My Big Fat Fabulous Life S12 Episode 8 - Who Let the Dogs Out

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My Big Fat Fabulous Life Season 12 Episode 8


00:00What the f**k, pal?
00:03Previously on my Big Fat Fabulous Life.
00:05Do you know what the basil is for?
00:07Emotional balance.
00:09We've got a little bit of a remodel for my dad's bedroom.
00:13As soon as my brother and I learned that my dad wanted to sell the house,
00:16we immediately tried to scheme ways to incentivize him to not do that.
00:20Yeah, I'll walk all over that.
00:22Let's do it.
00:23The solution is to reno the downstairs bedroom.
00:25As soon as possible would be great.
00:27Speaking of like celebrations and plannings and whatnot.
00:29I still do not have a single plan for my birthday.
00:31The vibe that I miss is like St. Lucia vibes.
00:34Oh, my God.
00:35Maybe intercontinental.
00:38I think it's year 10 of the apps.
00:40It's time to try something different.
00:42Yeah, at least something different.
00:43I agree.
00:44I know I can't meet somebody sitting, you know, on my couch with y'all.
00:47I think I might need some outside help.
00:50We're going to do the old-timey, the old-timey way.
00:52Like a matchmaker.
00:54Do they still have those?
00:55Do they?
00:56They have like professional ones that they have to get.
01:22Hey, goose.
01:23Hey, girl.
01:26Oh, lordy.
01:34Hi, Whitney.
01:35Hi, how are you?
01:36How are you?
01:37I'm good.
01:38I'm nervous.
01:39I did not suspect in life that I would need your services.
01:43But I've heard a lot of really good things about you.
01:47It is so nice to meet you.
01:48I'm so excited for today.
01:49Let's get started.
01:51So I took my friend's advice and I actually found a matchmaker.
01:54Her name is Alessandra.
01:55She's based in Beverly Hills.
01:57And we're having our first video appointment today.
01:59And I'm counting on her.
02:01Like, I really hope that I get some good insight from her and that she can help me figure out maybe what I'm doing wrong or guide me on what to do better.
02:09Because I am determined to find my husband in my fourth decade.
02:14I want to learn more about you and what's worked, what hasn't worked.
02:19And if we could back up a little bit, tell me about the last, like, three years dating life.
02:27What's been going on?
02:29So for the last three years, I was involved with a man who lived in France.
02:33We had the most wonderful time.
02:35But logistically, like, I'm not going to move to Paris and leave my dad here.
02:39And he would never move out of Paris.
02:42So even though I've been involved with this French man, I've still, like, kept my dating apps open.
02:47Nothing has ever come my way.
02:49I haven't gotten hit on in public.
02:51You know, I think I have specific challenges.
02:52Like, my size is something.
02:54The fact that I'm now almost 40, I think, is something.
02:57I just am, like, so devoid of any connection.
03:02And I just want some.
03:04It's nerve-wracking being face-to-face with Alessandra.
03:07Like, the fact that you need a matchmaker to help you find a man feels pretty vulnerable and kind of embarrassing.
03:13Even though, obviously, this is what she does all the time.
03:16I'm just really hoping that she has some solutions to facilitate finding me a good quality date.
03:23Dating is not easy.
03:25And I'm so glad you had that time with him.
03:28That was wonderful.
03:30But now that train has left the station.
03:33He was not able to give you the full commitment that you absolutely deserve.
03:39And this is why I recommend different avenues.
03:42Definitely dating apps are one avenue.
03:45I was actually working really hard on the apps for, like, the last couple weeks.
03:48I mean, messaging every single man that I matched with, complimenting people I didn't match with.
03:52I've never put that much effort into it.
03:54And I finally got one response.
03:57And the guy was really attractive.
03:59And I just said, hey, how are you?
04:01And he said, you're a goddess.
04:03And I said, oh, well, that's an interesting, you know, answer to, hey, how are you?
04:06But thank you.
04:07And then he said, DTF.
04:09And I said, I didn't say anything.
04:12And then he said, I'm 11 inches and thick.
04:15You know, so I feel like for me, like, I've had enough sex in life.
04:20You know what I mean?
04:21Most women don't have a problem getting sex.
04:23So I'm not, I don't care about that anymore.
04:25It's like investing, right?
04:27You're not going to invest fully in one stock and one stock only.
04:31And then it's you or die.
04:33So it's the same thing with your dating life.
04:35You want to diversify your portfolio when it comes to, you know, how you're meeting men.
04:41If a man flirted with me in public, much less, like, asked me out, I would fall over and die.
04:45I would be, I can't even fathom it happening.
04:47It's just like, when did I get this lame?
04:49You know, I used to be able to go out to the bars.
04:52I used to be a big drinker.
04:53And I could always find something if I wanted it.
04:56And now I'm not sure that I could.
04:58So that's, you know.
04:59I think this is a limiting mindset.
05:01I really do.
05:02And let me be honest.
05:04I don't leave the house.
05:05So there's also that.
05:06I mean, I have to be, I don't leave the house.
05:09I've definitely become a huge homebody.
05:13And that's the reason I do the apps.
05:14Because I'm like, well, I know I can't meet anybody sitting in my living room.
05:17So, you know.
05:18But I don't ever leave the house.
05:20Listen to yourself.
05:23Oh, my goodness.
05:25The older I've gotten, the more isolation I've imposed on myself.
05:30Of course, the pandemic didn't help.
05:32And I know Alessandra is rolling her eyes.
05:35Like, with the way I live, the only man I would meet would be a pizza man.
05:41Somebody come fix my toilet.
05:43The exterminator.
05:45If you're not coming to me, we're not going to meet.
05:48If you're in your home 99% of the time, you're not going to meet anybody.
05:53And then you're going to only meet the men on the apps.
05:55And they're either going to be socially awkward or looking for sex.
05:59So, first order of business is getting you out of the house.
06:04If you can set a goal for the next two months, I want you to go to one event.
06:14Of any kind.
06:15It could be a conference.
06:17It could be a dog park.
06:19Oh, that's a good idea.
06:20I never go to the dog park.
06:22Dog parks are phenomenal places.
06:24So many single men.
06:25And I have a cute dog.
06:29But whatever it is, one event per week.
06:33Only for the next two months.
06:36I'm scared, but I like it.
06:39When you're at events, good guys, a lot of times they have approach anxiety.
06:44And they're not doing it anymore.
06:46It's not something that's really done.
06:48So, there is a strategy.
06:50It's called dropping the handkerchief.
06:53Dropping the handkerchief.
06:54What that means is ask them a random question unrelated to them.
06:59It's about whatever it is that you're there for.
07:02It doesn't have to be anything.
07:03It can be, oh, do you know what's in a matcha?
07:06Like, do you have any idea what's in a matcha?
07:09Ask any inane, random question about whatever it is, wherever it is you're at.
07:13And then the guy will answer.
07:16But because we are dropping the handkerchief, there is another step.
07:20These are the words that will open up your dating life.
07:23You say, oh, gosh, thank you.
07:25Are you from around here?
07:27Because then the guy will say, oh, yeah, I actually just moved up the street.
07:30I just went through a really rough divorce.
07:32Okay, great.
07:33Or, oh, yeah, me and my wife just moved up the street.
07:35Oh, me and my husband just moved up the street.
07:37Okay, great.
07:38Then we know.
07:39And then as you guys are chatting, you can say, oh, my gosh, you are so lovely.
07:43Here, take my number.
07:44Take my Instagram.
07:45Yeah, like reach out.
07:46But after that, they have the ball.
07:49It's in their court.
07:50They'll either reach out to you, contact you, or they won't.
07:53In dating, getting used to rejection.
07:56That is, it's a part of dating.
07:58I'm used to that.
08:00I've been rejected a lot.
08:02I think rejection is kind of like a catch-22.
08:06Obviously, you're putting yourself out there because you want someone to accept you.
08:11But you have to be willing that they will reject you.
08:14And then you can't let that rejection make you not want to put yourself out there again.
08:18And unfortunately, I feel like, for me, I've definitely become very cynical.
08:23But even though it makes me really anxious, I know I have to.
08:27And if I don't have someone to be accountable to, like Alessandra, there's no way I'm ever going to do it.
08:34Homework-wise, send me over the best photos that you've had taken of yourself over the last year.
08:40If you have not had really good photos taken of yourself, book a photo shoot.
08:46You need good photos that are dating-specific.
08:51That is a challenge because, yeah, I just got my braces off.
08:54I actually lost 100 pounds from my heaviest weight.
08:57And I think I've only gotten prettier as I've gotten older.
08:59So I don't know if I have a lot of really good ones that really look like me now.
09:04So, okay, you have a little bit of homework.
09:06I have homework.
09:07I already feel hopeful, which is a good sign.
09:09And I will complete all my homework before we talk next.
09:12Amazing, Whitney.
09:13I'm so excited for you.
09:14We'll talk soon, okay?
09:20Goosey girl?
09:23We're going to the dog park.
09:25I mean, the way I talk about myself, it's as though I've never had a boyfriend or something, which is far from the truth.
09:31I've had seven serious relationships.
09:33I've had two men who wanted to marry me at some point.
09:36Come on, goosey girl.
09:37I've just got to get in the right mindset.
09:39And I've got to know I will be rejected, of course.
09:43But just talking to men in person is still something good, ultimately.
09:54Hey, Dad.
09:59Well, I just had an appointment with a matchmaker, and she said I had to go to an event every week.
10:08Have you seen a lot of cute single men there?
10:12Well, most of them.
10:14Well, there's got to be a lot of guys there, right?
10:16There's more single guys that are with their girlfriends.
10:19Well, I'll come, but you have to pretend like you don't know me.
10:22All right.
10:23Because I don't think men approach when, you know, they have to also meet the father at the same time.
10:29It's their dates along with it.
10:32Are you on a date with Ravi?
10:35Where's Ravi?
10:37Tell Ravi, because Ravi said he was matchmaking me, and I haven't heard any updates on that.
10:41Is he around?
10:43Well, I'm looking for him.
10:46I'm surprised you don't keep tabs on your boyfriend.
10:48My dad's favorite place to go now is this restaurant, Elm Street Grill.
10:52He and the owner, Ravi, have a very special connection.
10:57And even though I want a man and, like, a family at this point, I might legitimately settle for what dad and Ravi have.
11:05Hi, Whitney.
11:06Ravi, hi!
11:08Love you, darling.
11:09I love you.
11:10Listen, real quick, I wanted to tell you.
11:11My would-be daughter-in-law.
11:12My would-be daughter-in-law.
11:14Well, see, this is the thing.
11:16I just had an appointment with a matchmaker, and you had asked me if I was open to an Indian man.
11:21And I said yes, but if you don't bring me any, then I'm going to be snatched up soon.
11:25Why not go to India, make a trip there, and come back with a husband?
11:30Well, I would need you to go with me, obviously.
11:34Let's make it.
11:36All right.
11:37Well, I'll keep you updated.
11:39All right.
11:41See you soon, daddy.
11:42See you.
11:47I am determined to start getting out of my house and start meeting people in public socially.
11:52But it's literally been 10 years since I, like, went out to bars.
11:57So even though I'm determined to do it, it makes me anxious.
12:00Like, I feel like I'm about to go skydiving.
12:02I just hope that the parachute opens.
12:05Oh, Goosey.
12:07Are you hopeful?
12:08Are you feeling good about it?
12:12Me too.
12:14Goodness, there's lots of dogs here.
12:16Jessica is so invested in my dating journey, so she agreed to come to hunt for men.
12:22Oh, oh, oh.
12:23Yeah, with the longer shirt?
12:24Yeah, yeah, he's cute.
12:25I thought he was really cute.
12:26Is he looking here?
12:28Wait, we can't just stare at him.
12:29Oh, f***.
12:44Hey, Daddy.
12:48Well, something's changed on my social media.
12:51It looks like I'm in New Delhi.
12:56There's Indian people and Spanish people and...
13:00Well, there's Indian people on social media.
13:03Well, I know, but before it was...
13:07Well, there's Indian people and Spanish people and...
13:11Well, I know, but before it was a little bit.
13:14Now it's everybody.
13:17Ask Ravi about all the Indian people on your phone.
13:19That's what happened.
13:20I bet Ravi took your phone and looked up some stuff,
13:22and now it thinks that you are only interested in seeing Indian people.
13:26You know, I think you have...
13:28Unlocked the mystery.
13:29Found it, yeah.
13:31Want a pickle?
13:33Save one for your mom.
13:35A pickle?
13:36She loved pickles.
13:37Maybe that's why I love pickles so much now.
13:39So when is the organizing going to be done so I can go back into the house?
13:44There's a lot of work over there, Dad.
13:47It is.
13:48And I just don't want you to see it until it's cleaned out.
13:51I feel like it's been an eternity since Hunter and Whitney have started this garage clean-out project.
13:57I hope that it's only going to be another couple of weeks before she's going to allow me to visit my own home.
14:05I mean, I don't trust Hunter to get all my mail.
14:09I've got to be honest with you, Dad.
14:10I don't trust Hunter for a lot.
14:12Hunter is not helping me with cleaning out the garage.
14:14I'm doing it all by myself.
14:16And I have small hands.
14:18See what I mean?
14:20That's why it's taking so long.
14:22I'm getting slightly frustrated that my dad is so adamant about getting back in the house
14:26because I need more time.
14:28And the worst thing that could happen is if he inserts himself at the house
14:33and sees the surprise before it's ready.
14:36And then it's ruined.
14:37Well, it's about time for me to go to Elm Street.
14:41I'm going to go over there and see how things are going.
14:44Why do you have a more robust social calendar than I could ever dream of?
14:48Well, I don't have...
14:50Dad, you literally do something every day of the week, and then you have your gym scheduled during the day.
14:57But I did make us an appointment to go get stretched.
15:00Because we've got to get you...
15:01You know how you walk like this now?
15:04What is that, though?
15:05Is it your hip that's causing you to do that?
15:07Well, that and my knee a little bit.
15:09But both of them are really getting a whole lot better.
15:11Well, we're going to go get stretched.
15:13And Jessica is the one who recommended the place, so she'll probably come with us.
15:16Well, good.
15:18Love you.
15:19Love you.
15:24I'm looking at that IT band.
15:26It looks tight to me.
15:38How are you?
15:39How are you?
15:40I'm Nikki.
15:41Nice to meet you.
15:42Nice to meet you.
15:43I'm Whitney.
15:44You work with Mike?
15:45I do.
15:46I'm his wife.
15:47Okay, good, good, good.
15:48You're a lot prettier than he is, so it's fine.
15:50Well, I guess I'll just take you in and show you what we got.
15:54Even though this room renovation started as a way to convince my dad not to sell the house,
15:58it's actually given me, like, something to look forward to and something to work on,
16:02and I'm really enjoying the process.
16:05This room, I mean, it has been through a lot.
16:07So, is this where you grew up?
16:09A lot of my formative, like, life experiences.
16:11All my friends, we used to, actually, we used to always dance in here.
16:15This was, like, the playroom.
16:16We had a TV right there, so my friend Todd and me, we would dance, and we would use the
16:19TV as our, like, mirror.
16:22All of our memories, you know, from the last 20 years are tied up in this house, and it
16:26actually just feels like a big memory box.
16:29And that room, specifically, Todd and I, that was our dancing room.
16:34Our whole Fat Girl Dancing series came to fruition in that room.
16:53Then, later on in life, I moved into that room as my bedroom.
16:57What you need, sweetie?
16:59Can you help me?
17:01What do you need?
17:02Can you shave the back of my legs?
17:10What's going on?
17:12Oh, don't put your stuff up against me.
17:15Lie down.
17:17Like, I'm not ready to give it up.
17:19That room has held a lot of really good memories, but it has so much potential.
17:24It could be a beautiful, welcoming, wonderful, all-inclusive space for my dad, and I don't
17:31want him to shut it down before he sees what it could be.
17:35The thing is, my dad wants to sell the house.
17:38He just doesn't want to deal with it.
17:39So, I really wanted to make this room a sanctuary for him so that he can see the possibilities,
17:48you know, that are here.
17:49Because he told me to come clean out the garage and do all this stuff, you know, to get the
17:53house ready to sell.
17:54So, he doesn't know?
17:55No, no.
17:56But yeah, Glenthor is not allowed in the house.
17:59Let me go get the guys.
18:00Now, aren't they single?
18:01They are.
18:02Well, one's taken.
18:03How old are they?
18:04They're in their 20s.
18:05How old do you think I am?
18:08Oh, thank God.
18:09I'll just be 40 in a couple months.
18:12Can I really flirt with these men?
18:14Probably not.
18:15You know, I mean, there's, you know, professionalism.
18:18They're working for me.
18:19I don't want to make things complicated.
18:21So, I'll look, but I won't touch.
18:24I'm Whitney.
18:25Justin and Miguel.
18:26Justin, Miguel.
18:27Nice to meet you.
18:28So, this room, we're going to just be taking out the carpet, carpet padding.
18:32Then in the bathroom here, there's a different tile going in here.
18:35It's a tile look, 12 by 24.
18:38It's a dark, like black, twilight.
18:41I got you a transition here, but if it doesn't work, let me know and we'll get a transition
18:47for you guys to make.
18:48The flooring guys are cute, but they are very, very young.
18:53Yeah, I just feel I've abandoned all self-respect.
18:59I got to keep it right.
19:00I'll just say that.
19:01I got to keep it right.
19:02Okay, well, I'll leave you all to it.
19:04Good luck.
19:05I don't know where single men my age are, but if I'm going to go looking for men, I
19:09don't think it's going to be on a construction site, and that's for sure.
19:12Oh, and let them know about Dad.
19:17Her father is not allowed to pee.
19:19Sounds good, Whitney.
19:21All right.
19:22I'm just saying, I am on the cusp of my 40th year, and I am not a virgin.
19:27Dad, you said-
19:28I don't want to hear any more of this conversation.
19:29Dad, you said that before you dated Mom, you had sowed your seeds.
19:32I didn't say-
19:33They sowed the seed.
19:34Well, Angie would tell us differently, Dad.
19:50You're welcome.
19:51Hey, how's it going?
19:52It's Whitney, Glenn, Jessica, and Isaiah.
19:53There we go.
19:54I'm Nick.
19:55I'm going to be helping you with your stretch.
19:56Welcome in.
19:57Oh, good.
19:58Nice to meet you.
19:59You having a good day?
20:00I'm hoping it's going to get better after I leave here.
20:01It's going to get a lot better after the stretch.
20:02Come on back.
20:06We're going to be heading over to this table right here today.
20:10Nice to meet you, Grayson.
20:11Nice to meet you.
20:13Jessica trains my dad at the gym, and his strength has really been improving,
20:14but his mobility and his flexibility are still not all that great,
20:15and he's still so sharp, he's still so active,
20:16and I don't want his body to hold him back,
20:17so Jessica and I are going to a professional stretcher
20:18so that we can work on my dad's flexibility.
20:19What is it that makes him walk like that?
20:21That's the hips.
20:22That's what I thought.
20:53That's what I thought.
20:54I don't walk like a duck.
20:56You have a little bit of a waddle.
20:57A little bit of a waddle?
20:58It's a little bit, and I didn't say it.
20:59Lay down here.
21:00This is crazy.
21:01There's a lot going on.
21:02Oh, yeah.
21:03I feel safer all strapped in.
21:05It's like I'm on a flight.
21:07I feel like I'm being laid to rest.
21:08As a larger woman who's been this size for a long time,
21:09having a third party, like, stretch you.
21:12And the furthest we go is that comfortable deep stretch
21:14at a seven.
21:15There are lots of parts of my body
21:17that I can't stretch myself
21:18just because my body gets in the way.
21:20And in terms of my dad,
21:21like, he's definitely got a belly now,
21:22but also he's just not very flexible
21:25and I don't think really probably has been in decades.
21:29So what we'll do here is we'll start out
21:30with this left side, okay?
21:32Especially since this side bothers you
21:34a little more within the knees.
21:35We're gonna be using that three, five, seven
21:37intensity scale.
21:39We're gonna start with your IT band,
21:40outside the knee, outside the hip.
21:41That's where you should feel this.
21:41Let me know when you feel a three
21:42for a light stretch, okay?
21:43Yes, ma'am.
21:44I'm gonna be honest with you.
21:45I haven't been in this position in a long time.
21:47Most people are not in this position when they stretch.
21:50Is that a comfortable point here?
21:52You could go more.
21:53A little more.
21:57Is that where you're feeling it in the hip?
22:00And like I said, 90 degrees is all we want
22:02out of that adductor.
22:04Very, very good.
22:05So basically I'm getting an A plus so far.
22:06You're doing a great job so far.
22:10I'm really bad about tensing up when I stretch,
22:11so I'm trying to be conscious of that.
22:13Here, let me know when you feel
22:13that comfortable deep stretch.
22:15I think you can take me all the way.
22:18Go right to 90.
22:19There it is.
22:19And seven for a good deep stretch.
22:23Just light stretches here.
22:24Just gonna work on some hip rotation, okay?
22:26Yeah, one more three.
22:28Now, what do you think?
22:29So I'll be 40 in a couple months.
22:31I'm just curious, what would you kind of rate
22:33my flexibility at for someone my age?
22:36I think your flexibility for someone
22:38in the 40 range is honestly above average.
22:41You got above average mobility, so.
22:42Okay, good.
22:43Of course I love the validation of knowing
22:46that I am of an above average, flexible 40 year old person.
22:50Love to hear that.
22:51I wonder how my dad's doing.
22:52He's doing great over there, it looks like.
22:54Hey, he's a lot more flexible
22:55than the way y'all were talking.
22:57That's for sure.
22:59Oh yeah.
22:59That feels amazing.
23:01Ooh, yes.
23:02Oh my gosh.
23:03Isaiah, you gotta watch your girl.
23:06She's having a good time.
23:07Don't worry, he's not the jealous type.
23:08Oh my God at all.
23:13You did an excellent job for your first session.
23:16That was very fun.
23:17Yeah, I thought so too.
23:19I enjoyed working with you today.
23:21Yes, sir.
23:23Nice meeting you.
23:23Y'all love your hair all messed up.
23:27I told him, I said, you can't fall asleep on the table now.
23:30You're moving good.
23:31See how I'm walking.
23:33How are we feeling?
23:34Are we feeling good?
23:35You're walking better.
23:36You're walking better.
23:37Dad, go ahead.
23:39Do a strut.
23:40Do a strut.
23:41Go ahead.
23:44There you go.
23:45Work it, Blaire.
23:47Somebody put him on the runway.
23:49I think people wanna know.
23:50I feel fantastic.
23:52And I think that dad has got some pep in his step.
23:54Like, definitely a success.
23:56Are you almost done working on the garage?
23:59It's gonna get done.
24:00I promise, Eddie, it's gonna get done
24:01and it's gonna be more beautiful.
24:03It's gonna be great.
24:04It's gonna be more wonderful
24:05than you could ever imagine, right, Jess?
24:05Yes, it's gonna be great, I promise.
24:07I thought you were gonna let me see
24:09what you were throwing away.
24:10I just wanna let you know
24:11that Hunter gave me permission to get rid of the chair.
24:15So that's what I was getting rid of.
24:19And that's all.
24:21At this point, dad is really dying
24:24to check on the progress that we've done in the garage.
24:28Any minute now, I expect him to be barging
24:30in the Thor house, with or without me.
24:34I've got a lot of work to do.
24:36And if Jessica and Isaiah would come over
24:37and help me finish.
24:40I'll come whenever you need me.
24:40You want me tomorrow?
24:41I mean, I need muscles, dad.
24:43You know how much crap you got in there?
24:45I know Whitney and she loves to surprise you.
24:48I don't have any doubt that she is doing a really good job
24:53and she doesn't want me to see any progress
24:56until it's finished.
24:58I've been working for three days now
25:00and I can't get the bank account to balance.
25:02See, this is his new job.
25:03You know, he goes to the coffee shop in the morning
25:05and he balances my bank account.
25:08Why does your bank account keep getting lower?
25:10Well, I told you I had a special project.
25:12As my financial manager, it's your business.
25:16But as my dad, it's none of your business.
25:19You can suspend your financial advisory services.
25:22You know how excited I am every time I get it to balance.
25:25But I have things going on
25:26that you don't need to know about.
25:28All right.
25:29So I had an appointment with a matchmaker
25:32and she gave me assignments.
25:34Like I'm supposed to like go someplace where men are
25:35or whatever.
25:36Shut your mouth.
25:38But I have to do a whole portfolio.
25:39I have to do a photo shoot.
25:40Okay, well, this is all very exciting.
25:42So Jess, do you want to come to the dog park with me?
25:45My ultimate goal is for Whitney to find her Karen.
25:52Well, dad, I went down that road once or twice, but.
25:55Oh my gosh.
25:56I mean, I could go back.
25:57In the male version.
25:58I just, I knew.
25:59I mean, I like a Karen like on a weekend,
26:03but I like a Ken, you know, Monday through Friday.
26:19Oh my gosh.
26:21Hey, I can step on it?
26:23Yeah, come on in.
26:25Oh, it looks so good.
26:26I'm good.
26:29Yeah, we still gotta clean and all that,
26:32but we're wrapping things up.
26:34So nice.
26:36Oh, I love it.
26:38I am blown away by the floor.
26:42It has already given me a foundation for a room
26:45that is a 180 from what I started with.
26:48I think it looks beautiful.
26:50I think the color is just right.
26:52I am so into it, and I know that my dad is going to love it.
26:59Once the paint's, everything's done,
27:00it's gonna kind of have that man cave vibe going.
27:02I want it to be like dark and sophisticated.
27:05I'm so glad you're not going like standard,
27:07like, you know, oh, just do white.
27:09We'll just do like a plain gray wall.
27:10Yeah, no, this is gonna be awesome.
27:12I'm gonna have him a little desk over here
27:13cause he works still every day.
27:15So, and a little couch there.
27:18He's gonna be shocked.
27:18Yeah, I can't wait.
27:20I'm thankful that one thing for this renovation is done,
27:24but I have a million more things to think about.
27:27Even though the floors look amazing,
27:28the painting still has to get done,
27:30the wallpaper, the fixtures,
27:32and a lot of finishing touches.
27:34So I have definitely got my work cut out for me,
27:37and hopefully I'll convince my dad not to sell this house.
27:41Okay, great.
27:42I'm gonna get out of here.
27:42Good to see y'all.
27:43All right, you as well.
27:44Yeah, you too.
27:46You guys want a drink or something?
27:48Oh, I'm confusion mild to moderate.
27:51I have never in my life been approached
27:54by a man in public who has asked to buy me a drink.
27:57How old are you?
27:58I'm 22.
27:58Oh my God, how old?
28:07♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪
28:12Okay, babies.
28:13Hi, babies.
28:15Okay, Lilo, with your pearls.
28:16Come here, honey.
28:17Come on, Woos.
28:18Are you going to play?
28:19Are you going to play, girl?
28:20One of the matchmaker's homework assignments for me was to go out into a public place where
28:41there are men.
28:43So a dog bar is an obvious choice.
28:46And the bonus is that I get to bring Goosey.
28:48Goosey, come on, honey.
28:52Doggy friends!
28:53It's been a long time since I've been in public, really with anyone, but definitely men.
29:00The upside to this is that, like, at least I have some really cute dogs to look at.
29:05Look at all these doggies!
29:08Goodness, there's lots of dogs here.
29:11Oh, my gosh.
29:14There are so many dogs here.
29:16I know.
29:17This is not what I was expecting.
29:19Look, I brought Lilo, too.
29:20You know, Todd's little client.
29:22Look, she's over there.
29:23Jessica is so invested in my dating journey, so she agreed to come to Doggo's with me to
29:29hunt for men.
29:30Although I'm not sure if Goosey or Jessica is going to be the better wingwoman.
29:35Oh, my goodness.
29:36See, Goosey, look at how people are playing.
29:38Goosey, play!
29:39Goosey, doggy!
29:41Go sniff some butts, Goose.
29:42Poor Goosey.
29:43Look, she's so awkward, isn't she?
29:45God, is that how I look out here?
29:49If you love your animal, you fit in here.
29:50Oh, my God!
29:52How are you?
29:54Good to see you.
29:55So, how you been?
29:56I'm good.
29:58You got a girlfriend?
30:00Oh, I was going to say.
30:01Sort of, kind of.
30:03Yeah, working on that.
30:05Is it a new or an old?
30:06It's a new.
30:07It's a new.
30:10Is it a new or an old?
30:12A new?
30:14It's always a new with you, isn't it?
30:15No, it's not always a new.
30:16You guess it is.
30:18I actually spot an old friend of mine who used to live with me and does a lot of work
30:22for me.
30:23I affectionately call him Handy Andy, so I'm immediately more comfortable, and duh, I'm
30:29hoping that he can be my connection to finding a man.
30:33Well, I'm trying to get like you.
30:36I'm trying to find me.
30:37I haven't had a new.
30:39It's been, you know, a long time.
30:42But I had an appointment with a matchmaker, like a legit matchmaker, and she was like,
30:47you need to go.
30:48This is my first homework.
30:49She was like, you need to go someplace where there are men.
30:51So I figured that there'd be men if there were dogs.
30:53Yeah, yeah, yeah.
30:54A lot of men here.
30:55Come on.
30:56Goosey, are you trying to be a dog at least?
30:59Don't stay with Mommy.
31:00Go play.
31:01Well, hello.
31:03Goosey, go find you a boyfriend.
31:04Let's see if I see anybody cute.
31:05I should have brought binoculars.
31:06Oh, no, that's not chill, is it?
31:08Well, I thought I saw a cute one, too, and now I don't see him.
31:09Was he standing like right in front of us?
31:10Yeah, in the hat.
31:11Oh, oh, oh.
31:12Yeah, with the longer shirt?
31:13Yeah, yeah, he's cute.
31:14I thought he was really cute.
31:15Yeah, he's cute.
31:17Hey, Andy, I got a question, since you're here all the time.
31:18Now, who is this man?
31:19Do you know this man over here?
31:20The black hat?
31:23Is he single?
31:25Do me a favor.
31:26I'm going to ask you a question.
31:27I'm going to ask you a question.
31:28I'm going to ask you a question.
31:29I'm going to ask you a question.
31:33Is he single?
31:35Do me a favor.
31:36He's here a lot.
31:37I'm scared.
31:38I was going to say, just give him my number.
31:39Do I have to talk to him?
31:40Can you just give him my number?
31:41I don't want to talk to him.
31:42Oh, God, he just looked over there.
31:43I can, um.
31:44All right, just do it.
31:45Just do it.
31:46This is my assignment.
31:47Yes, I'm supposed to, like, I'm supposed to get a number or give a number.
31:50Okay, and don't, but don't, you know, just be cool with it.
31:51Just be cool with it.
31:52Oh, my God.
31:53I'm so scared.
31:54Wait, we can't just stare at him.
31:55We can't just stare at him.
31:57Okay, I'm pretty sure Whitney's supposed to be the one approaching men.
31:58Like, I'm pretty sure that that's, like, what the matchmaker had in mind.
31:59Um, but, you know, baby steps.
32:00I'll give her that.
32:01Baby steps.
32:02Oh, God, he's, oh, he's doing it.
32:03He's talking to him.
32:04He is doing it.
32:06Okay, yeah.
32:07What are they doing?
32:08Are they doing it?
32:09Put out the vibe.
32:10Are they doing it?
32:11I don't know.
32:12I'm scared to look.
32:13Oh, is he looking here?
32:16Oh, here comes Andy.
32:17Andy, here comes Andy.
32:18Andy, here comes Andy.
32:19Andy, here comes Andy.
32:20Andy, here comes Andy.
32:21Andy, here comes Andy.
32:22Andy, here comes Andy.
32:28Oh, girlfriend?
32:33That's okay.
32:34Um, it's better than just, like, no, I don't want her number.
32:35No, no, no.
32:36Okay, yeah.
32:38That was, that was scary.
32:39That was scary.
32:40My heart's beating fast.
32:41That was scary for me.
32:42My heart's beating fast.
32:43Okay, do you know any other friends that you have that are single?
32:45Everyone's married with, like, 20-year-old kids.
32:47Well, isn't that, no, that's the thing.
32:49It's like, oh, God, Hunter's got a girlfriend now.
32:52So I'm like, you know what?
32:53If Hunter ends up getting married, then I've really lost all hope.
32:55Don't face it.
32:56And I haven't found someone?
33:00It's tough out here in these streets.
33:02Even though I am actually loving being planted in the middle of this dog bar
33:06and, like, looking at all the adorable pups,
33:08it seems that pretty much every man here is attached.
33:12So what other things are on your list from the matchmaker?
33:16Um, I've got to submit her some nice photos.
33:20She said I had to, like, do a photo shoot.
33:24Hey, how's it going?
33:25We're good.
33:26That's good.
33:27Oh, sorry.
33:28No, it's okay.
33:29You guys want a drink or something?
33:30Oh, um, I'm good.
33:33Yeah, but thank you so much.
33:34Which dog is yours, first of all?
33:35It's Spot, the gray dog right there.
33:38I'm confusion mild to moderate.
33:40Truthfully, I have never in my life ever been approached by a man in public
33:44who has asked to buy me a drink.
33:46How old is she?
33:47She's like a year and a half.
33:48Oh, she's a month.
33:49Well, I got her the day she was born.
33:52And I was like, I'm not even going to keep her.
33:55That's how I ended up with all the cats.
33:57I've got three cats.
33:59My roommate has a cat.
34:00I don't really.
34:01What kind?
34:02I don't know.
34:03You got a picture?
34:05Let me see.
34:06I love cats.
34:07Oh, that's a pretty cat.
34:08What was your name?
34:10Simon, I'm Jessica.
34:11And I'm Whitney.
34:12Nice to meet you.
34:13Nice to meet you.
34:14Sorry, my hands are full.
34:15I got the baby.
34:16How old are you?
34:17I'm 22.
34:18Oh, my God.
34:19You're how old?
34:21Do you like older women?
34:27Well, it's nice to meet you, Simon.
34:28You guys sure you don't want a drink or anything?
34:30Oh, we're fine.
34:31Yeah, we're probably going to head out, too.
34:32It's nice to meet you.
34:34Nice to meet you.
34:35Well, he was nice.
34:36He was nice.
34:37He was, like, really nice.
34:38To be honest, I don't know if I'm attracted to or interested in Simon.
34:43It's certainly not practical to be, considering that he's, like, 20 years younger than me.
34:48But I'm trying to take Alessandra's advice and just see this as practice and, like, know
34:53that we don't have to get married, but I might as well work my dating muscles.
34:58I am so cold.
35:00Are you?
35:02This is my, you know, this is my perfect.
35:03Oh, God.
35:04I thought that was a person.
35:05I felt violated briefly.
35:11Still do.
35:12Why am I so popular with the dogs?
35:13You asked me, how did I land on the matchmaker, and I'm just telling you.
35:17My standards are so high now, I can't even hoe anymore.
35:21You can always find satisfaction in hoeing.
35:23And you're not upset about that, because he's a boy.
35:25He didn't really mean that.
35:27Oh, I did.
35:28Oh, my God, the misogyny.
35:30Oh, my God.
35:32Oh, my God.
35:45Look at how fast he's walking.
35:46He doesn't see us.
35:47Oh, my gosh.
35:48Look at him.
35:49He's not shuffling or waddling.
35:50He's not.
35:54Well, damn near didn't recognize you.
35:56I looked over, I said, well, there's Dad, and in a flash, you were already there.
36:01We better eat.
36:02Yeah, let's go.
36:03Even though I finally got out of the house with Jessica to meet men in real life, I definitely still need to get out more.
36:10How are you?
36:11I'm good.
36:12How are you?
36:13So good to see you.
36:14You know, I need to have at least, like, 10 people on the roster so that one of them will actually work out for a date.
36:19So I'm happy to join my dad to his favorite restaurant.
36:22Hi, Richie.
36:23How beautiful you look.
36:25Good to see you.
36:26Good to see you.
36:27Hi, Claire.
36:28And you look gorgeous.
36:30Something different about you.
36:31Well, it's very preliminary still, but I did have an appointment with a matchmaker.
36:36And I know that you met with a matchmaker.
36:38So, you know.
36:39I think it was like an instant chemistry.
36:42And I think that is the most important thing.
36:45Everything else will follow.
36:47So here we are.
36:4935 years later.
36:52I'm like a karate.
36:54Ravi and his wife's love story is so sweet.
36:59And that's all the hopefulness I need to remind myself that it's not over until it's over.
37:05And just when you least expect it, anything can happen.
37:09So I'm about to turn 40.
37:10And it's a milestone.
37:12You know, it's a thing.
37:13So I just want to be really special because it's my 40th birthday.
37:17I'm feeling a little bit more optimistic in life.
37:19And I decided I want to do a big trip.
37:21I want to do something crazy.
37:22So we're all going to, I haven't told you guys this yet, but we're all going to go to Spain.
37:30That's great.
37:31I thought you should make a trip to India.
37:33If that's where my man is, I'll be there.
37:35You guys enjoy it.
37:37Thank you, Ravi.
37:38So where are we going in Spain?
37:41So this is the thing.
37:42I started searching locations in Spain.
37:44I wanted it to be around water.
37:46So I found this place.
37:47It's called Marbella.
37:48And it's on the southern coast.
37:51It's like on a clear day you can see right over to Africa.
37:53It's like right near like Morocco.
37:55And also Spain, of course, is the birthplace of flamenco.
37:59I'm feeling this already.
38:00Yeah, exactly.
38:01Todd and I just signed up for like a flamenco class over at the Cultural Arts Center.
38:05The inspiration for my 40th birthday trip is flamenco.
38:11I actually was just browsing on the internet and I went down a rabbit hole of flamenco dancers.
38:16I thought it was so amazing.
38:17I realized I'd never taken a class like that.
38:20And that was it for me.
38:21Like once I get my mindset on something, I am a very decisive person.
38:26So I found this one hotel that looks really nice on the water.
38:30And this was like the one that had availability for like, because I want to invite, I mean, all the friends, you know.
38:36I want to invite Karen.
38:37Well, yeah, of course.
38:39Because I want to flamenco dance and she might be upset.
38:42And do it with somebody else.
38:43Do it with somebody else.
38:45We're going to Spain.
38:46And I've never been to Spain.
38:50Leaving to Whitney to do her 40th birthday big.
38:53I'm very excited about it.
38:55So why did you do the matchmaker?
38:57Well, really a last ditch resort.
38:59Actually, who suggested a towel?
39:02Which is funny because I came home the other day and he made me strip naked.
39:07He looked up this like sexual energy cleansing spell that took place in a swimming pool in the living room.
39:17I don't know if it cleansed my sexual energy or not.
39:19It's supposed to unclog you or something.
39:21What are you eating, Hunter?
39:23Why is that the funniest thing anyone's said all night?
39:26I am eating wedge salad with tuna.
39:31It's raw tuna.
39:32Raw tuna.
39:33So after the whole ritual bath, all the friends came.
39:36And then, you know, I think it was just that she was like, tells me my standards are too high.
39:41And I'm like, I think that you just think my standards are too high for who I am.
39:45Like someone my size can't have standards this high.
39:47People think, oh, Whitney's so desperate.
39:50Bitch, if I was desperate, I'd have had every kind of man.
39:53How did you?
39:55For one night.
39:56I'm saying not for long term.
39:58If I were that desperate.
39:59And I don't even sleep around anymore.
40:04Dad, you said it yourself.
40:06Dad, you said.
40:07I don't want to hear any more of this conversation.
40:08You said that before you dated mom, you felt confident that you wanted mom because you had dated around and you had sowed your seed.
40:13Now that's what you said.
40:15Well, Angie would tell us differently, dad.
40:18So, let's not act afraid.
40:20I am on the cusp of my 40th year and I am not a virgin.
40:25I don't enjoy hearing my daughter talk so casually about intimate relations that she's had.
40:30I mean, she's making things a little uncomfortable.
40:35I'm happy that she's a confident woman, but I don't need to be included in this type of conversation.
40:41You asked me how did I land on the matchmaker and I'm just telling you.
40:44Because that's the thing.
40:45My standards are so high now and I'm so worn out and over everything.
40:48I can't even hoe anymore.
40:51When you get to the point that you can't even find any satisfaction in hoeing.
40:55It's, it's.
40:56You can always find satisfaction in hoeing.
40:59And you're not upset about that.
41:00You over here acting mad.
41:02You let him talk like that and you're not mad about that.
41:04Because he's a boy.
41:05So, it's okay.
41:07Hunter said there is no shame in ever hoeing.
41:09He didn't really mean that.
41:10Oh, I did.
41:11Oh, my God.
41:12The misogyny is making my, my skull explode.
41:17Oh, my God.
41:18I meant it.
41:19I cannot believe what I'm hearing right now because my dad has this unfair double standard when it comes to who can and who can't talk openly about sex.
41:27And I also feel like my dad always has a judgmental attitude about my sex life, which I don't have time for.
41:33And it is absurd.
41:36In my day, we might have called that, you know, a, an intimate relationship, not hoeing.
41:42Whitney's a modern woman.
41:47I appreciate that.
41:49Can we talk more about Spain or?
41:55See, Dad wants to talk about it until, until we really talk about it.
42:04Next time on My Big Fat Fabulous Life.
42:06She is just too much.
42:08I'm having a photo shoot to get photos that Alessandra the Matchmaker can use in my portfolio.
42:14Are we considering doing anything maybe fully nude?
42:18It doesn't take me a whole lot for me to just be off to the races.
42:22Just grab your boobies for me.
42:24Oh, my God.
42:26Yes, just go.
42:27Just go.
42:28There's a lot of time to bridezilla.
42:30Maddie, look.
42:31Y'all, stop telling her to look.
42:32She's not gonna look.
42:33It's fine.
42:34I'm not making any predictions.
