• last year
00:00I give Salaam to my people in Bangladesh, Salaam to the people of Marrakech
00:10Alright, so guys, hope you guys are well, Inshallah.
00:12So, we're here at the Dawah table.
00:13We're just speaking to a brother.
00:15Please forgive me for ending the conversation.
00:17But yeah, so, sister Madeline, how are you doing?
00:20I'm fine, thanks.
00:21That's good. You had a question, you said that your friend had a question about Islam.
00:27And you haven't read the Quran before, right?
00:29No, I didn't.
00:30Okay, sure. So, what's the question?
00:31I'm asking, what do you do to people that don't believe in your God?
00:37Okay, are you ready to hear this?
00:40It's going to be very brutal.
00:41I'm fine.
00:42We give them Dawah.
00:43We invite them to Islam.
00:45So, I don't know what your friend told you, but people that don't believe, for example, in Islam, they're in categories.
00:51So, there's the people of the book, Ahlul Kitab.
00:53So, there's, we as Muslims, we believe the Jews and the Christians are people of the book.
00:58Are you a Christian?
00:59Yeah, I am.
01:00Okay, good. So, we will class you as the people of the book.
01:02So, you are closer to us than the polytheists.
01:05So, the polytheists go down the categories of idol worshippers.
01:08So, these are people who worship statues.
01:10You don't agree with that, I don't agree with that, right?
01:12Okay, good.
01:13So, as Christians, that's the reason why Allah says in the Quran, tell the people of the book, which is you, we come together and we worship God alone.
01:21Which you say the father.
01:24So, in a nutshell, we are commanded in Islam that we live in harmony and peace together with the Christians and the Jews.
01:31So, when Islam was ruling the world, a vast majority of the world, a lot of Christians lived under the rule of Islam in peace.
01:40They had their own cathedrals, their own churches, their own laws.
01:43They could drink alcohol, eat pork in their vicinity.
01:46So, and they were a protected group.
01:48Meaning, for example, the prophet Muhammad, even Umar ibn Qattab, he was one of the second Khalif of Islam.
01:54When he took over Jerusalem, he had a covenant, a treaty with the Christians and the Jews that they will live side by side in peace and they have rights.
02:04If an external enemy was to come and attack the Christians, the Muslims will be there to defend them.
02:10If an external enemy came to attack the Jews, the Muslims will be there to defend them.
02:14And the same goes if an external enemy came to attack the Muslims, the Jews and the Christians will help the Muslims to fight them.
02:20So, there is a perception that in Islam, it says, you know, the disbeliever, you kill them.
02:25This is nonsense.
02:26This is only talking about specific individuals who are hostile.
02:31So, in the Qur'an, in chapter 60, verse 8, Allah says in the Qur'an,
02:35We do not forbid you from being just and kind to those who do not fight you and kick you out from their houses.
02:41So, in the notion to answer your question, sister Madeline, we are told that a principle is number one, we share Islam with everybody.
02:49Christian, Jew, Hindu, whoever you are.
02:51That's the number one thing that we believe that the disbelievers have a right because they want to hear the message of Islam.
02:58That's number one.
02:59Number two, if they choose to reject it, then that's upon them because in the Qur'an, in surah Baqarah, second chapter of the Qur'an, there is no compulsion in religion.
03:09I can't force you to accept Islam.
03:11It defeats the purpose.
03:12If they don't force you, then you didn't really embrace it.
03:14So, in Islam, strictly, nobody, no Muslim is allowed to force a non-Muslim to accept Islam.
03:21If that makes sense.
03:22Yeah, sure.
03:24You're welcome. Do you have any other questions?
03:25No, that's it.
03:26So, let me talk just quickly.
03:28I know you need to go.
03:29About what our belief is pertaining to our doctrine.
03:33We believe there is one God.
03:35We believe he's not a man.
03:37He's not a statue.
03:38He's not an idol.
03:39There is nothing like him.
03:40So, are you a Christian that believes Jesus to be God?
03:44Do you believe Jesus to be God?
03:46No, I think he's just a creature of him.
03:49He's his son.
03:51He is not God, but...
03:53Are you a Jehovah's Witness?
03:54No, I'm not.
03:56What denomination?
03:57Just Catholic.
03:59You're Catholic.
04:00Okay, so good.
04:01So, you believe that, for example, the mother of Mary...
04:05By the way, we have a chapter about her.
04:08Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, this is very interesting.
04:09Bro, can I have a...
04:10One second.
04:12You know, a lot of Christians don't know this, yeah?
04:14But basically, we have a chapter...
04:16Actually, no, it's in my...
04:17I'm sorry, I'll show you.
04:21So, look, check this out, sister, yeah?
04:23So, I'll open the Quran on my app.
04:25Yeah, look.
04:26I'm going to write there, Maryam.
04:29Chapter Mary.
04:30We've got a whole chapter on the name of the mother of Jesus.
04:35My name is Madeleine Marie.
04:36Oh, there you go.
04:37Madeleine Marie, yeah.
04:38So, and Jesus is talked about in the Quran as well.
04:41We as Muslims, we have to believe in Jesus.
04:43Any Muslim that says he doesn't believe in Jesus, he can't be a Muslim.
04:46So, we believe and also the Quran came also to defend her honor.
04:51Because the Jews said about her...
04:53May Allah bless you.
04:54The Jews used to say...
04:55Not all, obviously.
04:56The Jews back in those time when Jesus came,
04:58And we believe in his miraculous birth.
05:00We believe in his miracles that he'd done.
05:02We believe he spoke in the cradle.
05:03When he was a baby, he spoke to defend his mother.
05:05Because the Jews used to say that...
05:07They used to claim Mary to be an adulterer.
05:09I would have been that.
05:10And the Quran comes to defend that.
05:12That this is not true.
05:14We believe she was one of the most amazing woman to walk this earth.
05:17There are four that the prophet Muhammad mentioned.
05:19She's one of them.
05:20She was an amazing woman.
05:21So, we have utmost respect for the mother of Jesus.
05:24We have utmost respect for Jesus.
05:26And all we say is the following.
05:28We should not worship anybody except God.
05:32This is the main message of Islam.
05:34All the Muslims here, we worship God alone.
05:37We do not worship any idols.
05:38And that's why we told the Christians that Jesus...
05:41Because some believe Jesus is good.
05:43We say no.
05:44How could a man be God which you agree to?
05:47And we call this the Fitrah.
05:48You know what you said when I said it to you.
05:50We say you are programmed to know this.
05:53Even if I didn't tell you about Islam.
05:55If I said to you, do you believe Jesus is God?
05:56You say no.
05:59So, the main message of Islam is what?
06:00Let's worship the one true God.
06:03And Jesus is his prophet.
06:06Like in the Bible, it says in Acts 2 verse 22.
06:10Jesus of Nazareth, a man chosen by God,
06:13with wonders, miracles, and signs which God did by him.
06:16And you are a witness to it.
06:17So, Islam in a nutshell says worship God alone.
06:20Except you have the Old Testament, you have the New Testament.
06:22This is the final testament.
06:23This approves and talks about the other scriptures.
06:26It affirms Moses.
06:27It affirms Jesus.
06:28It affirms Abraham.
06:29All it says is this is the final testament.
06:31Accept this and believe in it.
06:35That's it.
06:36Do you have any other questions?
06:37Yeah, just one.
06:40We said God is three types.
06:42Like Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit.
06:44His son and God himself.
06:47What do you think about that?
06:49So, Allah says in the Quran, do not say three.
06:51Meaning the following.
06:52Do you accept that God is the all-knowing?
06:56Do you accept he is the all-powerful?
07:00Now, Jesus in the Bible, he talks about him going to the fig tree.
07:04And he did not know the season for the figs.
07:06They asked Jesus, when is the hour?
07:09He said, I do not know.
07:11No, the angels in heaven except the father.
07:13So, what Jesus is saying, if Jesus was God,
07:16he would have said, I am God and I am going to tell you when the hour is.
07:20He says, I don't know.
07:22Not the angels in heaven, nobody except the father.
07:25He always gives credit to the father.
07:27So, we say the Holy Spirit is Angel Gabriel.
07:30The Angel Gabriel that came to Abraham, came to Moses, came to Jesus and came to Prophet Muhammad.
07:36All with the one message, worship God alone.
07:39So, that's why the ten commandments, the first commandment is what?
07:42Do not worship idols.
07:46Because by God, I'm a jealous God.
07:47By God, I'm a jealous God.
07:49So, what we see, sister, is that, do you believe that God should be one and unique?
07:55I think so, yeah.
07:57So, do you believe that God can be a man?
08:01Islam in a nutshell is this.
08:02So, I would say personally, you're close to Islam.
08:06You are, you're very close.
08:07So, I would say in a nutshell, sister, look into Islam.
08:09Do you know anything about the Prophet Muhammad?
08:11Not yet.
08:12No, not yet.
08:13Okay, let me give you some material.
08:14Can we give the sister some material?
08:15Aki, can we give some material about the Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam?
08:18So, let me give you some material.
08:20Read it in your own time.
08:21But in a nutshell, the main fundamental message of Islam is worship God alone.
08:25He is the one who created you.
08:27And imagine, I'll give you a simple scenario.
08:29You have a mother and father, yeah?
08:31Okay, they brought you up, they looked after you, they fed you to this age.
08:34Imagine you turn to your mom and dad and say, you've done nothing for me.
08:37I'm going to thank Ali.
08:38My name is Ali.
08:39You're going to say, I'm going to say thank you to Ali.
08:41How would they feel?
08:44So, now.
08:47So, they will feel betrayed.
08:48They will feel like you've been ungrateful to them.
08:50Now, what we say is, we don't say God has feelings and gets hurt.
08:54But we say God is the one.
08:56Do you tell your heart to beat?
08:59Do you tell your lungs to breathe?
09:01More or less, but...
09:02Not really.
09:03But yeah.
09:04Lungs, they breathe.
09:05The heart, yeah?
09:06The food that we eat, to the health that we have, to the family that we have, the fact that we can walk.
09:10All of these are the blessings of God.
09:12Now, imagine I go and say, I'm going to thank this tree.
09:16It's blasphemy.
09:17This is one thing in Islam that God doesn't forgive.
09:21And what's different with Christianity and Islam is the following.
09:24In Christianity, God requires blood sacrifice.
09:26Islam says no.
09:28Nobody needs to die, no blood sacrifice.
09:30If you sinned, you don't need to...
09:32I think as Catholic, you go to the priest and confess.
09:35In Islam, you don't go to any man.
09:36You go to God.
09:38If you sinned, you say, God, forgive me.
09:41But Christians believe in, if you pray enough, not enough.
09:45But my priest told me, I don't have to go to him or anyone else.
09:50I just have to pray and tell God about it.
09:54What bothers me.
09:56And that's enough.
09:58But when it comes to sins confessing, do you need to go to the priest or can you repent where you are?
10:02I can repent where I am.
10:04So, in Islam, what we say is the same.
10:05That we do not go to any man.
10:07If we sinned, we repent and there's a hadith of the prophet Muhammad, which means what he said.
10:12He said, if the sins of Adam, we are the sons of children of Adam.
10:16If the sins were to reach the mountains and the skies, God will forgive every single one of them, except shirk.
10:21You know what shirk is?
10:23Okay, shirk is associating partners.
10:25So, if somebody comes and says, I think Jesus is God or I think this tree is God or I worship this or I worship that.
10:32That is the only thing God doesn't forgive.
10:34Anything other than that, God will forgive.
10:36So, the main message of Islam is what worship of my Lord.
10:41Okay, if you have any questions, I'm here till 8pm.
10:44There's some material that I've given you.
10:46My name is Ali Dawa on YouTube.
10:47You can watch my videos and many other wonderful brothers here.
10:49So, if you have any questions, sister, I'm here every Sunday from 1.30pm to 8pm.
10:54Feel free to come and ask.
10:56Thank you, sister Madeline.
10:57Thank you. It was really nice.
10:58May God guide you.
10:59It was nice and I can see you're a sincere person and Inshallah, one day you will accept Islam.
11:06Yeah, but one thing I'll leave you with.
11:07Before you open this book that I gave you, pray to God sincerely.
11:10I came to Islam 10 years ago, by the way.
11:14So, 13 years ago, I started looking into Islam.
11:16And after 4 years, I accepted Islam.
11:18So, I did one thing.
11:20I just prayed to God.
11:21I said, if you're there, guide me to the truth.
11:25Whatever it is.
11:26Christianity, I accept Christianity.
11:27Judaism, I accept Judaism.
11:28I don't know if you can be a Jew and say it hard, but...
11:30I said, genuinely, I'm looking for the truth.
11:33And Jesus said this in the Bible, seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.
11:37So, all I would say is pray to the God and say, God, if this message is true, whichever message, show me the way.
11:46God will send you signs.
11:47It's up on you to take the signs or reject them.
11:49But I believe you're sincere.
11:50I believe in science, but I need...
11:53In the science set, you need God to believe in something.
11:58Every person, every single person has to believe in something.
12:02And if it's not God, it's something else.
12:04But you have to believe in anything.
12:06You see, what he said there is very powerful.
12:08Because Allah says in the Quran, have you seen the one who takes his desires as his own God?
12:14So, what you said is correct.
12:16Every single one of us believe in some kind of a God.
12:20For some people, their God is money.
12:22For some people, their God is the opposite gender.
12:24For some people, their God is painting.
12:26For some people, their God is statues.
12:28But we say worship the one true God.
12:31That is where you find your true freedom.
12:33Because all these other things are man-made.
12:36Everything in this universe is created.
12:38We say worship the one that created the creation.
12:44Thank you very much.
12:45We don't shake hands out of respect.
12:47Forgive me, I should have told you that before.
12:49It's because we have respect.
12:50That's why.
12:51Yeah, so it's like, you know, the Queen.
12:52You can't go to the Queen, you know.
12:53Anybody can shake your hand.
12:55It's just out of that.
12:56Thank you very much, sister.
12:57I can just have the mic.
12:59Thank you very much.
13:00And if you...
13:01Yes, if you ever have questions, I'm here.
13:04Thank you and read them.
13:05And don't forget to do the prayer.
13:07Thank you, sister.
13:09Take care. Bye-bye.
13:10So yeah, as you can see, guys, very sincere.
13:12She seems very lovely sister.
13:15May Allah bless her and guide her, Inshallah.
13:17And you can see the sincerity.
13:18Sometimes you can sense the sincerity.
13:20And our job is to convey.
13:21She didn't know much about Islam.
13:23So I didn't want to, you know, and she had to go as well.
13:25So we don't want to be a bit forceful, etc.
13:27Because she doesn't know nothing about it.
13:29We've given her literature.
13:30We've given the Quran.
13:31And Inshallah, she makes dua.
13:33And Allah SWT answers it by guiding her.
13:35As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
