The Story Of Cinderella E 6

  • le mois dernier


00:00As usual, Cinderella has too much work.
00:15Oh, this water is cold.
00:20Hey, this is fun.
00:24This is fun.
00:27Hey, you can dance with me, too.
00:30Stop distracting.
00:33That's something.
00:37How long is that hat salesman gonna stay here?
00:40He's been here for hours.
00:42He sells hats to all the ladies in the kingdom.
00:45Listening to them, you would think the man was just a gossip.
00:48He hasn't even mentioned hats once.
00:51Everyone knows that females love to gossip.
00:54That's just a silly myth, Bingo. There's nothing to it.
00:57You know it's true.
00:59So now you're trying to tell me that you know every female on Earth, huh?
01:03Do you think you're exaggerating, just a teeny-bit, Bingo?
01:06You love to talk.
01:08Would you two please stop this silly argument?
01:20So you confirm it?
01:22All of Mrs. Redfern's daughters have had children, even the youngest?
01:27Yes, and she's just given birth to the 13th granddaughter.
01:32Poor Mrs. Redfern, she spent her fortune marrying her daughters and not wanted them to royalty.
01:37Has Marie, the Duke of Greenwood's daughter, married yet?
01:40I believe she's right around my age.
01:43Yes, she has.
01:44She married the Duke of Thales on his son.
01:47Not very good match.
01:50You should be pleased, Catherine.
01:52That's one less rival for us.
01:54Now Prince Charles will be ours alone.
01:58Yes, I'm so glad you reminded me.
02:01Rumor has it that the Prince has found a serious candidate for a fiancée.
02:07Who is she?
02:09I don't have any idea who she is or what her name is,
02:12but I've heard that she's very cultured and elegant.
02:15She's beautiful, from a good family and exquisite in dress.
02:19At least tell us where she's from.
02:21That's all the information I had.
02:23It's just a rumor, you know.
02:25Then am I to understand that nothing's official yet?
02:29Yes, that is correct.
02:31None of it may even be true at all.
02:34What other news do you have?
02:36Apparently there's a thief who's been sneaking into the royal vineyard
02:39and stealing grapes right under the King's nose.
02:43That's ridiculous.
02:44In my opinion, no one would take such a risk for a bunch of grapes.
02:49It's probably just an animal.
02:52Haven't you anything juicier than a story about stolen fruit?
02:56No, that's all.
03:04En garde!
03:15Here it comes!
03:42En garde!
03:55That was excellent, Charles!
03:58Wow, that was a tricky move!
04:01Very tricky indeed!
04:05Where are you going?
04:10Charles, what's wrong?
04:12I can't stand it when others don't try their best.
04:15How am I supposed to get any better if they won't fight?
04:19They're all afraid to hurt the Prince.
04:23Alex, come over here.
04:26I've got something to tell you.
04:28What is it?
04:31Alex, come over here for a second.
04:35I need to ask you for another favor.
04:38What is it?
04:39I need you to lend me some of your clothes for a few hours.
04:43You're sneaking out again?
04:46I don't want anyone to know what I've been doing.
04:51But what have you been doing?
04:55Oh, nothing special.
04:58You've been leaving the castle a lot lately.
05:00Not really, not any more than usual.
05:03Well, last time I let you borrow some of my clothes, you gave them back already.
05:09Are you sure it's nothing I should know about, Charles?
05:13I am your oldest friend. You can tell me anything.
05:16It's nothing important, Alex. I just want to go for a walk.
05:20You can keep your clothes, alright? I don't need them.
05:24See ya!
05:26I'm sure he's hiding something.
05:39That's it.
05:52What's going on?
05:54Check for yourself.
05:56No, no, that's too slow.
06:02This way, mate.
06:06Let me look.
06:10My sisters are taking dancing lessons?
06:13What? You call that dancing?
06:15It looks more like you chickens prancing.
06:18For once I agree with you.
06:24Now, Jean, I believe it's your turn.
06:27Come here, please.
06:29That's it.
06:35Follow the music.
06:38And one and two and turn and one and two and turn.
06:44You're too stiff.
06:49Oh, mama!
06:52Oh, Jean has truly failed.
06:57Oh, I hate dancing!
07:00She's helpless.
07:04She shouldn't get discouraged. Dancing takes practice.
07:09That's why they need lessons.
07:21Oh, I'm so embarrassed.
07:24That's enough. You can't start crying after just one try.
07:28A true lady from a noble family must be able to dance perfectly.
07:32Prince Charles will declare his fiancée at the ball, so you must learn.
07:38Now go back and try again.
07:41Yes, mother.
07:43Like this.
07:45I'm ready.
07:48Watch out!
08:16Could you stop sweeping and come in?
08:23Excuse me, but I'd like to dance with this young lady.
08:32Are you paying close attention, girls? This is the way it's done.
08:44Prince Charles will surely get you danced around the kingdom.
08:48Oh, you are too kind.
08:50All things say this man is a complete fool.
08:56Lessons are over.
08:58You've had quite enough dancing for today.
09:03Well, judging by the pile of laundry your stepmother just gave you,
09:08I would say she wasn't too pleased with your dancing.
09:11All that just because Cinderella knows a few simple steps?
09:15Yeah, but next to those two, Cinderella's an expert.
09:19It was worth it. I can't remember the last time I got to dance.
09:23Your kindness never ceases to amaze me.
09:27Everyone should be as generous as you.
09:36I have a sudden craving for some juicy grapes.
09:39I want you to gather some for me from my vineyard immediately.
09:44Your vineyard?
09:46That's right, Cinderella.
09:48I'm sure you're not aware of this, but my family owns a vineyard on the other side of the woods.
09:53Here's a map.
09:55It will lead you right to it.
09:57I'm allowed to pick as many bunches as I desire.
10:01I'll fill the basket then.
10:04Perfect. Just make sure you hurry up.
10:06I want those grapes now.
10:08I'll run as fast as I can.
10:17Pour me a cup of tea, please.
10:19Tea? Didn't you hear? Mother wants tea.
10:22I heard her ask you to pour her a cup, Catherine.
10:25That is nonsense.
10:31Oh, no!
10:33I've made a terrible mistake. I gave Cinderella the wrong map.
10:37Instead of giving her the map to the vineyard, I gave her the map to the vineyard.
10:42Cinderella is going to pick grapes from the royal family?
10:46It's a serious event.
10:48Shouldn't we stop her?
10:50Yes, very serious.
10:52Especially now that we know there's been a thief in the royal vineyard.
10:56If anyone sees Cinderella picking grapes there, they'll think she's the one.
11:01Oh, and she'll be severely punished.
11:03I'm sure of it.
11:05I'm sure of it.
11:07I'm sure of it.
11:09I have to find Cinderella before she picks the wrong grapes.
11:39Oh, no!
12:10Oh, no!
12:29Oh, those grapes look so good!
12:39Oh, no!
13:06Cinderella, wait!
13:14That's Patch.
13:19So you're telling me this field is actually part of the royal vineyard?
13:24She said, oh, no, I gave Cinderella the wrong map.
13:27I gave her the one to the royal vineyard.
13:30But I'm sure she did it on purpose.
13:35I'm just glad I made it here in time to warn you, Cinderella.
13:39You could have gotten in big trouble.
13:42Yes, but...
13:44Let's get back home now, Cinderella.
13:46Wait a second.
13:50I would still like to find the vineyard keeper to get his permission to pick a few of these grapes.
13:56Mother will be so disappointed if I show up at home empty-handed.
14:01Here you go again, Cinderella, always thinking of us.
14:05Actually, Patch, I was hoping we could gather a couple of big juicy bunches for ourselves.
14:11Just look, they're perfectly ripe. They make my mouth water.
14:15They do look good.
14:17They look so fresh and sweet, don't you think, Patch?
14:20Yes, they sure do.
14:25We have to have some.
14:27Before they go bad.
14:31Oh, that's charms.
14:38He's wearing those age-boy clothes again.
14:41I'll have to ask him if he really is the king of the vineyard.
14:45I'm sure he is.
14:47I'm sure he is.
14:49I'm sure he is.
14:51I'm sure he is.
14:53I'm sure he is.
14:55I'm sure he is.
14:57I'm sure he is.
14:59I'll have to ask him if he really is the king of the vineyard.
15:02Stop, thief!
15:10Those grapes belong to the king!
15:12Put them down right now!
15:16Thief, come back here!
15:18I can't let him find out that I'm the one who's been stealing.
15:25You just wait!
15:29Thief, I'm too quick for him.
15:31Where are you hiding, you little rat?
15:34Just wait until I catch you!
15:43You're mine now!
15:46I'll get you!
15:53Give me those grapes, you butterman!
16:00Oh, he dropped some.
16:04I'll just give them to the keeper.
16:09Now I got you!
16:11Well, well, well, sore little bootlint, how to be a housemaid.
16:15And you can't live handed, too.
16:29Excusez-moi, je ne peux pas vous dire combien j'en suis déçue.
16:33Je ne suis qu'une jeune femme, et mon mari est parti pour le boulot.
16:38Elle n'a pas été raisonnablement élevée.
16:42Je sais.
16:44Mais le robberie est une affaire très sérieuse.
16:47Je sais que cela semble très avancé.
16:49Mais je dois vous demander un grand favor.
16:51C'est très important pour l'honneur de ma famille et pour ma fille.
16:55Vous voyez, sa réputation sera détruite, à moins que vous gardiez ce secret.
16:59Ne vous inquiétez pas, madame, je ne parlerai de cette affaire à personne.
17:03Oh, merci, je suis tellement relou.
17:06Je sais bien que cet homme gardera ce secret.
17:10Demain, tout le royaume le saura.
17:12Et la réputation de Cinderella sera détruite.
17:15Charles, pourquoi as-tu fait ça?
17:19Restez ici.
17:21Charles, pourquoi as-tu fait ça?
17:25Restez assuré que je le punirai pour ce qu'elle a fait.
17:28Oui, je suis sûr que tu le feras, madame.
17:32Une fois le royaume libéré, Charles est enceint.
17:49Très bien, essaie quelque chose, Alex.
17:51Charles, tu devrais bien savoir sauter des grèves de la vingnoire.
17:55Tu ne dois pas le mettre aussi haussement, Alex.
17:58Je ne sais pas vraiment sauter.
18:00La vingnoire appartient à mon père.
18:03Je n'ai pris qu'une petite décision et j'ai décidé de faire un peu d'élevage, c'est tout.
18:07Oui, mais le gardien pense qu'il y a un thief dans la vingnoire.
18:10Oh, je sais, et il est un très bon observateur aussi.
18:15Il m'a chassé tout au long de la vingnoire.
18:19Mais je suis trop rapide pour lui.
18:22Attends jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un découvre que le thief vit en fait dans le château.
18:29Est-ce que tu es là?
18:32Oui, Alex, j'ai besoin de ton aide.
18:36Juste un rappel, tu as une leçon dans dix minutes.
18:39Oui, je sais.
18:41On s'amuse juste un petit déjeuner.
18:43Bien sûr, mon cher, prends ton temps.
18:46Par ailleurs, Charles, le gardien de la vingnoire a enfin attrapé le thief.
18:53Et penses-tu que c'est une fille?
18:55Je crois qu'il a dit que son nom était Cinderella.
19:00Charles, tu vas bien?
19:07Je suis vraiment désolé pour ce mélange.
19:10Tu n'as pas besoin d'apologiser, Majesté.
19:12Mais tu vas devoir trouver cette fille que tu as injustement accusée le plus vite possible.
19:16Et ensuite, tu lui offriras tes excuses.
19:19Pense si tu l'as déjà fait, Majesté.
19:23Majesté, mesdames et messieurs,
19:25je suis là pour vous dire que nous avons réussi à attraper le véritable thief,
19:29et donc, Mademoiselle Cinderella, je vous offre mes plus humbles excuses.
19:34L'excuse a été acceptée.
19:36Mais pouvez-vous me dire quelque chose?
19:39Qui était-ce?
19:40Qui était le vrai thief qui a volé les fraises royales?
19:43Bien, il a promis de ne pas le faire encore,
19:46alors nous l'avons juste envoyé à la maison avec une alerte royale.
19:49Ah, vraiment? Tu l'as fait?
19:52Oui, je l'ai fait moi-même.
20:06J'aurais préféré que le vrai thief n'ait jamais été découvert.
20:11Maintenant, personne ne saura que Cinderella a été attrapée,
20:14et sa réputation sera intacte.
20:16Oui, c'est trop mauvais, mais maintenant, il n'y a pas de raison de l'envoyer,
20:19alors je vais l'envoyer pour qu'elle puisse toujours travailler à la maison.
20:23Arrête de parler de Cinderella et laissez-moi profiter de ces fraises délicieuses.
20:27Elles sont sucrées, j'adore.
20:30Si vous n'arrêtez pas de manger autant, nous allons devoir laisser vos vêtements un peu.
20:34Ne vous en faites pas.
20:49Charles, est-ce qu'il y a quelque chose sur votre tête?
21:10Alex, mon ami.
21:12Oui, c'est moi.
21:15Est-ce que vous savez si une fille peut se faire amourir avec...
21:20...oui, se marier... faire amourir avec quelqu'un même si elle pensait qu'il était un liaisonnaire et un thief?
21:30Vous savez très bien que personne ne se ferait amourer avec un liaisonnaire ou un thief.
21:35Vous pensez?
21:38Mais même les liaisons et les thiefs ont des qualités rédimentaires, je suis sûr que c'est vrai.
21:43Non, il doit y avoir des exceptions.
21:45Il doit y en avoir.
21:47Il doit y en avoir.
21:49Qu'est-ce qui le fait? Je sais qu'il a quelque chose.
22:00Je suis tellement contente que Charles ait pensé de rentrer à la maison sans être puni.
22:05Qu'est-ce que je parle?
22:07Ce n'est pas bien de voler quelque chose.
22:09La prochaine fois que je vois ce garçon, il va me faire du bien.
22:30Regarde, il veut le bigot.
22:34Je ne suis pas un bigot.
22:39Les leçons de la vie ne sont pas toujours faciles, n'est-ce pas mon amour?
22:43Mais quand nous n'avons rien fait de mal, les choses fonctionnent toujours pour nous.
22:48Surtout quand vous avez une très bonne mère qui vous regarde.
23:27Comme d'habitude, Cinderella a trop de travail.
23:32Cette eau est froide.
23:39C'est amusant.
23:52Combien de temps est-ce que ce salarié va rester ici?
23:55Il est resté ici pendant des heures.
23:57Il a vendu des chaussures à toutes les femmes de son royaume.
24:00En les écoutant, vous pensez que l'homme est juste un bigot.
24:03Il n'a même pas mentionné des chaussures.
24:06Tout le monde sait que les femmes aiment les chaussures.
24:09C'est juste une blague. Il n'y a rien à ça.
24:12Vous savez que c'est vrai.
24:14Alors maintenant, vous essayez de me dire que vous connaissez toutes les femmes.
24:18Vous pensez que vous exagérez?
24:21Vous aimez parler.
24:23S'il vous plaît, arrêtez cette blague.
27:17Ça, c'était un mouvement compliqué.
27:19Très compliqué.
27:28Où vas-tu ?
27:33Charles, qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
27:35Je ne peux pas m'en tenir quand les autres n'essayent pas de leur mieux.
27:38Comment suis-je supposé de m'améliorer si ils ne se battent pas ?
27:42Ils ont peur de faire mal au prince.
27:46Alex, viens ici un instant.
27:50Je dois te demander un autre favori.
27:53Qu'est-ce que c'est ?