Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol ep 12 eng sub

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Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol ep 12 eng sub


02:57Why are you crying? This is not the time to cry.
03:13I was so happy to see you. I was so happy to see you, but I started to cry.
03:20The reason is still strange.
03:30This is Seung-gi's clothes. Oh, my God.
03:53How have you been?
03:55Well, I ate a lot.
04:00What? Am I the only one who didn't eat?
04:04Oh, it's unfair.
04:06What? It's what Seung-gi does often.
04:10Besides eating a lot?
04:13Yeah, I got a new hair and danced hard.
04:16And I had a heart with Ajina. I've been out of my mind.
04:21I don't want to think about you.
04:24I've been stuck in my room thinking about you all day.
04:29Oh, it's annoying.
04:32It's Hayoung's.
04:37But you said you were trapped. How did you get here?
04:40What if your mom and dad find out?
04:43I'll think about it tomorrow.
04:47It's mine to think about tomorrow.
04:51Ajin, you're going to be a middle-aged man all of a sudden. Isn't it too serious?
05:02Thank you so much for saving me that day.
05:07I was really scared. I don't say this anymore.
05:13I'm sorry I've been lying all this time.
05:16I didn't mean to deceive you.
05:20The reason I said I was the same age as you at the wedding was because you were pretty.
05:31What? That's a weird reason.
05:37I thought I wouldn't be able to see you again.
05:41I didn't want to look young at that moment.
05:47Why did you run away?
05:55I don't like it.
06:02Mom, Dad, Home, Study.
06:07I don't like it all.
06:12Finally, you're here.
06:17What did you like? What didn't you like?
06:30He was a roommate at the dormitory. They were so close.
06:35He's dead. Do you remember when I broke up, I told you not to say goodbye?
06:42Of course.
06:44That's the last thing Jihoon said to me.
06:46Hey, Jihoon. You didn't even say hello.
06:56If I hadn't called you then, if Jihoon hadn't come to my house, Jihoon...
07:12It was an inevitable accident.
07:18It's not your fault.
07:29It's not your fault.
07:48The reason I said no when you said goodbye on your wedding day was because I remembered that time.
07:59Do you know how scared you were when you lost consciousness in a car accident?
08:08The last thing you said to me was goodbye.
08:16Jihoon, look. You're the one who saved me from the accident that day, and you're the one who's been feeding me.
08:24That's why I'm doing well now, right?
08:30It won't be easy, but look at me and overcome the pain of that day.
08:42By the way, I'm five years younger than you, and I'm calling you. What should I do with this relationship?
08:48You're worried about everything.
08:51Now, think about it. If I'm 40, you're 45.
08:56It's the same old man and old woman anyway.
08:58It's not even five years apart.
09:00And if I'm 70, you're 75.
09:03It's not a big deal for a grandfather and a grandmother who are getting old together.
09:07What? Do I have to live with you until I'm old?
09:11I don't want to.
09:12I'll take care of everything, so don't worry, okay?
09:21This is how you felt then.
09:25What am I?
09:27You look better in Seunggi's clothes.
09:30By the way, where's Seunggi? I don't think I've seen him all day today.
09:50Yes, did you get the test results?
09:52It's been a month since he ate, so I'm sure he's lost all his nutrition.
09:57Yes, nutrition?
10:01Nutrition is too good.
10:04I thought you were worried, so I prescribed nutritional supplements.
10:10Patient, please give me your arm.
10:16Why are you doing this to me?
10:17Why are you doing this to me?
10:37Wait a minute.
10:40I think our arms are too thick.
10:47What's wrong with him?
10:49Junha, what's wrong with you?
10:50Oh, my God.
10:51Is he constipated?
10:54Are you uncomfortable?
10:56Take off the check.
10:59What's wrong with you?
11:00Junha, why are you suddenly constipated?
11:03Oh, my God.
11:08Why are you coming out of here?
11:12I'm sorry.
11:13I'm sorry.
11:16Tell me quickly.
11:25Why did you turn off your cell phone?
11:28Teacher, where did Hayoung say she was going?
11:33You said you were busy today, so I asked you to prepare for the performance for me.
11:37I don't have much time left for the college entrance exam, so I thought you were studying.
11:42Come on, teacher.
11:45Seung-gi and Hayoung are not going to study because they have exams ahead of them.
11:48You can't judge children from the perspective of someone who studies as a hobby.
11:51Hey, is your daughter the only one studying?
11:53My son is studying, too.
11:56I didn't know.
11:57I've never seen it.
11:58Oh, Hayoung.
11:59Hey, sisters.
12:00It's uselessly sensitive.
12:02It can be a little late.
12:04What are you worried about when you're together?
12:06That's why I'm worried.
12:09Oh, my God.
12:10Oh, my God.
12:11Oh, my God.
12:12Oh, my God.
12:13I imagined it.
12:25Jun said he needed clothes, so I took it off for him.
12:30He asked me to lie down on the bed for a while, so I was lying down.
12:36So where is Jun now?
12:40Did you go to Eunpo?
12:46Why are you mad at Seung-gi?
12:48This is all because you locked Jun up.
12:54I've been curious about you since last time.
12:57What's your name?
12:59It's Jin Hayoung.
13:01I'm Jin Hayoung, and this is Lee Seung-gi.
13:05How can you be so good at answering?
13:11Yes, Hayoung.
13:13I'll ask you smartly.
13:15You're going to meet Jun, right?
13:24Oh, my God.
13:31I don't know.
13:36It's me.
13:37Jun, where are you now?
13:40I'm sorry.
13:41I'm going now, so don't worry.
13:47You're really coming, right?
13:50Yes, I'll go.
13:56Okay, then I'll send you a car, so get in that car.
13:59And I have a car to send you.
14:04All right.
14:08Get ready to go home.
14:10All right.
14:17Oh, ma'am.
14:20This is it.
14:23I gave it to you last time, but I felt uncomfortable while I had it.
14:28I'm on Jun's side anyway.
14:32We can go to the parking lot, right?
14:34Then thank you.
14:37I'll have a good ride.
14:40Hey, this is awesome.
14:42Hey, what do you mean?
14:44Do you want me to lend you a trunk?
14:51No, I don't have much luggage.
14:53You're not running away again, are you?
14:57Go eat well and don't worry about your mom.
15:01The nagging is mine.
15:03When did you become such a nag?
15:05It's because I've been gone before.
15:07I can't do that in the future when you're here.
15:17Oh, my God.
15:33Are you looking for this?
15:36Oh, yeah.
15:42Is there anything else you haven't told me?
15:47It's not the first time you've seen me at the wedding, is it?
15:52Sia came and went a few days ago.
15:55Jihoon's sister, Sia.
15:59And I remembered everything.
16:02You're the one who took a picture of me on my graduation day, right?
16:09Is that it?
16:14Why did you pretend you didn't know me?
16:16I didn't pretend I didn't know, I couldn't tell you.
16:20You said you remembered everything, but you don't remember wearing a school uniform that day?
16:24Hey, your sister.
16:26This isn't your sister's.
16:29He's over there.
16:39I told you I had a crush on someone, didn't I?
16:41Let's go say hello to my future wife.
16:49I'm a fan of number one.
16:50A fan?
16:51Yes, I read it so well.
16:54How does it feel to be my friend's first love?
17:00Oh, I'm ashamed.
17:02So why did you get married so early?
17:04Let's stop talking about the wedding day.
17:05I'm sorry.
17:09But Jun, why did you look at me like that on the day you took the picture?
17:15What did I see?
17:19I'm leaving.
17:21I remember your eyes.
17:24It was a little weird.
17:32You gave me a weird answer.
17:36But what should I do?
17:37I'm going to play the piano from today.
17:41You graduated.
17:42Who plays the piano after graduating?
17:44I've been doing it for 20 years.
17:46Was it that weird?
17:49As I lived with you, I couldn't even think of it as weird.
17:57What's really weird is that it keeps making me think of you.
18:04I think my head is going to explode because you're in my head.
18:28Shouldn't you be taller?
18:30I think you're a little short now.
18:37I'm 187cm tall, and you want me to get taller here?
18:41I think it's big enough, but I think you should be taller.
18:53I'm going to have to drink a lot of milk.
18:58I think the car's here.
18:59Hurry up.
19:13I don't do what you don't like.
19:15Instead, I won't let you go no matter what happens.
19:23You have to do that, too.
19:25Promise me you'll keep your promise.
19:31Hurry up.
19:41I've prepared for a breakup that I'll have to say when I meet Jun, but I couldn't do it in the end.
19:50Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, what should I do?
19:55I didn't change my clothes.
19:57Do you have Jun's clothes inside?
20:00Huh? Jun took it all.
20:02Oh, Sun Woo-joon, he's really...
20:04Oh, just go.
20:06Do you want me to lend you my clothes?
20:10I don't think your clothes will go in the blue one.
20:13Then do you want Mimi's clothes?
20:16Oh, my God.
20:17Jun just left again.
20:19Let's get a hold of ourselves and go home.
20:24Let's go.
20:35Oh, my God.
20:48I'm going to eat.
20:51I'll go down and eat.
20:53Don't come up.
21:06I'm going to study hard now.
21:10I won't make you worry.
21:12Instead, can you give me your cell phone?
21:30Good job, Mother.
21:33Kids these days can't live without a phone.
21:35It's very different from our time, so you have to understand the culture.
21:41But there's one thing that gets caught.
21:43You have to give me the whip and the carrot together.
21:46Jun is doing really well.
21:48Maybe it's because Jun is smart.
21:50You've been catching up on your study break.
21:54But I'm not going to medical school, I'm going to math.
22:01What? Math?
22:03Don't worry too much.
22:05Isn't it important to start studying again?
22:09You can persuade me later.
22:13Then I'll trust you.
22:20First of all, I think the weak points of the mock exam next week are English and non-literature.
22:26Are you watering the lettuce?
22:29Of course.
22:30I was watering it anyway.
22:32Do you clean often?
22:34Of course.
22:39Stop nagging me.
23:04I don't know how to do it.
23:16Do you think you'll be better than me?
23:19Don't meet the teacher too often.
23:21I'm jealous that it's not a big deal.
23:24Mimi has something to say.
23:29Mimi doesn't know.
23:30Wake up.
23:33What's that?
23:37Jun, are you eating well?
23:39Of course.
23:41Did you do well on the mock exam?
23:43Of course.
23:47You didn't forget the dinner appointment later, did you?
23:49I'm going to have dinner with my dad and Mr. Kim.
24:04Oh, my God.
24:07Is this how you do it?
27:08Jun, what are you doing here all of a sudden?
27:10Why did you come? I came because I was worried.
27:19Is your hand okay?
27:21Yeah, it's not serious.
27:22So why are you hurting yourself to learn how to ride a bike?
27:26Did I hurt you on purpose? Why are you angry?
27:29It's because I'm upset.
27:30I don't have it, but who's going to do it?
27:32One hand is fine.
27:34Don't worry about it.
27:36Anyway, don't you have an academy today?
27:40You didn't forget the dinner appointment later, did you?
28:03Uh, just...
28:06Do you want to have dinner next time?
28:09You have a hard time. You have to eat.
28:11What are you talking about?
28:15I just got an interview, so I wanted to ask for your understanding.
28:20It's so good.
28:23Then I'll get up first.
28:26Oh, I'm sorry.
28:27What should I do?
28:28No, it's not.
28:30Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am.
28:31Call me if you need anything.
28:32Yes, ma'am.
28:40Did you go to see that girl?
28:46Mr. Bang Jung-nam.
28:47The ex-wife.
28:54How did you know that?
28:55Did you think I didn't know?
28:57How did you manage Jun?
29:01I think I should do it.
29:03Honey, honey, honey, honey, honey.
29:06I just left it because I was afraid Jun would be crooked.
29:09You just have to stay still.
29:11I'll take care of everything.
29:14You know.
29:15My skills.
29:31I'll see you tomorrow.
30:01No, but it's quiet today.
30:20I know.
30:21What's going on?
30:22If you don't play the piano, you'll live here.
30:25I know.
30:26I'm finally here.
30:27What's here?
30:28What's here?
30:29What's here?
30:30My mom is coming to see you today.
30:33Oh, here, here, here.
30:36You're crazy.
30:38That's the wife of the Sunwoo Foundation.
30:42You're going to have a big look.
30:44Oh, it's going to be fun.
30:50I wondered why she had been quiet.
30:54Even if it was me, I told my son to break up.
30:58Just because you have a girlfriend doesn't mean that you can't be friends with her, right?
31:03What do you mean?
31:04She's so mean.
31:06Since when have you been so rational?
31:09It's only been a day or two since you last got close to us.
31:11Why don't you listen to her?
31:13Let's go to sleep.
31:14Being close to her and having a girlfriend is different.
31:18Are you guys going to make me an outcast just because you guys have different opinions?
31:23You shouldn't do that in a democratic society.
31:26Oh, my.
31:31By the way, your wife is so charismatic.
31:36I mean, she's like a drama.
31:38She pours water and throws a bunch of money.
31:41Isn't she throwing kimchi?
31:43I can't do this.
31:44We have to get ready.
31:46Lala doesn't even have a mother.
31:48How do we get ready?
31:50First, let's prepare for the unexpected situation.
31:56Miran, you kill her with your big eyes.
32:14If you have a water gun and water comes to Lala, block it with your body.
32:19I'm sure Lala won't get the money bag, so you take care of it.
32:30Then what are you going to do?
32:33I'm going to defend my life with my real mother's heart.
32:50Bravo, bravo.
32:55Are you guys ready?
32:58Then shall we go?
33:00Okay, bravo, bravo.
33:19I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
33:50I can't drag time, be considerate, and turn it around.
33:56I'll be straightforward.
33:59I've been holding it back because of Jun.
34:02I really don't like Lala.
34:07I know.
34:13I can't do it anymore.
34:18You know how important this is to Jun, right?
34:34At my age, there's not much difference between last fall and this fall.
34:44But Jun is different.
34:48Depending on how you spend this moment, your life changes a lot.
34:54Nineteen is that kind of age.
34:57I know.
34:59But I didn't do it because I didn't want to hurt Jun.
35:04I understand how you feel.
35:09If we were in the same situation, my dad would have felt the same way.
35:24I didn't want to be rude to my precious daughter.
35:28I'm glad and thankful that you understand.
35:33Jun is also a precious son to us.
35:39At a late age, he had a hard time as an examiner.
35:46He gave me complete love and filled all my emotions with happiness.
35:55I'm sorry.
35:59I know this situation hurts you, but Jun is that kind of son.
36:10Please help me so that Jun can come back to me and find his life.
36:18Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
36:22Thank you so much for making this decision.
36:36I borrowed this money from Jun.
36:38I haven't returned it yet, but I think I should give it to him now.
36:53I'll do that.
36:55I think this will end the relationship between the two of you.
37:20Where did you get that money?
37:22Juju Station.
37:24A car? You sold the car your dad bought you?
37:29Oh, my God. You've been saving it all the time.
37:35I think there are times when you have to give up something precious.
37:40Right, mom?
37:43Oh, my God. You've grown up.
37:49You've grown up.
37:54You're taller than me.
38:00I'm tired, so I'm not going to wash up and sleep today.
38:04Yeah, I'll let you go today.
38:07Go in.
38:19I'm going to bed.
38:49How did you get here?
39:00I came here because I missed you so much.
39:04There's so much I want to do in Seoul.
39:07I'm going to do it for you who are tired of studying.
39:10Go go!
39:14Let's go together.
39:16Is it delicious?
39:20Eat this, too.
39:27Eat a lot.
39:31I'm going to eat two.
39:57Buy me this.
40:00How many can you buy me?
40:06This one.
40:07This one!
40:08Isn't it too bad for me?
40:10It's perfect.
40:17You're not in trouble, are you?
40:24Of course.
40:26I just wanted to go on a date with you.
40:39There's one last thing I want to do with you.
40:44I have to go now.
40:48What do you want to do?
40:57You hurt your hand riding a bicycle.
41:00It's just that I suddenly thought of your back.
41:03I'm going to put a cushion on your back.
41:08I'll be right back.
41:59Don't be surprised.
42:01Don't get angry again.
42:03I hope you read this letter.
42:07I mean,
42:09If you ask me who I want to be the best person in the world,
42:14I won't hesitate for a second and say you.
42:19I want to break up with you because you are so precious to me.
42:24You'll say the reason is weird again, right?
42:33I want you to do what you have to do first.
42:37I'm grateful and happy that you're running to me for a little thing,
42:43but on the other hand, it was a lot of pressure.
42:47You have a lot of things to worry about right now.
42:51You're smart, so I think you know better than I do.
42:56Let's achieve them first and meet again in a great way.
43:01I'll be living hard in the meantime.
43:05I'm telling you to break up.
43:07I'm afraid you'll hate it.
43:09Instead of a letter like this.
43:13You're not crying, are you?
43:16If I made you cry,
43:18I'm sorry.
43:29We'll meet again.
43:38Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
43:40I broke up with him.
43:43Our brief goodbye.
43:47I'm afraid it'll be an eternal goodbye.
43:53Will we be able to meet again?
43:58I'm closing the stargram for the time being.
44:26You're late.
44:27I've been waiting a long time.
44:33I thought it was a little cold to eat ice cream,
44:36so I changed the subject.
44:40Here you go.
44:45So you're only talking about this until you eat it today?
44:49You can have more.
44:52If you want, you can do that.
45:00I had something to confess to you today, so I waited for you.
45:06Don't get me wrong.
45:07It's not a confession of love.
45:11There's something I haven't said in a long time.
45:15What is it?
45:18It's not the first time I've seen Lala at the clinical hospital.
45:23I saw her at the graduation performance at Seohan University.
45:28At that time, I...
45:30I'm in a serious burnout.
45:32I lose my laughter.
45:34If I don't take medicine,
45:36I can't sleep.
45:37I've been having those days.
45:43On that day,
45:45I saw Lala suddenly hit her hat.
45:48I was so embarrassed that I laughed.
45:52I thought she was crazy.
45:57And I met Lala again with her hand injured.
46:00Is it here?
46:02I'm laughing.
46:04I used to live without any expression.
46:07I've been laughing a lot in a year.
46:14This woman...
46:15She's a patient who came to save my life.
46:19I think that's what I thought then.
46:28Lala is...
46:30She's a grateful person.
46:32That's who she is.
46:34Cheer up.
46:36I'm always rooting for you.
46:45Have you found your dream horse?
47:00I'll make you happy.
47:13I knew it.
47:16You're Dodo Solsol Lala Sol.
47:23I'm finally getting rid of my curiosity today.
47:25I'm curious.
47:26I've always wondered how my dad and I knew Mozart.
47:49What are you guys?
47:54Why are you guys kneeling down?
47:56You're making me nervous.
48:00You know what?
48:02This is exactly what's going on.
48:05What? What?
48:06What's going on?
48:07You two are going to be in-laws.
48:09Come here.
48:10Let's get along today.
48:11No, it's not like that.
48:13Kill your temper.
48:15Let's listen to the kids first.
48:17Do it.
48:18Do it.
48:20Do it.
48:27Do you have a business plan?
48:33Are you two going to start a business?
48:44But do you have the money to start a business?
48:49Of course.
48:51Our college tuition.
48:58What do you mean tuition?
49:00So you're saying you're going to start a business instead of going to an academy?
49:05Are you crazy?
49:07What are you going to do if you don't go to college?
49:09Hold it in.
49:10It's not that I didn't go, it's that I didn't go.
49:12I hate you more.
49:15We're adults now.
49:17We're old enough to decide how we're going to live our lives from now on.
49:22That's right.
49:23You're so stubborn.
49:24Come here.
49:25Don't do it.
49:26Don't do it.
49:27Don't do it.
49:28Don't do it.
49:29Don't do it.
49:30You're so annoying.
49:31Why are you doing this to me?
49:36Good job, Miran.
49:38You're so good.
49:48Oh, Jun.
49:49Go to the hospital today and get a health checkup.
49:52While you're at it, I think it would be nice to have dinner with your dad.
49:58I'm going to skip dinner with my dad.
50:00Not yet.
50:01Yeah, yeah, yeah.
50:02Not yet.
50:04Yeah, yeah.
50:06Oh, this guy.
50:07You look like a rum, so you're so hard.
50:09I think my life will be shortened whileights.
50:11You son of a bitch!
50:13Oh, this bastard.
50:15Who does he look like to be so stubborn?
50:18I think my life will be shortened
50:21while I'm watching this bastard.
50:25Oh, this bastard, my bastard.
50:32What's up, senior?
50:33Oh, you're here.
50:34No, it's not important.
50:36Did you get any calls from Eun-suk?
50:38No, why?
50:39No, I was preparing for the wedding, and I saw this on Byulgram.
50:42It's a wedding invitation.
50:44It's Eun-suk.
50:46Oh, without saying anything?
50:48Honey, look at the next picture.
50:50He looks exactly like your ex-wife I saw at the wedding.
50:53No way.
50:56Gu Ra-ra?
50:58Why is Eun-suk marrying Ra-ra?
51:11Who are you?
51:16No way.
51:22What is it? Who is it?
51:24Hey, don't you think you've seen it here?
51:30The wedding is today.
51:56Hey, Choo Min-soo, Choo Min-soo!
51:59What? I think your clothes are a little small.
52:02It's just right.
52:03Why? You can get married, our tough guy.
52:06Oh, I want to get married.
52:08Oh, what are you going to do at that age?
52:11Yeah, it'll hurt more if you hit your cheek.
52:14But the wedding is so much fun.
52:17It's fun.
52:18Now, look here and go beautifully.
52:24Now, this time, comically.
52:27Hang on. Hang on.
52:30Now, this time, comically.
52:33Mr. Cha Eun-suk, it's okay to get divorced.
52:37What kind of divorce is that?
52:40Joking, joking.
52:42Don't fight like this.
52:44Live happily.
52:56Ha-young, you're really good at bridal makeup.
53:09Sister, there's nothing I can't do.
53:12It's all because I got my mom's DNA.
53:16Thank you always.
53:17Yes, yes.
53:18All right, so let's stop.
53:20Oh, I can't hear you.
53:22It's time.
53:23Everyone, wait.
53:51Bride and groom, march.
54:20Bride and groom, march.
54:49Bride and groom, march.
54:50Bride and groom, march.
54:51Bride and groom, march.
54:52Bride and groom, march.
54:53Bride and groom, march.
54:54Bride and groom, march.
54:55Bride and groom, march.
54:56Bride and groom, march.
54:57Bride and groom, march.
54:58Bride and groom, march.
54:59Bride and groom, march.
55:00Bride and groom, march.
55:01Bride and groom, march.
55:02Bride and groom, march.
55:03Bride and groom, march.
55:04Bride and groom, march.
55:05Bride and groom, march.
55:06Bride and groom, march.
55:07Bride and groom, march.
55:08Bride and groom, march.
55:09Bride and groom, march.
55:10Bride and groom, march.
55:11Bride and groom, march.
55:12Bride and groom, march.
55:14Bride and groom, march.
55:15Bride and groom, march.
55:16Bride and groom, march.
55:17Bride and groom, march.
55:18Bride and groom, march.
55:19Bride and groom, march.
55:20Bride and groom, march.
55:21Bride and groom, march.
55:22Bride and groom, march.
55:23Bride and groom, march.
55:24Bride and groom, march.
55:25Bride and groom, march.
55:26Bride and groom, march.
55:27Bride and groom, march.
55:28Bride and groom, march.
55:29Bride and groom, march.
55:30Bride and groom, march.
55:31Bride and groom, march.
55:32Bride and groom, march.
55:33Bride and groom, march.
55:34Bride and groom, march.
55:35Bride and groom, march.
55:36Bride and groom, march.
55:37Bride and groom, march.
55:45Hurry, hurry!
55:46Oh, really!
55:47Hurry up!
55:48Oh, really!
56:04It's not Mr. Moon.
56:06Life sure is full of variety.
56:37Let's just say you're married to me.
56:40I don't want to.
56:41I'm so nervous.
56:43I hope winter comes soon.
56:45I'm going to meet you.
56:47Why didn't you tell me?
56:49Because you're annoying.
56:50Now I don't know what's what.
56:52I made a wish to the stars looking at the night sky.
56:56Because I miss you so much.
56:58Where does that courage come from?
57:01All you have to think about is one thing.
57:03Let's find that used piano shop.
57:05I found it.
57:06I found it.
57:07It would be nice if you were with me on a happy day like today.
57:15I found it.
