In this video I try out the new arcade mode introduced for War Thunder ground forces, which also allows me to properly play ground forces for the first time in months.
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#warthunder #patch #update #tank #toreno
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Game: War Thunder ⬅️
#warthunder #patch #update #tank #toreno
00:00Hello everybody, as you can see I'm in War Thunder Ground Forces on the dev server.
00:09Like I said, I haven't played it in quite a long time.
00:15Well, I started playing it a bit more recently.
00:19I'm trying to get into the swing of things and also show off the new arcade mode.
00:28I love how he does the animations.
00:31Basically, they've changed it into killstreaks from Call of Duty.
00:37You get a certain amount of kills so you get to unlock bonuses.
00:43Killstreaks. There we are.
00:46Someone's got enough kills. Basically, that stuff on the bottom is your killstreaks.
00:51I think the second one is probably Heavy Fighter and then Bomber.
00:57Right, I've just found a tank.
01:01And one-shotted it.
01:03Sorry if it goes a bit slow, I'm still tweaking the graphics settings on the dev server.
01:07I haven't quite finished.
01:11And, oh god, oh god, I've been shot at.
01:14It's only an AA gun, but basically the more points you get...
01:18Oh, we've been killed.
01:20The more points you get, the more...
01:23Oh, I should have shown that, actually.
01:26You can use your killstreaks.
01:29Finally got it out.
01:31Your tank isn't actually destroyed.
01:33It's a bit like the UAVs, or, not the UAVs, the AC-130s from Call of Duty.
01:39You call it in, your guy sits down and pulls out a laptop.
01:43If you die, you die.
01:45When you killstreaks over, you respawn.
01:48If you don't die, you just carry on as normal.
01:52Well, I think that's how it happens, anyway.
01:54I haven't actually done it yet.
01:56Now, I've got my artillery.
01:58Now, this is actually different than I expected.
02:00I thought it was going to be...
02:02Already wounded?
02:04I thought it was going to be you had to unlock that as well, still.
02:08Yeah, that seems to have already been unlocked.
02:11I know you can save it up to three artillery strikes now, or something.
02:16I can see him through the...
02:22Oh, I've had a shot on him for like half a second.
02:27Fire high explosive.
02:29How is he doing that? That's twice now.
02:37Oh, he just went through and killed two of my guys.
02:39Yeah, but that's the new killcam sort of thing as well.
02:42I should have mentioned.
02:44As you can see, I'm not doing very well here.
02:46But, like I said in my defence, I haven't played this in a very long time.
02:53Right, now I should really be changing the spawn points as well.
03:03Let's see if I can get somewhere near to the...
03:07Enemy, or get one more kill.
03:09I mean, I was going to say get a kill, but I've already got one at the beginning.
03:13Oh no, it was against an AI tank.
03:15Which is, um...
03:16I know there's been some complaints that the AI tanks are basically tanking damage.
03:20To make up for their not being very smart, they've apparently got a huge damage buff.
03:25I mean, from what I heard.
03:27Like I said, I haven't played this in a while.
03:30I know there's probably some of you more veteran players out there wondering what the hell I'm doing.
03:35But I'm not, you know, I wouldn't blame you.
03:37I've only been killed twice.
03:39So I've obviously done something fairly wrong.
03:43This is actually a lot better than I've played.
03:46I mean, I've got more kills before, but the actual performance...
03:50Usually I've had the graphics settings a bit too high, and it's been nigh on unplayable.
03:57I'm going to try and get near the cap circle.
04:01The weaving isn't really intentional.
04:05It's just sort of a weave right to get around the pothole.
04:11I try to weave left and it goes a little too far.
04:15I try to weave right and it goes again too far.
04:22I can't aim that far.
04:28Not sure who he's shooting at.
04:30Oh, is there a tank down there?
04:31Oh, there is.
04:32Oh, I can't quite...
04:37He's shooting right through the top of the turret.
04:39Oh, no, no, no.
04:44My controls are a little too sensitive, I wonder.
04:48I think that was an AI tank, so...
04:52I don't know if that was counted as a kill steal.
04:54I mean, he shot at it, it set it on fire, and then he just sort of stopped trying to shoot at it.
04:59And you did see he started turning his turret towards me, so I didn't want to be defenseless.
05:07Right, got him. T28.
05:09Oh, there's a first customer.
05:13Ah, should be using high explosive.
05:15Oh, got my killstreaks unlocked.
05:18I'm going to see if I can kill this.
05:20I don't want to do it while he's still trundling about.
05:28Come on, reload.
05:32Come on, it's high explosive.
05:34And they're in completely exposed positions.
05:36Right, got him.
05:39Reload armour piercing.
05:41Eye for an eye.
05:42Yes, um...
05:43I don't think that was in there before.
05:45I'm going to call in...
05:47Oh, what do I call in?
05:49Nine or eight.
05:51I haven't seen what eight is, so I'm going to do eight.
05:58I haven't really got a secure spot.
06:00I probably should have done that before.
06:02Um, come on, reverse first.
06:04See if we can...
06:07At least put some distance between us.
06:09Oh, so this is probably more of an attacker aircraft or something.
06:14Well, there's only two people on each team.
06:18So what have I got?
06:19Two rockets, MGs, cannons, and a tonne of AA.
06:29And I forgot the rocket button.
06:31Oh, that was embarrassing.
06:33Um, I actually changed it all the other day to make way for the additional guns option.
06:42And I forgot to...
06:46Oh, got him.
06:47Oh, I shouldn't have fired both of them.
06:49I wasn't sure the other one was going to hit.
06:51So, one rocket killed him and...
06:55I don't know what.
06:56Maybe once you've used your ammo it gets knocked out of it automatically.
07:01Maybe there's a time limit, not sure.
07:03Doing okay so far.
07:06That's actually quite a fun little minigame, but it's impossible to really tell how it'll work.
07:12For the most part, because we've only got two players.
07:17When you start adding more opposition and lots more tanks...
07:23I'm wondering if the heavy bombers are going to be a bit of a problem.
07:26I mean...
07:28You know, the heavy bombers are...
07:35Yeah, that's a bit better.
07:39It's not exactly got the strongest armour in the world.
07:44That really shocked me.
07:46I assumed when the red cross came up it was a game glitch or something.
07:51From that distance, you'd think it would just go straight through.
07:54I mean, other gun barrels give really weird readings in armour.
08:00Inspector, but...
08:01Yeah, I don't know how that happened.
08:05I want to get the high ground, but I don't want to be camping.
08:07Because that's quite a bit of a douche thing to do.
08:13I don't want to give the enemy the advantage, of course.
08:15But I don't want to make it unbearable for them.
08:19I probably have already done that, because I've killed them a lot.
08:23Me and my other friend.
08:29Let's see if I can hit some of the AA.
08:32For some reason I can't hit a wall down.
08:38Oh, I have just realised...
08:41The cap circle has gone to the enemy team, but it's not in ours anymore.
08:47Oh, come on, see if I can get this.
08:51Oh, I was hoping it might just clip the barrel.
08:54On the way.
09:00Probably shouldn't have been dawdling about too much.
09:03Now this tank is the BT-7.
09:04I think this is one of the first, with the Christie suspension.
09:09I think it was American who invented it.
09:12I'm not sure how it works exactly, but it was...
09:14Basically a lot better than what the other tanks at the time had.
09:18Like I said, I think it was American who tried to sell it to the British and American government.
09:22It's actually surprising, most of the government went off tanks.
09:25I think American was actually banned from having tanks.
09:28The infantry were, or was it the cavalry?
09:31I can't remember, but they had to call them combat cars.
09:34Britain experimented with an independent armoured division, or armoured brigade.
09:40I'm going by memory, so I could be wrong.
09:42But they got rid of that.
09:44The Germans apparently liked the idea of it, and used some of the ideas themselves.
09:51As with many things we've invented.
09:56Oh, come on.
09:58Yeah, so...
10:00The Russians obviously, you know, they'd just come out of a big civil war and revolution.
10:04They sort of bought up this and used it to quite good effect.
10:10Well, I'm assuming they did.
10:14Right, we're at point-blank range, armour's not going to matter too much here.
10:21Oh, damn it, I couldn't turn the tank for some reason.
10:24Or I should have kept going.
10:27Oh, straight through to the...
10:30Yeah, the one bad thing about this is it makes me so...
10:32Oh, I've lost all my aircraft planes.
10:36It makes me...
10:37Planes, tanks, it makes me dawdle a lot.
10:39But yeah, that's how the new arcade system seems to be working, so...
10:47It was a very, very, very basic look.
10:51It seemed to be quite good, actually.
10:53I quite liked it.
10:54It's a lot better than I thought it would be, but...
10:57Again, I'm more worried about with the heavy bombers and where lots of planes are going to be doing it.
11:01I mean, I managed to get it.
11:03I haven't played this in ages.
11:05I'm not a very good player.
11:08Someone who has played this quite a lot and is a very good tank driver...
11:12May be unlocking these all of the time, and...
11:16That's probably going to cause a lot of problems.
11:18It starts getting abused.
11:21Yeah, so that's a quick look at the new arcade mode.
11:25Oh, damn, I've just gotten...
11:28You know, the match just finished and I got my points.
11:31It's got a slightly updated thing.
11:33We didn't have that bit there before, I don't think.
11:36Where do I put it on?
11:38Put it on the...
11:41Adjustment for fire.
11:42Oh no, I nearly bought it with...
11:45Bloody Golden Eagles.
11:46Oh, so it doesn't actually...
11:48Oh, that's what I've got. I've got the fire.
11:52Okay, so that's a slightly better thing.
11:56There's some of the missions that...
11:58Oh, they're the ones that were glitched in my last video.
12:01They finally unlocked themselves.
12:04Right, so we've managed to get a second match.
12:06I was actually on the brink of just ending the video where it was.
12:09Because I've just spent like 10-15 minutes trying to get into a match.
12:12I was just literally recording that I apologise...
12:16For not doing the rest of the video, or for not adding more.
12:19And then it finally found a game.
12:22And, um...
12:24Yeah, not particularly full game.
12:272v1. Oh, great.
12:30So, we're off with our T-28.
12:32Is it a T-28?
12:33And it's pickaxe on the...
12:35I've never noticed that before. It's a freaking pickaxe.
12:38Supposing the ice and all that, you probably would need a pickaxe.
12:42No doubt I'm going to get destroyed on here.
12:45Also, apologies if the graphics aren't...
12:48You know, if you haven't got grass and all that.
12:51It's not because I want it off.
12:53It's because I can't really play with it on.
12:58We're already at 10 FPS with recording.
13:01You know, if I didn't record it, it'd be probably about 15.
13:04But 10 FPS, if I added grass or whatever, it would just crash the game.
13:08I could probably do the textures down a little bit, but...
13:11I'll have to restart for that, and the dev server's getting close to closing.
13:16So yeah, apologies about that.
13:19Just going to follow these lots with the cap circle.
13:24I'm hoping...
13:26Oh, we're all...
13:30I think they're all German tanks, aren't they?
13:33I can't really tell from here.
13:37Are they not German?
13:39Maybe I'm wrong.
13:40Ah, there's a BT-7.
13:41I'm hoping they'll notice them first.
13:45And shoot at them.
13:48So, giving me the chance of...
13:51Dealing the killer blow.
13:53Oh, come on, come on!
13:58I have no idea if...
13:59Nope, it's a player.
14:05Oh, ain't...
14:08Literally one shot it.
14:12Oh, I've entered a lot of glaciers, hit a load of crew, and a load of...
14:17And Kaboom.
14:19That didn't go very well at all.
14:21I'm hoping some of my AI buddies will turn up and, you know...
14:25Deal a bit of damage.
14:27I think we may lose this game, quite badly.
14:31To be fair, there's only one of me.
14:34Now they've got a T-35, so it'll be interesting to see how they deal with the T-35.
14:41Obviously I'm going a lot faster now, get up to this ridge line.
14:45Oh, god.
14:55For some reason, the first click didn't actually fire.
14:58I don't know if it's just my mouse, or...
15:01Right, okay, this isn't going to turn out very well, this match.
15:05I suspect.
15:08Okay, at least it's...
15:11Shallow enough, yet.
15:14Time is coming down very quick, so...
15:17I admit I haven't played this in a while, but surely it never went down that bloody quick.
15:21It's only three quarters down.
15:27Now I've just got to get there...
15:29Before the enemy do.
15:33Oh, on the move.
15:35That was a good shot.
15:38Come on, come on, get moving!
15:42I'm just hoping I'll manage to get to the other side.
15:46If I could take him out, that would be such a great end though.
15:49I wouldn't mind losing then.
15:54Oh, yes!
15:56Oh, wait, did I?
15:57No, I didn't.
15:58I thought I killed him.
15:59Okay, so, not exactly a good match.
16:02Sorry, that wasn't exactly the best match ever, but that was literally the only match I could get.
16:12Right, I did unlock something for the BT-7, Adjustment Fire.
16:16Right, be careful not to actually buy anything with Golden Eagles.
16:22Probably Suspension or Research.
16:24Buy the Adjustment Fire.
16:26Right, and one last attempt to try and get a good game.
16:30Well, unfortunately, I've been sitting here for about 10 hours, 10 minutes, trying to get a battle of any sort, realistic and arcade, and it's just not happening.
16:41It was 700 earlier, 40-odd battles, now it's 600 people, 36 battles.
16:47Death Server's going to close in, what time is it?
16:49About 40 minutes, half hour.
16:52I want to try and get one more video in, so I'm not going to try and get another match.
16:57Sorry about that.
16:58Sorry it couldn't be a bit more, you know, more tank fights and all that.
17:02And we'll try and get some more tank fights on the live server and stuff when the new patch is out.
17:07So, I'll see you guys later.
17:17Yeah, sorry about that.
17:18So, thank you for watching.
17:20Leave feedback if you like.
17:22You know, if you want to give feedback, I could always do with more feedback.
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17:30And, well, just thank you for watching, and I'll see you next time.