"महाभारत युद्ध के बाद हुई ये 9 बड़ी घटनाएं: युग का अद्भुत परिवर्तन | इतिहास और रहस्य"

  • last month
"महाभारत युद्ध के बाद, भारतीय इतिहास में कई महत्वपूर्ण घटनाएं घटीं जो युगों को बदलकर रख दिया। इस वीडियो में, हम आपको उन नौ बड़ी घटनाओं के बारे में बताएंगे जो महाभारत के युद्ध के बाद हुईं। यह घटनाएं न केवल इतिहास को बदल दीं, बल्कि समाज और धर्म को भी नए रूप में परिभाषित किया। यह रोमांचक वीडियो आपको भारतीय इतिहास के अद्वितीय संग्रह में ले जाएगा।"

#महाभारत #युद्ध #भारतीयइतिहास #घटनाएं #परिवर्तन #धर्म #युग


00:00The Mahabharata war, which was fought in the Kurukshetra of present-day Haryana, is considered to be one of the most ferocious wars fought in human history so far.
00:10According to religious texts, this war was so devastating that despite lasting only for 18 days, about 80% of the Indian population died.
00:21This war has only been described in more than a quarter of the Mahabharata text.
00:27As a result of the Mahabharata war, the Pandavas won despite being less in number and lost despite being far more in number than the Pandavas.
00:38The reason for this was that their deeds were considered.
00:41They were considered to walk on the path of morality and immorality.
00:44They were considered to stand in favor and against the laws of fate.
00:48The Pandavas won the war and Shri Krishna made Yudhishthira, the eldest brother of the Pandavas, the Rajtilak.
00:54How was the Rajtilak of the Pandavas destroyed?
01:00What happened when the throne of Hastinapur came into the hands of the Pandavas?
01:04How long did the Pandavas rule over Hastinapur?
01:07How did they die or were they actually killed?
01:11And most importantly, what happened to Lord Krishna?
01:15Many such questions arise in the mind.
01:17After winning the Kurukshetra war, the Pandavas got the rule of Hastinapur.
01:22Yudhishthira was made the king of Hastinapur.
01:25But on the other hand, Gandhari was living a miserable life.
01:31She was mourning the death of her 100 sons.
01:34When Yudhishthira was given the throne and it was time for Shri Krishna to leave Hastinapur,
01:40he went to Gandhari and Gandhari cursed Shri Krishna that his dynasty would be destroyed.
01:48After Mahabharata, the Pandavas ruled over Hastinapur for 26 years.
01:52Meanwhile, Gandhari's curse began to show its effect and an unfortunate incident occurred in the city of Dwarka of Shri Krishna.
01:59There, during a festival, all the Yadu dynasties started fighting among themselves and started killing each other.
02:06This incident took place near Somnath in the Prabhaskh area.
02:10After killing each other in the Prabhaskh area, Balramji went back to his realm.
02:17After this, Shri Krishna started living in the Prabhaskh area in solitude.
02:22One day, he was sitting under a tree in meditation.
02:26Then a hunter by the name of Zara accidentally shot an arrow in his foot and Shri Krishna left that human body.
02:34After Shri Krishna's return to Vaikuntha, Devarshi Ved Vyas told Arjun that the life of Shri Krishna and his brothers was over.
02:44The night on which Shri Krishna returned to Vaikuntha, the Kali Yuga began.
02:50Upon receiving the news of Shri Krishna's departure from Ved Vyasji, Yudhishthir performed the Raj Tilak of his great grandson Parikshit.
02:57Then he left for the Himalayas with all his brothers and Draupadi.
03:02According to Mahabharata, they go to heaven from the Himalayas.
03:05And on this journey, Yamadeva, who came in the form of a dog, guides them.
03:11As all the Pandavas ascend to the top of the Himalayas, they fall one by one.
03:17And their souls leave their bodies.
03:21This process begins with Draupadi and ends with Bheem's death.
03:27Because of his death, his desires, desires, and his pride, he is connected to all the problems.
03:34It was only Yudhishthir who did not feel proud of anything.
03:38Because of this, only in the form of a living being, they are able to reach the entrance of heaven on the top of the Himalayas.
03:44At the entrance of heaven, Lord Yama leaves the form of a dog and comes in his real form.
03:51And before letting Yudhishthir enter heaven, he takes him to hell.
03:56In hell, Yudhishthir sees his brothers and Draupadi accepting their sins.
04:01So he frees them from their sins.
04:04After this, Lord Indra takes Yudhishthir to heaven.
04:07And he promises them that his brothers and Draupadi will soon take their place in heaven.
04:12Lord Krishna and the Pandavas left the mortal world in this way.
04:17After this, the Kali Yuga began, which is still going on.
04:20Till now, 5000 years of the Kali Yuga have been completed.
04:24What is the period of the Kali Yuga?
04:26Let's see it one by one.
