Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol ep 7 eng sub

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Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol ep 7 eng sub


00:41You know, I'm telling you, I remember for sure, if it wasn't for this man that day, Mr. Man Bok would have already gone to the morgue.
00:47I know him well.
00:49Of course you know him well. He's been doing this for 30 years.
01:00Oh my God.
01:20Oh my God.
01:22Oh my God.
01:24Oh my gosh.
01:28Oh no.
01:30What is it?
01:32Do you remember that man that fired me?
01:48I didn't even know.
01:50How long have you known me?
01:52Did you know about me?
01:56You finally showed up.
01:58You should have told me.
02:00I'm so nervous. I don't know what to say.
02:04Miss Cha!
02:14I heard you can't come because you have surgery today.
02:18Oh, you came to see me too.
02:22Why didn't you tell me?
02:24You didn't tell me such important information.
02:26I told you I wouldn't come.
02:28Why are you yelling at me?
02:31She is...
02:32Her nickname is Do Do Sol Sol.
02:35I'll give you a twinkle, twinkle little star.
02:37Now, now, you and the twinkle star.
02:39Look at each other and smile.
02:42It's a wedding.
02:46I cheered up a lot while reading the cheering message you sent me every time.
02:49I thought I'd be encouraged if I just kept in touch for the rest of my life.
02:53No, you sent me a piano.
02:55I have to thank you in person.
02:57I thought a lot and changed my mind 12 times a day.
03:01Excuse me, but what should I do?
03:05There must have been someone waiting.
03:06I don't think so.
03:08What are you talking about?
03:10Aren't you Do Do Sol Sol Lala Sol?
03:14Do Do Sol Sol...
03:16What is that?
03:18What? I don't think so.
03:20Oh, my God.
03:22Is she not here yet?
03:23Oh, but why have you been acting like a twinkle so far?
03:27No, that's it.
03:29You didn't give me a chance to say no.
03:32When did we?
03:34In the eyes of the third party filming,
03:36I did.
03:38No, the three of us talked without a break.
03:40There was no time to interrupt.
03:42Then how did Junho come here?
03:46It's a cafe.
03:47It's a nice view, so I come here often.
03:51Excuse me.
03:52Sir, first of all,
03:54You're out of your mind and your legs hurt, right?
03:56Go over there and have a cup of tea and wait.
04:00All right.
04:01What kind of tea do you like? Let's go, guys.
04:03Yes, yes.
04:07Oh, my.
04:08Oh, my God.
04:15He'll be here today, right?
04:17Then let's take a break and wait.
04:21Oh, but why isn't Junho coming?
04:24Did you forget?
04:29What's going on, Grandpa?
04:36Yes, this is the right place.
04:38Where are you now?
04:40I don't know why you're looking for this kid,
04:42He's not here right now.
04:44If you lie, you'll be in big trouble.
04:47He won't let me go because I'm old.
04:51Has it been about a month?
04:53I went to Jeonju to meet a friend.
04:56I told you that,
05:00I don't know if this is really for you.
05:03You're looking for it at home.
05:05Don't you have to go back?
05:07When the time comes, I'll go on my own.
05:12Thank you for trusting me.
05:14Thank you for taking my side, Grandpa.
05:19You must have a reason, too.
05:38Didn't you call me yet?
05:43I really wanted to meet you.
05:50Did you have an accident on your way here?
05:53What are you talking about?
05:55No, why?
05:56I heard you were lying in the hospital because of an accident.
06:02Huh? Is it right?
06:03Let me see.
06:07I'm sorry.
06:08Did you wait a lot today?
06:10I couldn't stand in front of you for personal reasons,
06:13I will continue to support you forever.
06:20That's a relief.
06:22I was upset because of you.
06:24Oh, nothing happened.
06:26That's fine.
06:28What if I don't see your face?
06:30Everyone can live safely and well.
06:32Life is short.
06:34Come to see me someday.
06:37Is that so?
06:39Of course.
06:41Shall we take a photo?
06:43It's a waste.
06:47One, two, three.
06:54One, two, three.
07:24One, two, three.
07:52It's a twinkling star.
07:55I'm sending you a star in the night sky.
08:11I hope that star shines brightly in your future.
08:24Thank you so much.
08:52No, no, no.
08:58Hey, where are you going?
09:00Hurry up!
09:02Anyway, she's a little strange today.
09:05You're really fast.
09:12There are so many piano sounds in La La Land.
09:15What are you talking about?
09:17I'm not talking about the piano.
09:19I hope the world is filled with the sound of the piano.
09:24I hope that star shines brightly on your future.
09:36I hope I can be of help to you.
09:41Your pronunciation is the same.
09:43Thank you for inviting me, but I have surgery tomorrow.
09:47I said I couldn't come today, but you came?
09:53He sent me a message after we broke up.
09:55Then, have you ever thought that the owner of the nickname, Sol Sol Sol, had already met someone?
10:09The teacher...
10:12Twinkle bone?
10:16You scared me!
10:19Did you steal something?
10:20Why are you so surprised?
10:24I mean...
10:26What's with the clothes?
10:31I was busy thinking about something else.
10:35What were you thinking about that you forgot to wear your clothes?
10:38Where did you go all day?
10:39You didn't come today and I couldn't reach you.
10:44I'm sorry I couldn't go.
10:45I had something to do in a hurry.
10:48Did you meet him well?
10:52You must have been disappointed.
10:57I think I know who he is.
11:08Mr. Cha.
11:12Dr. Cha Eun-suk.
11:15You know I'm very smart, right?
11:20I've made a puzzle piece with my amazing reasoning.
11:23Well, it's for just one person.
11:27What puzzle piece?
11:29Listen carefully.
11:30This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this.
11:33The ear in the vase!
11:34The ear on the star!
11:36The word Judy is a joke.
11:38Judy is me.
11:39The ear on the vase, the ear on the star!
11:41It's obvious because I'm wearing this microphone.
11:42I'm sure.
11:43And I'm sure you'll meet me someday.
11:45I sent a ship to the island where you and I met.
11:47For the sake of our love, and for our future.
11:50How is it?
11:51It's perfect, isn't it?
11:52Not at all.
11:57Actually, I'm the one who said,
11:58do do sol sol la la sol.
12:01If you do as you guessed,
12:02I can do it too.
12:04I said I'd go to the meeting place from the beginning,
12:06and I'm already one of the people you met.
12:10Then what about the way you talk?
12:11What do you say?
12:12What do you say?
12:13What do you say?
12:14What about the way you talk?
12:15Go home and wash up and go to bed.
12:17Are you done?
12:20I think I have a stomachache because I'm so good at reasoning.
12:22Are you done?
12:25Come out.
12:28Hey, I'm a twinkling little star.
12:31It's not funny.
12:45I'm already dreaming.
12:53Keep sleeping?
12:56Oh, I can't see it because it's so childish.
13:00Why did I post a picture on my profile?
13:11Oh, it's pretty.
13:35Oh, Lala.
13:40Did you wait for me?
13:44I can't help it.
13:47It's not empty.
13:48It's real.
13:50What's going on?
13:52I'll buy you lunch today.
14:03Why don't you answer me?
14:05I'm a little busy today, so I can't eat with you.
14:08It's okay.
14:09It's my fault for not making an appointment.
14:14Is there anything you want to eat?
14:20That's right.
14:23Oh, this is Cho In-jong?
14:24Oh, I asked Jun-hee to give me one.
14:26You have to surprise me once or twice.
14:28Good morning.
14:31Oh, you're all here.
14:33What's going on today?
14:35Do you have a book knife?
14:37Book knife?
14:38Where are you going to cut it?
14:39I'm going to cut the carrots, but they're not cut well, so I'm going to sieve them.
14:43Oh, you can eat it as a whole.
14:51Do you have sesame oil and minced garlic?
14:55How many times do I have to wash spinach?
14:57Why don't you wash it until it's clean?
14:59You're asking a lot.
15:00Then can I go into the sink?
15:03It won't be good, will it?
15:08How do you make egg garnish?
15:11I've only made fried eggs.
15:14What the hell are you making?
15:16Wait a minute.
15:17Carrots, spinach, sesame oil, minced garlic, egg garnish.
15:23That's gimbap.
15:31How do you do that?
15:36By the way, gimbap has a characteristic in every house.
15:40The food that has the identity of the house.
15:43That's gimbap.
15:46My gimbap is.
15:47The rice is rolled up.
15:51Gimbap with deliciously seasoned spinach is the best.
15:55My family lives without ham.
15:57Ham covers the taste of other ingredients.
16:03Let's roll it up.
16:06Then what can I help you with?
16:10It's a matter of management.
16:11Go and play the piano.
16:13Yeah, I'm buying gimbap.
16:15Play some BGM.
16:19Shall we?
16:59Then shall we taste it?
17:16It's so delicious.
17:22Of course it's delicious.
17:24Gimbap is a food that's hard to taste.
17:28Oh, I've been wondering.
17:31Why is the name of the meeting for the ladies?
17:34A meeting to dream of a divorce.
17:36In short, this dream.
17:38Everyone has at least one reason why they want to get divorced.
17:43Of course.
17:44I've been divorced more than a hundred times.
17:48But that's not easy.
17:50It's hard to do, so I'm just decorating it.
17:53We're just gathering like this.
17:55In that respect,
17:57I can say that you and Mi-won are much more comfortable.
18:03I think that makes sense.
18:06But Lala, why are you making gimbap in the morning?
18:11I want to warm it up.
18:18Green onion?
18:24It's me.
18:30I see.
18:31I haven't seen the sheet music since high school.
18:34When tuning instruments in the orchestra,
18:37the oboe player plays the first note.
18:40Do you know what that standard is?
18:44It's Lala.
18:48Oh, yes.
18:49Would you like to eat with me?
18:51Oh, it's okay.
18:52I just ate.
18:53Enjoy your meal.
19:12My daughter, play hard today.
19:14Yes, Mom.
19:16There are a lot of students in this academy.
19:19Oh, this academy won the grand prize in the spring competition.
19:23It's popular with moms.
19:33It's a competition.
19:35Yeah, well.
19:36We can go to the competition, too.
19:38You can win the grand prize.
19:41Let's see.
19:47Lack of time.
19:52Lack of skill.
19:54But you're really giving me that bag, right?
19:56Interest in cooking.
20:01Lack of age.
20:05No answer.
20:27I'll take a picture.
20:28Look at the lens here and smile.
20:30Jaemin won the grand prize.
20:31One, two.
20:42I heard the news that you're leaving.
20:50Don't get up yet.
20:52You have a good life.
20:54Let's sleep in the middle of the day.
20:57You should have woken me up a little later.
20:59I was having a happy dream.
21:01What dream?
21:03They're going to register each other here at La La Land.
21:09By the way, I can't see Jaemin these days.
21:13Jaemin, don't you want to learn how to play the piano?
21:17Come with your parents tomorrow.
21:22He hasn't come since the day he broke up.
21:23I don't know his house address and his phone number.
21:29There's no way to find Jaemin, right?
21:33I don't know.
21:39It's already time.
21:45I'll do my part-time job.
22:00Did you eat?
22:01Yes, did you eat?
22:02Yes, I ate.
22:03I ate two bowls.
22:05Two bowls.
22:07Please sit down for a moment.
22:16I think I've seen you somewhere.
22:20What did you just say?
22:22Instead of a lesson, I just want to hear you play.
22:25I just want you to do that until you get close to music.
22:28Is it a little difficult?
22:30It's not difficult, but it's my first time.
22:36All right, then.
22:48All right.
23:18All right.
23:38What are you doing here?
23:40Do you have a headache?
23:42No, no.
23:45What are you doing?
23:46What are you doing?
23:47We're going out to get some air conditioning.
23:57I'll leave it open a little.
23:58It's better if you look in sometimes.
24:02I have lettuce growing inside.
24:05It's a little special.
24:12Wait a minute.
24:13No, I'll go.
24:15Oh, and we're going to buy air conditioning soon.
24:23Why did he suddenly show up after eating the whole thing?
24:26What are you talking about?
24:27I'm sorry.
24:39He's been playing the piano all day without a lesson.
24:42How did he know?
24:57I don't know.
24:59I don't know.
25:29I lived thanks to my son.
25:32If I had a chance, I'd like to say thank you.
25:36Yes, yes, yes.
25:37I see.
25:39Do you have my son's phone number?
25:43I mean the cell phone.
25:45I haven't seen it.
25:50Are you sure you're going to Jeonju?
25:54That's what I heard.
25:59How was the entry?
26:01Do you have the money?
26:04Don't worry.
26:06I sent some money.
26:09No, don't worry about the money.
26:13Would you have said that if you were a grandfather's son?
26:18How many kids are you going to hit?
26:22Don't worry too much.
26:24I think he's going to find his place someday.
26:30Don't get involved in other people's business.
26:32You don't even know what kind of family Jun is from.
26:37If you want to save him...
26:38Oh, forget it.
26:46I'm sure there's a lot more money than I gave him.
26:50And if you get in touch with my son, please contact me right away.
27:00I'm sorry.
27:05I'm sorry.
27:18I'm sorry.
27:30I'm sorry.
27:39What are you going to do?
27:40What do you mean?
27:42Don't you know what you're doing?
27:44Go to Jeonju right now and release all the people.
27:47I'm going to hide around the school.
27:51But I feel like...
27:52It's noisy, so keep your mouth shut.
27:55Oh, my God.
27:59Oh, my head.
28:01Oh, my head.
28:13It's Jun.
28:15Jun, Jun, Jun, Jun.
28:17Hey, driver Kim, get in the car.
28:19Driver Kim, get in the car.
28:20Driver Kim, get in the car.
28:24Jun is in the car.
28:25Jun is in the car.
28:28Do you want to get in trouble?
28:29I'm sorry.
28:31Why are you suddenly going out without saying anything?
28:33Oh, sir.
28:34That piano.
28:37Are you a wife?
28:44Oh, my God.
28:45Get out of the way.
28:47Oh, my God.
28:48Is it a bus?
28:51I'm going to find you.
28:56My house is 100,000 won a month.
29:01Please come again.
29:03I think I've seen this somewhere.
29:16Oh, my God.
29:25Hong Ja-kyung's daughter-in-law.
29:30Hong Ja-kyung's daughter-in-law is a beggar.
29:43It's a new style.
29:46Oh, my God.
29:50Did you solve the problem at the store?
29:52I ate all your hot dogs.
29:55Look in the mirror.
29:58It's pretty even if you don't look at it.
30:00Let's go over there.
30:01I don't get hot easily.
30:02You don't have to buy air conditioning.
30:04I'm not here because of you, but Mimi.
30:06Mimi has a lot of hair.
30:07How hot would it be?
30:09Oh, my God.
30:10You're handsome.
30:11You have a lot of money.
30:12My heart is warm, too.
30:14Don't, don't, don't.
30:16All right.
30:18If I knew this was going to happen,
30:19I should have gotten all the wedding gifts back.
30:21I didn't even think about it because I didn't have a place to put it.
30:25Should I call him back and ask him to give it back?
30:27I don't care.
30:30It's so pretty.
30:31What do you think?
30:32Are you a newlyweds?
30:34Oh, yes.
30:35I misunderstood.
30:37I'm sorry.
30:38The model you're looking at right now
30:39It's the most popular model in our store.
30:41You have an eye for customers.
30:44It's new and premium quality.
30:46The price is really good.
30:50Oh, my God.
30:51The price is really good.
30:54You know something.
30:56Don't you need anything else?
30:58There's no TV.
30:59There's no proper refrigerator.
31:01Washing machine, dryer.
31:03There's no air purifier.
31:04Oh, I see.
31:06Shall we watch TV first?
31:08If you buy everything from our store,
31:09I'll take care of the air fryer and the electric pot.
31:14Oh, my God.
31:15I want to buy everything I want.
31:17I don't have any money right now.
31:25If you pay by card,
31:26You can get a 12-day free installment.
31:29I don't have a card.
31:30Not a single one.
31:31Not a single one.
31:42Isn't it heavy?
31:47Every time there's something new in La La Land,
31:50I feel like I'm getting more and more debt to pay you back.
31:54Then pay it all back.
31:58Are you keeping track of the groceries?
32:01Of course.
32:03Keep a good record.
32:04I'm not good at math.
32:07I'll give you as much as you ask for.
32:09Of course.
32:10I'm going to pay you back at the interest.
32:12It's tight.
32:14By the way, you.
32:17When the store clerk asked me if I was a newlywed,
32:19Why did you say no so badly?
32:21Did you hate me that much?
32:24No, it's not that.
32:26What is it?
32:29I'm sorry for you.
32:32I've been married once.
32:34I'm sorry to bother you.
32:37I don't think it's a good idea to get that kind of misunderstanding.
32:41It doesn't matter whether you're married or not.
32:46I don't care about that at all.
32:55I have something to tell you.
32:59Listen carefully.
33:06Give me your hand.
33:20It's a special gift.
33:22I think you're tired from dreaming during the day.
33:26Eat and cheer up.
33:41Jun-ha, I'm an energy drink.
33:48I mean.
33:55Did I interrupt you?
33:58Are you choosing a night?
34:00I have something to see Jun-ha.
34:02So I came to Gyeongsang-do.
34:13Your mother came to see me during the day.
34:16She's a good mother.
34:18She knows how I feel.
34:27I lied to you.
34:33You didn't make a mistake, did you?
34:36Of course.
34:42Stay here until you feel better.
34:44If anything happens, you have to tell me.
34:47Because I'm your guardian.
34:49Do you understand?
34:57What did your mother say?
35:01Grandpa wrote it.
35:04It's a letter from Lala Land.
35:09I got it.
35:25You can't disappear.
35:27I won't disappear.
35:29Stay with me.
35:30I'll be right next to you.
35:42How was your date with Grandpa?
35:45Thank you for today.
35:46Good night.
35:48Good night.
36:29I'm just going to sleep.
36:31Check your voice.
36:35Did you call me to say good night?
36:42Mr. Cha!
36:45Thank you for the meal.
36:48I didn't do much, but I hope you enjoyed it.
36:52Is there something in it?
36:54Open it.
37:00Isn't that too much?
37:04It's late at night, and you're busy.
37:07Let's sit down and talk while we eat this.
37:10Thank you for the meal.
37:13Thank you for the meal.
37:21That kimbap was very colorful.
37:23Ding dong dang!
37:24It's made by the ladies at the entrance.
37:26I put it in by type.
37:29Then what did you do to the kimbap?
37:33I put a note on the kimbap.
37:43I played the piano.
37:44To enjoy the kimbap.
37:48I thought it was a strange word, but it makes sense when I imagine it.
37:55Which kimbap was the best?
37:58Spinach kimbap.
37:59Director's pick!
38:00I'll make sure to deliver it to the lady.
38:03Oh, yes.
38:07Uh, by the way,
38:08Did you have a good night's sleep?
38:11Uh, by the way, Lara.
38:15Why did you say you'd buy me a meal?
38:19I'm just grateful that I always get it from you.
38:25Oh, is that so?
38:28You know it well.
38:34There's a lot I want to say.
38:37Let's talk while eating ice cream like this.
38:40All right.
39:07Uh, what is it?
39:11Oh, I called you all night, and you replied quickly.
39:21Let's meet at 11 o'clock?
39:35Oh, my God.
39:36Oh, my God.
39:38What are you so surprised about?
39:41Where the hell are you going on a golden holiday?
39:45You said you wanted to see Jaemin.
40:05This is Jaemin's house?
40:08Call him.
40:14Jaemin, are you there?
40:43You have to eat.
40:46It's okay because I eat at school.
40:50Why didn't you come these days?
40:52I've been waiting for a long time.
40:56I don't have a mom.
40:59Dad went to work.
41:02I couldn't go to the academy with him.
41:09Then you can do it alone.
41:12Can I?
41:14Of course you can come every day.
41:16Take out whatever's in the fridge here.
41:18I'll teach you how to play the piano every day.
41:23But there's a condition.
41:24Clean this academy and Jaemin's room.
41:28I'll get your cleaning for the teacher's lesson fee.
41:32You can do it, right?
41:34You have to do something to be confident.
41:37Don't care about it, open your shoulders and come play the piano every day.
41:46Let's see.
41:49Shall we start with this?
41:51Excuse me...
41:59I can't see the sheet music.
42:05You're definitely a genius.
42:07What do you mean?
42:12It's going to be a little hard to teach you how to read sheet music, right?
42:19You'll do well.
42:28Oh, my.
42:30If you have the mentality to get cleaning instead of a lesson fee from that little kid,
42:34Game over.
42:40I know a really good restaurant.
42:45Right now?
42:47Jun is coming, too?
42:50Chan is coming. What are you doing?
42:53Yeah, come on.
42:54You can put three more spoons.
42:57Take your time.
43:01Is Jun eating at my house today?
43:04Then what are you doing now?
43:05Your son-in-law is coming in the future, so you have to fry a chicken.
43:08You're overreacting.
43:09Where are you going to use the air fryer?
43:12What are you doing?
43:15What are you doing now?
43:16Don't you have any meat?
43:17There's probably something like Korean beef.
43:18Why don't you just order it from a restaurant?
43:20There are so many things set up.
43:25It's all thanks to you.
43:28Eat a lot.
43:30Enjoy your meal.
43:31Thank you for the meal.
43:32Thank you for the meal.
43:33Thank you for the meal.
43:40Eat a lot.
43:56Do you miss the old days again?
44:01I'll get you some water.
44:09What's wrong with you?
44:10My mom used to be an orphanage.
44:14I have a story.
44:17When I see people starving like this,
44:20I get sentimental.
44:33Thank you for the meal.
44:35If you're hungry, come anytime.
44:39I'll take Jaemin.
44:42It's raining all of a sudden.
44:44Can I borrow an umbrella?
44:45Of course.
44:46Of course.
44:57I'll bring the ramen.
45:00Be careful.
45:02Why did you take Lala's umbrella?
45:06You said you'd put it in Lala Land.
45:08It's because you always go there.
45:10If you put it that way,
45:11I always go to my mom's house next door.
45:14And Lala's umbrella was pink.
45:17It doesn't look good on you.
45:18Why is it pink?
45:19I guess you like pink.
45:23Do you really want to answer sexually?
45:26I've been feeling it for a while.
45:28There's no soul in your answer right now.
45:31Are you ignoring me?
45:33It's because you put meaning in Jun's meaningless behavior.
45:37You're annoying.
45:39I don't know. Hang up.
45:42It's annoying.
45:59I'm sorry.
46:02Isn't it time to be in the academy?
46:05No, it's time to tell you something.
46:16What do you want to say?
46:22I like you.
46:25Go out with me.
46:30How can you refuse my confession?
46:33I'm sorry.
46:40Do you have someone you like?
46:44Is it someone I know?
47:00How can you do this to me?
47:02You're a bad guy.
47:03I don't know what to do.
47:07Do you want to go to Seonho?
47:10You eat it.
47:13What's this?
47:15Why are you hitting me?
47:16I don't like you.
47:21I was rejected by Son Woo-joon.
47:23Are you a pervert?
47:24Where are you now?
47:27I thought you were so funny.
47:29Hey, look at this.
47:30Your eyes are black.
47:32Do you want to die?
47:34Okay, hit me.
47:36Hit me.
47:37If you hit me and you feel better,
47:39Hit me as much as you want.
47:41That's what I'm doing.
47:44I'm going to take revenge.
47:46What revenge?
47:47I'm going to kick Lala out of my house.
47:52Then Lala will go straight to Lala Land.
47:55Think about it.
47:56There's no place for her to go.
47:58And I told you to put the enemy close to you.
48:03It's much better to see it in your eyes.
48:06Haven't you heard of that?
48:08I don't know.
48:13That's why you're always behind me.
48:16If anyone hears it, they'll think you're the best in school.
48:20I'm going to cancel what I said earlier.
48:21I'm just going to leave Lala at my house.
48:23That's a good idea.
48:25You're so good.
48:28So why did you confess without my permission?
48:31You're being ignored.
48:34It's up to me.
48:36It doesn't matter.
48:44Can't you feel anything weird about Lala these days?
48:49There's definitely something going on with Mr. Cha.
48:54Here you go.
48:56It's Hayden Sonata's house.
48:58I have this, too.
49:00I was packing up a while ago and found it.
49:03Oh, this.
49:05It's a song that I went to a competition in the third grade of elementary school.
49:10I went to a competition with this, too.
49:12Of course, I won the grand prize.
49:15Mr. Cha, who is good at everything, must have won the grand prize every time he went to a competition.
49:20I was second place all year round.
49:22I've been third place and fifth place.
49:24I had a friend who was really good at it.
49:27He won all the grand prizes.
49:29You must have been upset.
49:31No, not at all.
49:32I heard he was really good at it.
49:36Well, if there's someone like that, there's someone like me.
49:40I understand.
49:42How about you play this song at the competition?
49:46Sounds good.
49:48Wow, look at the score.
49:50As expected, a model student is different.
49:53How was it, Nara?
50:02Please draw a banana this time.
50:08Nara, you know it's not time to study coloring, right?
50:20Why are you laughing?
50:22The banana looks like a poop.
50:34I'm laughing because of you.
50:36Because of you.
50:38If you had high blood pressure, you would have fallen over a hundred times.
50:47If you want to teach this...
50:49Okay, I'll look forward to it.
50:54It's going to be really hard.
50:56That's right.
50:58I saw you two eating ice cream at the playground last time.
51:01Really? The two of you?
51:04Then it could work out for the two of you.
51:11That's right.
51:14Hey, I have an amazing idea.
51:17What is it?
51:18You have to help me.
51:24It's too late. I'm sorry.
51:26It's okay.
51:27What is it? Seung-gi and Hayoung aren't here yet?
51:30It's a little late.
51:35Nara and Seung-gi can't go because of the extra classes.
51:38I'm sorry.
51:39They can't come because of the extra classes?
51:42They made an appointment first.
51:45I know.
51:55You don't think it's a day today, do you?
51:57Should we just go?
51:59Let's just see each other.
52:02We've come this far.
52:10Okay, then.
52:21This is the only movie I made in time.
52:25It's okay, right?
52:26Of course.
52:29I'm scared.
52:49Did she go home early today?
52:58Mimi, where's the owner?
53:02Is he coming?
53:03Okay, okay.
53:07Then, shall we cook?
53:48I'm sorry.
53:49I'm sorry.
53:50I'm sorry.
53:51I'm sorry.
53:52I'm sorry.
53:53I'm sorry.
53:54I'm sorry.
53:55I'm sorry.
53:56I'm sorry.
53:57I'm sorry.
53:58I'm sorry.
53:59I'm sorry.
54:00I'm sorry.
54:01I'm sorry.
54:02I'm sorry.
54:03I'm sorry.
54:04I'm sorry.
54:05I'm sorry.
54:06I'm sorry.
54:07I'm sorry.
54:08I'm sorry.
54:09I'm sorry.
54:10I'm sorry.
54:11I'm sorry.
54:12I'm sorry.
54:13I'm sorry.
54:14I'm sorry.
54:15I'm sorry.
54:16I'm sorry.
54:18I'm sorry.
54:21I'm sorry.
54:22I'm sorry.
54:31Yes, Jun.
54:35Didуст find out about this?
54:40Okay, then I'm hanging up now.
54:47I think she went to the movies with Mr. Cha.
54:53I'm 100% sure that she went to the movies with Mr. Cha.
55:10You like Nara, don't you?
55:13It may sound like a topic, but tell her that you're going to ask her out.
55:18What are you talking about?
55:20Hayoung told me not to tell her.
55:25Mr. Cha and Nara may get along well.
55:29Hayoung is working really hard between the two of them.
55:34I don't believe it.
56:12Can I come closer to you?
57:12Should I buy you an air conditioner?
57:42What are you thinking about?
58:11I'm not asking you out.
58:13You have to confess to her first.
58:14When you can't break up after confessing, you can tell her.
58:17Don't cheat on her for no reason. Just let her go.
58:20When Jaemin comes to play the piano, his face is bright.
58:22Who are you?
58:23I'm her husband.
58:25I fell in love with her.
58:27One day, I was happy in the gloomy days, and it was you.
58:32Have you ever seen this man?
58:34Oh, this man. He came with a woman a while ago.
58:37Nara, thank you for coming to me.
58:41You're welcome.
