Nineties Eastenders (16th December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (16th December 1996)
00:00Ma'am, what do you think he's playing at?
00:28What's it look like?
00:30There. Look at her. Poor old thing.
00:33She's practically on her last legs.
00:35So, I know how she feels.
00:37Do you know what time it is?
00:38Yeah, well, I couldn't stay in bed another minute longer.
00:40I've been tossing and turning all night.
00:42You should have called me.
00:43There's no point in both of us losing our beauty sleep.
00:47Oh, Chrome, you don't have to worry.
00:50I know what's coming. I'm ready for it.
00:53Peggy, are you OK?
00:55Yeah, of course I am. What do you think?
00:57Oh, very nice. What's that thing supposed to be?
01:00Do you mind? I've had that angel for nearly 25 years.
01:04Do you remember? Bringing her home from school that day.
01:07Oh, you were so proud of yourself.
01:10Well, you're a dark horse. I never knew you had artistic talent.
01:13You just wait till your little one gets to school age.
01:15You'll be just the same.
01:17Right, now, breakfast. What do you fancy?
01:19I know I can't have any, but I'm still allowed in the kitchen.
01:23And I promise you, when I get out of that hospital,
01:26I'm gonna have the biggest fart you've ever seen in your life.
01:30Is she really OK?
01:32No, of course she ain't.
01:33Well, you got around it to her.
01:34I'd be falling apart if it was me.
01:36I don't know how she does it.
01:37She's a Mitchell. That's how.
01:46Jo, are you OK?
01:48What's going on?
01:51Oh, I see.
01:53There you go. Can't have a house without a chimney, can you?
01:56I'm just off.
01:57All right, see you later.
01:59Any messages?
02:02There's nothing to say. Emma's made that quite clear.
02:05Look, I don't want to interfere,
02:07but I do think the kids have a right to know what's going on.
02:10I've told them he's gone away for a bit. What else can I say?
02:12Well, if only they knew where he was.
02:14Sonia's convinced he's stuck in some bed-sitter on this one.
02:17That's why it's sick.
02:17Well, she should know better than that.
02:20Gareth, when did you start getting up this early?
02:22I thought I'd help you out with Sonia and Billy.
02:24Just till Aaron gets back.
02:26You can lay the table for me, love. Cheers.
02:31I was the same, wasn't it?
02:35They all pushed off sooner or later.
02:41Any chance of a cuppa?
02:42Sorry, I'm just off.
02:43Oh, come on, Alan. It's freezing out there, ain't it?
02:47Oh, hi.
02:48What do you think?
02:49Yeah, yeah, nice.
02:50I got them in on Saturday. It looked great on them, wouldn't it?
02:53Mum, she's been looking for something for Christmas.
02:55Anyway, look, I want you to take it home for us.
02:57Tell her to try it on. If she don't like it, she can always bring it back.
03:00Listen, B, I...
03:00I would have brought it over at the weekend.
03:02Spent most of it in casualty.
03:03Ricky was putting some shelves up for me. He's nearly sawed his hand off.
03:06B, I...
03:06Listen, I can't stop. I don't want to go losing the kitchen hand, do I?
03:09See you later.
03:11She's doing really well. You must be proud of her.
03:13Yeah, yeah, I am.
03:15Is she and Ricky coming over for Christmas, then?
03:18I don't know. We haven't talked about it.
03:21I suppose I envy you, to be honest.
03:24After all, it's her family time, isn't it, Christmas?
03:26Hello, Graham.
03:26I want a word with you, young man.
03:28Well, I can't stop now. I'm sorry, yeah?
03:30Look, I'll see you later, OK?
03:33Hang on. Haven't you forgotten something?
03:37Right, I've done the bottling up and I've put a couple of barrels on.
03:39That should last till I get back.
03:42Um, I'll do the tillage before I leave.
03:44Look, don't worry. I'll sort it out.
03:45Yeah, and if there's any trouble...
03:46Look, Graham, there's not going to be any trouble.
03:48Why don't you do yourself a favour and forget about the Vic?
03:50I know what I'm doing.
03:51Anyway, we can always ring you at your Aunt Sal's.
03:54Yeah, we'll ring you anyway, just for peace of mind.
03:56All right.
03:57Right, Phil.
03:59Well, this is quite a family gathering. Shame you're not going.
04:01Yeah, well, somebody needs to be in charge, doesn't they, Grant?
04:04Oh, hello, love.
04:05I thought I heard you coming up.
04:07Do us a favour, Tiff.
04:08I'm trying on these two outfits
04:09and I can't make up my mind which one to wear.
04:11Oh, you don't fancy swapping places, do you?
04:14I could do with a couple of days' holiday.
04:16Just what the doctor ordered, eh?
04:20If this gig ever comes off...
04:22I mean, what sort of thing do you want me to play?
04:24I don't know. Anything Christmassy.
04:25Whatever goes down with the punters at the Vic.
04:28I'll get something to give her.
04:32Out of here.
04:33Oh, Mick, tell Frankie she can sing a couple of songs
04:36if you can ever drag her and Alan out of bed.
04:42Perhaps you will give my grandson a message.
04:45Yeah, of course.
04:46Tell him I'd like to talk to him
04:48before I'm very much older.
04:51So what time do you think you'll be back, then?
04:52I'm not sure. The operation's not until four.
04:54I'm gonna hang around and make sure she's OK.
04:56Yeah, well, look, if you need me, I'll be at Pat's for a bit,
04:58dropping Ben off, and then I'll be at the cafe in the box.
05:02Oh, the cafe.
05:04You shouldn't have bothered coming out.
05:06Don't be, darling. There you go.
05:07Oh, they're beautiful. Thanks, love.
05:09You just take care now, all right?
05:10I will.
05:12Bye-bye, sweetheart. See you soon.
05:14Honestly, I could just as easily have got a taxi.
05:18Hey, what send-off?
05:19Just for a couple of days at the sisters.
05:21Anybody would think she were never coming back.
05:25Oh, well, she's bound to find out sooner or later.
05:27So is everyone else.
05:28Look, this isn't everyone else.
05:30This is my gran.
05:31And the last thing I want is to go upsetting her.
05:33You should have thought about that before you moved in.
05:35Maybe you should have asked her permission.
05:40I can't believe you're doing this.
05:42What's the matter, Mick? You got a problem with me and Alan?
05:44Yeah, but not the way you think.
05:46Alan's a nice guy, you know what I mean?
05:48I just hope you know what you're doing this time.
05:55I'm sorry.
05:59Yeah, I'm sorry, too.
06:02Look, it's not only gran.
06:04There's Billy, the kids.
06:06I mean, I haven't explained.
06:08I haven't said a word.
06:10I don't know how to.
06:11Look, it's gonna be hard. I know that.
06:13But it's worth it, isn't it?
06:18Of course.
06:22Come on.
06:24Hey, what's this?
06:25Well, nothing.
06:26Alan, this is beautiful.
06:28Listen, Frankie, it's...
06:29And for a horrible minute, I thought you were going off me.
06:33Put him down, for Pete's sake. He must be worn out.
06:37Listen, I'm sorry, mate. I hope I haven't dropped you in it.
06:40Look, me and my gran are OK together. I can handle him.
06:44Rather you than me, mate. She's pretty scary.
06:57Oh, this is nice, isn't it?
07:01Well, it will be when I get me bits and pieces around me.
07:04See if you can find a vase for those flowers. Grant, there's a love.
07:06Peggy, hi.
07:07Fiona. You don't know my sons.
07:10Phil, Grant. I told you about Fiona.
07:12Yeah, hi.
07:15That's my daughter, Samantha.
07:17And this is little Ben.
07:19Oh, I've heard all about little Ben.
07:21I'd like to get your mum settled straight away.
07:24Yeah, sure.
07:24Mr Simpkin will want to see her as soon as possible.
07:27He's a surgeon?
07:28Yes, that's right.
07:29So if you wouldn't mind waiting a little while?
07:31No, of course.
07:32You can wait in the day room if you like. There's a TV, drinks machine, whatnot.
07:36It's just down the corridor.
07:37Look, you've got me in one piece. You don't have to hang about any longer.
07:40Yeah, don't be dark.
07:41Er, we'll be in the day room then, yeah?
07:44All the same, aren't they? Won't be told.
07:50Peggy, are you all right?
07:52Yeah, I'm fine.
07:54I'll leave you to get changed, then.
08:12How's everything?
08:14All right.
08:15Erm, well, I was just thinking about Christmas.
08:19What about it?
08:20Well, it would be nice to have some time together, don't you think?
08:24You mean at the Vic?
08:26Well, no, I... Well, I was thinking about going to see your grandma.
08:30In what way?
08:31Well, I mean, I'd like to see her.
08:33I was thinking about going to see your grandma.
08:36In Bolton?
08:37Hiya, Ray. How you doing?
08:38I'm fine.
08:40Me and Joe, we were just talking about Christmas.
08:42I don't know what your plans are.
08:43Plans? Plans.
08:45Well, the thing is, erm, I've spoken to my mum.
08:48She'd really like to see you both.
08:49Just drop it, please.
08:51Look, erm, don't take any notice of him.
08:53You know, he's at his check-up this morning. He's pretty nervous.
08:56Yeah, I mean, maybe I should go with him after all.
08:59Well, don't you think we should stick to what he wants, Joe, just for now?
09:01It does seem a bit confused as it is.
09:03Yeah, I suppose you're right.
09:05Anyway, he's talking to me at least. That's an improvement.
09:09You OK, Joe?
09:11Carol, erm, will you drop in the Vic on your way back?
09:14Let me know how he is.
09:15Yeah, fine. See you later.
09:18Hey, Mum, what do you think?
09:20Well, don't say he's gone and forgot.
09:22Bianca, I don't know what you're talking about.
09:24Oh, well, it'd be a surprise then.
09:25You all right?
09:26Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I've got to go.
09:27See you later. See ya.
09:38Give it a rest, will ya?
09:44Yeah, I don't believe it.
09:46What is it?
09:47I remember getting one of these one Christmas.
09:50Clint, his name was.
09:52Yeah, I remember Clint.
09:53Yeah, I bet you do. You nicked him off me.
09:55I didn't.
09:56Yeah, you did.
09:57Then you chucked up all over his comeback gig.
09:59Yeah, well, you could hardly blame me.
10:00I would have given you some poxy teddy bear, didn't I?
10:03Mum'd give me a right ear-bashing over that.
10:06Never miss a trick, does she?
10:07She still don't.
10:09Even with all this going on, she still wants to be boss.
10:11It's enough to drive you round a bend.
10:14Funny, isn't it?
10:15You rely on someone all your life and just take them for granted.
10:20What do you mean?
10:22They never stop and really think what they do for you.
10:27I hope she knows.
10:28I mean, I've never said anything.
10:31Phil, it's gonna be all right.
10:37Good. Well, I think everything's quite straightforward.
10:40I'll keep the incision as tight as I can.
10:43Scarring should be minimal.
10:44The surrounding tissue is very firm for a woman of your age.
10:47It's not the scarring I'm worried about.
10:49It's getting rid of this thing.
10:51We caught this one early.
10:52I'd say we have every chance of success.
10:55Peggy, is there anything else you'd like to ask?
10:57I don't know.
10:58I don't think so.
11:00As long as you've got a steady earn, that's all I ask.
11:04I'm sorry, I'm a bit nervous.
11:06I expect you're used to that.
11:07Yes, of course.
11:09Well, if you're quite happy,
11:10all we need now is your consent for the operation.
11:13You saw one of these last week.
11:14Oh, yeah.
11:15Just have another look through before you sign.
11:17I haven't... I haven't...
11:27Mr. Simpkin, I'm sorry.
11:30Could we just go through one or two things again?
11:34I really thought Mum and Adam were sorting themselves out, didn't you?
11:37Then he goes and walks out on her. Not worth it to anyone.
11:41I never thought he'd do a thing like that.
11:44Mind you, it's the kids I feel sorry for.
11:48I'm sorry, Blossom. I'll just go and sit in the corner.
11:50I don't want to get in your way.
11:52Look, Kathy, I was hoping I'd see you.
11:55Were you?
11:56I need to talk to you.
11:57Look, George, I'm sorry, but there's nothing more I can say.
12:00Kathy, please.
12:01I've been going over and over.
12:03Everything she said, I'm... I'm going out of my mind here.
12:09I'm not trying to be difficult or anything.
12:11I just want to be clear what I'm letting myself in for.
12:13So what exactly is the problem?
12:15Well, for instance, this bit here about additional procedures.
12:21Well, that doesn't apply to me, for a start.
12:23How do you mean?
12:24Well, we know what we're going to find, don't we?
12:26I mean, that's what all the tests were for. That's why I'm here.
12:28We're as certain as we can be at this stage, but...
12:30But what?
12:31But, as you know, there is a chance, a small chance,
12:34that the carcinoma could be more invasive than it present appears.
12:38You mean you cut me open this afternoon,
12:40find something nasty in the woodshed, then what?
12:42We talk about it.
12:44Decide what further action should be taken.
12:46You mean I have another operation, a mastectomy?
12:49Not necessarily.
12:50Peggy, the prognosis hasn't changed.
12:52After today's operation and a course of radiotherapy,
12:55there's every chance further treatment won't be necessary.
12:58What do you mean, every chance?
13:00You keep saying these things to me.
13:02You think this, or as far as you can tell, that.
13:05I mean, you're the experts. Can't you give me any straight answers?
13:08Mrs Mitchell, I...
13:09Look, I'm putting myself in your hands,
13:11and what I need to know is,
13:13when I wake up, is that going to be it? No more cancer?
13:16I'm sorry, Mrs Mitchell. That's the trouble with cancer.
13:19We can only do our best. We can't guarantee a thing.
13:23Well, in that case, I'm wasting everyone's time, yours and mine.
13:28I'm sorry, but whatever my chances are, I think I'm better off at home.
13:35I can't leave it, Kathy. I can't just walk away, pretend Peggy never happened.
13:38You can understand that.
13:40Well, yeah.
13:41Look, you've got no reason to do me any favours, but talk to her for me.
13:46I've got to get through to her. I've got to find out what it is I've done.
13:49Look, I can't.
13:51Kathy, I'm begging you.
13:53I'm sorry, George. There's nothing I can do.
13:56She's not even here for a start.
13:59She's gone away for a few days, to her sister's.
14:02Oh, I see.
14:05George, even if she was here,
14:07I've got no idea what's going on with Peggy's head, and she wouldn't tell me anyway.
14:10All the Mitchells are the same.
14:12How do you mean?
14:14Well, they have to sort things out for themselves.
14:17The bigger the problem, then the closer they keep it.
14:19It's almost like it's a weakness to tell anyone, let alone ask for help.
14:22I know. It's a tough one, isn't it? This whole family thing.
14:26Closing ranks, shutting you out.
14:28I thought we were so close, Peggy and me.
14:30There was always something. I never quite reached her.
14:34How did you learn to deal with it?
14:37Well, you must have found a way.
14:39I mean, you're married to Phil.
14:41You can't still be on the outside, looking in.
14:43Look, I'm sorry. I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do, all right?
14:47Oh, well, I'm sorry, too. I thought maybe...
14:52My mistake.
14:55You know something, Kathy?
14:57You're more of a Mitchell than I thought you were.
15:05Look, this is probably more than my life's worth.
15:09I can't believe it. She was fine this morning, all right.
15:12She was nervous, but she was ready for anything.
15:14I'm sorry, I don't fully understand it myself.
15:17All I know is she's very frightened.
15:19Why? What's happened? Is it worse than you thought?
15:22Oh, no, no, nothing like that.
15:24Look, sit down.
15:29Can I try and explain something?
15:32It's only a few weeks since Peggy was first diagnosed.
15:35She's had to absorb a great deal of information,
15:36make major decisions in a very short space of time.
15:40It's no wonder there's a certain amount she hasn't understood.
15:42Are you trying to say she's fit, or something?
15:45I'm simply saying it's inevitable she's forgotten some of it.
15:48She's a woman used to making her own decisions, being in charge.
15:51I think she feels out of control.
15:54So what happens now?
15:56We can't force her to go through with the operation.
15:58I mean, if she doesn't?
16:01There are other cancer treatments. She can still have those if she's agreeable.
16:06But without the surgery, in our opinion, she'd be taking a very significant risk.
16:15I'm telling you, they'll split up.
16:17They can't have. I saw them and Alan earlier, and they never said nothing.
16:20Listen, Rob, I know they've had a few problems, but they're trying to work things out now.
16:24So how come Alan hasn't been home all this weekend, then?
16:28I haven't got a clue where he's been living.
16:30Yeah, he's lived here a couple of hours or so.
16:31Hey, look, I'll talk to you later.
16:35Look, it may be none of my business, but I saw Alan earlier on.
16:39Oh, yeah?
16:40Yeah, he looked a bit wound up.
16:41No, you're right. It isn't any of your business.
16:44Right, Mark, can we have one of these trees?
16:45Yeah, of course.
16:46Can we choose one, love?
16:47Can you put it by for us?
16:48No problem.
16:49And I'm gonna pop in the mix. I'll pick it up later.
16:50I'll tell you what, I'll drop it over the house.
16:52Oh, cheers.
16:52I'll leave it outside. Donna'll go and wake Alan up, won't I?
16:55There you go.
16:55Cheers, darling.
16:59Listen, Bianca, sorry, love, I can't stop. I've got to get to the Vic.
17:02Come on, Jo.
17:06I'm sorry.
17:07I've had it up to here with the doctors, consultants, radiographers.
17:11They've all been poking and prodding, telling me what's wrong.
17:14They haven't got a clue.
17:15Of course they have. That's why you're here.
17:16No, they haven't. They're just hoping for the best, that's all.
17:19Mum, listen.
17:20No, you listen to me.
17:22This is my body, and no one's gonna touch it.
17:24Not unless I tell you to.
17:26No one's gonna touch it.
17:27Not unless they can guarantee they're getting rid of that cancer once and for all.
17:31Now, go on. Off you go.
17:32You can wait in the day room while I'm getting changed.
17:35Well, I'll take that.
17:37Well, it's no use to you, is it?
17:39Well, what are you gonna do with it?
17:41Keep it by your bedside and cry over it every night?
17:43Because you might not see it tomorrow morning, Phil.
17:45Well, what am I supposed to say to Ben when he's being a pain, eh?
17:48Shut up a minute. Your grandmother's dying.
17:51Nice try, Phil.
17:52I know what you're saying.
17:54I'm not gonna be blackmailed.
17:58I'm sorry, love, if it's hard on you all.
18:01But I've got to do this my way.
18:08So, what did he actually say?
18:09The psychiatrist.
18:11Well, he mostly asked him how he was feeling.
18:14I had a word with him afterwards. Thought I'd better introduce myself properly.
18:17Oh, yeah, of course. I suppose he thought it was a bit peculiar.
18:19No, I don't think so.
18:20I told him how uncomfortable Jo was at the Vic.
18:24Well, I think he thought it was quite a good idea.
18:26Oh, good. Anyway, he really thinks Jo's improving.
18:32Sorry, yeah, he said he's very pleased with him.
18:35He could see he was a lot calmer, you know.
18:36Not nearly so wound up now that the side effects are under control.
18:39So you're on for it, then?
18:40Yeah, why not? Anything to brighten up this place a little bit.
18:43What are you gonna sing? Christmas carols or something?
18:44Oh, give me a break.
18:45Hey, what's wrong with carols? It's Christmas, isn't it?
18:47I think we could jazz things up a bit. Can't we?
18:50Yeah, sure.
18:51Hey, come on, then. Let's get the gear together.
18:55That was a bit strong, wasn't it?
18:56I never stopped to think. I just knew I had to do something.
18:59I'm a pity it didn't work.
19:04You got some front on you?
19:05I don't want to upset her.
19:07I won't even see her if she doesn't want to.
19:09I just want to know she's all right.
19:10She's fine, and she'd be even better if you stay out of her life.
19:13That's for Peggy to decide.
19:15She already did decide it. Didn't you get the message?
19:18What's going on?
19:20It's all right, Mum. He's on his way.
19:22Or do you want some help?
19:23I'll deal with this. Go on. Go on. I'll see you in a minute.
19:30I'm afraid you've had a wasted journey.
19:33There's no operation, no panic.
19:36I'm going home, George.
19:39So what happened? What did she say?
19:41Nothing. We're not exactly on speaking terms, are we?
19:44And that was it? She just ignored you?
19:46What did you expect? She was going to come over and punch me?
19:48Oh, Alan, light a note, will you?
19:51What a shambles!
19:52What's the matter?
19:53We've got to go straight back to the Vic now.
19:55We haven't done any rehearsing yet.
19:56We're just going to have to busk it, OK?
19:58Oh, well, I'd better go and get changed.
20:00Come on, let's forget about Carol. It's you and me now.
20:03I'll buy you a drink to celebrate.
20:09I'm sorry.
20:10I don't believe this. Can't you even do this much for me?
20:12Look, I can't get into Vic. Not yet.
20:14You mean you're going to stew away in here,
20:15making out you and me aren't happening?
20:17No. I don't know.
20:20I just need time, that's all.
20:23Oh, right.
20:24I'm sorry.
20:26Alan, has it crossed your mind this is difficult for me, too?
20:36George, I've got cancer.
20:39Yes, I know.
20:41I don't want sympathy. I don't want help.
20:44It's hard enough dealing with my own family,
20:46stopping them falling apart.
20:48The last thing I need is to prop you up as well.
20:50I see. So it's up to you to decide what I can or can't take.
20:53I don't get a looking.
20:54George, can't you see what I was faced with?
20:58You've been there before.
21:00Watching someone die, slowly, painfully.
21:04I couldn't put you through that again.
21:05You could do it another way, though.
21:07Same amount of pain, just a bit quicker.
21:10How long do you think I take to get over this?
21:12A couple of weeks? A month, maybe?
21:15What do you really think of me?
21:17I'm just in this for a bit of fun.
21:19As soon as something serious happens, I'm gonna crack up.
21:22This isn't just serious.
21:25This is final.
21:28I'm dying, George.
21:30Well, aren't we all?
21:35Come on, Frankie.
21:37OK, OK.
21:44I'm sorry.
21:48Come on.
21:51You all right?
21:52I'm all right.
21:54What's up with you?
21:55It's Adam. He wasn't at school today.
21:57His sister came in and said he wasn't well.
22:00Well, maybe he's not.
22:01I'm damn sure he isn't, Mark.
22:03Look, Ruth.
22:04Look, don't worry. I'm not gonna do anything stupid.
22:06I'm just gonna phone Nicola
22:07and see if she doesn't listen to me this time.
22:09No, will you just leave it?
22:11Sorry about that.
22:12That'll be a quid for you.
22:13I'm sorry.
22:15Sorry about that. That'll be a quid, please.
22:17Thanks a lot.
22:18Here you go.
22:19Hi, Gran.
22:21I was hoping to see you.
22:23Well, I know you want to talk.
22:25Not any more, Alan.
22:27I've changed my mind.
22:33Look, listen.
22:34I'll tell you something about Alison.
22:37Yes, it was terrible.
22:38Three years, watching her die.
22:40I was so angry.
22:42Not with her.
22:43The doctors, the world.
22:45Knowing all along I was gonna lose her.
22:48Do you know something?
22:50I found it difficult to be honest with her
22:52before she was ill.
22:54Don't know why.
22:56Terrified of letting her in, I suppose.
22:57Taking me over.
22:59By the time she died,
23:02there was nothing I would not have told her.
23:04We were that close.
23:08Wish I'd known, you think.
23:10Well, when Ali was alive,
23:11I don't think she'd have been too happy about it.
23:13No, before.
23:15When we were young.
23:16Oh, we could have had such good times.
23:19We still can.
23:22It's too late.
23:23Oh, Peggy.
23:24Oh, right, I can have this operation.
23:27I can do the positive thinking.
23:29Have all the treatments.
23:31I could be clear for months.
23:33Years, even.
23:34Doesn't matter what I do.
23:36It's gonna get me in the end.
23:39It's like a nightmare.
23:41And you never wake up.
23:43I'll tell you a worse nightmare.
23:45Standing by, watching you giving in.
23:49I'm not giving in.
23:51I'm facing facts.
23:52Accepting them.
23:53You're not.
23:54You're shutting them out, Peggy.
23:56Running away.
23:59Oh, Peggy.
24:03I'm so frightened, George.
24:07I'm terrified.
24:10Of course you are.
24:12So am I.
24:16So, how's Ricky?
24:17Oh, he's survived. Looks like I'm gonna have to put them shelves up myself, though.
24:20You wouldn't believe he works with tools all day.
24:22Oh, no, dozy sod. What's going on?
24:23Oh, they're just doing a recording for the radio station.
24:25Oh, right.
24:28Oh, hi.
24:29Listen, Robbie's got this idea that you and Marv split up.
24:35Yeah, look, it's not as simple as that.
24:39What, you mean it's true?
24:41I can't believe this.
24:43Look, Bea, I was gonna tell you. I just...
24:49Look, I can explain everything.
24:51Don't bother. Just forget about it.
24:53You're a pig. A complete pig.
25:07It's not easy to say this,
25:09but, well, if you hadn't turned up the day in and if we'd taken Mum home,
25:13well, I'd say we owe you one.
25:15But I don't mean we've forgotten what you did or what you put Mum through.
25:18So if you think you can use this to get back with her...
25:20I don't believe I'm hearing this.
25:22Your mother's about to undergo major surgery.
25:25It's about time you got your priorities right.
25:27She'd like to see you before she goes in.
25:31Go on.
25:33There we go. What do you think?
25:35It's all right.
25:37Right, let's put our star on, then.
25:38No, I want Dad to put it on.
25:40And now, another Christmas favourite.
25:42Recorded earlier today, time to mellow out with Frankie Pia.
25:47Have yourself a merry little Christmas
25:51Let your heart be light
25:54Tell me somewhere where you've never been before.
25:58Go on.
26:01Blackpool Tower.
26:03Somewhere really exhausting.
26:07Blackpool Tower?
26:09If you insist.
26:11I'm taking it there in the new year.
26:13When I'm better.
26:21Are you OK?
26:24I'm still terrified.
26:30It's time.
26:33Oh, look, she's awake.
26:43Excuse me.
26:48It's all right. I'm still here.
26:52Mind you keep it that way.
26:59Next on Drama, we're back in Albert Square
27:04with more classic EastEnders.