Welcome to Plathville S6 Episode 6 - How Do I Get Rizz

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Welcome to Plathville S6 Episode 6 - How Do I Get Rizz


00:00If I could go back in time and tell these two kids anything, I don't know that I would.
00:07Before Ethan and I split up, I was really, really scared to be on my own, but I think
00:14that I'm not scared to be on my own anymore.
00:19There are some things I wanted to tell Olivia today.
00:22She asked if I would just write down what I was going to say, and then she would read
00:26it when she was ready.
00:29I basically wrote that I was sorry for all the ways that I fell short in our relationship.
00:34I guess it is my attempt to try to let her go.
00:37Now you're in a committed relationship and everything's going good.
00:41Girlfriend's doing good.
00:42Progressed rather rapidly.
00:44I met my girlfriend a year and a half ago.
00:48As far as having a public relationship, we're going to take things slow.
00:52Do you think she'll go on camera at some point?
00:55Is that possible?
00:56Who knows?
00:57Maybe it is.
00:58Maybe it isn't.
01:19Here you go, Will.
01:20I'll start cleaning my rims.
01:24Why are we cleaning the f***ing rims?
01:26Because it's not going to look good.
01:29Will's back in town.
01:30I think he just really likes Florida.
01:31He can't help but visit.
01:32Do you want to do the other side?
01:33Yeah, I got the other side.
01:35Most of my family are going to run a Spartan race tomorrow, so we're driving to Jacksonville,
01:41That's where the race is being held at, and meet up with my family.
01:45Is this part of a good luck ritual to make sure you win the Spartan race?
01:49Cleaning the rims?
01:50Yeah, it's kind of good luck.
01:52A Spartan race is a 5K race through the mud with obstacles.
01:57It's a very dirty, grimy race.
02:01I don't think I'll be able to get Will to actually run the race, but I get a road buddy
02:06and someone to jam to music with.
02:08I'm going to go grab a hat, because I think I might want a hat for the drive.
02:12But then I think we're ready to run.
02:14Ready to do it.
02:15It was my dad's idea to do a Spartan race, so my mom isn't going to run.
02:19I don't think a Spartan race is her thing, but dad wanted to do this probably for a while,
02:25and he's just super excited.
02:27What I want to do is offer to you guys to do a Spartan race with me.
02:32Everybody but Cassie and Mercy, because they're too young.
02:35The Spartan race was really fun.
02:37I did two of them.
02:38They were both really fun.
02:39It would be a memory we'd have forever, all of us running a race together.
02:42And covered in mud.
02:43Covered in mud.
02:45Bye, babe.
02:46Have fun at the race.
02:48Take care of your family.
02:49Wish you could come.
02:50You've got one.
02:51Yeah, glad I changed this life.
02:53I love you.
02:54I love you too.
02:55See you soon.
02:58My girlfriend would definitely love to come to this race with me,
03:01but my family will be posting on social media.
03:04And as far as having a public relationship,
03:08my girlfriend likes to steer clear of that type of stuff.
03:11She would rather keep her peace.
03:15These are good luck right here.
03:17As long as you stay there.
03:23I have not trained for this.
03:24I'm a little nervous.
03:26One obstacle my dad told me about that I'm actually dreading
03:31is the one where you have to completely submerge yourself in mud.
03:35I don't want that s*** to get in my ears.
03:37That's the one thing that I'm like, oh man, maybe I shouldn't do this.
03:44I think my competition is definitely the two guys.
03:46Isaac, I think I can beat.
03:48But my dad, I know he's not as young as he once was,
03:53but he's still pretty fit.
03:56So I'm a little worried about him.
04:12It's a nice day for LA.
04:13Oh, it's beautiful.
04:14It's always nice here, except for the thick rain.
04:16It's a few days.
04:18Today, Lily, my new friend, is going to take a Pilates class with me.
04:21I feel like I've made quite a few friends since I've been here.
04:24I like to make plans and see people and get out and do things.
04:27And I guess here in LA, the thing to do is Pilates.
04:31I think this is it.
04:34You think this is said mini coochie?
04:36Mini coochie.
04:38Mini coochie.
04:39Mini coochie.
04:40Mini coochie.
04:42It's like every young woman I talk to is like, oh, I do Pilates.
04:45And I was very skeptical about what Pilates would do for me,
04:48but I look at them and they look pretty trim,
04:50so I figured I would give it a shot.
04:52Do I ring the doorbell?
04:54I don't know what to do.
04:56This chapter of my life is all about new experiences,
04:58and I feel like I'm understanding more of who I am and who I want to be.
05:05We weren't sure if we should knock or ring what doorbell.
05:07People have that question all the time.
05:09It seems like someone's home here, right?
05:10All three.
05:11Welcome in.
05:13How are you doing?
05:14Good, thank you.
05:16If you'd like to go ahead, you can put your bags over there.
05:17It's been a couple of months since Ethan and I signed our divorce papers.
05:21I thought getting divorced that I would feel more shame than I do,
05:25but honestly, in many ways it feels like a reset,
05:29starting brand new from scratch.
05:31Arms by your side.
05:32I'm here to help.
05:33Now lift your tuchus.
05:35Lift your tuchus.
05:36No, straight up.
05:37There it is.
05:38Now pull your knees down.
05:41And then bring it back down.
05:42Then lower the bridge.
05:43Lower the bridge.
05:45And look back if you want.
05:47Chin to your chest.
05:48Crawl up your tree.
05:49Come on, get bigger.
05:50There it is.
05:51Nine, eight.
05:53We're going to do little circles, just five little coconuts.
05:57So you see how you're swerving?
06:00Find your control.
06:01It's in your powerhouse.
06:03I don't have a core.
06:04I don't have a core.
06:05I thought I had.
06:06I guess I can work on engaging it, because it's probably the
06:08only thing that I'll be engaging any time soon.
06:12So where are you all from today?
06:14I'm from Minnesota.
06:15Oh, Minnesota.
06:16But I live in L.A.
06:17Oh, jeez, really?
06:19Oh, jeez.
06:20Oh, gosh.
06:21You put the kids in the car and take a trip to Costco, huh?
06:24Keep going.
06:26Lily is originally from Minneapolis.
06:28We actually met on a flight from Minneapolis to L.A.
06:31Then we just talked on the flight and got back and found we
06:34don't live far from each other here in L.A.
06:36and decided we would start hanging out and doing things together.
06:39Great job, girls.
06:40How are you feeling?
06:41Not bad for your first, huh?
06:43I feel like that one did a little something.
06:46Want to come over and have some tea and chill out for a moment?
06:50You're more than welcome.
06:51Follow me.
06:53Literally sitting on the plane next to each other, having just met
06:55each other, we're, like, talking about all this.
06:57She's the kind of friend that I wanted to have when Ethan and I
07:02were still married and I had no idea who to talk to or about what.
07:05You want some tea?
07:08Herbal or verbal?
07:12Why settle for one?
07:13You can have both.
07:16One of the things that kind of drew me to Olivia initially was her
07:19honesty and just kind of the frankness in which she spoke about her
07:22past and everything that she had been going through recently, and just
07:26that openness and willing to kind of bear it all to, like, build the
07:30foundation of a friendship, I thought was really cool.
07:32Did I tell you my ex finally signed the divorce papers?
07:36How do you feel?
07:39So relieved.
07:40Like, in the process of trying to sign all the papers, I think he just
07:43had a lot of unanswered questions and, like, things that he couldn't
07:46reconcile within himself, and so every time it just became super heated
07:49and, like, emotional, and in the very end, he was like, there's still so
07:57many things I have to say to you.
07:58And I was like, every time that goes so poorly that I'm not really
08:02interested in another conversation.
08:04So I told him he could, like, write it in a letter and give it to me, and
08:06he did.
08:07He, like, wrote me a long letter and gave it to me and then signed the
08:09papers, so.
08:12The ironic thing is when I was packing up my stuff moving out of the
08:16apartment, I found a card that he had written me when he and I separated a
08:20few years ago.
08:21The things he said in the letter three years later are, like, word for
08:24word what he said in that card.
08:26So just no change.
08:27I took it for granted and, like, I wish I hadn't treated you this way.
08:30Probably reading it is solidifying the reasons why it had to end, because
08:33you see three years ago the same things being said.
08:38If you can't realize it over three years, when are you going to realize
08:43Honestly, I feel a little bit confused about how I feel about it because, on
08:47the one hand, I'm like, I told you these things were issues years ago.
08:51You wrote me a letter years ago that said the exact same thing, so I don't
08:54find it genuine.
08:56And on the other hand, it's like, I don't want the parts of me that were
09:04hurt to be the part of me that dictates how I feel about other people.
09:08At the very least, I think Ethan deserves some closure and being able to move
09:13I waited a few months after Ethan and I went separate ways before thinking
09:18about dating.
09:19I was like, I just need my time.
09:21I started dating post-divorce when I moved to L.A.
09:26And there are people who have moved on sooner than I have, and there are
09:30people who have taken a lot longer, and I just think that it's a personal
09:35individual thing.
09:36There's not one-size-fits-all, one rule book that we all have to follow.
09:39When I started thinking about dating, I was like, all right, 25, single for
09:43the first time in my life, I'm going to have a hoe phase.
09:45Everyone needs a good hoe phase.
09:47I didn't hoe very well.
09:48That's okay.
09:49It's okay.
09:50Careful hoe.
09:52I think the term hoe started out as a negative thing to shame women for
09:57choosing who they want to be intimate with and how often.
10:01And I don't buy into all of that, so when I use it, it's in kind of a
10:06reclaiming way.
10:07Like, this is my body, and I get to decide if I want to go on dates, if I
10:10want to spend the night, if I want to be intimate with somebody.
10:13Like, that's all my choice.
10:15You have to break the seal, right?
10:17You've got to just throw yourself out there, do it.
10:21We'll see.
10:22I'm just going to see what's out there.
10:24Let's just see what's out there.
10:25That's all.
10:27This is good tea.
10:29Herbal or verbal?
10:34I was thinking about writing a rap song the other day.
10:38Yeah, I think it was something like four big guys are walking from.
10:43How does it go?
10:49There's no way I'm going to run with everyone.
10:53We're going to be going way too slow if we try to stay with Mariah.
10:55I'm going to do it.
10:57I mean, I know she's fit, but.
11:12My thigh is really tight.
11:15You're still stretching more.
11:17I couldn't do that.
11:18I know.
11:19If I did that, I wouldn't be able to get back up.
11:21It's the day of the Spartan race.
11:23Amber and I are up early, and actually there's a bunch of us spread across three different rooms.
11:30I had this idea to get everybody together and do a Spartan race as a family.
11:35One thing I miss about being younger is flexibility.
11:40A number of weeks ago, we did a practice run at the farm of a Spartan race.
11:46Go, Lydia!
11:53That was a low-key mock attempt, but there's nothing like the real thing that's coming today.
12:00It's hard to get us all together now in one location for something.
12:06So this is like a time to regroup family-wise, right?
12:10So that's nice.
12:11Most of the family, anyways.
12:15Ethan can't be here because he's got work requirements.
12:19He just couldn't break away.
12:21I think it's beautiful how all of us, kids and dad, have all gone through something in the past couple years.
12:28And now we're all here doing this and kind of just putting our energy into this, even though we've been through a lot.
12:45Hey, what's up, Micah?
12:48You getting ready?
12:52It doesn't look like it.
12:55It doesn't look like it.
12:58I don't know how I'm feeling about this.
13:01I didn't get a thorough night of sleep last night.
13:05And, yeah, I think it's going to take a lot of coffee to get me ready for this thing.
13:11I need to run to town, though, and get cheap shoes.
13:14I just brought these boots.
13:15I need some $10 shoes that are going to be clapped out by the end of the day.
13:19I forgot everything, any apparel items that I would need for the race.
13:24So shoes, clothes, everything.
13:26This is what I brought.
13:27I was busy helping Mariah load all of her bags and everything, and I just forgot.
13:31I packed in, like, five minutes.
13:33She took, like, two weeks to pack.
13:36I'm going to make some noise.
13:38You're going to lose.
13:39Oh, I will.
13:40That's why I'm not doing it.
13:41And I need to get some clothes, too.
13:45Do you think you're physically and mentally ready for this race today?
13:50I mean, I'm just going to get out and do my best.
13:52That's the only thing I can do.
13:58I've got my money on either me or Mike.
14:01We should probably get up and get going, get ready.
14:05We've got a big day ahead of us.
14:08Isaac's so unprepared.
14:09I feel like I have a good chance of beating him.
14:11I don't know what he was thinking, like, what, I'm going to go run a race naked?
14:18I'm good.
14:19The town gets clothes.
14:29Okay, it's 9.38.
14:31We're way late.
14:33Grab all your stuff.
14:35We need to hit the road.
14:37Amber, do you have your bag that you have your clothes in
14:40that you're going to change?
14:41Yeah, is there going to be water there for us?
14:43For me, herding the kids around is not as stressful as it is frustrating.
14:48If they aren't doing what I want them to do, is, like, be on time.
14:52Because I'm a punctual guy.
14:54Mercy, is this yours?
14:55Part of my duty is to manage the herd.
14:59I mean, I sound like a cattleman, right?
15:02I'm into herd management.
15:05Okay, I'm going to grab this.
15:07You got your stuff?
15:09Mercy, you got your stuff?
15:11All right, let's hit the road.
15:13Unleash team plan.
15:33It's going to be super fun.
15:34I've ran two before.
15:35No one else has.
15:36And it's going to be, like, the perfect challenge for my family.
15:42Because they're fit, they're active, they're going to have a real fun time.
15:47I have a serious question.
15:49It's cold.
15:50Are we supposed to get in water?
15:52It's not cold.
15:53I only really practiced, like, one day.
15:58I'm completely unprepared for today's race,
16:01and I'm really going to be running on adrenaline,
16:04hoping that'll get me to the finish line.
16:11I love doing stuff like this.
16:14I love staying active, and I love challenges.
16:17I think, since I've been doing gymnastics and taekwondo,
16:20I think the Spartan race, I mean, it's not going to be easy,
16:22but I think all that will help me.
16:24All right, athletes, Spartans.
16:29Damn, Burke.
16:30I don't think I'm going to do too well.
16:33Okay, here they come.
16:37What's up, JDs and little men?
16:38Who let the hogs out?
16:39Who let the hogs out?
16:41Let the hogs out.
16:42You ready to do it, dude?
16:43Let's do it.
16:44Where are we going to register?
16:48Getting here to the Spartan race
16:50and seeing some of the obstacles from far away, it looks so easy.
16:55I think it's going to be not as hard as people make it out to be.
17:03Lydia, right here.
17:04There's two theories of thought with the Spartan race, right?
17:07Every man for himself, option one,
17:09or let's do this as a team, option two.
17:12Any of you guys done this before?
17:14I'm the only one that's done it before.
17:16No, we're all new.
17:17We got a whole family of first timers!
17:21I think it's really beautiful,
17:23just the fact that we're all coming together
17:25and running this race as a team and not competing.
17:30Oh, yeah.
17:31There's no way I'm going to run with everyone.
17:33We're going to be going way too slow if we try to stay with Mariah.
17:36I mean, I know she's fit, but...
17:40I think I'm going to beat everybody.
17:42I think I'm going to do so good.
17:45All right, guys.
17:47Guys, whether we're first, whether we're last...
17:50We are forever class.
17:52Even if we end up in a cast.
17:55I know that they say you're supposed to
17:57stick with your group of people and help them out,
17:59but I don't really see that being a race then.
18:02Everybody's on the same wavelength,
18:04and I'm looking forward to having a great experience, really.
18:07We got this, guys. We got this.
18:09We've kind of all, in one way or the other,
18:11been through a lot the last few years.
18:13I think the Spartan race will be a good time
18:15for us to all just come together and get it out.
18:19Ready? One, two, three!
18:22Let's do this.
18:39Another day of getting stronger.
18:41Yep, one day at a time.
18:43Today, me and Andre start at the gym,
18:45running through our workout.
18:47Feels like we haven't had a good workout together in a while.
18:50I know. We haven't.
18:52Dancing around each other's schedules.
18:54It's been about two months since me and Olivia
18:57filed all of our paperwork.
19:00It was very hard for me, but on the bright side,
19:03I'm glad that I was able to
19:06settle my divorce pretty quickly.
19:09Should we get on it?
19:11I guess so.
19:13Let's do it.
19:15There are no winners in a divorce,
19:18but you can only hope that you learn
19:21and it makes you a better, stronger person.
19:28I've known Andreas practically since I moved to Minnesota.
19:33I would say Andreas is my closest friend that I have up here.
19:36My man. My man. Get money.
19:39He's got a good work ethic.
19:41He takes care of himself, you know, goes to the gym.
19:44He's a good friend to have. He's a good influence.
19:47I feel like you outworking me today.
19:49Working out like you got something on your mind.
19:53There you go.
19:55See what I'm talking about.
19:57Straight aminal, this guy. Aminals!
20:00So what's up, you? What's on your mind?
20:02Olivia. Still. Even though she's gone.
20:07Yeah, I mean, that's tough.
20:09In a way, you're going to carry that your whole life.
20:12I don't think she's ever going to be fully apart from you.
20:17She's always going to be part of your heart at least,
20:20part of your story.
20:22When I first met Ethan, I could tell he's a very fun guy.
20:26He had a spirit about him,
20:28but he seemed to be in conflict with something.
20:31One day he would come very bright, shiny, big smile on his face,
20:35but another day he'd be dim, kind of blank-faced.
20:40Man's been through a lot, a lot of hurt, a lot of difficulties,
20:44and I'm just happy I could be here for him
20:47and help him out any way I can.
20:49Fitness has been one of them.
20:51I feel like maybe I'm coping with it better, but it still hurts the same.
20:55It's not like it hurts less.
20:57Just keep working hard. That work ethic of yours,
21:00you put the E's in electric.
21:03I say we just kind of get out of our comfort zones.
21:06I feel like it would be healthy for you to kind of get out there,
21:10go to some restaurants, go dance a little bit,
21:13hit some karaoke, whatever it may be.
21:16I've never done karaoke. I've always wanted to.
21:18I think I'd be good at it.
21:20I know there's a lot that I have to learn about approaching women
21:25or learning what the...
21:28Like if a girl hits on me or is attracted to me
21:32or shows, like, attraction, I don't know.
21:36I have a really terrible time with missing all that.
21:39I don't know. It's like a curse, I think.
21:42I'd be down.
21:44There's a place not too far away from here.
21:47I think it's called Daisy's or something like that.
21:50They got line dancing. Never been either.
21:52Let's just do that, meet some girls or something.
21:54I'm up to go dancing. I'm not a very good dancer,
21:58but if he goes, I'll go.
22:01Like if he goes out and dances with a girl,
22:03I'm going to be watching him, see what he does
22:05and how he's treating her and laying it on thick and stuff.
22:08I'll be like, oh, yeah, there he goes. There's some more B.S.
22:12Music, Avenue to the Soul. Come on, brother. Let's get some.
22:16I was thinking about writing a rap song the other day,
22:20and I don't know what made me think of it
22:22because it's totally not my style, but I think I could do it.
22:26So, yeah, I think it was something like
22:29four big guys are walking from.
22:32How does it go?
22:36Four big guys walking to the mixy, looking for the big E or the big D.
22:41They won't get me. I'm Biggie.
22:44Just like write something really dumb.
22:47Good times, good times, good rhymes.
22:50What do you think, brother? Let's do some dips.
22:52Sounds good. Good work. Oh, yeah.
22:56How are you, brother?
22:59My energy is through the roof. I'm pumped. Let's go.
23:11I hate these buckets! I hate them!
23:14bass & drums play softly
23:20loud cheering
23:23loud cheering
23:26It's Martin's!
23:28Let's go, baby!
23:30loud cheering
23:32If you guys are looking at a rapper about 50 miles away,
23:35I want to talk to him, and I want to talk to him.
23:38Martin, are you ready?
23:41loud cheering
23:43I'm super excited.
23:45Never been around this many people about to do a race.
23:48My energy is through the roof. I'm pumped. Let's go.
23:51loud cheering
24:04I am so excited. I'm so pumped.
24:07I can't wait to get muddy,
24:09but I do not think I have any chance of winning.
24:11I'm not against my brothers, not against Amber and Dad.
24:16I hope that Rai doesn't beat me, but I don't know.
24:20music plays
24:35So Isaac and I are just running,
24:37and we get to the first spot,
24:40and we're probably like a quarter mile into it,
24:42where we're like, let's walk a little bit,
24:44and we look around, there's no one, not even around the bend.
24:47Oh yeah?
24:50I don't feel like beating him, I feel like winning with him.
24:53Isaac's too scared to beat me.
24:56At some point he's talking like he's going to beat me,
24:59but I was like, I'm not just going to go slower to stay with him,
25:02I'm just going to go at my pace as fast as I can.
25:06crowd cheers
25:09Go Gary!
25:12The bucket carry.
25:15All right.
25:17I'm in good shape in some respects.
25:19When I'm in the gym, I've conditioned my muscles,
25:22but I'm just a little concerned
25:24that I'm just going to get out of breath.
25:27music plays
25:30Oh no!
25:34These are, what are these?
25:38What the hell?
25:40Why a bucket?
25:44We didn't really plan on this,
25:47but I kind of figured it'd end up
25:50Ryan and I tagging along together.
25:52My gosh!
25:58I hate these buckets!
26:01Hit him, hit him, hit him, hit him!
26:08Okay, come on!
26:11Go team turtles!
26:20Isaac's like 20 feet ahead of me,
26:23and all of a sudden the guy goes, you're not going to throw my spear?
26:26Go grab a spear.
26:28I turn around and yell at Isaac,
26:30but he's already like 100 feet away
26:32because he just kept on running, didn't do this obstacle,
26:35and he doesn't even care.
26:37So I throw the spear, it takes me 2 tries.
26:40Does that count?
26:46By now Isaac's way ahead of me.
26:49I'm just going to go this at my own pace,
26:52and if he wins, I've got something to tell him.
26:55He missed an obstacle.
26:59You got this.
27:03Yeah, he skipped a step.
27:05Yeah, he did.
27:07I don't know.
27:09He cheated?
27:11Yeah, he didn't throw any spears.
27:13He just kept on going right past them.
27:15Mike has always been competitive when we were living at the farm
27:18because he was just so much bigger than me.
27:21I'm 5 years younger.
27:23He would wrestle me and just beat me easily,
27:26and that made me so mad sometimes.
27:28So it would be good to actually finally beat him at something big.
27:31I've just got to keep pushing through and not look back.
27:34I hope he doesn't pass me.
27:36Oh, they're doing burpees? Why?
27:40Some obstacles in the Spartan Race are more challenging than others,
27:43and if you don't make the obstacle, you've got to do 30 burpees.
27:51I do not want to do burpees.
27:57Seeing the ropes and my dad over there doing burpees
28:00and how high the ropes actually were, I was like,
28:03this has got to be really, really hard.
28:06I'm going to do it.
28:15Ah! I did it!
28:19I did it!
28:21I climbed all the way up to the top of the rope and rung the bell,
28:24and Dad was still doing his burpees.
28:34I did it! Lydia!
28:36I did it!
28:38Oh, gosh! Come on, Lydia.
28:40Climbing ropes is hard,
28:42but climbing ropes when you're worn out is really hard.
28:46Lydia, you got this! You got this!
28:49You are almost there, Lydia!
28:54You got this!
29:16You've got four sections.
29:18One section in your ropes.
29:20Come on!
29:22Lydia, you got this!
29:24You got this!
29:26Keep going!
29:30You are almost there, Lydia!
29:32You are... No!
29:36Good job! You almost made it!
29:38Keep going!
29:40You know when you go through something really difficult
29:43and then it bonds everybody, and you're like, oh, my gosh.
29:46Like, in 50 years, we're going to be like,
29:48do you remember that Spartan race?
29:50Why did we do that again?
29:54Yeah, rope burn.
29:56Not good.
29:58Yeah, it's definitely a bonding moment
30:00and memory maker for sure.
30:14Oh, f***!
30:19Oh, under!
30:45So I finished 19th out of 1,182 people.
30:49They said the approximate time would be
30:51one to two hours to complete it.
30:53I did it in 39 minutes.
31:07So I finished the race,
31:09and I would say it's a 10 out of 10.
31:12A lot of fun.
31:14And then the feeling of finishing this race,
31:17basically first, I could have kept going.
31:19I could have run it twice.
31:21Good job, Micah.
31:23You didn't throw a spear. I saw you.
31:25Where was that?
31:27Yeah, I saw you after the monkey bars.
31:29The next thing was the spear
31:31where all the bells of hay were in that circle.
31:33And you just ran right past.
31:35I think I got it on camera.
31:37Micah, please don't try to steal my glory
31:39because I missed that one step.
31:41I'm going to say what I say.
31:43You skipped a step.
31:45I did not see it.
31:47I did the monkey bars. It was to the right.
31:49I kept running.
31:51All you do is there's a spear attached to a string.
31:53Throw it into a bale.
31:55That's all you do, and I missed it.
31:57Micah was almost...
31:59He was one minute and 40 seconds behind me.
32:01And so if I...
32:03I don't know. It's close,
32:05but I'm confident that I still would have won.
32:07Who's going to be the next one
32:09to come around the corner?
32:15There's Amber.
32:27Go, Amber!
32:29You beat Dad?
32:33And everyone else.
32:35Amber, how was it?
32:37It was good. It was fun.
32:39I can't tell you how amazing it is
32:41to have all of us spend time together
32:43and do something fun like this.
32:45It's just been a really great day.
32:47Where's Dad?
32:49Give me your mud
32:51and your muck
32:53and your water.
32:55Oh, Dad's right here.
32:57There he is! Come on, Dad!
32:59Go, Barry!
33:01We're on jumps!
33:09All right!
33:11There we go.
33:13I'm very happy.
33:15I'm pleased with myself
33:17to finish like I finished.
33:19It's kind of a parallel to life
33:21that I've just experienced
33:23over the past year or two.
33:25It's like I'm overcoming obstacles
33:27on the course and in life.
33:29That was a blast.
33:31Where are Mariah and Lydia?
33:33Can we crawl through here, Lydia?
33:35They're coming!
33:37They're there.
33:39Trent's lower, though.
33:41Come here, Lydia.
33:45Mariah and I have stuck together
33:47this whole time, and honestly, by now,
33:49I'm not even thinking about
33:51beating her.
33:53Mariah and Lydia!
33:55Who's going to be the last?
33:57I see Mariah running, and I'm like,
33:59no, she's not going to be me now.
34:09I know it was ruthless of me,
34:11but you know what?
34:13It was worth it.
34:15Oh, you did it!
34:17Way to go, Mariah!
34:19Thank you!
34:21Maybe she beat me by an inch,
34:23but I say we stuck together
34:25and we won together.
34:27You finished first?
34:29Because he skips a step.
34:31No, that's not why.
34:33Mariah, I was way ahead of my game.
34:35There's always going to be an argument
34:37about who finished, so the only thing
34:39we can do is run it again.
34:41How are you?
34:45This whole event
34:47of Spartan Race,
34:49it was an awesome bonding time.
34:51Even though we ran individually,
34:53for everybody to finish
34:55and finish strong, that was almost like
34:57we did it. We did it together.
34:59Did anyone here have to do burpees?
35:01I did.
35:03The ropes.
35:05How are you guys doing
35:07these days?
35:09Veronica and I are doing really good.
35:11Is there any chance that she's ever going to join you?
35:13You know I can hear you.
35:33This is a song that I want to call my own.
35:37And I know it's never easy.
35:39So I just got back from
35:41the Spartan Race with my family.
35:43I had a fantastic time at the race.
35:45Did better than I thought I was going to do.
35:47Do you wish your girlfriend
35:49could have been there with you?
35:51Yeah. I wish Veronica could have come.
35:53It would have been a lot of fun with her up there.
35:55How are you guys doing these days?
35:57Veronica and I are doing really good.
35:59We're both staying
36:01incredibly busy.
36:05yeah, we're
36:07having a lot of fun.
36:09You know I can hear you.
36:13I know you can.
36:19How are you?
36:21I'm good.
36:23You're joining us?
36:25We'll see.
36:27You clearly are.
36:29This is a big deal.
36:31What made you
36:33change your mind about going public?
36:35Oh no.
36:37It was definitely a point of
36:39not contention
36:43it was definitely something talked about a lot.
36:45I never was
36:47the person that wanted to be
36:49in the spotlight.
36:51I liked being in the back of the room.
36:53I liked being the one listening to everything.
36:55The one not involved in everything.
36:57If you told me when I first met Micah
36:59that we would be
37:01doing this today, I would be like, yeah, no.
37:03There's no photos of me.
37:05It's been a growing process for sure.
37:07It's definitely been a growing process. First when I met Micah
37:09he wanted to take a photo together.
37:11We were at the beach one day and I was like, absolutely not.
37:13So all the photos he has of me is my hand
37:15covering cameras, constantly hiding
37:17from cameras, from
37:19photos, from, I don't know.
37:21Yeah, I don't really know what it is because
37:23you're definitely photogenic.
37:25I just don't think you are.
37:27It's definitely an insecurity.
37:29Not wanting to be...
37:31I'd rather have memories in the moment
37:33but to make memories with the family
37:35you sort of have to be on camera at this point.
37:37I tried to hide for a while.
37:39It didn't work.
37:41I'm really happy you decided
37:43to, you know,
37:45go public.
37:47I feel like that
37:49kind of takes our relationship to the next level, you know?
37:51That was the most forced thing I've ever
37:53heard you say.
37:55No, I'm really happy you decided to do this because
37:57we could spend more time together, you could see my family more.
37:59Definitely warming up to it.
38:01I missed out on being with the family
38:03at the Spartan race. I missed that
38:07You would have had a lot of fun.
38:09I would have made you run it.
38:11I'd be with Isaac still trying to complete it.
38:13I'm so glad you
38:15backed me up on that because Isaac's like,
38:17Micah, it doesn't matter. Okay, add 20 seconds.
38:19He's still going.
38:21When you say take your relationship
38:23to the next level, it kind of displays
38:25a commitment you've never
38:27made before. Is that true?
38:29I look at
38:31you and me as like we're basically married.
38:33It's like the commitment level
38:35that we have together.
38:37We live together. We have three dogs together.
38:39We had a pretty good life.
38:43I'm lucky I get to live with my best friend.
38:45I had tears in my eyes when you said that.
38:47I tell him that every morning. I was like, I get to live with my best
38:49friend. How lucky am I?
38:51Okay, no, I can't cry.
38:55But I'm thankful for him every day.
38:57So, tell
38:59me a little bit about
39:01your lives here.
39:03What's a typical day?
39:05A typical day?
39:07No, you
39:09don't. Everything interior-wise.
39:11Exterior, that's Micah.
39:13You don't even do everything
39:15inside. If there's an indoor project,
39:17then I do most of it.
39:19But the indoor projects are done outside. Am I wrong?
39:23Was that island moved in there?
39:25I have pictures of you doing it outside.
39:27Yeah, a couple
39:29cutting pieces were done outside
39:31and everything else was done inside.
39:33No, the installation was inside. We couldn't move the door.
39:35We're going to have a real tough time moving.
39:39So, a typical day
39:41looks like I get up first
39:45I make a coffee.
39:47I've started making you coffee
39:49in the morning. I appreciate that.
39:51I've never needed anybody
39:53to support me, but the little things
39:55that he does mean the world to me, like making me a cup of coffee.
39:57On Mondays, if I get home
39:59from work late, he surprises me with my favorite
40:03It's burritos. It's really weird.
40:05I don't like a lot of food, but I love burritos
40:07and chips.
40:09Chips, queso, sour cream, salsa.
40:11Actually, the first time I tried salsa
40:13was with the Plath family.
40:15Yeah, no, I've tried...
40:17When I first met her, her diet was so small
40:19and she barely ate anything,
40:21but I've gotten her to try a few things.
40:23She's tried ranch dressing
40:25and now she loves that.
40:27She tried salsa because of me and now she loves it.
40:29That's one thing I've worked on, having you go out and adventure more
40:31because you like what you like.
40:33You don't like trying new things as much as I do
40:35and you don't realize what you're missing out on.
40:37Food is the man's best friend or it's the best thing.
40:39A dog is a man's best friend.
40:41Food keeps men alive
40:43and food keeps dogs alive,
40:45so food is more important.
40:51You've brought up marriage a couple of times.
40:53You've said that you're like a married couple twice now.
40:55Is marriage in your future?
41:01We both turned it the same time.
41:03That's awkward silence.
41:05It's only awkward if you think it's awkward.
41:09No comment right now.
41:15I want to date a man who like
41:17separates his colors and his whites in his laundry.
41:19Oh my god.
41:21You have a sister.
41:23The first date that I went on post-divorce,
41:29I was like,
41:33Me, 25 years old, never having dated,
41:35I did not suspect anything
41:37when he said,
41:39do you want to go home and meet my cat?
41:41I was like, I love cats so much, of course I do.
41:43So I very quickly learned
41:45that I don't really know a lot about a lot.
41:51Are you guys doing anything this Sunday evening?
41:53What Sunday?
41:55I don't know.
41:57My birthday.
41:59We're actually
42:01setting up like a surprise birthday party
42:03for her.
42:05We're all trying to not blow it.
42:07Dang it, I already made plans.
42:13Hey. Hey.
42:15How's it going? Good.
42:17I don't feel like it's awkward when I see Barry
42:19because we know each other so well after 25 years,
42:21but it's not comfortable.
42:23The girls are ready,
42:25they just have a couple things in the car.
42:27I'm still going through the divorce with Kim
42:29and it's easy to get frustrated.
42:31When is this ever going to end?