Pecado original Emitido en TV (21-08-24)

  • last month


00:00To be continued...
00:16Goodbye, dear Gildez.
00:19Your end has come.
00:30To be continued...
01:01Where did you come from?
01:03Don't move!
01:17Hanan! Hanan, what are you doing here?
01:20He wanted to kill me.
01:22He attacked me suddenly.
01:26I'm going to see my children.
01:27Close the door and call Noan.
01:29It's okay.
01:51Hanan, what's wrong with you at this hour?
01:55Tell me, Hanan.
01:57What's going on? What's wrong with you?
01:59Hurry up!
02:00Julia has entered the house.
02:02He attacked Gildez, beat her and locked her up with a key.
02:06Call the police and come here right now!
02:08My God, I'm coming right now.
02:20Here, my daughter, drink this.
02:23Calm down.
02:27You've ruined my life.
02:30You've ruined your own life.
02:31Where's Yamal?
02:33Calm down, ma'am.
02:34He's already given us the whereabouts.
02:35Let's go.
02:38You go with the police.
02:40Rescue Yamal.
02:45It's over.
02:47I'm so scared.
02:49Dogan, that woman won't come back, will she?
02:52As soon as the police interrogate her, she'll tell you who helped her.
02:55They'll all go to jail.
02:56Don't worry.
02:57I don't understand.
02:58We have security at the door.
02:59How could that woman get in here?
03:08I saved Gildez and no one says that.
03:13Hanan, what have you done?
03:15Can you explain it?
03:19Julia kidnapped Yamal and threatened to kill him.
03:22She asked me to open the house door or I'd kill him.
03:26I distracted the security guard with an excuse and opened the door for him to come in.
03:31Julia could have killed me.
03:32Do you realize that?
03:33Try to see the bright side.
03:35Look, you're alive.
03:37Hadan, how could you put my daughter's life in danger like that?
03:40I don't know if you realize that she's alive.
03:42Thanks to me, I saved her.
03:45That's enough.
03:47If Julia called you, why didn't you tell me?
03:50We would have taken precautions.
03:51What about Yamal?
03:52I think you love Yamal.
03:54I had it all planned out.
03:56Otherwise, I wouldn't have let Julia in to try to kill Gildez.
03:59What if it had gone wrong?
04:01What if she had incapacitated you?
04:03Didn't you think about it?
04:04Of course I did.
04:05But if I had told everyone, Julia would have suspected.
04:08But why blame me?
04:10I don't really understand.
04:11Julia is in jail and Gildez is here, safe and sound.
04:15Can you imagine the fear I've been through?
04:17I opened my house and you let the enemy in.
04:20Yes, this is incredible.
04:22Okay, right now I'm thinking about Yamal.
04:24I don't know if he's alive or dead.
04:26And you keep blaming me.
04:29Yamal, Yamal, Yamal.
04:30What about us?
04:31God, give me patience.
04:44What happened?
04:45For God's sake, what happened?
04:46What can you expect from a woman like Julia?
04:50Your mother put the killer in the house.
04:52Don't say that, she saved your life.
04:54If she hadn't put the killer in the house, she wouldn't have needed it.
04:57True, that's true, yes.
04:59Gildez, don't keep turning her around.
05:01Julia is in jail and the case is closed.
05:03She was already in jail, and what happened?
05:05Why did she escape?
05:06But this time it's really over.
05:08She has been declared solitary confinement.
05:10Should we move?
05:12Okay, Gildez.
05:13You've taken a good scare, but don't let yourself be scared by a lunatic.
05:17Are you going to move for that?
05:18Besides, the kids are adapted here and we're next door.
05:21I've never felt so exhausted in my life.
05:24Seriously, I have no energy left.
05:26Your nerves are destroyed.
05:28Don't do this.
05:30I'm used to seeing you like this.
05:32Cheer up.
05:33I'll recover, but give me a couple of days.
05:35I have an idea.
05:37I suggest you go on vacation.
05:39What do you think?
05:40Oh, I think it's good.
05:43I'm so sorry, crazy.
05:46Thank you, Ender.
05:48Where are we going?
05:49Well, we were talking about me and suddenly the point of the day is a vacation.
05:53I'm sorry, dear.
05:54How long are we going to cry about this?
05:56It's over.
05:57It's over.
05:58It's over.
05:59To another butterfly thing.
06:01What is our destiny?
06:03I guess Ender is coming too.
06:05Let her do what she wants.
06:08I'm the groom's sister.
06:10I have to be everywhere, right?
06:13We already realize.
06:14Thank you, dear.
06:17My sister and I went to a great spa.
06:23It's a fantastic place.
06:26Honey, what do you think?
06:28Hey, how are you feeling?
06:30I'd better rest.
06:31Look, I can't even talk.
06:35I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go right now.
06:37I have the pregnancy training.
06:39Okay, well, we'll go another time.
06:42Oh, yes.
06:43And you?
06:44We'll go another time.
06:46No, dear.
06:47Let's all go together, please.
06:49Then you go, dear.
06:51We don't need men.
06:52We'll do yoga and things like that.
06:54You'll get bored.
06:55Are you sure?
06:56Yes, I'm sure.
06:57That way you'll have time for yourself.
06:59When we start with the wedding preparations, it will be exhausting.
07:02Oh, well.
07:03Kumru, I'd like you to come too.
07:05Another time.
07:06Then I'll leave the kids with my mother.
07:08My parents are in Episada and they're with her.
07:10There won't be a problem.
07:11Let's go.
07:14Ah, my precious daughter has arrived.
07:16How are you?
07:18I'm fine, dear.
07:20How are you?
07:22Sit down.
07:23I've left a surprise for Janeri.
07:25Now that I'm here, I've come to see you.
07:27It looks like you're doing well, doesn't it?
07:29I think so.
07:30We're doing quite well.
07:32I'm very glad to hear that.
07:34Your happiness makes me even happier.
07:37Thank you, Dad.
07:38You're welcome.
07:41Come in.
07:44I'm sorry to interrupt.
07:45I thought you were alone.
07:47It's nothing, Mr. Tunjar.
07:48You can go.
07:49How are you, Miss Kumru?
07:50Fine, thank you.
07:52Mr. Dogan, I'm going straight to the point.
07:54Turkan, from the cafeteria, has a son with Ame, a serious illness.
07:58I'm going to take care of the expenses of his treatment.
08:01I wanted to tell you personally, sir.
08:05Well done.
08:06I've heard that a child is sick and I feel bad.
08:09What's wrong with him?
08:10He has spinal muscular atrophy.
08:12I know what it is.
08:14I've read something on social media.
08:16The treatment is very expensive.
08:17Yes, and on top of that, his family is poor.
08:23Wait a minute.
08:24I know that subject.
08:26Have you heard the news?
08:28I'm very glad.
08:29I haven't heard anything about it, but Janer mentioned the child.
08:35Janer told me about a sick child of Ame who he wanted to help.
08:39But he didn't say that he was the son of someone from the company.
08:42It will be another child.
08:43If it were him, I would have told you.
08:45You don't know Janer.
08:47He didn't tell me so as not to involve my father.
08:49Dear, the important thing here is the child's health.
08:53Yes, but we wanted to organize something so that this
08:57would not be limited to just a child and be able to raise funds for many other children with that disease.
09:03I wish I had known.
09:07Because I would have gladly contributed to that idea.
09:10It's very kind of you, thank you.
09:12Mr. Tunger, thank you very much.
09:15You're welcome, sir.
09:17Have a nice day.
09:26This man is the CEO of this company.
09:28Well, the CEO is a liar and a swindler.
09:31Conrud, I beg you not to speak like that, please.
09:33Dad, I'm sure this man has found out about the issue and is trying to fix the problem himself.
09:40That was Janer's idea.
09:42We were planning to do something together, out of courtesy.
09:45Janer didn't even mention that he was the son of someone from the company.
09:49I can't believe you allow that man to take all the credit.
09:54Dear, the important thing here is not the child's health.
09:58The priority is not to help.
10:00Yes, but I won't let anyone else take all the credit for what Janer has done.
10:06All right.
10:12Calm down.
10:13That man is a fraud.
10:15Calm down.
10:24Friends, you don't know how happy I am that you came.
10:27Dad, nothing bad is going to happen, right?
10:29What's going to happen, man? We didn't know you had this addiction.
10:32I don't talk much about it so it doesn't seem like I'm trying to show off.
10:36Dad, I have to tell you something.
10:38This place doesn't seem like a place for professional wrestling.
10:41This is a preparatory combat.
10:44It's street wrestling and the environment is this, so it's more attractive.
10:48But look.
10:49Dad, do you know who your opponent is?
10:52I hope it's not one of those shots.
10:54Dad, you don't know yet, do you?
10:56Please don't be.
10:57I don't know yet.
10:58The draw will be very soon.
10:59Well, I wish you good luck, colleague.
11:03That guy is a beast.
11:05He's huge.
11:06Pray for us to get out of here alive.
11:10Thank you, friends.
11:11I'm very glad you came.
11:15Oh my God.
11:16Oh my God.
11:25The massage was incredible, wasn't it?
11:28Really fantastic.
11:30Tomorrow I'm going to ask for a two-hour session.
11:33I have all my muscles tense because of the stress.
11:36We have to get rid of that lactic acid, right?
11:38Of course.
11:39I also sat very well.
11:41I'm going to sleep like an angel.
11:43I agree.
11:45I have a suggestion.
11:46After dinner, why don't we go to the disco at the hotel?
11:51Emir, are you a teenager?
11:53What have we missed at a disco?
11:55Why not, Ender?
11:56We'll enjoy the music.
11:58You're against everything.
11:59I don't feel like it either, to be honest.
12:01All right.
12:02Then Ildiz and I will go take a look.
12:04Yes, we'll order turkish pop from the 90s.
12:06And I'll call you to make you jealous.
12:09I'm going to ask you a question.
12:11Please answer me.
12:12What do you think I owe my youth and beauty to?
12:15Sometimes I wonder what your secret is to always be so beautiful.
12:19All right, I'll answer you.
12:21I don't have a nightlife.
12:23I sleep very well.
12:24I have a routine.
12:26I'm disciplined and I eat healthy.
12:28That's it, okay?
12:29And since you don't worry about anyone and you're bad,
12:31that also has an impact on you.
12:33You end up spreading your poison to others and you get so fat.
12:36That explains why your skin shines so much.
12:38Ladies, what are you talking about?
12:40When we said there was nothing to fight about, right?
12:43Please, no arguments.
12:45We're not arguing, guys.
12:47This is the normal way to establish a dialogue between us.
12:54Yes, we're the modern versions of the Cachiporra puppets.
12:58Exactly, exactly.
13:10Are you sending me a message?
13:12No, Haidar, really.
13:13Who are you texting?
13:15Nobody, look.
13:16I don't like you lying to me.
13:17Here, look.
13:18Bring it.
13:19The password.
13:25You, get a waiter.
13:29Bear, son of a bear.
13:30What are you doing, playing words?
13:31Exactly, the bear's brother-in-law.
13:33I was going to say the bear's father,
13:35but I don't want to insult the bear too much.
13:39I agree, the bear's better than him.
13:42He's looking at her phone.
13:43He should thank her for having her.
13:45Complete bear.
13:47This is my right.
13:48A pretty girl.
13:49What a shame.
13:50I've lost my appetite.
13:54Soldier Idris.
14:02Fight against Eagle Memet.
14:06Eagle Memet?
14:08What's that about Eagle Memet?
14:10Ata, these names aren't real, are they?
14:13No, they're combat names.
14:15They're like artistic names, aren't they?
14:16Something like that.
14:18Samurai Ata...
14:24will fight...
14:26against Tank Neimi.
14:36Ata, don't do it.
14:38Don't do it.
14:39Change your mind.
14:40Right now, I'm begging you.
14:41Change your mind.
14:42No, it's okay.
14:43What matters here is the technique.
14:45The physique isn't that important.
14:46My technique is very good.
14:48My dear Ata,
14:49you know I'm loyal.
14:51I've spent my life fighting.
14:53Okay, you can know this professionally,
14:56but the first punch is crucial.
14:58If you throw the first punch and he does it,
15:00he'll knock you out.
15:01Friends, it's okay.
15:02Don't worry.
15:03I aspire to the championship, okay?
15:04Don't worry.
15:05Wish me luck.
15:06Let's go.
15:08Have you seen Ender and Yildiz?
15:09They left and didn't take me with them.
15:12Didn't they invite you?
15:14No, dear.
15:15One day they're friends,
15:16and the next they're enemies.
15:17One day they're angry,
15:18and the next they're not.
15:19But they exclude me.
15:21Why do they do it?
15:22Why don't they take me with them?
15:24Do you think I deserve this?
15:26Could it be because they blame you
15:28for what happened yesterday?
15:30They blame me and go on vacation.
15:32How wonderful!
15:33Look what I've been through.
15:35My brother died.
15:36They tried to kill me.
15:38They kidnapped my right hand.
15:40I need to rest and go on vacation,
15:42more than anyone else.
15:44Maybe they haven't gone on vacation.
15:46Maybe they've planned something.
15:50Of course.
15:52Vacations are an excuse.
15:55They're planning something.
15:58They've taken their assistants with them.
16:01Those two usually don't get along.
16:04Very well, Nemal.
16:06You know them better than I do.
16:08Maybe they're digging my grave,
16:10planning something without witnesses.
16:13Mrs. Kadan,
16:14I don't think they're going that far.
16:16Since my name is Kadan,
16:17I'll change their plans.
16:19I'll go there first thing tomorrow.
16:21I'll introduce myself without warning,
16:23and I'll surprise them
16:24so they know they can't ignore me.
16:29Come on, Ata!
16:33Come on, friends!
16:39Come on, Ata!
16:44Come on, Ata!
16:58Come on, Ata!
17:06Come on, Ata!
17:08What are you doing?
17:10Get back, you idiot!
17:13Get back!
17:16Be careful, Ata!
17:20Get back!
17:29Ata, are you okay?
17:34Take this!
17:41Are you okay?
17:43I was afraid something would happen to you.
17:51I'm okay.
17:54For a moment,
17:56I thought I'd never see you again.
18:08And the winner is...
18:11What's his name?
18:14Niñero de Adana Saday.
18:17And the winner is...
18:18Niñero de Adana Saday!
18:21And the winner is...
18:22Niñero de Adana Saday!
18:32I won't let anyone bully my friend!
18:34Well done!
18:39You can't play with me.
18:41Who do you think you are?
18:43Damn you!
18:45I told you to leave me alone!
18:51Who the hell is it?
18:54I'll call the police.
18:56I said open the door!
19:00Open up!
19:02What's going on?
19:03What's going on?
19:05Who are you?
19:07Who are you?
19:08Where is that woman?
19:09What is she doing to you?
19:11Do you want to know?
19:12Come here!
19:13What's going on?
19:14Do you want to know?
19:15Come here!
19:16There she is!
19:19He killed the woman!
19:22Do you want me to kill her?
19:31Are you okay?
19:34Get up!
19:36Be careful!
19:38I'm fine!
19:39I'm fine, Childis!
19:40Thank God you came!
19:41Thank you so much!
19:42I told you to come to the terrace!
19:43Look what that man was doing to you!
19:45He almost killed me!
19:46Do you think he could be dead?
19:50I'm sorry, I can't.
19:51Look, look, look!
19:52I don't know.
19:53He has his eyes open.
19:55Take his pulse.
19:56Take his hand.
19:57Take his pulse.
19:58Look and see if it beats.
20:00Check it.
20:01Does it beat?
20:03Does it have a pulse, Childis?
20:04Does it?
20:07I can't feel anything.
20:08Oh, no.
20:09He's dead.
20:10Come here.
20:11He's dead, he's dead.
20:13What do we do now?
20:14Look at me.
20:15He's dead.
20:16If he's not, it's self-defense.
20:17He was going to let him kill you.
20:18It's the same thing that happened to Khalid.
20:20Childis, don't say nonsense.
20:21Look at me.
20:22I'm not going back to jail.
20:24I assure you.
20:25I can't go back to jail.
20:26Not even crazy.
20:27I can't either.
20:28What do we do?
20:29The woman is lying there.
20:30Do you think he killed her?
20:31I can't look at her.
20:33Who is this man?
20:34Who is this man?
20:35Who is he?
20:36He's one of the mafiosos.
20:38What if his accomplices come and shoot us?
20:41Tell me something, please.
20:43What can we do?
20:44Don't pressure me anymore.
20:45I have two children.
20:46We can't fix this alone in this room.
20:48There are two dead people.
20:49Let's get out of here.
20:50Let's tell my Dijaner.
20:52Don't make noise.
20:53We haven't seen anything.
20:57Mr. Haidar.
21:00Mr. Haidar.
21:01I've heard voices and I've felt curiosity.
21:06Mr. Haidar.
21:15Mr. Haidar.
21:19What the hell happened here?
21:24Help me.
21:28Help me, Bajo.
21:30Well, well.
21:31So Bajo has become valuable now.
21:35Damn you.
21:37Who would have thought that you would die for a woman?
21:42Help me.
21:44I'll help you.
21:46I'll help you.
21:47Don't worry.
21:51That's what I'll do.
21:53And without looking back.
21:55I'll take your place.
21:58Help me.
22:13Goodbye, Mr. Haidar.
22:27Goodbye, Mr. Haidar.
22:59Haidar has left the girl very bad.
23:01He has ordered that you erase everything that has recorded the camera until this moment.
23:07He called me.
23:09Come on, boy.
23:10Don't make excuses.
23:11You can do that.
23:16So nobody will know that I entered the room.
23:19Now I'll be the boss.
23:20The boss.
23:21The boss.
23:25Why have we come?
23:26What have we lost here?
23:28How were we going to know this, Gildis?
23:32There they come.
23:37Why do you call us so quickly at this time of the morning?
23:40What's going on?
23:41We're done.
23:43What happened?
23:44No, I can't say it.
23:45You say it, Wender.
23:46Come on.
23:47Who of the two is going to get married now?
23:48I wish it was that.
23:49I wish.
23:51Something very bad has happened.
23:53What happened?
23:55It was an accident.
23:58You have mixed up in another crime, huh?
24:00The correct thing would be to say that there has been a murder.
24:05What murder, sister?
24:06When the bear in the room next door attacked Ender, I had to save her and I hit him.
24:11Have you killed the man?
24:12No, Janer.
24:13Not at all.
24:14We told him to wake up and we warned him.
24:17If this is a joke, it's not funny at all.
24:19It was not intended.
24:20Oh, God.
24:21Give me patience.
24:22When you talk about the man in the room next door, do you mean the guy from the mafia?
24:28Where's my brother?
24:29You haven't informed me.
24:30Sit down.
24:32He doesn't answer.
24:34I've called him on the phone and at his door.
24:36I'm starting to worry.
24:39Tell me, do you want us to go into his room?
24:43Are you starting to worry?
24:46Damn it, should I worry too?
24:51Where's my brother?
24:53Let's go!
24:59Let's go.
25:02Stop worrying because he'll lose his mind and we'll be in trouble.
25:05We have to get out of here as soon as possible.
25:07Come on.
25:08God, help us.
25:09Be careful.
25:10He won't notice anything.
25:11Let's go.
25:13Hold him.
25:14Hold him.
25:15They're coming.
25:16Oh, God.
25:17Oh, God.
25:18They're coming.
25:19Oh, dear brothers.
25:23Thank God you're here.
25:25What the hell are they doing?
25:26People have no shame.
25:29They're immorals.
25:30How disgusting.
25:32Thank God you're here.
25:35I'm so happy.
25:38Maria, she's leaving.
25:39Act normal.
25:40Follow whatever you want.
25:44Oh, God.
25:45The glasses.
25:46Put on the glasses.
25:47This trauma is too much for me.
25:48How am I going to get over this?
25:49Put on the glasses, Tesor, so they won't recognize you.
26:03Come out and welcome me.
26:04Look who's here.
26:05Erkan's back.
26:07Erkan's crazy to see you, brother.
26:18What the hell is wrong with you?
26:19Why are you running around like a headless chicken?
26:21It's like there's no one here.
26:22I'm curious.
26:23Why are you curious?
26:26Come on, let's go.
26:28Is something bothering you?
26:31Well, he hasn't answered my calls.
26:33Should I be worried, damn it?
26:35Mr. Haidar isn't here.
26:36This is his phone.
26:37What do you mean?
26:39Where could he have gone without his phone?
26:43Where's Serpil?
26:44She's not here either.
26:45Bahadir, what's going on?
26:46I don't know, boss.
26:47I've sent men to look for him.
26:48What the hell have you been doing?
26:50Mr. Haidar told me to rest.
26:52We have many enemies.
26:53How are you going to rest?
26:56What if something happened to my brother?
27:04If they've done something to my brother, they'll pay for it with me.
27:07I won't forgive the guilty.
27:10Give me that.
27:11Boss, let's check the cameras.
27:13There must be something.
27:17Good idea.
27:19Good idea.
27:21Okay, I'm going to check the cameras.
27:25Yes, boss?
27:26Let's go.
27:27Ask downstairs at the reception.
27:36Ender, you drive the car.
27:38Why do I have to drive?
27:39We all drive well here.
27:41You always drive, sister.
27:42Why do you have to complain now?
27:44Don't argue.
27:45Let's get out of here, please.
27:46You drive the car to the back door.
27:48Leave quietly.
27:50Turn, turn.
27:51Let's go.
27:55To the right.
27:59Be careful.
28:01Don't move, don't move.
28:02Hide her.
28:05What are they doing there?
28:06What do we do?
28:07Fall back.
28:08Let's go.
28:13Let's go with them.
28:15Welcome to Turkey.
28:17Hello, friends.
28:26This is great.
28:27But where are we going?
28:28Let's follow them.
28:30Close the gap.
28:31Close the gap.
28:32Close the gap.
28:35Welcome to Turkey.
28:37Welcome to Turkey, friends.
28:39What do they say about the store?
28:44Where did he go?
28:47There he is.
28:51There are no guards or police here, right?
28:53I hope not.
28:54I started taking vitamin B12 today.
28:56Why would I live a life like this?
28:58Oh, Gildis.
28:59Stop complaining.
29:00You pick it up and give it to me.
29:02Can I help you?
29:03Would you break his nails?
29:04I'm sure they can.
29:05I'm sure they can.
29:13Hurry up.
29:14Let's go.
29:15Come on, come on.
29:16Get in.
29:17Hurry up.
29:18Oh, my God.
29:24Are you okay?
29:25Yes, I'm fine.
29:27Come on.
29:28The seatbelts.
29:29Let's go.
29:30Oh, my God.
29:31Help me.
29:36We gave him away.
29:37What are you doing?
29:38You scared me.
29:39Ender, don't get upset.
29:40We don't have time for that.
29:41We haven't even left the hotel.
29:43Excuse me.
29:44What are you doing?
29:45It's not safe on the street.
29:46Why is he acting like that?
29:47Ender, no.
29:48You stay here.
29:49I'll talk to him.
29:50Oh, my God.
29:51How stupid.
29:52Sir, what are you saying?
29:53I was fine until you tested us.
29:55Look where you're going.
29:56I'm in my car.
29:57Get out of the way.
29:58I'm in my car.
29:59I'm in my car.
30:00I'm in my car.
30:01I'm in my car.
30:02I'm in my car.
30:03I'm in my car.
30:05Oh, my God.
30:06All the restless sized both of la calle.
30:12Jodan, Jaddan.
30:14What are you doing here?
30:15I came here on vacation.
30:17Where are you in such a hurry?
30:18You should be asking.
30:19I need my money as soon as possible so I can leave.
30:22You keep quiet, this is not a subject of discussion.
30:24Why are you causing so many problems?
30:27These problems are none of your concern.
30:29He's right over there.
30:31Let's go to Jetbab's house.
30:32All right.
30:33What do you care?
30:38It's no one.
30:39Hagan won't be satisfied so easily.
30:41I wonder if it would be too much to kill her as well.
30:44Let's not exaggerate. The girls can fix it.
30:47Good morning, guys.
30:49What a surprise, Hagan.
30:54Who is it?
30:55Who is who?
30:57The man next to Janer.
30:59It's my uncle, my uncle, my dear uncle.
31:03Oh, it's their uncle.
31:06Good morning. How are you?
31:11Hagan is not very sociable. Don't force him.
31:13It's okay. He's my uncle.
31:15Are you happy now? Come on, come on, bye bye.
31:17Is your uncle the one in the car?
31:19He's delicate and he's not feeling well.
31:21Let's take him home.
31:23Don't tell me...
31:24Hagan is an older man.
31:25Don't waste our time. Let's go inside.
31:27But, well, did you think I was stupid?
31:31If the man is not feeling well,
31:33can we know what you're doing in the car,
31:35all together, going around?
31:37He likes to be surrounded by people.
31:39Why do you care?
31:40Do we have to tell you?
31:42Oh, don't entertain us. We've had enough.
31:45We're in a hurry.
31:46Come on, I'm going too.
31:47And why are we taking your uncle home?
31:49It's a boring plan.
31:50It's true.
31:51Let's go.
31:52Well, then, I'm going to call Dogan
31:54and tell him what you're doing this morning.
31:56Come on.
31:58Mind your own business and don't bother Dogan.
32:01I told you, we're taking your uncle home.
32:03What don't you understand?
32:05Well, I'll tell him that.
32:08We'll let you come because we're in a hurry.
32:10And since we don't have time to discuss,
32:13you can come with us.
32:14But you'll regret it and you'll regret coming.
32:17Don't forget that.
32:26Enlarge that.
32:33That's my brother.
32:34Damn it.
32:35What the hell is my brother doing in a wheelchair?
32:38Boss, I'm sorry, but he's dressed like a clown.
32:56Two guys have dressed my brother like a clown
32:59and they've put him in a wheelchair
33:01and there's a woman with him.
33:03What is this?
33:04What the hell is going on here?
33:07Hit play.
33:16Who are those people?
33:18Who are they?
33:22Go, Jadir.
33:23Go, Jadir.
33:24Sir, I honestly don't know, but I'll find them.
33:28Two women and two men.
33:30They must be Nigerians.
33:32They kidnapped my brother.
33:34He's motionless in a wheelchair.
33:37What the hell is going on here?
33:38Don't worry, boss.
33:39I'll check all the traffic cameras and we'll take care of them.
33:42How are you going to find them?
33:43I'm going too.
33:44Please don't bother, boss. I'll take care of it.
33:46Shut up.
33:47Look, they're taking him like a package.
33:50I swear.
33:52I swear.
33:55I'll find them all and I'll finish them.
34:00I'm furious right now.
34:03Get down.
34:04Yes, boss.
34:07Hit me.
34:08What did you say, boss?
34:10Hit me. Come on, hit me.
34:12Are you sure?
34:13Hey, I have to wake up from this.
34:15Hit me.
34:22What are you doing?
34:23I told you to hit him.
34:25You're going to kill me.
34:28He hit me.
34:30It's okay.
34:35Let's go.
34:36Let's show them who's in charge here.
34:40Let's go.
34:43We've messed with this man.
34:45He's crazy.
34:47Let's go.
34:52Let's go.
34:55This break is too long.
34:57I'm tired of waiting.
34:58If you want, go back to the hotel, Haddad.
35:00No, ma'am.
35:01I won't leave you without knowing what you're up to.
35:04What else do you want to know?
35:06There are things, things, things.
35:09Like what?
35:16Hey, what are you doing?
35:18I'm sorry.
35:19Ma'am, why don't you look where you're going?
35:21I have a handkerchief.
35:22Let me clean it.
35:23Leave it.
35:24Look at my clothes.
35:25Go to the sink right away to clean yourself.
35:27Then the stain won't come out.
35:28But who do you think you're going out there like that?
35:31My most sincere apologies.
35:32I'm going to see how I look.
35:33Is it possible?
35:40Let's go.
35:43We're going to change vehicles.
35:48Our car has broken down.
35:50We're going to continue in that one.
35:52A side van?
35:53If you don't want to come, you don't have to.
35:55If we take longer, we'll lose this one too.
35:57Come on, Haddad.
35:58You don't have to come.
35:59Of course I'm going.
36:00Look, I dropped the handkerchief.
36:02If you're going to worry about something, go for it.
36:04What if the stain doesn't come off?
36:10What did he say now?
36:11That we're going to the freezer.
36:13Why, why?
36:16Don't you think it's possible because there's a corpse decomposing in the car?
36:22What is this?
36:23It's okay.
36:24We can travel more comfortably here.
36:26Oh my God.
36:27Ender driver.
36:28It's here.
36:29Get in.
36:42It's there, it's there.
36:44Do you have it?
36:50Oh my God.
37:03Let's buckle up.
37:06Just in case.
37:09After all...
37:11It's an ice cream van.
37:15Let's go there.
37:18Don't drive too fast.
37:33What are you saying?
37:35What's going on?
37:37What do you mean?
37:38Who are those people and what do they want?
37:40Is it bad news?
37:41Speak up, Jadir.
37:43My brother is dead!
37:44No, boss, he's not dead.
37:47Besides, if something like this had happened, I would have felt it.
37:50But it's okay, it's okay.
37:53Okay, so are we.
37:55We continue with the plan.
37:58What's going on?
37:59The kidnappers have stolen an ice cream van along the way.
38:04An ice cream van?
38:07An ice cream van?
38:10An ice cream van?
38:14Ice cream?
38:18I'm sure there's drugs in it.
38:19No, boss, I don't think so.
38:21Remember what I tell you.
38:25Those people will send a large shipment using my brother's name, right, Jadir?
38:28The whole operation is in the van.
38:30They're heading for that clarinet.
38:42Jadir, come down!
38:44Yes, boss.
38:47This can't be done.
38:49We have to track them down from the air.
38:52What's all this poverty for?
38:55Go on.
38:57Tell them to pick us up here.
38:59A rental helicopter.
39:02If they're ready, I'm more than ready.
39:07Put the car back where it belongs.
39:12We parked it in front of someone's house.
39:15Move it a little.
39:16If you can't, I'll do it.
39:18It's okay, don't come.
39:19You don't have to do everything.
39:21Okay, do it.
39:27I'm not your driver.
39:29Everything's fine.
39:30Don't worry.
39:31We said goodbye to the guy.
39:35I hope it works.
39:37It will, don't worry.
39:39They're messing with me just because I followed them.
39:43They're all losers.
39:47Where's the contact?
39:52It's working.
40:03What's going on?
40:06Not so fast.
40:08I'm not used to such an old car.
40:12I can't look.
40:13It's coming, it's coming.
40:14It's okay.
40:15The guy's already stuck.
40:17What kind of car is this?
40:22What's going on?
40:24What's going on?
40:33Thank God he stopped in the tree.
40:34Let's go.
40:37Run, run.
40:44I hope he's not dead.
40:45I don't believe it.
40:49What's going on?
40:50Did you have an accident?
40:52That's it.
40:53But Hadan has gone too.
40:54Let's see how he's doing.
40:57What are you saying?
41:02He's dead.
41:03He's dead.
41:04Oh no.
41:05That's bad.
41:13Our uncle is dead.
41:14No, please tell me he's not.
41:16He's dead.
41:19Oh, dear Lord.
41:22Oh, dear Lord.
41:23You were everything to me.
41:24What are we going to do without you?
41:26My uncle, strong as a mountain, has gone.
41:29Calm down.
41:31You've all said it, and I know what to say.
41:34Rest in peace, Uncle.
41:38He's gone too soon.
41:40Don't get upset, Uncle.
41:41Everything will be fine, dear.
41:43How could this happen?
41:45You killed my uncle, Hadan.
41:47You just had to move the car a little.
41:49It's so difficult.
41:50I don't understand it, really.
41:52My dear uncle.
41:53He didn't deserve to die like that.
41:55Yes, it was a horrible death.
41:57The poor man has been running around, and he has hit his head and eyes on the tree.
42:01Oh, may God protect us from that.
42:03Okay, don't get excited.
42:05I'm very sorry, but it was an accident.
42:08It's fate.
42:09When you call, it goes away.
42:11What do we do?
42:12We have to call the police, right?
42:14What police?
42:15They have to come and investigate the scene.
42:17That's how this works, right?
42:19But it was an accident.
42:20An accident?
42:21But who did it?
42:22Who caused it?
42:23You killed him.
42:24And now you're going to report me, or what?
42:26Hadan, don't think it's to hurt you.
42:28It's the usual procedure we're going to do.
42:31Besides, causing an accident is a crime.
42:33It has a minimum sentence of two years.
42:35Hadan surely has good lawyers, right?
42:38That's what I thought.
42:39Girls, I can't take my eyes off him.
42:41He's stuck to the tree like a koala.
42:43It's a sin.
42:44Move him now.
42:46Oh, poor uncle.
42:48Slowly, slowly.
42:50We're going to knock him down, at least.
42:54Oh, my uncle.
42:56Be careful with my uncle.
42:58Don't hurt him so much.
42:59Guys, please.
43:00It was an accident.
43:02Adrede didn't do it.
43:03Why would he want to kill your uncle?
43:05But the result is what it is.
43:07What do you want us to do?
43:08Bury him here?
43:09Come on, that's enough, Yildiz.
43:10He doesn't have anyone.
43:11No one else.
43:12He'll ask for him, apart from us.
43:14Okay, uncle.
43:15I'm going to call the police.
43:16I don't think it's going to take long.
43:17Wait, don't call.
43:20Oh, Hadan.
43:23Let's talk to him.
43:24What do we have to talk about?
43:25I think we can find a solution.
43:28Okay, let's go to that cafe for a moment and talk to him.
43:31Let's go, Hadan.
43:33Come on.
43:34You have to get the uncle.
43:35And we have to get our things.
43:38Very good.
43:40Be careful with my uncle.
43:42How are we going to transport him?
43:44I don't know if it weighs more now.
43:50Julia is under arrest, right?
43:52Yes, sir.
43:56Did you get the prosecutor's permission?
43:59You can go visit her.
44:02But remember that no one should find out about this visit.
44:05Okay, sir.
44:06We don't want to worry the family anymore.
44:20I don't want to thank you.
44:22I'm not in the mood.
44:27I think we can fix this matter amicably.
44:30And how are we going to fix a death amicably?
44:33Not even if I had shot the man in the head.
44:36It was an accident.
44:38Yes, it was an accident.
44:40But tell me who caused it, Hadan.
44:43You, of course.
44:44I have a proposition.
44:46Since the man has no one else,
44:48why don't we organize a funeral between us?
44:52And that's it.
44:53Don't be silly, Hadan.
44:55We have to inform the police.
44:57Isn't that right?
44:58We live on a deserted island.
45:00We can't organize a funeral on our own.
45:04Let's make it a legal funeral.
45:06He wants us to bury him and forget about it.
45:08That's what I'm saying.
45:11What you're saying is that we bury...
45:15my dead uncle.
45:16And we close the case. Is that it?
45:18Tell me what you want in return.
45:20Tell me what you want.
45:23Your shares.
45:24At a time like this?
45:25Shares are always worth, Gildis.
45:27Ender, why would I give you the shares I just got?
45:31Besides, I only inherited half of my brother's.
45:34All right.
45:35Let's call the police.
45:36Sit down for a moment.
45:37Sit down.
45:38You just lost your uncle and you're asking me for shares?
45:41I've divorced him many times for shares.
45:43They're his weak spot.
45:49All right.
45:50If we get rid of your uncle, I'll give you my shares.
45:53But you can never use this accident against me.
46:00I didn't like my uncle either.
46:23How could you do something like that?
46:27I thought you came to see me because you wanted to know how I was.
46:30And it turns out you're asking for shares.
46:32You tried to kill my future wife.
46:35In the house where my little daughter is.
46:38I didn't want to kill her, Dogan.
46:40I just wanted to teach her a lesson.
46:42I also said that in my statement to the police.
46:44How? By injecting her with anesthesia?
46:48What would have happened then?
46:51And one day when you've become someone so cruel?
47:01Do you want to know?
47:03You've done this to me, Dogan.
47:06I never told you that I had an abortion to be with you.
47:10But I still did that madness knowing that I would never have another child.
47:15I gave up maternity.
47:17And what have you done?
47:19Falling in love with Gilles.
47:24Let it be clear to you that I had no idea about that.
47:31You didn't know because I didn't tell you.
47:33Because until now I haven't said or done anything that could alter your peace.
47:38I've dedicated my life to your happiness.
47:41And what have you done?
47:42You've suddenly erased me from yours.
47:47Look, I never asked you to do anything like that.
47:51You made that sacrifice on your own.
47:54Now you can't expect my family to pay the consequences.
48:00My baby couldn't be born.
48:03Do you think you can be happy with Gilles one day?
48:09May my curse fall on you.
48:13And not just mine, my baby's curse too.
48:16What do I care about your curse?
48:19If it had been for me, okay.
48:22But you've made the big mistake of attacking my family.
48:26I'll make sure you don't get out of here.
48:28And if you try to hurt those around me again,
48:34this cell won't be safe enough for you.
48:38Do you understand me?
48:41You've ruined my life.
48:43You've ruined it with your obsession and your desire for revenge.
48:48Now you'll pay for it.
48:53I'm sorry.
48:54Now you'll pay for it.
48:59Goodbye, Julia.
49:25He's swollen.
49:26It's nothing, he's fine.
49:30There he is.
49:31Where's your uncle?
49:32In the back of the car, but he won't start now.
49:37My God, do you realize what we're doing?
49:40Come on, please.
49:41Hadan said we should bury our uncle and close the case.
49:48And I agree.
49:50She asked for action.
49:51What? Action is also here?
49:53Please, sister, enough with the action.
49:55What are you doing, Ender?
49:57Action, action everywhere, action always.
50:00That's also my story, for God's sake.
50:02Do you realize now?
50:04In short, we're going to talk about how we're going to get rid of our uncle.
50:08How are we going to get rid of him?
50:10You're talking as if you didn't know anything about the dead.
50:13Look, Hadan, my greatest virtue is that I adapt easily to situations.
50:19I mean, okay, we've cried, we've been sad, it's over, it's over.
50:25Well, I have an idea.
50:28What idea, Emir?
50:29I have a plot nearby.
50:31Do you have a plot?
50:32Please, don't scream.
50:34I'm already quite nervous, please.
50:36Okay, go on, dear, go on.
50:39I have a plot nearby and I propose that we bury the body there and end this gossip.
50:45Great, let's bury him.
50:47Where are we going to go? You've ruined the car.
50:50Well, we'll find another car or we'll rent one.
50:54Of course, Hadan, you'll run with the expenses.
50:58After all, we're going through this because of you.
51:02Okay, okay, I'll pay for it, but let's get out of here.
51:05We don't know anyone here.
51:07I'm going to ask that man where we can find a car.
51:10Excuse me, sir, can you help us?
51:13We have to rent a car. Do you know where we can find one?
51:17With air conditioning.
51:18Ah, air conditioning is essential.
51:20I'm going to ask my people.
51:22And now I tell you, wait a minute, okay?
51:24It's okay, it's okay.
51:26We'll rent something, calm down.
51:28You too, Ender.
51:29Now I'm going to cry.
51:32Thank you, Aysel, well done.
51:35With Ruk, I was going to tell you, have you spoken to the group?
51:38Yes, they're all fine.
51:40It's good that they left, poor Yildiz was exhausted.
51:43Exactly, because as soon as they return, we can start preparing the wedding.
51:47We want to organize a blessed evening before the wedding.
51:50Ah, and what kind?
51:52Our family loves those things, tell us.
51:55It's to help children with hunger.
51:57Well, count on me.
51:58What did I tell you?
51:59Honestly, it would be very good for me.
52:01In addition, there is a man in the company whom I want to put in his place.
52:04Dear, that goes more into my mother's field.
52:06Why, what has he done?
52:07Or I, that Yaner wanted to help.
52:09And he tried to get ahead to make the ball to my father.
52:12Wow, look, what a hypocrite.
52:14And what are you going to do?
52:16When Yaner comes, we'll think of something.
52:19If you need my help, here I am.
52:21You see, how helpful he is suddenly.
52:24I have no doubt.
52:28Honey, keep going, you're a very good girl.
52:32Honey, keep going, you're a very good girl.
52:41Well, do you like the car?
52:43Well, we do not love it.
52:45We need to have a trunk and air conditioning.
52:48I do not have a car like that.
52:50Sir, we understand that, but there is no one who has one.
52:53This is a town, how is someone going to have a car like that?
52:56Does it have air conditioning at least?
52:58But they will have to pay it when they go to the top of the hill.
53:02We want to rent it just for a day, if possible.
53:06I do not understand anything about renting.
53:08If you want it, buy it, if not, yourself.
53:11There is nothing to understand.
53:13We take it, we use it and we return it.
53:15If we give him money for that.
53:17But Mesut has not said anything about money.
53:19I can not deal with you, I'm leaving.
53:23Sir, come on, please.
53:25Come on, come on, for whatever you want.
53:27Come on, buy it, there is no other way, come on.
53:30Do not go.
53:32What happens now?
53:35How much money do you want for this?
53:39Give me 50.
53:4150 for this junk?
53:43Junk? Well, now it's 100.
53:46Do you think we are in Kayseri?
53:48We would have to make a discount.
53:50Why does the price go up?
53:52Because you need it.
53:54Everyone has become the wolf.
53:56What else does he give us?
53:58He's going to pay Jadam, so we do not care.
54:03Okay, we'll keep it.
54:05I'll put it in his account.
54:07There is one more thing.
54:08What happens?
54:09They have to leave it in the next town.
54:13His goat?
54:14His name is Halit.
54:17The goat's name is Halit?
54:19Sir, you said Halit, right?
54:22Did you give the goat a personal name?
54:24But then I thought that Halit sounded better.
54:27It's a pure and noble animal, you know?
54:30It suits that name.
54:32We also had a Halit and he was like that.
54:35Hey, your ex-husband was not called Halit?
54:38Okay, do not mention that subject.
54:40I'll tell you later.
54:41It's a long and complicated story.
54:43Well, well.
54:46Come on, let's get out of here.
54:48Please, we have things to do.
54:50Let's take the car.
54:52The site is close.
54:53Only ten minutes by car.
54:55Halit has to mate today.
54:57His goat also has to mate.
54:59We just needed to help with that.
55:01We've done everything.
55:02That does not surprise us.
55:03We will also take care of Halit's mating.
55:05Where do we leave it in the next town?
55:07When you get to the town, ask for Mustafa the cheesemaker.
55:10Everyone knows him.
55:12Okay, I'll send the money to your Ivan.
55:14Do you know what Ivan is?
55:16I know what Ivan is.
55:18But if he sends me dollars,
55:20I'll transfer it to the Swiss.
55:22Do you know that?
55:24Who do you think you're dealing with?
55:28I'm going to the bathroom and I'll be right back.
55:31Okay, give me your Ivan.
55:34I have a question.
55:35Does this goat have a last name?
55:37Is his name Argun, by any chance?
55:39No, he has no last name.
55:54Don't say a word
55:56or I'll blow your brains out.
56:20To be continued...
56:50To be continued...
57:20To be continued...