Nineties Eastenders (11th December 1997)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (11th December 1997)
00:00Simon. Simon, what's up?
00:30Sorry, um, I didn't know where else to go.
00:32Why? What are you talking about, mate?
00:34I'm gonna crash at your place. Just for tonight.
00:38Oh, yeah, yeah, of course you can. Why? What's happened?
00:43Look, um, just give us a minute. I'll go and clear it with the boss.
00:47And then I'll walk you round.
00:54Sorry. It was getting cold out there.
00:59Do you want me to go back out?
01:00No, no, you can stay. I'm the one that's going.
01:03What's happened?
01:05Tony's asked me to leave.
01:07Why? It's none of your business.
01:09What's going on? Simon's run off. You two obviously had a bust-up.
01:13I'm moving out.
01:14Where to? I don't know.
01:15Well, that's stupid. Stay out of it.
01:18In fact, what are you doing here anyway? You can get out with her.
01:21You're blaming him now, are you?
01:23The two of you have done everything you can to split us up.
01:26Well, it's worked.
01:27This is all over a lover's tiff, is it?
01:28I don't want her around any more. It's that simple.
01:31It's the middle of the night. How tough!
01:32You let your mother sleep rough on the streets
01:34cos your boyfriend's walked out on you.
01:36It's more than that. He never wanted me here.
01:38Just go, both of you.
01:39Nobody's going anywhere. Not tonight.
01:42Irene, why don't you go up to bed?
01:44Go on. Yeah, go on.
01:51And you are acting like a silly little boy and you need to calm down.
01:55You don't scare me, Terry.
01:57I'm not trying to, but it's December.
01:59It's cold and it's late.
02:02And you don't hate her enough to do that to her.
02:08So what are you telling me?
02:09No room at the inn? Not even for your own dad?
02:12You're not homeless. Go back to your own place.
02:14Your mum's living there.
02:16So? Make it up with her.
02:17Oh, stay out of it, Alex.
02:18How can I?
02:20All I want to do is crash down on this sofa for tonight.
02:24I'll be out first thing.
02:25Look, this is a perfect opportunity for you and Matt to sort this mess out.
02:28It ain't a mess. It's what we both want.
02:31You had an argument, that's all.
02:33Oh, what do you know about it?
02:34I grew up with a pair of yours. I know what you're like.
02:37It ain't the same any longer.
02:39A marriage doesn't work like that.
02:41You can't just give up on it.
02:43Especially when it's, what...
02:46your parents.
02:49What's the point of saving a marriage when no-one's happy?
02:53For better or for worse, you took the vows.
02:55Well, I can't stand by them.
02:58Not any longer.
03:01The thing is, er...
03:03I found something out tonight.
03:05Something about Tony.
03:09He's been sleeping with other people.
03:12Are you sure, mate?
03:14He told me himself.
03:16What, he was honest with you?
03:19And because of that, he reckons I should forgive him.
03:22Well, Si, I mean, it couldn't have been easy for him to tell you.
03:25Oh, he was backed into a corner.
03:27He didn't really have much choice.
03:29If he hadn't told me that his mum would have.
03:32Just gave him the chance to get him first.
03:35OK, so, um...
03:37did he tell you her name?
03:41Or him?
03:42What do you know?
03:43Well, nothing, mate.
03:44You know it was Polly, don't you?
03:46Look, Si, I don't want to get involved yet. It's none of my business.
03:49And what about Frankie? I suppose you know about her, too.
03:51What, Frank? I didn't know, I swear, I didn't.
03:54Look, don't blame me. You just did what any friend would do.
03:59Well, is he still seeing her?
04:02He says not.
04:03Well, maybe he's telling you the truth, mate.
04:06Yeah, but what does it matter?
04:08He's already done it, hasn't he?
04:10He's proved how little I mean to him.
04:13Look, Si, I don't want to stick up for him yet,
04:17but have you thought as to why he might have done it?
04:21Yeah, to answer his own questions, maybe, about what he is.
04:24Don't give me that.
04:26Look, this ain't about whether you're gay or straight or bisexual or whatever.
04:31If you love someone, then you're faithful to them.
04:35Do you want me to call her?
04:37At least tell her where you are.
04:39What am I, a child?
04:42I don't want her worrying.
04:44She'll think I'm a cadies. What's the difference?
04:46I'm only trying to help.
04:49Because you're my parents.
04:51And marriage is sacred.
04:54Is that what you're going to tell me?
04:57I'm not one of your followers.
05:00God may have you on a short leap, but not me.
05:04Why do you think they call those things dog collars?
05:06I'm not talking about that.
05:08Religion's a cop-out.
05:10For people who follow it and people who preach it.
05:12Just shut up and listen to me, will you?
05:14A bit of respect wouldn't go amiss.
05:16Oh, I'll get it. You can mock my vocation,
05:18but I can't point out when you're making a mistake.
05:20I haven't made a mistake.
05:22What about Mum? What about her?
05:24I'm not talking about religion or marriage, I'm talking about you two.
05:27You were good together.
05:29We were.
05:31Up to five or six years ago.
05:32What changed?
05:34Does it matter?
05:35Yes. I have a right to know.
05:44We grew apart.
05:47That's all.
05:49It just happened.
05:53We wind each other up.
05:56Every day.
05:57Argue over this, over that.
06:00You always argued.
06:01But we used to have a reason!
06:08She ain't happy.
06:10And I can't fix that.
06:13She's better off without me.
06:14And you?
06:16The same.
06:19How are you?
06:22I'm sorry.
06:28Don't sulk.
06:29I'm not sulking.
06:30Talk to me, then.
06:31I've already said everything.
06:33You meant it, then? You want me to go?
06:38I think it's for the best.
06:40You going to tell Sarah, or am I?
06:42How's she going to feel about me going?
06:43She'll get used to it, like she did before.
06:45I don't want her to get used to it.
06:46I want to be in her life and yours.
06:48You blew it.
06:50I talked to Simon.
06:51Oh, just stay out of it. You've already done enough.
06:53I want to do something.
06:54Just leave it, will you?
06:56I'm not leaving it like last time.
06:58It took too much to get back into your lives.
07:01Just give me another chance, Tony.
07:02Please, I won't interfere.
07:03Whatever you want, I'll accept it.
07:07You won't be able to.
07:14How are you?
07:15You all right, then? Yeah.
07:17That'll be 50, please.
07:18Here. Thanks a lot.
07:19There's a message on the acid phone from Ruth.
07:21She says give her a call when you can.
07:23Didn't sound too urgent.
07:24All right, I'll do it later.
07:25And, er, this is for you.
07:28What's this for?
07:29Tracy paid me.
07:30I thought it was about time I gave you some rent money.
07:32That ought to be enough to cover me for the next two weeks, right?
07:34Two weeks?
07:35Is it not enough?
07:37Oh, no, no.
07:38That's fine, thanks.
07:39All right, see you later, then.
07:40Yeah, see you.
07:42Er, can you join me for a second?
07:44It's about Ricky and Bianca.
07:45I want to take a second promise.
07:47Here, you see.
07:48How are they both?
07:49Well, they're, er, getting by.
07:52Look, I had a word with them last night
07:53and they said it would be OK for me
07:54to have little Jax over to the flat for a bit.
07:56You're sure they don't mind?
07:58I've only got one more bag of stuff.
07:59Is it OK if I bring it round later on today?
08:01Well, I've got to go over to one of me shops for a time.
08:03Here, you might as well have these.
08:05Oh, thanks.
08:06Just make sure you lock up properly when you go out, both locks.
08:08Well, maybe I could move in tonight.
08:10I mean, all my stuff's going to be there anyway.
08:12Well, if you're sure it's all right with Auntie Pauling.
08:13Of course it is.
08:14I think it's fine with me.
08:19Si, how are you feeling?
08:21A bit tired.
08:23Look, I'm sorry about last night.
08:25Oh, look, mate, don't be stupid.
08:27You're likely to get into trouble with Annie.
08:28What, me?
08:29Nah, she had me when I was gone.
08:31Don't suppose you've had a chance to talk to her yet, have you?
08:36He'll be at work.
08:38Anyway, I haven't got anything I want to say to her.
08:40Look, mate, you can't avoid him forever, you know.
08:42Especially not when he lives round the corner.
08:43All he's going to do is apologise and expect me to forgive him.
08:46And you won't.
08:47You've got a chance.
08:50Look, mate, I really don't want to take sides, yeah?
08:54But if you ever feel the need or say you want to talk,
08:56then just...
08:57Thanks, Tony.
08:58I don't want you to.
09:00Listen, how about I buy you a drink at lunchtime and make it up to you?
09:02No, you don't have to do that.
09:03Oh, go on, please, I'd like to.
09:05Yeah, OK, why not?
09:09Here you go.
09:11I'll try and get out early tonight.
09:13Fuel's around, so it should be OK.
09:14Maybe we'll go for a drink again, yeah?
09:16Yeah, whatever.
09:17And it's right about having Jack round during the day, innit?
09:20You know, my dad'll look after him, so you ain't got to do nothing.
09:23Yeah, I said I didn't mind.
09:25It'd be nice to have him around.
09:26Yeah. I kind of missed him, watching him running around this place.
09:30Yeah, and breaking everything in sight.
09:35Forget it.
09:39Oh, I'll do your breakfast in a minute.
09:41I went out and got some stuff.
09:42Oh, you don't have to do that.
09:44It's only fair.
09:45Good enough to let me stay over.
09:47Anything in a paper?
09:48Oh, sorry. Here you go.
09:50That's all right. Finish it.
09:54All right if I borrow your phone this morning?
09:56There's a couple of calls I want to make.
09:58Of course. Anyone I know?
10:01A guy at work, a union member.
10:03He's been off on sick leave for three weeks
10:05and they're trying to cut off his pay.
10:07Said I'd help him out.
10:08That's good of you.
10:09Yeah, it's his livelihood, isn't it?
10:11Not that I can do much for him.
10:13At least you help him.
10:16I don't have much power these days.
10:18Not like when I was shop steward.
10:20People used to look up to me back then,
10:23listen to what I had to say.
10:26I suppose that's like you round here.
10:28God's neighbourhood spokesman and all.
10:30Don't start.
10:31I wasn't.
10:32You going to ring Mum as well?
10:33Didn't you listen to me last night?
10:35I still think you can work it out.
10:36Oh, I'm going to make her breakfast.
10:42Oh, why aren't you last night?
10:43I had a few things to take care of.
10:45You didn't run into your friend then? Johnny?
10:47No, and he said I missed him.
10:48So listen, five o'clock, you and I are going somewhere.
10:50Are we?
10:51We are, so make sure you're ready.
10:52I'll come by and pick you up.
10:53Hang on, what should I wear?
10:55Anything you like.
10:56Five o'clock, Peggy. See you then.
11:00You taking your pills today?
11:02Oh, I'll do it later.
11:04Yeah, yeah, I will.
11:05What about you, then? Did you get a chance to speak to Mum?
11:07No, not really. She still reckons I'm moving out, despite her.
11:10Yeah, well, if you explain to me what...
11:11I've tried. I just want something of my own for a change.
11:14You understand, don't you?
11:15Yeah, I do, but I'm not the one you're moving away from.
11:18I've always had family under my feet.
11:19I just want to branch out on my own for a little bit,
11:21see what it's like.
11:22But Ian's still family.
11:24But I'm going to be earning my keep.
11:26It'll be my ruin.
11:27Just don't alienate Mum.
11:29She thinks a lot of you.
11:30I know.
11:32Well, good luck.
11:33I hope it all works out for you.
11:34Good luck.
11:39What's going on?
11:40Didn't Tony say anything?
11:42I gathered you had a route.
11:43Which you set up just perfectly.
11:45I asked you to ignore what I said.
11:47Yeah, well, usually I do.
11:49But let's just say I had my suspicions before you said anything.
11:51Well, tell him that.
11:53Why? Did he have a go at you?
11:55Surprised he took you into his confidence.
11:57I never knew you two were that close.
11:58I'm his mother.
12:00That's not the impression he gives out.
12:02He wasn't too keen on your coming back here in the first place.
12:04Did you know that?
12:06Things have been awkward, but they're sorting themselves out now.
12:08Yeah, well, good luck to both of you.
12:10You deserve each other.
12:12No hard feelings.
12:13Don't kid yourself.
12:18Haven't sent me more of those things, have they?
12:20Same ones from yesterday.
12:21Thought you were going to chuck them out.
12:23Came in useful after all.
12:25You interested in one?
12:26I put in an offer.
12:27What's wrong with your place?
12:28I don't want to live there forever.
12:30Time to move on.
12:31Father and daughter, what a sight.
12:32Uncle Johnny.
12:34Thought you were going to get the old man to ring me.
12:36I told him to.
12:40How's things?
12:41Pretty good.
12:42Hope you didn't mind me walking in like that,
12:43but the door wasn't locked.
12:44You're more than welcome here.
12:46You got everything ready for tonight, have you?
12:47Course I have.
12:49Although there are a few things in the office I need to look at.
12:52If you'll excuse me.
12:53You go right ahead.
12:54Now, don't you leave without saying goodbye.
13:00Turned out well, that one.
13:01She did.
13:03So, what brings you here?
13:11Excuse me a second.
13:15What's going on?
13:16I was just drying my hair.
13:17You don't mind, do you?
13:19What's wrong with your room?
13:20Stereo's down here.
13:21Was it too loud?
13:22Only the dryer was on, I didn't notice.
13:24You see this volume thing?
13:26It's numbered.
13:27When it's on three or under, that's fine.
13:29When it's on eight, that's not fine.
13:32I'll remember.
13:34I thought I'd get out of it, George,
13:35take it easy for a few years.
13:36You've earned it.
13:38Thought I'd sell up and move on.
13:40Come off it, John.
13:42There's years left in you.
13:43Well, my youngest daughter's out in Australia.
13:46Been there five years now.
13:48Says she'd love to have me stay with her.
13:50You'll be back in three months.
13:51I know you. You get restless.
13:52Not this time. I'm selling everything.
13:53Won't be anything to come back to.
13:56Which, to be crude, is the reason for my visit.
14:00Thought you'd want first refusal on the client list.
14:04Brings in a few thousand a week. Easy money.
14:07Not my sort of thing.
14:09Used to be, if I remember right.
14:12Here you go.
14:14So how was she yesterday?
14:16She wanted to take them out,
14:17but I wasn't having any of it.
14:19Very wise.
14:20Although I doubt she'd seriously consider snatching them back.
14:23Well, it's not beneath her.
14:24No, I think she's going to play it through the courts.
14:27Well, she hasn't got a chance.
14:29She's the mother. You can't ignore that.
14:32You think the courts have signed with her?
14:33It's not impossible.
14:34What about her father?
14:36Oh, no, he just gets ignored, doesn't he?
14:37She's getting good legal help. That's all I'm saying.
14:40I know the people she's hired and they don't come cheap.
14:43For a poxy little bar job, she's doing well for herself.
14:45Money never seems to be a problem with Cindy.
14:47She's getting it from somewhere.
14:49Scheming little cow. If she's getting help,
14:51I know what she's offering in return.
14:52Question is who.
14:54Find out.
14:56Thought you'd be keen to get involved again.
14:59I'm busy in other areas.
15:01Like the car showroom?
15:04Surprised to see you again at that app.
15:06Sounds like you've been checking up on me.
15:07Just showing an interest.
15:09I've moved on.
15:11Wouldn't have anything to do with the new lady, by any chance?
15:17I need to get rid of the list quickly.
15:19That's why I'm offering it so cheap.
15:20Why the hurry?
15:22I'm not well. Haven't been for a while.
15:25What is it?
15:26It's not your problem.
15:27I thought we were friends.
15:30It's cancer.
15:31Entry retirement and move to Australia.
15:34My just reward, I suppose.
15:35Hey, don't say that.
15:37I'm not angry about it. One of those things.
15:40Makes you look at life differently.
15:43I want to see my grandchildren, you understand?
15:46I'm sorry, John. I'd like to help in any way I can,
15:48but I can't take that on.
15:51Well, if you change your mind.
15:54For an old friend.
15:58Where did you get to last night?
16:00I stayed over to squat with Lenny.
16:02What were all the fireworks about?
16:04It's none of your business.
16:05I'll ask Irene, shall I? She seems to know what's going on.
16:09Me and Tony have split up, that's all.
16:11I'm sorry to hear that. May you hate me?
16:14Yes, I am.
16:15Look, son, you've got every right to be in that house as much as Tony does.
16:20Oh, so he's threatening to kick you out, is he?
16:22You just want me back there so I can let you stay?
16:23Can't a father show concern for his kids anymore?
16:25It depends who the father is.
16:28It must be difficult for the both of you right now.
16:31It's an understatement.
16:32You've got to keep reminding yourselves it couldn't be helped.
16:36Of course not.
16:37It would have been different if we'd have planned it.
16:40We could have prepared for it,
16:42taken steps against it happening.
16:43What are you talking about, Ricky?
16:45Folic acid, that's what the hospital told us.
16:47They said if we planned on having another one,
16:48Bianca should go on it beforehand.
16:50But you weren't to know, were you?
16:52Bianca getting pregnant was an accident.
16:53We should have been more careful.
16:55You know, if we'd have planned to have this kid,
16:57then maybe everything would have been all right.
16:59Not everything in life can be planned for, Ricky.
17:01What, we're just unlucky?
17:03You'll know for next time, won't you?
17:06If there ever is a next time.
17:08It must be nice having Frank around, especially now.
17:11Yeah, he's been great.
17:13He's trying to do everything for us.
17:15He even stepped in when Roy had a go at me.
17:18It was my fault.
17:19What did he say?
17:20Forget about it.
17:21I want to know.
17:24There you go.
17:26So, what's all this about, then?
17:28Well, Nigel said I should come and see you.
17:30Tell you about a project I'm doing at school.
17:32Oh, that's nice.
17:33But why me?
17:34Well, it's about Queen Victoria.
17:37And the history of the pub.
17:39Oh, really?
17:40You see, this place used to be called the Balmoral Arms
17:42up until her visit.
17:44Look, the landlord's daughter presented her
17:46with a bouquet of flowers.
17:49Queen Victoria came here.
17:51Well, I never.
17:53I brought some of his toys over.
17:54Oh, thanks, sweetheart.
17:55I really appreciate it.
17:59Why didn't you tell me that Roy had a go at Ricky yesterday?
18:02Well, it was nothing, baby.
18:03It was just a misunderstanding.
18:04He shouldn't have said anything.
18:05He knows the situation.
18:07Roy wanted a car looked at.
18:08And Ricky was a little slowed under.
18:10It was nothing personal.
18:12Don't go stirring things up between them.
18:14I'll talk to my husband any way I see fit.
18:16Pat, leave it.
18:18Roy was under pressure.
18:19He didn't mean anything by it.
18:20That's no excuse.
18:21I don't care how hard he's working next to Ricky
18:23and Bianca's problems.
18:24We got it easy.
18:25Look, if you go wailing in there,
18:26then you might stir things up again.
18:28And Ricky won't want it to look like he can't cope.
18:30Darling, do me a favor.
18:31Just forget it, eh?
18:32For his sake.
18:35For Ricky.
18:39Oh, you look smart.
18:42You going anywhere?
18:43Yeah, I'm meeting a friend for a drink.
18:46At the bar I went to the other night,
18:47the one I told you about.
18:49So this would be a gay friend.
18:51We're only having a drink.
18:52Are you sure that's all it is?
18:54That you're not looking for revenge?
18:56I'm not like that.
18:58Nah, I didn't think so.
19:00Anyway, what else am I going to do tonight?
19:02Sit around in the Vic feeling sorry for myself?
19:04Well, as long as you know what you're doing.
19:09You'll get me a photocopy of that article, will you?
19:11Yeah, I'll go to the library.
19:12I'll drop it round tomorrow.
19:13Er, Peggy...
19:14Just a minute, love.
19:15If I find out anything else, I'll let you know.
19:17That's if you want me to.
19:18Of course I do. It's exciting, all this.
19:20Just think, Queen Victoria coming right past my boozer.
19:22Oh, is that true?
19:23Yeah, well, that's what it says in the book.
19:25We have a royal seal of approval.
19:27I'll see you tomorrow, Mrs Mitchell.
19:28Thanks, love, and good luck with the project.
19:30Are you ready, then?
19:31Now, are you going to tell me what this is all about?
19:33You'll see when you get there.
19:34Well, I hope it's a fancy restaurant, cos I'm starving.
19:36Come on, grab your coat.
19:37Yes, sir.
19:43Have you lost something?
19:46You finish work early, then?
19:47All done at Tracy's place.
19:48She gave me some frozen meals as a bonus.
19:50I'll slam a couple in for her tea if you want.
19:52No, not for me.
19:53Fancy a pint later?
19:54Well, I was going to have a bath.
19:56Well, any time. It doesn't have to be straight away.
19:58Yeah, well, maybe some other night.
19:59Mark, what is it now, Connor?
20:03Have I done something wrong?
20:06No, of course you haven't.
20:07Only you seem a little edgy with me lately.
20:10I gave you some rent money. I thought that might be the problem.
20:13Look, there's no problem.
20:14I'm just not feeling too great.
20:16It's not you.
20:18Well, the offer still stands if you feel up to it later.
20:20Yeah, well, thanks.
20:21But I think I'll grab a bath in the quiet, mate.
20:29What are we doing here?
20:30I wanted to bring you during daylight,
20:32but the couple who own it both work,
20:33so we're going to get in and have a look.
20:36The house.
20:37What do you think of it?
20:39Oh, it's very nice, but...
20:41Too small?
20:42What for?
20:43For us.
20:45What are you talking about?
20:47Come on, let's have a look around.
20:59He came back at lunchtime, took a bag of clothes.
21:01Did he say anything?
21:03Nothing you hadn't already told me.
21:05Like what?
21:06That you never wanted me here in the first place.
21:08Now you could talk to him about it and not me.
21:10He's my boyfriend.
21:11Well, he was.
21:13I wish you'd said something when I first arrived.
21:15I did try.
21:16Well, you should have tried harder.
21:18Would have spared me the embarrassment at least,
21:21telling other people what a bad mother I am.
21:23I never said that to him.
21:26It's done now.
21:27What do you care what he thinks, anyway?
21:29If he never comes back here again, you'll be over the moon.
21:32Isn't that right?
21:33What if it upsets you?
21:34Oh, give us a break.
21:35It's true, whether you believe it or not.
21:37If I wanted to split you and Simon up, it's because I worry.
21:40About what?
21:42That you haven't turned out right.
21:44Because of me.
21:46Mum, I love him.
21:52Thanks for that.
21:53So, what do you think of it?
21:55Take me home.
21:56What's the matter?
21:57You didn't tell me you'd put an offer in for that place.
21:59It was a surprise.
22:00Yeah? Well, it was a stupid idea.
22:02It's for us, you and me.
22:03What did I say to you the other night?
22:05Oh, come on, Peggy, you don't have to give up working.
22:07It isn't just work, it's my whole life.
22:09Yeah, what about me?
22:10You're my fiancé.
22:13We can get married next month, take a honeymoon and move straight in.
22:16Forget Tiffany and Grant and think about yourself for once.
22:20You don't mean that.
22:21How dare you bring me out here?
22:23Just expecting me to change my mind because you throw your money in the air.
22:26I was trying to be romantic.
22:27You were trying to bully me.
22:29Well, I've told you before, I'm not leaving the Vic.
22:40What's going on?
22:42Oh, stuffed them into my bag when I left Katie's last night.
22:45Creased them all up.
22:48I'm just ironing.
22:50Don't tell me the church frowns on domestic chores.
22:54Look, this isn't going to work out.
22:56What isn't?
22:57Well, you, being here.
22:59I have to work from home most days.
23:01I have people come round.
23:02They need to talk to me.
23:03I can't have you...
23:04Getting in the way?
23:05It's just difficult.
23:07Especially with things the way they are.
23:09I don't want it to look like I'm taking sides.
23:11I'm not asking you to. It ain't your business.
23:14Of course it is.
23:15Between me and your mother.
23:17Stay out of it.
23:18You dragged me into it.
23:20By telling me.
23:21Oh, maybe I should just go then.
23:24Go where?
23:25Well, do you have any suggestions?
23:27I don't have a choice, do I?
23:28You're going to have to stay here.
23:30Looks like I should be grateful for your Christian beliefs after all.
23:33Nothing to do with Christianity.
23:35Bucket on it, thanks.
23:37My dad been in?
23:38No, he's taking Mum out somewhere. Some sort of surprise.
23:41Probably taking her to Sharpie's new house.
23:43Didn't know he was moving.
23:44Quite an offer on the place.
23:46You don't think he's bought it for the two of them, do you?
23:50Looking for someone?
23:53Have you seen Simon?
23:55Saw him last night as it goes. He stayed over at our place.
23:58Was he all right?
23:59What do you think?
24:01I'll take it you told you what happened then.
24:04Oh, you're an idiot, Tony.
24:05I thought you'd understand.
24:07I thought you'd been cheating on him.
24:09Oh, yeah, I'd be really understanding.
24:11Won't like that.
24:12Well, tell it to him, not me.
24:14What would you have done?
24:15I wouldn't have got myself in that position in the first place.
24:18Oh, you've never been unfaithful to anyone?
24:20Not anyone I'm living with.
24:21That's breaking a commitment which I don't do.
24:23Well, maybe I'm not as perfect as you then.
24:26I knew this was going to hurt.
24:28It was ages ago.
24:29That's your best excuse.
24:31If I was you, I'd go home and think of something better before you see me.
24:34Is he over at your place?
24:36He's gone out.
24:38If he wanted you to know, he would have told you.
24:41Just give him a message, will you?
24:43I need to talk to him.
24:45I want to make things right, whatever it takes.
24:50You don't think he's really going to ask her to move in with him, do you?
24:54Go home, George.
25:01Well, if he has, it ain't worked.
25:03I don't think she's rushing upstairs to Peg.
25:09Now, don't walk away from me like that.
25:11I think you'd better leave.
25:12Not until you explain this to me.
25:14Oh, it's simple.
25:16I'm not living with you, I'm not marrying you, and that's all there is to it.
25:20I should have talked to you first before putting in an offer.
25:23We did talk.
25:24And I told you, I'm not leaving here.
25:26Not with Gran and Tiffany the way they are.
25:28Oh, please, will you find another excuse?
25:30I beg your pardon?
25:31I've heard it all before.
25:32If it's not Phil and Kathy, it's Gran and Tiffany or it's the pub,
25:35and there's always something.
25:36Things are important to me.
25:38I know they are.
25:39And I've gone out of my way to help you where I can,
25:41but don't I deserve a little something in return, just once?
25:44Why do you want us to live together?
25:46What's so bad about the way things are?
25:48Oh, why be engaged if we're not going to marry?
25:50I just want to know that you care about me.
25:54I do.
25:55Then prove it.
25:57I've done everything I can for you.
26:00And I'm out of ideas.
26:19I'm taking the kids for a burger.
26:21Do you want to come?
26:27I am my woman.
26:28I have been ever since Eric died.
26:30I've lived alone.
26:32I've made my own decisions and become independent.
26:35Have you any idea how tough that has been for me?
26:38I know.
26:40There was a time when I didn't think I'd be able to do it.
26:43He made all the decisions in our lives.
26:45And when he died, I thought I wouldn't be able to cope.
26:49But I did.
26:50So what are you saying?
26:52That you don't want anyone in your life?
26:54I just won't be bullied into anything.
26:57Not even by you.
26:59I'll marry you when I'm good and ready.
27:01And if we get a house together, it'll be our house, where we choose.
27:05But when?
27:06I don't know. One day.
27:09That's not good enough.
27:11Well, it's the best I can do.
27:13And if you don't like it, you know what the alternative is.
27:18I'll call it a day.
27:21If that's what you want.
27:23Well, if it's a choice between that and having a say in my own life,
27:27then I know what I'll choose.
27:29Where are you going?
27:31To run me pub.
27:32Forget that.
27:34I'm not letting you go till we sort this out.
27:37That doesn't work with me, George.
27:39Or haven't you been listening?
27:41I'm not one of your employees.
27:43You can't tell me what to do.