.
20:23I know the headteacher there.
20:24Maybe he knows something about Adam's circumstances.
20:26I'll talk to him.
20:27Off the record, of course.
20:28Thanks, Nicola.
20:29Like I say, we have to proceed carefully.
20:32Bear that in mind when you talk to Adam's mother, Ruth.
20:35How do you mean?
20:36I mean, parents have rights too.
20:38I mean, parents have rights too.
20:40How do you mean?
20:41I mean, parents have rights too.
20:43If accusations start flying around
20:45and the parents get to hear of them,
20:47they could be the ones pressing charges against us,
20:49not the other way round.
20:54I'm glad you called.
20:56I really wanted to talk to you.
20:58Well, you're in, then.
21:00You running around?
21:02In the bar.
21:03Don't worry, you won't be disturbed.
21:05Have a seat.
21:06No, it's all right.
21:07I can't stay long.
21:09I don't really know how to say this, George.
21:13I've been thinking about this a lot recently.
21:16Thinking about us.
21:18It's not really going anywhere, is it?
21:20Well, I don't know about that.
21:22I'm very fond of you.
21:25But it's over, George.
21:29What, you're kidding?
21:34I've told you.
21:35It's just not going anywhere.
21:37Don't talk rubbish.
21:38We're so right for each other, you know that.
21:40Look, it's not you, it's me.
21:42I don't believe this.
21:44You've been talking to those two sons of yours, haven't you?
21:47Listening to all their...
21:49Forget Phil and Grant.
21:50It's about me.
21:52How do I feel?
21:53So how long have you been feeling like this?
21:55And why don't you say anything earlier?
21:59Why don't you sleep on it?
22:00Think it over and we can talk tomorrow.
22:03You might feel different.
22:05My mind's made up.
22:07I thought we...
22:10This is all so sudden.
22:12I want the truth, Piggy.
22:14I've told you the truth.
22:16It's how I feel.
22:17You're not telling me everything.
22:20I think you'd better go.
22:29I don't think she believes me.
22:32She was just having to be careful, that's all.
22:34Maybe you should listen to her.
22:35Something is going on with that boy, I know.
22:38Look, she's the professional.
22:40I mean, she must come across this sort of thing every day.
22:42She doesn't know everything.
22:43And you do?
22:46Let's just forget about it.
22:47I can't.
22:48What's got into you?
22:50Can't you just forget about it for one night?
22:55Ron, would you mind if I took the night off?
22:58I'm tired.
22:59I think I'll have an early night.
23:00Where's George?
23:01Oh, didn't stay long.
23:03So you'll be all right then?
23:05Yeah, no problem.
23:06You go and put your feet up.
23:20So, how's Carol coping with Joe?
23:23Actually, she's great.
23:25You know, I don't understand it.
23:27She hardly knows him.
23:28She's got his trust better than I ever could.
23:30He's my own flesh and blood.
23:32And he'd rather be with Carol.
23:34I doubt it.
23:36Look, I'm sorry I can't be much help.
23:38I'm not an expert when it comes to relationships.
23:42Yes, George.
23:44What can I do for you?
23:46A word.
23:53What's all this?
23:54Thought we'd make an early start.
23:55Who invited all of these?
23:56Is there a problem?
23:57Yeah, we brought our own.
23:58So, what do you reckon to the show?
23:59Well, yeah, it's great. I can hear a bit.
24:00There you go.
24:01Oh, he's nice.
24:02Yeah, not bad.
24:05She chucked you?
24:07Just now.
24:08What did you tell her?
24:09I thought we agreed that I...
24:10I haven't said anything to her.
24:11Oh, come on.
24:12She wouldn't have ended it without good reason.
24:13You'd know how well we were getting on.
24:14I haven't seen her to talk to her.
24:16You must have said something.
24:17If I had, I'd tell you I've got nothing to hide.
24:19She obviously wasn't as happy with you as you thought she was.
24:22And maybe I would have noticed.
24:24Well, she obviously doesn't want you around anymore.
24:26So maybe you should take the hint.
24:34You're not too loud, are you?
24:35You don't want to get me in trouble, do you?
24:37Do you want another drink?
24:38No, not really.
24:39What I'd really like is a nice glass of red wine.
24:41Well, have one.
24:42I do have one.
24:43One's not going to kill you, is it?
24:44No, but Grant will.
24:45Well, that's the price you pay for marriage security enemies.
24:47Well, behave.
24:48I'm serious, though.
24:49I mean, look, you're lucky.
24:50You had nothing when you came in.
24:51Look at you now.
24:52Yeah, look at me.
24:53Listen, thanks, but it's a good idea.
24:54We should do this more often.
24:55Yeah, just like old times, eh?
24:57I thought she said she was having a quiet night in.
24:59Maybe her idea of a quiet night in is a bit different to yours.
25:02You can say that again.
25:03All her ideas are different from mine.
25:04Well, isn't that part of the attraction?
25:06What attraction?
25:07Oh, come on.
25:08Forget it.
25:10It's none of my business, is it?
25:12No, it's OK.
25:15She's doing this on purpose.
25:16Well, why would she want to do that?
25:19I don't know.
25:20She seems to resent everything I try and do for her at the moment.
25:23I didn't think the age thing would make any difference,
25:25but it's not, is it?
25:27Well, maybe you need to give her a bit more space.
25:29I did that with Sharon.
25:32I did, and look where that got me.
25:34And what are you doing down here?
25:36I don't want to cause any trouble between you and Tiffany,
25:38but I think you'd better look in on her.
25:41I thought I'd better keep out.
25:43The little party she's got going on upstairs is getting out of hand.
25:45What party?
25:46I suggest you go and find out.
25:49Well, this used to be a nice home until you lot arrived.
25:52Keep it down, will you?
25:57Have you been drinking? What do you think you're playing at?
25:59I'm having a good time. Know what that is, do you?
26:01You stupid cow. Look at your beastly selfishness.
26:03I wasn't drinking it!
26:04That's what it looks like to me.
26:05I mean, what are these people doing in my house, eh?
26:07You're supposed to be having a quiet night in.
26:09Yeah, well, the party's over. Out!
26:11But we're only having a laugh.
26:12I said get out!
26:13In case you haven't noticed, Tiffany is a grown-up.
26:16No, I haven't noticed. Now move.
26:17No, stay. This is my arsenal. You've got no right to do this to me.
26:20Want a bet?
26:21Tiff, I'll help you tidy up.
26:22No, thank you. Bianca, come on. Come on.
26:24Happy now? How could you do this to me? I'm your wife, not some lodger.
26:28How dare you embarrass me like this?
26:30Where do you think you're going?
26:31Away from you!
26:33Tiffany! Tiffany, come back!
26:38What's wrong with you?
26:40Tiffany, come back!
26:42Tiffany, what's going on?
26:43Tiffany, get back here!
26:44Why don't you just get out of my sight?
26:46Don't you know anything about anyone else but yourself?
26:47You're about to become a mother. You've got responsibilities!
26:49You can shove your responsibilities!
26:53Bianca! Bianca, wait!
26:56Tiffany, get back in here now!
26:57Leave me alone! I hate you!
27:19I hate you!