Welcome to Plathville S6 Episode 7

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Welcome to Plathville S6 Episode 7


00:00Veronica and I are doing really good.
00:02Um, we're both staying incredibly busy.
00:05You know I can hear you.
00:08Yeah, come.
00:10You're joining us?
00:12Um, we'll see.
00:15You clearly are.
00:16I tried to hide for a while.
00:17Uh, didn't work.
00:20I waited a few months after Ethan and I went separate ways
00:22before thinking about dating.
00:24I was like, I just need my time.
00:26I started dating when I moved to LA.
00:29And there are people who have moved on sooner than I have.
00:32And there are people who have taken a lot longer.
00:34And I just think that it's a personal, individual thing.
00:37There's not one rule book that we all have to follow.
00:39Just going to see what's out there.
00:42That's all.
00:43There they are.
00:44In the past, I was hesitant to see my mom
00:46because there was so much drama around her and Olivia.
00:49And it was just a headache.
00:54Hey, how are you?
00:55There's a whole bunch of things I'd
00:56love to talk to Ethan about.
00:58But I also know where he's at right now.
01:00It was enough for me that he reached out today and hugged me.
01:23It looks like dad isn't here yet.
01:25So you girls want to go run and play a few minutes?
01:30Today, I'm at Bradley's Country Store in Tallahassee
01:33to meet Barry and drop off the girls.
01:37Barry and I split our time with the children 50-50.
01:41We just usually make out a schedule
01:43a couple months at a time.
01:45For the most part, it's a week on, a week off.
01:48Initially, it was hard on the girls going back and forth.
01:52But I feel like overall, the girls
01:54are in a lot better place right now in terms
01:57of how they're handling it.
02:00How do you want to sit?
02:02Cross your legs.
02:07I've pretty much gotten used to the fact
02:10that we're going from mom to dad.
02:15My favorite part about it is, I kind of start
02:18to more appreciate my parents more
02:20when I don't get to see them every week.
02:29How's it going?
02:31So girls are...
02:32Where are they?
02:33They're just, you know, it's a nice day.
02:38They're looking at us.
02:40They're looking at us.
02:43We think they're, like, talking about who gets them.
02:46Yeah, we're like, but it's my turn now.
02:48And really, they're like, it's your turn.
02:50I don't want to.
02:53What have they been doing lately?
02:57Yeah, Taekwondo.
02:58You know, Amber's teaching gymnastics
03:00now two days a week.
03:02She's liking that a lot, right?
03:03She told me she loves it.
03:05So yeah, it's good.
03:08So I'm still going through the divorce with Kim,
03:10and it's easy to get frustrated, right?
03:14And so that's my biggest challenge,
03:16is not just to some mornings wake up and go,
03:18when is this ever going to end?
03:21The thing that's holding things up with the divorce
03:24is just how are we splitting up the pie.
03:28That's kind of holding things up.
03:31Right now, you know, we're just kind of focusing
03:33on the children.
03:34And, you know, it's a common bond that we have.
03:38They mostly finish their schoolwork.
03:42There's a few pages and a couple books, you know, left to do.
03:45But they're either done or really close to done.
03:48They've gone through everything pretty good.
03:51Everything is on course.
03:55I don't feel like it's awkward when I see Barry,
03:58because we know each other so well after 25 years.
04:01But it's not comfortable.
04:04I mean, Barry and I are still working on divorce stuff.
04:07So that doesn't help.
04:09I feel like once the divorce is over,
04:12we'll both be a little more at ease.
04:16But that, you know, remains to be seen.
04:21Anyway, I think that's pretty much it.
04:26Well, there's that other thing, you know, Ethan's divorce.
04:30I saw him a few months ago with Mariah and Micah.
04:34He was pretty quiet.
04:35He didn't say much.
04:36So I don't know much about the divorce.
04:38Anything that I've heard, I've heard from Mariah or, you know,
04:42whatever, just that he seems to be doing okay.
04:45Well, he and I talk, you know, at least monthly.
04:49And so, yeah, I mean, he's just going through the process
04:53of grieving a loss of the whole relationship.
04:58So I just gave him some pointers about that to help him along.
05:04So I think he gets it and he'll just walk through it
05:08and get out of it, I think.
05:11So that's good.
05:13But, yeah, I mean, it wasn't a shock to me when the news hit, right,
05:19because they were growing apart very much.
05:24Well, they were growing apart,
05:25but there were also things that I think we saw early on
05:28that we knew were not long-term sustainable, you know.
05:33Yeah, exactly.
05:34So we kind of knew unless things changed it was inevitable.
05:38When Barry and I saw the way that Ethan and Olivia
05:42interacted with each other, you know, early on in their marriage,
05:45we didn't feel like it was going to really be able to last long-term,
05:49but it was more just observations, you know,
05:52because we weren't going to do anything about it, you know.
05:55It was up to them.
05:58I think in the long run he'll be happier, but it's, you know,
06:02he's got to get through the initial pain of it.
06:07Yeah, I mean, the school of hard knocks is rough,
06:10but it can teach you a lot.
06:13But I have to tell you, when I saw him with Mariah and Micah,
06:17he gave me a huge hug.
06:21And I just, I lost it. I cried.
06:24I mean, that was really nice.
06:27To hear Kim say that Ethan gave her a big hug is encouraging
06:32because she needs it.
06:35She needs her son's love,
06:37and she's been waiting with anticipation
06:40to just move forward with a good relationship.
06:44Also, he needs a mother's love in his life, right,
06:48just like he needs a father's love.
06:50Especially with everything he's going through right now.
06:53Well, um, the girls are ready.
06:56They just have a couple things in the car,
06:59and then I need to run in and do a little shopping
07:02before they close.
07:05Girls, how you doing?
07:08Everything good?
07:11Bye-bye. Love you.
07:13See you later. Okay, bye.
07:16I'm definitely thankful that Kim and I have
07:19a certain level of relationship
07:21where we can keep each other up to date
07:24on what's happening with the children.
07:26Sometimes it's hard to work through that,
07:28and it takes more time,
07:30but it's important that we continue to try.
07:47Good morning. Any breakfast left?
07:50I think you're a little late. I'm sorry.
07:52I mean, there's some here, but I'm about to eat it.
07:55Oh, goodness, whatever.
07:57Well, I guess I'll make my own coffee here.
08:02I'm back in Cairo with my family.
08:05I really love being back here.
08:07I always have, ever since I left,
08:09because I never wanted to leave.
08:11Well, what are we doing today?
08:13Amber, what do you want to do today?
08:15Um, I don't care if anything.
08:17Sometimes it's a little bit sad,
08:19but I could drive down some roads,
08:21and I'm like, oh, dang, I mean,
08:23Olivia's to live right over here.
08:25We could go on walks on the evenings,
08:27you know, over here.
08:29But I still am doing the best that I have
08:32ever been since the divorce.
08:35Are you guys doing anything this Sunday evening?
08:37What Sunday? I don't know.
08:39My birthday. Oh, really?
08:43I find this morning an opportune time
08:46to remind my brothers that my birthday is tomorrow,
08:49if they happen to be free and want to join.
08:52Oh, goodness.
08:54Yeah, I think we're...
08:56Oh, wait, today's Saturday.
08:58Yeah. Um, I really want to...
09:04Dang it, I already made plans.
09:06My 20th birthday?
09:09My 20th birthday?
09:11Not like it's the biggest deal in the world,
09:13but, like, your little sister's gonna be 20.
09:15Yeah, I think I have to, uh,
09:17go see my buddies.
09:19Okay, whatever.
09:23Lydia comes into the kitchen
09:25and starts yacking to everybody
09:27about her birthday plans,
09:29but we're actually setting up, like,
09:31a surprise birthday party for her.
09:33We're trying not to let her in on...
09:36Oh, what are you guys doing today?
09:38I'm trying to figure out something to get into.
09:41We're all trying to not blow it.
09:44Okay, I want to get into something, too.
09:46Am I welcome?
09:48I've been a good girl this whole...
09:50No, I've been a good girl this whole year.
09:52I have one day left as a teenager.
09:54I've got to do something to get it out of me.
09:58Let's go do something.
10:00We wanted to do something a little special for her
10:02because, you know, being the middle child,
10:04I guess that you could feel like
10:06you're more forgot about sometimes,
10:08especially when you have this many siblings.
10:10Okay, they don't care, whatever.
10:12I'll get my coffee then.
10:16I didn't feel bad about making her feel
10:18like we didn't care.
10:20It's all part of the play.
10:22You've got to make her feel like
10:24none of us really care,
10:26but it's just gonna make the high even higher.
10:30We'll make the...
10:36Girlfriend duties.
10:38I don't have any of those.
10:42Me and Isaac kind of make fun of Micah
10:44because right now,
10:46Micah's the only one in a serious relationship.
10:48Don't get yourself in trouble.
10:50Well, if your girlfriend calls, you better pick up.
10:52It's the number one rule with a girlfriend.
10:58Honestly, it's a complete reverse
11:00of what it ever was
11:02or what we thought would ever happen.
11:06Me and Isaac are just goofing around,
11:08free as the breeze, you know,
11:10and Micah's over, like, stuck in the bushes
11:12on the phone with his girlfriend, you know.
11:14It's just ironic.
11:16It's completely backwards
11:18from what we thought would have happened.
11:20He must have found somebody special
11:22to tie him down.
11:24How are you? How are the dogs?
11:26We're good. I'm just working as always.
11:28Wish I could be there with you, though.
11:30When are you gonna come up to Georgia with me?
11:32Maybe next time.
11:34Next time?
11:36Yeah. Can you promise?
11:40It's a little disappointing Veronica's not here.
11:42You know, she's agreed to go public
11:44for the sole purpose of spending more time
11:46with me and my family
11:48and getting to know everyone more,
11:50and then literally the first thing we do,
11:52she can't make it.
11:54It's a little sad, you know, but with her work,
11:56she stays very busy and is unpredictable,
11:58so it's still up in the air
12:00for when she can travel.
12:02Gotta run, but I'll talk to you later.
12:04Love you.
12:06Love you.
12:14When I first got married,
12:16I was like, I'm gonna be a good wife,
12:18cook dinner every single night.
12:20Well, it's nice when you can do it for fun
12:22and not because you feel like you have to.
12:24Not even just expecting her to be making food for him,
12:26but, like, demanding it,
12:28it's almost hard to fathom.
12:30That is what changed it for me.
12:32Lydia's here. Lydia's here.
12:34Lydia's here. Lydia's here.
12:36Lydia just pulled up.
12:38What, did they just pull up?
13:00You can come right on in.
13:04Hi, baby.
13:06Look who's here.
13:08He's your friend.
13:10Oh, he's so excited.
13:12We are in my little apartment here in L.A.
13:14My friend Lily is over,
13:16and we're gonna make tiramisu
13:18and hang out with a glass of wine and just catch up.
13:20Do you bake a lot?
13:24I never turn away a little too much wine.
13:26In answer to your question
13:28of baking a lot,
13:30I used to love it when I was growing up,
13:32and then
13:34when I first got married, I was like,
13:36I'm gonna be a good wife.
13:38I'm gonna cook, like, dinner every single night
13:40and, like, send him with lunch every single day,
13:42and I changed my mind
13:44after time, and I stopped cooking as much.
13:46I just didn't enjoy it as much, so
13:48now that I'm on my own, I find myself cooking
13:50a lot more and enjoying it again.
13:52Well, it's nice when you can do it for fun and not because
13:54you feel like you have to.
13:56That is what changed it for me.
13:58Based on this past
14:00conversation Ethan and I had about
14:02cooking, there seems to be, like,
14:04this public consensus that I
14:06don't cook or I didn't cook or I hate cooking.
14:08There are roles that a man
14:10plays that are different than a woman plays,
14:12and roles that a woman plays are different
14:14than a man plays, and that's natural.
14:16That's inherent in us.
14:18And the whole thing
14:20cooking three meals a day, that is
14:22one of the only
14:24keys to a man's heart. When's the last time
14:26you cooked a meal?
14:32I can cook if I want to.
14:34And if I want to cook, I can do it damn well.
14:36You know, just setting the record straight.
14:38Don't these look
14:40kind of pretty? They look beautiful.
14:42Like, if I say so myself. Yeah!
14:44I think they look great.
14:46Olivia was telling me about her past experiences
14:48with her ex. Not even just expecting her
14:50to be making food for him, but, like,
14:52demanding it. It's almost hard to fathom.
14:54I, myself, and so
14:56many other women that I know personally
14:58and probably that I don't know, would never
15:00do that and never agree to that
15:02and would know that if they're
15:04being told that, it feels wrong.
15:06One thing I've realized is, like,
15:08if I wouldn't be friends with someone
15:10if we weren't in a relationship,
15:12I have no business being in a relationship with them.
15:14If we view the world so
15:16differently that, like, we wouldn't choose
15:18to spend time together as friends if we weren't together,
15:20we probably shouldn't be together.
15:22Right. Exactly.
15:24It's been a few months since Ethan and I signed our divorce papers.
15:26I think I've been on, like,
15:30three dates.
15:32The first date that I went on post-divorce was with a friend of a friend.
15:34We had dinner.
15:36We went to a couple bars. Some live music.
15:38Had some drinks. And then,
15:4225 years old, never having dated
15:44or had any of that kind of experience,
15:46I did not suspect anything
15:48when he said,
15:50do you want to go home and meet my cat?
15:52Because he told me about his cat all night long.
15:54And I was like, I love cats so much. Of course I do.
15:56So I very quickly learned
15:58that I don't really know a lot about a lot.
16:00I did meet his cat.
16:02She was very sweet.
16:04I saw her for all of, like,
16:06a minute.
16:10Why just a minute?
16:12Um, let's just say
16:14it was the first time
16:16spending the night at someone's house.
16:22Was it
16:24overall a good experience?
16:26It was a good date.
16:28He was a lovely gentleman.
16:30And, like, I don't regret it at all.
16:32Like, I think I was just
16:34very self-conscious.
16:36The first date was, like, being thrown into the deep end
16:38and realizing that
16:40I didn't know how to swim.
16:44Um, it was still a good experience.
16:46Listen, I love the pool.
16:48Um, but...
16:50I just decided after that
16:52that I was not really interested in dating in L.A.
16:54So I've been dating
16:56outside of L.A.,
16:58mostly all long distance.
17:00I have found that
17:02that's a really great way to keep a separation
17:04from my single personal life in L.A.,
17:06figuring my s*** out,
17:08and still having some fun when I'm traveling,
17:10going on dates, talking to people,
17:12but I'm not seeing them every day.
17:14It's not going to, like, take over
17:16my personal life.
17:18So I feel like that distance
17:20has been really great for me.
17:22I have realized, um,
17:24in, like, the dating process,
17:26that I'm not the kind of girl who wants to go out
17:28for a fancy dinner and sit down
17:30and have a date that way
17:32because, like, anyone can be really nice
17:34when you're in, like, a really nice setting,
17:36and, like, you're dressed your best.
17:38Like, I want to...
17:40I want to go paintballing with someone
17:42and see how they like competition.
17:44I want to read books to someone
17:46that might be seen as boring,
17:48but, like, what do you do in the time
17:50when it seems boring?
17:52Like, are you a good conversationalist,
17:54or do you need the props of, like, everything?
17:58There was this guy that I met working,
18:00and he was like,
18:02you know, I'm not gonna take you out,
18:04like, for dinner and drinks,
18:06but I also, looking at your social media,
18:08like, you seem like you're an activity kind of person,
18:10and if you'd rather do something different,
18:12you name it, and I'm down.
18:14Let's do it.
18:16And when a guy shows up seeing me
18:18for who I am and meets me right there,
18:20I think that's a great way up front
18:22to just kind of, like, set yourself apart.
18:24Then we went on a date,
18:26and we had so much fun together
18:28and, like, physically very attracted.
18:30Like, it works.
18:32There's a lot of compatibility.
18:34So this guy doesn't live in L.A., then?
18:36This guy is not in L.A., no.
18:40He's a little long-distance talking.
18:42Sounds like there might be potential.
18:44Sounds like there might be potential.
18:50Well, Tiramisu has to sit for a little bit.
18:52Do you want to stay a bit late?
18:54Like, is that fine for Ezzie?
18:56Yeah, we can just hang out.
18:58Only if we can watch Romeo and Michelle.
19:02This house is so cool.
19:04Computer, turn the lights down.
19:08That's at least one chore I don't have to do anymore.
19:12Good morning.
19:32Good morning.
19:36What are you up to?
19:38Uh, church.
19:40Oh, that's right, it's Sunday.
19:44Good morning.
19:46Morning. Happy birthday.
19:50Lydia, happy birthday.
19:52Oh, yeah, happy birthday. Thank you.
19:54Yeah, 20 years old, this is big news.
19:58You look like a little teenager, right?
20:00It's Lydia's birthday today,
20:02and it looks like we have been successful.
20:04It's still a secret.
20:06I don't think she's on to us about the surprise.
20:08So we're going about our day
20:10as it would be in a normal Sunday.
20:12Whoever comes to church, we'll see you there,
20:14and everyone else, we'll see you later.
20:16I'll see you down there.
20:20Oh, my goodness!
20:22The girls are coming with me to church.
20:24Mariah, Isaac, Micah, Ethan,
20:26those 4 that are standing behind
20:28are gonna go over and decorate
20:30at the restaurant.
20:32I know.
20:34Is that an arrow?
20:36Yeah, it's his dream.
20:38Look at it on. I have an arrow in my ring.
20:42Oh, cool. I never noticed that.
20:46I'm on a diamond... No, I'm kidding.
20:48I'll be single forever.
20:50Right now, everyone in my family is single
20:52except for Micah and my mom
20:54and Mercy.
20:56I'm joking about Mercy.
21:00But, Ethan, like,
21:02imagine Dad dating someone.
21:04Yeah, I can't imagine that.
21:06I can.
21:08I think us kids should set him up
21:10on a date sometime.
21:12It could be, like, me and Ethan
21:16a blind date for Dad.
21:18And then it could be Ethan and Micah
21:20finding a blind date for me.
21:26Actually, no.
21:28And then...
21:30I was gonna say it, and then I was like,
21:32wait, actually, no.
21:34Like, someone
21:36that all us kids... Can I find a lady?
21:38Yeah, you can find a lady.
21:40Someone that all us kids, like,
21:42are like, either this will
21:44be really bad or really good.
21:46Yeah, well, of course you have to find someone
21:48that's really bad first, and then you do
21:50the good one later. That way you have some
21:52fun. Oh, yeah.
21:54Yeah, you have some fun.
21:56If you do the good one first,
21:58then he falls in love, and it's like, crap, no, I lost
22:00our opportunity to set him up
22:02with somebody that we can laugh after.
22:06That's what I'm talking about.
22:10I would just like to recall
22:12my first memory
22:14of Lydia. It was the
22:16first hour of labor, and, you know,
22:18it was slow going. So was the second
22:20and the third. And then
22:22by the twelfth hour,
22:24she just wasn't coming.
22:26I was horrified that Barry was sharing
22:28Lydia's birth story.
22:30I mean, I did all of the work.
22:38So, Mom, where'd you say you wanted the streamers?
22:40Go in the middle
22:42and twist it so it looks nice.
22:44Hey, Isaac,
22:46do yours, but go across.
22:48We'll do the white across the center,
22:50black across, and then pink this way.
22:52We're at First and Broad Pizza Company
22:54to celebrate Lydia's birthday,
22:56and it's going to be a lot of fun.
22:58I don't think she knows anything about it.
23:00We have one, two,
23:02three, four, five, six, seven tables,
23:04so about six on a table.
23:08We'll have the whole family here today,
23:10even Ethan and Micah that came from,
23:12you know, out of state.
23:14Nice. Nice job.
23:16Of course, I would have loved to have brought
23:18Ken, but I'm waiting until
23:20all of the children
23:22feel comfortable with it, and
23:24tell me, oh, you're bringing Ken, right?
23:26And then I'll bring him.
23:28Thanks for your help, Ethan.
23:30It's nice to have a good
23:32relationship with all my family again.
23:34The whole thing with me and Olivia has been
23:36very, very painful and miserable,
23:38and I hate it. I wish it never happened,
23:40but in an instance like this,
23:42doing something for Lydia's birthday party,
23:44it's like I can do whatever I want to do,
23:46and there's no, like, consequences
23:48or ramifications for any of my actions.
23:50It's literally up to me, whatever I want to do,
23:52and that's it. The sun goes down with no drama,
23:54and that's, like, unreal.
23:56Okay, I think there's one more of these.
24:00And I know that sometime
24:02I'll have to sit down with my mom
24:04and talk with her a little bit.
24:06Someday I'll meet Ken,
24:08I guess, but for now
24:10I'm just going to enjoy time with my family
24:12and enjoy Lydia's birthday party.
24:18What do you think? I think it looks great.
24:26Ethan and Mariah are having lunch,
24:28so we could go join them.
24:30Oh, yeah?
24:34Oh, that would be good.
24:36I get home from church,
24:38and Micah's the only one home.
24:40Everyone might be off doing their own things right now,
24:42but Micah invited me to go join
24:44Ethan and Mariah for lunch,
24:46so this will be fun.
24:48Okay, well, I'm just about ready if you are.
24:50Yeah, that's good.
24:52I'm hungry.
24:54Yeah, that's good.
24:56I'm trying to not have this big idea
24:58of what my birthday should look like,
25:00just to be disappointed.
25:02You want to take my car or your truck?
25:04Your car.
25:08Here we are.
25:14You need extra hands in decorating?
25:16What do I need to do?
25:18Oh, you could set up the cornhole.
25:20The cornhole stuff?
25:26This is the first time that Barry and I have done
25:28a joint party for one of the children
25:30since we've been separated.
25:32It's definitely a little bit awkward,
25:34but, I mean, I think it's important,
25:36you know, for Lydia to see
25:38that even though we're separated,
25:40Barry and I still both really love her.
25:42Is this a gift for her?
25:46Do you want to put it over there on the gift table?
25:48Well, I want it to be a special gift.
25:50Well, I mean...
25:52We'll put it over here.
25:54All gifts go...
25:56All gifts go over here.
25:58If you want, I can put mine down below.
26:00Well, I'll just, no, I'll put this on the floor.
26:02It can be down here.
26:06Kim and I don't really mix, you know, a lot.
26:08That's kind of just the new norm.
26:10It's definitely a little bit uncomfortable,
26:12but it's for me
26:14just setting aside all those things
26:16and, you know, no hard feelings.
26:18We just move forward with the focus being,
26:20hey, let's make this
26:22a very special day for Lydia.
26:24So Kim, is the plan still on
26:26for her to be here at 2.30?
26:30I'm kind of out of the loop.
26:32I'm just here doing what I'm told.
26:34Yeah, but we're trying to wrap up the preps
26:36and get her here and be ready.
26:38I mean, I'm ready for her.
26:40I think we're all ready.
26:42I'm moving the cake.
26:44So let's just get ready.
26:46I appreciate both my parents
26:48being able to be together
26:50in the same place and be civil
26:52even though they're not together anymore.
26:54And I know under the surface
26:56there's a lot of tension
26:58or feelings.
27:00I certainly hope I'm never in a situation like that
27:02with kids involved.
27:04But if I'm fortunate
27:06I was, I would hope to handle it the same way.
27:08Lydia's here.
27:10Lydia's here. Lydia's here. Lydia's here.
27:12Lydia's here.
27:14Lydia's pulled up.
27:16Lydia's here.
27:18Did they just pull up?
27:20Yep, they just pulled up.
27:26See what Ethan and Mariah
27:28is up to.
27:46I think this one needs
27:48a little bit of styling help.
27:50My sister Lydia Grace
27:52is driving to L.A.
27:54to spend a few days with me.
27:56And last time I was in Arizona
27:58Lydia and I came up with alter ego names
28:00when we went bar hopping.
28:02Jacob, but I go by Jay.
28:04Jackie, my name's Jackie.
28:06And so Lydia told me that my stage name,
28:08gentleman, caller name,
28:10whatever, is Larissa.
28:12So I've ordered a bunch of cheap wigs
28:14and we'll see which ones best suit
28:16our personalities, our alter egos.
28:18I see Lydia.
28:20Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:22Hello, Jackie.
28:24Larissa, do tell.
28:26Oh my God.
28:28I just can't take it.
28:30The wig definitely caught me off guard.
28:32It was very goofy,
28:34if I'm being honest, but it was really,
28:36it got me laughing for sure.
28:38The good thing is I have like 40 wigs
28:40inside so you can choose one too.
28:42Oh, absolutely. I really want to try one of those on.
28:44I think reinventing yourself
28:46is actually pretty hard, especially when
28:48you're trying to figure out what you like and what you don't like
28:50and you're kind of rebranding yourself.
28:52I think it's a natural thing about things like,
28:54what are other men like, you know?
28:56Because if I'm being honest, I don't think
28:58she knows what image she wants to project as a single woman.
29:00This one?
29:02This one.
29:04But when it comes to trying on wigs, I just think that she's having fun
29:06and she's just cutting loose
29:08like she should have done all those years.
29:12I didn't do that right, but it's fine.
29:14You need help up here.
29:16I did.
29:18I look so good.
29:24The biggest thing that I notice when I look in the mirror
29:26these days is
29:28I didn't realize
29:32worn out I looked
29:36I've always thought of myself as like a strong person
29:38but I don't think I realized how much some things
29:40affected me. Like, I remember the last time
29:42I ever asked Ethan if he thought I was
29:44pretty, I'd like done my makeup
29:46that day in a way that I thought he would like and
29:48I walked out and I was like, do you think I look pretty today?
29:50Like, do you like my makeup? And I remember he
29:52looked at me for like a really long
29:54second and then he just goes,
29:56you have 11 piercings on your head.
29:58And then like walked away.
30:00I don't think I realized how deep those things
30:02actually kind of sunk under my skin
30:04and so now I'm just moving
30:06forward and focusing on myself and
30:08gaining some self-confidence back.
30:10And I'm also making that switch in my mind of
30:12I don't need a man to tell me I'm pretty.
30:14You have to get like close over
30:16my shoulder. Sassy.
30:18You look so sexy.
30:20Okay, look down. Look up.
30:24You do look a little like a bible character.
30:26Very kind.
30:28I can't
30:30see your eyes.
30:32I can't either.
30:34You're like those dogs.
30:36Their hair goes in your eyes.
30:38They're like, my owner never took me for a trim.
30:44I just think it's fun to do stuff together, you know?
30:46Just explore. That's literally what
30:48I'm looking for. Would you say you're looking for
30:50something specific with dating or are you just kind of like
30:52open to anything right now?
30:54I feel like
30:56there's very specific
31:00traits and like behavior
31:02I'm looking for, but like
31:04I wouldn't say I have a type.
31:06So you're basically just
31:08pretty much open to anything?
31:10You kind of have to be though, right?
31:12Because you don't really know what's out there.
31:16As of right now, I'm not really like
31:18actively looking, just because
31:20this guy that I'm talking to
31:22on the East Coast, honestly, I think
31:24I really, really
31:26like him. And of course,
31:28you know, we're not exclusive, so there is
31:30the opportunity to still go out and meet other people
31:32and I'm aware he could meet another
31:34girl next week and be like, this actually feels better.
31:36Break it off. I could say the same thing.
31:38It's not an exclusive relationship,
31:40but at the same time, I'm kind of excited to
31:42see if I like somebody.
31:44Do you want to try out our new disguise? Go to town and get a cup of coffee?
31:46Yes, I do.
31:48I finally feel like
31:50I'm in the driver's seat of my own life.
31:54You actually nailed that.
31:56That was so good.
32:08Lydia's here, Lydia's here, Lydia's here, Lydia's here, Lydia's here.
32:12We need to get ready.
32:16You guys get over there, we'll get over here.
32:38I was very shocked.
32:40No idea
32:42anything like this was happening.
32:44I thought dad was still in Tallahassee.
32:46Grabbing groceries after church.
32:48How are you?
32:50Me and Nathan love you so much, we tied balloons around our feet.
32:54Oh man, it's just so good to see my whole family here.
32:56It was actually, they pulled something off
32:58like this without me knowing.
33:02She did not know, it paid off
33:04and it was all worth it, all the effort.
33:06I can't tell you guys how happy,
33:08like just the first of all
33:10that you guys remember my birthday
33:12and then
33:14that you're all here, like Ethan and Micah included
33:16and mom and like everyone here.
33:18Dad and everyone that's living at home is a guarantee
33:20but Ethan and Micah and mom
33:22coming to take pictures.
33:24Yeah, you don't mean as much.
33:28Yeah, we're the run of the mill ones.
33:30We got the three special ones here now.
33:32That's not what I was saying, you guys knew it.
33:34No, we just wanted
33:36to make this happen for you like this.
33:38Create a good memory.
33:40It's just very sweet
33:42that the whole family's here.
33:44It's also kind of a big deal to see mom
33:46and dad here together.
33:48We've all been through a lot less several years
33:50but everyone
33:52came together for me.
33:54I would just like to recall
33:56my first memory of Lydia.
33:58So it all started in the morning.
34:00It was the first hour
34:02of labor and you know
34:04it was slow going. So was the second
34:06and the third and then
34:08by the twelfth hour
34:10she just wasn't coming
34:12because she was stuck in the birth
34:14canal with her fingers in her mouth.
34:16Just like that picture over there.
34:18She was in the birth canal
34:20like that.
34:22I was horrified
34:24that Barry was sharing Lydia's
34:26birth story. One, it sounded like he was
34:28taking credit for it.
34:30He did all of the work
34:32and he gets to just stand up
34:34and say oh yeah
34:3612 hours and like this happened
34:38that happened. It's like hello that was me.
34:40So the brilliance of the midwife
34:42was let's go take
34:44a little ride and go to the birth cottage.
34:46Well she hit every
34:48bad bump in the driveway
34:50and I think it jarred
34:52the fingers out of the mouth
34:54because two miles down the road
34:56out pops our beauty.
34:58Oh my god.
35:00When Lydia
35:02was born, Kim actually
35:04bit me on my thigh
35:06and left bruise marks
35:08and teeth marks. Are we going to do
35:10presents? Are you ready? Sure.
35:12Okay, let's do it. So what I would
35:14like you to do
35:16is just
35:18lift up the cloth.
35:24Oh wow!
35:26I brought you
35:28a shrubbery!
35:30We have been watching
35:32Monty Python recently and
35:34the meme around the house
35:36as of late was that whole scene
35:38of the Knights of Knee
35:40and the shrubbery.
35:42Right? It's classic.
35:44And so I also for Lydia's
35:46birthday went and found a shrubbery.
35:48Oh my god!
35:50Neat! It's a shrubbery!
35:52This is a gift
35:54for forever. Even though it's just some
36:00Okay, this one's for me and mom.
36:02You and mom?
36:06Fancy wrapping!
36:10I'm gonna cry!
36:14Oh goodness. And then mom's gift.
36:18Mom and Amber got me
36:20an electric violin
36:22and this one is really nice.
36:24I've been wanting one like this
36:26for a long time.
36:28Thank you! Oh my goodness.
36:34I mean anything to not have to listen to you play.
36:40Being the middle child, especially the middle child of a large
36:42family, you very easily get
36:44overlooked. So first of all the fact that
36:46everyone remembered that this was my birthday.
36:48Couldn't have asked for more.
36:50I don't care what gifts they got me because this is good enough.
36:54Okay, so there's one more thing that
36:56I wanted to do for Lydia.
37:02I can't believe I'm due on this.
37:04Wait, what?
37:14Okay, so there's one more thing that
37:16I wanted to do for Lydia.
37:20I can't believe I'm due on this. Okay, we got a dunk tank.
37:24And as a little
37:26present for Lydia, I'm gonna get dunked.
37:28Wait, what?
37:30Balls are $5 each, so
37:32buy a ball, dunk your mom.
37:34Oh, I'm dunked.
37:36When we were
37:38brainstorming ideas for Lydia's birthday,
37:40the dunk tank
37:42popped into my mind.
37:44Like a fundraiser for Lydia's
37:46birthday and get her some
37:48birthday money.
37:50This is really weird. Yeah.
37:52Isn't this weird? It's like
37:54kind of shocking, I think.
37:56Everybody's just, really?
37:58This is like really happening.
38:00Oh my goodness. Oh, it's cold out here.
38:04Who wants some balls? What can I do?
38:06How many pairs are you gonna get? Uh, three.
38:08Okay. This is for Lydia.
38:10It's a little chilly out today, and you know,
38:12they didn't fill it with hot water.
38:14They filled it with just the cold
38:16water. I think I'm getting wet today.
38:18Ready, Mercy?
38:20Oh no.
38:22You know what to aim at, right?
38:24I'm trying to hit the red.
38:26Give her room. Let her wind up.
38:28Mom, you don't have anything to worry about. I'm not gonna hit it.
38:30I'm not gonna throw it.
38:32Wouldn't that be funny? Fire!
38:42That was close.
38:44Balls are enough.
38:46I am dreading hitting the water so much
38:48that I feel like every ball that came
38:50at me, I was just like
38:52braced for impact.
39:00Why is it closer than I do?
39:02Did you pay for two balls? Oh, Amber.
39:04I paid for five. He paid for five.
39:08Everyone is taking bets on who's gonna dunk me.
39:10Especially the guys.
39:14Oh, shoot. What was that?
39:16Those three are pretty competitive.
39:18I'm gonna go next.
39:20I feel so bad
39:22for Mom.
39:28Will I throw a ball
39:30at the target?
39:36No, it's just not me.
39:38I'm just gonna watch my boys
39:40take shots.
39:45That was way high.
39:47First throw I throw is
39:49very high.
39:51I'm not gonna let this opportunity pass up.
39:53Alright, someone's gotta do this.
39:55To feel the satisfaction of hitting
39:57that little bullseye and watching her fall in
39:59can't get better than that.
40:01It's gonna be the highlight of my probably month.
40:03Alright, hold this.
40:10Come on.
40:12Someone's gotta do this.
40:20I knew it was gonna be
40:22freaking cold.
40:26I didn't know how hard it was gonna drop me.
40:28And it was cold.
40:30That's all I remember. It was cold.
40:32How cold was it?
40:34I'm sorry.
40:36I know I can run faster than you.
40:38I'm not even scared.
40:40Barry, why don't you go?
40:42Yeah, Dad.
40:44I'm cold.
40:46No way would you
40:48see me on a
40:50dunk tank's platform
40:52in the winter.
40:54She gets a medal for bravery.
40:56You'll get a hug. He's gonna go.
40:58I'll hug you when you dry off.
41:00The next family
41:02gathering, it's Barry in the hot seat.
41:04And I'm bringing Ken.
41:06That was really good.
41:10Lydia, here's your money.
41:16Things are getting strange in Plathville these days.
41:22You threw me in.
41:24I didn't throw you in. I probably walked in there with you.
41:26But I didn't get you wet.
41:28You got me soaking wet last time.
41:30I would not have done that.
41:32Are you in love?
41:34I am not.
41:36I'm waiting for him first.
41:40I'm gonna give you some humility today.
41:46Everyone knows what we're doing tonight, right?
41:48I'm scared.
41:50Tonight we are setting up for a little sex education
41:52pizza adult night.
41:54So we're gonna start with female anatomy.
41:56What is the most sensitive part on the vulva
41:58and what is its purpose?
42:00The vulva is
42:06We need paper.
42:08I miss doing this.
42:10Well, I've talked to
42:12all of my family about
42:14my divorce with Lydia.
42:16I haven't gotten into anything with my little sisters
42:18about it really. I feel bad about it
42:20because it's like a bad example
42:22and my own marriage not working out
42:24because I don't want that to ever
42:26happen for any of them.