Nineties Eastenders (5th December 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (5th December 1996)
00:31Oh, you ready then?
00:33Oh, yeah, just about.
00:35Did you sleep all right?
00:37Yeah, can't wait to get it over with.
00:39Oh, good.
00:40And I'm meeting George for lunch after, but I can drop you back in a taxi, OK?
00:45All right, you come in then.
00:47Taxi should be there by now. I told them to wait outside.
00:51Oh, hold on, I'd better get that.
00:53No, listen, I'll go and get it.
01:30Who's that?
01:31Yeah, let me.
01:38Yeah, yeah, everything's fine here.
01:40No, you must have been a bad reception.
01:42Yeah, yeah, she's fine. Hold on.
01:52How's it going?
01:53Hello, Bianca.
01:54How's Joe?
01:55He's OK.
01:56He's OK?
01:57I didn't see him much since David left. Is he all right?
01:59No, not really.
02:01I expect he's upset. Perhaps I'll put round there later and cheer him up.
02:04No, I wouldn't, actually.
02:06Well, you may as well know, he sort of had a panic attack the other night.
02:09I ended up having to take him into hospital.
02:11Did he hurt himself?
02:12Oh, no, nothing like that. They just said he was very depressed.
02:16Well, they've given him some pills to help him with it.
02:18Oh, that's terrible. I didn't know it was that bad.
02:20Well, anyway, I hope they're going to do him some good.
02:22Oh, sorry, Lorraine, I didn't know.
02:24Oh, that's OK.
02:25I'm just not sure he's ready to see people yet.
02:29Roger, I'll give him my love, yeah?
02:32Listen, I'd better get on.
02:33See you.
02:56Hiya, love.
02:57You're awake, then?
02:59Well, you'd better get ready. The nurse will be here soon.
03:01Um, can he come in here to see me?
03:04Well, no, not really. I mean, there's not the room, is there?
03:07Yeah, well, I can move the bed out of the way.
03:09Well, why do you want him to come in here?
03:11I just prefer it, that's all.
03:13Why's that? Is there something that's worrying you?
03:18It's just that Grant might come in.
03:20No, he won't. Not if I tell him not to.
03:23But he might need to get something out of them, then he'll get all annoyed, won't he?
03:26Joe, he doesn't mind you being here, love.
03:28I'd just... I'd just rather stay here, that's all.
03:31All right, I'll ask the nurse.
03:34But just for today, though.
03:37Have you taken your pill?
03:39Just one?
03:41Yeah, kill him if you want.
03:42No. No, I believe you.
03:47I can't believe I've overslept.
03:49Mrs Andrews found me in a right panic.
03:51I've got to do Billy's lunch, I've got to go.
03:53That fucking alarm didn't go off.
03:54Do you know, that new one is even more rubbish than the last one.
03:57I should have stuck to what I had.
03:59Story of a life, innit?
04:00What's that supposed to mean?
04:03How long are we going to keep this up for?
04:05Takes two, doesn't it?
04:06Look, we've both done things and we've both owned up.
04:08Can't we just leave it at that now?
04:10Yeah, well, some things are worse than others.
04:12You are.
04:13Look, I made one mistake and I had the decency to walk away from it.
04:17Now, that ain't in the same league as you getting back with that creep.
04:20See, I didn't realise this was a competition.
04:26Why do they make these places so dreary?
04:29I should get some plants in.
04:31Right, Mark.
04:32No end.
04:34You feeling all right, then?
04:35Oh, well, I will be when I can go home.
04:37Yeah, but it's worth it, though, innit, for peace of mind, eh?
04:40I suppose so.
04:41Hope they hurry up about it.
04:43I wasn't expecting to have to come back again.
04:45Yeah, well, at least you know they're doing a thorough job.
04:48It's a waste of time, though, innit?
04:50Yeah, let's hope so.
04:51There's nothing wrong with me.
04:53The woman said the other day it's probably just a growth or something.
04:56Yeah, but expect to know, just in case.
04:58And you've got no way of contacting Joe's father?
05:00No, I'm afraid not.
05:01We just have to wait for him to get into the treehouse.
05:16The doctor will be in to see you shortly.
05:18But in the meantime, I can tell you about the procedure she'll be doing today.
05:22How long's it going to take?
05:24Not very long.
05:25But you'll need to wait a little while before you can go home.
05:28And they'll probably ask you to come back later to get the results.
05:32Yeah, I know.
05:34Are you able to come back this afternoon?
05:36I suppose I'll have to.
05:39Now, the doctor's going to remove some cells from the area in your breast
05:43where they found the lump.
05:45I'm afraid it may feel a bit uncomfortable afterwards.
05:49See you later.
05:52All right, Joe? How you doing?
05:54Yeah, right.
05:55Listen, you won't hear from Dad at all, have you?
05:57No, not as it goes, but I expect he'll get in touch soon.
06:00I'm really missing him, aren't you?
06:02Yeah, but he won't forget about us, you'll see.
06:04Why hasn't he rung us then?
06:06Well, he's probably finding somewhere to live first,
06:08and then he'll get in touch with us and tell us how to get hold of him.
06:11What, so we can go and stay there now, you mean?
06:13Yeah, maybe.
06:14I hope he finds something soon.
06:16Well, he'll definitely be back next year for my wedding, cos he won't want to miss that.
06:19One time for the weather, won't he?
06:21It's a shame he had to go off just to show me a day.
06:24But at least we've got to know each other.
06:26I'll have to start looking out for you now. I'm your big sister.
06:29Yeah, you're my half-sister, though.
06:31It's just as good, same as all the others, and it don't make no difference.
06:34What do you mean?
06:35You know, we've all got different dads.
06:37But we all love each other just like anyone else.
06:39Well, where are the other dads then?
06:42Alan's still around, and Robbie and Sonia's, they went off ages ago.
06:45Don't they want to find them?
06:46I don't think so, there's enough of us as it is.
06:49It's been nice coming from a big family.
06:51Well, you're part of that now too.
06:52Am I?
06:53Course you are.
06:54You're my brother, just the same as Robbie.
06:56Better looking and all.
06:59Listen, I meant what I said about coming round tonight.
07:02Did ya?
07:03Yeah, just pop in any time for a chat.
07:05Well, can I come round tonight then?
07:07Oh, you can't. Sorry, I'm going to my mum's for tea.
07:11What, at Carol's?
07:13Well, will all of you be there?
07:15Yeah, I expect so.
07:19So, how'd it go?
07:21Yeah, all right.
07:23Bit sore, that's all.
07:25So, what's he say? Did he give it the all clear?
07:28I've got to come back later for the results, 6.30.
07:31All right, I'll come with you then.
07:33No, no, you don't have to.
07:34Don't be silly.
07:36All right, we'd better go now then.
07:39Oh, I wish I hadn't said I'd meet George now.
07:42Don't worry, he'll be all right.
07:44Come on.
07:48So, I'd appreciate a few minutes' privacy with the lady after you brought the dessert.
07:52Oh, and you might like to put another bottle of champagne on ice.
07:55Er, excuse me.
07:59Er, just a minute.
08:01That's OK.
08:07Well, that's great.
08:09So, Bill's out of the picture.
08:11That's nice work, mate.
08:13Thanks for letting me know.
08:22Erm, is Pat around?
08:23Er, no, no, I'm afraid she's out.
08:25All right. Well, you don't know if she's heard from my dad, do you?
08:28Well, no, I don't believe she has.
08:30Look, I could check when she comes back.
08:32All right.
08:33Hey, Jo!
08:34Would you like to come in and wait?
08:42Oh, I'm sorry I'm late.
08:44Hey, that's OK.
08:46I hope you don't mind, I went ahead and ordered some champagne.
08:50I was hoping to make it a special occasion.
08:52That's sweet of you, but I don't think I could have anything to drink today.
08:56Look, you're not ill, are you?
08:58Bit of a headache, that's all.
09:00All right.
09:01Where did you get off to?
09:03I went back to that shop I gave my Peggy.
09:05You know that suit she was saying about?
09:07So where is she?
09:08She went to see George.
09:10Sorry, I didn't think you'd mind.
09:12Just do us a favour, will you? Let me know in future.
09:14Yeah, all right.
09:20Oh, nothing.
09:21What, you think I was out of order, do you?
09:23No, no, I mean, going shopping with your mum.
09:25That's grounds for divorce, isn't it?
09:27Maybe I was.
09:28No, no.
09:29No, you're quite right.
09:30You've got to stamp out that sort of behaviour right from the offer.
09:32Who knows where it'll end?
09:33Yeah, well, she's already asking for a joint bank account.
09:36Oh, well, that is serious.
09:38I know.
09:39Calling the old wife bit, is she?
09:41It's just it.
09:42I can't get used to the idea that we're actually married.
09:45Well, give it a chance, it's only been two weeks.
09:48I just don't feel right.
09:49It's bad to feel a bit strange at first.
09:52Didn't with Sharon.
09:53You can't compare the two, Grant, it ain't fair.
09:57I always felt right with Sharon.
09:59Even when we weren't getting on.
10:02I was in love when I wasn't in love.
10:04And I'm never going to feel the same way about Tiffany.
10:07I can't help thinking that.
10:09That's because she's a different person.
10:11I know.
10:12You've got to think of it as a new chapter.
10:15I'm trying to.
10:16It's like me and Debbie, I mean...
10:18It's not easy to start again when you think you've already met your ideal woman.
10:24Mind you, she comes pretty close.
10:27Beautiful, intelligent, great sense of humour, brilliant mum.
10:31All right, Nigel, I'll get the pitcher.
10:34All right, lads?
10:35All right.
10:36Another pint, sir.
10:37It's freezing out there, isn't it?
10:39You need a whisky to warm you up.
10:40Yeah, I'll get them.
10:41Everything all right?
10:43It's Joe, he's not in his room.
10:45He must have gone off somewhere.
10:47Would you want me to go and look for him for you?
10:49No, it's all right, I'm going now to see if I can find him.
10:52I'm sure you don't fancy just a drop?
10:54No, thanks.
10:55No, it's a pity.
10:56You're made for the finer things in life you are.
10:59Tell me something.
11:01How does Antigua grab you?
11:04Or how about Paris?
11:06Grant and Tiffany seem to enjoy it.
11:08We've only just been away.
11:09I'm sure I can find an excuse for us to take another trip together.
11:13Make my day.
11:14Strolling up the Champs-Élysées with you on my arm?
11:17Oh, I don't know, George.
11:19You put all those French birds to shame.
11:23I've never known a woman who could look as classy as you do.
11:28What about Alison?
11:29Didn't she like to dress up for you?
11:33Sure, she'd turn a few heads in her time.
11:37I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything.
11:39No, it's all right.
11:40It's just not how I remember her.
11:44I wish I did.
11:46That's the thing about her long illness.
11:48She lost a lot of weight, you know.
11:50Threw all her nice stuff out in the end.
11:53It must have been hard.
11:55It did upset her.
11:57Losing her looks.
12:01And you?
12:05Watching her waste away like that.
12:08Well, you know.
12:10You've lived through it too.
12:11Yeah, I have.
12:14It's the worst moment of my life.
12:18But it's all over now.
12:20And now we're together.
12:23We can both put those memories behind us.
12:28Do you mind if we get the bill, George?
12:30I mean, I hope to get him back, really.
12:33Yeah, of course.
12:38All right, I'll see you later.
12:40All right, so you and Sharon were madly in love.
12:43What good did it do either of you in the long run?
12:46Not much.
12:47Exactly, you just did each other more damage because of that.
12:49So you're saying I'm better off with Tiffany because we care less about each other?
12:52She cares about you, Grant. Everyone knows that.
12:55You just keep pushing her away.
12:57Same way you did with Sharon.
13:00So what shall I do?
13:02Be nice to her.
13:03It's not that hard.
13:04So, um, how long did it take you then, if you don't mind me asking?
13:08Well, it's hard to say, really.
13:10Them weren't exactly planned.
13:12Oh, right.
13:13Maybe that's after trouble.
13:15Oh, no, no, no, we decided ages ago.
13:17What's the big rush, anyway?
13:19Well, we're ready now. I mean, a marriage has got to keep moving forward, hasn't it?
13:23Only if Gita's anything like Kathy, you won't get the salt out of her for the next two years.
13:27No, Phil, I'm being serious. I mean, I really wanted this baby to bring us closer.
13:31Yeah, and if it doesn't happen soon, it's going to work the other way.
13:36All right, did you find him?
13:37No, I've looked all over for him.
13:39Don't worry, I'm sure he'll turn up.
13:43See, you do know how to be nice when you feel like it.
13:50Hello, there.
13:52Oh, looks like you've been in a freezer.
13:54Yeah, I am. A bit cold.
13:56Well, come and put your hands in here, warm them up.
13:58Well, that's what I do with mine, I'm frozen.
14:00Go on, it won't bite you.
14:01It won't bite you.
14:06Um, yeah, I was wondering, have you heard from my dad at all?
14:10Oh, no, I can't say I've, love.
14:14Mind you, keeping in touch never was his strong point.
14:20I suspect you're missing him.
14:23Do you think he's ever going to come back?
14:25I hope he will. I mean, for your sake and Bianca's.
14:28You've not had him around very long, have you?
14:31Do you, um, do you mind if I stay for a while, please?
14:33Course not, but you can't have your smoking, I'm afraid.
14:36Why, um, don't you like it?
14:37No, not much, and it makes the clothes smell.
14:39How about a cuppa instead?
14:41Yeah, yeah, all right.
14:44You're right, it is a nice and warm in here.
14:47So why are you out in the cold, then?
14:49Just prefer it, that's all.
14:51Not much to do in the dick, I suppose, unless you drink.
14:54Don't like it in there. In fact, I hate living there.
14:57Where's that, then?
15:00It's Grant. He, um...
15:02He scares me.
15:04Yeah, well, he scares most people, love.
15:07I wouldn't worry.
15:08Yeah, but he hurts me, though. I know he does.
15:10No, he don't.
15:11Well, why did he smash my house up, then, and drive my dad away?
15:14That's a good question.
15:16I mean, my mum thinks he's all right,
15:18and I should stop being scared of him,
15:20but she'd be scared, too, if she saw what he does to people.
15:25You know, don't you?
15:27I know he does some nasty things sometimes,
15:29but he wouldn't hurt you, love.
15:31I hate living there, Carol.
15:32I've got to keep out of his way all the time.
15:34I've got to stay in that tiny room all day.
15:36I've got to sleep in there with my mum.
15:38It's like being a little kid.
15:40Doesn't seem that much fun.
15:42That's why I want my dad to come back,
15:44and I'll just go and live with him again.
15:46Yeah, I bet you do.
15:50It's been a year since you've got a room.
15:52Enjoy yourself, sweetheart.
15:53Can I have some sweets?
15:55Hang on a minute.
15:56Right, and share that with Sonia.
15:58Thanks, Mum.
16:02How come they've all got different dads?
16:04I don't know, love.
16:06Just the way it turned out.
16:14Did you have a nice lunch?
16:19what if I have got cancer?
16:21Well, I...
16:23It's no use pretending.
16:25I have to think about it.
16:27I mean, please God, I haven't.
16:29But if I have,
16:31I'm going to have to face up to it.
16:33I need to think about what I'm going to do.
16:36Yeah, but I mean,
16:38we should cross that bridge when we come to it, yeah?
16:40What do you mean?
16:42I've got less than five hours.
16:44That's my death sentence I could be hearing today.
16:47Yeah, but you've just got to try and hold on
16:49till we get there, all right?
16:51You haven't got long there.
16:53You mustn't worry, not yet.
16:55Mustn't worry?
16:57What do you think I am?
16:59A plank of wood?
17:01I might have cancer, but then again, I might not.
17:03So let's put off worrying till we know for certain.
17:05I've got my two boys downstairs.
17:07They don't know a thing about it.
17:09How am I going to tell them?
17:11Are they going to have to watch me die the way they saw their father?
17:14I can't. I've been calm all this time.
17:17I've sat there in the hospital.
17:19I've sat there with George,
17:21pretending everything's OK.
17:23But I can't do it anymore.
17:25Yeah, but...
17:27Don't tell me to calm down.
17:29I'm only trying to help you.
17:31Well, you're not.
17:33No, I've got better things to do with my time
17:35than to sit with you in that hospital.
17:37Well, who's making you?
17:39Fine. You go on your own.
17:50I'm sorry to wake you up.
17:52It's OK. I needed to get moving anyway.
17:54I thought you'd want to know. You can relax about Bill now.
17:57Oh, well, it's good news anyway, isn't it?
17:59Of a sort.
18:02See, there's you, David and Bianca,
18:04and there's Robbie.
18:06What's Robbie's dad called again, Mum?
18:10That's right. He did a project like this at school.
18:12I had the weirdest family tree in the whole class.
18:14I'm sorry.
18:16I did a project like this at school.
18:18I had the weirdest family tree in the whole class.
18:20I'm sure Joe's heard enough about our family history for one day.
18:22No, no, it's interesting.
18:24Yeah, well, I hate to interrupt, but it's time to go.
18:26Oh, right.
18:28There's Blossom. We call her Gran, but really, she's Alan's Gran.
18:30Come on, Sonia.
18:32Shouldn't you be getting back as well, love?
18:34Erm, yeah, I might just stay here for a while, if you don't mind.
18:37Oh, right, yeah. Well, take care.
18:39Bye, Joe. You can keep that if you like.
18:46Oh, massive whole tonic,
18:48big shouts going out to the whole eastern London crew,
18:50men like Weeble, Kevin,
18:52MC Ribs, T Riddle,
18:54y'all keep it hot and remember the one you're with,
18:56Freestyle FM,
18:58with yours truly, Lenny Land,
19:00in the huts.
19:02Hiya, Alan.
19:04Hi. What's partying?
19:06I'm going to come for a ride.
19:08Is that the best you can come up with? Come on.
19:10Let me check out Freestyle, man.
19:12I've got the fattest speakers in East London.
19:16Whatever you want.
19:18OK, darling.
19:20Are you coming, girls?
19:22We're going to go out here in Odino's system.
19:26In the BM. Wait for me.
19:28She's going out to my man, Alan Jay,
19:30in the house.
19:32Enough respect.
19:40Yeah, Freestyle FM
19:42We're going to go down to the room with the M crew,
19:44and we're going to have a little jam.
19:58Who's got the cash?
20:00I don't know. We're here for the ride.
20:02Hi, T Riddle.
20:04Time to go over to Dosh.
20:12I've come to get my results,
20:14Mrs Mitchell.
20:16Oh, yes.
20:18You're a little early.
20:20Do you want to wait outside the consultants' room?
20:24Hi, Joe. You all right?
20:26Yeah. Can I come in?
20:28Yeah, of course you can. Come on.
20:38Joe's here to see you.
20:40Hello, love.
20:42You all right? Yeah.
20:44Can I just have a chat to you for a minute, please?
20:46Yeah, of course you can. Come through to the kitchen.
20:54Come on. Sit down.
20:58What is it, Joe?
21:00Has something happened?
21:02No. Um...
21:04I just wanted to ask you something.
21:08I just wanted to, um...
21:10Go on. It's OK.
21:12Can I stay here, please?
21:14Oh, um...
21:16It's just that I can't go back to the Vic.
21:18I won't go back, though.
21:20Why? What's happened, Joe?
21:22There's all sorts of bad people in there, Carol.
21:24What people, love?
21:26I don't know, but they're all shooting and yelling and...
21:28What, drunk people?
21:30Well, yeah, they must be here.
21:32Yeah, well, they won't come upstairs, will they?
21:34I don't know. See, Grant decides who can come in or not.
21:36I know you don't like it there, Joe,
21:38but, you know, why do you want to stay here?
21:40Well, in case my dad rings.
21:42What, here? Well, yeah. Has he phoned you yet?
21:44No, love. Um...
21:46He's more likely to phone you or your mum first.
21:48Yeah, but Grant might not tell me, though. He might try and scare him off again.
21:50No. See, I want him to come back and find me,
21:52but he can't, not while I'm living there,
21:54cos Grant, he won't let him near.
21:56I mean, I thought about running away and everything,
21:58but he'll never find me then, will he?
22:00Is it that bad, Joe?
22:02Don't make me go back there, Carol.
22:04Yeah, what about your mum? I mean, you can't just leave her.
22:06Yeah, but she thinks he's all right.
22:08She doesn't care that he hurts me.
22:10Hey, nobody, nobody hates you.
22:12Please, just let me stay here for a few days,
22:14just until he rings.
22:16I don't know, Joe.
22:18And then when he rings, then they can tell him to come and get me?
22:22Just go and give your mum a ring, eh?
22:26It will be all right.
22:36Yeah, ring on. It's Carol.
22:38Oh, thanks.
22:42Going out?
22:44Yeah, I'm just going round to Bianca's.
22:46Look, I'm sorry I bit your head off earlier.
22:48That's OK.
22:50And I rung up the bank and asked them to set up a joint again.
22:54Did you?
22:56That means so much to me that you trust me, Grant.
22:58Well, it should do, shouldn't it?
23:00I mean, we are married after all.
23:04Look, I've got to go. I'll see you later, all right?
23:08No, no, I'll be right over.
23:14Won't be long now.
23:18So what happened?
23:20Well, like I said, he just turned up here asking to stay.
23:22I don't really know any more than that.
23:24Except that he keeps saying how much he hates it at the Vic.
23:26Yeah, I know.
23:28So why do you think he came to you?
23:30I'm not sure.
23:32Except that he thinks that David's going to get in touch with me.
23:34Oh, I see.
23:36Look, if it'll help,
23:38you can stay tonight, if you like.
23:40No, I think you should come back with me.
23:42Well, if that's what you want, you can leave us there.
23:44That's very kind of you, but I'd much rather he was where I could keep an eye on him.
23:46Yeah, yeah, sure.
23:48Lorraine, he was talking about running away earlier.
23:50Oh, no.
23:52Well, he's probably just saying it.
23:54No, he's done it before.
23:56Oh, right.
23:58Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sorry.
24:00Well, maybe he should stay here.
24:02I mean, if that's what he wants.
24:04No, he does seem dead set on it.
24:06But then, when I left him at Nigel's, that's when he got away before.
24:08Yeah, I don't think he'd run away from you
24:10because he says he feels quite safe here.
24:12Well, could you be sure that he wouldn't get out?
24:14Yeah, I mean, we always lock the front door at night anyway,
24:16and there's always somebody here.
24:18I mean, the trouble is, if I force him to come back with me,
24:20it just might set him off again.
24:22You've got to do what's best for you, Lorraine.
24:24I don't know what to do with him any more.
24:26Everything I try, it just seems to make things worse.
24:30Listen, why don't you talk to him and sort it out between you, yeah?
24:34Go and get him.
24:36Oh, Carol, I've brought his pills over, just in case.
24:38Oh, right.
24:40They're antidepressants.
24:42If he stays with you, could you make sure he gets them?
24:44It's one three times a day.
24:48You won't forget, will you?
24:50No, no.
25:02Hello, love.
25:04Are you OK?
25:06Yeah, yeah.
25:10Is it all right if I stay here, Mum?
25:12Is that what you want, Joe?
25:16You wouldn't rather come back with me?
25:26Oh, he's still here.
25:28Haven't they called you in yet?
25:30Listen, I'm sorry I lost my temper with you.
25:32It doesn't matter.
25:34I feel really bad about lying to him.
25:36Well, hopefully I won't have to do that any more after this, will I?
25:40Come in, Mrs Mitchell.
25:48Oh, hello, Joe.
25:50Has he been hiding them in your pocket again?
25:52No, never.
25:54Man, I'm a rubbish.
25:56Never mind, Joe, you're only a beginner.
25:58Right, bath time for you, partner.
26:00Robbie's staying at his mate's tonight, so you can have his bed.
26:04Listen, your mum gave me some pills for you to take.
26:06Do you want me to hold on to them for you?
26:08Um, yeah, I suppose.
26:10What's happened to you, love?
26:12Will you remind me where to tuck them, though?
26:14Yeah, of course.
26:16Thanks, girl.
26:18As I say, our success rate in your age group is really very good.
26:20And the treatments that are available now
26:22are excellent.
26:24So as soon as we've done the true-cut biopsy,
26:26we'll be able to look at the options.
26:28Now, I've arranged an appointment for you on Monday.
26:30Is that going to be OK for you, Mrs Mitchell?
26:36Do you have somebody with you, Mrs Mitchell?
26:40Oh, my daughter-in-law.
26:44Well, we'll see you on Monday, then.
27:08Well, what is it?
27:10What did he say?
27:12I've got cancer.
27:18George's shady deals
27:20are exposed,
27:22jeopardising his relationship with Peggy.
27:24Classic EastEnders continues
27:26next here on Drama.