My Big Fat Fabulous Life Season 12 Episode 6

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My Big Fat Fabulous Life S12 Episode 6 - Private Dancer
00:00Let me show you the types of things that were going on at the first bachelorette, okay previously on my big fat fabulous life
00:07We've got that big house, and I think we ought to consider
00:12Selling it now that he wants to sell the house it might be worth renovating that bedroom downstairs
00:18So that he could see the potential me and Kenny are walking down the stairs, and he goes
00:23I'll take you on a real date, but you know I only like small women
00:37Also want to go back to my fertility doctor with women you know there is
00:41Like a biological clock that men don't have to worry about I get it like you sure want to be able to have the option
00:51We got pizzas coming and I've got a fitness class oh my god
00:55We're going through all this trouble to have this bachelorette party, and we're not having strippers like what strippers for I swear to you
01:01I told her no strippers. I promise you
01:04There's a stripper at that house. I'm gonna be mad my mom is absolutely
01:29Are there strippers here?
01:31Okay, so Jamie. There are no strippers. We had a long ride back from the Charlotte Airport and a lot of alcohol, but we are
01:42I know Jamie did not want strippers at her bachelorette party, but I did hire someone that I think it's even better
01:49She's a fantasy
01:51Educational coach, I'm scared don't be scared be open to learn
01:56I just want everyone to come in with an open mind. It's a bachelorette party people
02:02It's like your last hurrah
02:05My name is Tony. I'm the director of a studio called fantasy fitness. We are here today to celebrate
02:11Jamie's bachelorette party
02:15So that means one more life, right
02:20And we're gonna prep Jamie for this one more. Oh god, so what I need you all to do is just have a seat
02:25Please don't get mad
02:35Start by breathing in inhale arms up
02:41Exhale arms out
02:45Take one hand up your body
02:48Grab your head pull it over to the side release and stretch the neck around
02:54Bring the head back up to Center take your neck forward
03:03Take your hands down your face grab your mouth
03:09This is embarrassing and
03:12Cannot believe my mom did this. Okay, we got more. I want you to turn over to all fours
03:18Oh my god
03:21So I want you to start by pressing your booty back to your feet
03:27And bring it back up slowly to the arch again press back
03:42Definitely not my cup of tea
03:44Can I get out of here, where where's the nearest hole rock that I can climb under
04:06I think Jamie is an FRA K
04:10But I feel like I can see in her face I feel like she was really taking in the information
04:23Jamie's just a little reserved and Jamie isn't one to do. What do you call it? Like public?
04:29PDA. Yeah, she doesn't get sexual in public. No, absolutely not cuz I I do
04:45See ya, yeah, can you bring out our equipment?
05:03So the first thing we're gonna do y'all we're gonna work on getting it from
05:12Instead of just putting it in and going ah in and out you're gonna put it in your mouth and
05:18You're gonna turn your head side to side as if you're opening a coke bottle
05:32I was sitting there. I was one of the fortunate ones to get the eggplant
05:37And I didn't really know what to do with it honestly, I need you to stand up for me
05:45You're gonna hold mine
05:52This is what you got something to prove, okay, okay torpedo go here
06:06You can definitely tell Tony was experienced
06:14My children watching me do that, but it was okay. It was funny
06:18That's torpedo. Okay. Well, you can stand to hold somebody else's so I get to be the man all the time
06:40Let me move you stay still this is weird
06:42I don't like this
07:02Well, I thought it was fun, I'm glad I think you did a good job I
07:08Well, I learned a new skill and I thought I knew it all but she saw me on that torpedo torpedoing
07:20Now the thing that sucks Tony yes is after gaining all this knowledge
07:24Uh-huh. Um, I'm the only one here that does not have a man to go home to but you're gonna you're gonna
07:29You're gonna hold on to these. I'm gonna keep it inside and when it's ready to be unleashed boom shakalaka
07:35You know, my husband's gonna write you a check
07:37I'd appreciate that
07:42Oh my lord, I think we all learned some valuable skills Tony. Thank you so much. Thank you
07:53Today was an amazing start to the bass fret weekend
07:56And even though Jamie was I think low-key mortified and she really helped hit herself with booking this class
08:03And I think that all of the bridesmaids are going to have some very interesting things to bring home to their husbands
08:09It would be amazing if I had a partner to do those things and I still want to hold out. Hope that one day I
08:16Will have what they have
08:19Did you have anything else planned or we free to go to bed? I'm good. I'm ready to bed
08:44What was that it's the this thing I just cracked it don't ever notice
08:54Well, I was just hanging out with the girls but I was looking for you are they all up oh there they're up hair curled makeup on
09:03Well last night Angie definitely outdid herself. I thought we might just get some pineapple and pepperoni pizza, but this was
09:12Yeah, it was a wild ride
09:15Was who knew that we had so many hidden talents I spun around on my ding-dang knees
09:20I think it was a good start to the weekend
09:22But this morning I want to kind of connect with Jamie in a sober way
09:27And I've got a special gift for her that I want her to have before we start getting wild all over again
09:33Did you have fun? I had a blast. Did you?
09:36You didn't like so you gotta blame your mama. Oh my gosh. All right. I wasn't talking about that was a blast. Why what?
09:43Your mother was living her best life. Oh dear god, that's not a best life. I want to live with her. She was
09:49when she said twerk on the
09:52Like oh
09:53Something I never want to hear again in my life
09:55And it's just like my husband's gonna write you a check out and made me pass out and throw up at the same time
10:02I'm feeling a little bit better this morning after that class last night. I am
10:07Glad it's over with this is not like my mom to plan something like this
10:11I think that she was just trying to be funny and it was not funny
10:16They're too old to be doing
10:19It's bizarre to me because I look at y'all and I think
10:23That you seem so young but at the same time
10:25I mean you're getting married obviously and like but like most of those girls are married and have children already. Yeah, it's so weird because I'm like
10:33That's how my life could have gone, but it didn't right? I know but instead here I am, you know
10:39just collecting cats and
10:41heartbreak, but I was engaged when I was
10:4522 I believe and
10:47It's interesting to look back on and think wow
10:48I'm a different person and I was so young then and whatever but I can't say that I'm like happy. I didn't get married
10:55I mean, obviously it wasn't the right decision for that partnership, but I certainly wish I was married now
11:01You know, I feel like getting married over 40 is kind of like oh good for her
11:07Honor they say 40s your prom like I was talking to a guy the other day and he was like my 40th birthday
11:13Was the best birthday I've ever had some people say like, oh my back or my knees or whatever
11:18like I feel pretty much the same the only thing that scares me about being 40 is not having a partner because
11:23Well number one also knowing like I'm probably not gonna have kids, you know at this age because I'm still single
11:29So that's hard to have babies. I mean single
11:32I know I could but I don't want to like go into it by myself
11:36and especially like even with men and stuff like
11:39Most 40 year old men who happen to be single are not looking for 40 year old women or they're looking for or they still
11:44Want kids you wouldn't believe on the dating apps all these men like 55 and it's like yes
11:48I want kids and I'm like
11:50How old of a woman are you gonna marry like yeah, I can't do that for anybody
11:54You know if I was a guy, I don't think I would care about being 40 at all
11:59Well, you know when I got my eggs frozen
12:00I just kind of did it and forgot about it, you know, and I think I was just hoping that I would meet someone
12:06But I just never thought that I would be in the place where it wasn't a possibility for me and so I just I
12:13Don't like mother nature telling me, you know, or like circumstance telling me like well you can't but here we are
12:19I'm about to turn 40
12:20So I need to go ahead and make it a priority to figure out what I'm doing about my eggs and about my fertility
12:26Well, I just really want to thank you for giving me another bachelorette party. It's what one is just not enough
12:33You know, but I'm like this is like the end like this is the last hurrah like there's no more showers
12:39There's no more anything. The only event is the wedding. Yeah, I'm like, oh I've been in touch with
12:44You know Kayla a lot and Rachel to you know
12:47Make sure that I had planned things that you wanted and I heard that there was something that you might have wanted and so
12:54But I wanted yeah
12:56So I got it for you. Oh
13:00Shut up
13:01Shut up. Oh my gosh. No, you didn't. Yeah
13:06Kayla told me that you love this pearl robe for your wedding day. This is gonna be so beautiful
13:11I don't even want to take it out. I'm so scared. The pearls are gonna fall all
13:15Kayla said you might want to wear that while you're getting ready. Oh my god. Thank you. You're welcome. Oh my god. It's so beautiful
13:22Jamie and her bridesmaids may be
13:25Ahead of me in some areas of life like in terms of having husbands and children
13:30I do hope to find my husband and maybe have children but everything I've done in the past clearly hasn't
13:37Ended up in marriage
13:39All right. Well, you want to go get ready for some games? Yes. Yeah, I'm freezing out here. All right, then
13:44Oh, I've been sitting here way too long. Oh god. Well, you're good. I know it
13:48I'm sitting here talking about I don't feel 40. Oh and then you try to get up off a bitch. I feel
13:54And I'm in pleasure, ah
13:56People have told me that I'm too picky and I've never believed it
14:00But maybe I can't be this picky when I'm 40
14:02I think people just think I'm too picky because they're like you're fat. You can't expect much
14:10Whitney is very picky
14:28Said what can we do during the party? And what do we do with those vegetables?
14:36It's a little rough waking up, but yeah, I love my cup
14:41How do you and yellow is my favorite color? I don't have a is it really?
14:46You can tell Whitney put a lot of effort and very detailed and amazing things for us for the whole weekend
14:55All right girls are y'all excited
14:59Angie this was yours last night was super wild wifey
15:03But now I want to dive into these gift bags that I meticulously put together for everyone
15:08I try to include fun stuff thoughtful stuff. And of course, I had to drop in a little adult toy for everyone
15:17Look how key oh my gosh. This is so cute. What is this? That's cool
15:27Y'all don't be shy
15:30bad day killer
15:32literal bomb
15:33That's for tonight, baby girl
15:36My god, please quit lying and saying you never had a vibrator
15:42It's very discreet it goes right in your makeup bag I
15:46May not have a husband or children, but because I don't I
15:51Have had a plethora of other experiences over the last 20 years of my adulthood
15:55My favorite thing about this toy is that it has cruise control and I love to share my knowledge with people
16:02I love and she charged hers up Thursday night
16:12You're never too old to try new things
16:14but it took me like 30 minutes to even figure out how to
16:17Charge it up like and then I fell asleep
16:22And that sleep is pretty important to me
16:26All right, so this is smash or pass
16:29so basically you have a good quality a bad quality you put them together and decide if you can
16:33Deal with it and you still smash or you wouldn't I guarantee I'm gonna be pass pass pass pass
16:37I'm gonna keep up with these qualities so I can figure out
16:44People have told me that I'm too picky and
16:46I've never believed it, but maybe I can't be this picky when I'm 40 and you know
16:51I am always told that I'm too picky
16:54But I think people just think I'm too picky because they're like you're fat you can't expect much
16:58So I'm really curious to see what these girls standards are like
17:02I mean, honestly, like am I too picky or the pickings just all right
17:07This says they love children and would be the best parent
17:10But they're professional prankster and start talking about all the pranks they pulled on their family smash. Yeah. Yeah
17:18They enjoy trying new foods, that's Heath he does I like that about him, but they always have ketchup on their face
17:32They're the most genuine and charismatic person you have ever met but they accessorize every outfit with a fanny pack
17:40That's a pass. I would say pass
17:44They run several very successful businesses, but they constantly mumble and you can't understand anything they are saying
17:55She's like you can be broke, but you tell me clearly how much money you don't have
18:02Playing this smash or pass game. I have learned that Whitney is very picky
18:09Is the most pickiest person I have ever met when it comes to a man
18:12So we're gonna have to dial that back a little bit and figure something out
18:16They're not always gonna check off every single ball. I know that I know that they just have to check off something
18:22Alright, so let's shower Jamie with her lingerie. Yeah
18:27Everyone was asked to buy her a piece of lingerie that she could wear and let me tell you that I know plenty of things
18:33About Jamie. I know she don't always keep it PG, but her mother is here
18:37So I think it does change the vibe of the Bachelorette a little bit
18:41But then again her mother is the one who hired the writing. It's very confusing
18:47I'm just gonna go with the flow. This is your first one
19:04Sexy red
19:21It's 19th hole
19:23You should you should put those on all right nasty y'all are that simply nasty
19:49Jamie's beautiful. We all know that
19:52Gorgeous and those like all the girls have super good tape. Well, they know Jamie. So yeah, they were definitely Jamie
19:59But to be honest, I just keep thinking about these grandbabies. I'm gonna have we all want to do a shot
20:07Do you think that you are ready to move on from the Frenchman it would have to be good
20:14I mean if it was just like someone I felt lukewarm about or like the connection wasn't there. No, I wouldn't probably care
20:20It might would be easier to move on if you didn't talk to him every day
20:44That is so cute
20:46Thank you so much
20:48This is the last day of Jamie's the Greensboro bachelorette party and one big difference between
20:53Jamie's bridesmaids and me is our ability to
20:57Party and drink. I definitely am NOT that kind of girl anymore
21:01I'm too old I think but I did want to include something nice for the girls
21:06So I'm taking them for charcuterie and cocktails. So so cute
21:11And I think it's a perfect way to send Jamie off and a good way to close out a wonderful bachelorette weekend
21:19Wow, is everything going with the wedding planning? I know I texted my girl the day. I was like, are we still good for cake?
21:25She's like, yeah, what do you want? Like what flavors? Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Did you put out the no jeans?
21:31Edict, I put it on my website. I mean someone's gonna show up in jeans. I just know it
21:36I bet Kenny would yeah, he'd be the one. Is he still going? I don't know
21:41He texted me talking about some nonsense. It literally didn't even make any sense
21:44The last thing he said to me was why are you so picky and then he tried to call me you need to get
21:49Right. I don't want to text you and like why are you calling me? He's always calling. Oh, and that cute
21:55Like what does it mean? Like he's turning around on you. It's fine. You don't like fat girls fine done
22:00I don't I don't like you. You know what I mean? Like it's fine
22:04The Kenny situation. It's just it's been over and I think he wants to know that everything is fine with us
22:10But it's like Kenny there is no us like it just doesn't matter
22:13Like you're not attracted to me
22:16Great, and if he comes to the wedding sure, it'll be cordial unless he tries to kiss me again or pull out the flying squirrel
22:23Do you?
22:24Think that you are ready to move on from the Frenchman. Yeah, we kind of work. I mean it would have to be
22:33You know doesn't think when I'm looking at the dating apps. No, I can't care because that's actually nothing
22:37It's just a picture of a stranger. The only thing I ever get on there is will you sit on my face?
22:47Like you know what I might have had you not you know, how do you just been like hey what's going on?
22:53You know, I and I've sometimes if I feel like I have the time
22:56I'll be like does that how many times does that work for you?
22:58Really, you know and then they'll be like, well most girls I tried on are actually pretty, you know something like that and I'm like
23:06Was pretty enough five seconds ago to sit on your face
23:10It would have to be good. I mean if it was just like someone I felt lukewarm about or like the connection wasn't there
23:16No, I wouldn't probably care
23:18But if somebody came at me the right way, I saw that there was good chemistry
23:23Swap you off your yes. It might be easier to move on if you didn't talk to him every day
23:36Even though the French man and I are not getting married and I know it would behoove me to
23:43Probably cut off contact so that I could fully move on. It's just a lot easier said than done. I still talk to the French man
23:51Very regularly. Am I pathetic?
23:54Probably but I'm hoping that I can work up to the point where I can just fully move on. I
24:02Thought it was once you left France. That's what it was supposed to be
24:05Yeah, but but it's not and I don't think you can move
24:08I don't think you're gonna move forward cuz you're still you're not until he tells me he's with someone or I meet someone else
24:13I will probably for the rest of my life be thinking about him
24:16But at this point I think you need to cut off all ties
24:20Because it's hard to let go of somebody if you're still in contact with them. You got to put yourself out there
24:27Let's give someone else a chance
24:29You got to get out though, you gotta move you got to be places to meet like people that's true you can't stay at home
24:36That's that's over it. That's true. Okay, did you not be in the bed? I know
24:42You got to get out. You're never gonna meet somebody at your house
24:45If you open yourself to do that do it actually and not worry about him or what he thinks or what?
24:51His reaction will be I think that you could actually move forward
24:55truly putting yourself first I
25:00Intellectually that if I want to find a partner
25:02I have to be very intentional about going out in the world to meet other people who are there
25:08But I don't know where single men my age are and so I think I might need some outside help
25:14To every single one of you. I know you all have busy lives and y'all have children and families that you go home to
25:20So thank you for taking the time out to come out and celebrate me once again
25:24Yes, Oh, but I promise this is the last time and I'll be
25:31An honorary and I'll be at Whitney to all of you. Should we do a toast?
25:38Toast to the best weekend ever
25:43This bachelorette party has been amazing
25:45of course, it has got me thinking more about how far behind I am in my own life and I
25:52Think that I really need to make an appointment with dr. Y
25:56Okay, dr
25:58Y is the one that retrieved my eggs back in 2021 and at that point I think I thought by now
26:03I would probably have a serious partner and could use a surrogate. However, here we are. I'm still single
26:10Okay, so we're gonna go one two, three to have into Horton and then we're gonna celebrate
26:13Okay, here we go
26:20Kara's come to the wedding right? Yeah, Kara says plus one. Yeah, I don't have one. I'm working on it
26:26Work on it
26:26My brother has a date Ryan has a date
26:29Angie has a date the only person that doesn't have a date is Cody, but I can't bring him cuz he's my nephew
26:34So it's slim pickings out here
26:50Mean this is nice. Thanks. Well, don't get your hopes up about the house because it's it's not in great shape
26:56This is the room that I'm actually gonna rent
26:59What's up?
27:00Why are you always eating cheese?
27:03Good. Well, hey
27:07Come give me a hug. Yeah, come on. Hey, what's up?
27:12Good to see you
27:14Cat scratch that up
27:17It has been a whirlwind of a week with Jamie's bachelorette party now
27:21I'm glad Angie's able to stay for an extra day with me before heading back to Alabama. I do want to give her a tour of
27:27The Thor house. She's never seen it because it's never been acceptable for her to tour it
27:33So now she'll have a before in her mind so that when she sees the after of the renovation, hopefully she'll be impressed
27:40Come on, Lucy. Oh
27:42Lord, I know my dad is thinking about selling this house
27:46But I truly believe that if he can see the potential he might reconsider so I'm crossing my fingers for that
27:52Now this is the room in question
27:55Okay, I have lived in this room. Well, look at you. Just relax looking dainty
28:01Did we ever find the remote to this bed or is it perpetually?
28:03I didn't know
28:08This what did he say? Well, we can't find the remote to the fireplace either. Is that true?
28:13I have a couple questions about this are the blinds
28:19Supposed to be yellow
28:22I don't know. They look a little dusty, but there would blinds there with their real wood. There's a good one
28:26So yeah, you can clean no one ever comes in here again
28:29Well, the cats do obviously because I do see also that they scratched up that couch that I bought mommy and daddy
28:35So this is what I'm thinking. Obviously, we're getting rid of the carpet. We get some fake hardwood and then
28:41Obviously the bathroom see that's that old wallpaper. That's like 40-year-old wallpaper, right?
28:45I think paint the cabinets new light fixture new mirror paint in here and I'm gonna rearrange this furniture and make everything look right nice
28:54We're keeping this run-out a secret from my dad because I think my dad would tell me I mean, it's my money
29:01But I think he would say like why are you spending your money on this?
29:04XYZ, you know, it's just he doesn't need to know. I just want the impact to be like big. I just want him to see it and
29:13Knock him over with how wonderful it is
29:15But I want to like decorate it because we found so many like sentimental things
29:19You know in the house when I cleaned it up last year and and you know dad is he's a really sentimental guy
29:24Yeah, but he is. Yeah, I'm not I'm not joking. Oh, yeah
29:28He's full of sentiment. Yeah. Okay, so honor. Yeah, you know, I met Karen at the
29:43There's there's no gossip we're
29:45Love we're happy. He said he loved her. She said she loved him
29:52We're together we're happy
29:56Look at a man in love
30:02After meeting Karen at the premiere like I just got great vibes from her and
30:08Body language says everything and when you watch them two together
30:12They're in love
30:14Love love love
30:16Karen's come to the wedding, right?
30:19Yeah, Karen says plus one. Yeah, I
30:22Don't have one
30:24Yeah, I'm working on it work on it get on it. I
30:28am racking my brain trying to think of anyone that I could bring to this wedding as a plus one like
30:35There's no one. I mean obviously Jamie's the one getting married
30:37So she has a date my brother has a date Ryan has a date
30:42Angie has a date. My dad doesn't want a date and the only person that doesn't have a date is Cody
30:47But I can't bring him cuz he's like my nephew. So it's slim Pickens out here
30:53Well, let's show Angie the house. Yeah
30:55Yeah, and then at least you can appreciate the after when you see the after whenever I get this cleaned up, right?
31:00Come on, girl fresh paint does a lot
31:17I'm getting cramps, too. Oh, you got cramps. I feel like I'm getting cramps
31:22See, I forgot I had to come up with all my questions all my like middle school s questions
31:27Because I don't know anything about my item down. You don't have a binder
31:30No, and I don't know anything about my reproductive health as I walk into the doctor's office
31:35I am brimming with questions about my body
31:38I want to know what's going on in my reproductive organs
31:42I want to know how my eggs that I froze a few years ago are doing
31:46I'm hoping to hear good news about my ability to have a child in the future, but
31:51Also, I want to know what if that's not possible. Can I donate my eggs to someone else who might need them?
31:57I just need a lot of questions answered. I
32:02Just felt nervous for some reason I don't know why because you're not prepared
32:07Well, I don't know anything about your body right now, I know I mean, I don't know but I mean
32:11It's like I'm waiting for news, you know
32:13That's like I'm trying to like it's like I'm waiting to see if I'm pregnant or them
32:16It's soothing in here with that. It is very
32:19You gotta think I feel like a place like this is a place where women are very nervous
32:23Oh, yeah, you know, I was nervous going through my whole egg thing and I wasn't even doing it to immediately get pregnant, right?
32:29I mean, you know, I'm here in the situation every time I go to the doctor
32:34You're in the situation right now, yeah, I mean you might have to do the egg retrieval, right?
32:39Potentially, I don't know what I'm gonna have to do
32:41I bet you're gonna have to do I bet they're gonna have to go in there and yeah pluck them and put them somewhere
32:47You spend most of your adult life trying not to get pregnant and then when you decide you want to get pregnant
32:53It just doesn't happen like you thought it would and then you're like, why was that worried this whole time?
32:58But getting pregnant has not been easy for us. We've been trying for about a year
33:02I do have a condition endometriosis that has been making things difficult
33:07We are seeing doctors and specialists and everything that's in my control
33:12We're doing but no, it's it's not been as easy as I thought it would have been those girls
33:18Lot, let me show you their reaction when they saw their cups
33:22Look at how excited they were. It was hilarious
33:32I've just never been happier in their life. A little tumbler topper, who would have thought. So happy. That was a hit
33:40It was. Good. So speaking of like celebrations and plannings and whatnots and I told you
33:47I still do not have a single plan for my birthday. The vibe that I miss without throwing up on the banana boat
33:53It's like st. Lucia vibes. Oh my god. Are you kidding me? Just resort vibes like
33:58going to a
34:00Coastal location like on a plane, you know
34:03Maybe intercontinental intercontinental. Mm-hmm. What are you talking about? Corsica? I'm talking about where that is Ibiza
34:11Okay, I'm talking about Barcelona. Okay
34:15It's no secret that I have hated my birthday for like 10 years and since kovat like they've been
34:21Extra bad or boring or disastrous, you know, we try to go tubing in a thunderstorm
34:26We had a kovat drive-by birthday a pool party when it was like 55 degrees out
34:32It just you know
34:32It's really not giving what it needs to give and I am so hoping this
34:38Birthday could finally give me what I am looking for
34:42Whitney hi. Hello. How are you guys doing today? We're good. How are you? Good, you know on the surface this
34:49Might seem like kind of a routine
34:53But actually I feel really nervous I don't know if I would be able to carry a child
34:58I don't know if the eggs that are already retrieved are still good anymore
35:01I don't know if I could donate them to someone else if they're not like it's just a lot of
35:06questions and
35:08I'm here because I want the answers, but the answers also feel like they could be really definitive and really scary. I
35:16Feel like we're trying to get pregnant right now. I know like I feel like it's me and Isaiah
35:19Oh, I feel like it's me and you
35:28Understand you have some questions and you want to get checked again, so I wanted to just see what was going on in my
35:35Uterus, I'm curious because the last two years
35:39I've now suddenly gotten my period every single month and I went my whole life. How are you on any medication?
35:45Oh, have you lost or gained anyway?
35:48Well, I have lost but it started before I even really lost this last amount of weight
35:53I lost about 50 pounds in the last year, but this started zero
35:56Yeah, when I've lost a hundred from my highest weight, so, you know patients with PCOS as their ovaries lose some of the
36:04eggs, unfortunately
36:06right and some of the hormone changes occur in such a way that the vicious cycle that kept them from
36:14Ovulating and having their periods is broken and they start having obvious or cycles
36:20Ah, so but at this age where it's like some some of it could be the age but some of it could also be the weight
36:26Loss, okay. I'm about to turn 40. So I wonder what my general fertility is
36:30I'm not trying to get pregnant, but I kind of want to know don't need to worry about getting pregnant like on accident
36:34Or can I just well, there's always that possibility
36:39Okay, well, let's see what's going on in the old pelvic, okay
36:43Region, I guess. All right
36:48Okay, not a pressure
36:52Getting my period now and stuff. I'm just curious what all is going on
37:00At this point
37:20Like to pretend I'm about to see a baby or something. I'd like to see a kitten in there one time. All right
37:26Okay, not a pressure
37:30So right now we're looking at your uterus, uh-huh, it's looking good no fibroids or anything like that. This is a good lining
37:36It's not too thickened in a patient with a history of
37:40PCOS we sometimes would worry about excessively thick lining right? We're not seeing that in you. It's actually looking nice
37:48Oh, I love to hear it. I just have always had all this like
37:52Not shame, but something tied to thinking like my body's broke. I don't work right, you know
37:57So now when I get my period girl, I am so excited. I'm like, oh, I'm cramping, you know
38:02When I was walking in to dr. Y's office, I was really really anxious
38:06But after hearing what I would consider to be pretty good news, I'm excited
38:10It feels like my reproductive organs are still in really good shape for the age that I am which is great news
38:17I just hope that I get the answers that I want to all of my other questions as well
38:22I just need a refresher
38:23I think I had I think I had a decent amount of eggs
38:26but I can't remember how many I have and I'm wondering how long they can still be on ice before I got a
38:32What do you do with them? Can I give them away or?
38:35Most people if they're done with childbearing or if they no longer
38:40Intend to get pregnant. They will discard them or they may donate them to scientific research
38:47They don't get any freezer burn or okay. Okay, if that's what you're okay. Now one thing FDA doesn't allow is
38:55Donation of eggs that were collected with the purpose of that owner to reproduce you can't really donate them
39:07As far as I know
39:08FDA does not allow how can you tell somebody what to do with their own eggs?
39:12There are other stipulations for eggs to be donated. They have to be approved to be an egg donor FDA considers them
39:20Ineligible, you know, I've heard that word about myself a lot. Dr. Y and I I hate it
39:26I am honestly really surprised and confusion about this
39:33What I thought I don't know. I I feel like they're my eggs
39:38I mean obviously like I can't go steal them from a freezer, but I'm just shocked to hear that I can only
39:44Throw them away or donate them to science. I just feel like part of me just really doesn't want those eggs to go to waste
39:52When would you tell me like I can't use your eggs to help you get pregnant at what age a rough?
39:58Age cutoff is like 43. Okay. All right. Well, I'm coming up. I'm not suggesting you wait till that
40:05I don't want to I just have not have not found the
40:10It's not something I want to do alone, and I've not yet found the partner
40:13But I kind of I guess in my mind maybe just culturally we think 40 is it so I'm coming up on my 40th birthday
40:20So I was feeling a little
40:23I mean that makes me feel a little hopeful
40:24Maybe I've got three more years than I thought I had plus you have your
40:29Cry preserved already already preserved. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I think I'm I
40:34Feel encouraged I might have three more years. Yeah. Okay. Sounds like you do have three more. Okay. All right
40:40Well, I really appreciate it
40:44I I hope I'll see you soon. I hope that you know sooner rather than later
40:49I'll have a partner and we'll be trying for a baby. So yeah, if you know any single men, let me know
40:57Thank you so much Caitlin appreciate it. All right. See you. All right. Thank you
41:03Okay, you can just keep my underwear. I don't need to come back on it. No, of course not. Oh
41:09Well, I've injured the whole thing, oh, thank you so as you know that way you won't forget forget I think I'm definitely
41:18Ovulating now which makes me I know I'm so not likely to get pregnant accidentally, but I'm like could you imagine it's like the first time
41:23I've ever
41:25Actually been ovulating probably in my life because I've told you that when I used to bleed
41:29I never had a cramp. Like I didn't know what it was like until right till now. I
41:34Might still technically have about three years to have a baby, but I've spent so many years
41:41Stuck in just this limbo dead-end thing with the Frenchman. And so I know that if I really want children
41:47I have absolutely no more time to waste
41:51Welcome to the club. Welcome to woman
41:58Next time on my big fat fabulous life. Is there something about me that is so wrong that people won't even give me a first date
42:05It's not wrong, but you're intimidating cuz I'm fat cuz I'm a heavyset lady. You need to take the pressure off
42:10Be a little less picky
42:12Stop anticipating that you meet your husband on the next date. You go on. I just don't go on some fun date
42:18You don't have any constructive criticism
42:21Nobody's really telling the truth here. I mean if you can't see what's wrong with yourself
42:25I don't know if anyone's gonna be able to convince you the one thing that holds you back
42:30Romantically is your size. Would you consider losing weight again?