Welcome to Plathville SS6 - Episode 3

  • 2 months ago
Welcome to Plathville SS6 - Episode 3
00:00I bought a houseboat.
00:05It takes a little bit of getting used to.
00:08It's got just enough living space to be manageable.
00:12I gotta get out.
00:14Can you shut the door so the bugs don't get in?
00:19So, what's new in Minnesota?
00:21Well, me and Libby are getting a divorce.
00:28I thought I would come down and get away from it for a little bit, I guess.
00:31We're here for you.
00:33We're missing Amber, Cassie, and Mercy.
00:35Kim's got them.
00:36Are you gonna try to see them?
00:40Lydia, I don't know how you do it.
00:43I don't know how you go out to bars and you just let guys get that close to you and touch you and buy you drinks.
00:48You set some boundaries.
00:50Lydia's definitely already going on dates.
00:52And I want to try some of that.
00:54But dating after marrying the first guy that you ever even held hands with is wild.
01:15Arizona! I love it here.
01:17The sun is shining.
01:19And Lib and I are gonna go out to the bar tonight.
01:21Let's go inside and see what's happening and get ready.
01:24This is so fun to be in the same place at the same time.
01:27Both single.
01:29Thinking about dating.
01:30Having fun.
01:31Literally just enjoying life, right?
01:33What's your favorite part of putting your outfit together?
01:36Um, what I'm wearing underneath that no one knows but me.
01:38Ooh, fleshy, okay.
01:41So this is my first time going out on the town to a bar since I'm single.
01:46I feel like if I was going out to meet someone or, like, find someone, I'd be so freaking worried.
01:52Because it's hard to find people that I'd, like, be okay dating.
01:56I mean, I think the goal tonight is just to go out and have fun and see what happens.
02:00Alright, yeah.
02:02And I couldn't wait.
02:03Do I look good or no?
02:06You look killer.
02:07The only thing is, every time I've gone out with Lib, weird men find her.
02:10You think they're all weird?
02:11Most of them.
02:12But wouldn't you say your standards are kind of pretty high?
02:15I'm kind of picky, yeah.
02:19Alright, yep.
02:20This is our first night out as, well, me officially single.
02:23Lib's been single for a while.
02:24But our first time going out together as single women.
02:32Alright, let's go, let's go.
02:50It's a unique day in the course of history in some respects.
02:54Alright, boys, today is push day.
02:57So let's go over here, Ethan, and let's just do some straight bench presses.
03:01I have gotten the guys together, all four of us, for the first time.
03:04And we are going to hit the gym.
03:06So do you feel like going to the gym is therapeutic in any way?
03:10Yeah, it definitely gets a lot of frustration and anger out.
03:13Yeah, exactly.
03:14I found it, like, really helped when I was frustrated.
03:18Or just having a bad day, I'd go to the gym.
03:20It's helped me a lot.
03:22Yes, I'm depressed right now, and there's a lot of emotions, feelings, frustrations.
03:26I don't know what to do.
03:28Pain or anger of things in your life can either cripple you
03:32or it can be one of the most powerful motivators for you to change your life.
03:37So I feel like I've been working in the right direction in those regards.
03:42I thought of you many times when I started going through all the stuff with Olivia.
03:47And I was like, well, what did my dad do?
03:49Well, he went to the gym.
03:51Okay, I should start going to the gym.
03:53And times when I felt like I couldn't do it, I was like, well, if he did it, I certainly could do it.
03:58He's going to hurt himself.
04:00Dad, you're not as young as you once was.
04:02I know, but he's stronger than he once was.
04:04I'm stronger than I was at 28.
04:07There you go.
04:08This is a phase.
04:09Grief is a phase.
04:10Anger is a phase.
04:11Depression is a phase.
04:13And you just walk through it.
04:16This must be fake weights.
04:23Who else is going to try this?
04:25Like, I want to see you try it.
04:26Not me.
04:27I could probably do it if I didn't do chest yesterday.
04:31Micah says is that he worked his chest out really hard yesterday.
04:36Like, that's what he's saying to everybody?
04:38No, he did.
04:39I think he did.
04:40But you know what I did?
04:42I did my recon this morning and found out he worked chest yesterday really hard.
04:46So what did I focus on?
04:53All right, you got it.
04:56No, no.
04:57All right.
04:58All right.
04:59All right.
05:00I wish I had known we were going to do chest today.
05:03Wish I had known we were going to do chest today because I would have done back yesterday.
05:08It's so frustrating that...
05:11Like a 55-year-old can kick your butt all over the gym?
05:15That's not what I was referring to.
05:16That is frustrating, though.
05:18Like, you can't even tell I work out.
05:20But when I take my shirt off, jaws hit the floor.
05:23Not really.
05:24It was a joke.
05:25More like eyes hit the other wall.
05:27Because they don't want to be looking at the wall you're on.
05:35It is quite interesting because Micah's territory is the gym.
05:38But I did outdo him.
05:42Oh, yeah.
05:43Look at him go.
05:46Everybody's better at something, so just look at it that way.
05:49Everybody's better at something, and you just got to be.
05:52You guys aren't making up fish stories about your gym performance, are you?
05:55No, I'm being honest.
05:56I'm watching you.
05:57Oh, crap.
05:58I'm always watching you.
05:59Whoa, whoa.
06:02Well, dude, you made a good show of it, but I out-pumped you today.
06:12He pulled his liver.
06:19Ooh, let's sit at the bar in here.
06:23This is like one of your first times being out single with me.
06:27Does it feel liberating?
06:29I don't know.
06:30Do you feel like I'm going to be a good wingman, then?
06:36I am.
06:37I definitely am.
06:38I haven't tested your skills out yet.
06:40That's what tonight's for.
06:41Come with me, and I'll lead you to some great people.
06:44I feel like you come out on the town quite a lot.
06:46Oh, I do.
06:47I do.
06:48That's the space of life right now.
06:50I love that for you.
06:51Well, I love that you're going out with me.
06:53Yes, ma'am.
06:54I would not miss it.
06:57When I come here and she's going out and she's having fun,
06:59I'm like, I'm totally going with you.
07:01We're going to have so much fun.
07:02Like, in L.A., at home, back when I lived in Minnesota,
07:05I don't really go out to bars by myself.
07:07I'm a grandma.
07:08I'd rather be home drinking tea and reading books.
07:11If this doesn't embody grandma vibes,
07:13in my purse right now I've got a book in case I'm bored
07:16and I want to read.
07:17I've got a game in case conversation's awkward
07:19or we need to play something.
07:20I've got a tub of fresh mozzarella
07:23because you can't get that at the bar.
07:25I have an apple in case I want a later snack.
07:28Toilet spray in case you walk in and it does not smell good.
07:32Yeah, that's about it.
07:34I feel like that's a great wing moment.
07:35Yeah, you couldn't expect anything better.
07:37You can have your teas, but...
07:39Like, do you feel like it's hard to be single?
07:44Except for when I'm going to bed at night
07:46and I've never had my own bed.
07:48I feel like people are asking me a lot of questions
07:50in my life right now about, like, what I like
07:52and what I'm experiencing,
07:53and I don't know how to answer anything,
07:55so I almost feel like I'm, like,
07:56pulling answers out of midair.
07:57I don't really know if I like being single.
07:58I don't really know if I like dating.
08:00I don't know if I don't.
08:01There's no time frame on it.
08:02You can do whatever you want to do.
08:04I'm just, like, taking what every day brings me.
08:06That's why I'm glad you're here
08:07because that's literally what I'm living like right now, so...
08:09It's like one day at a time?
08:11Making the most of every day.
08:13Cheers to that, bro.
08:14Tonight is literally about finding out
08:15what you're like as a wingman.
08:17Yeah, and just having fun
08:18and, like, experiencing things together as single women.
08:22I'm just asking what your expectations are so I know.
08:24My only expectation is that we take care of each other,
08:27we have each other's back,
08:28and we have fun.
08:29Cheers to a single life,
08:31whatever it brings us.
08:33Well, can't wait to see what trouble we stir up tonight.
08:39Look at these booty shorts.
08:41You want these?
08:42Yeah, that one would keep me warm.
08:43I want to go through my clothes
08:46and get rid of a little bit of the
08:4816-year-old Mariah style.
08:51You sure?
08:55Ethan, when was the last time you saw Mom?
08:57I don't know.
08:58Today is my last day in town.
09:00And if I want to see my little sisters,
09:02I have to go down to see my mom.
09:05So, yeah, I guess we'll see what that's like.
09:19I need new clothes.
09:21This is fine.
09:22Me, too, Lydia.
09:23I'll take this one.
09:24No, I like that top.
09:25I like it, too.
09:26It's one of the most modest tops I have, okay?
09:28But I do have a whole thing of clothes here that...
09:30Look at these booty shorts.
09:32You want these?
09:33Yeah, that one would keep me warm.
09:35You sure?
09:36So I'm getting settled in,
09:37and I've been going through all my clothes
09:39and reorganizing my closet,
09:41getting rid of clothes and stuff.
09:42And Lydia's helping out,
09:44even though we have completely different styles.
09:47She just gets me.
09:50Oh, my goodness.
09:51This one is kind of a cool top.
09:53I remember this dress.
09:56Clothing has always been
09:57something I've used to express myself.
09:59But my style's kind of slowly changing.
10:02I never thought I'd say that.
10:04Anyway, I want to go through my clothes
10:07and get rid of a little bit of the 16-year-old Mariah style.
10:17Literally, I have shorts that, like,
10:19were underwear, wasn't even shorts.
10:22Like, that's how skimpy my wardrobe was.
10:26There's just, like, a bunch of strings and ties.
10:29I know that sounds really bad.
10:31It's not like I walked around in bikinis all day,
10:34but I kind of did.
10:38So you're finally home.
10:40I'm finally home.
10:41It's good to have you home, too.
10:43It is so good to be home.
10:44You've been all over the gosh-dang place this year.
10:48Yeah, just all four ends of the country, that's all.
10:51That's great, though.
10:53It's been amazing, but there's no place like home.
10:56I'm still technically living at home,
10:58although I've hardly been here the last six months.
11:00I went on a two-month missions trip,
11:02and it was so phenomenal.
11:05Rise with Christ!
11:09And from there, I kind of just kept traveling.
11:13Went to Minnesota, to the Keys, Tennessee, North Georgia.
11:17I kind of caught the travel bug pretty bad.
11:24So the missions trip was so amazing,
11:26just getting to love on people
11:28and seeing how that, you know, just changes,
11:31it impacts them and you.
11:33I don't know how long I'll be here, but I'm glad you're here.
11:36Me, too.
11:37I'm glad you're here for Dad.
11:41Because Dad would be here by himself all the time,
11:44and I'd be out traveling, and I'm just like,
11:46Dad's home by himself this week, so I'm glad you're here.
11:50I just can't tell you how good it has been
11:52to spend some time with Dad and stuff,
11:55because when I left home, I left like that.
11:59I just packed my things and was out.
12:01Nobody was even there to say bye.
12:03And now it's like I'm able to be here
12:06and finish my childhood.
12:12Yeah, so you can have your childhood back
12:14and then properly move out one day with a hug.
12:19And everything.
12:20I don't know.
12:21This is always just like a landing pad.
12:23Wherever family is is where home is.
12:25And like I had everything planned out, blah, blah, blah.
12:29I was going to do this and that and this and that.
12:31And then it all changed very fast,
12:33and now I'm like rethinking my future majorly.
12:38And now I'm wondering, do I want to go to college?
12:41Because I'm, it's really do I pursue music
12:45or do I go to college?
12:47I wonder which child's going to be the first to go to college.
12:49I've actually been thinking about that slightly lately.
12:54Wait, you've been thinking about going to college?
12:59I've been thinking of a lot of things.
13:01I do understand that.
13:03I definitely understand that.
13:06This last year has had so many opportunities for growth for me,
13:11and I'm just learning to embrace everything
13:15and not let the circumstances change me.
13:19I've been through a lot, some rough changes.
13:23Last year I had mentioned that I was dating someone.
13:28He is amazing, just such an amazing man of God.
13:34It's sweeter than I could have asked for
13:39or thought of or dreamed of,
13:41and it's more beautiful than I could have imagined.
13:47That came to an end just recently.
13:50It hurts, but when it's not the right time,
13:53when it's not meant to be, then it's time to move on.
13:58I've been able to face a lot
14:00and remain somewhat decently steady through it all.
14:07I have no doubt that that's because
14:10I still have my rock that I can stand on.
14:13That's Jesus, and whatever path I walk down,
14:18I just keep Him first and let Him lead me,
14:21and it's beautiful.
14:24We could go to college together.
14:26We could go to college together?
14:28We could go get into debt together.
14:32What would you go to college for if you were going to go?
14:35I don't know, do they have a class to learn about yourself?
14:39I'm joking.
14:49Do you think the bartender's hot?
14:52No? You don't like dark hair?
14:54It's not that, it's just I'm pretty tall.
14:57Okay, it doesn't matter when the lights are off.
15:01I wanted to see your face reaction.
15:04Oh, Olivia.
15:06I am not much of a bar-goer.
15:11I went one time with a group of friends in Tampa,
15:13and it was like my first girls' night out at this bar.
15:17Cheers, guys.
15:19Thank you.
15:20You are so welcome.
15:21Oh, my goodness.
15:23And it was fun to sin a little bit that night.
15:27And now being single,
15:29this chapter in my life is all about new experiences,
15:31so I guess today is just another one of those.
15:34How are you guys doing?
15:36Jacob, I go by Jay.
15:37Jackie, my name's Jackie.
15:39Where are you guys from?
15:41She lives here.
15:42I just moved here.
15:43Where are you originally from?
15:45How's Virginia? I've never been or even...
15:48Virginia depends on where you go.
15:51So, like, very redneck.
15:55I work at one of the bars out here.
15:56It's called Petit Chez Rosé and Almost Famous.
15:59We've gone out before, like, on a weekend,
16:01and where we go depends on where the shorter line is.
16:04Like, you walk from place to place,
16:05you're like, I'm not standing in that line,
16:06so I'm going here.
16:07You guys don't have to stand in the line, though.
16:08Because now, wait, because now we know you?
16:10No, it's just because you guys are hot women.
16:13I love a little bit of cheeky banter.
16:15Like, I love a little conversation.
16:17When I was married, I was like,
16:18wait, was that too much? Was that flirting?
16:19And the next time, I'd be like,
16:20I'm not going to talk to them.
16:21And I'd be like, I don't want to live life that way.
16:22You can have friendly banter with people.
16:24Can I get you guys anything to drink?
16:26What if we flip the tables and say,
16:28we'll get you a drink, and we'll drink if you drink?
16:30I'll do it.
16:32Sounds good.
16:33I think I love it was definitely a little awkward
16:34with flirting, but I just feel like
16:35for being married for so long,
16:36you don't have that much experience.
16:38I don't really, like, mind that I'm awkward.
16:40Growing up and not, like, having a dating phase,
16:42there's things that I want to learn
16:44to be more comfortable about
16:45when it comes to talking with guys
16:46and having conversations.
16:48But at the end of the day,
16:49I'm still always going to be awkward.
16:51Still always going to be dorky.
16:52It's just me.
16:53And that's okay.
16:55I used to get up at 7 a.m. every morning
16:57to go outside and milk the goats and cows.
16:59Is it hard?
17:00No, you just basically start
17:02and you roll up the fingers.
17:03Super easy.
17:04You don't roll up, you roll down.
17:05That's what I'm saying.
17:06You're going up.
17:07Oh, oh, all right.
17:09Well, you never really milked.
17:10That was my job.
17:11I milked for a year.
17:12You don't remember that?
17:13One year? Yeah, I did it for nine years.
17:14Okay, well.
17:15It's a weird flex, but
17:17usually if a guy comes up to me to hit on me,
17:19I know within, like, 30 seconds
17:21if I'm interested or not.
17:23These guys are not like guys I would date.
17:26Thanks, Adrian.
17:27Nice to meet you.
17:28Nice to meet you.
17:29There is something empowering
17:31about buying a man a shot.
17:33Yes, because guys are like,
17:34I'll buy you a shot,
17:35and I'll be like, I'll buy you a shot.
17:37I also make money.
17:40I had fun, did you?
17:41Oh, yeah, absolutely.
17:42I feel like this is definitely
17:43more my scene, though,
17:44and it was fun bringing you along.
17:45If there was any super weirdos,
17:46I would have chased them out,
17:47but they're all freaks here,
17:49so you got to make your choice.
17:52Thank you very much,
17:53and enjoy your time.
17:54Thank you, thank you.
17:55Thank you.
17:56Have a good night, y'all.
17:57Your name is not Jackie.
17:59I know, so back me up.
18:00All right, Jackie.
18:04There they are.
18:06It's been a while since I've seen Ethan.
18:09I do feel a little nervous and on edge
18:12the last few times that we've talked,
18:14it's not gone well.
18:25Oh, this looks like
18:26it's going to be a good hike.
18:28Like, these are different mouths
18:29in the Appalachians,
18:30but they still make you so happy.
18:32Today is my last day here,
18:34and my time in Arizona
18:36has been quite fun.
18:38This place looks so beautiful.
18:44I feel like my time with Lydia
18:46has been exactly what I needed.
18:48I'm really, really grateful for that.
18:51The very first time
18:52I was ever in Arizona,
18:54I went to pee outside,
18:56and I accidentally squatted on a cactus
18:59because it was dark out
19:00and I couldn't see where I was,
19:01so I literally just, like,
19:02sat down on a cactus.
19:04And what did that feel like?
19:05I got wrecked.
19:07I just feel at peace with life, right?
19:09Like, things are not perfect,
19:10and I've got my share
19:12of frustrating stuff to deal with
19:13back in Minnesota.
19:15But even just this little hike
19:17kind of symbolizes
19:18what my life looks like now.
19:19I'm choosing to fill it
19:20with very positive things,
19:21positive people.
19:23I'm choosing to build
19:26a happy life for myself,
19:27and I just feel so at peace
19:29with where I am
19:30and what I'm filling my time with.
19:34Oh, look at the view!
19:36This is so beautiful here.
19:38Yeah, it really is.
19:40Did you see yourself here
19:41a year ago?
19:44No, I definitely did not.
19:46A year ago, you were spending time
19:49with me in Minnesota.
19:51So much has changed since then.
19:55Honestly, I don't think
19:56I would trade my past.
19:57Like, it's not easy,
19:58but it definitely made you
20:00into who you are.
20:01It did.
20:02And sometimes I think about the fact
20:04that if I can go through
20:05all of this,
20:06and only have lived 25 years,
20:08I'm like, I can make it
20:09through anything.
20:11If you could tell yourself
20:12one thing in a year,
20:13based off where you are,
20:14like right now, today,
20:15what would you tell yourself?
20:18I think I would tell myself
20:19to not rush life.
20:21When you rush,
20:22you miss out on a lot of things
20:23that you're supposed to find
20:24or see or people
20:25you're supposed to meet,
20:26and I think I just want to,
20:27like, take it slow
20:29and what's supposed to happen
20:30will happen,
20:31and be open to whatever
20:32crosses my path,
20:33because it's probably
20:34what I need to learn
20:35or explore.
20:37I thought I wanted
20:38a different life when I was 20,
20:41and in some ways,
20:44this seems like a lifetime ago,
20:47and in some ways,
20:48it seems like I was
20:49that kid last year.
20:51Well, I guess one last final step
20:54in Minnesota,
20:56and then here's to more
20:57Arizona trips and hikes
21:00and all the good things
21:01that we're exploring
21:02and experiencing.
21:04And making your own destiny,
21:05LA and beyond.
21:08I have no idea what to expect
21:09when I go back to Minnesota.
21:11I just feel like Ethan's
21:12very unpredictable.
21:14All I know is I would really
21:15like to get this wrapped up.
21:17I don't want to have to keep
21:18traveling back to Minnesota
21:20to get that done,
21:21so second time's the charm.
21:24You want to stay for sunset?
21:26I kind of do.
21:27Yeah, we'll stay for sunset.
21:30What a great trip.
21:43What the hell?
21:48I got some mucus in my nose.
21:53Today's my last day in town
21:55before I go back to Minnesota.
21:58And if I want to see
21:59my little sisters,
22:00I have to go down
22:01to see my mom
22:03because of the custody,
22:04you know, 50-50 or whatever.
22:08So, yeah, I guess we'll see
22:11what that's like.
22:13So what are we going to do today?
22:15Play with the little girls?
22:16Catch up?
22:18Are we doing anything
22:19specific with them
22:20or just hanging out with them?
22:22I'm sure they'll just want to
22:23show us all the things
22:24that they have to show us.
22:26I haven't been to Mom's boat yet,
22:29so I don't know.
22:32Ethan, when was the last time
22:33you saw Mom?
22:34I don't know.
22:36I think the last time I saw my mom
22:38was probably about two years ago.
22:41In the past, I was hesitant
22:42to see my mom because
22:43there was so much drama
22:45around her and Olivia,
22:46and it was just a headache.
22:50You two have made it very clear
22:52that you do not accept Olivia.
22:54You both know if you can't accept her,
22:56then you don't get me either.
22:58But now, you know,
23:00with me and Olivia getting a divorce,
23:02Olivia's out of the picture now.
23:06I don't know.
23:07It just made me, like,
23:08reflect on decisions.
23:11I would like to have
23:12a normal relationship with my mom
23:15to the extent that she
23:18is capable of, I guess.
23:22My mom is a little bit different.
23:24My mom's not like other moms
23:28that I've known.
23:29She was never very affectionate,
23:31you know, so it's not like
23:32the normal motherly type.
23:35It's just not really her.
23:40birds chirping
23:53Mariah, Micah, and Ethan
23:56are coming over today,
23:58which is exciting.
24:00But at the same time,
24:02I do feel a little nervous
24:04and on edge.
24:06It's been a while since I've seen
24:08Ethan, and I think I'm just
24:11gun-shy from the last few times
24:13that we've talked,
24:14and it's not gone well.
24:16You and Dad had pretty much
24:17told us that you don't
24:19start dating someone
24:20if you're not gonna marry them.
24:21The environment that we grew up in
24:23literally bred somebody
24:26that would go straight to,
24:28like, the first person
24:30that you had, like,
24:31a mutual feeling for,
24:33and it was never taught
24:34to any of us
24:36that there was another way.
24:38Like, do you have any remorse
24:40for any of that?
24:43Things were not on good terms
24:45then, and then there was
24:47the credit card story
24:49that Olivia told,
24:50which made everything worse.
24:54So, honestly, I was
24:56a little surprised to hear
24:58that he's coming down
24:59to visit me.
25:01I'm hopeful that we're past
25:03all the drama,
25:05but Ethan can be unpredictable.
25:08He can be emotional.
25:11He can be, he can have
25:12something stewing on the inside
25:15that he's upset about
25:16that you don't know about,
25:18and then he can just
25:19surprise you with it.
25:20So I'm a little bit nervous.
25:28There they are.
25:31Those three musketeers.
25:37I know it's been years
25:38since Ethan and my mom
25:39were able to stand each other,
25:42so I have no idea
25:43really what to expect.
25:45Pretty sure Ethan's
25:46going to want to, you know,
25:47take it slow,
25:49but Mom is still his mom,
25:51and that's never going to change,
25:53and she loves him unconditionally,
25:55and he loves her unconditionally.
25:58She loves him unconditionally,
25:59and he should do the same.
26:02I don't know what to do.
26:07Ethan, that's great.
26:08Let's go find
26:09how to eat these.
26:10How are you?
26:12I don't know what to do.
26:17Ethan, that's great.
26:18Let's go find
26:19how to eat these.
26:20Oh, good!
26:27It's a dirty potty.
26:28Like a dirty potty?
26:29Okay, yeah.
26:31See you.
26:34How are you?
26:36Good, how are you?
26:53Those three musketeers.
26:59I'm excited to hang out
27:00with my older children,
27:02but as far as Ethan and I,
27:04I kind of have
27:05low expectations right now
27:07because things have been
27:08so rocky for so long.
27:11Oh, yeah!
27:13I didn't know
27:14he was going to be here.
27:17That's great.
27:18Let's go find
27:19how to eat these.
27:22Oh, good.
27:23Good to see you.
27:24I brought you something, Mom.
27:27A little housewarming gift.
27:29Hey, it might be used.
27:31It's a dirty potty.
27:32Like a dirty potty?
27:33Okay, yeah.
27:35Hi, Amber.
27:36Hi, Marcy.
27:37How are you?
27:39Good, how are you?
27:43Hey, how are you?
27:44I'm good.
27:46How are you?
27:50I was hopeful
27:51that Ethan and I
27:52might rekindle
27:53a real relationship,
27:54and that was confirmed
27:57when he got out of the truck
27:58and he gave me a hug.
28:00I wanted to be there
28:01and be available
28:02if he wanted to shake my hand
28:05or just wave hi.
28:08But he put his arms out
28:09and he hugged me.
28:12I've been waiting for that
28:13for a long time.
28:24Without saying anything,
28:26it was letting me know
28:28that it's going to be okay
28:30and that he's back as my son.
28:34You want to see the boat?
28:38I gave my mom a hug
28:39and she was a little bit emotional
28:41about that
28:42just because she hadn't seen me
28:44in a long time.
28:45She probably misses me.
28:46And there's just so much
28:47involved around that,
28:50whereas before,
28:51like with me and Olivia,
28:52that wouldn't have been
28:53something that would have happened,
28:55which is crazy to say,
28:56but it's the truth.
29:00I guess the only, like,
29:01upside to me and Olivia
29:03not being together anymore
29:04is I can navigate
29:05my relationship with people
29:06as I see fit.
29:07I don't have to take anyone else
29:08into consideration now.
29:11I want to meet my mom
29:12where she's at
29:13and I want to give her
29:14a hard time without cause.
29:17I feel like I've done that
29:18in the past and that was,
29:20you know,
29:21I wish that I had not
29:25let things get under my skin
29:26like they did for no reason.
29:29Okay, so you can either
29:31leave your shoes on
29:32or take them off.
29:34if it falls in the water,
29:35it's gone, so.
29:37No, they float.
29:38Well, okay.
29:39Have you fallen in yet, Mom?
29:41I have not.
29:42None of us have fallen in yet.
29:45This is your home?
29:48This is my, well,
29:49there's more to it.
29:50It's not just this.
29:54Looking at the boat,
29:55I think we're all thinking
29:56the same thing,
29:57but none of us
29:58are actually saying it.
29:59How far do you have to go
30:00to go to the bathroom?
30:01A boat doesn't run.
30:02How far do you have
30:03to go to shower?
30:04Do the lights work?
30:06You jump in here
30:08and that water looks
30:09kind of brown.
30:10I'm like,
30:11how does this even work?
30:14How long have you had this?
30:16A few weeks.
30:20And does it run?
30:22It hasn't run in like a year.
30:24I haven't done anything
30:25with running it or starting it
30:27or anything like that.
30:29My mom went from
30:31her and my dad
30:32and all these kids
30:33in this house.
30:35Who wants to see the inside?
30:36I want to see the inside,
30:37do you?
30:38This is the master bedroom.
30:39Split, and then she's on the boat
30:41and that's like home now.
30:43Oh, I like this.
30:45And the boat,
30:46it doesn't even run,
30:47so she can't like
30:48get out on the water.
30:49She's stuck in a dock.
30:51There's a little galley here,
30:52a little fridge.
30:54I guess all I can say is
30:56just things are different now.
30:59What's in there?
31:00Well, there's more of the tour.
31:04This is the master bedroom.
31:06I think I'm going to buy
31:07myself a boat.
31:08Me and Blackjack
31:09are going to go sailing off
31:10into no man's land.
31:12My mom's definitely
31:13a free spirit.
31:14She's definitely a
31:15I really don't care
31:16type of person
31:17and that's one of the things
31:18that I love the most
31:19about my mom, honestly.
31:21Don't you want to get on a kayak
31:22and go see where that goes?
31:25We can just go swim
31:26and see where it goes.
31:33Is it weird seeing mom?
31:35Kind of.
31:40Mom's definitely changed a lot.
31:42She's a very unique person,
31:44but I've really grown to
31:46appreciate a lot about her.
31:49I guess I'm just looking at it
31:50going like the change from
31:53where she was three years ago
31:57to where she is today.
31:58I mean, I hope she's happy.
32:00I hope she's better for it.
32:02And there was a lot of things
32:03that I was frustrated
32:04with mom about
32:05and it took a long time
32:06for me to adjust to it.
32:08But something that
32:09I didn't realize
32:11was as easy to do
32:12that I now really appreciate
32:14is that she doesn't really
32:17get her feelings hurt.
32:19Is that because she doesn't
32:22know how to really feel stuff?
32:25The reason why I asked
32:26is because I kind of
32:28feel the same way.
32:29I don't really get too hurt
32:30about stuff,
32:31but at the same time
32:32I don't really feel much.
32:36To me, being able to be
32:37100% vulnerable
32:38is very difficult.
32:40And I couldn't with Olivia
32:41because things would
32:42turn into a fight
32:43and that's why there was
32:46so much resentment
32:47on my end that built up.
32:49And that takes years
32:50for me to eventually
32:52get to a breaking point.
32:54And then once I do
32:55reach that point,
32:56it's too late.
32:58So in the future,
32:59I will have to be
33:00vulnerable with certain people.
33:04And also nip things
33:05in the bud for myself
33:07before they get
33:08out of control.
33:10What else do you guys
33:11want to do before we leave?
33:13So I know you met Ken
33:17like one time
33:18a long time ago,
33:20but I mean his place
33:21isn't far from here.
33:23We could go hang out
33:24there for a while.
33:25We could play pool
33:26and stuff like that.
33:29Well, I guess we can go
33:31maybe another time
33:34to Ken's or whatever.
33:36But not today.
33:43I'm not up for meeting Ken.
33:48And I know my siblings
33:49are in a different place
33:50than I am because
33:51they're there and it's
33:52happening around them.
33:54But me coming from the outside
33:55not having seen my mom
33:56in a long time
33:57is just way too much
33:58too soon like the thought
33:59of meeting Ken.
34:02I ain't gonna leave anybody
34:03I have a close relationship
34:04I don't think.
34:05It's not my dad.
34:06Not my second dad.
34:08Not my stepdaddy.
34:10I'm kind of itchy
34:11to get back on the road.
34:13Yeah, your trip's
34:14coming to an end.
34:15We should pack as much
34:16as we can in.
34:17I would say
34:18it's a little early
34:20to say,
34:21oh, everything's cohesive
34:23and we're all together now.
34:27There's a whole bunch
34:28of things I'd love
34:29to talk to Ethan about.
34:30But I also know
34:31where he's at right now.
34:33It was enough for me
34:34that he reached out today
34:36and hugged me.
34:39I'll see you.
34:41You know you can
34:42call me anytime.
34:45Sounds good.
34:49Lydia's about to
34:50wake the whole house up.
34:52I hear you when you
34:54cry at night
34:56I know when it's
34:57too hard to fight
35:01I'll carry you
35:12So it's your last night here.
35:13I know, it was like
35:14a whirlwind tour, right?
35:15You're here one day,
35:16gone the next.
35:18Micah thinks it's great,
35:20but he's having a hard time
35:21verbalizing how he feels
35:23because he's in the land of
35:25I am just exhausted.
35:28But it's been great to
35:29spend some time together
35:31and to hear where you're at.
35:33It's been good to see everybody
35:35and I've enjoyed my time
35:37back home.
35:39I enjoyed my time
35:40with my mom and
35:41my little sisters.
35:42It was a lot of fun
35:43going to the gym
35:44with my brothers
35:45and my dad.
35:47You gonna come back?
35:50Say you'll come back?
35:51I'm not sure when
35:52the next time I'll be back is.
35:54We'll play that by ear.
35:56Ethan, we should just
35:57all move back here.
36:00Every time I come back home
36:02everybody's growing up and busy
36:03and Isaac's doing stuff
36:04that he's playing,
36:05Lydia's doing whatever
36:06she's doing,
36:07the little girls are growing up
36:08and doing jiu-jitsu or whatever
36:11and, you know,
36:13it's like,
36:14it's a lot of changes.
36:20Who wants to get guitars and sing?
36:23Does anyone want to join?
36:25Or is it just Mariah and I?
36:26I think there'll be
36:27a negative here.
36:28I'll listen.
36:29Oh, guys.
36:31I'll be the kind of guitar.
36:32And you know what I play.
36:33I only play the radio.
36:37It's Ethan's last night here,
36:38which is really sad,
36:40but Mariah and I
36:41are going up to Minnesota,
36:43so I'll be seeing him soon.
36:47I don't know if it's tuned.
36:49Those are strings.
36:53Mike and Isaac
36:54are barely conscious.
36:56I don't know
36:57what's going on with them,
36:58but the boys are out of it.
37:01I'm sure if you sat up...
37:03Lydia, no, he's tried.
37:05I have tried.
37:06He's fatigued.
37:07I'm like a Tesla on 1%.
37:10Should I try to sing a song
37:12to encourage all you guys
37:13or something?
37:14Sing me a song.
37:15Let's pass the guitar.
37:16Let's see.
37:17Pass the guitar.
37:18I will pick.
37:19Lydia's about to wake
37:20the whole house up!
37:26I've seen your tears
37:29And I feel your pain
37:34I hear you when you cry at night
37:38I know when it's too hard to fight
37:43But I'll carry you
37:47So here we are
37:48sitting on the couch
37:49with Lydia's playing music.
37:50It's a great message,
37:51and Micah is enjoying
37:53the inside of his eyelids.
37:57I mean, they must have been
37:58really interesting, you know,
38:00because he was checking them out
38:01pretty intensely.
38:03I'm carrying you
38:09I've been up since 3 a.m.,
38:11so I'm going to go ahead
38:13and call it quits for the night.
38:15It's good to see you again.
38:17It's good to see you again.
38:18Oh, yeah.
38:19You can call me at any time.
38:21I apologize, but I've got
38:22to get to sleep, too.
38:23All right, good night, y'all.
38:24Oh, okay.
38:25If you're leaving early
38:26in the morning,
38:27you can wake me up
38:28because I'll get to bed early.
38:30Sounds good.
38:31Good to see you.
38:32Those guys are tired.
38:34Ethan, do you want
38:35to play something?
38:36Well, I did write
38:37a song recently.
38:38I guess it's finished.
38:39I don't know.
38:40This is the first song
38:41that I wrote shortly after
38:42me and Lydia split up,
38:44so it's like a depressing song,
38:46but it made me feel a lot better.
38:48Anyways, here it is.
38:51When you trust someone,
38:54it gets you killed.
38:56When you love someone,
38:58they'll hurt you still.
39:01Living a life that's real
39:04gets you faded.
39:08Lord, sometimes it seems to me
39:10in life you just can't win.
39:15Music has always
39:16lifted my spirits,
39:18and as soon as I started playing,
39:20I started feeling better.
39:21Well, you know the pain
39:23that a man can face.
39:25You can see the sorrow
39:27in my face.
39:29Troubles in life to me
39:33are just a given.
39:36Lord, sometimes I wish
39:38that I wasn't still living.
39:43I haven't seen Ethan
39:44vulnerable in years.
39:46I know that's really hard for him,
39:48you know, to open up like that,
39:50and so seeing him be able
39:51to do that in a song,
39:53that makes me happy.
39:55I mean, it's sad
39:56that that's how he feels,
39:58but it's good that he's able
39:59to express that in some way.
40:02Lord, sometimes it seems to me
40:04in life you just can't win.
40:09Except now,
40:11because you're a winner
40:12in our book.
40:13Yeah, but sometimes
40:14it seems like you can't win.
40:15Yeah, it seems.
40:18I'm headed back to Minnesota
40:19shortly, and then
40:21Olivia's going to be coming
40:22back to Minnesota
40:24shortly after that
40:26to settle everything
40:28and finalize divorce paperwork.
40:32I mean, if it's going to happen,
40:33I guess I'll just go ahead
40:34and get it over with,
40:35but I am dreading
40:38actually signing the papers
40:40and saying goodbye for real.
40:44There's some things
40:45that I'm not looking forward to
40:46when I get back to Minnesota,
40:48but I'm just going to enjoy
40:50the last bit of time
40:52with my family before I go back.
40:56Guys, what if we sang a song
40:57that we used to sing as a family?
40:58Let's just wing it
40:59and see how it goes.
41:01Keep on the sunny side,
41:03always on the sunny side.
41:06Keep on the sunny side of life.
41:11It will help you every day.
41:14It will guide you always
41:17if we keep on
41:19the sunny side of life.
41:23You knew the chords better
41:24than I did.
41:28Last year, I just handled
41:30situations in a way
41:31that I really should not have.
41:33You're talking about
41:34like with Olivia?
41:36I really feel like
41:37the right thing for me to do
41:39is to apologize
41:40for what I know I did wrong.
41:43I texted her to meet up
41:46and talk things through.
41:49This is port
41:50and this is starboard, right?
41:53I don't know.
41:54I forget.
41:55My mom knows very little
41:56about mechanics.
41:58Do your blowers work?
42:00What are the blowers?
42:01You have a key for the boat.
42:03There's a key in there.
42:07Completely out of the blue,
42:08I got a text from Mariah.
42:10It very much took me by surprise.
42:14If it turns into like
42:15a scapegoat kind of conversation,
42:17I'm going to excuse myself
42:18and walk away.
42:22I know what I have to say.
42:26You got this, bitch.
42:33You got this, bitch.
