How to Be a Fantastic Parent

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We all want success for our children. How do we make sure we do our best in making sure we fulfill our duties as parents and make sure our children be the best Muslims they can be?
00:00:00Now that's our challenge in this world and you know parenting is essentially
00:00:04to help our children
00:00:07find their qualities and use them correctly and
00:00:11Find their weaknesses and deal with them and control them and channel them properly now, that's one thing
00:00:17Okay, so we've got this theory of qualities capabilities and weaknesses
00:00:22qualities are not always used well if you've got a
00:00:28Mufti or a university professor top of the game very smart high IQ
00:00:36You also got another person with the same IQ level, but he's gone into scamming. He's a top scammer
00:00:43You understand what you know the top criminals they're not idiots
00:00:47They're very intelligent. They've just used their intelligence in the wrong way
00:00:56Handle a lot of Robin I mean
00:00:58What's a lot of a salamu ala?
00:01:00Mabuthi rahmatan lil alamin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi or the Raka wa sallama tasliman kathiran ila yamin deena ma bad
00:01:10So absolutely honored to be in your midst
00:01:14But the problem is that my job has become a lot more difficult
00:01:21With the presence of
00:01:23Mashallah whole cross-section of our community
00:01:27So we have the elderly
00:01:31Mashallah relaxing on the walls and
00:01:35We have
00:01:37Middle-aged people
00:01:40We have
00:01:42Young adults
00:01:45We have the youth
00:01:47Which is I think that part is all relevant to the topic and then mashallah you've decided to bring your children along
00:01:55For something to do about parenting mashallah. I
00:02:01Don't know what you had in your mind when you bring your children along
00:02:05Unless they're just gonna sit there and just get bored, but it makes my life difficult because I
00:02:12Mean I'm not trying to throw you out, but it's just very difficult to talk to four or five different generations
00:02:18at one time and
00:02:20Make it relevant and not put somebody to sleep
00:02:24But we pray to Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to make it easy and let us begin
00:02:28So as Maulana said we have I can't possibly speak about everything in the hour or so with that
00:02:35We have that is relevant
00:02:40Parenting is
00:02:41literally the most difficult thing
00:02:44it's easier to get a job than to parent because even all the research in parenting says that
00:02:51There is no one
00:02:54Method that is effective
00:02:57Everybody that's research, you know
00:02:59In all the universities and elsewhere that they research the best way the scientific way of parenting
00:03:05There is no single way of parenting that is effective in all cases
00:03:10However, they've probably excluded the Islamic guidance the general Islamic guidance
00:03:16Now in Islam the way Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala guides us is in some cases. He gives us very specific guidance
00:03:22For example inheritance is very specifically laid out in the Quran
00:03:26This is how much so-and-so gets this is how much so-and-so gets and this person gets nothing. So it's very very clear
00:03:33but when it comes to for example how to
00:03:36Rule a country how to have a political system
00:03:41There's no one way mentioned likewise how to parent there is no one particular method that's mentioned with everything
00:03:49Related to it. However, that doesn't mean we have nothing
00:03:53They Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala has provided us a much better system because it is difficult to have one system of parenting
00:04:00because we are from different cultures and
00:04:03Different backgrounds different ethnicities and not only that
00:04:07Every child including twins, you know, if you know a set of twins, you'll notice that they're actually both very different in terms of their personality
00:04:16Have you ever seen twins and they're both very different in terms of it
00:04:20But even though they were just born literally a few minutes apart or if that much and from the same parents
00:04:26They've had the same food same nourishment same upbringing
00:04:30And the reason for that is very simple and keep this in mind and inshallah if we can understand this will benefit ourselves
00:04:36It will benefit our children as well is one of the biggest
00:04:41Challenges of parenting is this right? So Allah has created every single person here, right? What's what's your name?
00:04:50Yeah, your name you have a name, right? So what's your name? You're Ahmed and who's a little brother, huh?
00:04:58I asked
00:05:00On us. So I'm more than honest and you are
00:05:04Ilyas mashallah. So I'm more than Ilyas and honest they they and every single one of us here is
00:05:11Created with a set of qualities
00:05:18Capabilities and
00:05:20We've also been created with a set of weaknesses and challenges
00:05:26every single person here every single human being Allah gives qualities and capabilities and
00:05:32The successful people in this world are those who recognize their capabilities
00:05:37So then they use it to earn money to live life to speak to people to make a home for him
00:05:43Themselves and get through life and think they're successful the successful people of this world are those who've recognized their capabilities
00:05:50Let's just see if we have any capable if we have any successful people here how many of us here think they're successful
00:05:59They're not just be me, please
00:06:03Okay, mashallah, mashallah, that's two people so far only two people are successful three. I'm doing Allah
00:06:08I don't mean you become like Bill Gates. That's not success
00:06:12But what I mean by success is alhamdulillah, you're doing fine
00:06:15You've got your house
00:06:15You've got children and is going by you know with all the roughness of the world
00:06:19But it's going by and that's what I mean by success. I'm any successful. Otherwise, if you're not successful, you're losers, okay?
00:06:25Okay, that's a lot more. So the few that didn't put their hand up. What are you losers?
00:06:30Because that's the opposite of being successful
00:06:32So those who don't recognize their qualities and their capabilities, whether you're good. You're good with your hands or your mind or
00:06:41With your action, whatever it may be, you know, that's how people do it
00:06:45Now while most people do recognize their qualities, they don't recognize their weaknesses. So they keep stumbling
00:06:52they keep
00:06:53messing up essentially
00:06:55The most successful person for this world and the hereafter is the one who recognizes their qualities and uses them
00:07:01what their qualities means what you're good at and
00:07:05They recognize their weakness and they control it. What do I mean by weaknesses?
00:07:09So imagine it you've got a family with three or four brothers and sisters four or five children
00:07:14Say every one of them will be different. One of them will be sharper than another one
00:07:19Right. The other one will be one will be laid back one will be ready for a meeting
00:07:24Whereas the other one will take five minutes late
00:07:27Okay, you can decide what you are. Okay?
00:07:30I'm not here to judge anybody
00:07:31I'm just saying this is the guy who's sharp he may be he may get angry quickly and the other guy gets angry less
00:07:38One of them is willing to share his last sweet and the other one is stingy and won't even he's got a whole packet
00:07:44Which one are you?
00:07:48Right, you understand everybody is different they come from the same parents, but one of them will be stingier than the other
00:07:55They're a bit more protective over their assets
00:07:58So everybody is different. Now, that's our challenge in this world. And you know parenting is essentially
00:08:05To help our children
00:08:07find their qualities and use them correctly and
00:08:11Find their weaknesses and deal with them and control them and channel them properly. Now, that's one thing
00:08:17Okay, so we've got this theory of qualities capabilities and weaknesses
00:08:22qualities are not always used well if you've got a
00:08:28Mufti or a university professor top of the game very smart high IQ
00:08:36You also got another person with the same IQ level, but he's gone into scamming. He's a top scammer
00:08:43You understand what I mean, you know the top criminals they're not idiots
00:08:47They're very intelligent. They've just used their intelligence in the wrong way
00:08:52As I said scammers, you understand what I'm saying? So just because you've discovered your quality doesn't mean you're gonna use it correctly
00:08:59You could use it in the wrong
00:09:02right, for example, if Allah has given you a lot of beauty or handsomeness and
00:09:07Then you don't thank Allah for your beauty or your handsomeness. But what you do it is you use it in the wrong way
00:09:14To basically do haram with then that's wrong
00:09:18Right, so that's why it's very important that parenting means that we first if parents don't know how to figure out their own
00:09:26Qualities and capabilities and their own weaknesses. How are they gonna find that in their children if they're losers themselves?
00:09:32Then they're gonna make their children losers and then unless they figure it out themselves
00:09:36So now the first our first job as parents at wherever we are now
00:09:41even if you've got children who are 10 years old already, let us figure out our capabilities and
00:09:46Alhamdulillah, I think most people have as they said but have we figured out and
00:09:51Our weaknesses my weakness is for food
00:09:55My weakness is for sleep. So I miss prayers
00:09:59My weakness is for something else. I commit haram. I fall into sin
00:10:04Those are if we know our weakness at least we can start doing something about it and we can help our children
00:10:12To understand their strengths and their weaknesses
00:10:14This is probably the way to sum up parenting Allah has given us that job and this is like pruning
00:10:22you have if you're into far if you're into
00:10:27planting good
00:10:30Fruits and trees and plants and things like that or you've got a Allah has given you a garden
00:10:36now you can let it overgrow and
00:10:39Let let let basically the weeds take over and they grow as they wish or you can prune it and clean it and
00:10:46Do everything else that you need to do to everything takes time now children have been given to us
00:10:52To prune properly and not to be allowed to grow like weeds
00:10:57Some people just make life easy. They just take the grass off and put artificial grass on
00:11:03It just makes life easy give them an iPad that's the cheapest
00:11:08Babysitting you can get it only cost 200 pound and it lasts for like two three four years and
00:11:12Once the iPads on there, mashallah, they'll entertain themselves forever and you can go and do whatever you want to do
00:11:19That's like putting, you know, not looking after the ground
00:11:23So anyway, as I said, I can't the variables are too much
00:11:26That's why they can't be one system because every individual is different and as a parent
00:11:32Each child is going to provide a a different challenge and we have to be adaptive
00:11:40Now we can only be and Allah has given us the capability because if parenting was so difficult that we couldn't do it
00:11:47Then Allah's words would have been wrong. Like you can leave allahu nafsan illa. What's our her?
00:11:52that Allah doesn't
00:11:55Make it difficult for us to do it. So we have to be adaptive
00:11:59That Allah doesn't
00:12:02Make anybody accountable for what they don't have the capability
00:12:06That's why people like scholars like ibn al-qayyim rahimahullah said that if ever a child goes wrong
00:12:13Does something wrong?
00:12:15At some level the parents are definitely the ones responsible for it
00:12:19I can't blame the madrasa for not teaching well enough. Ultimately. It's my responsibility to find a better teacher
00:12:25I can complain all I like but it's still my responsibility
00:12:29Let me find a better teacher then
00:12:31It's my responsibility
00:12:37One very important very important advice
00:12:42Is that we our children need to be able to discuss
00:12:47We need to know what's going on in the mind of our children
00:12:50They are ours. That's our extended mind. It's who we take pride in
00:12:54We need to know what they're speaking about what they're thinking about what they're being challenged by
00:13:00What they're we're not saying get into their minds, right?
00:13:05This isn't a series of inception
00:13:07Okay for those who know inception
00:13:11But what this is talking about is that at any given time we need to understand where what's
00:13:17Our children are doing we need to be aware of their friends
00:13:20We need to aware of their likes and dislike and assist them in finding better likes
00:13:26And creating dislikes of the right thing
00:13:29And the phone is what creates a massive challenge in this regard because it is the biggest challenge
00:13:34I think that one of the biggest challenges that we have is the phone which we'll discuss a bit later
00:13:39But if the most difficult children to parent are the closed books
00:13:45What I mean by closed books is they don't reveal anything
00:13:48They don't reveal anything and it's from my experience of dealing with this is that it's too late by the time you actually find out
00:13:54in many cases
00:13:56Three of them left their faith in the last two years closed books said you didn't see it coming. No
00:14:03We didn't see it coming. It was just too late
00:14:05So if you do have a closed book child, what do you do?
00:14:09You're gonna have to find some way to open up the book
00:14:13If you can't do it
00:14:15If you can't do it
00:14:16The reason you can't do it is because there's become a trust issue. They can't
00:14:20They're just naturally very introverted
00:14:22Or very closed or reserved or very secretive
00:14:26Could be a psychological problem based on something or the other
00:14:29Either we have to change ourselves in a way that they open up because ultimately they do open on somebody or otherwise find somebody
00:14:34They would open up to
00:14:37Find somebody else like a brother or sister or a friend and get them in your confidence say look
00:14:42Please find out about this because you'd rather do that than
00:14:45Before we lose them. So anyway, that's what we say. So inshallah will give you a time to ask your questions
00:14:52So i've got some i've got some
00:14:55Several bits of anecdotes which i'm going to share with you today to give us general idea firstly
00:15:04Some of us have not done it right from the beginning
00:15:07And then we realize when it's a bit late or when the going gets tough
00:15:12The best parenting is the one that's from a young age
00:15:14That's for sure because then we grow together
00:15:18The tarbiyah is done in a way that as they're growing up. We're looking after them
00:15:23The best time to raise up a teenager if we're talking about teenagers was a decade ago
00:15:29That was the best time
00:15:31So that when they're teens you've already given them the input that they required. You've already helped them
00:15:37find their qualities
00:15:39And how to use them and their weaknesses
00:15:43The second best time is today so we still have to do it it's never gonna be not a responsibility
00:15:51Parenting cannot be left to a chance. They're not like weeds our children
00:15:57The gamble is too great and the stakes are very high
00:16:01Because then we've lost the part of us
00:16:04Unfortunately, what happens is that parents usually acquire their knowledge of how to parent through trial and error
00:16:11Gone are the days when everybody of your extended relatives lived in the same area
00:16:17And it was pretty standard. There wasn't much changing in the world. There was no technology
00:16:23It was the same old community that had been the same for a few hundred years
00:16:27So everybody knew how it was done
00:16:29The children expected it that way the parents knew exactly what to do the whole community took part in the upbringing
00:16:34But now it's become very difficult
00:16:37Because there are just so many different factors. So that's why we have to adjust
00:16:43It's such a challenge that it needs constant attention. Every day is a new
00:16:48Especially if we've not done it, right then every day is a new challenge
00:16:51If we've done it, right, then the new challenge will come every few months
00:16:53Maybe there'll always be a new challenge. We have to be just ready to be flexible and to adjust
00:16:59One of the biggest things that we can do for our children is communication
00:17:03The benefit of communication is that they know what we want
00:17:09We know what they want
00:17:11And what I mean by communication is not orders
00:17:15Just do this. Just do that
00:17:17Communication means an explanation a discussion of why we do something
00:17:23Another thing that I want to bring up is gone are those days when the whole community was one and we brought it up
00:17:29So what we've lost is we've lost
00:17:34A sense of community and belonging so every individual is for themselves because this we call this individualism
00:17:41We it's so difficult to find parents and children who still think alike
00:17:47Parents could have a business but the children don't want to take over that business unless they get they just have to sit and
00:17:51Collect money then it'd be cool and then they'll run it down the drain, right?
00:17:56But otherwise, it's so difficult to get parents and children to think alike
00:18:00Why because there's massive cultural changes that are taking place
00:18:04That's why parents have to upgrade themselves and update themselves to think on another level
00:18:10effective communication there has to be at least one parent in the house that the that the children can come and
00:18:18Speak about anything they want with whether that be homosexuality
00:18:22it be
00:18:24Dysphoria of some sort
00:18:28Gender fluidity or whatever else it may be that somebody in school is talking about or somebody at home is talking about
00:18:35Because remember children are exposed to the environment at school. They're exposed to the environment madrasah
00:18:40They're exposed to the environment outside when they go shopping when they see billboards
00:18:44What what their neighbors are saying what the park what the people in the park are saying the home has to be the filter
00:18:49If there's no communication and there's no discourse, there's no discussion
00:18:54Then you never know what's going on and then they are get they need answers. So they'll ask somebody else
00:19:00So be open as open at least one of the parents need to be that open now
00:19:04Uh, one thing that our culture deals with is that we've got old practices that come from the villages or wherever we came from
00:19:12And for some reason we think that they have to work right now
00:19:15That's how they used to do it. Why can't you do it like that is because things have changed massively
00:19:20It's just not possible the way
00:19:23The older generation thinks and the way the younger generation thing is two levels. No, but they should understand
00:19:27No, they can't understand if you wanted them to understand you should have left them in the village and stayed there
00:19:33Because then everybody would have thought the same maybe still because the globalization has taken over everywhere
00:19:39You've brought them to a different country where for example, if you're from a gujarati background, not everybody's gujarati around you
00:19:45Or not everybody's punjabi around you or kashmiri or bangladeshi or whatever it is, right?
00:19:51There's different
00:19:55That you never heard of and your children are going to be exposed to it. Their clothing style is different
00:20:01Right. They much rather have fish and chips than they have uh pani puri
00:20:10Do you know what pani puri is
00:20:14But I mean our idris chacha there he's like pani puri man all the any time or fish and chips what's what's
00:20:20You've already messed up
00:20:25British culture very strong mashallah fish and chips over pani puri. What about bel puri?
00:20:31These guys think what the heck is bel puri and pani puri like what is this kind of stuff?
00:20:37What i'm trying to say is that things have changed but some people think they're still in a village bringing up their children
00:20:43And then they lose their children. They don't realize why
00:20:46Things have changed massively things have changed massively
00:20:49So new circumstances have emerged which require new and creative treatments
00:20:59And that's difficult
00:21:03We have to bring our children up
00:21:06To be
00:21:09Proper leaders
00:21:11When I say leaders, I don't mean leader of the country you can but at least leaders of their family
00:21:15Why why what are we bringing up because the biggest job we're doing with our children is we're making them into adults
00:21:20So then they can also run a family
00:21:23That means they've got leadership
00:21:25That's a leadership. We need to tell them you are going to have to look after your family
00:21:29How many times have we said that to our children?
00:21:32Give them the understanding. You know what you're going to be a father. You're going to be a mother and these things are necessary
00:21:39We have to bring them up to understand leadership and for leadership we need traits where there are leadership traits, right?
00:21:47And what we mean by leadership is not this ambitious hunt for power as everybody's trying to do today, but rather
00:21:54Developing people of strength
00:21:57and courage
00:21:59moral fiber good caliber
00:22:01Ethics and other qualities so that they can become active members of the society
00:22:06So as I was saying earlier
00:22:10The point I was trying to make is that before
00:22:13You would be concerned if you did anything wrong because you felt that you were going to take your family down with you
00:22:19Like if you did something wrong if I did something wrong, I would be concerned that the mangera name would be
00:22:25Criticized and would be blemished
00:22:28Nobody cares about that anymore
00:22:32There's no sense of pride of your family
00:22:34As I said, nobody thinks alike children and parents what we have to do
00:22:38We really have to bring this back in as best as we can
00:22:40So you tell your children that why you can't do that is you're a mangera. You can't do that
00:22:47Right. You're a khan khans. Don't do that kind of stuff
00:22:51You give them a sense of greater pride
00:22:55You're a raja. You can't do that
00:22:57You know you are a
00:22:59Ali by you're a raja
00:23:01You are a
00:23:03Ali by you're a I don't know about patels. I mean, they're too big. So I don't know if you can say patels
00:23:07But you can say you're a patel
00:23:10Mangera is cool in it. Yeah
00:23:13He's my relative. He's my dad's cousin brother
00:23:16But for some reason he became a patel
00:23:18If we give that or we are muslims, we don't do that
00:23:22That's really amazing. You know why when they go out and there's somebody is going to give them a possible haram option
00:23:28I'm a muslim. I don't do that stuff muslims. Don't do this. It's a bigger idea than I can't do this because my dad said so
00:23:36Yes, it's because my dad said so but it's also because muslims don't do this you you're adding a whole weight
00:23:43Like if you're told muslims don't do that. That's a much more important idea
00:23:47so give them that glory of
00:23:50Being proud of who you are because of good qualities. Really? That's what we need to do
00:23:55Another thing just in random while i'm on this topic
00:23:58Many of us want our children to be certain in a certain vocation and say we want them to be a doctor
00:24:04Or an architect or a maulana
00:24:08All right, or a mufti sahib or whatever it is, and that's fine
00:24:12But don't tell that that's what that's your end goal
00:24:16The end goal of a maulana is not to be a maulana
00:24:18The end goal of an architect
00:24:21Or a doctor just to be a doctor to make a lot of money and buy a house in wherever and and and so on that's
00:24:28Too reductionist and too restrictive and too lowly
00:24:31You know, you should tell them I want you to change the world. I want you to be a
00:24:37Positive contributor to the world you're going to become a doctor
00:24:41So being a doctor is part of this greater idea of
00:24:44Helping people changing humanity being positive being a contributor rather than a selfish doctor
00:24:54You're still going to become a doctor you're still getting them to become an alim
00:24:58But the reason they're going to do that is not for a name
00:25:02They're going to do it for a higher purpose
00:25:05It's just about changing mentality to have greater ideas
00:25:08And it's not difficult to do
00:25:10Unfortunately, our homes have in some cases have
00:25:14Degenerated to the level of being a hotel and a restaurant where you get free food and free board
00:25:20The father's like that. He's working
00:25:24Works many hours and then after that he goes to maybe a shisha lounge or his friends or
00:25:29Gets holed up in his room in a on a laptop and then the food is there comes to sleep
00:25:34There's no interaction. That's not what a home is. There's a poor guy is sitting in his room
00:25:38That's not what a home is there's a poor guy is 30 years old and he's trying to refind himself
00:25:43He says you know what i'm so so sad because my family my mom makes this big pot of food
00:25:48But we've never sat together and eaten. What do you mean?
00:25:51There's a new mom cooks. No, she cooks she puts a pot of food on the stove
00:25:55we all come in and take whatever we want whenever we want and we eat and we go like a
00:25:59Like a what do you call a buffet system?
00:26:02And he feels bad about he's 30 years old. He's married now
00:26:05He he feels a sense of deprivation
00:26:08Because something eating together
00:26:12And the prophet saw some even ate with children together there's something about it there's ideas
00:26:18Uh exchanged in eating food opens up the mind food opens up the heart
00:26:23And there's just something about food. So use that time use your food time to discuss
00:26:29And you know while as difficult as it is for me
00:26:32It's easier for my wife to ask how the day was for the children
00:26:35But after I realized I actually said like, okay, how was it whenever I can it sounds weird because i'm not used to it
00:26:41And that's the challenge for a lot of men that they're not used to asking these questions. No, like you have to force it
00:26:47While in the same thing people say that you a father should become become a friend
00:26:52A father is never a friend meaning a friend is a different idea completely because for a friend
00:26:56You have to do what they do all the time, right? So
00:26:59You're still a father, but you're friendly to your children
00:27:02That's what I would write rather push that you're a father. You're always a father
00:27:06You never forget that but you can be friendly
00:27:08And that's the amazing thing is that one of the challenges that the very religious have
00:27:14Right is that they think that keeping an iron clad
00:27:19instruction and order and making sure that
00:27:22Discipline is well maintained and overly maintained and nobody can do anything wrong. That doesn't work
00:27:28That usually backfires because then it's a rigid system at home
00:27:32It's okay if they're going to school and that might be the case even that's bad
00:27:36But at home where you're spending so many hours of the day, how can you be so rigid?
00:27:41The Prophet ﷺ himself wasn't like that. Allah says
00:27:45وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَضًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَنْ فَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ
00:27:49فَاعْفُوا عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ
00:27:54The Prophet ﷺ was being told to
00:27:57Firstly, he was commended and complimented that had you been tough and harsh then the Sahaba would have
00:28:05Scattered they would they would have dispersed they would not have remained with you
00:28:09then still Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is saying look forgive them be pardoning be forgiving and
00:28:14seek forgiveness for them and
00:28:17consult with them
00:28:19If we consult with our children to a certain degree, they'll actually feel they're valuable
00:28:25Right. We consult with them. We have a and so what I would do is I say look I'm saying this
00:28:31But you convince me. Otherwise if you want to do it another way
00:28:34It doesn't always go down perfectly because sometimes
00:28:38as the children are different so you have one child who gets very angry if you time to get off the computer and
00:28:44He will see no sense you can give whatever beautiful argument you want about why he should get off the computer
00:28:51But for that five minutes, he's so crazy the Junoon the insanity has gone to a level
00:28:56He doesn't understand anything you come up with the craziest responses
00:29:00Give him five minutes and then talk to him afterwards. Like oh, yeah, I get that
00:29:04We have to recognize our children as to how they are
00:29:08Then you get some children if they get angry they go off in a strop for five hours
00:29:13You have to know how to deal with that and that's the same family. You'll get that
00:29:18How do we deal with that well both we're gonna have to deal with them differently I
00:29:22Just mentioned the other places one guy. He has a lot of OCD problems
00:29:27About whether he's done kufr or not by certain things. They say whether his marriage is correct or not and stuff like that
00:29:33So I've dealt with quite a few people like that
00:29:35One of them told me that I think I might be like that because my dad was so strict
00:29:39That if I like drop something I'd get in massive trouble
00:29:43All right, for example, you know when you have cereal
00:29:46Have you noticed is that sometimes the way you pour the milk and if it falls directly on the cornflakes?
00:29:52It spills out it rebounds and so have you noticed that you have to be very careful now as adults you kind of figured out
00:29:57Let me do it from the side or whatever that kid is always doing them like telling like why are you dropping the milk for?
00:30:02all the time I
00:30:03can keep saying that all my life don't drop the milk, but
00:30:07The reason I don't drop it and he does because I know strategy that you do it this way instead
00:30:12So then what you say to them is look, you know
00:30:14The reason you're dropping is because the milk comes out a bit too fast
00:30:17It's quite heavy right and you have to control it and then when it falls on this flat surface
00:30:21It actually rebound
00:30:22So what you do is kind of you know, tilt the bowl slightly and do it to the side so that it doesn't you know
00:30:28Like how do you fill a glass of fizzy drink without the fizz going over and only a bit of drink?
00:30:34Just tell him strategy
00:30:37You got no time for strategy to do he's like don't do that
00:30:40Figure it out yourself. I know I'm 40 years old. So I figured it out, but you are 7 you need to figure it out
00:30:47It's not worth it. Just teach it to them. So can you pour a cereal without dropping the milk?
00:30:55What I'm saying is just think about it like what is it why is he pouring it does he want to pour it is he
00:31:02Is he losing things because of and some some some are just more scatterbrained than others
00:31:08So it's just about trying to teach them strategy
00:31:10Somehow we have to get our children to ultimately believe
00:31:14That we will be
00:31:16For them regardless of the situation if they're they're done wrong, they might have to hear something
00:31:21But ultimately you are you love them and you will respond to them
00:31:27And you're dependable
00:31:29And ultimately you can provide an answer
00:31:31We can only become like that if we're going to be creative in providing multiple types of answers
00:31:36But if it's going to be the same answer, they know then they're never going to tell us
00:31:42For example, there's children they wet their bed until they're 7 8 9 10 11 years old
00:31:48And unless you recognize so I know one person they said they didn't used to tell him off too much
00:31:54So somebody asked why not?
00:31:56I mean, shouldn't you be they're 9 10 years old. They're still wetting their bed
00:32:01They figured out that they have a weak bladder
00:32:04Or they have some other issue
00:32:05It could be a medical issue and you'll keep banging on about it every time
00:32:10Even though you've done it for the last five years. It hasn't improved. So why tell him off in the same way?
00:32:14Is it worth it? No, there's find out what the issue is. There could be other reasons and causes
00:32:20Hey kids, i'm not giving you the right to wet your bed
00:32:25But what i'm saying is try to understand why they're doing what they're doing rather than keep telling them to do it this way
00:32:32So we have to put a lot of time and money and effort in our children because that is our investment
00:32:41Most parents don't take courses
00:32:44Of parenting in fact, is there even a course in parenting?
00:32:49Have you ever heard of a course on parenting? There's not that many available
00:32:52I mean, there's very few if there are and most parents don't because historically we didn't need to do so
00:32:58I mean, where do you find in the sunnah that?
00:33:01The professor awesome set up a course on parenting or even later on even 50 years ago
00:33:06But why it's become necessary now is because of the confusion the breakdown of family structure and communities
00:33:13and everybody's scattered and
00:33:15Everybody is getting independent knowledge from the various different things that they observe on tv and social media and so on
00:33:21That's why it's I mean a soap opera or netflix can't tell you how to bring your children up. That's just glamorized
00:33:28sagas, that's a
00:33:31controversial, you know
00:33:34Extraordinary ideas that they do just to make people interested. That's not real life
00:33:38That's why parenting becomes necessary. Otherwise, what's going to happen is that you do it on trial and error
00:33:43And then you mess up your first two kids and then you might be fine with your third kid
00:33:47But you've already messed up one or two kids and you may have harmed them beyond, you know beyond repair
00:33:54That's why it's important to figure this out
00:33:56So we've got some parents
00:33:59They rely solely on their instinct and common sense
00:34:04Problem is that it's a bigger challenge than common sense because common sense is based on our own experiences. We don't know the future
00:34:10We don't know if especially if it's our first child
00:34:13We don't know that if I tell him of too much in this is that right or wrong?
00:34:18So, you know, what's really beneficial I think what's really beneficial is to have a
00:34:23Collection a group of
00:34:27Genuine sincere friends who all have children your age
00:34:32Your children's age and share good practices
00:34:37If you can't find a good because no course is going to provide you everything it's going to give you general ideas like I'm giving
00:34:43Here but at least in that way. Okay, my daughter she's got this issue
00:34:46Yes, don't worry. I had that issue a year ago, but inshallah, it'll be fine, you know, because children go through things
00:34:52for example
00:34:56Young teens are growing up they're discovering
00:35:00various different things about their body their mind
00:35:05when they shift when they become badly and they shift between
00:35:09Being still a child and no care for the future to suddenly
00:35:14They're more aware of their looks
00:35:17Of what other people are going to think about them
00:35:19About finding friends and so on. It's a very very very tough time
00:35:25now as parents
00:35:27We need to tell them this is going to happen
00:35:29Don't worry about it
00:35:31We have to reassure them
00:35:34It's just we've had it so long ago. We don't even remember and we just expect them that nobody told us
00:35:38So we shouldn't tell them problem is that the world is a very nasty place right now for that because one in four teenage girls
00:35:46Have a mental health problem
00:35:49standard one in four girls have a
00:35:52Have a mental health problem. Why because the world is putting out to them a role model that they can't follow
00:35:59that they want
00:36:00themselves they have to look a certain way smell a certain way be a certain way
00:36:05And get certain things a certain way and they can't do it it's too much so then they become mentally depressed
00:36:15So there's some common sense which is usually outdated because when they were
00:36:19Parented it was a different world
00:36:22If you're about 40
00:36:24When you were parented or 50 when you were parented is very different from now
00:36:28The world has shifted like anything has moved
00:36:32so a lot of the stuff that
00:36:34Some parents do it's outdated. It's no longer for this culture anymore
00:36:39They inherited from their inheritors and they have this romanticized
00:36:44Memory about it. That's how it used to be. Unfortunately, you know, it's not like that anymore, right? So then
00:36:51They don't realize that parenting now has a different cultural meaning
00:36:55There's others who completely have taken up the western way of doing things
00:36:58Which is very different that they expect that the child is going to leave home at 18
00:37:02Muslims don't do that usually, right?
00:37:06Some parents they try to fulfill their own unfulfilled unfulfilled wishes through their children
00:37:14I couldn't be this you better be this but the children don't want to be that
00:37:22Come whatever and you don't want to be a doctor and your parents are going to be really upset
00:37:27For example, right, it doesn't always work. You can't always fulfill your personal wishes of what you could have done
00:37:35If you do, you're gonna have to work really hard from a young age. I have to mention this that there's some cultures
00:37:41They wake up when their children are maritable age
00:37:45Marriageable age at 21 22 23 and said no. Oh you have to marry your cousin
00:37:51What do you mean I have to marry my cousin? I don't like my cousin
00:37:54But I promised you to his father and mother 20 years ago
00:38:01In some cultures this is literally what it is
00:38:03Right. This is literally what it is. Alhamdulillah. Gujarati culture has other issues. They don't have this issue
00:38:08Alhamdulillah, you never promised to anybody. I hope not anyway
00:38:14And it's a really bad people have lost their iman because of this because the parents usually don't
00:38:21Say you have to listen to your parents. Allah said that's the only way they bring a line
00:38:26Namaz and all of that. It's out of the window. But this is where you have to listen to your parents
00:38:32I've seen blackmail this poor girl. She got forced to marry somebody
00:38:38And her she didn't want to marry him because there were no compatibility
00:38:41But the reason she got blackmailed into it was that her father was sick at the time
00:38:47And I said look if your father has a heart attack, it's all going to come on you
00:38:52And then she then she had one child and she used to go to her mom look it doesn't this guy's a loser
00:38:57It just just it wasn't working. Mom said have a child then he'll wake up had one child
00:39:04He still slept
00:39:06And then goes back have another child
00:39:08Three children no change and finally she got out of the marriage
00:39:11And some have lost their faith one woman she was talking she called and she had a masala a question, right a very specific question that
00:39:19Only somebody who's focused on their faith would ask like does this break your namaz?
00:39:25For example, I did this. Does it break your namaz? I can't remember what the question was
00:39:29And then as we carried on speaking, she said she's married to a non-muslim man
00:39:33That didn't sound right because she's married to a non-muslim man
00:39:37She said she's married to a non-muslim man
00:39:40That didn't sound right because that seemed contrary that she's asking a very specific masala
00:39:45Ruling but she's doing such a big thing as being married to a non-muslim man. I said what's going on here?
00:39:51So she said yeah about 20 30 25 years ago. She was 40 years old. So about 25 30 years ago. I was forced into marriage
00:39:59Pretty much. I lost I I left it. I left my faith
00:40:02Whatever I got married to a non-muslim and now i'm coming back when I realized that that wasn't islamic
00:40:06That was cultural
00:40:09So one has to be very careful about these things
00:40:12When parents have lack of time because you see if there's so much distraction in the world parents are going to be distracted as well
00:40:17You've got your football to watch
00:40:19Before you can only watch football whenever the game was on but now you can mashallah watch whatever you want anytime
00:40:25the highlights
00:40:26You know every day
00:40:28Five hours a day. No problem because it's always something available right because it's all on demand now
00:40:33So everybody has that so what we're doing is we're delegating our parenting to
00:40:38Babysitters to a machine to an ipad or something like that or school teachers or relatives or television or computer games
00:40:45They can play a bit of that, but that should not be
00:40:48The easiest way it's all right. They'll be on the computer. Don't worry about it
00:40:54There are different types of parentings one is authoritarian
00:40:58Everything has to be regimental as though you're in the army
00:41:01Nothing can be off
00:41:03That's very difficult
00:41:05You're going to create kids that are like obsessed
00:41:09Doesn't always work
00:41:11People make mistakes. You have to take it easy
00:41:14Or be so that's authoritarian or any dictatorial
00:41:18Parents demand obedience and severely punish any disobedience
00:41:24Then you have those which are just authoritative not dictatorial
00:41:28Parents expect their children to be responsive to their demands, but they are also responsive to their demands
00:41:34It kind of works both way that look we want things with some authority
00:41:38But there's a give-and-take and there's more understanding of why things are the way they are
00:41:45These are the parents who explain the rules clearly not just rules, but they explain why they wonder
00:41:51What's the benefit of the rules and what's the harm in not?
00:41:54following the rules and
00:41:56And they provide well considered reasons for rules and regulations
00:42:01If we can give our children good rules, like for example, if I tell
00:42:05What's your name?
00:42:08Have you got an a color who really do you know what a color is?
00:42:13an auntie
00:42:15You know what one of those are right they're really cool people you got a color or not
00:42:21You either have or you don't I mean there's no one laughing about it. What is it?
00:42:24Do you have a color or not, man?
00:42:27Do you have an auntie?
00:42:29Do you have an auntie that really likes you and gives you a lot of stuff?
00:42:32Everybody has one of those alhamdulillah
00:42:34They're so beautiful. Allah bless them whoever they are, right?
00:42:37So you've got an auntie like that, right?
00:42:38now imagine the next time you go to her house and
00:42:41You ignore her because you want to go and play on the playstation that your cousin has and you just like go in
00:42:47You don't even
00:42:48Say salam to it. You just go and run. Is she going to feel good about it?
00:42:52Is that good what you just did to her?
00:42:54No, right
00:42:55So that's why we make namaz. You know why we do namaz
00:42:59Because allah has given us everything that you have
00:43:04And all he wants he's been so kind to us
00:43:07The food you get the parents you have the clothing
00:43:10The warm house everything the fact that you're even in this world in the first place
00:43:14What he wants is us to pray five times a day fast in the month of ramadan. Is that too much?
00:43:19Now imagine if we don't do that. Is he going to be happy with us?
00:43:22Is that even good for us to do that kind of stuff to an auntie and then thus to allah like that?
00:43:27No, right
00:43:28So that's it. It says hardly anybody explains namaz
00:43:32Like that there's like namaz for all you have to pray. Otherwise, you're going to be punished
00:43:40If we can get our children to be conscious of allah our job will be easy
00:43:45And the way to find out if our children are praying for us
00:43:48Or for allah is very simple
00:43:51Do they pray when you're not around?
00:43:55Whether they pray late or early they've got a consciousness of it
00:43:59And if they don't then forget about telling them to pray work on
00:44:04Developing their relationship to allah and praying for that reason then your job will
00:44:09They can be anywhere and if you tell them we as muslims don't do this because we are with allah
00:44:14You've given them that identity. It's very important
00:44:17Remember a domineering attitude is not the same as training somebody
00:44:22Domineering just means that you're just forcing people to abide
00:44:26But training is what we're supposed to be doing with our children
00:44:29We're training them training means you're finding their weaknesses
00:44:33And you're trying to sort them out and turn them into strengths and you're getting them to recognize their strength again
00:44:38It goes back to what I said at the beginning
00:44:42You have to remember the lack of
00:44:44Attention given to skilled parenting
00:44:47Is equally responsible for the serious emotional and psychological deprivation in young children
00:44:55The reason why there's so much rage out there among criminals people who go into crime
00:45:00Who go into these why does somebody from a comfortable home?
00:45:05With loving parents who are considerate and have a good dialogue. Why would they get into drugs?
00:45:10So I spoke to somebody why do kids get into drugs one for money
00:45:16Number two for some clout
00:45:19Number three so they can belong
00:45:21These are multiple reasons if parents are providing all of that and they're satisfied. Why would they get into drugs?
00:45:26They'll think twice thrice four times about it
00:45:31We have to know
00:45:33What our children and I think?
00:45:35If I can leave you with one advice is that kids are not the only ones who are getting into drugs
00:45:40Keep your children busy
00:45:43Your child can be going to
00:45:46Then university in the morning
00:45:48Or madrasa wherever it is. And so if you're going to school, let's just say you're in university in the evening going to
00:45:55Some madrasa arling class whatever it is
00:45:57And in the weekend you're giving them some job to do where they're working and making some money and they literally have no time
00:46:02To waste then while you might feel sorry for them for doing so much work
00:46:07But that's their youth years protected
00:46:10Because they're once they beyond the years of youth. They're less willing to take silly
00:46:17Risks and make silly mistakes and get into the wrong crowd. You've protected them keep them busy
00:46:22But for that we're going to have to really think of how to keep them busy
00:46:26And that means we have to come up with ideas to keep them busy
00:46:30Parenting can make or break a family
00:46:35Not just a family a society
00:46:37And a full civilization
00:46:41We encourage I mean we're encouraging parents to think of the bigger picture when you're parenting it's not just about your child
00:46:48It's about the whole society that your child is going to contribute to and we're going to contribute to this is a very big idea
00:46:57You have to also remember that if children are going to be raised
00:47:00in a lot of in a state of fear
00:47:03That they're always worried about when their dad so when their dad comes in they go to another room
00:47:07When they come into the house, they fear of their mom and dad
00:47:10They just go and hold themselves up in the room. If you've got a child who'd rather be outside with his friends than
00:47:15Comfortable in the home or if he's in the house
00:47:17He wants to be holed up in a room with the door closed on an iPad. Then you've got a problem for sure
00:47:23That's 100 you've got a problem
00:47:26Why should children not feel good about sitting with the families?
00:47:29You know sitting because there's nobody discussing there's nobody giving them something worthwhile
00:47:35But remember if a child is raised in a state of fear and oppression
00:47:39they will become afraid to take risks and will be afraid to make decisions because
00:47:47They've not been allowed to do that. They've been punished on every week every mistake they've made, you know
00:47:52After observing many people who came out right afterwards when I see a child they tell me that he messes up
00:47:57He messes he gets in trouble at school every now and then I think mashallah. This guy's going to do something good
00:48:04He's going to be a bit of a risk taker and inshallah if you do proper tarbiyah, he'll be actually willing to be a mover and shaker
00:48:11So I don't write off children who mess around a bit
00:48:15There's two different types of messing around one is innocent messing around. You know, I don't write off children
00:48:21One is innocent messing around child is meshing messing around and the other one
00:48:26is evil
00:48:28It comes from a place of evil shaytaniyat
00:48:32Our children are learning shaytaniyat like an evil that is a problem
00:48:36But if they're just messing around let them mess around a bit not too much. They have to get disciplined
00:48:41There's one kid. He's always getting in trouble at school
00:48:46Right innocent messing but he gets in trouble
00:48:49Parents saying to him like what's wrong with you if you want to mess around be smart about it
00:48:55What else are you gonna do tell him not to mess around he still wants to mess it's okay be smart
00:48:59Because he says actually it wasn't me. It was my friend. I said it afterwards. Yeah, but why did your friend not get caught and you did?
00:49:08Because you're a little show-off maybe
00:49:11So if you want to mess around
00:49:13Then mess around in a way. You don't get caught then
00:49:17Don't mean shaytaniyat. I mean like, you know people want to mess around a bit. I said you're silly
00:49:22That's what I would tell them right like you're sitting you're being silly
00:49:25If you want to mess around do it in a way that you can have your little and and don't get caught about it
00:49:31I mean that doesn't work all the time
00:49:33I don't want to give you bad ideas
00:49:35But i'm saying that sometimes children just don't stop
00:49:38So then you tell them okay at least do it in a way that you don't get in trouble
00:49:41So at least that will stop them from doing it half the time
00:49:44But yeah, i've seen a because you know when you go through madrasa
00:49:47A boarding madrasa, you see a lot of kids that used to mess around and now mashallah
00:49:51They are big imams. They're big scholars. They're doing so much work for the community and they're all messing around. They're in madrasa
00:49:58There's a lot of promise people alhamdulillah, they can become good people
00:50:02Right, you don't have to be a saint from when you're there's a few people like that. There's saints from birth. MashaAllah
00:50:08But not everybody's like that
00:50:10Right, there's people gotten in trouble all sorts of trouble alhamdulillah, they become successful people afterwards
00:50:15So don't write off any child. You just have to work and get them right. It's just another challenge
00:50:22Parenting is the most rewarding stimulating and ultimately pleasurable experience one ever will go through
00:50:29But it can be the most demanding, you know feminists who are against
00:50:34Having children because they said that that was going to disturb your progress
00:50:39If you have children, you have to worry about children. You can't go to work your occupation your career
00:50:44When those same feminists from 20 30 years ago became 40
00:50:49Divorced no children. They're complaining now. They realized they were wrong. They're feeling alone
00:50:56That's why parenting the reason is reward if you do it
00:50:58Right, is that when you get to that age finally and that's why I do it earlier because you'll be fresher to do your tarbiyah
00:51:04Then when you have children when you're 30 40 and you're too tired
00:51:07Then they'll walk all over you. Maybe do it when you're young and more vigorous
00:51:12Right the culture, you know, you go to a school in the morning drop your kids off
00:51:15Most of the muslim parents are young 20 year old girls 20 year old women
00:51:21And you see you're a lot unfortunately the law of the non-muslim and they're like 30 and 40
00:51:25Because they just start later because they were more worried about their career
00:51:30Just remember good character is rarely a product of chance
00:51:35Rarely, is it like just something that comes about even if you didn't try
00:51:39Good character is always the result of happy homes
00:51:43Stable environments committed parents and good tarbiyah. So for example, i've been hajj
00:51:49Multiple times in a group of like three four five six hundred people
00:51:52And it's interesting how humans are
00:51:54And out of everybody who are like just standard you'll see one or two people they stand out. Why do they stand out?
00:52:01They have some amazing character
00:52:03They're just different
00:52:05They are just special
00:52:07They're not alims or anything. They're just very special people and you see that mashallah. They just
00:52:12Got things right and then you get speaking to them multiple occasions. I've gotten to speak to them and I find out
00:52:18That it's because
00:52:20Their father or grandfather was this special person
00:52:23You can see the tarbiyah
00:52:25Now remember anything that you do to your children is going to have impact and repercussions all the way down in your generations
00:52:34You have grandchildren yet?
00:52:36How many 10 grandchildren?
00:52:38Now those 10 grandchildren are all yours
00:52:42They're yours. They're not ashraf chacha's or
00:52:45They're yours they're not ashraf chacha's or you know, they're not nazir chacha's they're yours
00:52:51Is there any stopping those 10 grandchildren from having their own children now?
00:52:56No, we'll be gone and they'll carry on
00:52:59And they'll multiply inshallah. You got 10. They're going to multiply right soon
00:53:03They're going to be a hundred and we'll be long gone
00:53:06But on the day of judgment, you'll come up
00:53:08And you'll see in front of you maybe hundreds or thousands. I think these are all your children
00:53:15Think about it that way
00:53:17So, you know when you're parenting, I'm not parenting just for my children. I'm parenting for my descendants
00:53:24And i'm scared
00:53:26Because the way I want my children to be I want them to want their children to be and their children to be
00:53:32and when I see
00:53:33There's some, you know, really great person and then their grandchildren have messed up something like subhanallah
00:53:39Only allah can protect but you have to have that vision
00:53:42And every dua in the quran that is about children is not about children. It's about progeny
00:53:58Allah is telling you don't just pray for your immediate children pray for your descendants. Why not?
00:54:05Why not but for that it's a bigger job now, right?
00:54:07I want all my grandchildren
00:54:09To be a certain way. I'm gonna have to do proper tarbiyah of my children so I can increase the chances
00:54:15And for me to do tarbiyah of my children, we're going into a whole different subject. I don't want to open that up
00:54:20I better find the right wife
00:54:23And if I want the right wife then I better start before I find my wife
00:54:28Now you might think well i've already got a messed up husband or wife what do I do now?
00:54:34You do the best that you can people have changed for example, you've got a mother-in-law who oppresses her daughter-in-law
00:54:40So you find out from the mother-in-law. Why do you oppress your daughter-in-law?
00:54:44Like honest
00:54:46Well, because my mother-in-law did that's how she did it to me. So that's why i'm doing it
00:54:49So you go and ask her mother-in-law if she's still alive. Why do you do that?
00:54:52Why did you do that? Oh because my mother-in-law did that
00:54:55So you she's dead. So you go to her grave and say why did you do that?
00:54:59Why did you start this sunnah? She said I didn't start the sunnah my mother-in-law did that as well
00:55:04Come on, man, you're gonna have to stop that
00:55:07So tell the last one you stop that so that you don't have to continue this bad sunnah
00:55:13You be the new one to start a new sunnah for your descendants think of children
00:55:17As more than children its descendants
00:55:20Its descendants, right? That's the most important thing that you can think of and that will
00:55:25Keep you up at night. How do I make that happen?
00:55:28But if you have the concern you can ask allah then he's willing to give we'll be gone
00:55:32Wallahu yata wallah salihim, you know, I was once with a mufti muzaffar hussain sahib
00:55:38He was the muhtamim of the darlum waqf of saharanpur
00:55:44This was in 1999
00:55:46His father was maulana yahya sahib
00:55:49Right maulana yahya sahib big mufti of darlum waqf
00:55:53Right maulana yahya sahib big mufti of darlum waqf of saharanpur
00:55:57He was a proper zahid this mufti muzaffar sahib
00:56:02So was his father's name yahya or
00:56:04Maybe i'm mistaking his name
00:56:07Once we were in his majlis and he said that my father left nothing
00:56:10when he died
00:56:12He would give he was like abu bakr as-siddiq, you know, like
00:56:15Giving away everything and not keeping any just taking enough money to survive. So somebody asked him
00:56:21Now what are you going to leave for your children? He said i've tried to make them salihin
00:56:27righteous people
00:56:29God fearing and allah says wallahu yata wallah salihin
00:56:33Allah takes care of the salihin. So i've i've done my job. Allah does the rest and mashallah. That's it. That's your descent
00:56:40So unless we think far
00:56:43Far into the future
00:56:45We're gonna think it's just about me and my wife and my child. It's not about that
00:56:49It's a much bigger idea. It's a much bigger idea. It's a much bigger idea, you know, I have several friends from different countries
00:56:56That are sayyids
00:56:58that are
00:56:59Sharif sayyid, uh, which means a family of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam descendants
00:57:03And there's a quality in every one of them of generosity and other quality open-heartedness and generosity
00:57:10I've seen that in multiple countries. They're all sayyid right indians jordanians
00:57:16Pakistanis they're proper sayyids right and they all have a certain quality this comes down
00:57:23I have seen families where there's no alim in the family. And now mashallah the way they've made it is that
00:57:29All of the next generation is all hafiz now
00:57:32There was not a single person
00:57:38And now everybody is that tradition is going to carry on what tradition you need to make changes
00:57:44One family I know none of the women used to wear hijab
00:57:48It wasn't a tradition. One of them went to become an alima. She came back with a niqab forget hijab
00:57:54Everybody protested
00:57:56Like you
00:57:58Alhamdulillah, most of them now are fully covered
00:58:01You start it off
00:58:02You change the next generation, but it's a big job. It's a big job. That's that's why people lose out
00:58:07They all have this idea, but we lose out but at least you know now
00:58:10So anyway, i'm going to stop here
00:58:12These were a lot of disparate thoughts
00:58:14To just get us to think how important this is and some ideas to put into motion
00:58:19Remember, let our children find their qualities and their weaknesses and let's prune them
00:58:24And get them to become the leaders of the next generation and our descendants to be wonderful people inshallah
00:58:30Okay your questions
00:58:33How can we create love and nurture among siblings
00:58:37Allahumma salli ala sayyidina muhammad make a lot of dua to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and keep reading allahumma
00:58:47Very powerful dua whenever i've had
00:58:49A little misunderstanding with somebody you read this dua. Oh allah resolve that which is in our hearts
00:58:56And reform the whatever the issue is between us and it's amazing. It works very well
00:59:01So number one keep making dua for them and then basically I think from a young age
00:59:04We need to give them an understanding you need to
00:59:08We don't want to make them each selfish competitors
00:59:12Only healthy competition is fine. So there must be a reason why they're at each other
00:59:16so it's completely fine by the way for younger boys or girls to have a bit of a
00:59:22Banter or a bit of fighting. It's fine
00:59:26Right that doesn't mean you go and do it
00:59:29It's fine. It's healthy for them. They need somebody to vent their you know, their energy
00:59:34Expend their energy on or something like that. So that's completely fine, but it's when it becomes uh,
00:59:40If they can't make up and they're fine after five minutes, then that's a problem
00:59:44So some of it is completely natural
00:59:46But if they're at each other and they stop talking to one another and all of that
00:59:49Then you've got a serious problem and then you have to find out why?
00:59:53That's the question now
00:59:55It may be very bitter what you discover or you may not want to think about it. Do you do that to others?
01:00:00Do you stop speaking to people?
01:00:02Do you speak bad about people and shun them and abandon them and stop speaking about them? Where did they learn to do that from?
01:00:10We genuinely have to ask that question once my kid came back from school and he said
01:00:14He's not talking to a certain friend. I was like, where did you learn to do that?
01:00:18We never stopped talking to anybody. Where did you even learn that that kind of thing exists?
01:00:23You obviously learned it from another friend. We said we don't do that. We deal with the matter
01:00:26You got an issue with somebody let's just deal with it. Let's say what it is. Let's sort it out
01:00:31Or let me ask you how old are you
01:00:35How old you're nine years old and you
01:00:39You're 10 years old. What's your name again?
01:00:44So Ilyas, do you have anybody in your class at school or in your school that kind of bothers you a bit every now and then
01:00:50a bit
01:00:51bothers you sometimes
01:00:53Sometimes what do you do about it?
01:00:56Change the subject to give a clever answer or something like that
01:00:59So if you want him to stop bothering you, you know
01:01:01What the best way to do is have you ever tried this you can try this
01:01:04Is make dua for him that oh allah this guy bothers me a bit. Yeah. Allah sought him out and me out
01:01:10Because you've got the next two three years to spend with him, right?
01:01:12So rather than every time trying to deal with him just make that dua and inshallah that will work
01:01:19So anyway, we need to first find out why that why they have so much animosity
01:01:24Is it because of us then we're giving them a bad model
01:01:27Then we have to
01:01:29Teach them not to be like that
01:01:30I think if we give them the understanding you must defend one another
01:01:34And again a bit of it is fine as long as they come out of it
01:01:37And then we get them to maybe give gifts to one another we tell them how to
01:01:41Go beyond the acrimony in the hearts and one beautiful way of doing is making that dua
01:01:46Number two if you have this with anybody you give them a gift
01:01:49You you literally go beyond yourself to do something good for them
01:01:52We teach them how to deal with the anger of their heart
01:01:56And and get beyond it again, these are just some ideas may allah put blessing in them
01:02:02What is suitable age to speak about rse with our children I want ideas what do you think
01:02:09Nine or ten
01:02:13In some cases seven it just depends on what they're exposed to and I think you should figure out what they actually you can ask
01:02:18Some innocent questions some probing questions and if you find out they already know because believe me
01:02:23You know, you might pull out your children from rse
01:02:26classes the proper ones they do the the weird ones they do and then
01:02:31So you you keep them at home the next day you go there and their friends have told them everything secondhand with masala
01:02:38Right, so that's why it's important
01:02:41That you bring this up the best way to do it to when it's very difficult for parents to speak about this
01:02:45But if you can it's okay is to organize a class
01:02:50For with the local imams on masjid for teenager classes
01:02:54Or there's actually now decent small booklets written for coming of age
01:02:59We're going to have a lecture coming up very soon on so I did it in batley last week
01:03:04It's going to be put up on zamzam academy soon on literally coming up of age and what that entails
01:03:10Um from the ages of I would say 9 to 14. That's when the major changes happen
01:03:16So I think it's very important a lot of the rse stuff is involved in that and it has to happen
01:03:21We can't say that they should be blinded of this fact because they're going to learn about it
01:03:27so if it is ever brought up at home, like what does that mean just explain in a
01:03:34In a formal kind of way what it is without dismissing don't think about that
01:03:39You could say look this is how much we know
01:03:40We don't think you'll understand when you grow up
01:03:43You can say that but at least give them something to go by
01:03:47so what I did last week in batley was that I
01:03:50Mentioned how to say these things
01:03:52I don't want to go through the whole thing right now
01:03:54But that just gives you an idea of how to speak about it because you're embarrassed usually but you can speak about it
01:04:01How can we know okay we did that one
01:04:03How can parents discuss the topic of intimacy with teenagers when they don't say i've been shamed and never talked regarding the topic?
01:04:08I think I just answered that question, right parents will inevitably differ on issues
01:04:12How should they handle such matters in the presence of their children as it can come across that they are unaligned? Yeah
01:04:18So look you can't always be 100 on the same wavelength as your partner
01:04:23Right, that'd be really weird. If you were it's very difficult. Then it'd be a boring life, right?
01:04:28So it's fine to have some differences of opinion as long as you generally agree on the big ideas
01:04:33You have to be on the same wavelength there
01:04:35If you're not you better work on that if you aren't any major disapprovals
01:04:40You do that privately not in front of the children, right?
01:04:42Otherwise, it's fine if they can see a healthy kind of to and fro
01:04:46Trying to say no we should do it this way
01:04:48We should do it this way and then finally you agree with the you know with the spouse or she agrees with you or either way
01:04:55Then the children will understand that that is fine
01:04:58I don't always have to be right
01:04:59So if the father is always going to make himself out to be right then the son's going to think they have to always be
01:05:05And the women are going to think that women are never right or we can't be right
01:05:08Even if we think so that's going to cause major psychological problems later on
01:05:13Do you understand? So I think
01:05:15it's fine to have a
01:05:17difference, but just have it in a
01:05:22In an understanding way while providing your arguments
01:05:26So just try to be less authoritative
01:05:30And more discursive when you're discussing this kind of stuff so the children can see healthy discussion
01:05:35There's nothing wrong with that
01:05:36But any major issues if you do have them and you need to have them then take that away
01:05:40Don't do it in front of the children as as far as possible
01:05:44How do you encourage girls to adopt the hijab from a young age?
01:05:48well, I guess what we
01:05:51Can do is to talk about the importance of modesty
01:05:55Rather than saying that you must cover
01:05:57We talk about the importance of modesty of why they need to cover why women cover in the first place
01:06:03And we show how other women covered and if we've read them good stories, then that will come about in there as well
01:06:09There may come a time eventually
01:06:12The biggest challenge to covering is usually the fact that their friends aren't covering
01:06:16That's usually the biggest challenge I would say or their cousins aren't covering or people of their age aren't covering
01:06:21That's why it's a good idea to have children
01:06:23Or one of the biggest issues that we have right in this disparate society we live in
01:06:30where community has broken down is that
01:06:32If you are a practicing person with your family
01:06:36And around you and even your cousins are not practicing. That is the most difficult way to bring your children up
01:06:42Because you have to visit cousins
01:06:45They do everything and you don't let your children do anything. It just sounds very
01:06:52So what we really need is to find families
01:06:56that think alike
01:06:57And become friends with them and then visit one another so that they can be reinforced
01:07:01I've seen this there is a young girl and she's like, why should I do this? She's the only one
01:07:07She's the only practicing muslim as such
01:07:10Alhamdulillah when they went to this kind of a family event where they saw others that oh, okay. It's not just me
01:07:17I'm, not the odd one out. There's others and they were very uplifting
01:07:22And very empowering lectures that were taking place
01:07:25Literally that has to be done. So I think that can be done within our youth
01:07:29facilities that literally
01:07:31Try to encourage that so that they see others doing the same thing
01:07:34It's just much easier for people to do what they see others doing rather than feel odd one out
01:07:39So if you are in a family where everybody else doesn't cover and you do it's going to be very very tough
01:07:43So you have to find other people to do it
01:07:48I mean
01:07:50Which age is I would probably say I don't know is it?
01:07:53Encouragement from you know to practice and so on if you're doing it properly
01:07:56They'll probably want to do it, but I think when they become balik then it becomes necessary
01:08:00But before that the age of nine ten eleven at least nine if possible. It just depends on if they're small
01:08:06They're they're bigger in their body or whatever. There's a lot of factors that are involved in that
01:08:10So whenever you think that they should actually start doing it because now they're you know
01:08:15Becoming a woman as such
01:08:17Then after that you need to encourage it more and make it a bit more emphasized
01:08:22And assist them and help them and speak to them about it
01:08:27Father has hit mother and abused in front of a two-year-old many times and it's affected his behavior
01:08:32How can you undo this?
01:08:34To help the child who is now three
01:08:36Look, what's done is done. You need to just sort yourself out so that that can be erased
01:08:40Alhamdulillah. Allah has given the plasticity of the mind
01:08:44Which basically means that you don't have to be scarred for life
01:08:48Alhamdulillah. Allah has created the mind as a wonder
01:08:52They literally the brain studies and there's not some really good books on that study
01:08:56on this subject you
01:08:58Everybody goes through a quite a significant change in their brain structure and the way they are as human beings every 10 years
01:09:07Right, so just make it right stop crying over that
01:09:12Really try to over compensate for this and inshallah that will be erased with dua to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
01:09:19In my area madrasas are not great
01:09:20My child is seven has been taught at home until now, but I am aware of the benefits a madrasa can give what to do
01:09:28Make a madrasa up a new one. That's really five star
01:09:31I mean, I don't know what to do
01:09:34I mean some of these questions I can't answer
01:09:35I mean if you don't have a madrasa you might have to go to an area where there is a good madrasa if that's
01:09:39Not the case find some like-minded people
01:09:42I mean unless you're just over the top and you think madrasas are bad because you want it
01:09:45I've had parents like that and i'm not blaming you for that. Whoever you are anonymous, right?
01:09:50I'm going to make fun of some of these people if that's okay because I don't know who they are
01:09:53Right just to give a bit of humor, but I don't mean it. Okay, so mr
01:09:57Anonymous or mrs. Anonymous whoever you are. Allah bless you. I've given you some duas as well
01:10:02Right, but sometimes some people are over the top. No islamic school works for them
01:10:06I said that one. No, I had probably in that one that one down. Come on. I think must be the problem with you now
01:10:11Yeah, and again, I don't know right so you really have to think what I would say is that if all the madrasas are problem
01:10:17Then find some like-minded parents because there must be somebody else who also thinks their problem and you start a new madrasa
01:10:24Find a place find some really cool teachers pay them
01:10:27Very very well and then and then make sure they start a new madrasa and say this is state of the art
01:10:32This is not a joe blogs madrasa
01:10:37You have to I mean there's no magic about this and I give that's genuinely what you're saying and it's possible that you know
01:10:42The madrasas aren't very well, but I mean it can't be that bad. Can it but if it is then start a new madrasa
01:10:49It's not going to come to you you'll have to start one
01:10:52Or go out to another area. How does one deal with a child who does not follow instruction is easily angered
01:10:58I think i've discussed that I think no I haven't
01:11:00What we need to do with any of this type of question is we need to first find out why they are the way they are
01:11:06There must be some reason they may be very bitter
01:11:09Uh reasons for that that we you know, is it from us we get very sensitive
01:11:13So they've learned to be sensitive. I don't want to blame the parents all the time because sometimes they can learn it from their
01:11:18Friends, so we just have to discuss with them that it's not worth doing that
01:11:22And you might you're not going to get an overnight change, but once we carry on calmly
01:11:29Discussing this. Hopefully they'll come out of it. They'll grow out of it. You know, there's a massive uh from the time that they're
01:11:36You know from the babies to when they're about 25
01:11:3923 24 years old there are going to be major changes and sometimes they just need time
01:11:45With reinforcement you can't change it overnight
01:11:50How can we equip our children to be confident in their religion to be able to interact with non-muslims at school in the current
01:11:55climate ie crisis in gaza
01:11:58The way you do that is you have good solid discussions
01:12:02Make them proud of their faith that look this is the way why do this and this is why that side is wrong
01:12:08And then we make them confident, but we tell them to be careful about the way they
01:12:12Carry them. Otherwise, they'll be taken to prevent
01:12:15So you have to make sure that they do it in a way that they confident but cautious and careful and they know their boundaries
01:12:23How can we explain to children when parents don't live together and help them cope with the emotions of losing the family unit
01:12:28You need a psychologist for this. I I don't have a proper answer for this
01:12:32I've not considered it enough, right? I can give you some guidance, but that that's uh, that's uh,
01:12:37maybe uh
01:12:39I think the basic thing I can say is you just talked about the reality
01:12:43But I would really encourage that you don't
01:12:46Don't be a malicious mother or father
01:12:48Don't be a malicious mother or father in in the sense that you are trying to
01:12:55Deprive your child of their
01:12:58Other parent that is haram
01:13:01Very very wrong very detrimental. It might make you feel good that you've got one over the other but it's very bad and it's increasing
01:13:09Right. It is absolute selfishness and narcissism and you shouldn't be doing that
01:13:12It's very bad for your children if that's what you're doing, you're not done. Most people don't do that inshallah
01:13:17So then you have to just say look we had a bit of an issue and this is what's happening
01:13:21But I would recommend you get married again a pair a child needs both
01:13:26Unless you've got good sharing custody
01:13:29Usually the mother has the primary care, but the father should have good access and sufficient access, right?
01:13:35I mean, there's a lot more confusing possibility
01:13:37If the man is if the father's a loser he's not really involved and that's another issue try to get married again if you can
01:13:43That's very very important
01:13:45Otherwise if you can't do that
01:13:46Then at least have your own relatives like your brothers and sisters have close connection because your child needs both the mother and father
01:13:54There's an interview done with a woman who was brought up by two women the modern way of two women. I don't mean co-wives
01:14:00Right one man with two wives. I don't mean that I mean two women
01:14:03He was brought up by she was brought up by and she said it's not the same
01:14:07It they're both wonderful women. She said but it's not the same
01:14:11You need that and there's a lot of studies that show that when children don't have both sides there's instability in that relationship
01:14:17It's just natural phenomenon for us to be covered by both
01:14:21Father gives something the mother gives something else one parent can't do both get some help. Allah make it easy for you
01:14:30How will a child be affected were there in
01:14:33Where there is domestic abuse in family where the husband is harsh to wife and speak bad
01:14:39I guess you if you already know then, you know
01:14:42Right. I can't answer that question. It's just going to be very bad
01:14:46A few days ago last week
01:14:49there's a
01:14:50female teacher who who teaches a alima class
01:14:54of teenagers
01:14:56So third fourth year, whatever it is
01:14:59They were having a conversation
01:15:02And it turns out that the majority of the girls in that class said they don't want to get married
01:15:08It's like why why don't you want to get married men?
01:15:12Uh, what did she say?
01:15:15men are
01:15:16Men can't be trusted
01:15:20Men are liars
01:15:22All right, so she's prodding more like what do you mean by this said i'll never marry any guy who's on social media
01:15:31She's seen the worst of it I guess right of what people do on social media
01:15:34So then the teacher asked do you have social media? Yes, I do but i'm going to get off it now
01:15:40Alhamdulillah, right? They've figured it out
01:15:43Now my question when I heard that was
01:15:46Why do they think all men are messed up?
01:15:49Because all men are not messed up. Okay, because if that was the case, I mean that would be very sad for you, right?
01:15:54How do you feel about that?
01:15:57You won't be able to I mean men are like yeah, I want to get married
01:16:01But girls don't feel comfortable about that and it is a problem
01:16:04Feminism is to blame for a certain amount of that because say, you know, you don't need men and so on that
01:16:10But it's not fully that
01:16:12There's somebody I know who within five six homes from his house. There's three muslim families who have 40 year old daughters
01:16:19Who are not yet married?
01:16:21It is a big issue. Okay, and there's multiple reasons for that
01:16:25So one could be an element of feminism, however, the other bigger issue the other issue is is the way people are parenting
01:16:34There is a lot of
01:16:37Discrimination against girls in our families
01:16:40Boys are mollycoddled
01:16:42they're brought up to be pampered and girls have to do all the work and
01:16:48Just a week or two ago, they said that there was a girl
01:16:52who is
01:16:53Considering changing agenda to a boy. Why somebody got to speak to her?
01:16:58Like why do you want to do that? He said because my brother gets all the
01:17:02Favors in the house. I don't so i'd rather become a boy
01:17:07Can you see what our and some cultures are worse than others?
01:17:11There's some cultures who make their girls do all the work
01:17:14There's some cultures
01:17:16Who make their girls do everything?
01:17:18And the boys are pampered they don't even have to make their own bed
01:17:21The mother will do it or get the sister to make it all the food breakfast everything
01:17:26The guy doesn't know how to tighten a screw
01:17:28He doesn't know how to let guests in
01:17:30He doesn't know how to pay a bill
01:17:34He's just on his playstation
01:17:36Or he's just studying but then they've got the girls studying as well and they still have to do all the homework
01:17:42I'm, not talking about the permissible study not study. I'm just saying this is the reality
01:17:46It's as if the boys get a lot more pandering than the girls do
01:17:51And that's a problem
01:17:53What we need and this is an important point is what we need is we need
01:17:58To create such a family that your daughter can look at her brother and say that mashallah. He's such a good guy
01:18:05That I would like my husband to be like that
01:18:08The model that you're providing
01:18:10I'm, so sad about that
01:18:13That those group of girls which may be representative of a bigger issue in other places as well, right?
01:18:20So I asked the question to this teacher I said, but what about their what about her pair her father her brother
01:18:27Said one of the girls said that my father has been beating up my mom for the last what 20 years
01:18:34And she just takes it
01:18:37She just hates men because that's what all men are like in her mind
01:18:42And this is a big issue that we're going to have to solve because this is a very cultural issues in some cultures
01:18:49If you beat your women up
01:18:51You're really messing up the next generation
01:18:54That means you want all of your grandchildren to do the same
01:18:57When I first got married and a friend of mine got married. He's a maulana as well
01:19:02He's a maulana as well some months later he called me he said no no, I hit my wife
01:19:08like he's shocked
01:19:10and he's
01:19:13Disgusted by what he did
01:19:15So I spoke to him and everything alhamdulillah since that he's never done it again. But why did he do it then?
01:19:20All I can think of is because he's seen his father do it. So he thought that's the way to lash out
01:19:25That's the way to react in an anger
01:19:28So if you've seen somebody do it you'll do the same thing it's not the way to do it
01:19:32In fact, I believe that you don't even have to hit your children
01:19:36I mean it may even be illegal and that stuff
01:19:39But if you know a lot of people they think that they have to beat their children up to get them to do stuff
01:19:43That's the that that was seen as the last resort before anyway
01:19:47Right, you know even traditionally when people used to hit the way you do it is you just frown
01:19:53You just tut or frown that's the first stage if that doesn't sort them out
01:19:57Then you give them a stern look or a stern word
01:20:00It's the second level the third level if that doesn't work is you say, okay fine
01:20:06You can't play for one hour or you can't do this or you can't do that, right if that doesn't work
01:20:11Okay, you know what?
01:20:12You really need to just go into that corner or that room you can't play with everybody else and just think why?
01:20:20You understand if you use these stages you'll never have to get to the highest stage you start off by hitting
01:20:27What do you have beyond that?
01:20:30If it's a you start with the chapel you want to go into a belt next or what?
01:20:35Ridiculous you don't have to do that. There has to be a system in place
01:20:40Right and believe me that system works
01:20:44You know, you don't have to hit at all
01:20:47So what methods can be used to create an environment with children of discussion so that it can approach us
01:20:53You just start of a discussion
01:20:55Random discussion on some issue and then see what they say
01:20:58If you're never used to a discussion and you might be difficult in the beginning to do that
01:21:02Right, but just start of a discussion find a talking point or whatever it is
01:21:07Like do you see so I would say like, you know in your school do
01:21:11Kids do is there anybody on drugs?
01:21:16Just random question. Yeah. Yeah, there is this guy or whatever and so on right in your school
01:21:22Is there somebody who does that you can just start off like that?
01:21:24Then you know the way they will say praisingly disapprovingly, you know where we are with this
01:21:30They just have to be a bit creative about it, I guess
01:21:33What what advice can you give when parents are not on the same page and he and your child then behaves differently with each one
01:21:38Sort your relationship out
01:21:40There's no magic sort your relationship out
01:21:43Otherwise send him to somebody else to bring up like the grandfather or somebody who's got otherwise
01:21:47There's no there's no there's no magic and make a lot of dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
01:21:51If a father is on the phone all the time, so he doesn't give time to mother or son
01:21:55What can we do to stop this and how will this affect the child?
01:21:57I don't know how it's it's gonna definitely have an effect but
01:22:01You're gonna if you want to change this i've got lots of lectures about the marital issues online on zamzam academy
01:22:07So i'll leave you to that i've discussed that a lot but briefly speaking
01:22:10What you have been using for the last five six years to try to change your husband
01:22:14It's not working then stop using that way. It's not going to work because it hasn't worked
01:22:20He knows that's all you do so change your style
01:22:23Use a different power
01:22:25Maybe a soft power soft feminine power. If not that then take a stand
01:22:30Get somebody else involved
01:22:33If you don't do anything, it's not going to make you you're making dua only nothing's going to happen unless
01:22:38There's a time of acceptance and you get a karamat and a miracle but miracles don't happen often
01:22:44Get somebody involved
01:22:45Think of it this way, right? You've got husband and wife for those who can see on two sides
01:22:50If they have a problem then just imagine that the ground
01:22:55They go slightly down like a foot into the ground
01:22:59Now for them to come back together
01:23:01They have to come out and be nice to one another and resolve it
01:23:04If you don't sort that out and they have another problem you go another half a foot in the ground
01:23:09And you have a third problem and they go another half a foot in the ground and over 5 10 15 years
01:23:14You're going to go 20 feet down. So you both can't even see each other see eye to eye anymore
01:23:20The only way you can resolve you both come out somehow
01:23:23But you're not willing to because you both want to stay in your trench. You think you're secure and you're right
01:23:28That's why it's better to sort this out
01:23:30When you're only half a foot or one foot down than when you're 20 feet down after 20 years
01:23:37I'm dealing with several over 20 year old marriages some with ulama and alimas as well. They've just
01:23:45Put it under the carpet they've just messed around with it for all this time and now
01:23:49while they're after their children are, you know mature and ready to get married now they wanna
01:23:56They want out of the marriage it's so difficult. I've been trying with one. We've been trying with one couple
01:24:01It's now nearly the third year
01:24:03I can't believe they're not divorced yet. There's like some desire to get back, but they just can't they just can't change their ways
01:24:14Help sooner than later
01:24:15That's the secret get help sooner than later and don't go running to your mom all the time
01:24:21Moms are usually usually not always sometimes they're very fair, but moms are not usually the best idea
01:24:27I've seen marriages break because the first person you went to for a little small issue you went to your mom
01:24:34Because mom are very sentimental but some moms are very good so it just depends you better know your mom
01:24:39is she gonna help you or is she just gonna
01:24:42Support you to break your marriage
01:24:44You need to be honest enough to think about that. I've seen many moms break their marriage and some are very decent. Masha Allah
01:24:50How can we address the issue of a nine-year-old who finds it easy to lie first find out why they lie
01:24:55Do you tell untruths?
01:24:57Do you say when somebody comes to your house that he's not here?
01:25:02Do you
01:25:03Do this weird flexing of the truth. They've just probably learned it from you
01:25:10It's a lot of the time they do but we know why we're doing it. We think children don't know
01:25:14They're not discriminating of why they do it. So they just do it
01:25:17as they want
01:25:19That's number one. Number two. We have to tell them it's not right and we have to show them the
01:25:25The importance of truth and the the problem with nifaq essentially of hypocrisy and how it's bad for your heart
01:25:32And how you want you don't want to be different outside to how you are inside
01:25:36You know you you explain all of that to them and hopefully they can change inshallah inshallah. It's just the passing phase
01:25:42When spouses are of different parenting approach, what's the best way forward?
01:25:46Either make mashura and agree to some
01:25:49Arrangement. Otherwise
01:25:51Find somebody else you can go to who will decide between you if you can't agree find somebody neutral and decent
01:25:56Who can who can assist you?
01:25:58How does a parent repent if they've been tough on their kids beyond bounds?
01:26:01Just be nice to them now without overdoing it and just try to and inshallah
01:26:05It will be sorted out just be very good to them now and and maybe you know say look I need I need to do
01:26:11This in a in a better way and just do that. Don't cry over it. Otherwise, you know, you're just going to get worse. So
01:26:17Seek forgiveness from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and just start being extra nice to the children
01:26:22But not in a way to spoil them obviously, right and inshallah. It'll take a it'll take some time
01:26:26But it will be sorted inshallah
01:26:28Is there a need of a british muslim identity to reinforce positive cultural influence in our children?
01:26:33Absolutely. It's just I spoke about it in the other in the other masjid. So I didn't speak about it here, but
01:26:41Whether you like it or not
01:26:43We are creating a new muslim identity and what is the identity? Let me just take two minutes for that
01:26:50When people are in the same place, we're in the same village. Everybody has the same identity
01:26:54They eat the same kind of food. They wear the same dress. We've come to england, right?
01:27:00Now where I live and i've traveled a lot. So i've got moroccans. I've got bangladeshis. I've got pakistanis. I've got
01:27:08Afghanis i've got and and i've got the fish and chips
01:27:13And the italian pizza and all of that
01:27:15We take the best
01:27:17And we remove every one of us
01:27:20Has a culture
01:27:22Nobody can escape culture. There's some people that i'm not cultural. I'm a cultural you are
01:27:27You don't know what you're talking about
01:27:30Everybody has a culture. All you've done is that you've taken off or you've become a self-hating gujarati
01:27:37Or bengali or whatever it is and you've just taken on a new culture because culture is part of our life
01:27:42Culture is the way we dress culture is what we eat culture is the way we behave
01:27:48Now nobody here who's been born in this country or have come and stayed here for 20 years
01:27:53You know when you go back to congo, don't you feel it's a bit they do a few weird things
01:28:03Because we've understood it from it. Now. We've picked up slightly different culture. It's as simple as that
01:28:09Anybody who's still in this country who still thinks they're 100 punjabi culture? They're not you can't be
01:28:16It's impossible culture is what you take on
01:28:19We need to drop the bad culture from our cultures because there's all these bad elements
01:28:23Especially related to marriage and all that kind of stuff. We need to drop that
01:28:27We need to take the best of our culture and take the best of any other culture
01:28:31For example
01:28:33You go to some people's house and they force you to eat
01:28:35They put the food in your plate and then there's some cultures like my friend from half egyptian palestinian
01:28:41He was in egypt. He went to a friend's house. He'd already eaten the friend said you better eat
01:28:45He said i've already eaten. I'm, you know, i'm i'm watching my he's careful about me. He says i'm not going to eat
01:28:52so he said
01:28:53Wallahi, my wife is divorced if you don't eat
01:28:56That's messed up now if my if my friend was stubborn
01:28:59He could say I don't care about you
01:29:11Right, it's ridiculous
01:29:13You go to some people's house. You go to some cultures. Would you like some tea and you're like a bit embarrassed?
01:29:19You say no. Okay, no problem
01:29:21And you really want to you think like he's going to say yeah, you know because you're used to that
01:29:26And then there's some cultures like
01:29:28They just bring the tea and everything
01:29:31Jokana e kado
01:29:33And there's like would you like some tea like would you really want some tea?
01:29:36These are various different cultures
01:29:39So pick which is the best. I just told our moroccan imam sab that I we have
01:29:44Moroccan harira soup and tagine in the house and i'm actually wearing this moroccan dress
01:29:48I would never wear this in gujarat
01:29:51I've been to gujarat
01:29:53From india in the madrasa and you wear anything different. They look at you
01:29:57Because they're all one way
01:29:59There's not much variety there only now saudi jubbas are fine there now, but before when I was there in
01:30:041997-98 I was bin laden
01:30:07For them, right you understand it's just when you got
01:30:11Strong cultures, then you can't do anything different. It's very difficult to go against that
01:30:15But here we need to find out what culture we are and many people have figured that out
01:30:18I think we just don't call it a british culture. Otherwise it is there
01:30:22Right. So now
01:30:24There's going to be multiple variations. I don't think we can put everybody on the same british culture. So converts
01:30:31They're going to have a certain british culture. We can't expect them to be like have elements of indian culture
01:30:38Although to be honest indian food is everywhere so that they're going to have a certain
01:30:42Indian food is everywhere. So that they're going to have to have everybody's going to have indian food in this country
01:30:47That's indian culture. That's part of indian culture, which has become british culture now, right?
01:30:52Culture is a very important idea
01:30:54There's people who come and say I don't want to get married to a gujarati or a punjabi
01:30:57But I said why not I said they come with baggage
01:31:01I said, okay, who do you want to marry them a convert? I said they just come with a different baggage
01:31:06Everybody comes with baggage
01:31:08It's just that you don't like this baggage because you're used to it and you found some bad elements to it
01:31:13Well, they're just going to come with a different baggage and you better get used to that. There's nothing wrong with it though
01:31:18So remember that culture is very important. You can never be a cultural
01:31:23Which means you can never be against culture and never have any culture because whatever you do is cultural
01:31:29But we're we're I mean, for example, if you look at me right now
01:31:32I'm supposed to be from you know
01:31:33I'm supposed to be a gujarati and i'm proud to be a gujarati. I don't have any problem with that
01:31:37Not in an arrogant way. Allah protect us from that, right?
01:31:40But this thobe here that i'm wearing this jubba here is saudi probably made in china
01:31:45This this thing here is moroccan, but it's been specially made in jordan, right? This watch is japanese. This phone is uh,
01:31:54Yeah your phone mine is korean, right?
01:31:58socks are american and
01:32:03It's just we're mixture now
01:32:05So what is the identity?
01:32:08Who defines that?
01:32:10And let it be a flexible culture with certain norms, which is because islam gives us boundaries
01:32:17And general guidance as long as we're within that that's completely fine
01:32:21But if somebody wants us like this is british culture
01:32:25Whatever that is
01:32:27What is british culture?
01:32:31You understand so that I guess that's what we're talking about here that all the good that is in all cultures take it on
01:32:38So in my house, we cook gujarati food, but we also cook moroccan food
01:32:43lebanese food hummus and so on right syrian food
01:32:48And and and bits of because i've traveled quite a bit. So you find things wife made shakshuka yesterday, which is an egg dish
01:32:55It's an arabic egg dish
01:32:57It's fine nothing wrong with doing that in gujaratis, right?
01:33:04How can we build tolerance and patience while doing the tarbi of children it can be very hard we choose the easier route
01:33:09Sabar sabar understand the long game. This is a long game, by the way
01:33:12You're not going to get response. You're not going to get a reaction straight away
01:33:15And remember your benefit of that will be shown 20 years later
01:33:1930 years later when you're old or even after your death, but remember you're leaving a legacy let that drive you inshallah my child
01:33:26I'm gonna quickly just finish this up
01:33:27My child is six years old and she only eats her food while watching her ipad fine. They will break the habit
01:33:31Who started that off?
01:33:34How did she have an ipad at food my kids aren't allowed ipad except in the weekend so where did this ipad come from
01:33:44I mean, why don't you use the same strategy of how to wean them off milk?
01:33:49What strategy did you use for that
01:33:53Use the same strategy let them cry one day
01:33:56How long they're going to cry for?
01:33:59There should be there's a lot of research on this you need to probably keep the ipad away from them for a whole
01:34:06To let it come out of their system
01:34:09And then they'll be completely fine. They won't be dependent on the ipad
01:34:13Let them be away from the ipad for a month so psychologically their hard wiring of their brain
01:34:20To want an ipad while they're eating that will be disconnected. They're still children
01:34:24They'll understand that and then you'll be fine inshallah, but you know, you'll have to bear the crime
01:34:30And break your heart
01:34:35Is the schooling and maktab system outdated since our kids are nine hours away from home and get really tired
01:34:42It's not outdated because this isn't what they did in other countries in most muslim countries. It was all part of the system
01:34:50So the only way to beat that system here is to have a fully integrated islamic school with both things done
01:34:57Well, because a lot of the not a lot, but at least some of the subjects in the regular school are waste of time
01:35:03They're filler subjects
01:35:05They don't contribute to you know, so you either get a proper islamic school
01:35:10And I mean we all went through maktab alhamdulillah. I think we're fine
01:35:15We did normal school and we did maktab as well
01:35:18And we're fine. We're not that destroyed. Are we so I don't know why you're mollycoddling them
01:35:23Right give them better food
01:35:26I'm, just having a i'm just having a little uh thingy, right?
01:35:29Give them better diets maybe so that they don't feel too tired
01:35:32Maybe they got an iron deficiency or something give them some vitamins give them some good food rather than just chocolates and
01:35:38And and so on no fish and the fish is good the chips is yeah too much potato and starch
01:35:45How can you raise your child the way you want with islamic values while having family you have different values and your child that needs?
01:35:49a whole bayan
01:35:52My kid is having I think i've discussed a lot of these issues today
01:35:55You just do your best and ask allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and inshallah
01:35:58You will change your family ultimately if they see a good model in your children, okay?
01:36:03My kid is having anger issues. I think i've answered that already any thoughts or suggestions
01:36:07Anger, why are they getting angry? Is it because one of you is getting angry or what are the trigger points?
01:36:11What makes them angry? Is there a frustration? Do they feel deprived? Do they feel discriminated against?
01:36:17There could be multiple reasons for why they're feeling angry try to find out the reasons then inshallah. We can help them
01:36:24Any thoughts or suggestions on the age to give the child a mobile phone? I think around
01:36:31Within the home right how to create a strong
01:36:36Strong muslim identity simple thing is that if we can develop god consciousness in them meaning taqwa
01:36:42That they can do namaz for allah rather than for you
01:36:45Then we are successful. And how do we do that? We do that organically
01:36:49What that means is we're bringing allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's mention in every discussion not every discussion but in discussions like
01:36:57You got a new set of clothing. You know what we really not you we really need to thank allah that he gives us so much
01:37:03Look how beautiful that is
01:37:05And look at those guys. They don't get we're so lucky. Look at this food
01:37:10Like every time you enjoy the food that you eat just allahu akbar. We have so much to be thankful to allah for
01:37:17Organically, you just mentioned that you can't get this into your children until
01:37:21It's at home number two. You glorify
01:37:25ilm and scholarship and islam
01:37:28There are a lot of people ask me why did you follow this career this this way
01:37:33I can tell you and I used to say my father's and
01:37:37Maulana and a hafiz and his dad was a hafiz as well
01:37:40my uncle's a hafiz from my dad's side and my mom's dad was a qari and
01:37:47Her brother was a mufti and it just runs in the family now, that's very useful for you, isn't it?
01:37:53It doesn't run in my family. So, okay. I don't need to do that
01:37:56Then I got thinking because you get people in their family have loads of those kind of people or they're all businessmen or they have all
01:38:02Doctors, but they don't want to do that
01:38:05Really what it was is that the deen
01:38:07Was glorified in my house
01:38:11Whenever a buzur came or a somebody finished his be like, wow, you know that guy is their child. He's become hafiz of the quran
01:38:20Look, he's gone to so-and-so country for taraweeh
01:38:24Look, he's become an alim
01:38:27Ulema were not criticized
01:38:29They were not looked down upon the deen was glorified. We saw it in practice. We saw the way it worked
01:38:37I'll just leave you with one story. There's a girl who's seven or eight years old her older brother nine years old needed glasses
01:38:45He went to the optician, you know in that age. They check the eyes. He needed glasses. She started making fun of him
01:38:50You need glasses you've got glasses you're gonna have glasses so the mother said to the daughter
01:38:56Don't make fun of him because your dad has glasses. Your mom has glasses
01:39:00Your older brother has glasses
01:39:03You're gonna have glasses it runs in the family
01:39:08And then okay stop finish ten years later no more set ten years later
01:39:13She is now 17 18. She's got younger siblings as well. They have glasses, but she doesn't
01:39:18Everybody's got glasses except her. Why doesn't she have glasses?
01:39:25Allahu Akbar, I
01:39:28Think inshallah this ban has been successful because the kids are still awake
01:39:35I'm not that I accept so
01:39:39Allah is gonna give victory. All of those kids are dying. Allah is gonna give victory
01:39:43There has to be there has to be has to be so
01:39:48She made dua, but she only told everybody
01:39:51After when she's 18 that you know, mom when you told me that
01:39:55I'm gonna get glasses. I started praying to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
01:40:00Why did she start doing dua to allah answer me that question
01:40:04Okay that
01:40:05You're saying that because she wanted to prove her mom wrong and she wanted to justify that she made fun
01:40:10I don't think it was that second one and it was a good try masha'allah
01:40:13But I don't think it was the first or second. She just started feeling like no, I don't want glasses
01:40:18And i'm gonna ask allah not to give me glasses. My question is why did she ask allah for?
01:40:27Because she was brought up to be to to ask allah
01:40:31Now the mother at this point should have said look you make dua
01:40:34That allah doesn't give you but she didn't she forgot about talking about that. She said look don't make fun of him
01:40:39But she decided herself
01:40:41That I need to make dua because she already learned that dua works
01:40:47That is how you bring the faith in the house because you teach them that from a young age
01:40:52You're telling them stories of the prophets where duas are accepted. They're going to imbibe some of them
01:40:57That's why I read stories of the prophets and the sahaba
01:41:00Alayhimussalam radiyallahu anhum to your children when they're young they imbibe a lot from that some really important goals
01:41:07Now imagine if your dua has been accepted
01:41:10Like that are you going to doubt god? Are you going to doubt allah?
01:41:15That's experiential
01:41:17You've had the experience and dua is very powerful in my kids
01:41:21What we've done is that from a young age whenever they have a little pain somewhere
01:41:24Instead of rushing to get a paracetamol or something you say I read a bit of duas
01:41:36Any dua and blow on them 50% or more of the time they get better
01:41:42Call that
01:41:45Placebo effect or godsebo effect or whatever you want to call it
01:41:49And they get old enough. They they read it for themselves
01:41:53I said put your hand on the pain
01:41:56They all know this
01:42:02We don't just rely on that all the time we might give them medicine as well sometime but for small things they just get better
01:42:08You have to teach them to invoke allah
01:42:11And we don't invoke allah enough. We need to get them to invoke introduce the names of allah to them
01:42:17I'll give you a simple example and we'll finish last point. We'll just finish here. I did
01:42:23Produced this copy of al-hizb al-a'adham
01:42:27Arabic beautiful illuminated edition to make it easy. We actually did a makra here in this masjid before it was fully done, right?
01:42:34It was arabic only a lot of people started asking for english
01:42:38So in by 2021, I got the english translation ready. I was very happy with it, but I wasn't happy with the design
01:42:46Of how it should look finally
01:42:48So I kept it on the back burner and I just couldn't be satisfied with a design
01:42:52Then finally after this ramadan, I said look i'm wasting it. It needs to come out
01:42:57But who's going to give me a design that i'm satisfied with i'm a bit fussy on these things
01:43:01So I decided that you know what I need to ask allah with a relevant name
01:43:06Which name is relevant?
01:43:10Which other name is relevant
01:43:16Elegant beautiful one
01:43:18I called out with the name of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala within five minutes. I had a design that I was satisfied with
01:43:24Allah responds if you call out to him
01:43:28Believe me anything you go out. I go out on my bike. I I ride on my bike to madrasa
01:43:34Right because just traffic and all of that is a crazy. It's good for you
01:43:37And sometimes it starts raining or it's gonna rain and you're like, oh no
01:43:44Around us and not on us most of the time it works
01:43:47Most of the time it works
01:43:50Once I was in mufti taqisa
01:43:52Where we were in jordan?
01:43:55And we're just waiting to visit
01:43:57It's a conference that we're we're members of and uh, he's myself mufti
01:44:03Molnar madani
01:44:07So we're sitting there waiting for the next meeting
01:44:11And I had developed a stomach problem. I don't know what I ate. I don't know. I was just
01:44:16Paying in the stomach
01:44:19He goes to mufti. He goes to me. He said
01:44:21if mufti sahab
01:44:23Puts his hand on your stomach
01:44:25And pray and makes dua you'll be sorted
01:44:29I'm like that's not gonna happen
01:44:31I said
01:44:32I said if he can do it. It was a bit of a banter and mufti sahab is mashallah mufti taqisa
01:44:38We're talking about
01:44:39I didn't expect that, you know, so I said so mufti taqisa said oh he can do it himself
01:44:44Then dua will be effective
01:44:46So then I decided to put it in I said but
01:44:53The faster dua to be accepted is for by a person for a person who's not present so he said but i'm present you're present
01:45:01Then allah bless him allah bless him allah bless him raise his status even more
01:45:04He put his hand on my stomach and did the dua
01:45:07Not the allahumma rabban nas the other one. What is it?
01:45:10What is the other dua for shifa? I forget the beginning words
01:45:14That one. Yeah
01:45:19That one he said it and several times right and alhamdulillah within an hour or two I was fine
01:45:24These things work man. They work is just that when you take your tablet
01:45:28Take your tablet, but say yeah shafi when you're taking it
01:45:32When you're asking for something use the right name, you know read the uh,
01:45:35Take the 99 names of allah and adopt a few for your current situation
01:45:40And you'll find that they're amazing because allah loves to be known
01:45:44And he he he he gives a lot when when you recognize him so teach our children that organically and inshallah
01:45:52Allah bless this program. I know it's gone late
01:45:56Uh, uh, but mashallah may allah bless your sacrifices
01:46:01On this saturday night, right?
01:46:02It's a saturday night when you could have been doing so many things you could have been going out to eat
01:46:06You could have been watching football. You could have been just bantering and doing a lot of other stuff, but you decided to stay here
01:46:15Mashallah, so may allah not just bless us but bless our progenies until the day of judgment
01:46:23The point of a lecture is to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration
01:46:30an encouragement
01:46:32The next step is to actually start learning seriously
01:46:35To read books to take on a subject of islam and to understand all the subjects of islam at least
01:46:41At their basic level so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us
01:46:46And that's why we started rayan courses so that you can actually take organized lectures
01:46:52On demand whenever you have free time, especially for example the islamic essentials
01:46:58Course that we have on there the islamic essentials certificate which you take 20 short modules and at the end of that
01:47:05inshallah, you will
01:47:06have gotten the basics of
01:47:09Most of the most important topics in islam and you'll feel a lot more confident
01:47:13You don't have to leave lectures behind you can continue to leave, you know to listen to lectures
01:47:17But you need to have this more sustained study as well. Jazakallah khair. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
