Nineties Eastenders (8th December 1997)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (8th December 1997)
00:25Try it again.
00:27That's no good, it won't budge.
00:32Hi, Bianca.
00:33I just came to tell you I'm back.
00:35I'm gonna go and get a sandwich.
00:37You don't have to.
00:38I'll see you at lunch, I haven't eaten anything.
00:40Why didn't your phone holder come and pick you up?
00:42Mum said she'd pay for a travel card.
00:43Is she all right? Yeah, she seems all right.
00:45Have you been back to the flat on the 8th most often?
00:47Don't matter. We've got a letter.
00:49Where from?
00:50The hospital.
00:55You thank your mother for all the good publicity.
00:57I've already got my next job lined up.
00:59Chase's living room.
01:00Great, huh?
01:02He's beginning to get on my nerves.
01:04You should try living with him.
01:05That bad, is it?
01:07He means well.
01:08I just don't like him, yeah.
01:09Something like that.
01:10Well, never mind.
01:11Ruth will be back soon, won't she?
01:13I'll tell you. I'm counting the days, mate.
01:15First proper family Christmas together.
01:18Me, Ruth and Jessie.
01:20What about you?
01:21When's Gita coming back?
01:22Not until New Year, now.
01:24I'm in for a great time, aren't I?
01:26You're not going now?
01:28Money doesn't walk to the bank on its own, does it?
01:30When will you be back?
01:31Depends on the queue.
01:32It's lunchtime.
01:33Oh, you'll cope.
01:34Yeah, and if you arrange proper cover, I can do more than just cope.
01:36Do stop moaning.
01:37Tiffany's still always looking after Cotman.
01:39It's sorted. See you later.
01:42When are you going to do us all a favour and get her out of here?
01:47There you go. Thanks a lot.
01:49Can I help you?
01:51How you doing, Si?
01:52What brings you to Walford?
01:53Just thought I'd pay you a visit.
01:55Oh, come off it.
01:56How many times have you deigned to come to London
01:58as if it's gay pride or a royal wedding?
01:59Well, I thought, as I've been roped in
02:02to help Chris move his stuff back down,
02:04I might as well look in on the Raymond empire.
02:08Yeah, you know.
02:09He was hanging out in Manchester with me and Tarek.
02:13You met him at the funeral.
02:14Did I?
02:15Dark hair. Quite cute.
02:17Well, to be honest, it's all a bit of a blur.
02:20I know what you mean.
02:21It's great to see you.
02:23Do you need somewhere to crash?
02:24No, I'm all right.
02:25I'm meeting Chris in Pinsbury Park.
02:26Right, and how long are you down for?
02:28Just tonight.
02:29Got to get the van back tomorrow.
02:30But do you want to come out and play tonight?
02:32Well, um...
02:34Unless you've got other plans.
02:36You've got to be joking.
02:37Yeah, I could do with a good night out.
02:38Great. We're going to Duke's.
02:39Oh, yeah, I know it.
02:40Eight o'clock, all right?
02:43Hey, bring Tony along.
02:44Oh, he probably won't be able to make it.
02:46Well, give you a chance to get to know Chris.
02:48Excuse me.
02:49I'd better get off.
02:50I left him surrounded by packing cases
02:52trying to find the box with the tea bags in.
02:53No, sorry, love, I won't be a second.
02:55I'd better get back.
02:56See you later.
02:57Yeah, right.
02:58Do you want to go this afternoon?
02:59I'd like to find out as soon as possible.
03:01We can head off after lunch. Phil won't mind.
03:03Ricky, I've got my own.
03:04Bianca, I'm coming with you.
03:06All right, there's a few people I've got to see.
03:07I'll be back in a bit, all right?
03:09All right.
03:12Well, let me take over for a bit later on this afternoon.
03:14Give you a break.
03:16Yeah, and who's going to pick up Jack from the nursery, yeah?
03:18Well, I could go over and fetch him and bring him back here.
03:21That is a great idea, isn't it?
03:22You have a small kid running around on a garage floorboard.
03:24Roy, I want you to take some time off.
03:26Do you think captains of industry are going for a sandwich
03:28during their lunch, right?
03:29I'm serious.
03:31So am I.
03:34Well, I'll try and arrange a Christmas day, then.
03:35Shall I bring you dinner over on a tray?
03:37Oh, you'd better not have too many presents, though.
03:39You won't have time to open them.
03:40All right, all right, I'll get the picture.
03:42It's not something to look forward to.
03:44I don't need reminding.
03:46Of what?
03:47Last time last year, we were in the Caribbean.
03:50Hey, that's not what I meant.
03:51Look, if you want that again, I'm going to be out headcrafting, right?
03:56What happened to George?
03:57He left just after you.
03:58Did he?
04:00Oh, well, while you're both here,
04:01Christmas day, big family dinner, all right?
04:04I told you, it's going to be different this year.
04:08What is it with Mum and big family dinners?
04:11Grant, your mum said she wanted some more copies of these.
04:14I'll tell you. I'll tell you.
04:15I don't believe it.
04:19So, are you all right?
04:21Yeah, why? Shouldn't I be?
04:22I don't know, you know. You've been on your own this time of year.
04:24Don't. You're leaving me crying like they're me orange juice.
04:27All right, come tomorrow.
04:28But it's going to count as your weekly visit.
04:30No, Cindy, that is entirely fair.
04:33Here you go. Cheers.
04:35Look, they're not mine. They're for me mum.
04:38She's going to iron them out in a little bit.
04:39Come on, Mark.
04:41You're an intelligent bloke.
04:42Guys, it's not good being the ass of murderers and rapists.
04:45It's not just that.
04:46I've got a kid now.
04:48This is a community that sticks together, in case you hadn't noticed.
04:51We have a particular way of handling things.
04:53Although you'd have had to have lived around here a while to understand that.
04:55Ian. No, it's all right.
04:56Now, I can't control what you do out here or what you say in your church,
04:59but I can tell you, as chairman of the Residence Association,
05:01you won't be welcome at any more of our meetings spouting your rubbish.
05:04I thought there was a custom in the East End
05:06of making the needy and the homeless feel welcome.
05:08Obviously, it's long since dead.
05:10It's people like you who give the church a bad name.
05:19Look, I'm really sorry about what happened.
05:23How's Karen?
05:24She's upset.
05:26She's trying not to show. She's been great.
05:29Ricky? Yeah, he's good.
05:33We're going up the hospital this afternoon
05:34to get the results of the post-mortem.
05:37This will never show, right?
05:41So, er, when do you think you want to come back to work?
05:44Not till after Christmas.
05:46No problem. I'll, er, rent a pitch out, as usual,
05:48and just let me know when you want to come back.
05:51I'd better go. Ricky will be waiting.
05:53Good luck. I mean, at the hospital.
05:56Good luck. Don't come into it.
06:00Has anyone seen a pile of papers anywhere?
06:03Half my study notes have disappeared.
06:04I'm trying to watch that.
06:06And I'm trying to get on with my work.
06:08Oh, great. Thanks very much.
06:10You can still read them, can't you?
06:12And I need the telly off, all right? I've got stuff to do.
06:14Yeah, well, so have I. I've got to work out
06:15who's going to win the 330 at Campton Park.
06:18Here, Tony, you'd never believe we turned up at lunchtime.
06:20Jonathan? Really?
06:21Yeah, he's down with some bloke, Chris,
06:22and I reckon they're an item.
06:24That's a bit quick, isn't it?
06:25Tarek can't even die in a couple of months.
06:26Will you move? Yeah, I know, I thought that.
06:28But listen, we're all going to go out later,
06:29and I wonder if you'd like to join us?
06:31I told you, Polly's coming round.
06:32Will you excuse me?
06:33I'll give you both a bit of supper, if you like.
06:34What time's she coming?
06:35Oh, it's all right, my love.
06:37Right, it's been a while, Jesus.
06:38Aren't you even interested in where we're going?
06:40I think it's up to Tony how he chooses
06:42to spend his evening, don't you?
06:44Look, they're going back to Manchester tomorrow.
06:45It'd be really nice if we all went out.
06:47Si, this is about my future. It's important.
06:49Oh, so it's got nothing to do with the fact
06:51that we're going to a gay bar, then?
06:52No, I can't just drop everything and go out partying.
06:55Well, why not? I'm sure Polly wouldn't mind.
06:56Can you keep the noise down?
06:58Or is it because it's Jonathan?
06:59Oh, don't be ridiculous.
07:00I could easily put on some more potatoes.
07:02If you think she's going to be hungry.
07:04Look, just forget it.
07:06Ooh, temper, temper.
07:08Nothing like a nice, quiet afternoon at home watching the telly.
07:12To what do I owe this pleasure?
07:13I just fancied a change.
07:15You had a round with Peggy?
07:16How's business?
07:17Oh, dear, did I touch her nerve?
07:19Look, we're fine, thanks for asking.
07:21Now answer the question.
07:22Good, for a small club in the corner of the East End,
07:25how's the rest of the empire?
07:26It's coming along nicely.
07:27Still tying up all those loose ends?
07:29What loose ends?
07:30Pretending you're shaking off your past.
07:32Very respectable.
07:33There's no pretense about it.
07:35So, what are you going to do with the rest of your life, then?
07:38Can't exactly see you gracefully retiring to the suburbs.
07:40Then I'll just have to prove you wrong, won't I?
07:42Mowing the lawn in your shirt sleeves?
07:44Peggy bringing you mugs of tea?
07:45Sounds good.
07:46So what's stopping you?
07:47Why don't you just buy a house and get married?
07:49Because when I marry Peggy,
07:50I want all the shady dealings involved in this business buried.
07:53Is that what Peggy wants?
07:54What do you mean?
07:55You never know, it might be the danger she loves.
07:59You up for a drink later?
08:01I could do with a drown in my sorrows.
08:02Yeah, sounds like a great idea, but I can't, can I?
08:04I've got Jessie.
08:06Oh, on the other hand...
08:08Oh, sorry.
08:09Hey, tell her it's an emergency.
08:10Here, Mark.
08:12Have you heard about...
08:13Yeah, I have, Mum. Listen, what are you doing tonight?
08:15What, you mean apart from the ironing?
08:17I was wondering, you couldn't babysit Jessie for me, could you?
08:20No, we just answered a few drinks down the pub.
08:22Oh, I see.
08:23Mind me, Mum?
08:25No, no, actually, that'll be fine.
08:26It'll be fun, liven up the evening.
08:28She can stay the night.
08:29Thanks, Mum.
08:30You're a diamond.
08:31And help with the ironing.
08:34The stockbroker belt would welcome you in whatever you passed,
08:37as long as your money's good.
08:38This has nothing to do with you.
08:39It will do, eventually.
08:42When you retire, I happen to think there's a different way of doing things.
08:45And want to start your own business?
08:46You know that's not what I meant.
08:47I'm sorry, I just don't think we share the same management style.
08:50We used to, until you fell in love.
08:52Things change.
08:53The business doesn't have to.
08:54I'm not giving you control, Annie.
08:56The way things stand, it's too dangerous.
08:58If I was your son instead of your daughter,
09:00we wouldn't be having this conversation.
09:01We're not having it now.
09:04End of story.
09:08I'll have a scotch, please. Pay me and I'll get that done.
09:10Right. I can pay for my own drinks, thank you.
09:12Just a friendly gesture, babe.
09:15Things are all right until you decided to pay Roy a visit.
09:16I was trying to help.
09:18Well, do me a favour, will you? Don't.
09:20I was only offering to put a bit of business his way.
09:22I think we can manage without your handouts, Frank.
09:24Look, I know you're never going to admit
09:25you could do with a bit of assistance,
09:27but please believe me, that was all I was trying to do.
09:30You really want to help?
09:32Take Jax off my hands once in a while.
09:35He is your grandchild on my hands.
09:36Point taken. And I would love to.
09:38I just need a word with Bianca first.
09:41All right. Thank you.
09:43You're welcome.
09:45Look, I've said I'm sorry.
09:47Polly's doing me a real favour by coming over
09:49to go through my notes with me.
09:50She said she'd help me and I wasn't going to say no, all right?
09:53Yeah, whatever.
09:55I'll be here now.
09:58Roger. Hi.
10:00You off out somewhere? Yeah, that's right.
10:02And I'm going to have a really good evening.
10:04Enjoy your work, won't you?
10:08Sorry, I spoke. Yeah, yeah, um, excuse me, can I...?
10:11You said you wouldn't be wanting supper.
10:13Oh, no, thanks, Mrs Hills, I've grabbed something in my hair.
10:15So I bought you a present. Keep your brain cells sharp.
10:17Mum. It's all right, I won't be a stank.
10:19Go in, get yourself settled down, I'll get you a couple of glasses.
10:25My solicitor said Cindy's hired a top brief.
10:28Well, I want to know where she's getting the money from.
10:33Well, some bloke's got to be bankrupting her, hasn't he?
10:38What else could it be?
10:40Look, I'm going to have to go. Do some more digging, will you?
10:44Let me know as soon as you hear anything.
10:45Yeah, cheers. Hi.
10:47Right, um, let's start with a few questions, shall we?
10:56Perfect timing. Hiya.
10:58Where's Tony? Oh, he couldn't make it. Stab you.
11:01At this time of night? Yeah, I know.
11:02Hi, I'm Chris. Sorry, but if we wait for this one to introduce us properly,
11:06we'd be standing out here all night. Simon.
11:08Actually, we've met briefly before.
11:10At Tarek's funeral? Oh, yeah.
11:13You don't remember me, do you?
11:14No, sorry. Well, there are quite a lot of people there.
11:17Charming. I've been here 30 seconds and already he's crushed my feelings.
11:20We're going in or what?
11:22Don't worry, Si. He only insults people he likes.
11:25And as he treats people he doesn't like, he insults them even more.
11:29Would you A, leave them to play in the bath whilst you answer the door,
11:33B, ignore the doorbell,
11:35or C, get them out of the bath and take them with you to answer the door?
11:39A, I could keep talking to them as I went to the door
11:42just to make sure that they were OK.
11:44Great. Have you got any questions so far?
11:47No, it all sounds great.
11:48Right, last section. Health and hygiene.
11:52So, how's your sister?
11:54Ill, actually. Yeah, chickenpox.
11:56That can be nasty. She's got a baby, hasn't she?
11:59Courtney, yeah. How old? 21.
12:02No, there's a baby.
12:03No, I'm not.
12:05They're so adorable at that age.
12:06They can't crawl away when you want to hug them.
12:08They don't answer your back.
12:10When did you get broody?
12:11I'm not. It's my brother's kids I'm talking about.
12:14The eldest, Lee, has just started walking, and he is a nightmare.
12:17I only like kids when they're each 18 and they can buy me a pint at the bar.
12:22Do you want to know something?
12:23I carry photos of my nephews in my wallow.
12:26I don't believe this.
12:28Hang on a minute.
12:29No way!
12:33You all right?
12:36Should have got us a cab to the hospital.
12:38No, I meant I'm just tired.
12:43Well, they didn't tell us anything we weren't expecting, did they?
12:48I'm just glad you're all right.
12:49I'm just glad you're all right.
12:51They didn't tell us anything we weren't expecting, did they?
12:55Was it spina bifida and hydro...
13:00I think we did the right thing, though, didn't we?
13:04Listen, do you want the hospital to do it for you,
13:06or, you know, like they suggested?
13:10I don't know. I suppose.
13:13I'm going to have a long soak in the bath.
13:15Why don't you go back over to the vacancy, Frank?
13:17We're going to have to make a decision sometime.
13:19I just don't want to think about her as a baby right now.
13:22More something that just happened.
13:25Something sad.
13:31Come on, time's up. Hang on, hang on.
13:33No, you haven't got time. You're getting your story down quick
13:35so you can file it before the deadline. Come on.
13:37Come on, then.
13:40Three witnesses claim to have seen the intruder
13:44gaining access through the...
13:46through the fir tree.
13:48That's front door.
13:50It looks like a fir tree to me. No, it's not. Let me see.
13:52No, that's F, then D-R.
13:55If it was D-R, it'd be down here. You've done T-R.
13:59Oh, sorry. No, it's OK.
14:02I was going over to the pub and I thought I'd keep up the supplies.
14:05We are trying to work, Mum.
14:07You know what they say, work and no play. You need to lighten up.
14:10Have fun. Bye.
14:15Well, shame to let you go to waste.
14:18Sort it out, will you, Si?
14:20He seems really nice.
14:22So how did you meet him?
14:24Through Tarek. What did he do, sweep you off your feet?
14:27How do you mean?
14:29I'm just a bit surprised, that's all.
14:31It's great to see you happy again and everything,
14:33but it was only five months since Tarek died.
14:35What are you talking about? Well, you and Chris.
14:38Simon, Chris was Tarek's buddy.
14:41Oh, right.
14:43If it hadn't been for him, I couldn't have made it through those first few weeks.
14:46I love him for how much he did for Tarek.
14:48Look, I'm sorry.
14:50I'm just gonna go up in a corner and shoot myself, all right?
14:53I think we've covered everything.
14:55We just need to talk terms and conditions.
14:57You mean I've got the job?
14:59£90 a week and I pay your national insurance.
15:01It comes to about five grand a year gross,
15:03which isn't bad for a school leaver with no qualifications.
15:06I don't think so. You're turning it down.
15:08I was more thinking of a live-in position.
15:10It would make your life easier, wouldn't it?
15:12I hadn't thought about anyone living in.
15:14It makes sense, though, doesn't it? That way they get continuity of care.
15:17I wouldn't allow friends back to the house.
15:19Of course not.
15:21And the children are never under any circumstances to be left alone when their mother visits.
15:24Right. Of course.
15:26What do you mean, of course?
15:28Mark told me she took your boys.
15:30When she visits, she'd have to be here.
15:32She's not gonna take kindly to me sitting there like some kind of bodyguard.
15:35That's a deal. Take it or leave it.
15:37Get a room of my own? Yeah.
15:39And when would I get to meet your wife?
15:41She's coming round tomorrow, so come then.
15:48Hi, Frank. Phil.
15:50I'll fix that carburettor tomorrow if that's what you wanted.
15:53No, I just wondered how you got on at the hospital.
15:55Pretty bad, you know.
15:57You don't have to come in tomorrow if you need a bit more time off.
16:00No, I'll be there. Sure? Yeah.
16:02Thanks for offering. Thanks, Phil.
16:04Best night, champ.
16:07So who are you trying to impress?
16:09Whoever it is, it's none of your business.
16:12Have you talked to Bianca about her baby's funeral yet?
16:15Not properly, no. Oh, son, you said you was going to.
16:18I know, but it's difficult.
16:20I think we'll just let the hospital sort everything out.
16:22And Bianca's happy with that, is she?
16:24She says she is, but I don't know.
16:26It's been rough for her. I just don't think she could go through all that organising and stuff.
16:29And what do you want?
16:31Me? Whatever makes Bianca happy.
16:33Well, maybe the baby can have a proper funeral,
16:35but Bianca wouldn't have to play in it.
16:37Well, I can't do it on my own.
16:39No, no, no, son, I said I'd do it.
16:41But, Dad, you don't have to. I want to do something.
16:44What about the money?
16:46Look, let your old man be there for you just this once, eh?
16:49Leave it to me. I'll sort everything out.
16:51If you're sure that's what you want.
16:53Yeah, I'm sure. Thanks.
16:56So this section relates back to Lie Black's 1843 and 1845.
17:00Why didn't you go out with Simon tonight?
17:04Just trying to work out why you'd want to skip drinks with friends to work on this dreary lot.
17:07Well, I wouldn't really call them friends.
17:09All right.
17:11They're all right. It's just not really my kind of thing, that's all.
17:14So it's not cos they went to a gay pub?
17:18Are you sure? I mean, it must be awkward for you,
17:20with you being so confused about your sexuality and everything.
17:23Polly, don't start.
17:25Sorry. I've already given you a hard time about that, haven't I?
17:28Yeah, several times.
17:30Yeah, well, you deserved it.
17:32All right, all right on that.
17:34The answer to your question is yes.
17:36Oh, right.
17:38Um, so did you do this course?
17:41No, I did all my training in one go, after university.
17:44I bet you were the start of pupil.
17:46You could say that. But then that always got me.
17:49You're doing OK. Loads of people will be really grateful to be where you are.
17:53What? Approaching 30, single and working for a poxy local paper?
17:57Well, I think you should have got that Fleet Street job. You deserved it.
18:01Oh, don't.
18:03Why? Polly, what happened?
18:05I promised myself I wasn't gonna tell you.
18:07Tell me what?
18:09I ended up telling them about Dixon, didn't I?
18:11About the photos of Jamie and everything.
18:13The only thing I changed was the names.
18:15And that got us onto some really difficult questions
18:18about quality journalism.
18:21You were right. I couldn't see it at the time.
18:24Probably because I'm too arrogant and self-obsessed.
18:27You aren't.
18:29You're ambitious.
18:31I really admire that.
18:40That would have been really stupid, wouldn't it?
18:47Maybe it was romantic surroundings.
18:50Maybe it's the alcohol.
18:52Well, there goes my next great idea.
18:54What's that?
18:56Stuff this and go down the pub.
19:00Better hurry up. Don't like leaving Jesse with Martin for too long.
19:04He didn't have to come and get me, Pauline.
19:06I could have walked across the square on my own.
19:08Yes, and so could any other stray Tom, Dick and Harry in London.
19:11Mind you, you'd better get used to it,
19:13cos once that hostel starts up,
19:15none of us will be able to walk about on our own.
19:17You were just finalising details.
19:19Yes, well, just you take it easy, my girl,
19:21cos he's had a funny old year as our Ian.
19:23I know.
19:25Well, at least you'll be able to come home in the evenings.
19:28Well, the thing is that Ian insists it's a live-in job.
19:31Living in?
19:33Yeah, so I'll be moving out of here in a few days.
19:43Isn't that Bianca?
19:47I'll, er... I'll go and put the kettle on, yeah?
19:59What are you doing out here? It's freezing.
20:01Just having a look at the tree, trying to get a bit Christmasy.
20:04Come here.
20:08Looks nice, doesn't it? Yeah.
20:11I was talking to Dad about what happened at the hospital.
20:14What's he say?
20:16He's offered to organise a proper funeral for Natasha.
20:19I just want to sit here for five minutes,
20:21pretend everything's normal.
20:23No hospitals, no problems, just us.
20:26Whatever you want.
20:28You're sort of an emotional support, really.
20:31There are guidelines like how many times you can visit
20:33and what kind of things you can do for them.
20:35Each person's unique. Depends on the client you ask to buddy.
20:38Chris was with me in the hospital when Tarek died.
20:40Let's not go over this again, yeah?
20:42I'm sorry I brought it up. I didn't mean to.
20:44It's no big deal.
20:46That's a bit unfair. You were incredibly important to Tarek and me.
20:49Yeah, I know.
20:51And I appreciate you saying.
20:53But I didn't start budding to get brownie points in my conscience.
20:56So why did you get involved?
20:58I met some leaflet and thought it might be my kind of thing.
21:01I didn't really know what I wanted to do at the time, which just seemed right.
21:04Then, when I met Tarek, it made sense.
21:06He was already pretty ill.
21:08And then I got all stupid and jealous.
21:10Yeah, you git.
21:12Someday I'll find a way of thanking you.
21:14Get lost.
21:18Vic finally lost its charm?
21:20Well, it never had much, and now it's got family.
21:23Tell me about it.
21:25Have you fallen out with George?
21:27I thought you ran this place.
21:29I do, as long as I behave myself and do as I'm told.
21:32When you haven't been.
21:34Let's put it this way. My dad's got his finger in some very interesting pies
21:37and I'd like a piece of the action.
21:39I, er... I worked for your dad, remember?
21:42He wants to retire from some of his more complex business deals.
21:46You want another?
21:48No, thanks. I only think it's a bad idea, him retiring.
21:51Far from it. I wish he'd retire now and leave me to it.
21:54Maybe I'll have a bit more scope when him and Peggy get married.
21:57You mean if they get married.
21:59So are these the same sorrys you're drowning or are they separate ones?
22:02They're both. The same and separate.
22:04Oh, right. Clear as mud.
22:06Separate because we've both got a wife each.
22:08The same because they're women. We miss them and we wish they were here.
22:11It's a small exclusive little club, right?
22:13Membership fee, one missing wife.
22:15In that case, I think I'll join.
22:17Yeah, well, my son's been out in Spain nearly 18 months now.
22:20They know how it feels to live such with a daughter.
22:22Oh, no, we haven't lost touch. I went out and saw her in August.
22:25Oh, excuse me.
22:27Yeah, mate.
22:28Do you forgive me for being such a cow?
22:30No, you weren't.
22:32Well, all right, then, you was, but I'll forgive you.
22:35Hey, platonic, remember?
22:38Tiffany and me had a bad patch for a while,
22:40but now I've got a lovely granddaughter.
22:42I've been so lucky with Mary. She's a great kid, considering.
22:45Considering what? I wasn't around.
22:47Oh, yeah. Can so easily go the other way, can't it, Irene?
22:50Yes, it can.
22:51Young, vulnerable kids without a strong guiding hand.
22:54Anything can happen.
22:55What do you mean by that?
22:57Well, I mean, it's what I say. Kids need their parents, don't they?
23:00Are you suggesting I wasn't there for my kids?
23:02No, I don't think he meant it personally.
23:04You read about it every day.
23:05Kids getting into drugs, being picked up by deviants,
23:07turn into something they're not.
23:09How dare you?
23:11I didn't mean it about you, personally.
23:13I'm going home.
23:14What did I say?
23:22We're going this way. What's you?
23:24Oh, my bus stops over there.
23:26All right. Well, I'll see you then.
23:29Shame Tony couldn't make it.
23:31Yeah, he'd have really enjoyed himself.
23:33Well, actually, it related every minute.
23:35Really? Why?
23:36He's not really into the scene.
23:38Sounds like a fun kind of guy.
23:40Sorry. That was unfair.
23:42Don't worry. I think the same sometimes.
23:45Listen, I don't know that many people in London.
23:48Could I give you a call sometime?
23:50Yeah, sure.
24:02Phone me if you want to get together, yeah?
24:08Night, love.
24:09Oh, come on, you two. Haven't you got nowhere else to go to?
24:12Oh, no, it can't be closing time already.
24:14We could go on somewhere. How about we hit a club?
24:16Like a date? I thought we got this sorted out.
24:18No. You and me, both out on the floor. What do you say?
24:21Sounds like a good idea to me.
24:23Night, Peggy.
24:24Night, love.
24:25See you.
24:28Oh, sorry, George. You're allowed to be saying anything about Christmas.
24:31No, I want to ask you about us.
24:33Oh, yeah? What about us?
24:34Our engagement was a year ago, right?
24:37I want us to take the next step. Fix a date to get married.
24:40What, now? You sure you don't expect me to come up with an answer just like that?
24:43Yes, I do.
24:44But it's late and I'm tired.
24:46I'm asking you to stop being tired.
24:48Marry me.
24:49I'm not living with you, George, and I've already told you that.
24:52I'll buy a new place. You can decorate any way you like. Make it yours.
24:55Yeah, but it takes months to buy a house. That's the first step, surely.
24:58Get the house and then we can fix a date.
25:00Yeah, I know, but what am I doing? I must be mad.
25:02Following around the pub like a little lap dog.
25:04So stop having brandy. I can clear up a whole lot faster if you just stop nagging.
25:10Oh, George.
25:14I still want to marry you,
25:16but why is there such a big hurry?
25:18Because we've been engaged for a year.
25:21I know. And it's been wonderful.
25:23So let's not spoil it, eh?
25:25Look, I'm sorry, Georgia.
25:27I know it's not what you really want to hear,
25:30but it's the best I can offer.
25:39He's not here.
25:42What do you mean, he's not here?
25:43Terry's in the bath. Sarah's in bed.
25:45It's just me. He's gone out with Polly.
25:47Out? Where?
25:48I left them in the Vic.
25:50Yeah, well, the Vic closes at 11. It's nearly midnight.
25:53So they've probably gone on somewhere else.
25:55Last time I saw him he was having a whale of a time.
25:57I'd go to bed if I was you. It'd probably be quite a while.
26:00And what's that supposed to mean?
26:02It means he's having fun and probably doesn't want to come home just yet.
26:08I'm going to bed.
26:09Polly and him are just clear in the air. They've had a few problems over work.
26:12Then what are you getting so et up about?
26:14Scared he might be tempted?
26:16Oh, I get it. Nothing good on the telly,
26:18so you might as well go three rounds with me, is that it?
26:21Maybe just what he needs, a bit of space.
26:23Just can't leave it alone, can you?
26:25No, because if the right girl came along, you'd be out that door...
26:28That's none of your business and it never has been.
26:30He's my son, in case you've forgotten.
26:32And he's my lover.
26:33You're disgusting.
26:35Why? Because I'm gay?
26:37No, because you're stopping my Tony from doing what he wants.
26:40And what's that?
26:41What he's probably doing right now, if he's got any sense.
26:44What he does every time your back's turned.
26:46What are you talking about?
26:48Now, come on.
26:50I'm going to bed.
26:51If you've got something to say, then just say it, will you?
26:54What's he said to you?
26:56I think if Tony's got a secret about his private life,
26:59you should hear it from him, not me.
27:02The death of a stuntman is investigated by Bergerac at 3.15,
27:06here on Drama, after A Place To Call Home, next.