• last year
01:02Creo que no comprendes la situación
01:05Hablé con marco y me dijo que hay demasiado alboroto y el negocio no saldrá adelante
01:09Si hay alboroto es porque se han puesto a conceder entrevistas. Yo lo vi convencido y dijo que hablaría con sus socios
01:17No puede hacer eso que no puede pues claro
01:21es su dinero
01:25Y si de verdad quieres que salga bien
01:28Deshaz el lío que has armado
01:30De eso nada no voy a darles esa satisfacción
01:35Lo que no entiendo es por qué te molesta tanto esta gente
01:39en serio
01:40no son nadie
01:43No seas cabezota soy firme que es algo que tú no eres
01:48Dónde está marco voy a tener que hablar con él yo misma
01:57Pero no no te entiendo
02:00deja que te lo explique
02:03Déjalo no necesito ninguna explicación
02:16Esa no es la hija del patrón
02:22Qué es lo que estará trabajando
02:31Tenía curiosidad por ver dónde nace ese cacao tan especial del que todo el mundo habla
02:39Nací aquí
02:41En la hacienda que te empeñas en destruir para montar un hotel de lujo
02:46Ya has decidido dónde va la piscina el spa tendrá pista de tenis
02:53sé muy bien quién eres
02:56Estuviste aquí hace dos semanas inspeccionando todo el terreno
03:02Tú no me engañas no soy ninguna idiota
03:06sé que no eres ninguna idiota me he dado cuenta
03:09eres una chica muy inteligente y con convicción por suerte
03:14Todo lo que ves aquí
03:17Es un regalo de la naturaleza
03:21Y yo haré todo cuanto esté en mis manos para protegerlo
03:26Yo no le tengo miedo a los peces gordos como tú que llegan aquí
03:31alardeando de su ropa de marca pero más te va a leer con cuidado
03:35no pises estiércol con esos zapatos
03:39te hace gracia, disculpa, te ríes de mi, que va, increíble pero que te crees
03:45que soy una paleta o algo que soy una loca soñadora sin objetivos ni dinero
03:52Tú a mí no me engañas vale, no te tengo ningún miedo
03:59Ya sé que no, me he dado cuenta
04:03Salomé puede intentar echarme de esta hacienda
04:07Pero si su proyectito fracasa, que fracasará
04:12Ya verás quién se irá la última de aquí
04:22Uuuh, si pudiese vivir yo en Comenaguetá
04:34Gracias por el donativo, no os vendrá de perlas
04:38De nada
04:40El que tiene que darle las gracias por toda la información soy yo
04:44Siempre es un placer ayudar a la iglesia
04:48Pero todavía hay otra cosa que necesito saber
04:53Esa tal Xiquiña
04:56¿Qué le pasó después de que naciese su hija?
05:02¿De verdad quieres saberlo?
05:06Francisca Magalláes
05:09No tenemos buenos centros sanitarios
05:13Y menos entonces
05:15Tuvo un parto complicado y perdió mucha sangre
05:21La fecha coincide con la de su desaparición
05:26¿Le importa?
05:32Bueno, muchísimas gracias
05:35Me ha ayudado mucho madre
05:38Que Dios esté siempre con usted
06:00Necesito empezar una nueva vida lejos de aquí
06:05¿Qué es esto?
06:06Una ayuda para tu nueva vida
06:09No nos sobra el dinero pero aún podemos cobrarnos algunos favores de gente importante
06:15Rita de Cassia
06:17¿Como la santa?
06:18La de las causas imposibles
06:20Se le atribuyen grandes milagros
06:23Con su protección estoy segura de que tu vida cambiará mejor
06:28No sé cómo agradecérselo
06:32¿Y mi verdadera identidad qué?
06:34Nada, olvídala
06:36Vamos a registrar tu defunción para que nadie pueda seguirte la pista
06:59No puedo creerlo
07:00No puedo creerlo
07:01No puedo creerlo
07:02No puedo creerlo
07:03No puedo creerlo
07:04No puedo creerlo
07:05No puedo creerlo
07:06No puedo creerlo
07:07No puedo creerlo
07:08No puedo creerlo
07:09No puedo creerlo
07:10No puedo creerlo
07:11No puedo creerlo
07:12No puedo creerlo
07:13No puedo creerlo
07:14No puedo creerlo
07:15No puedo creerlo
07:16No puedo creerlo
07:17No puedo creerlo
07:18No puedo creerlo
07:19No puedo creerlo
07:20No puedo creerlo
07:21No puedo creerlo
07:22No puedo creerlo
07:23No puedo creerlo
07:24No puedo creerlo
07:25No puedo creerlo
07:26No puedo creerlo
07:37I've studied the issue that was given to me
07:42And what we need is...
07:44oh, how foolish I am...
07:50why hadn't I thought of that?
07:52well, due to the general culture
07:55We should know these things.
07:57No one is safe from being in a situation like this.
08:01Who would like to be in a vegetative state?
08:04When could you get the material?
08:07Very soon.
08:09I want the injectable version.
08:10Of course.
08:11Without traces.
08:13Oh, I'm so sorry, Regina.
08:15It's my daughter who is in Brazil.
08:17I have to answer this call.
08:19Of course.
08:25One moment.
08:30We can talk.
08:31How are things?
08:34But I didn't call you for that.
08:36I have news about our investigation.
08:38Which one?
08:39The bastard?
08:41First the good news.
08:43Xiquiña is gone.
08:45She is dead and buried.
08:48It seems that she did not survive the birth.
08:53Do you know her name?
08:58And the bastard?
09:00The only one who could know is the guard.
09:03He was the one who had a deal with Xiquiña.
09:06And he was the one who took the girl from the monastery.
09:10It matches what Philo told me.
09:14Now we need to find out if he took her to the United States or ...
09:18Or if he left her in Itacaré.
09:21And if he did, why?
09:24When we answer that question, we will find the girl.
09:42I didn't know Salomé had left.
09:45She has gone on a trip with her husband.
09:47They are in Itacaré.
09:49They are much better than us.
09:51And you, Regina?
09:54What happened to you yesterday?
09:56You left me worried when you left like that.
09:58I even thought of going to your house.
10:01But do you know where I live?
10:03The boss has a document with the personal data of the whole service.
10:07I had never thought of spying on him.
10:10But how did you leave like that?
10:12I'm already recovered.
10:13It would be something I ate. I'm leaving now.
10:15Again? But you're always out there.
10:17I'm going to buy medicine for the lady.
10:19I'll be back later.
10:27When could you get the material?
10:29Very soon.
10:30Good. I want the injectable version.
10:39You're going to be alone for a while. I'm going to the market.
10:47I'm going to the market.
11:17How are you?
11:47That house makes my stomach hurt.
11:59I told you not to come back.
12:01I can't.
12:02It took me a long time to find that witch.
12:05I can't back out.
12:07What do we do now? Where are we going?
12:10To buy the medicine.
12:12Regina, please.
12:14Don't go with that idea. If it goes wrong, Justino will die.
12:17Justino won't die.
12:19But I need you to give this to Salome.
12:22Don't make any mistakes.
12:25And then?
12:27You're going on a trip.
12:29To Itacare.
13:00Rui told me you were worried.
13:03I can't back out.
13:05Why can't you back out?
13:07I'd lose my authority.
13:09You don't know those people. They're nothing new. They challenge us.
13:14If you don't care about the business, why would I?
13:24This is the best in the store. I'm sure you'll love it.
13:27You tell me.
13:29Girls, listen.
13:30Our flyers are a total success.
13:32We're getting a lot of orders.
13:34See, Kakao?
13:35We have to tell Sal.
13:37This will make him think better.
13:39There's nothing to do with Salome.
13:42But I still have hope.
13:44I still don't know what's going on with the Portuguese who came with the bosses.
13:48But I think he didn't like what he was talking to Sal about.
13:52Why do you think that?
13:54Because I just heard his conversation.
13:57And he didn't seem happy.
13:59Oh, my friend.
14:00But we can't just rely on that.
14:02We have to plan something else.
14:09Baoba has the solution.
14:12I'm sure he's hiding something from me.
14:16I'll find the heir.
14:18That's it.
14:31Ronita, are you okay? Did something happen?
14:33No, it's a tragedy.
14:35Justino's daughter has arrived and said goodbye to everyone.
14:38He said we have to leave the hacienda by the end of the week.
14:41But how did he do that?
14:42I don't know, I don't know, Tiago.
14:44Okay, calm down.
14:46What are you going to do?
14:48Try to solve it.
14:50Calm down, okay?
15:00Kim, I think there's another option that we're not bargaining.
15:04Admit it all.
15:06End this circus, end the lies.
15:09Let's tell Kakao that she's the boss' daughter.
15:13But are you out of your mind?
15:16And all that no one can find out.
15:19I know.
15:21I've changed my mind.
15:25I've been thinking about it.
15:27If they recognize Kakao as the boss' daughter,
15:31everything about Salome would be over.
15:33She wouldn't be able to kick her own sister out.
15:36She wouldn't be able to sell the hacienda without Kakao's approval.
15:39So what about us being able to go to jail?
15:43Didn't you say the only one who could report us was Xiquiña?
15:47Where is she now?
15:49So what?
15:50Did we forget about the murderer who's after Kakao?
15:55Do you think they didn't send a professional?
15:58He'll kill her.
15:59Don't say that.
16:01You know who we're dealing with.
16:04I only think about all the possibilities.
16:07Yeah, but that's because you're afraid we'll end up on the street.
16:16This can't be.
16:18We have rights.
16:20Miss Salome can't kick us out for no good reason.
16:30Then we'll do what you say.
16:33We'll take Kakao away from here, somewhere safe,
16:36and we'll tell him the truth.
16:39No, no, Filo.
16:42We can't go from one extreme to the other.
16:46Now is the time to think with a cool head.
16:49To analyze the pros and cons.
16:57Let Mayne torment her.
17:22Good morning.
17:24I'm sorry for showing up unannounced.
17:27We could talk.
17:49Look who's out of hiding.
17:52You're just in time.
17:54I was told you went to support Simone.
17:57What's wrong?
17:59Have you lost your mind?
18:02Or did you do it...
18:04just to challenge me?
18:09In the end, it seems that Simone has more reason to complain than it seems.
18:15Damn, Julia, you're even more innocent than I thought.
18:19With just one conversation, you've gone too far.
18:23You're not very smart,
18:25but I didn't know you had such a hollow head.
18:28Having distanced myself from certain personal matters
18:32doesn't mean I lack skills or that I'm stupid, Salomão.
18:42Can we talk later?
18:45As far as I know, you didn't find me in the trash.
18:52Are you going to stay anchored in the past?
18:55Are you going to put your titles in my face again?
18:59Not just my titles.
19:02But the values that come with them, yes, of course.
19:07Honor, integrity,
19:16Values that have long since ceased to be part of your life and your vocabulary.
19:22And is it my fault?
19:25No, Salomão, it's not yours.
19:28Unfortunately, it's mine.
19:32Because I was so busy taking care of our son,
19:37trying to save him,
19:39because I needed him completely.
19:43I couldn't accept the man you became,
19:48the person you made me into.
19:54I'm sorry, but I don't have the time or the patience for this.
20:01Not now.
20:03Well, you should.
20:06You should have listened to Thiago,
20:09because he's absolutely right.
20:12You treat us badly.
20:15I've allowed you to humiliate us all these years.
20:23Simone, you've been brainwashed.
20:27Because you're a saint, aren't you?
20:37What's that?
20:39A document I brought you so you can study it calmly.
20:46Enjoy it.
21:29Excuse me.
21:31Don't worry about it.
21:33I don't know how we can help you.
21:35I come in peace.
21:38I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about Salome's decision.
21:42Oh, really?
21:44I thought you'd like to receive the property,
21:47because you won't have to grow anything.
21:50I don't know if I got that right.
21:53You're on the buyer's side, aren't you?
21:55Stop it, Keane.
21:57Let him talk.
21:58I'm sorry, today hasn't been a good day.
22:00I can imagine.
22:01Don't worry about it.
22:04You don't have to listen to me,
22:06but I'd appreciate it if you could explain to me
22:09why that cocoa is giving you so much to talk about.
22:15I don't know anything about agriculture.
22:17In fact, all I know about chocolate is that there's white and black.
22:23But I'm a businessman,
22:25and I recognize opportunities.
22:28Like turning Bellavista into a luxury resort?
22:32It would be a great business, believe me.
22:35But my instinct tells me that abandoning cocoa would be a mistake.
22:45Yes, really.
22:47But please, don't expect anything.
22:50It has aroused my interest, although it could also bore me.
22:54But if you could still explain to me
22:57why this cocoa of yours is so unique,
23:00I'd appreciate it.
23:03Come with me.
23:06I know you've already visited the farm,
23:08but no one can teach you as well as I can.
23:11Come on, let's go.
23:13Thank you very much.
23:15I'll talk to you later.
23:33Answer, Dad.
23:37Nothing, he's not answering.
23:39Nothing? And now what?
23:41We have to enter the farm without being seen, okay?
23:44I'll explain later, let's go.
23:46Tiago may have flaws, but he's not a liar.
23:49Still, I find it hard to believe that Hector pretended not to see the accident.
23:54Me too.
23:56Unless he was so eager to impress you
24:00that he only cared about winning the race.
24:02Don't say that, come on.
24:04Do you think I have such bad luck with men?
24:07The only thing I think is that you have to find out.
24:10Yes, I have to talk to him.
24:12Here he comes.
24:13Hello, beautiful. How are you?
24:15Hello, everything's fine.
24:16I missed you.
24:20Is there a problem?
24:22We have to talk, Hector.
24:30Have you found out?
24:38I won't let them kick us out of here.
24:42I won't let them destroy the farm.
24:44I'll fight until the end.
24:46After all, what is this for someone who invented hot cocoa?
24:53And you're going to help me.
24:56You're going to help me.
25:02I know you know a lot about the past that you don't want to tell me.
25:07But you have to talk.
25:10Look, Baobasiña.
25:12I mean what I say figuratively.
25:16Hey, if we find out who Justino's second daughter is,
25:21she will automatically become one of the heirs of the farm and may help us.
25:31I don't understand.
25:33Why do you get like this every time I talk about this?
25:37Even the boss' lawyer's son wants to know who he is.
25:42Let's start from scratch, okay?
25:44I know you don't talk or write.
25:49But I need you to help me.
25:52And we have our way of communicating.
25:58So I'm going to ask you again.
26:01Did the boss have another daughter or not?
26:05I don't know.
26:16Did you call me?
26:18Well, yes.
26:25Tell me.
26:27Julia knows the truth.
26:30What has that fool done?
26:32He's not a fool. He's smarter than we thought.
26:35He knows about the accounts.
26:43Where did you get it?
26:44From the bank.
26:46Avaraído personally has access to everything, like me.
26:50You're an idiot.
26:52You didn't solve it.
26:54But if he had never bothered to open a letter, I didn't imagine that...
26:58You didn't imagine?
26:59You didn't imagine that now, sorry to tell you, your son is dead.
27:03Would you have time to think about it?
27:05It didn't cross my mind.
27:10And what did you tell him?
27:11Well, nothing. He caught me by surprise.
27:13It's all there.
27:15The hole in the accounts, the money from the Bahamas, in short, everything.
27:19Just now that we were so close.
27:21What an idiot, what an idiot.
27:24Salvao, you have to control your wife.
27:26Don't talk. Simone can't find out.
27:28Do you think I haven't thought about it?
27:31You have to help me.
27:33When were you going to eat with Julia?
27:36Today, perfect.
27:37Hey, I know you'll get the point.
27:41You convince her not to say anything, okay?
27:45Lala, please.
27:50You're the only one who can stop her.
27:52She trusts you, and she hates me, okay?
27:57And what do I gain from this?
28:00What do you mean, what do you gain?
28:01What do I gain from covering you up?
28:05Love, you'll be rich.
28:08I want a percentage.
28:12Excuse me?
28:13I want a portion of the card, in my account, in my name, without ties.
28:16What I want is a percentage.
28:21Okay, deal.
28:27Well, I'm going to prepare myself mentally to face that infernal breath.
28:46Tiago has not rested until he put you against me.
28:49Heitor, that's not what I...
28:50Of course it is.
28:52That's just it, Pipa.
28:54You're the one who doesn't see it.
28:56That guy doesn't move forward, and he doesn't give up on you either.
29:01It's been realizing that we get along, and...
29:04That's not it.
29:05I just want the truth.
29:07Can you answer me?
29:11I didn't see any accident.
29:17Are you sure about that?
29:19My goodness, Pipa.
29:21Do you really think I would have followed if I had seen it?
29:24No, but Tiago says it happened right in front of you.
29:27Again, Tiago.
29:28If you're going to do what he tells you, then I...
29:31I can't do anything.
29:34You decide.
29:37You have two options.
29:38Either you anchor yourself in the past, or you move forward into the future.
29:43The decision is yours.
30:04From now on, you'll have to go alone.
30:08Are you sure about this?
30:14I have to take it.
30:17Oh, my hero.
30:20Hi, Tiago.
30:21I have a lot of missed calls from you.
30:25What's up?
30:26Have you found the girl?
30:28No, not yet.
30:29But there's something you should know.
30:32I need to know one thing.
30:34Justino gave you the notary powers.
30:38Now you take care of everything that was his, right?
30:40That's right.
30:42Even Brazil?
30:47Well, get ready.
30:49Because Salomé is in Itacaré.
30:52And he doesn't just want to sell me the view.
30:54He's fired everyone.
31:01Come on, Brazil.
31:03You can't run away every time you don't want to answer a question.
31:06If the boss had another daughter, why don't you tell me?
31:10Come on, Brazil. It's no secret.
31:12He did have that daughter, didn't he?
31:19And she was a teacher?
31:22Come on, tell me more.
31:24Where is she now?
31:26Do you know if she's here?
31:28What are you doing here?
31:29I have to talk to Salomé.
31:30And why do you want to talk to him?
31:32It's important.
31:33Trust me.
31:57Do you think he'll see it?
31:58We should have given it to him.
32:00Yes, he'll see it.
32:01Don't worry.
32:14Let's go.
32:40Did you see this?
32:55Simone will try to kill Justina today.
32:59Is there a problem?
33:01Let's go.
33:04Let's go now.
33:11You have no idea what's about to happen!
33:14Another fake follower?
33:15Don't be silly.
33:16The most special, most handsome and most real follower of all.
33:20My prince, Azul Tiago, is in action.
33:23Oh, Anita.
33:24What's gotten into you now?
33:25Hey, Anita.
33:26Are you making up a fanfic with all this?
33:28Watching a romance that doesn't exist?
33:30Because, usually, the stories of princes and princesses have to be reciprocal.
33:34And you think it's not?
33:36Well, I've already told Salomé's new lover.
33:39And do you know what she did?
33:41Right now, she's in the main house talking to the villain of Itacaré.
33:46And all to defend me.
33:48Don't you think she'll have a happy ending?
34:04The guards thing was also a little out of place, but your husband explained to me that it was at Justina's request.
34:10Oh, that sounds a little rehearsed, Lala.
34:13Oh, come on.
34:15I'm your friend, not Salomé's.
34:17But I'm in the office and I hear things.
34:21And do you think things happened exactly like that?
34:25Why would your husband lie?
34:28Well, I don't know.
34:31It's a good question.
34:33If I hadn't already done it.
34:37But did Salomé lie to you?
34:39About what?
34:41Honey, you're not drinking too much.
34:46Lala, how long have we known each other?
34:49Oh, I've lost count.
34:53Well, tell me something.
34:55We've been friends for years.
34:57You've seen me go through a lot in this house.
35:01And yet you've never suggested that I leave my husband.
35:04Excuse me?
35:07Because when we're with water up to our necks, like right now,
35:12it's much harder for us to perceive things.
35:15And from the outside, everything looks much clearer.
35:17You had your son.
35:18It's true.
35:20And a monster like my husband.
35:22Who not only didn't help me at all, but humiliated me every day.
35:26Are you okay, friend?
35:27I'm great.
35:28I've never been better.
35:30And believe me,
35:32the death of my son
35:35has finally set me free.
35:39I see the truth.
35:42Does it shock you to hear it?
35:46It's not like you.
35:50I've reduced my medication and...
35:55I feel good.
35:57So good.
35:59What's wrong, Julia? Tell me everything.
36:03I've finally woken up.
36:05I've discovered that I have a life and that I have to decide what to do with it.
36:09And Salomão has been stealing from me.
36:19Do you want me to fire the cyclist?
36:21I've been told you fired everyone.
36:24I'm sorry, but there's something you don't understand.
36:26This is a private property.
36:28It seems like a concept you don't know, right?
36:31Yes, it seems so.
36:32Well, you should know that you're not authorized.
36:36What you're hearing.
36:37That you're not authorized.
36:39You act as if you were the owner of everything, but you have no authority.
36:46I think the one who doesn't know his position is not me.
36:51This property belongs to my father.
36:53As far as I know, he doesn't owe you anything.
36:55And the only relationship you have with him is to have left him in a coma.
36:59It's terrible, isn't it?
37:01If it were you, I'd be ashamed.
37:06Come on, kid, let's get out of here.
37:09I'm leaving, don't worry.
37:11But I came on behalf of my father.
37:13Your father?
37:14Yes, my father.
37:16The legal administrator of everything you own.
37:20He says you have no authority here.
37:23And don't forget that your father is still alive.
37:30He says no Queen Mansour has ever worked there.
37:37It wasn't a misunderstanding.
37:40See you later.
37:42So, have you been able to buy the medicine?
37:48Because that's why you left, isn't it?
37:51Yes, I have it. I'll give it to the lady.
37:54The lady?
37:55But it wasn't for the Lord?
37:59But what do you say, Soraya?
38:04The walls have ears.
38:09You think you're very smart, don't you, Queen Mansour?
38:14If that's your real name.
38:21I don't have time for guessing.
38:23You don't fool me.
38:25Who are you?
38:27From the first day I saw you.
38:29From the first minute.
38:31I knew there was a cat locked up here.
38:34Who are you?
38:38Why did you come to this house?
38:41Don't leave until you find out what Kim did to my daughter.
39:11You called your father.
39:13And you fired everyone.
39:15What do you know about this house to think you can get in?
39:18You know exactly what I know.
39:20I don't know what you're talking about.
39:21You know it very well.
39:22In fact, we both know it.
39:24It would be a shame if you both ended up in jail.
39:27Let's see.
39:28If you have something to say, say it.
39:30I have nothing more to add.
39:32I've heard you talk about getting rid of a bastard.
39:35What are you talking about?
39:36Do you want to end badly too?
39:38Do you want to end badly too?
39:40Are you going to send someone after me too?
39:43Let go of me!
39:45Okay, okay.
39:46We weren't talking to the police.
39:48You're just a savage.
39:50I'm not afraid of him.
39:51Come on, I've already talked to them.
39:53Oh, have you become friends?
39:56Of course, I had to wait.
39:58You have taken affection from the pallet.
40:00Don't talk like that.
40:01That pallet is not defenseless.
40:03I don't need a man to defend me.
40:09You're not going to do anything?
40:11Do you want me to hit him?
40:13Well, for example, if I don't hit him...
40:15Hey, Sal, listen to me.
40:17Pay attention.
40:19She is not important.
40:21Have you heard the kid?
40:23He knows.
40:25He knows we want to kill your sister.
40:39I don't know how to take it.
40:41I have to feel it.
40:44It will last in me.
40:47Oh no.