War Thunder - Dev Server 1.47 test flights

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In this episode I test fly the aircraft added in Patch 1.47 that I haven't test flown yet, such as the A-20, IL-2 (1941), BF-109 G14 and more!

Also sorry if the engine is somewhat loud, been having problems with volume control (is quiet and almost inaudible in game but quite loud in the recording).

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Game: War Thunder ⬅️

#warthunder #devserver #patch #2015 #toreno
00:00Hello everybody, and welcome back to the patch 1.47 dev server.
00:04As you already know, I have actually been on the dev server a few times, gone over quite a lot of information.
00:09But I've just gone back over it to test fly some of the aircraft I haven't really looked at as much.
00:14And the first one I'm doing is the A-20 G-30.
00:18Now, what you're actually looking at is the A-20 G-30 we have in-game.
00:22It's not even a different variant, from what I understand.
00:25And basically, there isn't an awful lot of difference.
00:28It has the same stats, as far as I can tell. It looks mostly the same.
00:32The only difference I can see is there's a red mark on the tail rudder at the back, and a slightly flatter turret.
00:41Other than that, I'm not entirely sure what difference there is between these two aircraft.
00:46I'm not sure whether it's a reskin or something.
00:51I'm not really sure what they've done with it. It isn't labelled as an improved graphic.
00:56So, I don't know what changes they've made to it.
00:59I'll do a bit more searching on it, but I haven't really come across much information at the moment.
01:05And, yeah, as you can see for comparison, here is the new one.
01:09So we're going to take it out for a quick test flight.
01:12So here we are on Pearl Harbor.
01:14I actually had to go and quit the game, and for some reason the sound kept muted again.
01:19I also apologise if the engines were a little bit loud.
01:22It's because of the way it works, I can't actually turn the sound down for some reason.
01:29Well, I can turn the microphone down, but it doesn't matter what I turn it down to.
01:34It still comes out as the normal sound for some reason.
01:39So, yeah, I do apologise about that.
01:42Now, it doesn't actually feel that much different to the normal A-20.
01:47This isn't realistic, which is where I... I haven't used the A-20 in realistic, really.
01:53I don't know if it gets more bazooka or rockets than usual.
01:58I'll quickly try a strafing run on this carrier.
02:03I'm not really sure if there's much difference between the normal one and the moment.
02:11No, predictably it didn't do that much.
02:15Let's see if we can do a loop-de-loop.
02:21I'm starting to think this is not a very good idea.
02:26Okay, so it can do a loop-de-loop, just about.
02:33How well does it turn?
02:37Maybe I should get some speed and level off turning.
02:44It turns reasonably well.
02:48Though, again, fighters are obviously out-turning it.
02:53It goes decently fast.
02:56Let's see if we can't land it.
02:58Hopefully we've slowed down enough before.
03:02Yeah, it seems to turn pretty well.
03:07How's the elevator? Actually, yeah, how's the elevators?
03:12It's going quite slow, but the elevators respond quite well as well.
03:17Oh, we did mention there was a lot of landing flaps.
03:23So yeah, it seems okay, but again, I don't know how much difference this is to the one we've got in-game.
03:28Technically the stats should be about the same.
03:31So, yeah.
03:32So we'll move on to the next aircraft, which is the G-14.
03:40Now, the reason we're doing the G-14 and not one of the other American planes is...
03:45Well, there's only two other American planes.
03:47The B-29, which I have done two test flights of.
03:52So, yeah, I'm not going to do that a third time.
03:54And the other one is the Canberra B-57B, which...
03:59Oh god, this is fast.
04:01...which I can't actually test-fly, unfortunately.
04:04Wow, this is...
04:06I'm pretty sure this is to our realistic battles.
04:10Wow, this is very fast.
04:12I mean, that was insane.
04:15Yeah, it's realistic because it's not just turning straight away, but bloody hell.
04:20I've kind of just not really been too bothered about this aircraft.
04:24Because it was folded, and I don't know if you go for folded aircraft because it doesn't really help with unlocking new ones.
04:32But this is actually pretty good.
04:34This is all stock as well.
04:40Oh, turning's a bit weird.
04:43I know they're not good turn-fighters, but Jesus, that was weird.
04:48Okay, it goes pretty fast.
04:51Right, no, that'll probably rip them off.
04:55Try turning it again.
04:57I don't know why it keeps not wanting to...
05:02Maybe it's meant to be like that? I don't know.
05:06Uh, elevators?
05:10Eh, they're reasonably responsive.
05:14Well, there was some...
05:16It did go a bit weird just trying to go down.
05:19It could be possibly lag, though, or frame rate that's causing that.
05:23I know if the frame rate's low enough, that does cause the rudders and elevators to go a bit weird.
05:32Well, I'm going to a decent amount of height there and then manage to regain all of our speed back.
05:38Yeah, I quite like this aircraft.
05:41It's only got the same armament as the G-6, but this is a very good aircraft.
05:47I'm only doing quick brief test flights here.
05:53I'm going to try it with combat flaps, because this is ridiculous.
05:56But then they get ripped off, which is predictable.
05:59Okay, it's very good, it's just not very good at turning.
06:02So, return to the hangar.
06:06Now, the next plane will be the R-2 1941.
06:09Again, I'm not test flying the Focke-Wulf 200, because I've already test flown it quite a few times.
06:16I'll take what I think is a standard bomb load, because...
06:20Well, it depends.
06:22This R-2 is armed with Chevak cannons, which, from what I understand, aren't particularly good against tanks.
06:28So, I'm wondering if this will be used as a more fighter aircraft type R-2.
06:33But again, you will have people who are going to use it as bombers or attack aircraft.
06:39So, I'll take bomb load, because that's probably what people are going to be using.
06:47I assume.
06:49We'll see how we go.
06:51So, we've got four rockets and eight bombs.
06:53Oh, sorry, eight bombs and four rockets.
06:56I'll try it with the bombs and rockets and then drop them.
06:59Which, as far as I'm aware, as soon as you drop them, it just has no drag effect.
07:04So, I'm assuming the things holding the rockets and bombs in place would actually cause drag in real life.
07:10But I don't think it works like that in-game.
07:13I'm sorry if my voice is going a little bit.
07:15Really should have got a drink of water before doing this.
07:19Ah, seems like a nice little plane.
07:23It does look a bit more old-fashioned than the usual R-2s.
07:28Right, so straight off the bat, it does seem quite slow.
07:32Although, you have got a ton of armour on it.
07:36Try and level out a little bit.
07:39And turn.
07:42Now this does want to turn properly.
07:46So, yeah, it seems...
07:50Well, I don't know if it's a fast turn, but it doesn't cause the all sorts of problems that the G-14 was.
07:56I don't know if the front bit looks more pronounced, that little dip.
08:03Right, it seems underpowered, if I'm honest.
08:07I'm going to try dropping the bombs.
08:10I don't know if it's the bombs causing all this.
08:13Fire from rockets.
08:15It'd be cool if we actually hit something.
08:17Oh no, they fell really far.
08:19Yeah, we've picked up quite a bit of speed now.
08:25Okay, it turns reasonably well.
08:29But we do seem to be losing height.
08:33I don't know if that... I don't know why that's happening.
08:40So, just test firing the cannons.
08:42Making sure they're on the wings, where they usually are.
08:46Right, so turning's okay.
08:48How's the elevators?
08:51The elevators respond reasonably well.
08:56So, yeah, this seems like a fairly manoeuvrable aircraft.
09:00Just not with bombs attached.
09:03We'll regain some height before we get our bombs back and then try again.
09:09Just in case it was just the low take-off speed that was causing all that.
09:17You can definitely feel it's a bit slower this time.
09:20But it does seem reasonably... still okay speed.
09:26Might just try it with the rockets on.
09:28We've only got like 7 seconds to go.
09:32Maybe hit this vehicle over here.
09:37Try more turns.
09:40Oh god, yeah, this is...
09:43Seems to still be turning okay, but it's just losing a ton of height.
09:49Although the elevators still respond pretty well.
09:52So, yeah, it seems okay.
09:54Just maybe not with a bomb load so much, which is understandable.
09:59Quickly move on to another aircraft.
10:06Now, the last aircraft is actually a Japanese one.
10:09Well, it's a premium, the J2M-4K.
10:12I have no idea how this is going to work out with test flight.
10:17Limited fuel and all that.
10:20I don't know how good this is.
10:23I haven't used the J2M-3 at all, I don't think.
10:27I don't know how the J2M-4 will be.
10:30I've heard some good things about the J2M-3.
10:34I assume a forward-being-improved version.
10:37But we'll just have to wait and see.
10:40Oh, there's that canopy opening.
10:43Close it back up.
10:45See if the light... if it does, I can't tell.
10:48Looks like a nice little plane, although it seems a bit slow taking off.
10:54Especially after that Bf 109.
10:57Getting off the ground.
11:00Looks weird as well, a bit stubby and short maybe.
11:03Maybe I'm just...
11:06Maybe I'm not used to it.
11:08Right, get some height.
11:10Wing-mounted cannons.
11:12Oh dear, the frames.
11:15Not good for testing.
11:17See if the elevators are first.
11:24Seems reasonably...
11:26I don't know, it seems quite slow to respond.
11:28At least going upwards.
11:30A little bit downwards.
11:32Slower than the other ones anyway.
11:37Try turning it.
11:39That's something Japan's always good at.
11:43Yeah, it turns pretty good.
11:48We're actually gaining speed while turning.
11:53Right, so we'll pull up a little bit.
11:56I wonder if we can do a loop-to-loop.
12:01It's probably not actually a loop-to-loop, is it?
12:04I've forgotten the name.
12:08Because of the radiators.
12:11You can see them coming open a little bit when we...
12:15Oh no, they aren't coming open when we go to WEP.
12:17I just couldn't see them properly.
12:21It's a reasonably fast plane.
12:24Going up to nearly 200mph.
12:27But just level flying, which is good.
12:31I don't know what's reasonable at tier 4.
12:34But yeah, it seems like a fast little plane.
12:38So yeah, that's the J2M-4K.
12:40And we'll return to the hangar quick.
12:43Now I'll probably end the episode there.
12:46And I'm not going to really test-drive the tanks.
12:49For two simple reasons.
12:51One, I've test-drove all the ones I can drive that people are really interested in.
12:55Things like the T-28E and the T-126 are quite similar to tanks we've already got in the game.
13:02The T-28E is just another variant of the T-28.
13:05We already know how it's going to handle, really.
13:08The second and quite important reason is the dev server is due to shut down in about 5 minutes.
13:15So I'm not going to have much time to really dawdle doing more test-drives.
13:20Yeah, so thanks for watching.
13:23Hope you enjoyed the episode.
13:25Leave a like if you liked the video.
13:28Leave feedback, can always do with more feedback.
13:30Subscribe if you like these sorts of videos.
13:32Yeah, thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.
