• last year
00:00:00© BF-WATCH TV 2021
00:01:00Evangelium tuum digne vale annunciar per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
00:01:07Iube Domine benedicere. Dominus sit in corde meo et in labiis meis.
00:01:15Udi digni et competenter annunciem Evangelium suum. Amen.
00:01:20Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus. Na wieki wiekowi.
00:01:30Msza święta będzie odprawiona w intencji szczęśliwego powrotu do domów oficerów 5. Pułku Ułanów Zasławskich.
00:01:43In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
00:01:49In troibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum quilletifica diventute mea.
00:01:53Iudicame Deus et externe causa mea de gentelum sancta.
00:01:58Ab homine enniquo et doloso erue mea.
00:02:02Fiato es Deus fortitudo mea.
00:02:04Quare me repulisti et quare tristid in cedo, dum affligid mei nimicus.
00:02:09Emiterus em tuam et veritatem tuam,
00:02:12ipsa mea de duxerund et de duxerund in montem sanctum tuum et in tabernacula tua.
00:02:18Et in troibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum quilletifica diventute mea.
00:03:09In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
00:03:16Why don't you pray for Daddy?
00:03:39Daddy will come back.
00:03:46Daddy will come back.
00:04:06Mareczku, a co tam masz?
00:04:10Jak to? Tatusia na koniu.
00:04:13Trzeba tatusia schować, bo tatusiovi zimno.
00:04:21Daj rączkę.
00:04:42Co się stało?
00:04:43Wszystkim podnieść może?
00:04:52Szybciej, szybciej!
00:04:54Mamy jeszcze 2 minuty.
00:04:58Go, go!
00:05:06Szybciej, mówiłem!
00:05:14Co to jest?
00:05:15Wszystko zniszczone!
00:05:16Tak, nie możesz zostać tu!
00:05:31Lieutenant, I report that the operation was carried out without obstacles.
00:05:37I order you to leave!
00:05:51Dzień dobry.
00:05:52Dzień dobry.
00:06:02Dzień dobry pani.
00:06:12Mamusiu, kapelusz masz krzywo.
00:06:27Prójdź zaraz.
00:06:42Jest, jest już.
00:07:12Te tabliczke to mógłby pan zdjąć.
00:07:21Ano, obijana trochę.
00:07:24Wezmę kiedy drabinę.
00:07:25Tak, bo to dezorientuje ludzi.
00:07:28Co, co?
00:07:31Dezorientuje, myli.
00:07:34Kogo myli?
00:07:36Pani tutaj przed wojną nie mieszkała,
00:07:38ale wtedy we wrześniu to cała ulica na Powązkach była.
00:07:42I wszyscy wiedzą, że pan doktor, świeć panie, zginął na samym początku.
00:07:47Wszyscy wiedzą.
00:07:49Tak, myślałam, że może Niemcy panu zabrali drabinę.
00:07:56Zamykaj oczy.
00:07:57Nie śpij.
00:07:58Tatuś by się gniewał, jakby widział, że nie śpisz.
00:08:03A daj konika.
00:08:10No śpij już.
00:08:29Nie, nie, ja dziękuję.
00:08:59O, masz tę torebkę.
00:09:24Pierwszy prezent od Janka.
00:09:27Nie, drugi.
00:09:29Pierwszy to była podróż do Włoch.
00:09:37Ta i przyjechałam wtedy do ciebie na wakacje.
00:09:41A Janek w paradnym mundurze?
00:09:43Bardzo był sremowany z twojego powodu.
00:09:49Siedzieliśmy w ogrodzie.
00:09:52Pod tą wielką wiśnią tuż przy ganku.
00:09:56Przy lekkim wietrze sypał z niej płatkami jak śniegiem.
00:10:04A to tylko pięć miesięcy później.
00:10:09Ojciec przyjął to jak skandal.
00:10:12Nie lubił Janka.
00:10:17No widzisz, twój ojciec...
00:10:22No przecież Stefan i ja byliśmy rodzeństwem.
00:10:25A on był zupełnie inny.
00:10:28On potrafił albo kochać, albo nienawidzieć.
00:10:34Między Stefanem a ojcem Janka był jakiś dziwny antagonizm.
00:10:40A pamiętasz tego architekta?
00:10:42Taka barwna postać, bardzo znana w Warszawie.
00:10:45Boże, jak Stefan kiedyś się z nim pokłócił.
00:10:50To on właśnie projektował twojemu teściowi ten dom.
00:10:54Nie pamiętasz, jak on się nazywał?
00:10:56Moksel czy Mosil?
00:10:58Ten Żyd?
00:11:01Przyniosę karbidówkę.
00:11:19Widziałam dzisiaj wszystko.
00:11:22I to nie pierwszy raz.
00:11:25A gdyby na moim miejscu siedział Szpicel?
00:11:29Zosiu, nie przypuszczasz chyba,
00:11:32żeby osobie w moim wieku
00:11:34można było powierzyć jakieś poważne sprawy.
00:11:40Nie pytam, dlaczego to robisz.
00:11:43Myślę, że obdwoje z ojcem jesteście jednak do siebie podobni.
00:11:48Ty też nienawidzisz.
00:11:50Nie, nieprawda.
00:11:53Ale nie można mieć skrupułów wobec morderców.
00:11:57Mamy prawo bronić się.
00:12:01Jakie prawo? Biologii?
00:12:03Ta walka kosztuje życie wielu ludzi, którzy chcieli tylko przeżyć.
00:12:06A to też jest jakieś prawo, ocalić życie.
00:12:08Zosiu, niewolnicy przestają być narodem.
00:12:14My musimy bronić się.
00:12:16Nie wolno wegetować, czekać.
00:12:23Za jaką cenę?
00:12:26Choćby za cenę honoru.
00:12:30To głupie, ale honor kojarzy mi się ze sławą.
00:12:34A mnie z przetrwaniem narodu.
00:12:40Mam to zniszczyć?
00:12:43Twoje życie zawsze było ważniejsze.
00:12:45Od mojego, naszego.
00:12:48Ale tamtego świata już nie ma. Przestał istnieć.
00:12:52Pozostał Bóg.
00:12:56Chyba nie ma Go tutaj.
00:13:00I ty to mówisz. Po tym wszystkim.
00:13:03Po tylu katorgach, po śmierci Romka?
00:13:05Zosiu, przestań.
00:13:08Bóg daje nam nadzieję.
00:13:12Nie mam żadnej nadziei.
00:13:15A twój syn?
00:13:23Proszę cię, to nie tak.
00:13:27To jest poza wszelką racją.
00:13:32Poza Bogiem, tobą, mną.
00:13:37Poza wszystkim.
00:13:40Ja istnieje tylko dlatego.
00:13:44I chcę.
00:13:47I muszę go ocalić.
00:15:40Kto to zrobił?
00:16:08Co się tu dzieje?
00:16:12Na bok, zrobić przejście.
00:16:16Kontrola dokumentów.
00:16:19Sieg neben den zweiten Borden stellen.
00:16:22Schneller, schneller, aussteigen.
00:16:27Schneller, schneller, aussteigen.
00:16:30Bewegt euch.
00:16:35Den Koffer aufmachen.
00:16:37Aussteigen, schneller.
00:16:42Los, los, mach den.
00:16:45Sie sind frei.
00:16:49Schneller, schneller.
00:16:51Aussteigen, schneller.
00:16:55Los, los.
00:16:57Aufweisen, vorbereiten.
00:17:01Aussteigen, schneller.
00:17:03Bewegt euch.
00:17:05Los, los.
00:17:08Heimelein, Heimelein.
00:17:12Schnell, Heimelein.
00:17:14Hoch, hoch, hoch.
00:17:16Hoch, hoch, hoch.
00:17:19Hoch, hoch.
00:17:35Macht das der neue Einzug, dass du so fabelhaft aussiehst heute?
00:17:38Na, hör mal. Ich hab doch immer einen wie so ein.
00:17:42Du bist ja vielleicht.
00:17:44Aber ich geb dir das Kompliment zurück.
00:17:46Dein Kostüm ist ausgesprochen recht.
00:17:48Oh, danke.
00:17:49Kommt der Fauststuhl noch?
00:17:50Hast du gedrückt?
00:17:53Ach, die Technik.
00:17:55Guck, da kommt er schon.
00:18:01Hast du alles mitgebracht?
00:18:03Ich weiß nicht, was du damit meinst.
00:18:07Ach, du.
00:18:11Du, wir sehen uns später, ja?
00:18:15Może, ja.
00:18:34Dobrze, że jesteś.
00:18:36Kierownik już się pyta o ciebie.
00:18:38Co się stało?
00:18:40Nie dawno pracujesz, więc musisz...
00:18:47Zaraz mu powiem.
00:18:53O to nam chodzi przede wszystkim.
00:18:56Proszę pokazać akta dzieci z Chotomowa.
00:19:05Czy to oni tu byli?
00:19:36Pozwolą państwo, że powieszę tu płaszcz.
00:19:54Mamy naród.
00:19:56Przyglądają na razie Solną.
00:19:57Zdaje się, że wizytowali adresy.
00:19:59Mają nazwisko dziecka, które teraz jest po wsi.
00:20:01Nie rodzice rzekomi mieszkali przed deportacją na Solnej.
00:20:03Ale co?
00:20:04Ale oni wszyscy wiedzą, że tam takiego nazwiska nikt nie zna.
00:20:08To prowokacja.
00:20:10Żadne z dzieci, tych dzieci, rozumie pan?
00:20:13Nie figuruje na Solny.
00:20:15Solna jest czysta.
00:20:21Widzi pani te dwa nazwiska?
00:20:24Robiłam to według dokumentów, które otrzymałam od pana.
00:20:29Ja mam tylko księgowość.
00:20:32Coś kapisz.
00:20:37Proszę tego nie gnieść.
00:20:38Co pani robi?
00:20:39Pani tego nie rozumie?
00:20:40Proszę to przypisać własnym charakterem.
00:20:42I bez tych nazwisk.
00:21:28Nie myślałem, że ma pan tak miłe towarzystwo.
00:21:34Chciałem już pana zganić, że tak pan zostawił swoich gości,
00:21:40zapominając o waszej polskiej gościnności.
00:21:44Przecież dla was gość w domu to Bóg w domu.
00:22:15Uspokój się.
00:22:28Zostaw to.
00:22:30Zostaw to.
00:23:16To nie tak.
00:24:14Proszę pomóc.
00:24:15Do góry.
00:24:22Ja pana nie zaczepiam.
00:24:34Do góry proszę.
00:24:43Oh, my God.
00:24:44Oh, my God.
00:24:45Oh, my God.
00:24:46Oh, my God.
00:24:47Oh, my God.
00:24:48Oh, my God.
00:24:49Oh, my God.
00:24:50Oh, my God.
00:24:51Oh, my God.
00:24:52Oh, my God.
00:24:53Oh, my God.
00:24:54Oh, my God.
00:24:55Oh, my God.
00:24:56Oh, my God.
00:24:57Oh, my God.
00:24:58Oh, my God.
00:24:59Oh, my God.
00:25:00Oh, my God.
00:25:01Oh, my God.
00:25:02Oh, my God.
00:25:03Oh, my God.
00:25:04Oh, my God.
00:25:05Oh, my God.
00:25:06Oh, my God.
00:25:07Oh, my God.
00:25:08Oh, my God.
00:25:09Oh, my God.
00:25:10Oh, my God.
00:25:11Oh, my God.
00:25:12Oh, my God.
00:25:13Oh, my God.
00:25:14Oh, my God.
00:25:15Oh, my God.
00:25:16Oh, my God.
00:25:17Oh, my God.
00:25:18Oh, my God.
00:25:19Oh, my God.
00:25:20Oh, my God.
00:25:21Oh, my God.
00:25:22Oh, my God.
00:25:23Oh, my God.
00:25:24Oh, my God.
00:25:25Oh, my God.
00:25:26Oh, my God.
00:25:27Oh, my God.
00:25:28Oh, my God.
00:25:29Oh, my God.
00:25:30Oh, my God.
00:25:31Oh, my God.
00:25:32Oh, my God.
00:25:33Oh, my God.
00:25:34Oh, my God.
00:25:35Oh, my God.
00:25:36Oh, my God.
00:25:37Oh, my God.
00:25:38Oh, my God.
00:25:39Oh, my God.
00:25:40Oh, my God.
00:25:41Oh, my God.
00:25:42Oh, my God.
00:25:43Oh, my God.
00:25:44Oh, my God.
00:25:45Oh, my God.
00:25:46Oh, my God.
00:25:47Oh, my God.
00:25:48Oh, my God.
00:25:49Oh, my God.
00:25:50Oh, my God.
00:25:51Oh, my God.
00:25:52Oh, my God.
00:25:53Oh, my God.
00:25:54Oh, my God.
00:25:55Oh, my God.
00:25:56Oh, my God.
00:25:57Oh, my God.
00:25:58Oh, my God.
00:25:59Oh, my God.
00:26:00Oh, my God.
00:26:01Oh, my God.
00:26:02Oh, my God.
00:26:03Oh, my God.
00:26:04Oh, my God.
00:26:05Oh, my God.
00:26:06Oh, my God.
00:26:07Oh, my God.
00:26:08Oh, my God.
00:26:09Oh, my God.
00:26:10I don't know what you're talking about, I don't do business.
00:26:25I know that.
00:26:28I mean, I feel it.
00:26:33I don't know how to describe it.
00:26:39My name is Korngold.
00:26:43It's not a warning.
00:26:46I know I can trust you.
00:26:49Besides, it's not about me.
00:26:53It's about my child.
00:26:56It's a girl.
00:26:58She's ten years old.
00:27:00She's very smart, she knows everything, she understands everything.
00:27:04But right now, today, we have to take her away from such people.
00:27:10In a week I'll have a place for her.
00:27:15It's only a few days.
00:27:20I have money, I'll pay.
00:27:27You're so kind.
00:27:31I knew it right away.
00:27:34Even on the tram, when you...
00:27:37Ewa is here, ma'am.
00:27:40And my husband, my husband is there.
00:27:44He's very similar.
00:27:46He's very afraid.
00:27:49He doesn't even go out on the street.
00:27:52I can't, I can't leave him alone.
00:27:57He loves me and asks me to come to you, but I...
00:28:01And you'd like to?
00:28:04Ma'am, I can't want to.
00:28:11It's only a few days.
00:28:13I also have a child.
00:28:15So you understand me.
00:28:17You're asking me to put my son in danger.
00:28:20Do I have any other choice?
00:28:24Wouldn't you do the same in my place?
00:28:27Yes, I know.
00:28:29I'm independent now.
00:28:31But I have to do everything.
00:28:35Everything to save her.
00:28:41Are you a Catholic?
00:28:43No, of course not.
00:28:48If I were, would you do it?
00:28:53I didn't ask why.
00:28:56Oh, yes.
00:29:00After all, you...
00:29:03And they...
00:29:07Let's talk like mothers.
00:29:09I said I'm not interested in trade.
00:29:13Please give me this address.
00:29:19I'll be waiting for you here the day after tomorrow.
00:29:22Right after I open the door.
00:29:34Mom, Mom's here.
00:29:43Mom, Mom!
00:29:45Where have you been?
00:29:50I had to.
00:29:52Oh, here she is.
00:29:54Where have you been?
00:29:56Oh, Mother of God.
00:29:58I'm so worried.
00:30:00Why hasn't she been here for so long?
00:30:02Mom, tell me where you've been.
00:30:06What have you been doing?
00:30:08Tell me.
00:30:10Tell me.
00:30:22Where did she go?
00:30:32She's not here?
00:30:34As soon as I came, she took the girl and went somewhere.
00:30:37Just like her.
00:30:39She doesn't remember it.
00:30:40It was probably over 20 years ago.
00:30:43And your father brought her here.
00:30:46I mean, the elder lady.
00:30:48From the very border.
00:30:51That was when they let her out of Siberia.
00:30:53And when the revolution broke out.
00:30:55And that very night, the elder lady died.
00:30:58The Lord sent horses and people after her.
00:31:02You know, Madam, to look for her.
00:31:04And she...
00:31:05Be quiet.
00:31:07I'm only saying this because she always walked her own path.
00:31:10Like a cat.
00:31:11Oh, I brought potatoes.
00:31:13And coal.
00:31:15What is Madam looking for?
00:31:17Maybe I know.
00:31:26I was supposed to go, but...
00:31:29Mareczka alone?
00:31:43Mrs. Celinska.
00:31:47You believe in God, don't you?
00:32:16Good morning.
00:32:36Good morning.
00:32:40I don't accept anything anymore.
00:32:45And what do you have?
00:32:46It's for you.
00:32:57It's from Ewa's mother.
00:33:01I don't know any Ewa.
00:33:03You made a mistake.
00:33:09I only have 40 minutes until the police hour.
00:33:14My mother sent me, girls.
00:33:18That woman managed to escape from there.
00:33:26From the ghetto.
00:33:49Why didn't she come alone?
00:33:51I don't know.
00:33:52But I suppose you know better.
00:33:58Your mother thinks you ask for too much.
00:34:01Too much?
00:34:04And the child lives on air.
00:34:07You don't have to clean for him.
00:34:10And fear.
00:34:15How much does fear cost according to you?
00:34:19That's not going to count.
00:34:21So it's good that I'm taking the child?
00:34:33You want to make money.
00:34:36Everyone wants to live.
00:34:39But there are so many of them, madam.
00:34:42That it's enough for everyone.
00:34:46Maybe you want them too?
00:34:48Please give the child back.
00:34:50Your mother made the decision.
00:34:54Now the one who pays decides.
00:34:57He pays well.
00:35:00You're interested.
00:35:03But you have to see things like this from the beginning.
00:36:13Can I come in?
00:36:15Pack your things and come out.
00:36:19I've already packed.
00:36:20I don't understand.
00:36:21How did aunt talk?
00:36:25You'll go with that aunt.
00:36:39You're lucky he's not here.
00:36:42He wouldn't let me in.
00:37:11I don't understand.
00:37:40I don't understand.
00:38:10Sp Marin.
00:38:12I don't feel hearty.
00:38:17I'll make you breakfast.
00:38:19I've already prepared.
00:38:27You know...
00:38:28This Ewa.
00:38:31I would've never guessed she...
00:38:32Did she do any special magic trick?
00:38:36You know how to pray, at least you know how to comb your hair, I think you should teach her.
00:38:44I was only thinking about her safety and ours.
00:38:50Anyway, it's your decision.
00:38:53I'll have to warn my friends that for some time they won't be able to count on me.
00:38:59You say it as if your conspiracy was just a game.
00:39:06Mom, the girl is sitting and doesn't say anything.
00:39:11I would like to play with her.
00:39:22Mom, will the girl stay with us?
00:39:26Of course, Mareczku, for a few days.
00:39:30Please, sit here.
00:39:36Thank you.
00:40:07Zosia, you can't do that.
00:40:10I can't, I can't.
00:40:13I gave birth to my own child.
00:40:16Don't say that, it's not her fault.
00:40:19We don't have anything.
00:40:21My pension is going to Celinska.
00:40:23In case of something, we don't even have anything to buy.
00:40:26I'll tell her mother to take her tomorrow.
00:40:29Please, I beg you.
00:40:31I beg you.
00:40:33I'll tell her mother to take her tomorrow.
00:40:36Please, take it.
00:40:39Not now, auntie.
00:40:44I'll tell her when.
00:40:48Thank you.
00:40:50Zosia, you have to help.
00:40:52I could put her somewhere.
00:40:54No, no, no.
00:40:56Let her take her.
00:41:03Here, play with it.
00:41:25Why don't you eat?
00:41:27I always eat little.
00:41:33Won't Celinska come today?
00:41:35She was here last Sunday.
00:41:38She promised to come tomorrow and bring some milk.
00:41:42Oh, did you pay her for the sugar?
00:41:48Mom, when I finish eating, I'll show Ewa my soldiers.
00:41:53Yes, yes, Mareczku.
00:41:55But first you have to try on this coat from auntie Balta.
00:41:58I have to improve it a little.
00:42:00But then I'll be able to play with Ewa.
00:42:10Take him to my room.
00:42:13Your name is Ewa Kwiatkowska.
00:42:16You are the daughter of Krysia Kwiatkowski.
00:42:18Your father is dead.
00:42:20He died in September.
00:42:22You came yesterday from Lublin.
00:42:24Your mother went to see her friends.
00:42:26If they asked you about the papers, your mother took them.
00:42:27Say it again.
00:42:29My name is Ewa Kwiatkowska.
00:42:31I am the daughter of Krysia Kwiatkowska.
00:42:33I came yesterday from Lublin.
00:42:35My father died in September.
00:42:37Say goodbye.
00:42:47Good day.
00:42:49We can't fit with this coat.
00:42:51And we have to open your door a little.
00:42:55If we have to.
00:42:58Thank you.
00:43:02Let's go.
00:43:04When they came with this, it didn't close.
00:43:07I think I'll ask.
00:43:09Is it possible that the doctor didn't have a piano in his apartment?
00:43:12No, no.
00:43:14It wasn't musical.
00:43:20Please take this chair.
00:43:24Where do we put it?
00:43:25A little closer to the window.
00:43:27I'm doing it.
00:43:49And when she took your mother-in-law's apartment...
00:43:52Good day, madam.
00:43:53You see, we didn't have to...
00:43:55Mr. Marciniak.
00:43:57Close the door.
00:43:59It's windy.
00:44:01And we have nothing to burn.
00:44:06I don't know if this is the right time to irritate them.
00:44:10And right now?
00:44:12Right now, Zosia.
00:44:14Right now.
00:44:23May I?
00:44:25Please, come in.
00:44:28You know, since I'm already here,
00:44:30maybe I could...
00:44:32those things that you wanted me to give to someone...
00:44:35Oh, yes.
00:44:37If Mr. Marciniak can.
00:44:39I have everything prepared.
00:44:41Well, I'll go to the bazaar tomorrow morning
00:44:44and sell myself.
00:44:48Don't tire yourself, I'll bring it myself.
00:44:51And you know,
00:44:53the Skowroński family had a Gestapo.
00:44:58They were looking for a Jew,
00:45:00as if someone had seen him on the stairs.
00:45:02And you didn't have one, Mr. Marciniak?
00:45:04No, not at all.
00:45:06But you know,
00:45:08in a tenement like this, people come and go.
00:45:10What else, after the police hour,
00:45:12I'll see everything.
00:45:13I'll see.
00:45:20Here are two T-shirts and a father-in-law's coat.
00:45:24All right.
00:45:26How much do you want for it?
00:45:33You can't.
00:45:35You can't.
00:45:43You can't.
00:46:02As you wish.
00:46:05Why isn't Mareczka at home?
00:46:08She won't even show herself?
00:46:10Mr. Marciniak, Mareczek is having fun.
00:46:14All right, then.
00:47:14Let her be calm.
00:47:17The child is with me.
00:47:19But I can't...
00:47:21What are you...
00:47:23What are you doing?
00:47:25Please, let her take it.
00:47:27It's for our common good.
00:47:29You have problems, expenses.
00:47:31I can't do it for free.
00:47:34Don't be angry, I'll tell you.
00:47:37But you Poles
00:47:39sometimes have too much to be ashamed of.
00:47:41Sometimes you have too much honor
00:47:44to be wise people.
00:47:54I won't take it from you.
00:47:57Mrs. Maria.
00:47:59Please check where I can put some more beds.
00:48:03There's no place anywhere.
00:48:06In Father Wodłan's house.
00:48:08I thought there were a few places available.
00:48:09Possibly in Ksawarów.
00:48:11I'm checking.
00:48:13Is it a bigger number of beds?
00:48:15I had a phone call from Grodzisk
00:48:17that a freight train was set up on the side of the road.
00:48:20One of the railwaymen heard a child crying in the company car.
00:48:23Do you think it's the children from the pacification?
00:48:25We found the last transport a month ago.
00:48:28Mrs. Maria, the train came from Zamość.
00:48:31All right, let's go.
00:48:33But you see,
00:48:35I have a meeting with Director Starczewski
00:48:37about this report.
00:48:39Yes, maybe...
00:48:41Maybe I'll go with Jadwiga.
00:48:51maybe you'd go with me?
00:48:53Only to Grodzisk.
00:48:55They'll give us good papers.
00:48:57That's impossible.
00:48:59I'm sorry.
00:49:01But I really can't right now.
00:49:05And here's Daddy.
00:49:07He's sitting on a horse, see?
00:49:09He's got a saber.
00:49:11On the Germans.
00:49:13When I was little,
00:49:15I had a doll that rode on such a horse.
00:49:18And it moved?
00:49:22And where do you have that doll?
00:49:24I gave it to a friend.
00:49:26And when they shot at her...
00:49:28Was she a soldier?
00:49:34She was playing in our yard.
00:49:37When the Germans were taking people out of our house,
00:49:40everyone who was on the list,
00:49:43they took them to the yard.
00:49:45And I stood by the window,
00:49:47behind the curtain,
00:49:49and I saw the horse
00:49:51unable to escape from that yard.
00:50:08So I quickly threw that doll away.
00:50:11Because she really liked that doll.
00:50:14When the Germans saw it,
00:50:16he called her and told her to go away.
00:50:19She looked out the window.
00:50:22Everyone was looking at Kucyk.
00:50:24The Germans shot.
00:50:27And she fell.
00:50:29And Kucyk started walking around the yard.
00:50:32So I told Mommy
00:50:34that if I wanted to die,
00:50:35I would like to die together.
00:50:48Let's talk for a moment.
00:50:54Ewa, please,
00:50:56never tell Marek such things.
00:50:58But he doesn't understand it anyway.
00:51:02Aunt, Marek wanted to play with the soldiers.
00:51:05He wants to play killing.
00:51:08Oh, yes.
00:51:10But don't tell him any more.
00:51:12I understand, Aunt. I won't.
00:51:16I saw your mommy.
00:51:19I'll take you tomorrow.
00:51:22Mommy, won't you say hello to me?
00:51:33Take this letter from Aunt
00:51:35and ask her to give you a book to read.
00:51:48What are you saying?
00:51:52Mommy, I'm hungry.
00:51:57Can you help me with dinner?
00:51:59Have you already made it?
00:52:03I thought that if you came,
00:52:05you would at least make me dinner.
00:52:07Marek, go to your room.
00:52:09Clean the soldiers from the table.
00:52:11I'll bring you something to eat.
00:52:18Leave it, Miss. I'll do it.
00:52:20Miss, do you know?
00:52:22Skowroński was taken away.
00:52:24His wife, serving everyone.
00:52:26Under the fence?
00:52:28Yes, I heard.
00:52:30Marciniak said.
00:52:32And this?
00:52:34That it's all because they were hiding Jews.
00:52:36Did you hear, Miss?
00:52:38Yes, and please don't go back to this.
00:52:42I can't say a word in this house anymore.
00:52:44I, who have known Miss since childhood.
00:52:47Miss Celinska,
00:52:49what's going on?
00:52:51You have to watch your back.
00:52:54A Jew didn't die for me.
00:52:56And I don't want to die for a Jew.
00:52:58Miss Celinska!
00:53:01Do you remember?
00:53:03I asked you once.
00:53:05Do you believe in God?
00:53:09Miss wants to say that Christ was a Jew.
00:53:16And now,
00:53:17I'm going to tell Miss.
00:53:19Because I can't watch Miss
00:53:21doing such things.
00:53:23She's putting her own child at risk.
00:53:25Father of Miss,
00:53:27the man who hired me
00:53:29when Miss Tytia was alive,
00:53:31he was a man.
00:53:33The whole neighborhood was bowing to him.
00:53:35But I don't remember a Jew
00:53:37wandering around our house.
00:53:39I don't remember!
00:53:41Miss Celinska,
00:53:43please don't talk to me like this.
00:53:48And do you know
00:53:50that today one officer asked about you?
00:53:53What did he want?
00:53:55I don't know.
00:53:57Marcinek said that you were at work.
00:54:18What is it?
00:54:20It's you?
00:54:22Yes, it's me.
00:54:24Why is the gate open?
00:54:26The lock broke.
00:54:28You didn't sell anything.
00:54:30No, I didn't.
00:54:33Then why are you here?
00:54:35I'm here to see you.
00:54:37You're here to see me?
00:54:39Yes, I'm here to see you.
00:54:41You're here to see me?
00:54:43Yes, I'm here to see you.
00:54:44He didn't sell anything.
00:54:47I heard someone asked about me.
00:54:49Yes, he did.
00:54:51What did he want?
00:54:53Who knows?
00:54:55He asked and that's it.
00:54:58I don't want to tell you.
00:55:02What is it?
00:55:04Who will understand
00:55:06what I'm saying?
00:55:10Thank you.
00:55:11I'm sorry.
00:55:13What kind of a child are you?
00:55:16That man was talking.
00:55:20If he was talking,
00:55:22we wouldn't be talking here.
00:55:24Do you understand?
00:55:27Mr. Józef,
00:55:29I have a friend's daughter from Lublin.
00:55:34She won't be here in a few days.
00:55:37There's no point in telling you.
00:55:38If that's what you mean...
00:55:41There's no point,
00:55:43you say.
00:55:48for a few days,
00:55:50there's really no point.
00:55:52But if
00:55:54for longer,
00:55:57I have to report,
00:55:59I will have to.
00:56:01Do you understand?
00:57:38Come, come.
00:57:44Mareczek fell asleep?
00:57:48Bartek is poor because of me.
00:57:50He can't even go outside.
00:57:53It's good that it's only until tomorrow.
00:57:57Yes, maybe I'll see him tomorrow.
00:58:00But, Ewunia,
00:58:02don't think about it.
00:58:04It's not good.
00:58:06It's not good.
00:58:08Don't think badly of your aunt.
00:58:10But I never, never...
00:58:12I understand why she's like that.
00:58:15I know how much my aunt has done for me.
00:58:17All right, all right.
00:58:19Come here, sit closer.
00:58:25Ewunia, now that you're leaving,
00:58:27tell me...
00:58:29But my aunt didn't tell me.
00:58:31No, no, no.
00:58:33I don't want to know how it was.
00:58:35In my life, I've seen a lot of human crimes.
00:58:38Every crime is the same.
00:58:41I don't understand.
00:58:46did your parents have any faith?
00:58:49Did they teach you to believe?
00:58:53I believe that tomorrow I'll see my mother,
00:58:55that we'll go to daddy,
00:58:58and daddy will take us
00:59:00to the park for a walk.
00:59:03It's a very wise faith.
00:59:10When I was in the ghetto
00:59:12and the Germans were taking people out of our house,
00:59:15daddy said
00:59:17that we must have hope
00:59:19that uncle from England will come
00:59:21and take us.
00:59:24If that were to happen,
00:59:26a miracle would happen.
00:59:28A miracle?
00:59:32It's Jesus,
00:59:34the Christian God.
00:59:36It's Jesus Christ.
00:59:38Son of God.
00:59:40God is one
00:59:42for all of us.
00:59:45Didn't the woman
00:59:47I was with say
00:59:49that God doesn't exist?
00:59:54And I believe
00:59:56that God does exist.
01:00:05There's a cross on this photograph, too.
01:00:08It's a cross.
01:00:32Did you hear that word?
01:00:38in that grave,
01:00:41my son
01:00:49So a miracle
01:00:51can't happen to anyone
01:00:53who believes that God exists.
01:00:58He chooses
01:01:00among us.
01:01:06He chooses
01:01:08among us.
01:01:10He chooses
01:01:12among us.
01:01:36Auntie, let's go.
01:01:38Stay here.
01:01:43Wait here for me.
01:02:05Thank you.
01:04:35I'm busy.
01:05:06Mrs. Maria,
01:05:09I have to go.
01:05:14I'll replace you.
01:05:26Please open the door.
01:05:36I'm sorry,
01:05:38but didn't a young woman
01:05:40come here?
01:05:42A blonde in a dark
01:05:44light coat.
01:05:47She wasn't here today.
01:05:50Maybe she was here yesterday.
01:05:52She was here with you
01:05:54for the last time.
01:05:56You were here at the buffet.
01:05:59I have to see her.
01:06:02I really want to see her.
01:06:04I really care about her.
01:06:06It's a matter of interest.
01:06:09I'd like to leave a message.
01:06:11What for?
01:06:13I'm just explaining.
01:06:16you don't understand anything.
01:06:18Don't you see what's going on?
01:06:20She won't come
01:06:21to the ghetto anymore.
01:06:23Did you know that?
01:06:33Let's go.
01:06:57Good evening, madam.
01:06:59This is money for you.
01:07:01For your clothes.
01:07:03Please take it.
01:07:05Did you see the lock I put on?
01:07:11Now even the devil himself
01:07:13won't get here.
01:07:20Where's Eva?
01:07:25I told her to go.
01:07:27I told her to go to her room.
01:07:29She's sitting here all day
01:07:31and waiting.
01:07:34I have to talk to you.
01:07:38I'll come to you in a minute.
01:07:41Did you give them something to eat?
01:07:43What was I supposed to give them?
01:07:45If I don't bring something,
01:07:46there's nothing at home.
01:07:48But I pay you for everything.
01:07:50How much do you demand?
01:07:53Here's the money
01:07:54for what you brought today.
01:07:57Please take as much as you need.
01:08:02Will she stay or not?
01:08:06If she stays,
01:08:08I'll leave.
01:08:10That's what I came for
01:08:11after so many years.
01:08:13I'd give you more.
01:08:14Of course.
01:08:16Now you have
01:08:18enough money.
01:08:20I don't understand.
01:08:21I don't understand.
01:08:24You didn't take
01:08:26that Jew for free.
01:08:29My God,
01:08:31how can you be so mean?
01:08:33You're going to die.
01:08:35I'd die
01:08:37of hunger.
01:08:39I wouldn't take anything from a Jew.
01:08:41You have to have honor.
01:08:51You have to have honor.
01:09:00You were raped.
01:09:03You're one of them now.
01:09:06Is that why you took her?
01:09:10Listen to me.
01:09:12It's always like this.
01:09:14When the weak
01:09:15comes between the strong.
01:09:18But you have to remember
01:09:19who you are
01:09:21and where you're from.
01:09:25This house,
01:09:27this house is strange.
01:09:30I can feel it.
01:09:32There's something
01:09:34in this house.
01:09:36Something bad will happen here.
01:09:39I can feel it.
01:09:42This house was always full of Jews.
01:09:45I beg you.
01:09:47I beg you.
01:09:48You're so stupid.
01:09:50You're so young.
01:09:52You have a son.
01:09:54He's the only one left
01:09:56from our family.
01:09:58I beg you.
01:10:00Please leave.
01:10:03Please leave.
01:10:18Please leave.
01:10:48Please leave.
01:11:19Are you sure it's this house?
01:11:24Here it says Dr. Guminski.
01:11:26Yes, it's here.
01:11:29Open up right now.
01:11:31Who is it?
01:11:33The police.
01:11:35Who is it?
01:11:37The name.
01:11:39Don't bother.
01:11:41Open the door.
01:11:43What happened?
01:11:45I'll show you.
01:11:46Dr. Guminski.
01:11:48Open the door.
01:11:55Mom, who's here?
01:12:02It's six o'clock.
01:12:08Hide me.
01:12:10They came for me.
01:12:12Hide me.
01:12:14Don't worry.
01:12:16Here's your metric.
01:12:18Your name is Ewa Kwiatkowska.
01:12:22Put it in the suitcase.
01:12:24Come on.
01:12:26Let's go.
01:12:30Don't be afraid.
01:12:35Calm down.
01:12:37We don't know anything yet.
01:12:47Open the door.
01:12:49It's up to you.
01:12:51Don't be afraid.
01:12:55You have to report right away.
01:13:06Come in.
01:13:16This is for your husband.
01:13:46Sign here.
01:14:00Please sign.
01:14:07You're mistaken.
01:14:10You're taking me for someone else.
01:14:13There's no one else.
01:14:15Please leave.
01:14:18Please leave.
01:14:20Please leave.
01:14:26Your husband died of a heart attack.
01:14:30Take her away.
01:14:45Take her away.
01:14:51Take her away.
01:15:14Take her away.
01:15:44Take her away.
01:16:14Take her away.
01:16:44Take her away.
01:17:14Take her away.
01:17:36Oh, it's the priest.
01:17:39That's good.
01:17:41Please tell me.
01:17:47Holy Mary, full of grace,
01:17:50blessed art thou among women,
01:17:52and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ.
01:17:55Holy Mary, Mother of God,
01:17:57pray for us sinners,
01:17:59now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
01:18:17I gave you the address.
01:18:21Yes, I know.
01:18:24This is the address
01:18:26where the girl will stay with her sister.
01:18:31The text is encrypted.
01:18:34Please give it to your aunt.
01:18:37She'll know what's written there.
01:18:41Are you sure you want to give it to her?
01:18:48I don't know.
01:18:52I mean, I have to give it to her.
01:18:55I can't risk it.
01:18:58I can't.
01:19:02The priest knows I'm not strong.
01:19:07What happened to me during those days,
01:19:11it's a nightmare.
01:19:15My son,
01:19:17he only has me now.
01:19:23Thank you.
01:19:27Please, priest,
01:19:29can you give me a medal?
01:19:32Of course, I'd forget.
01:19:38Here you are.
01:19:40Give it to her.
01:20:10Thank you.
01:21:56I'd like to help you so much.
01:22:00Teach me to trust.
01:22:03To trust blindly.
01:22:10To trust blindly.
01:22:41To trust blindly.
01:22:53Will you tell him?
01:23:01Do you think
01:23:03I should tell him?
01:23:04If I tell him the truth,
01:23:06I'll lose hope.
01:23:09I'll only make him hate me.
01:23:13It's so easy to make him hate me.
01:23:23Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
01:23:26It's a beautiful day.
01:23:28We'll have to do something in the garden.
01:23:30Did you see how I repaired the altar?
01:23:37I need to talk to you.
01:23:42All right, let's go to the altar.
01:24:01You know,
01:24:03I was going to tell you about that girl,
01:24:06but that Celińska
01:24:09who dumped you,
01:24:11told me you have a Jewish child.
01:24:16Don't be angry.
01:24:18She knows I don't like such jokes.
01:24:22I calmed her down.
01:24:24She's so mean to you.
01:24:25She's so mean to you.
01:24:30Mr. Józef,
01:24:32I do have a Jewish child.
01:24:42If that's the case,
01:24:44you don't have to tell me.
01:24:51But, Mr. Józef,
01:24:55I'm not Jewish.
01:25:12You know,
01:25:14I'll go to the office tomorrow
01:25:18and we'll talk about the dismissal.
01:25:25All right.
01:25:55Let's go.
01:26:14Not so fast!
01:26:17I've got you!
01:26:26Don't be afraid.
01:26:28I'll look after the garden.
01:26:32Look, I sewed it myself.
01:26:34My aunt gave me the hat.
01:26:36But I'm not afraid.
01:26:38I'm really not afraid.
01:26:40I'm so happy.
01:26:42Let's go to the garden.
01:26:44No, we have to go home.
01:26:48Let's go.
01:26:55Let's go.
01:27:15What do you want?
01:27:21You know everything.
01:27:30In the end,
01:27:32you can sell the tent too.
01:27:35I'll find a buyer.
01:27:40I have time.
01:27:42I'll go to the garden.
01:27:45And will you be able
01:27:47to do all the chores?
01:27:49Then you'll grow up
01:27:51to be a nice lady from a good family.
01:27:54But before that,
01:27:56ask your aunt for something.
01:28:00Your mommy.
01:28:02Because she's an aunt.
01:28:05And she's pregnant.
01:28:07It's not true!
01:28:11this house
01:28:13isn't mine yet.
01:28:18If so, it's good.
01:28:20I'll stay here.
01:28:31This is my cousin.
01:28:33She came for a few days.
01:28:38It's so hot.
01:28:40It's better to take her to the village.
01:28:49Who do you want to see?
01:28:52I'm from the cleaning company.
01:28:56We received a report
01:28:58that rats got stuck here.
01:29:02It's a mistake.
01:29:20Come, come.
01:29:22You came to me.
01:29:25Calm down.
01:29:27Everything's fine, Mrs. Schmidt.
01:29:32This is Pastor.
01:29:34His whole family was murdered
01:29:36in 1939 in Poznań.
01:29:38Let's get to work.
01:29:42How old is the girl?
01:29:43How old is the girl?
01:29:50Look, it doesn't have to be better.
01:29:52This interview was made for her.
01:29:55I'll write her name.
01:29:57Give me the meter, okay?
01:30:00Is this our manager's signature?
01:30:07You don't understand anything?
01:30:09I don't understand.
01:30:13How many children do you have?
01:30:16Zosia, you know best.
01:30:18You're the accountant.
01:30:20I'm asking about Jewish children.
01:30:22That's why I don't know.
01:30:24Aren't you afraid?
01:30:26You can get used to my fear.
01:30:28After all, everything we do
01:30:30can lead to death.
01:30:32I have so many children
01:30:34that no one can save me.
01:30:38I have my own business
01:30:40with the Germans.
01:30:41I don't want to make things difficult for you.
01:30:50Oh, yes.
01:30:54This is your card, Ewa Kwiatkowska,
01:30:56which requires you to be placed
01:30:58in the care facility
01:31:00in Chotomow.
01:31:05Mariusz, do you think
01:31:07my sister will be safe?
01:31:08The children have the best chance
01:31:10of survival.
01:31:12But the Germans believe
01:31:14that there are Polish, Catholic children.
01:31:16What if it's clear that the child is Jewish?
01:31:18But the children have good papers.
01:31:20The Germans believe
01:31:22in the documents
01:31:24and in the stamps.
01:31:29maybe they want to believe it.
01:31:35And Ewa?
01:31:36The sisters will raise her
01:31:38in a Christian way.
01:31:42I don't expect the sisters
01:31:44to raise the children in a Mahometan way.
01:31:46But this is a religious order.
01:31:48A prison for survival.
01:31:50What are you talking about?
01:31:52My dear,
01:31:54the most important thing
01:31:56is that the children will live.
01:31:58A year or two will pass,
01:32:00the war will end,
01:32:02they will leave the camp
01:32:04and forget about this hell.
01:32:06I forgot.
01:32:08I have some money for you.
01:32:12Just in case.
01:32:14Zosia, take it.
01:32:16Take it.
01:32:18These are not my money.
01:32:20I got them too.
01:32:22This is an order.
01:32:24You are a soldier now.
01:32:29Thank you, Mariusz.
01:32:30Thank you, Mariusz.
01:32:37maybe I'll take her.
01:32:39I've been on this route so many times.
01:32:41No, no, no.
01:32:43I have to.
01:32:47You know,
01:32:49she says to me,
01:32:53and she really trusted me.
01:32:56Now she knows she has to leave.
01:33:01but this man won't leave you alone,
01:33:03even if he's not little.
01:33:05He knows he's a liar.
01:33:07Please give us his address
01:33:09and we'll try to convince him
01:33:11to shut up.
01:33:15Okay, Mariusz.
01:33:17But I don't remember now.
01:33:19I have to go there.
01:33:22Maybe we'll go together
01:33:24when I come back.
01:33:28Zosia, remember.
01:33:30Chotomów, the last station
01:33:32before the border with Wartegau.
01:33:55I have to keep him close to me.
01:33:59said Marek.
01:34:09Mom, I want to ask you something.
01:34:11What is it?
01:34:13I don't know.
01:34:15I don't know.
01:34:17I don't know.
01:34:19I don't know.
01:34:21I don't know.
01:34:23I don't know.
01:34:25I want to ask you
01:34:27if when your husband comes back
01:34:29you'll tell him about me?
01:34:31Is he just like you?
01:34:56We're getting out of here, Chotomów.
01:35:00Mom, Chotomów, we're getting out.
01:35:02We're getting out.
01:35:10We won't get out of here.
01:35:26Get in, quick.
01:35:28Jump, Ewa.
01:35:30Give me your hand.
01:35:32Don't be afraid, come on.
01:35:34Jump, Ewa.
01:35:36Ewa, we'll cross the border.
01:35:44You have to.
01:35:46Why didn't you get in?
01:35:48Why didn't you get in?
01:35:50Why now?
01:35:52Why now?
01:35:53Don't be afraid.
01:35:55I'll save you.
01:35:58I'll save you.
01:36:23Where's the suitcase?
01:36:25It's not here.
01:36:27And the horse?
01:36:31It's here.
01:36:33Put on your hat
01:36:36and go look for the suitcase.
01:36:53It's here.
01:37:20Hello, Mario.
01:37:23Hello, Mario.
01:37:25Oh, my God.
01:37:30why are you putting me to the test?
01:37:39Sterilize me.
01:37:43Sterilize me, Mario.
01:37:48Get this glass off me.
01:37:50Get this glass off me.
01:37:51Does it hurt?
01:37:54Is this a prayer?
01:38:04Are you done praying, Mommy?
01:38:09The group is ready to check the train.
01:38:22Excuse me.
01:38:24I was at the station in Hotomów.
01:38:28There was such a crowd
01:38:30that I didn't have time to get out with the child.
01:38:33Hans, we have something for you.
01:38:38Please help me.
01:38:40I'm taking her to the monastery in Hotomów.
01:38:43Here are her documents.
01:38:45I work for the city administration.
01:38:48This is my ID and pass.
01:38:51But I'm not a priest.
01:38:53I'm a woman.
01:38:55I'm a woman.
01:38:57I'm a woman.
01:38:59I'm a woman.
01:39:01I'm a woman.
01:39:03I'm a woman.
01:39:05I'm a woman.
01:39:07I'm a woman.
01:39:09I'm a woman.
01:39:11I'm a woman.
01:39:12This is my ID and passport.
01:39:16Pick it up.
01:39:21Pick it up, Evunia.
01:39:32This is the territory of the Great German Empire.
01:39:36You can cross the border
01:39:40with a special permission from the German authorities.
01:39:45The train will return to Warsaw in 20 minutes.
01:39:49There is a waiting room.
01:39:52You can't leave it until the train arrives.
01:39:57Not obeying what I say
01:40:01is a death penalty.
01:40:06You can't leave it until the train arrives.
01:40:27We can't leave here.
01:40:30The German said so. We are safe here.
01:40:36We can't leave here.
01:41:42Aren't you sleepy?
01:41:45Put your head on your knees.
01:41:48But mum, we are safe here.
01:41:51Hide your face as if you were sleeping.
01:42:20Elga, it's dirty here.
01:42:23Clean it up.
01:42:36Clean it up.
01:42:54Would you like something to eat?
01:42:58My wife would like something to eat.
01:43:02No, thank you. I'm not hungry.
01:43:06Do you know that the train to Gdansk is cancelled?
01:43:15I'm going to Warsaw to see my husband.
01:43:19He sent me his carriage.
01:43:22But something broke down on the way.
01:43:26And we return to Warsaw by train.
01:43:29Yes, to Warsaw.
01:43:33Your daughter must be tired.
01:43:36They can travel, but they get tired quickly.
01:43:40You will be a good father.
01:43:53Elga, give it to me.
01:44:06Thank you.
01:44:15Please cover her.
01:44:18The temperature drops during sleep.
01:44:21It's easy to catch a cold.
01:44:24Thank you.
01:44:27You are very kind.
01:44:36Please leave your sweater on the bench.
01:45:06I want to sleep with him.
01:45:32Get out!
01:45:37Go away.
01:45:40Marek is there.
01:45:43Don't talk to me.
01:45:49I know I have to.
01:46:10It's time to pray.
01:46:24I want to be like you.
01:46:36I love you.
01:47:06I love you.
01:47:36I love you.
01:48:06I love you.
01:48:08I love you.
01:48:10I love you.
01:48:50My son!
01:51:06The End