The natural flow of wealth

  • 2 days ago
00:00When you look at your wealth, when your house degrades, how do you repair it?
00:03Calling in an expert. Hiring someone. Yeah. So you pay someone money to maintain it.
00:08So the poor are benefiting from your wealth by virtue of it just degrading.
00:11So if you were to emulate that with money, as in this poor person or this other
00:15person who needs money, he brought in to you to wax the hull of your ship or to
00:19buff your car or to maintain your engine. So he's benefiting by you just having
00:23your wealth, except money. There's no way for him to benefit from your money
00:26unless we impose that in there with Zakah. So the poor or the needy or
00:30whatever, they still benefit from you having money. So essentially you've by
00:33virtue of Zakah, Zakah is the way of balancing the scales with all your
00:37wealth. All your wealth by virtue of you having the wealth benefits the poor in a
00:42trickle-down motion. By you having it, it just trickles down to the rest of the
00:46people. Whereas interest does the complete opposite. It allows you to suck up the value
00:51from the poor back up to you. So it's unnatural, it's unhealthy and it's
00:55destructive. It's literally the opposite of Zakah. It's not just the opposite of Zakah, it's the
00:58opposite of how Allah created everything. Everything degrades, everything by
01:02entropy destroys itself. What does entropy even mean? All entropy means when
01:06you have tea, your wife makes you tea and she adds milk. The moment that milk hits that
01:09tea, that milk is localised in a location. Over time, through entropy, the milk
01:14dissipates so it encompasses the whole cup of tea. It averages out everywhere. So
01:19entropy means to average out, to become uniform. That's the opposite of wealth. I have
01:23accumulated wealth because I've got skills, I've got business and it's accumulated into a
01:27little pile. Over time, entropy lets it flow outwards to those who don't have.
01:32What interest does is the complete opposite. It sucks it backwards.
01:35It's just like you can't turn back time. Here's a question from the scientist
01:38asked, what causes time to go forward not backwards? Entropy. I'm not going to
01:42the science of it but entropy is what causes things to go forward and not
01:46backwards. It causes you to, for example, you can't un-stir a cup of tea. This is called
01:50Likewise, interest is the complete opposite of how Allah created creation.
01:54Okay. It's unnatural.
