• last year
00:00Wow, it's quiet and empty. Empty. Empty.
00:04Wow, that's a big bang. How did I get here?
00:06Did the big bang create me? No, the big bang couldn't have created me.
00:09That's just a process we observe. Who or what made this big bang?
00:12BANG! Who gave life to me? Was it my mom and dad?
00:15No, they just gave birth to me. They can't give life to me because if I die,
00:18they can't bring me back to life. And what about their mom and dad? And their mom and dad?
00:21And their mom and dad? And what if we go all the way back? Then who gave us life?
00:24And who started all of this?
00:26E V O L U T I O N
00:29But evolution isn't conscious. That's also just a process.
00:32What if we go back to the first cell? Who created that or who gave rise to the first cell?
00:36Alright, well, let's think about this. Nothing existed and then there was something.
00:39Well, nothing can't make something. If I do 0 plus 0 plus 0 plus 0 plus 0 plus 0 forever,
00:43it'll always equal 0. It can never give me 1.
00:46Did we create ourselves? But that would be like a mother giving birth to herself.
00:49That doesn't make any sense. That's impossible.
00:51Was it another universe that made our universe?
00:54But wait a minute. This is just like the mom and dad thing again.
00:56Then if another universe made that universe, then how did that universe make that universe?
00:59And what if we go on forever? We go back in circles.
01:01Something had to start everything and it couldn't have gone on forever.
01:04Otherwise, nothing would have started. It must be something that was always there.
01:08That's eternal. The first cause that caused everything to exist.
01:11The thing that created us. An initial energy or power.
01:15Okay, well, what should we call it?
01:16How about the creator? That makes sense since it created us.
01:19The creator must be powerful if it created everything.
01:21It must have willed or caused everything to come into existence.
01:23It must be wise or knowledgeable to create everything as we see it.
01:26Uniformity and regularity in nature.
01:28The stable laws of physics and gravity.
01:30The way everything is so finely tuned and precise.
01:32If the sun was a bit closer, we would all burn to death.
01:35And if it was a bit further away, we would all freeze to death.
01:38Okay, so what is this creator like?
01:40Well, the creator must be distinct and different from us.
01:43Everything we know about creators are different than their creation.
01:46If I make an iPhone, I'm nothing like an iPhone.
01:49I also don't become an iPhone.
01:51In the same way, the creator would be nothing like us.
01:53And also, it would be nothing like its creation.
01:56Well, are there two creators or three creators?
01:58How do we know it's just one creator?
01:59Well, if there's two creators, and then one wanted rain and one didn't want rain,
02:02it can't both rain and not rain at the same time.
02:04So it has to be a single creator.
02:06Alright, alright, I believe a creator exists.
02:08But what's the point of religion?
02:09Why would I follow one?
02:10And why would a creator have made a religion?
02:15Everything has a purpose.
02:16A water bottle has a purpose.
02:17To hold water so people can drink it.
02:19Even the socks you're wearing have a purpose.
02:20To keep you warm.
02:21This video has a purpose.
02:23To convey the message of Islam.
02:24Similarly, humans must have a purpose.
02:26The creator would have created it for some intended purpose.
02:29No creator creates something without any purpose at all.
02:33You cannot believe that a pair of socks have more purpose than you.
02:37We also have intellect.
02:38We are different from other beings because we can rationalize things and reason.
02:41We can also choose between what we think is right and wrong.
02:44This creator also has innately disposed inside of us an inclination to recognize that something created us.
02:50And that some things are right and some things are wrong.
02:52We know killing innocent people is wrong intuitively.
02:54But humans need guidance.
02:56Because this doesn't cover everything.
02:57Some societies have different customs with different laws.
03:00Some people think eating dogs is okay.
03:02You might think that's clearly wrong.
03:03But without a creator's guidance to tell us exactly what's right and wrong,
03:06that's just your opinion.
03:07You think it's wrong.
03:08But somebody else that might want to eat them thinks that you're wrong.
03:11And you think that they're wrong.
03:12And somebody else thinks that you're both wrong.
03:13And no one's wrong and he's wrong.
03:14And what if everyone's wrong and he's right and he's wrong?
03:16Then no one is right or wrong.
03:18You might think walking around naked is wrong.
03:19But a tribe in Africa thinks you're wrong.
03:21And they think it's normal customs and there's nothing wrong with it.
03:23There has to be clear right and wrong things.
03:25Like rape, murder, stealing.
03:27These can't just be opinions.
03:28They must be innate truths.
03:32We need a religion to tell us how to live and what's right and wrong.
03:34Otherwise it's just opinions that don't matter.
03:36Okay, okay. This all makes sense.
03:38But what is Islam?
03:39Islam means submission.
03:40And a Muslim is one who submits his will to the creator.
03:43The creator sent many prophets.
03:44Moses, Jesus, Noah, peace be upon them all.
03:47For a message to the people.
03:48The same message.
03:49To worship the creator alone without partners.
03:51For man is flawed.
03:52And people, kings, ignorant, the evil, the greedy, the disobedient, the arrogant.
03:57Intentionally and accidentally distorted and kept changing the message they came with.
04:01So the creator sent a final prophet.
04:03Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
04:05To keep mankind back on the straight path.
04:07And be a guidance for the rest of time.
04:09Until the end of times.
04:10But what is the point of a prophet?
04:11Well without them, we don't know about the creator.
04:14And what is right and wrong.
04:15They are the examples and the role models for mankind to follow.
04:18Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.
04:20Came with the Quran.
04:21A claim that it is the creator's speech.
04:23It is the creator directly speaking to mankind and to the reader.
04:26Well how can we prove the Quran is from the creator?
04:28Well, we can study it.
04:29It was sent to the greatest poets in Arabia.
04:31And they could not match it.
04:33And they accepted it could not have been from a human.
04:35They came up with all sorts of excuses.
04:37It was magic.
04:39But they did not think a human could have possibly made it.
04:42It also has a challenge inside of it.
04:44That no one can produce a verse like it.
04:46And it is a linguistic masterpiece.
04:47This is attested to generally by all scholars.
04:49Muslims and non-Muslims.
04:51Agreeing that the Quran is a literary marvel.
04:53And in a league of its own.
04:55The book also has no contradictions and no mistakes.
04:57It has also been unchanged since it was revealed.
05:00We have manuscripts to prove this.
05:02That not even a single letter is different.
05:04Yet all of this somehow came from someone who was illiterate.
05:08Could not read or write.
05:10He never went to school.
05:11And he had no education.
05:12It is still unexplained to this day how he came with the Quran.
05:15We also have an oral tradition to prove that the Quran is preserved.
05:18By a chain of narration that goes all the way back to the Prophet.
05:21The source.
05:22Basically, millions of people have this book memorized by heart.
05:25And they can recite it.
05:26If I read it perfectly.
05:27And my teacher gives me the seal of approval.
05:29And he got the seal of approval from his teacher.
05:31That he did it perfectly.
05:32And his teacher from his teacher.
05:33And his teacher from his teacher.
05:34And his teacher.
05:35You go all the way back to the Prophet.
05:36The source.
05:37With no discrepancies.
05:38We can confirm the Quran is preserved.
05:40This is a unique claim that Islam has that no other religion does.
05:43As no other religion can prove.
05:45Their claims go all the way back to their source.
05:47The Quran also had things in there that were not known to anybody at the time.
05:50Let alone an illiterate man in the deserts of Arabia.
05:54Almost 1,500 years ago in the 7th century.
05:57For example.
05:58The Big Bang was discovered in the 19th century.
06:00It was discovered that the universe was once a tiny dense mass that exploded.
06:03Yet the Quran over 1,000 years before this said.
06:22The universe expanding also was not discovered until the 19th century.
06:25That theorized the universe is a finite mass that is expanding.
06:28Yet the Quran says over 1,000 years before this.
06:34We did not build it by hand.
06:37We are indeed vast.
06:41People used to believe the earth was stationary and the sun orbited the earth.
06:45It was not until 1543 when Copernicus discovered that the earth also has an orbit and is not stationary.
06:50And once again the Quran almost 1,000 years before this correctly says.
07:04It is also known by scientists that iron comes from space with the explosion of a star.
07:12That iron fragments are blasted into space and that is how iron came to earth millions of years ago.
07:17The Quran also indicates this when the creator Allah says.
07:33As the creator here says we sent down iron.
07:36Indicating that it was sent from space or sent from somewhere not occurring naturally in earth.
07:41The creator also says messengers were sent with the scripture so people may maintain their affairs in justice.
07:46The prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him also told us about moral lessons.
07:50He spoke about spreading peace to your neighbors, giving charity, feeding the poor, taking care of the elderly and the young.
07:55Stopping oppression, being compassionate, doing things with excellence, not harming anybody and struggling against our desires.
08:02He also combated racism saying there is no difference from an Arab or a non-Arab, a black or white except in piety and good deeds.
08:09The prophet also came with many prophecies of the future, future, future and signs of the end times.
08:14He said barefoot Bedouin Arabs will compete in building the tallest buildings.
08:18They had no money in Arabia at the time, they were desert dwellers.
08:21This was a prediction that didn't make too much sense.
08:23He could have said the Romans as the Roman Empire was the largest at the time.
08:26Even all the way up until now they didn't make and compete in making tall buildings.
08:30Until about 50 years ago.
08:32Still it was nothing but barren dry desert.
08:34But the prophet also said the earth will puke its treasures.
08:37And then oil came about, the Bedouin barefoot Arabs became rich and they were able to build and compete in building the tallest buildings.
08:44There are hundreds of prophecies.
08:46You can read this book if you want to know more about what the prophet prophesized almost 1,500 years ago that came true.
08:52Just as a cherry on top as well he said I was born on a Monday, I was given revelation on a Monday and I will die on a Monday.
08:58And you know what day he died on? You can look this up for yourself.
09:01Now if all of this makes sense to you, if you agree that the creator created us.
09:06We didn't come from nothing.
09:07This creator is not a dog or a cow or a man or a tree.
09:12The creator is nothing like us.
09:14You can accept the reality.
09:15Accepting Islam is as easy as wearing a watch and you think the watch is nice.
09:19But you now say out loud, yes I'm wearing a nice watch.
09:22You accept and testify to its truth.
09:24I testify there is no God worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
09:30By the way Allah just means God in Arabic.
09:33Like how in Spanish it's Dios.
09:35In Hebrew it's Elohim.
09:36In Aramaic it's Ila or Ilaha.
09:38And in English it's God or the creator.
09:40I hope this video was of benefit to you.
09:42Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
09:54Al Fatiha.
