The Leg Fighters 1980

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English dubs.
Invincible Kung Fu Legs 1980
00:00:30Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,
00:00:59let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,
00:01:29The hand and the foot are the body's natural weapons when attacking an adversary,
00:01:33and a kick with a foot is the most powerful.
00:01:36But there is considerable skill in making the kick with maximum impact.
00:01:44The tan kick is the northern technique.
00:01:47It's a refinement of the Shaolin school of Kung Fu.
00:01:50Its speed and ferocity are its chief points.
00:01:52The Tan family developed it further into three variations.
00:01:56That's why the Tan kick is so lethal.
00:01:58The first style is known as the side of death.
00:02:04The second style aims the kick at the throat.
00:02:12The third style relies on superb accuracy.
00:02:20The Mo kick was developed in the south.
00:02:22It's a series of smooth movements, any one of which can become the attacking kick.
00:02:26It's hard to defend against.
00:02:28Its key movement is known as the dance of the phoenix.
00:02:32Then entering heaven and riding the clouds.
00:02:37But the best technique,
00:02:47the phoenix dance,
00:02:56entering heaven,
00:03:05riding the clouds.
00:03:11The crown kick was developed from Wu-Tang Kung Fu and from body wrestling.
00:03:16It gives the crown kick great strength and a devastating impact.
00:03:36Pengfei, there's no quarrel between us, so why do you insist on challenging me?
00:03:41It's quite simple.
00:03:44One of us has to die.
00:03:46There isn't room enough for us both.
00:03:49As the chief exponent of the crown kick, I reign supreme.
00:03:53Did your brother Pengpao put you up to this?
00:03:55That's enough.
00:03:56I'm confident I'm going to beat you.
00:04:05I'm going to beat you.
00:04:35I'm going to beat you.
00:05:06Pengfei, nobody's the best fighter in the entire world.
00:05:11But if you want to fight, I'm game any time.
00:05:26Tanai Chi, I already told you I'll kill you.
00:05:31You've got no escape.
00:05:33You don't stand a chance against me.
00:06:03You may be the best man in the north, but not here, you ain't.
00:06:33I'm going to kill you.
00:08:04Did Tanai Chi do this by himself?
00:08:08Second Master at one time considered defeat, but Tanai Chi still went ahead and killed him.
00:08:13So that...
00:08:14I've had enough.
00:08:16The Tan Kick School have always been our sworn enemies.
00:08:20We should have dealt with them a long time ago.
00:08:24See to the funeral arrangements.
00:08:27I don't want there to be any expense spared for them.
00:08:32When all this is over,
00:08:34Tanai Chi,
00:08:36I will kick your head off.
00:08:38Put it on my brother's grave.
00:08:52Please stop it, I can't bear it.
00:08:54It's hurting.
00:08:58I can't stand it.
00:08:59Learning Kung Fu isn't easy, you must be patient.
00:09:05I can't stand it.
00:09:07It's hurting.
00:09:08My God, it's hurting me.
00:09:13You have to learn to endure suffering.
00:09:17When you wanted to learn Kung Fu, you asked me to be your teacher.
00:09:22If I'm your teacher, you must do what I tell you.
00:09:29Where's Chen Fa gone to?
00:09:30Why isn't he here?
00:09:31Where is he?
00:09:34Master Mao, have some tea.
00:09:51Chen Fa, quick.
00:09:52Cut the rope quickly.
00:10:00Grab hold of the rope.
00:10:02Yes, I got it.
00:10:30Let go of the rope.
00:10:36My trousers.
00:10:46Get back.
00:10:55What are we going to do, Miss?
00:10:58What's wrong?
00:11:00Miss, what are we going to do?
00:11:10My back.
00:11:27My back.
00:11:38Why are you holding my leg?
00:11:39Let go of the rope.
00:11:41The knife.
00:11:43Chen Fa, something's wrong with your Kung Fu.
00:11:46Look, Miss, don't worry.
00:11:48Failure is sure to bring success.
00:11:51I vow never to give up.
00:11:54You vow?
00:11:55You better forget it.
00:11:56I thought he was going back home.
00:11:58He must go sometime.
00:11:59So why is he still here?
00:12:02I won't say this again, but I always keep my promises.
00:12:07Now, I don't care what technique you two use,
00:12:10but if you can beat me, then I'll go home straight away.
00:12:18Chen Fa, it's going to be hot.
00:12:21Miss, you knew Master Mo was an expert at Kung Fu.
00:12:26So why do you insist on bothering him?
00:12:28You see, you see, now he's hurt himself.
00:12:31Father wanted him to teach me Kung Fu,
00:12:33not to torture me the whole time.
00:12:35I don't know why he wanted to do it.
00:12:37Look, Miss, be patient.
00:12:39If that old fart doesn't leave us soon, I promise you,
00:12:42I'll tear him limb from limb.
00:12:44I'll protect you.
00:12:46Chen Fa, I'm sorry.
00:12:48I'll protect you.
00:12:49Chen Fa, you're as bad as she is in this.
00:12:53If Master Mo hears what you say,
00:12:55he's going to tear you apart limb from limb.
00:12:58He wouldn't.
00:13:00I'm not scared of all his Kung Fu tricks.
00:13:02I know some, too.
00:13:04Let me show them to you.
00:13:09The Lotus Kick.
00:13:13The White Horse Kick.
00:13:18The Tiger Kick.
00:13:26What's wrong?
00:13:27Wasn't that one right?
00:13:29That stupid old man only knows three kicks.
00:13:32To tell you the truth,
00:13:33once I perfected my own kicking style,
00:13:36even that old Mo Kung Fung couldn't beat me.
00:13:40The first one. Now watch carefully.
00:13:49That's the first kick that I'll give him.
00:13:52The second, the Ground Kick.
00:13:55This second style's called
00:13:57Knocking Mo Flat on His Face.
00:14:07Master Mo, how are you?
00:14:09I'm bad. I feel sick.
00:14:12Why are you feeling sick?
00:14:14Did you catch a cold or something?
00:14:16Much more serious than that.
00:14:19That first kicking style of yours,
00:14:22the Knocking Me to the Floor.
00:14:25Do you think I'm feeling happy about that or not?
00:14:29You've upset me utterly now.
00:14:34Master Mo, don't be like that.
00:14:36I was just joking. I was kidding.
00:14:41Didn't you say I could never defeat you?
00:14:44You better put your money where your mouth is.
00:14:46Let's see you now.
00:14:48What's so great about your kick?
00:14:52Hey, Miss!
00:14:54Help me!
00:14:56Master Mo, Chin-Fu is always boasting like that.
00:14:58No one ever takes him seriously.
00:15:00Phoenix, stand back and watch my Kung Fu.
00:15:15All these kicks are designed to instill respect in you.
00:15:19So don't you give me cheek.
00:15:25Phoenix, stay out of it.
00:15:27You just stand back.
00:15:31Come on now, what about your second kick?
00:15:33Let's see that.
00:15:35It's not ready yet.
00:15:37Not ready?
00:15:38I'll teach you. Your head!
00:15:40Turn around!
00:15:41The left! The right!
00:15:44The left! And the sweep!
00:15:51The sweep?
00:15:52But that isn't the sweeping kick.
00:15:54It's called searching for insects.
00:16:05I'll teach you.
00:16:07I thought I told you to stay out of this.
00:16:09Now get back. Go on.
00:16:14That's my neck.
00:16:15Miss, please help me.
00:16:16You've got to help me.
00:16:17You've got to do something.
00:16:21My stomach!
00:16:23I'm done for!
00:16:25Chin-Fu, what's the matter with you?
00:16:27I can't take it anymore.
00:16:29I can't take it anymore.
00:16:31I can't take it anymore.
00:16:33I can't take it anymore.
00:16:35Chin-Fu, what about this stupid old man's kung fu now?
00:16:38Not bad, is it?
00:16:40You still say I can't beat you up?
00:16:42Do you want some more?
00:16:43No, please, no more.
00:16:45Yes, that's the right idea.
00:16:47You've got to practice more and study much, much harder.
00:16:52The stupid old man will be waiting.
00:16:57Chin-Fu, are you feeling all right?
00:16:59It's okay, I'm all right.
00:17:26Quickly, go and tell Miss to come out.
00:17:28Why are you in such a hurry?
00:17:30It's Master Mo.
00:17:31The old man? The old man's going?
00:17:33That's right, he's leaving.
00:17:35He's going back home.
00:17:36He's leaving, eh?
00:17:37Are you sure about it?
00:17:38Yes, absolutely.
00:17:39Are you really sure?
00:17:45Chin-Fu, what are you shouting about?
00:17:47Quickly, come down here, I've got news.
00:17:49Quickly, Mistress, I've got some good news for you.
00:17:51Some really good news, wait till you hear it.
00:17:54What is it?
00:17:55It's fantastic news.
00:17:56I hope you're not getting married,
00:17:58because that isn't very good news for the girl.
00:18:00Oh, not me, not me.
00:18:02That stupid old man is going home.
00:18:04What's that?
00:18:06He's leaving at last.
00:18:07Master Mo, if your wife insists on your going home,
00:18:11I assume she must be really very sick.
00:18:14You needn't worry about us here.
00:18:16You're free to go home.
00:18:18I've sent for one of my best friends to come here
00:18:22and teach your daughter.
00:18:24Should have been here three days ago.
00:18:27I don't know why he's so late getting here.
00:18:30Is that the Tan Hai Chi you mentioned to me?
00:18:33He's widely recognized as being one of the best
00:18:35of the younger group of fighters,
00:18:37and he's studied all the books.
00:18:40He knows all the different styles,
00:18:42practiced very hard.
00:18:44He's become very proficient,
00:18:46much better than me.
00:18:48If you've recommended him, I'm sure he's good.
00:18:51But my daughter's so mischievous.
00:18:55If your wife does recover shortly,
00:18:57I hope you'll come straight back.
00:19:04Phoenix, your master's wife is sick,
00:19:07so Master Mo has got to go home.
00:19:10Master, why are you in such a hurry?
00:19:12Can't you stay here just a little longer?
00:19:14We can throw a party for you.
00:19:16I'm sure you will enjoy that.
00:19:18That's right, Master.
00:19:20If you go now,
00:19:21who's going to teach Mistress her Kung Fu?
00:19:23All right, all right.
00:19:25There's no need for you two to say that.
00:19:27I know you're hoping I would leave.
00:19:30Oh, no, not at all.
00:19:31I'm warning you.
00:19:32Just because I won't be here for a while
00:19:34doesn't mean you and the Mistress aren't to practice hard.
00:19:36If you scarve, I'll have the skin off the pair of you.
00:19:41You're coming back?
00:19:43So what?
00:19:44Don't you want me to come back?
00:19:45Oh, not at all.
00:19:48I hope you return as soon as you can.
00:19:50That's right, come back soon.
00:19:52Don't you forget.
00:19:54If you do want to get rid of me,
00:19:56there's only one way.
00:19:58You have to study Kung Fu hard
00:20:01if you're going to defeat me.
00:20:03And if you do that, I'll never trouble you again.
00:20:07Master, goodbye.
00:20:09Yes, good luck to you.
00:20:12Phoenix, see Master out.
00:20:19You know, Phoenix,
00:20:20I want you to remember these words well.
00:20:23Always practice hard.
00:20:25Don't be lazy.
00:20:27Or else, when I return, I'll punish you.
00:20:30Don't worry, Master.
00:20:32I'll practice every day, just like you said.
00:20:35Mr. Mouth, we'd better say goodbye to you now.
00:20:40No hurry.
00:20:42I'd better be on my way now.
00:20:45You can go back now.
00:20:47Remember to practice.
00:20:49Don't forget.
00:20:50Yes, sir.
00:20:53Master, goodbye.
00:20:54Good luck.
00:20:55God bless you, Master.
00:20:59Master, we're free at last.
00:21:02The stupid old fart has come for good.
00:21:05Master, we're free at last.
00:21:07The stupid old fart has come for good.
00:21:09Don't be too happy.
00:21:10I bet he'll be coming back.
00:21:11By that time, it'll be at least three months.
00:21:14And during that period,
00:21:15we can concentrate on being famous.
00:21:17Being famous?
00:21:18Just what do you have in mind?
00:21:19Well, if you're going to learn all those styles of Kung Fu,
00:21:21you've got to challenge other fighters
00:21:23to improve your own skill.
00:21:24And once you're famous,
00:21:25we don't need to be scared of Mou.
00:21:26And that'll answer all our problems.
00:21:28But we've got to win fights first to be famous.
00:21:30Well, there are lots of fighters around.
00:21:32We could challenge any one of them to a fight.
00:21:36I'm begging you.
00:21:42Hey, Miss, look, there's a fight.
00:21:44Let's join in.
00:21:45Let's go.
00:21:54That's some kick you got there.
00:21:56You show me some respect.
00:21:58You're talking to a lady.
00:21:59You don't dress me politely.
00:22:01So what?
00:22:02Are you going to do something about it if I don't?
00:22:05Of course I will.
00:22:06I'll make you get down on your knees
00:22:07and beg for my forgiveness.
00:22:09And I'll spare your lives.
00:22:11You've got a big mouth.
00:22:13I'm warning you, lady.
00:22:16Us five are all brothers.
00:22:18And you are only one girl.
00:22:21We won't make things hard.
00:22:23If you come with us.
00:22:26And look after her.
00:22:31Stop that.
00:22:48Don't you say that.
00:22:50I'm sorry.
00:22:51I'm sorry.
00:22:52I'm sorry.
00:22:53Miss, all right.
00:22:55He's apologized to you already.
00:23:12Forgive us.
00:23:13Hold it.
00:23:14The rest of you haven't apologized yet.
00:23:16Gentlemen, going somewhere?
00:23:18Didn't you ask me to come with you?
00:23:20No, no, no.
00:23:21We're trying to get out of here.
00:23:24We're trying to get out.
00:23:28Oh, lady, you're going too far with them.
00:23:42Forgive them, stranger.
00:23:45Just who do you think you are?
00:23:47Not just stay out of it.
00:23:48Can you hear what she just said?
00:23:50She said stay out of it.
00:23:51So mind your own business.
00:23:54Go on, get away.
00:24:02Realize that this bunch of idiots are good for nothing, but you punish them enough. I think you should let him go now
00:24:10What do you want are you gonna kill all of them
00:24:16How dare you let them go
00:24:26I've seen enough of your kung-fu technique. I'm going now
00:24:41Lady it's much better that no one gets hurt
00:24:46You stay here
00:24:49Hmm try and make me that's right. Just cause you know how to use some kung-fu. It's not gonna help you
00:25:05The art of kung-fu is to improve oneself it's not for showing off
00:25:22Miss he's gone. Yeah, we let him up a hook that time
00:25:28It's your idea
00:25:39My girl, where have you been all this time? Why have you been away for such a long time?
00:25:45Where I spend my time, it's not your business. Yes. I don't care. I don't disagree
00:25:51That's your father's wish but there's a guest here to see you. We have a guest
00:26:03What's this bastard doing hmm, who the hell are you and what are you doing in our house Phoenix?
00:26:09Don't be so rude to our guest
00:26:12Hi, gee, you have met before dad. This man's a fool. He bullied me shut up. You have said enough already
00:26:21Hi, gee, what is this all about when I was coming here I bumped into your daughter doing a good deed good deed
00:26:29Hi, gee, don't you cover up for her? I know she was up to no good making trouble
00:26:35Phoenix, I'm right. Those bastards were bullying a poor girl. So I sorted them out
00:26:41I didn't do a good deed. You are a lady. You must not fight people in public
00:26:46Just cuz master Moe's gone. No need for you to run wild
00:26:51Master you mustn't blame her. It was all my fault. It was my idea. Really. It was you'd better shut up
00:26:57I know it's all your idea. She'd never do it on her own
00:27:02So I'll punish you
00:27:04A-chung, yes, sir. Take him and beat him
00:27:07Uncle Hulk
00:27:08Mr. Hulk, please go easy on me. Let me keep them on. No
00:27:14rule of the house
00:27:27Uncle Hulk, please don't hit me too hard. Go easy on me. Go easy on me. Chen Fang
00:27:34You mustn't blame me
00:27:36The master said you always liked fighting
00:27:39So he told me to give you a beating until the first blood is spilled on the ground
00:27:46Otherwise, I'm gonna be the one who's punished now. Take it like a man lift up his clothes
00:28:14Your father wants me to be your teacher
00:28:17You learn new styles and study books
00:28:20But I have to tell you this you must obey my orders straightaway. I
00:28:25Know you may not like me, but that doesn't matter. I have the same rules as master Moe
00:28:31I don't care what style you use, but if you can defeat me, I'll leave you alone
00:28:36Hmm now open your study books
00:28:49And learn to concentrate and remember it you must learn never to show your anger
00:28:56You must conduct yourself with dignity
00:28:58Respect your elders obey superiors. If you don't you're not worthy. You'll be punished a
00:29:06Gentleman always shows restraint
00:29:12He must be virtuous and courageous and upright do you understand
00:29:22Mrs. Oh, mr. Tan have some tea
00:29:49Mr. Tan, I'm too young to die. Oh, thank you
00:30:02Mr. Tan, you can hit me anywhere but not my bum, please. Are you afraid?
00:30:18You shouldn't work you better be sure you've got it, right? Absolutely. It'll work this time
00:30:23It's one of my new tricks master Moe taught it to me. It's a good trick
00:30:28This time that bastard Tan is really in for it. I'm gonna make him pay
00:30:49Put me down
00:30:55Mistress it's gonna work this time. You just stand back here and enjoy the show. Okay
00:31:17If this is a new trick, what's it called not up going down
00:31:30I look like an old turtle
00:31:54Pay attention
00:31:55when you're writing
00:31:57You aren't concentrating. How can you write properly?
00:32:01In fact, I don't want to write anything. I just want to learn kung-fu
00:32:06You're wrong
00:32:08Studying books will help you to learn kung-fu to write correctly
00:32:12You must be coordinated and your hand must be steady just as in kung-fu practice
00:32:18It's got nothing to do with kung-fu. Certainly it does you must be coordinated for kung-fu
00:32:24Your hand and I must move together and speed of reaction decides victory or defeat
00:32:29If you can write, well, you learn to concentrate and be calm and strong
00:32:35You might learn wisdom too. Don't underestimate it if you want to learn it
00:32:39You'll have to write now carry on
00:32:49Nice cup of tea I made specially for you. Yeah
00:33:03Go on drink your tea up
00:33:18Why did the tea taste so nice, of course it does that's because it's a special blend
00:33:25You're working too hard have some yourself
00:33:29It's I couldn't take it. I wouldn't be respectful. I won't drink it. No, I can't
00:33:36Never mind I give you permission. So now you'll have to drink it I
00:33:43Just took some medicine I can't drink tea
00:33:47If you drink this tea, I'll give you some more medicine. No, there's already some in it. Oh
00:33:59Talk what's in it? Well, well
00:34:02It's ginseng and honey and chicken. No, I can't I can't drink it. I refuse
00:34:08Are you sure about that? Yes, I'm quite sure then forget it
00:34:51Hey, what are you up to now mistress I'm well aware you neither like me nor respect me
00:34:58You think you're good enough to tackle any style
00:35:01But now I'm gonna go a few rounds using the stick. I
00:35:06Don't care how you manage it
00:35:08But if you can defeat me, I won't bother you again. All right, but you asked for it
00:35:14So don't blame me
00:35:16If I happen to hurt you then I'll have only myself to blame her master 10
00:35:22You're gonna lose this time. My mistress is an all-around expert. She'll soon purvey to you
00:35:28I'm only afraid she's no good at fighting
00:35:32I'm warning you. I'll make you eat those words before I'm through with you
00:35:46You're not performing a show it looks very attractive but does it work
00:36:17Step is wrong. You're unsteady
00:36:19You're not bad at all, but you're weak
00:37:00Don't think you
00:37:36Think I guessed right you aren't good at anything
00:38:01Mistress no need to feel so bad about it. I'm certain I can dream up an idea that will fix this bastard tan forever. Oh
00:38:10Don't bullshit me. Oh, I'm the one who got defeated not you. Oh, I
00:38:16I admit I started it, but I tell you if we let him stay here. We're all gonna pay for a man's business
00:38:27Mister I come in this way. Yeah, they got a table
00:38:35They want you like to order
00:38:40Who's that man that guy he's a local bully boy
00:38:45He likes a pretty sound so he wears a golden bell around his neck seems like he likes it like the Sun
00:38:51That's why everyone calls it master ding-dong
00:38:58Hey ding-dong ding-dong
00:39:01Buy a lovely new bell
00:39:04Hang it on your front door
00:39:06Ding-dong and a guest arrived and all the thieves are scared off
00:39:10A big bells only 10 cents and a small bell only five cents. You can try it if you like
00:39:27Gentlemen a business has been so slow today. So I'm offering a discount and take one free gentlemen
00:39:34You see it's guaranteed
00:39:37Absolutely guaranteed
00:40:07If it isn't mr. Ding-dong, why are you trying to sell all those bells? I hope you're not trying to make fun of us
00:40:12Mister you misunderstand. I'm not selling him anything. I'm going ding-dong
00:40:19You just say that about me
00:40:21Yes, sir. I
00:40:23Didn't mean to miss
00:40:25Well, you still want to explain it?
00:40:28No, I don't have to know it. It's only ding-dong
00:40:33I'm not that stupid
00:40:41Agree that you can be stupid and you should be beaten up. No, no. No. Yes. Yes
00:40:59Well, you just told me to hold it that's right I said hold it do you know who I am
00:41:06Well, I know you're called ding-dong and you're a villain, huh you cheeky girl
00:41:12You aware of what's gonna happen to you? Hey
00:41:15Don't play tough. Take a good look at yourself. No wonder you're called ding-dong
00:41:20I'm sure you sound like a bell when you hit the floor. All your bells will start ringing up once
00:42:14So, you know the crap this this is called a crane
00:42:25What's yours called the dead cream
00:43:05Hey, what's wrong with you what I do you started all this, you know, you ever seen a study Pete style
00:43:59You watch it don't think you're kicking voodoo is all that good I'll be back to show you my ding-dong style
00:44:05I'll be back
00:44:10Mistress if we can just beat up a few more guys who are as famous as fighters as old ding-dong
00:44:16We'll be famous too. You'll see I'm not a you'll be famous
00:44:20Oh, everybody will know you you needn't worry about that stupid idiot
00:44:24Can I cheat cuz I'm sure master my will recognize soon your ability?
00:44:30All you can ever do is talk listen if you can do something to get rid of 10 for me then I'll be happy
00:44:47What you doing massage hand a order is to move it out
00:44:55What do you think you're doing if you don't know what it's for why put it here
00:44:59You have to learn to use your hands and feet before the weapons. Ah
00:45:04Just who do you think you are a magistrate? Oh my dad
00:45:09And you're not my master. I am I'm your temporary master. My master is moho fang. Not you
00:45:20Mistresses orders, do you hear me? Okay that inside chin fire
00:45:28Stop take it out. Take it out
00:45:36You hold it if anybody disobeys me you'll be fired
00:45:47Don't give a damn you carry it back inside
00:45:53You have overstepped the limit, what do you think you're doing dad?
00:46:01Hi she is right
00:46:02You have to learn the basics first before you can fight with such weapons
00:46:07So until master mo returns you better listen to master tan and do what he says
00:46:12I refuse to talk kung fu by that man dead yet better fire him. Otherwise, I'll leave this house and never come back
00:46:23Master Oh
00:46:26Since your mother died. I know that I have been spoiling you
00:46:30But I have to call a stop to that now. You're making a fool of yourself
00:46:41Gee please don't be upset. Of course. I'm not sorry to cause you this trouble
00:46:47Please don't say that
00:46:49After all, I asked you to teach the girl
00:46:52So no matter how you do it. I
00:46:55Will back you up. I
00:46:59Hope we can change
00:47:06Mistress open the door. I've got an idea. I don't want to talk to you. You can't get rid of it
00:47:26What is he doing
00:47:28It's on your father's orders. It's a lovely day today. I'm taking you on as my student
00:47:33So now I'm no longer your temporary master even if there was no one else alive
00:47:37I wouldn't take you as my master if master mo wasn't a good friend of mine
00:47:41I would never agree to take on such a lousy student. Yes, as for the kung fu, you know, it's only good for idiots
00:47:49You shouldn't make a fool of yourself. Huh? I thought you respected master mo. Look here Tom
00:47:54What is so great about you? If you're good, why not challenge everyone? I'm not great
00:47:58I assure you but at least I can deal easily with a cheeky young girl
00:48:05Uncle ho, could you please tell master who right away today's ceremony is canceled. Oh
00:48:12Will you go and tell my father if he's there I'm never coming back. Ah
00:48:17Don't say something you'll regret life's tough outside. You'll be back with your tail between your legs
00:48:31Mistress, where you go? Not your business, but my business is your business. Nobody dare treat me that way before
00:48:38He just called me a lousy student. He wants me to kneel down before him and call him master
00:48:43You should forget about him don't waste your temper on a fool like that
00:48:47We'll think of a way to get rid of him. Don't you worry?
00:48:50Get rid of him as long as he's in my house
00:48:53I'm not going back there mistress. You shouldn't be saying things like that. People will think you're afraid of him
00:48:59We must tackle him head-on. No beating about the bush. He knows he's in the wrong
00:49:04He'll soon get himself out of the house
00:49:07Mistress, I promise if I don't get rid of ten high tea in the next three days, then my name is not I chin far
00:49:16You never keep a single promise if you don't get rid of that man by tomorrow morning don't bother me again
00:49:23You don't have to wait till tomorrow I
00:49:26Consider it today that you don't come back. So it's you
00:49:30What's wrong? I see you brought company with you. I'm his brother. Don't don't
00:49:35You better listen to what I say. Nobody ever does get in our way in this town
00:49:40I'm gonna skin you alive for my name's not ding-dong
00:49:47Haven't you had enough fighting for now you still want more that why you brought your friend along with you. Let's forget it
00:49:55That'll shut you up for sure
00:49:59Hey, I
00:50:00Thought we'd warned you not to go around posting. Can't you see that the mistress is in a foul temper today?
00:50:06So if you're smart, you better get the hell out because otherwise
00:50:20You know how to use that but of course I know more than just a whip
00:50:48Didn't know she kicked out goat. Why don't you tell me before if I told you you wouldn't have come to help me
00:50:57Easy let's find out how good I go for with
00:52:33Damn girl, I'll give you a taste of the ding-dong. So that get ready a smile
00:53:10Better tell you we've got a new master now. He's one of the top fighters around
00:53:40King of the North if you dare come any nearer towards us, he'll kick both your brains in who's your master?
00:53:48Gentlemen when you're dealing with idiots like these it's important. They understand they need to show you respect
00:53:57Why can't I be on their side? Hey mister, what's stopping you get stuck in?
00:54:23Write about you if you make trouble with such bad kung-fu you're gonna end up dead
00:54:42Mistress mistress, how do you feel now? Do you want me to teach you some real gung-fu?
00:54:52Mistress how do you feel? You want to go back home now?
00:55:02I'm sure you're aware. There's a fate that's worse than death. Well gentlemen
00:55:07Don't you think it'd be a waste to kill such a beautiful
00:55:12That's right, our friend is talking sense
00:55:28Yeah, I'd like first get out
00:55:37This is your last chance
00:55:48Will you obey me all my orders call me master you won't change your mind
00:55:55I won't. Please help me master.
00:56:05What the hell are you doing you stay out of this you're hurting one of my students I can't allow that
00:56:37Yeah, let's go
00:57:06Get up
00:57:08Students who's made such a mess of your face. I heard that goddamn go Phoenix. Oh, I don't know teacher master tan
00:57:14Hi, gee, you drew a good for nothing. All you can do is make trouble. They wouldn't have put you without a reason
00:57:20You'll never practice hard. It's your fault. You're beaten
00:57:26Of course, you're right master. It's our fault we got beaten. We deserved it.
00:57:31But we did it for your honor. We didn't mind doing it for you. Right, right.
00:57:35You did it for me? They were insulting you. They said your style of kung fu wasn't good. They called you a useless fighter
00:57:42We had to take action if you've been there too, you would have been beaten up as well
00:57:46But we felt we had to do something to protect your name. We weren't gonna stand by and just do nothing
00:57:51We can't let them go on insulting you. That's why we took them on even though we'd be beaten.
00:57:55That's right. They also said that even if Master Niu was there too, they'd beat him as well. Did they actually say that?
00:58:00Master, we have a lot to do. You know you can trust us.
00:58:04Good ding dong dong dong. I want you to fix a date with him. I'll soon sort this guy out
00:58:16Excuse me, are you by any chance Master Niu? What do you want to challenge me here for?
00:58:20You king of the north. That's right. I heard people saying that you look down on me
00:58:26That's why I want to challenge you
00:58:29Master Niu, I don't understand what you're talking about.
00:58:32San Hai Chi, I bet you're shaking in your boots.
00:58:34That's right, what do you say to his face? Go on.
00:58:38Master Niu, do you believe everything that your students tell you? You've got another explanation?
00:58:43Well, at least you should hear me out first. I never fight anyone without a reason
00:58:47What are you, trying to say that our master is just making trouble?
00:58:51Right, how dare you say that? You deliberately beat us. It was quite intentional.
00:58:55You know, they're my students and yet you deliberately went ahead and beat them. I must get revenge for them
00:59:02That's why I've challenged you today
00:59:17I told you not to come. He'll be mad if he finds out you disobeyed him. He's bound to punish you.
00:59:22We've never seen him in a real fight before, have we? So I don't think we should have missed such a good challenge.
00:59:27Maybe this old wood's no action.
00:59:47You ain't nothing special. I don't reckon you can hurt me much.
01:00:12Master Tan's kick is fantastic.
01:00:14It's not so great. We haven't learned it. If we hadn't seen him use it today, we'd never have learned it about him.
01:00:44You can't breathe anymore. So you can't fight anymore.
01:01:14Mr. Niu, you've lost. I concede defeat to you.
01:01:30Hey, who are you?
01:01:40Mister, who are you? How dare you come here and bully our people?
01:01:43Their names. Peng Pao.
01:01:46Huh? The ground kicker.
01:01:48That's right. I've come here looking for someone.
01:01:53Tan Tai Chi.
01:01:54The master left here quite a long time ago. What do you want?
01:01:58He killed my brother, Peng Fei. I want my revenge.
01:02:05So just tell me where he is and I'll spare your life. Otherwise, I'll kill you all.
01:02:10I don't know. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you.
01:02:26Stop! Where can I find Tan Tai Chi?
01:02:28I don't know.
01:02:29Stop! Come on!
01:02:33I really don't know. He got a letter from Mo Gu Feng and then he left.
01:02:36Mo Gu Feng and then he left.
01:02:42Mo Gu Feng.
01:02:53Hey, miss. It's late. Why haven't you gone to sleep yet?
01:02:58Chin Fa, I'm thinking. Maybe I have been insubordinate.
01:03:04I've thought it over. If I can't even defeat that Ding Dong, what have I been learning?
01:03:11It's all been useless.
01:03:13Hey, mistress. There were too many. That's why you weren't able to beat them.
01:03:18How come Master Tan could deal with them?
01:03:23Master Tan is quite right. My Kung Fu is useless.
01:03:29If I can learn from him, I practice very hard. Maybe I'll become better.
01:03:35Are you really going to take him on as master?
01:03:38Right. I have to learn his three special kicks.
01:03:43And with the Mo kick I've been taught, maybe I can beat him.
01:03:59What's going on here?
01:04:02Master Tan, I've been up all night and now I've finally made up my mind.
01:04:08I want to learn from you. I want to be a good fighter.
01:04:10It won't be that easy being my student. You must always obey me. Think you can take it?
01:04:15I can take it.
01:04:16Good. I'll take you on as my student. Now bow down.
01:04:29To your master.
01:04:35Ah, yes. I hope you're being quite sincere.
01:04:39Besides, I never want to take a student away from Mo.
01:04:44That's all right. That's no problem.
01:04:46Mo's kick's flexible, but the Tan kick is direct.
01:04:50You're tactful.
01:04:52That's no problem.
01:04:53Mo's kick's flexible, but the Tan kick is direct.
01:04:57You're tactfast.
01:04:58Your skill with the kick has improved.
01:05:01Very soon you'll be top class.
01:05:03But don't forget basics.
01:05:06Speed. Accuracy.
01:05:08You're not fast enough.
01:05:10You need to build up your strength.
01:05:12If you don't have any strength in you, even though you land on target, it won't hurt.
01:05:19So you've got to get strength and control it.
01:05:22And there are two ways of going about it.
01:05:24This is one way.
01:05:33Master Tan, please don't use all your strength.
01:05:36Don't worry. I won't hurt you.
01:05:40All your strength's in your legs.
01:05:44Oh, my God. No, mistress. My head hurts.
01:05:47The other way.
01:05:56You're kicking me half to death.
01:05:58Don't worry. You're protected. You won't die.
01:06:01If I kill you now, who's going to bring me tea?
01:06:05Phoenix, did you notice?
01:06:08You don't have to practice anymore.
01:06:10You aim your kick straight for the sandbag. Use full force.
01:06:14Master, you're teaching her to kick.
01:06:16What am I supposed to learn?
01:06:18How to stand being beaten. And you're learning fast.
01:06:26Chin-fa, don't worry.
01:06:28You've got the sandbag. You're not getting hurt.
01:06:30The sandbag. Right.
01:06:33Hold it tight.
01:06:35Come on.
01:06:41The first way. Just a touch.
01:06:44Now for the other way.
01:06:55I can take this easy. You can't shift me. Come on.
01:07:02Oh, my God. No.
01:07:07Master Tan told you to kick the bag. He didn't say kick me in the face.
01:07:10Speed is the greatest source of strength.
01:07:12And if you're able to combine the two, speed and strength,
01:07:16the impact will almost double.
01:07:38Now practice, like I told you.
01:07:41Chin-fa, it is really quite simple.
01:07:43You watch me.
01:07:54Miss Grace, I thought you said it was easy.
01:08:02If you combine strength and speed, and your kick's accurate,
01:08:05you'll find no one can resist you.
01:08:11Hup! Ha!
01:08:14Hup! Ha!
01:08:16Phoenix, now you've built up your speed and strength.
01:08:19We'll try accuracy.
01:08:21Come on. All right. Watch this.
01:08:24Hup! Hup!
01:08:35My dear, have a cup of tea.
01:08:39The kettle's just boiled.
01:08:42My dear, you mustn't tire yourself out.
01:08:45You still need to rest.
01:08:47I can't just stay in bed the whole day.
01:08:49I can't stand doing nothing.
01:08:51I'd rather move about.
01:08:54My dear.
01:09:10Oh, what are you doing here?
01:09:13Are you a thief?
01:09:15Are you Mowgo Fung?
01:09:18At least you know who I am.
01:09:20But I don't know you.
01:09:22I suppose I should be flattered.
01:09:25Who are you?
01:09:30Feng Feng.
01:09:34So you're the head of the ground kick style.
01:09:38That's why you were able to knock my door down with just one blow.
01:09:43Oh, man, I'm not wasting my time with you.
01:09:46Now tell me, where can I find Ten-Hai Chi?
01:09:49Huh? Ten-Hai Chi?
01:09:51What do you want from him?
01:09:53You don't have to know the reason.
01:09:55Just tell me where he is, where he's staying.
01:09:57That'll be enough.
01:09:59It doesn't take much guesswork on my part to figure you ain't a friend of his.
01:10:03So even if I know, I would never tell you.
01:10:06Oh, bastard.
01:10:08I think I'm gonna have to soften you up a bit.
01:10:11Get him!
01:10:14Get him!
01:10:34Did you think it would be that easy?
01:10:37Your kick is really very good, but not quite good enough.
01:10:40What's that? You're a fool.
01:10:44I can take care of you anytime I want to.
01:11:04Young fellow, you should show some respect to your elders.
01:11:08Can't you see it? I'm an old man now.
01:11:12I'm not so energetic anymore.
01:11:15You're too old.
01:11:17About time you died.
01:11:28My dear!
01:11:34My dear!
01:11:43Oh, man.
01:11:45All you gotta do is say where tonight she is.
01:11:48And just maybe you can kiss your wife goodbye before she dies.
01:12:19Are you gonna tell me where I can find Tanaiji now?
01:13:16Oh, Mo, I'm warning you, this is your last chance.
01:13:19You're dreaming.
01:13:32Master, you killed Mo, our only lead. What'll we do?
01:13:37Mo made a living teaching Kung Fu.
01:13:40He should have been back here a month.
01:13:42Go and check. Find out where he's been teaching before.
01:13:45And see if that turns up any clues.
01:14:09Mistress, what's that called?
01:14:13The style is called the upside-down style.
01:14:16There you are.
01:14:17Hey, waiter.
01:14:19We're looking for somebody.
01:14:21Oh, in that case, you're coming to the right man,
01:14:24because I know everyone there is to know.
01:14:26Who are you looking for?
01:14:28I heard there's a guy in this town good at Kung Fu named Tanaiji.
01:14:32Where does he live?
01:14:35Can't say I know him.
01:14:38You're lying to me.
01:14:40Speak up!
01:14:41Speak up or I'll bust your ass!
01:14:43Oh, I don't know him, really.
01:14:45I don't talk.
01:14:46Where's Tanaiji?
01:14:47I don't know him.
01:14:48I told you already.
01:14:50Oh, no.
01:14:51You better talk.
01:14:52Hey, mister!
01:14:56Are you looking for a tent?
01:14:57That's right.
01:15:01Who the hell are you?
01:15:02I am Luke.
01:15:03But everybody calls me Mister Ding Dong.
01:15:06He's my young brother.
01:15:08Dong Dong?
01:15:09You've got a funny name.
01:15:11Do you know where Tanaiji is?
01:15:13Well, it all depends on whether you're a friend or an enemy.
01:15:19He killed our second master.
01:15:20You think he's our enemy or a good friend?
01:15:24I'll take you to him personally.
01:15:26If you're going to kill him...
01:15:27We'll pay you a thousand dollars reward.
01:15:30But there is one condition.
01:15:32What is it?
01:15:35There's a girl standing there called Phoenix.
01:15:37You've got to leave her to us.
01:15:40Jin Fa, hold on tight.
01:15:42Now watch this kick closely.
01:15:44Mistress, can you do it straight?
01:15:47You're kicking me in the face.
01:15:49You should have more confidence in me.
01:15:50The first one, the little circular kick.
01:16:01Second one, the little kick in the throat.
01:16:08Mistress, no more kicking now.
01:16:10If you do, I'll end up dead.
01:16:14You're dead now.
01:16:16At least there'll be no more pain.
01:16:18Damn girl, your kung fu has improved a lot.
01:16:20Ding Dong, Dong Dong, it's you two again.
01:16:22I might have guessed so.
01:16:24What's your game this time?
01:16:25Ladies and gentlemen, I want to see your master.
01:16:30Where's Tan Hai Chi?
01:16:32Who do you think you are?
01:16:33How dare you mention my master's name so rudely?
01:16:36Hey, master is not here.
01:16:38That's how I can help.
01:16:39What do you want?
01:16:40I'm not interested in small fry.
01:16:42I won't bother with you.
01:16:44Where's Tan Hai Chi?
01:16:46You look down on me.
01:16:48You take me for a fool.
01:16:50My friend, if we take them, the master is sure to follow.
01:16:54And the reward's still on?
01:16:56That's right.
01:16:58Hey, this is a living target practice.
01:17:20Jun Fa, are you all right?
01:17:22I'll get help with the sandbag.
01:17:27Is that all you can show me?
01:17:29You have to do better.
01:17:36What style do you call that?
01:17:38Falling on the floor?
01:17:57Oh, you better leave.
01:18:26As fast as we can.
01:18:27Let's go.
01:18:39Where are you going to, gentlemen?
01:18:43We've stood too long.
01:18:44We're getting tired.
01:18:45We must move around.
01:18:47Your legs?
01:18:48What the hell's the matter with you?
01:18:50Have you gone soft?
01:18:52Maybe my mistress should have another talk with you.
01:18:57No, we don't want any more trouble.
01:18:59I'll just go up by myself then.
01:19:01You can stay here.
01:19:03I want to find out what you two are like when you team up together.
01:19:08Do we have to fight?
01:19:10Maybe you won't have to.
01:19:12If you get down on your knees and bow down before me three times.
01:19:17Sorry, sorry.
01:19:57Don't kick me.
01:20:15You're going the wrong way.
01:20:17She's over there.
01:20:27Ah, mistress.
01:20:32Please have mercy on us.
01:20:37Agree never to bully people again.
01:20:39We'll never do it again.
01:20:41It's all your fault.
01:20:43You dare hit me?
01:20:45It's your fault.
01:20:46It's your fault.
01:20:47It's yours.
01:20:48It's yours.
01:20:49That's enough.
01:20:50Don't be such stupid fools.
01:20:51Get lost.
01:20:52Thank you, mistress.
01:20:53Thank you.
01:20:54Let's go.
01:21:01Mistress, you're real good.
01:21:03Your kick's so powerful.
01:21:05Of course it is.
01:21:06Hey, he isn't as good as master's.
01:21:08You're much better than he is.
01:21:10He's king of the north.
01:21:11You're queen of the south.
01:21:25Are you sure Tenachi is in there?
01:21:35Yes, I'm sure.
01:21:36All right, tonight.
01:21:39Deliver this note to him.
01:21:41Tenachi, get down tomorrow morning.
01:21:44I'll be waiting for you at Greenwater Lake.
01:21:48To settle our differences.
01:21:50If you don't come, don't blame me for anything that happens.
01:21:59Master Ho.
01:22:00Honestly, I don't want you to get involved.
01:22:03It's my own affair.
01:22:04I can deal with it.
01:22:06Tenachi, I'm a friend of yours.
01:22:08You can tell me.
01:22:09What is the quarrel you've got with him?
01:22:12Tenachi is chief of the Grand King Kung Fu School.
01:22:15He's jealous of me.
01:22:17By accident, I killed his brother.
01:22:19So that he's determined to get revenge.
01:22:22Is there any compromise you can arrive at?
01:22:24There are some things between fighters you will never understand.
01:22:30I see.
01:22:32Then tomorrow, do you think you can beat him?
01:22:35Haichi, if you are not confident, why not go away for a while?
01:22:43That's no use.
01:22:45If I head today, he'll be back tomorrow.
01:22:47Besides, if I do leave here,
01:22:49Tenachi will lose his temper.
01:22:52And he's likely to take it out on all of you.
01:22:55Master, don't worry.
01:22:57The mistress is Mr. Tan's student.
01:22:59She can look after them easily.
01:23:01While Mr. Tan concentrates on dealing with Tenachi.
01:23:04You're wrong there.
01:23:05Anyway, you are any judge of a man's Kung Fu.
01:23:08I'm not certain I can defeat Tenachi.
01:23:11All right.
01:23:12Then we'll come along with you.
01:23:14Right, all together.
01:23:15No need.
01:23:16From what I know of Tenachi, he's a mean son of a bitch.
01:23:20If he does manage to defeat me,
01:23:22he's sure to turn around and kill you as well.
01:23:25Besides, if I'm not sure I'm going to win,
01:23:28you guys won't make any difference.
01:23:33Don't get any smart ideas.
01:23:35Or I'll kick you up the ass hard.
01:23:37I won't do it.
01:23:39And I'll tell mistress not to as well.
01:23:41If not, you can kick my ass.
01:23:47So, you are Tenachi.
01:25:59Don't you know any other techniques?
01:26:02You're running out of time.
01:26:04If you got some.
01:26:28If I didn't think I could defeat you at three special kicks, I wouldn't have challenged
01:26:47you today, since no one else knows your style, once I have got rid of you.
01:26:52Then, there will be no other exponent of the art left.
01:26:57And now, you're going to pay for my brother's death.
01:27:13Nine birds style.
01:27:15You're not completely done, but you're no match for my secret fist.
01:27:19Better make your peace, because you're going to die.
01:27:43You keep out of this. It's none of your business.
01:27:47Master? He's only small fry. Leave him. I'll take care of him.
01:27:53So, your two students have arrived to give you a hand.
01:27:57They're just in time. Now, I'll avenge myself on the three of you.
01:28:22Chitra, are you alright?
01:28:34I'm fine.
01:29:34Chitra! Chitra! Are you alright?
01:29:37I'm fine.
01:29:40I have the sandbags to protect me.
01:30:13Mistress! Upside down!
01:30:43Upside down!
01:31:13THE END