War Thunder Patch 1.47 devblog - B-29 superfortress, Flakpanzer 38t Gepard and map changes

  • last month
In this episode I quickly take a look at the new patch 1.47 announcements regarding the B-29 Superfortress and Flakpanzer 38, as well as covering details missed in the last patch 1.47 round up episode.

WWII: The Directory of Weapons
Weapons of World War II


B-29 and Flakpanzer 38 (T) Gepard

Map changes

Picture cites

Flakpanzer 38 (T) Gepard:

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#warthunder #b29 #superfortress #gepard #patch #update #1.47 #toreno
00:00Hello everybody, and welcome back to another patch 1.47 episode.
00:04I wasn't actually intending to do one, you know, there wasn't anything to do a recording of and it's Sunday, they usually don't release anything on Sunday.
00:12But I was just about to log into the game and I saw this in my newsfeed.
00:16In development, B-29 Superfortress and Flakpanzer 38T Jeppard.
00:22Yes, they are adding the B-29. I'll quickly show you some better pictures.
00:27Now, the B-29, it looks quite detailed.
00:30Most of the new aircraft look detailed, but the B-29 especially, because it's actually been done for quite a while.
00:37From what I understand, they actually finished it quite a while back.
00:41There are pictures from over a year ago, but it was never added because it was just too overpowered.
00:46There weren't aircraft able to deal with it.
00:48Now, we don't get much information from the dev blog.
00:50We get dimensions and stuff like that.
00:53But it does mention excellent flight characteristics, speeds of over 600km an hour, climb to 9km in about 30 minutes.
01:02My book actually has it as a max speed of 576km, so maybe they're rounding up.
01:08But it also says it can only get to 6000m in 38 minutes, so maybe it's...
01:15I don't know where Gaijin have got their stats from.
01:20Maybe they're just rounding up or being general about it, rather than specific.
01:24So far we can see it's got quite good flight characteristics, but it also mentions...
01:29Well, this is a bit of a downside.
01:31Able to carry 4,500lbs worth of bombs over a distance of 4,800km.
01:37Now, I don't know if the 4,500lbs worth of bombs is the maximum bomb load it's going to have, or not.
01:44I've actually got in my book that it could carry up to 20,000lbs, but it doesn't say what distance.
01:50So 4,500lbs sounds a little less than what I expect.
01:55I could be wrong, but maybe they're just using that as an example, and that's not how many it's going to have in the game.
02:02Hopefully it'll have more bombs than that, and hopefully they'll scale the bomb sites and airfields health-wise.
02:12So it'll be not too overpowered.
02:16Now, the dev blog entry doesn't tell us much more information, but from this picture, which is why I've gone back to it, we can glean one bit of information.
02:24If you look at the rear turret, you can see two barrels.
02:27Now, as far as I can tell, they are .50 caliber machine guns.
02:32It's kind of weird, I've heard they could have three .50 caliber machine guns in the back, or two machine guns and a 20mm cannon.
02:41But apparently the 20mm cannon was sometimes removed.
02:44So it seems they have just gone for the two .50 caliber machine guns, which is understandable.
02:49It's quite a big aircraft, it's already quite overpowered.
02:52I've heard of some examples having four machine guns in the top front turret, but I can't see four barrels, so I assume they have just gone for the minimum firepower.
03:02Which, again, is understandable because it is quite a powerful aircraft.
03:06Now, we're all wondering where it'll go in the tech tree.
03:10First of all, I don't think it'll go in tier 5, I think that is pretty much exclusively jets, so it'll have to be tier 4.
03:16Above the B-24 for definite.
03:19Battle rating wise, well the B-24 really does beat jets sometimes, so I have a feeling the B-29 is going to have a lot of problems with jets.
03:27You know, it's a powerful aircraft, but against jets, most aircraft are going to be quite useless.
03:34So what would its effect be in game?
03:37Well, like I said, they didn't add it in for a long time because there wasn't many aircraft able to deal with it.
03:41They haven't added that many higher tiered props lately, I don't think.
03:45There were those Spitfires and some Japanese aircraft, but it's mainly jets that have been added recently.
03:54So I think it's probably going to be going against jets.
03:58The only thing I can think that's been added recently that will make them change their mind about adding it in the game.
04:04Unless they're adding something in patch 1.47 that's made them change their minds.
04:09It's hard to tell really.
04:12I think it'll be a good aircraft, but I really think they're going to have to up the base health.
04:17At the moment, it's easier to destroy bases.
04:21The German bombers carry something like 4,000kg worth of bombs, and Lancasters can destroy two bases in one run.
04:30So they're definitely going to have to up the base and airfield health.
04:34Otherwise, this is going to be causing lots of problems online.
04:38And again, we probably need a bit of clarification of where it's going to be battle rating wise, if it's going to be facing jets or not.
04:45I fear it probably will be facing jets.
04:48The B-29 was used in Korea. It wasn't used for long, because it was against jets.
04:53So Gaijin could probably claim it as a Korea War bomber or something like that.
04:58Maybe it'll get two variants of different battle ratings, I don't know.
05:01But this is definitely one of the things I'm looking forward to the most in the new tech tree.
05:05Especially because I will actually be in a position to unlock this aircraft.
05:09So definitely looking forward to it, and it'll be a good addition for the game.
05:13But of course, the B-29 is not the only thing being added.
05:18I've forgotten the name of it already.
05:21Flakpanzer 38T Gepard.
05:24I apologise for any pronunciation.
05:27Now I think this is going to be a low tier aircraft.
05:29It actually says better protection than its predecessor, the Flakpanzer 1.
05:33The fact he's comparing it to the Flakpanzer sort of implies to me it's going to be after the Flakpanzer, but not that much.
05:39It mentions the major differences in new turrets situated in the rear.
05:44The firing position, armour plates are reclined.
05:46Cast armoured hood for the driver.
05:48Stuff like that.
05:50And then just other general information.
05:52Try and get a better picture of the tank.
05:55I should be getting some pictures now.
05:57Now, I haven't actually got that much information on this tank.
06:00None of my books particularly mention it in great detail.
06:04From what I understand it has 10-15mm of armour.
06:07And is armed with a 2cm AA gun.
06:12So quite similar to the Flakpanzer 1 that we already have.
06:16And can do up to about 26mph.
06:19So straight off the bat it's pretty much superior to the Flakpanzer 1 in every way.
06:24It's got thicker armour.
06:26The Flakpanzer 1 only has 13mm around the hull and 7mm all around the turret.
06:31And only does up to 19mph.
06:33While the Flakpanzer 38T, you know, 10-15mm and 26mph.
06:40Now of course the Flakpanzer 38T is actually based on the...
06:44I'm forgetting the name of it.
06:46The Panzer 38T.
06:48It was actually a Czech tank.
06:50But Germany took them for themselves when they took over Czechoslovakia.
06:55Where would it be on the tech tree?
06:58The next up from the Flakpanzer is the Sd.Kfz.
07:02With a battle rating of 3.
07:04Flakpanzer's battle rating of 1.3.
07:07I think it would be either very low tier 2 or very high tier 1.
07:11I can't see it being any higher than the truck version with the 37mm cannon.
07:17I think it would be a battle rating of 2-something.
07:21Because it's more well armoured and it's got the same gun but it's faster.
07:25So yeah, that's probably where it would be battle rating wise.
07:29In my opinion.
07:31Will it have much of an effect?
07:33I don't think it will have that much of an effect in game.
07:35I very rarely see AA tanks taking down enemy aircraft.
07:39Unless they're really fast firing the enemy aircraft really low.
07:43I really just use them in realistic if I just happen to have enough spawn points for it.
07:47So I can maybe get a very lucky kill with some hits to get enough points back.
07:52But it's definitely a good addition to the game.
07:54Not knocking the idea of adding it.
07:58I just personally don't find AA tanks that attractive.
08:01Those of you who do use AA tanks.
08:04Leave your own thoughts on it in the comments.
08:06You may have different views.
08:08Maybe this is something really good for you.
08:10But yeah, it's definitely a good addition.
08:12Just don't see how useful it's going to be.
08:14For me at least.
08:16Now, before I end the episode.
08:18There's one other thing I want to talk about.
08:20As you remember I did the patch 1.47 round up episode yesterday.
08:24And I forgot to mention about the ground force map changes.
08:26So I'll quickly, very quickly go over them.
08:30Now for Kuban.
08:32They're going to be doing what they've done work to the western part of Kuban.
08:34Smooth the general topography.
08:36Resulting in more fluent vehicle travel.
08:38And remove the hill in the northwest part of the map.
08:40And a ravine that you can cross without having to detour instead.
08:44Adding a stone shelter on a hill overlooking the lake.
08:46So tanks with high profiles can fight enemies crossing the path.
08:50And be protected from enemy attacks.
08:54Also marked rough slopes with rocks.
08:56So you can see steep descents earlier than later.
09:01The mountain near the northern airfield has been modified to allow easier access for aircraft to land.
09:05I've heard quite a few complaints about some of the airfields being hard to land on.
09:09Or just having general things you wouldn't have on an airfield.
09:11Like trees on the runway.
09:13So that's definitely a good change.
09:15Main focus was to improve the ability for a greater variety of tactical manoeuvres.
09:19Created a fork in the road in the eastern area of the spawn.
09:23And a convenient pathway to the central elevation from the northwestern side.
09:27Okay, that's good.
09:29I don't know what effect these changes actually have by the way.
09:33Other than the airfield one so far.
09:35Because I don't always get on these maps that often.
09:39Changing the topography to achieve a better balance for a variety of game modes.
09:43Altered the terrain of western and central capture points.
09:47Points used in arcade mode.
09:49And southern capture points used in realistic battles.
09:51Meant to equalise the chances of victory for both teams.
09:56Doesn't really say what they changed.
09:58I assume they've just flattened it a little bit.
10:00Eastern Europe.
10:02Now this is one that is definitely good for me.
10:04Redesigned many areas of the city.
10:06Added unique areas and squares.
10:08And improved performance on the map.
10:10I always have a lot of trouble with lag on the city maps especially.
10:14So this is very good for me.
10:16Yeah, so that's it for today's episode.
10:20I hope you enjoyed it.
10:22Sorry it's a bit rushed.
10:24Like I said, I wasn't expecting any of this to come out today.
10:26Being a Sunday and all that.
10:28If you liked the episode, leave a like.
10:30Subscribe if you like these sorts of videos.
10:32Leave feedback.
10:34Thanks for watching. I'll see you next time.
