My Big Fat Fabulous Life S12 Episode 1

  • 2 months ago
My Big Fat Fabulous Life S12 Episode 1


00:00Previously on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
00:06Dad is about to call Angie for the first time.
00:09Who's Angie?
00:10My half-sister.
00:11You have a sister?
00:12Glenn and Jackie, you did something which gave you...
00:17It's crazy that he fathered a child out of wedlock.
00:20There she is, Dad. There she is.
00:22Look at her.
00:23We're meeting my dad's long-lost daughter
00:25and my older half-sister, Angie, for the first time.
00:28And Angie's daughter, Jamie...
00:30If you treat me like a queen, we'll be okay.
00:34So I can't even eat the food at my own birthday?
00:36Did you think this was your birthday?
00:38Why would we have just a your birthday party
00:39when my birthday is the next day?
00:41So Todd seems to think this is a joint birthday party.
00:44You're leaving?
00:45Yeah, I mean, this wasn't meant for me anyway,
00:47so it doesn't matter.
00:48This is so stupid.
00:51Where are you?
00:53Met this guy. He lives in Paris.
00:56I'm very, very into it.
00:57She's a smitten kid.
00:58I know.
01:00Todd doesn't know about the guy.
01:01Whitney has met a man.
01:03Has he met her, though?
01:05Whitney's getting herself into another long-distance relationship
01:08with another unattainable man.
01:10We've instituted a new policy.
01:13A don't ask, don't tell.
01:16I was like, are we in an open relationship?
01:18That's the definition of an open relationship.
01:20Logically and practically, I have no idea how it would work,
01:23but I just keep coming back to like, but I really love him.
01:27Yeah, I really love him.
01:37You and Hunter were talking about something.
01:39He said, you were born to be a singer and a dancer.
01:43You were born to be a singer and a dancer and work.
01:47At McDonald's.
01:53They probably won't even have McDonald's anymore when I grow up.
02:09You get the speaker and I'll take her outside.
02:13Come on, honey.
02:15Go, girl.
02:17Come on, sugar.
02:18You gotta go outside.
02:20This past year of my life has been, without question,
02:25the most terrifying, sad, and tumultuous year I have ever experienced
02:32and hope really to ever experience for the rest of my life.
02:37My mother died.
02:38I discovered that I have a sister I didn't know about.
02:41And like an idiot, I'm still running away to France
02:44to be with a man who has absolutely no intention of marrying me.
02:49He's got a little something for us.
02:52And it's not good.
02:53But neither are we.
02:55I'm great.
02:56Meanwhile, all of my ex-boyfriends are moving on to bigger and better things.
03:01And I feel like I am just in a black hole of Greensboro
03:05trying to find my way out of the chaos of it all.
03:09And on top of that, I'm adjusting to my body
03:13because I've lost 50 pounds really quickly after my mom died.
03:18So I'm in a weird place.
03:20But instead of wallowing, I want to focus on something
03:23that can quiet that noise.
03:25And I know what that is.
03:26It's dance.
03:29Stretch me!
03:31And see, I've lost everything.
03:33Watch how much I've lost.
03:35I've lost everything.
03:37I've lost it.
03:38Remember when you used to be able to go behind my head
03:40and I've lost the meaning!
03:42This is your max?
03:43Okay, I got it.
03:45You think?
03:46Yeah, but you can push me further.
03:48Oh, oh!
04:00That's the one!
04:05Okay, that's good.
04:07No, no, no!
04:08No, no!
04:12Oh, my God.
04:13I finally saw a show at Moulin Rouge when I was in France.
04:16And then I went to the Crazy Horse,
04:18but the star attraction was my French man.
04:22My relationship with the French man
04:24has felt a little bit on again, off again.
04:27Even though we technically broke up months ago,
04:30I am still in love with him.
04:34But when it came down to it,
04:36I still ended up back in Paris for almost six weeks,
04:41hoping that maybe something would change.
04:44But it's just not practical.
04:46I'm not able to move to France right now.
04:48He will never move to Greensboro.
04:50And it just felt like it couldn't go anywhere.
04:54So we did say au revoir for the last time,
04:58and that was extremely difficult for me.
05:04It sucks because I really love him,
05:06but I have to find some way to move on.
05:14I just thought we needed to see what we still had.
05:18We wanted to turn 40, and I'm not going to go to my 40th
05:20for not being able to do what I could do when I was 30.
05:22I prepared something very simple.
05:24It goes a one and two,
05:27and then three and four,
05:30and then five and six,
05:34and then seven, eight.
05:38Was that two body rolls?
05:40Oh, I'm not right.
05:41Yeah, you're not right.
05:42I made it back from France just in time
05:44to see Buddy and Courtney get hitched,
05:46and of course Lenny's in a serious relationship as well,
05:49and I'm thrilled for them.
05:50I really am.
05:51But especially after coming off the heels
05:55of my own heartbreak,
05:58it can be hard to not just see
06:02a huge chasm between myself and my friends
06:07who are experiencing all of these wonderful milestones
06:10that I would like to experience too.
06:13Are you ready to try it full out?
06:15I never mark.
06:17Because I can't do it full out when you're marking
06:19because then I don't know what the move is.
06:21Exactly, and what does that mean,
06:22that I have all the knowledge and you're just...
06:24Because you made it up, and so I can't know
06:25until you show it to me.
06:26Exactly, so again, you admit that I do all the work.
06:28So you're monopolizing the knowledge
06:29in order to make yourself look better
06:31and keeping it from me.
06:32I don't think so.
06:33Todd's been living in my attic for the last several months.
06:35I'm not officially a member of the household,
06:38not like a roommate would be.
06:40Yeah, we have an interesting arrangement.
06:42I mean, when people say, does Todd live there,
06:44I'm like, ah, I mean, basically, yeah, but...
06:46The amount of things that I do,
06:47you can never get by without me.
06:51When I step in the room with a black dress,
06:54flexin', I'm not invited to my ex's,
06:56but I know I'm home if it ain't about the money,
06:58I ain't here to run the messages.
07:01No, I'm comin' with a check,
07:02you ain't lookin' at me,
07:03trick or treat for a laugh,
07:04all the way back,
07:05everybody knew it,
07:06bro, check,
07:07all the way back,
07:08all the way back,
07:09all the way back,
07:10all the way back,
07:11all the way back.
07:12One thing about dance never lets me down.
07:13No matter how long it's been since I danced,
07:15once I start, I'm the happiest I've ever been.
07:18I could just be like...
07:22You know, you just get into it.
07:30Or walker.
07:34Sometimes I slap myself too,
07:36like, I'll be in the car,
07:37and I'll be like...
07:39And I did that when I was a kid.
07:42Is that it?
07:43Do we need more?
07:44That's good for now,
07:45because we're 40.
07:46We're not 40.
07:47We're 40.
07:48We're almost 40.
07:49My highest self knows that,
07:52ultimately, my life is wonderful,
07:55and I have so much to be grateful for,
07:58and so I feel really guilty
08:01admitting that it's also really hard
08:04for me to see that.
08:06It feels like everyone that's been by my side
08:10It feels like everyone that's been by my side
08:15for 20 years is now in front of me,
08:19and I'm just kind of trailing behind
08:22with a gaping, broken heart.
08:26And that's not the place you want to be in,
08:28you know, when you're thinking about
08:29going into the next phase of your life.
08:32It just feels really dismal,
08:35and I literally, I just don't know, like,
08:39what I'm supposed to do next.
08:52Honey, we're not going out yet.
08:54Mommy's got to work.
09:01What you doing?
09:02Oh, I'm just getting these videos
09:03ready to give to you.
09:04Well, I'm not back.
09:05If you want to meet me out here?
09:06Yeah, I'll come outside.
09:08All right, cool.
09:10No, Goosey stays.
09:12Goosey stays!
09:21I had a baby.
09:25Yeah, I did.
09:28You want to sit down?
09:29Oh my God, you almost just,
09:31I'm like, I'm passing out.
09:33Oh my God, I have chills.
09:34Oh my God.
09:35I'm a dad now.
09:36Oh my God!
09:39A couple months ago,
09:40right before I left for France,
09:42Lenny dropped the biggest bomb on me.
09:45Not only was his girlfriend Allison pregnant,
09:49but she's been pregnant for seven months.
09:51So to say the least,
09:53I was extremely surprised, shocked,
09:55confusion, also thrilled.
09:57Oh my Lord.
09:59Can I see pics?
10:01Where is it now?
10:02It's at home with Allison.
10:03It's at home.
10:04What is it?
10:05It's a girl.
10:06I was like checking the confetti.
10:07I was like, wait a minute, what is it?
10:08I thought it would be pink confetti.
10:10Oh my God.
10:13So the past year I started dating
10:15a really wonderful woman,
10:17and very quickly I got her pregnant.
10:20At one point I didn't think
10:22I would ever have children
10:24just due to my age and all the chaos
10:27that has happened in my life.
10:29But now Allison and I
10:31have a little girl named Genevieve,
10:35and she's the most beautiful thing
10:36I've ever seen in my life.
10:38Oh my gosh.
10:39Congrats to Allison, obviously.
10:41Am I ever going to meet her?
10:44I know you told me,
10:45you guys have to meet each other
10:46before the baby comes,
10:47but then I went to France,
10:48and we never did.
10:49Well, we didn't think
10:50she was going to pop out this soon.
10:52Now what?
10:53Okay, well, we...
10:54Did you play a really fun game without me?
10:56How announcement.
10:58Well, not we.
10:59I mean, I didn't have,
11:00I wasn't involved.
11:01I had a baby.
11:03No, no, no.
11:04We had, like, show.
11:05What kind?
11:07What kind?
11:12It was the gestational period.
11:15He told me two months ago
11:16before I left for France,
11:17but he said I couldn't tell nobody,
11:18so I didn't.
11:19Did she cry?
11:20I mean, she's a baby.
11:21Eat and sleep?
11:22She drinks milk,
11:24and she cries and shits herself.
11:26Oh, diapers.
11:27Y'all, you should get diapers.
11:28Hey, Dad.
11:30What are you doing?
11:31I'm just in my room
11:32working on the computer.
11:33Oh, are we being loud?
11:36Well, come out here.
11:37I got something to tell you.
11:38Oh, okay.
11:39I'm on the porch.
11:40Okay, love you, bye.
11:42Get, get, get, get, get, get.
11:43Do we have any more?
11:44Yeah, I got some more.
11:45Shh, shh, shh.
11:46How many do we have?
11:47I didn't get one.
11:49From when I got to find out.
11:51What is this?
11:52Silly string.
11:53Silly string.
11:54Oh, my God, my dad is gonna freak.
11:56Oh, my God.
11:58Oh, my God.
12:00Now, what was that?
12:01I had a baby.
12:02Do what?
12:03I had a baby.
12:04I'm a dad now.
12:06You're a dad?
12:08Well, did you know?
12:09No, well, I know.
12:10I mean, I've just found out just now
12:11that he's had the child.
12:12It's a girl?
12:15When did this relationship start?
12:18At least not months ago.
12:19At least not years ago, yeah.
12:21About a year.
12:22So, what's the future?
12:27I think he wants to know,
12:28are you getting married?
12:29I haven't asked her yet,
12:30but I plan on it, so...
12:32Seems like that would have been something
12:34you'd have been talking about.
12:35Dad, he's gonna ask.
12:38I mean, she doesn't have any idea now.
12:40Are you gonna stick around or not?
12:42Yeah, she knows.
12:43We're close, Glenn.
12:44We're pretty close.
12:45Dad cannot...
12:47Obviously, you were pretty close.
12:49Here we go again, Dad acting like he is
12:51the most traditional man to ever walk the planet
12:53when, in fact, we know that he had
12:55a secret daughter his whole life.
12:58And he's like, I don't understand
12:59having sex outside of marriage.
13:01I think you do understand it, Daddy.
13:05How are we gonna announce...
13:06How are you gonna announce this
13:07to the bigger community?
13:09He said, how are we?
13:11We didn't have a baby shower,
13:12so we're thinking, surprise, we have a baby.
13:16So, can you, like, help me...
13:17You wanna, like, host,
13:18like, a little surprise baby thing?
13:22I mean, I'll...
13:23Yeah, I'll do it.
13:25All right, well, I trust you.
13:26Some people might think it's strange
13:28for an ex-girlfriend to be
13:29throwing a baby reveal party,
13:31but personally, I think
13:32baby reveal parties are strange.
13:34This whole situation is strange.
13:36And, honestly, I do wish that
13:38I maybe could have met Allison
13:41before I also meet her baby,
13:43like, all at the same time.
13:44You know, what if we don't get along,
13:46or what if it's just awkward and weird?
13:49Like, a year ago,
13:51Lenny and I were kissing in St. Lucia,
13:53and fast forward to today,
13:54and he is basically married with a baby.
13:57And I'm just sitting at home alone
13:59with my cats, about to turn 40.
14:01Tell Allison I said congratulations,
14:04and I can't wait to meet her.
14:06I'm gonna start cleaning.
14:10Okay, I followed Mom's recipe.
14:12What the f*** was that?
14:14It was eggs.
14:16They got thrown at the house.
14:17That's on the doorbell cam.
14:18It's hate mail that someone dropped off
14:20before they egged my house.
14:22F*** you, fat bitch.
14:24It's just scary how invested
14:27people are into hating me.
14:54Hey, girl.
14:55How are you?
14:57You look so pretty.
14:58Thank you, so do you.
15:00Well, isn't it just Christmas?
15:02I know.
15:03It comes earlier every year.
15:04Oh, my God.
15:05Starts, like, August, September.
15:07Buddy has been living in Southern Pines
15:09for a few years with Courtney,
15:11and I've never actually been before today.
15:14I haven't seen you since the wedding.
15:16I know, I just wanted to stop in.
15:18It's been over a month
15:20since Buddy and Courtney got married,
15:21and I am ready to check out the town
15:23and see what Buddy's newly married life is like.
15:27How does it feel to be married?
15:29Feels good.
15:30Me and Dad loved the wedding.
15:31It was beautiful.
15:32Oh, thank you.
15:33Everything was perfect.
15:34You looked so beautiful.
15:35Oh, thank you.
15:36The whole thing.
15:37Oh, hey.
15:38Hey, what's up?
15:41I didn't see you behind the tree.
15:43How was the drive?
15:44I was behind a state trooper
15:45for, like, 45 minutes,
15:47so I couldn't, um...
15:48Yeah, I don't really,
15:49I don't pass them either.
15:50No, certainly not.
15:51As daring as I am.
15:53Oh, s***!
15:54Sorry, I tried to catch it.
15:55I failed.
15:56I've been thinking about coming to Courtney's shop
15:58many a time,
15:59and I had never imagined myself
16:01coming in and, like, wrecking merchandise,
16:03but hopefully I didn't break it.
16:05Oh, before I forget,
16:06I want to invite you both to a party,
16:08and it's themed.
16:09It's just to wear pink.
16:10Pink party?
16:11It's just, it literally just, it's...
16:12I just wanted to have a party
16:13because I haven't seen everybody in so long.
16:15But why pink?
16:16I just thought it would be fun to wear pink.
16:19You got pink?
16:20No, I don't.
16:21Do you have a salmon?
16:22A sensible salmon?
16:23I will.
16:24Courtney, get this man a sensible salmon.
16:25We like black.
16:26I know for a fact
16:27Whitney doesn't even like the color pink,
16:29so I don't know what the hell's going on.
16:31Pink took me, uh...
16:32It got me off guard a little bit,
16:33but all right, we can do it.
16:34Okay, okay, okay.
16:36So how does it feel being a married man?
16:37Feels fantastic.
16:39I'm married to the love of my life,
16:41no question.
16:43I think about it every day,
16:45and I'm getting choked up now.
16:47All right.
16:49I'm just thrilled.
16:50Happier than I have ever been in my life.
16:57Y'all have fun.
16:58We will.
16:59Buddy and I have been through a wide range of things
17:02over the last decade,
17:04and I have felt every feeling that you could feel for him,
17:07including romantic feelings.
17:09Can we do one of those marriage packs
17:10where, like, if we're both single by the time we're 40,
17:12we'll just, like, marry each other?
17:14I already got, like, four girls on the back burner, man.
17:17Excuse me.
17:18All right, this is your pizza right here.
17:20Thank you.
17:21All right, I'll bring your change back.
17:23Do I need to legally bind you to this?
17:25I feel like I can't trust you.
17:26You need my signature here.
17:28I'll sign this box right here.
17:30I will marry...
17:35He has been my best friend,
17:36and he's always been my boo bear,
17:38and that's the thing that's...
17:41kind of, like, disorienting,
17:43because I realize that he's not my boo bear anymore.
17:49Whenever I hear train in the distance,
17:51I always think it just sounds romantic.
17:53Oh, man.
17:57How are you doing?
17:58This is cute. I'm good.
17:59How was your trip?
18:00Oh, it was wonderful.
18:03No, it was.
18:04That's why I'm miserable.
18:05Right, yeah.
18:06I didn't even realize you guys were back on, honestly.
18:08It just sucks.
18:09Like, I've never gone through a breakup with somebody
18:11that, like, I didn't feel like there was a reason,
18:13like, a good reason.
18:14Well, I guess the good reason is, what,
18:17No, I know.
18:18But I mean, just, like, you know, him.
18:20Like, I have never loved somebody the way I love him.
18:24Sorry, man.
18:27I was really disappointed to hear
18:29Whitney and the French man
18:31decided to go their separate ways.
18:34I guess now that they're both kind of, you know,
18:36decided that they want to stay where they are,
18:40it doesn't make sense to go forward.
18:45It took you a while to find him,
18:47but you did find him, you know?
18:49I mean, I know it's, I don't,
18:51I don't want to, like, say anything too dismissive,
18:55but it's, and plus, you got to,
18:59you got to hurt your hurt, too, you know?
19:02I came home, went to your wedding,
19:04and then, like, the next day, I was, like, in a black hole.
19:07Like, I'm not, I'm not anywhere near you.
19:09I'm like, I'm not, I'm not anywhere near you.
19:12Again, I'm not, I'm not anywhere near out of it.
19:14Still, still on the, on the descent.
19:16I'm so sorry, dude.
19:20I got to, I got to do something,
19:22change my life around, because I am just not.
19:24Yeah, me and you both.
19:26See, that's the thing, like...
19:27You just got married.
19:28You are in the, you are, like,
19:29on the cusp of, like, a whole new life.
19:31I know, and, and, and talking to you
19:33is making me appreciate what I do have
19:35and what I don't have.
19:36Yeah, anytime you need to remember what you have,
19:38you call me.
19:39No, but it's like, you know, I don't have a career,
19:41and, you know, I, like...
19:42Well, yeah.
19:43I'm, like, up to my...
19:45hair follicles and debt.
19:47But, you know, the grass is always greener, right?
19:49I'm like, I, you know, I would love a partner, and...
19:55I'm suddenly, like, just really, like,
19:57right lonely, I feel, you know?
20:01Well, you do have a whole new family.
20:04True, but I can't...
20:06Maybe you could find a distant cousin or something.
20:15Oh, a train.
20:17Perfect timing.
20:18I hear we are having the most depressing conversation
20:20on Earth, by the track,
20:22and here comes the train.
20:24Hold me down.
20:26Well, it's Thelma and Louisa.
20:28I want to remain, like, optimistic
20:31that things are going to work out
20:35and things could change or get better.
20:38And being that I'm coming up on my, you know,
20:40my 40th birthday, it's a milestone birthday.
20:45I mean, from the outside,
20:47people would think I'm functioning fine, right?
20:49Like, whatever, but I'm not happy.
20:53And I just, you know, I want certain things for my life,
20:56and if I have to ask for help to get those things,
20:59then I just feel like I should do that.
21:04I feel so grateful for you.
21:06Thanks for saying so.
21:08I miss you.
21:18Okay, I followed Mom's recipe.
21:21Chicken and dumplings.
21:23Of course, I have no faith in that it's going to taste
21:25anything like hers.
21:27Well, we'll give it a try.
21:28It doesn't look totally wrong.
21:30It doesn't look the same.
21:32They're firmer.
21:33We've got a homemade ranch for the salad.
21:36Well, don't eat too much.
21:39We've got to be, what, are we going swimming?
21:42We've got to save some space for Thanksgiving dinner.
21:46Well, Daddy, that's not...
21:48If I've got at least 24 hours, I...
21:50Now, I can understand if Thanksgiving was in about two hours.
21:53Right, right.
21:54But it is not.
21:56My nephew, Ryan, and his girlfriend, Lizzie,
21:59live in Kentucky, and they have invited us,
22:01along with all of the Alabama family, of course,
22:03to celebrate Thanksgiving at their house.
22:06So we're super pumped.
22:08Well, while you were in Europe,
22:10Hunter and I went to Dauphin Island.
22:12We had a good time, and, you know, it got me thinking.
22:15When we were in Switzerland talking about moving to Alabama,
22:19I wanted to spend some more time getting to know Angie and her family.
22:23You sure did.
22:24Let's bring up the trauma.
22:25You sure did, Dad.
22:26Let's just bring it up.
22:27But, you know, I never really considered a permanent move.
22:30You know, it hasn't been that long since your mom's not been with us.
22:35And Bev's is only about 15 minutes away from here.
22:39And I visit her at least once a week, sometimes two or three times,
22:44and I just couldn't bear the thought of not being close to visiting her.
22:53I was able to go to Alabama and spend some time with Angie and her family,
22:57but, you know, really moving to Alabama after I thought about it
23:00was probably not the right thing for me at this point.
23:03I mean, losing Bev's is something that is catastrophic in my life,
23:08and that's a good reason for me to stay close to family
23:11and have their support because I miss her terribly.
23:16I've been thinking, you know, this has become my home, really.
23:20We've got that big house, and I think we ought to consider selling it.
23:29I mean, we don't need 4,000 square feet home for Hunter and a couple cats.
23:35I didn't know that you were permanently here.
23:39I haven't made my mind up about any of it. I'm just thinking out loud.
23:42Well, that'll make me sad, honestly.
23:44I don't know what we're doing with the house,
23:47but I never envisioned not having it.
23:49And I just feel like Mommy's still kind of there.
24:04What is that?
24:06There's something here.
24:18What was that?
24:21Did you guys see anything?
24:34What the f***?
24:38What the f***?
25:02It was eggs. They got thrown at the house.
25:05I think whoever did this waited until they saw a TV crew at my house.
25:12And it makes me even more angry
25:14because now they're getting the attention from this
25:18that they obviously so desperately crave.
25:24Oh, my God. Give me that. Give me that. Give me that.
25:26Give it to me.
25:29No, we're not doing this.
25:31Oh, God, for a minute.
25:36What is that?
25:38Let me see.
25:52It's hate mail that someone dropped off on my doorstep
25:55along with some flowers before they egged my house.
25:58It's not the first nasty card or comments, certainly.
26:01I get comments that I couldn't even speak out loud.
26:04You can't even... You can't even imagine it.
26:07But it is a little different when it comes to your home
26:10and you know that it wasn't even mailed to your home.
26:13There was a person on your doorstep.
26:16Well, look. This is who did it.
26:20That's on the doorbell cam.
26:24What the f*** is that?
26:26Someone's got a mask on.
26:35That looks like a man to me.
26:37That was definitely a guy.
26:39That's a guy? But this is... This looks like a woman.
26:42What a sad, pathetic life you lead.
26:45You're the most annoying, selfish and disgusting woman on TV.
26:50How does it feel to know everyone is laughing at you all over the world?
26:54Your friends are all paid, ha-ha.
26:57No man will ever love you. You are too ugly and gross.
27:01No one likes you and you will die alone.
27:04I hope it's soon so your dad and brother are rid of you.
27:07F*** you, fat bitch.
27:14This kind of criticism focusing on my family...
27:19I've never heard it so much, the amount of people that told me,
27:22Whitney, I hope you watch yourself on TV
27:24and I hope you see how embarrassed your father is of you
27:27and I'm so glad he has a new daughter
27:29who's pretty and thin
27:32and has been married and has kids.
27:34Thank God Glenn finally has someone normal.
27:37But my dad loves me.
27:39My dad thinks that I'm the best thing in the world,
27:43the thing I've never questioned in life,
27:45no matter what I've been through in life,
27:47I've never questioned how much my parents love me
27:50and I'm so fortunate for that.
27:52This is not the first time, you know, something like this has happened.
27:57I mean, bricks through the car windows twice
28:00and the van, when the van got vandalized,
28:03it said something, whatever, fat bitch or whatever,
28:06that says f*** you, fat bitch.
28:08Like, why do people, like, hate me that much?
28:14When I say that people hate fat people,
28:18yeah, they do.
28:20And even though I try to not let it affect me,
28:22like, I don't think that I'm ugly.
28:24But when you hear on a daily basis
28:28people tell you that you are hideous, disgusting,
28:31they wouldn't touch you with a 10-foot pole,
28:33there's no one that could possibly ever be interested in you,
28:36it affects you.
28:38It does. There's no way that it can't.
28:41All I ever wanted to do with this
28:44is just make people happy and help people.
28:47That is literally the only reason
28:49I've sacrificed my entire personal life to do this.
28:52You know, that's the only thing that makes me feel good,
28:55is to know that somebody is seeing me on TV
28:57and feeling good about themselves.
28:59That's the only reason why I would ever do this s***.
29:03I know.
29:04I don't want, like, I've dealt with this for so long.
29:06But you know the thousands of people
29:08that you have affected positively.
29:10I mean, people who've sent you message after message
29:13about how their life's been changed by you,
29:15so don't dwell on that.
29:23I love you.
29:27People just are so miserable and so hateful,
29:32and they just project all of that onto you.
29:37You're just a thing for them to just, you know,
29:41throw everything onto.
29:44Let's get the hose and we'll just rinse it off.
29:46If it dries, you won't ever get it off.
29:53It's just scary how invested people are into hating me.
30:10Thank you so much for gathering here.
30:12You'll be introduced to someone new.
30:15Whitney was just in France,
30:17and even though things didn't work out with the French man,
30:20some baby-making activities may have still occurred.
30:24Are you pregnant?
30:39You see my decorations?
30:40Uh-huh. It looks great.
30:42That's where Allison and Lenny will sit.
30:44Now, when everybody comes in, they're all going to get a pacifier.
30:48Throwing this kind of party is a very new experience.
30:52I've literally never heard of a surprise baby party in my life,
30:56and I certainly didn't expect to be throwing one
30:59for my ex-boyfriend and his new partner,
31:01whom I have literally never met.
31:03This is for everybody to sign.
31:08Oh, Whitney, where you are?
31:11Can we come in?
31:13Oh, hi!
31:15Look at the tutu.
31:17Pink stuff everywhere.
31:19Is that Gucci?
31:22This is one of Todd's dog-sitting clients.
31:25OK, why did I think you had a new dog?
31:27This isn't a new dog for you?
31:29No, this is not like a paw party.
31:32We thought you were introducing your new dog.
31:35No, but welcome to the pink party.
31:37I've never been to one. I don't know what it is.
31:40Are we going to do...
31:41Is this a baby shower?
31:42Are we about to do drugs?
31:43Now I'm very terrified.
31:45This is rave.
31:46Glenn, what are we doing here?
31:48I came too.
31:49Thank you so much for gathering here today.
31:54I do have an announcement to make.
31:57In the coming months,
32:00you'll be introduced to someone new.
32:04I do have some food available for us.
32:07There is only one bun, though,
32:09and it is in the oven.
32:11Oh, my God.
32:12OK, Whitney...
32:13Whitney was just in France,
32:15and even though things didn't work out with the French man,
32:18some baby-making activities may have still occurred,
32:22so is this a surprise I'm pregnant with a girl party?
32:28Sometimes we have to learn to expect the unexpected.
32:34Are you pregnant?
32:36Are you pregnant?!
32:40You bitch.
32:43But somebody that we care about has a surprise,
32:47wanted me to throw a little party,
32:50so if everybody will come, come, come.
32:52At this point, I'm honestly not sure
32:54if I'm more excited to meet this newborn baby
32:57or Lennie's girlfriend of, like, the past year,
32:59who I still have never met.
33:01I truly don't know the first thing about her.
33:03I've never seen her.
33:04I've never seen her social media,
33:06and I just really hope that she likes animal safari themes.
33:13Oh, my God.
33:17Nice to meet you.
33:18Nice to meet you.
33:19I've heard so much about you, of course.
33:21Okay, wait, I'm going to ping, I'm going to ping,
33:23because I want to show what it means
33:24and what everybody else means.
33:26Hi, baby.
33:27Whitney told me to trust her for this party.
33:30I'm doing that.
33:32Hi, Genevieve.
33:33Allison's very nervous for everyone to meet her and our child.
33:37You know, she's a shy person, you know, which is fine.
33:40I can do all the talking.
33:41Oh, my gosh.
33:43Okay, all right, well, welcome to your baby shower.
33:46Wait a minute.
33:48The special guests.
33:50Oh, my God.
33:52Look what I got.
33:53It's Lennie's baby.
33:55You had a baby?
33:56Oh, my.
33:57She had one.
33:58This is Allison, my girlfriend.
34:01Yes, they literally had a baby.
34:02That's your baby?
34:06Oh, my goodness.
34:08You guys are parents.
34:10Yeah, I know.
34:11Lennie walked in with a whole-ass human being.
34:15He walked in with a baby.
34:17What's her name?
34:20That's a beautiful name.
34:21That's a strong name.
34:23I knew that he had a girlfriend that he really liked a lot
34:25and thinks we're very serious,
34:27but I didn't know he was hiding a child.
34:30Okay, well, let's raise a bottle to Allison and Lennie.
34:35Bottles up.
34:37Bottles up.
34:38We're going to have a milk-chugging contest.
34:39Oh, I'm about to win.
34:40Milk is my favorite thing to drink.
34:42Now, there's $100 at stake.
34:43Tal, we know you have the most experience with sucking,
34:45but, okay, here we go.
34:47One, two, three.
34:52No, no, hell no.
34:53No, I'm not drinking milk.
34:54I can't do it.
34:55You got to put it as far in your mouth as you can.
35:02Oh, I love a nipple.
35:04Just when I think I haven't gone to a weirder party.
35:07Oh, Jessica knew that.
35:09All right, so now we know something about Jessica
35:12that we didn't know before.
35:14I got a question.
35:16Was it hard to keep it a secret?
35:18Oh, yeah, we wanted to tell everybody.
35:20So why did you?
35:21I mean...
35:22Because we're not married,
35:23and we don't want everybody judging us and...
35:25Like Glynthor?
35:27Dad's ready to just be like, when is the wedding?
35:30You said that you were still working,
35:34like, basically until the day you gave birth,
35:36like, full on your feet.
35:38She's a massage therapist.
35:39Oh, wow.
35:40Yeah, I had to cancel clients because my water broke.
35:42And Lenny, do you want to give another announcement about that?
35:45Oh, yeah.
35:46I'm going to school for massage therapy.
35:51Allison and her family are massage therapists.
35:54Seeing how much Allison makes, you know, doing it,
35:57you know, I think it would be great
35:59if we both did it at the same time.
36:01So I'm no longer working for No BS Active anymore
36:04because I'm working full-time again
36:06and going to school full-time, and I'm a dad.
36:09That's a lot.
36:11Hey, we're going to have to go soon.
36:13Oh, my gosh!
36:14Can I hold?
36:15Yeah, yeah, yeah.
36:16This is surreal.
36:18Hi, baby.
36:21Oh, my goodness.
36:26Hi, honey.
36:28Did you always want to be a mom?
36:30Or like scared and relieved?
36:31Scared and relieved, yeah.
36:33I'm glad it happened for me.
36:34Yeah, definitely.
36:35I thought I was going to miss it.
36:36Right, that's what I'm going through right now.
36:38I'm just like, I guess I've really literally, I've missed it.
36:41I've missed it.
36:43When I froze my eggs a few years ago,
36:46I think in my mind I always envisioned age 40
36:49as kind of the cutoff point for when I would want to have a child
36:54just because of my age and, you know,
36:57having to hopefully have found a partner in order to do that with.
37:00So now that I'm approaching this age
37:03and I'm holding this adorable little baby,
37:06it's got me wondering what I am going to do with my eggs.
37:10We're going to have to get out of here.
37:12We'll see you guys.
37:14Congrats again.
37:16Go ahead, Rio.
37:17You're the most annoying, selfish, and disgusting women.
37:20It is despicable, the things that are said.
37:22I mean, I just can't even imagine all the emotions she's feeling right now.
37:26I know what I'm feeling, and I'm feeling angry.
37:35You're like my dad.
37:36My dad still bends down to tie my shoe.
37:38My parents will sometimes still cut my meat.
37:40My dad cut my meat until I went to college.
37:42My parents hate me.
37:45Do not give it to me.
37:48I only want the frosting.
37:51Don't leave it there for Goosey either.
37:53She can eat chocolate.
37:54I know, but she will.
37:56You raised her that way.
37:57Lord, it has been a week.
38:00I had a scary thing happen at the house.
38:03Those people who are still here who broke in.
38:05Somebody broke in recently?
38:06No, no, it didn't break in, but I'll show you.
38:09Come here, I'll show you.
38:10It's wild.
38:12It's wild.
38:13She has footage.
38:14Well, I do have footage, yeah.
38:16So we were sitting there at dinner.
38:23It's not like somebody hit like a ball or something on the window.
38:26You'll see.
38:33Then they went to the front door.
38:38They bought flowers?
38:41I haven't read that.
38:42Oh, you haven't read it yet?
38:45Go ahead, read out loud.
38:46You're the most annoying, selfish, and disgusting women on TV.
38:50It is despicable, the things that are said in this letter.
38:53I mean, I just can't even imagine all the emotions she's feeling right now.
38:57I know what I'm feeling, and I'm feeling angry.
38:59Don't let everybody think they say Todd's the only one of Whitney's friends who I like because he hates her.
39:05Oh, my God.
39:07I've never seen that.
39:08I've never seen somebody say that.
39:09People always think that you actually hate them.
39:11But that's not how they put it.
39:12No, he says he tells her the truth.
39:15All her other friends let her slide.
39:18And I'm like, that's true, and I tell her.
39:20You're the one that's hard to handle.
39:21Right, well.
39:24You're not my only friend who hates me, but you're my only friend who will let it be known.
39:29I don't think friends hate their friends.
39:31He's the only one that's honest with her.
39:33He's the voice of all of us.
39:37When I hate someone or think something's gross or horrible or whatever, like, I don't devote my time and energy to it.
39:44And the amount of, like, the harassment and the level of how deep it is and the fact that these people come to my home and do s**t like this, like, it scares me just, like, and how bad people are.
39:54Whitney, I don't really think I have words to make you feel better at all, but just know that I care about you so much.
40:03I wish I could say that none of this harassment bothers me, but it does.
40:11I feel like between my mother dying and breaking up with the Frenchman, I've experienced a lot of significant loss in the last year, and this vile hatred on top of it doesn't help.
40:26And I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
40:31There are parts of me that are strong, but right now I feel like everyone I know has moved on in life, and I'm just, like, a leftover woman who didn't get picked for marriage or for motherhood.
40:46And I don't want to waste my life, and I don't want to waste the time that I do have, but I truly think that I am experiencing, like, a midlife crisis, and I'm desperate to change it.
41:01Let's open it wide up.
41:03This season on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
41:06We're doing a ritual.
41:07He had to put walnuts in my womb.
41:10Do you think that you are ready to move on from the Frenchman?
41:15I still talk to the Frenchman very regularly.
41:18Am I pathetic? Probably.
41:21Hunter is bringing a date.
41:23Wow, you look great.
41:25When I first saw Karen, knocked me out.
41:28Have you told her you love her?
41:32So I'm about to turn 40.
41:33I want to do a big trip.
41:34We're all going to go to Spain.
41:35Wow, okay.
41:36I'm hoping that this birthday in a different time zone, in a different country, could finally give me what I am looking for.
41:46Well, this doesn't look like the coast of the sun.
41:48Another confirmation from the universe or something that I'm like, am I f***ing cursed?
41:52La vida es loca.
41:54Okay, so nobody freak out.
41:56I have bet something.
41:58This could literally be the man I will marry.
42:01I know I sound insane.
42:03Me and Kenny were walking down the stairs and he goes, I'll take you on a real date, but you know I only like small women.
42:09That's disgustingly mean.
42:12I'm a childless woman in the midst of a midlife crisis and I'm determined to find joy in my fourth decade.
42:25In the water.
42:26We're on a nude beach!