Don't sleep.2017 Horror Drama Movie

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00:05:00I see.
00:05:03What do you think he wants from you, this other...
00:05:07To hurt me, I guess.
00:05:12To take my place.
00:05:15To replace you.
00:05:19I see.
00:05:21But it's gotten to the point where, uh,
00:05:23just the idea of going to sleep is making him sick.
00:05:28He'll do anything to avoid sleep.
00:05:31I imagine it would be.
00:05:36Look, Zach.
00:05:40What you're going through is, um...
00:05:43Is really scary.
00:05:45You know?
00:05:48It must seem completely real to you.
00:05:51But, uh...
00:05:53Guess what?
00:05:55It's not.
00:05:57You're just a very smart, imaginative young man.
00:06:01And you're gonna be just fine.
00:06:04Trust me.
00:06:12It's just only on some childhood fantasies,
00:06:14which I'm sure you'll grow up with.
00:06:16But I do think I should continue seeing...
00:06:18I do think I should continue seeing...
00:06:39Just try to relax tonight, okay?
00:06:42Think of, you know, fun, happy thoughts.
00:06:48I could stay here all night if you want.
00:06:54That might be good.
00:06:58Go to sleep.
00:07:27Don't talk.
00:08:43It's not big, but it's a well-maintained,
00:08:45cozy little house.
00:08:47It's lovely. I just adore it.
00:08:49Oh, thank you.
00:08:51It's where Vince and I lived after we were married,
00:08:53till he bought the house across the street.
00:08:55Oh, yeah, wow.
00:08:57Yeah, we were always so happy here,
00:08:59so we kept it for friends and family.
00:09:01You know, a place to stay when they visited.
00:09:03Yeah, about twice in ten years.
00:09:05Well, if I were your family, I'd come stay here all the time.
00:09:08Oh, that's why we thought it would be nice
00:09:10to rent it out to a young couple like yourselves.
00:09:12This place should be enjoyed.
00:09:14Plus, we'd enjoy the company.
00:09:16Where do you guys live now?
00:09:18Well, we're moving out.
00:09:20Well, we actually don't live together.
00:09:22This will be the first time for both of us.
00:09:25Oh, a little love nest.
00:09:27What do you, uh...
00:09:29What do you do?
00:09:31Uh, Sean teaches art to third graders,
00:09:33and I'm almost done with law school.
00:09:35No kidding.
00:09:37You don't look like a lawyer, man.
00:09:40No, I mean, look at him.
00:09:41No, it's okay.
00:09:42My mom actually thought the same thing.
00:09:44She always thought I'd end up owning a bar.
00:09:46Ah, I like bars.
00:09:48Zach, this would be so great for us.
00:09:51So cozy and warm.
00:09:53I'd feel safe here.
00:09:59Um, you guys didn't mention in the ad the actual rent.
00:10:03How much is it?
00:10:06Um, well, what are you kids looking to pay?
00:10:11I mean, we'd struggle to pay more than, like, 850.
00:10:18Today's your lucky day.
00:10:20I figured about 7 1⁄4 should cover it.
00:10:22Is that all right?
00:10:23That's perfect.
00:10:24Thank you so much.
00:10:25Our pleasure.
00:10:26Thank you.
00:10:27We are happy to have you guys.
00:10:48Oh, my God.
00:10:51What is wrong with you?
00:10:53Time for you to bone up for your civil procedure exam.
00:10:57Oh, God, I was doing that all night.
00:11:00It's so boring.
00:11:03You know, speaking of boning up,
00:11:05if you don't get off me in the next...
00:11:09That's not sexy.
00:11:13I'm such an idiot.
00:11:15Oh, God.
00:11:23Hey, Zach.
00:11:25Good morning, buddy.
00:11:27I thought you had a rule.
00:11:28No classes before noon.
00:11:29Ah, you know, I got a test today.
00:11:31I gotta hit the library before it starts.
00:11:33Anything I can help you with?
00:11:34Oh, yeah?
00:11:35How are you gonna help him?
00:11:36What are you gonna describe to him
00:11:37what the inside of a courtroom looks like?
00:11:38You've been dragged in one enough times.
00:11:40That's real cute, Jo.
00:11:41You're gonna give this kid a bad impression about me.
00:11:43You know that?
00:11:45Hey, why don't you guys come over for dinner tonight?
00:11:47We can get some fresh eggplant from Pop's garden.
00:11:49I'll make some eggplant parm.
00:11:51Yeah, that'd be nice, Jo.
00:11:53I'll ask Shawn.
00:11:54I don't know what she's doing after class,
00:11:56but thanks.
00:11:57I'll catch you guys later.
00:11:58Okay, good luck.
00:11:59Thanks, man.
00:12:00Cute kid, huh?
00:12:02It's nice having him around.
00:12:04Yeah, it is.
00:12:07No pants!
00:12:09He says he wants a tomato.
00:12:11That was the craziest thing I'd ever seen.
00:12:13You gotta go.
00:12:14I'm gonna call the cops.
00:12:17You know what, man?
00:12:18Pop started the business just six weeks
00:12:20after he and Mom came over from Palermo.
00:12:22He barely spoke a word of English.
00:12:24Started with a little produce stand downtown.
00:12:26By the time he was done,
00:12:27we owned eight markets all over the county.
00:12:29That must have taken real courage.
00:12:31More worry than courage.
00:12:33I was always worried that I'd do good,
00:12:35you know, so I could support my family.
00:12:37Of course.
00:12:38You always did that, Pop.
00:12:39Dio de Benedict was always food on the table.
00:12:42Thank you.
00:12:45How did you two meet?
00:12:51I was down at the Lincoln...
00:12:53I'm just gonna tell a story, that's all.
00:12:55I was down at the Lincoln Street store
00:12:57and I noticed this beautiful woman
00:12:59squeezing grapefruits.
00:13:01Oh, wow.
00:13:02She was squeezed.
00:13:06Oh, Vance.
00:13:09Anyways, let's just say that I was extremely...
00:13:18I was gonna say interested.
00:13:20So I waited for her to do all of her shopping
00:13:22and then I made sure I was at the register
00:13:24and she gave me a 20.
00:13:26I gave her back a 30
00:13:28and she's been costing me ever since.
00:13:32And worth every penny, right, baby?
00:13:34Every penny, baby.
00:13:35Every penny and more.
00:13:37This is the best wife
00:13:38that any man could ever hope for.
00:13:40I couldn't imagine a wife more beautiful than Jo.
00:13:47Okay, come on, guys.
00:13:48So tell me, what is it?
00:13:50What's your secret?
00:13:52Just never take the love
00:13:53of a beautiful woman for granted.
00:13:55Just don't forget how lucky you are.
00:13:59And Jo?
00:14:00Well, you get what you give.
00:14:03So I just make sure you never want something.
00:14:09You guys are a beautiful couple.
00:14:11You belong together.
00:14:12Ah, how nice.
00:14:17I ate the nut.
00:14:20Did you eat enough?
00:14:23Why did you laugh?
00:14:25Why did you laugh?
00:14:26I ate the nut.
00:14:28Did you eat enough?
00:14:31Why did you laugh?
00:14:32Why did you laugh?
00:14:42Is there something you'd like to ask, Mr. Bradford?
00:14:46Look at you.
00:14:47You're so gorgeous.
00:14:50Vince was right.
00:14:51I can't believe I'm actually living with you.
00:14:57I still get butterflies in my stomach
00:15:00every time I'm about to see you.
00:15:02You do, huh?
00:15:05Even though we live together?
00:15:08Do you like your new home?
00:15:11I'm home anywhere I can fall into you.
00:15:17I just want to feel like this forever.
00:15:30I just want to feel like this forever.
00:16:00Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
00:16:30I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I
00:18:39Good morning, Mr. Marino.
00:18:42Oh, hi, hi.
00:18:44Look at those flowers.
00:18:47You're a magician, they're so beautiful.
00:18:49Ah, gotcha.
00:18:51Thank you, thank you, my dear.
00:18:53Maybe you could teach me how to garden sometime.
00:18:55Oh, sure, sure, no problem.
00:18:57First, you need some time.
00:18:59And then, you just gotta care.
00:19:03You know?
00:19:04You know what I mean?
00:19:06First, you need some time.
00:19:08And then, you just gotta care.
00:19:11You know?
00:19:12Like your art.
00:19:13Yeah, well, I haven't managed to kill a painting.
00:19:17By the way,
00:19:19Joe told me you just lost your dog.
00:19:23She was a good girl.
00:19:27She had a good life.
00:19:31I didn't want her to suffer.
00:19:35Just go.
00:19:39Admit it.
00:19:41Come on, you're gonna outlive us all.
00:19:43You're just pretending to be an old guy.
00:19:46Have a good day, Mr. Marino.
00:19:47All right, ciao, Bella.
00:20:19Hey, babe.
00:20:35Guess what?
00:20:36Um, sorry, I thought this was my call, but go on.
00:20:40Well, look, not only did I pass,
00:20:42I scored in the top ten percent.
00:20:44I think I might finally be getting a handle on all this crap.
00:20:47Well, too bad you're about to graduate.
00:20:49Uh, yeah.
00:20:50Uh, so what's up?
00:20:52Well, I just wanted to know
00:20:53if you wouldn't mind picking up a ball with me.
00:20:55Something easy for dinner.
00:20:57I still have to go to school.
00:21:04Shit, shit.
00:21:05What did you say?
00:21:07Oh, no, Sean, not you.
00:21:09The car behind me.
00:21:11Well, can you do it?
00:21:13Do what?
00:21:14Do what?
00:21:16Never mind.
00:21:17I'll see you at home later, okay?
00:21:19I'll see you later.
00:21:20I'll see you later.
00:21:28No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:21:49What the fuck? What the fuck?
00:22:04Jesus Christ.
00:22:07Hey, sweetie.
00:22:11Here, let me get those.
00:22:13Thanks, hon.
00:22:14Always a gentleman.
00:22:16Your folks obviously did a couple of things right.
00:22:19But only a couple.
00:22:21Hey, Shawn, the weirdest thing just happened with my laptop.
00:22:24It, uh...
00:22:25It wouldn't turn on, and then it made these...
00:22:28These, like...
00:22:29Weird sounds, and...
00:22:31Then this...
00:22:32Scarier-than-shit face pops up and just, like...
00:22:36Screamed at me.
00:22:38It really startled me.
00:22:41You do seem a little...
00:22:43Delicate these days.
00:22:45You are so okay with your decision to live with a girl, aren't you?
00:22:49I mean...
00:22:50I'll be okay if you're not.
00:22:52You're such a wiseass.
00:22:56My wiseass is one of the reasons you love me.
00:23:02You see what I mean?
00:23:03I definitely have to toughen you up.
00:23:05Oh, yeah?
00:23:06Yeah. Get out of here.
00:23:07Go back to work.
00:24:09I mean...
00:24:10I'm not this strong.
00:24:49Hey, what's...
00:24:50What's going on?
00:24:52It's his pops.
00:24:54He was beaten.
00:24:55Someone beat him really, really bad.
00:24:58My God, are you serious?
00:24:59That's crazy.
00:25:00His face is all swollen and bruised and bloody.
00:25:03What's going on?
00:25:04He's just an old man.
00:25:06Joe, why are you crying?
00:25:07Mr. Moreno was knocked last night.
00:25:09He's been beaten pretty bad.
00:25:11They're gonna keep him in the hospital a few days.
00:25:13Joe, what?
00:25:14Joe, what?
00:25:15What can we do?
00:25:18You guys, just be careful, okay?
00:25:22Yeah, of course.
00:25:28I mean, what kind of animal just beats an old man and doesn't take anything?
00:25:33It really gives me the creeps.
00:25:36We moved to this neighborhood because it seemed like a nice, quiet, family area.
00:25:42I mean, otherwise we could have lived in the city.
00:25:45Hey, maybe you should be careful walking around at night.
00:25:48You know, even just outside the house.
00:25:51I'm not gonna live scared, you know?
00:25:52That's just...
00:25:53It's no fun.
00:25:54Yeah, Sean, I know.
00:25:55But it happened once.
00:25:56It could happen again.
00:26:00That's a cute picture of the three of you.
00:26:05You two look sort of sad.
00:26:09Well, I still like him.
00:26:17I did it.
00:28:42Hey, come on in.
00:28:43Hey, Vince.
00:28:44We just wanted to come by and see how your dad was doing.
00:28:46It's a curse.
00:28:47Vince, it's a curse.
00:28:48It's come over our home.
00:28:49We have to get out of here.
00:28:50We're gonna die.
00:28:51We gotta get out of here.
00:28:52We're gonna die.
00:28:53That's enough.
00:28:56Hey, hey, hey.
00:28:57Please, stop.
00:29:00Come with me.
00:29:12We just come to see you, Pop.
00:29:17Mr. Marina.
00:29:33It's gonna be okay.
00:29:36Whatever it is, it's gonna be okay.
00:29:38It's gonna be okay.
00:29:39It's gonna be okay.
00:29:40Whatever it is, it's gonna be okay.
00:29:47Vince and Joe, they're gonna look after you.
00:29:57Mr. Marina.
00:30:07Come on.
00:30:11It's okay, Mom.
00:30:15I don't know.
00:30:18I'm so scared.
00:30:30What are you doing, Joe?
00:30:31You're driving me nuts.
00:30:32You gotta get a grip.
00:30:34When I was a little girl,
00:30:36the old man would tell a story
00:30:38of a fisherman that was made to join the Crusades.
00:30:44He told his young wife not to fear
00:30:47and promised her that he would return
00:30:50with a bejeweled crucifix from Jerusalem.
00:30:54But when he did return,
00:30:56he learned that she had been savagely beaten and raped
00:31:00over and over again.
00:31:03Throughout the years.
00:31:05And when she had finally lost faith
00:31:07that he would ever come back to her,
00:31:12she decided to end the pain and took her own life.
00:31:17Some say he went insane from the sorrow,
00:31:20and in his rage, he became a demon.
00:31:23A beast.
00:31:26For hundreds of years,
00:31:28women and children would disappear from the countryside.
00:31:32It's a fisherman.
00:31:34It's just a tall tale, Joe.
00:31:37It's a myth.
00:31:39That fools from the old country would use to scare their kids.
00:31:42It has nothing to do with my father.
00:31:44It has nothing to do with us.
00:31:46Evil's everywhere.
00:31:52Waiting for its chance to gain a stronghold.
00:31:57It's in anybody.
00:31:59It's in everything.
00:32:01If we stay here, it's gonna kill us.
00:32:27That's it.
00:32:29Just keep going.
00:32:32It's waiting for you.
00:32:56Come on.
00:33:19Where'd she go?
00:33:22I don't know.
00:33:23It was as though he was in, like,
00:33:25some sort of a trench, you know,
00:33:27like, in his own world.
00:33:29I've never seen anyone react the way he did
00:33:31when he looked at you.
00:33:33I mean, I love Mr. Urbino,
00:33:35but it was like there was a...
00:33:56I'm sorry. No, it's, uh...
00:33:59It's nothing.
00:34:01No. No, no, no.
00:34:03It's not nothing.
00:34:06Zach, I want you to tell me.
00:34:08Please. I want to know.
00:34:13When I was a kid,
00:34:16I used to dream that there was this
00:34:20other version of me.
00:34:25I started imagining him again.
00:34:29But it's...
00:34:31It's different. It's like he's...
00:34:34He's growing. It's like he's getting stronger.
00:34:36It's like he's trying to steal me.
00:34:38You're so...
00:34:46If he gets to stay,
00:34:49then I'll just...
00:34:57I don't know. It's pretty crazy, huh?
00:34:59No. No, no, no.
00:35:01You're not crazy.
00:35:04And you'll be fine. I promise.
00:35:07I will always be here for you.
00:35:20Go to Exmoor.
00:38:44It really hurts.
00:39:10I'm sorry.
00:39:11I'm sorry.
00:39:12I'm sorry.
00:39:13I'm sorry.
00:39:14I'm sorry.
00:39:15I'm sorry.
00:39:16I'm sorry.
00:39:17I'm sorry.
00:39:18I'm sorry.
00:39:19I'm sorry.
00:39:20I'm sorry.
00:39:21I'm sorry.
00:39:22I'm sorry.
00:39:23I'm sorry.
00:39:24I'm sorry.
00:39:25I'm sorry.
00:39:26I'm sorry.
00:39:27I'm sorry.
00:39:28I'm sorry.
00:39:29I'm sorry.
00:39:30I'm sorry.
00:39:31I'm sorry.
00:39:32I'm sorry.
00:39:33I'm sorry.
00:39:34I'm sorry.
00:39:35I'm sorry.
00:39:36I'm sorry.
00:39:37I'm sorry.
00:39:38I'm sorry.
00:39:39I'm sorry.
00:39:40I'm sorry.
00:39:41I'm sorry.
00:39:42I'm sorry.
00:39:43I'm sorry.
00:39:44I'm sorry.
00:39:45I'm sorry.
00:39:46I'm sorry.
00:39:47I'm sorry.
00:39:48I'm sorry.
00:39:49I'm sorry.
00:39:50I'm sorry.
00:39:51I'm sorry.
00:39:52I'm sorry.
00:39:53I'm sorry.
00:39:54I'm sorry.
00:39:55I'm sorry.
00:39:56I'm sorry.
00:39:57I'm sorry.
00:39:58I'm sorry.
00:39:59I'm sorry.
00:40:00I'm sorry.
00:40:01I'm sorry.
00:40:02I'm sorry.
00:40:03I'm sorry.
00:40:04I'm sorry.
00:40:05I'm sorry.
00:40:06I'm sorry.
00:40:07I'm sorry.
00:40:08I'm sorry.
00:40:09I'm sorry.
00:40:10I'm sorry.
00:40:11I'm sorry.
00:40:12I'm sorry.
00:40:13I'm sorry.
00:40:14I'm sorry.
00:40:15I'm sorry.
00:40:16I'm sorry.
00:40:17I'm sorry.
00:40:18I'm sorry.
00:40:19I'm sorry.
00:40:20I'm sorry.
00:40:21I'm sorry.
00:40:22I'm sorry.
00:40:23I'm sorry.
00:40:24I'm sorry.
00:40:25I'm sorry.
00:40:26I'm sorry.
00:40:27I'm sorry.
00:40:28I'm sorry.
00:40:29I'm sorry.
00:40:30I'm sorry.
00:40:31I'm sorry.
00:40:32I'm sorry.
00:40:33I'm sorry.
00:40:34I'm sorry.
00:40:35I'm sorry.
00:40:36I'm sorry.
00:40:37I'm sorry.
00:40:38I'm sorry.
00:40:39I'm sorry.
00:40:40I'm sorry.
00:40:41I'm sorry.
00:40:42I'm sorry.
00:40:43I'm sorry.
00:40:44I'm sorry.
00:40:45I'm sorry.
00:40:46I'm sorry.
00:40:47I'm sorry.
00:40:48I'm sorry.
00:40:49I'm sorry.
00:40:50I'm sorry.
00:40:51I'm sorry.
00:40:52I'm sorry.
00:40:53I'm sorry.
00:40:54I'm sorry.
00:40:55I'm sorry.
00:40:56I'm sorry.
00:40:57I'm sorry.
00:40:58I'm sorry.
00:40:59I'm sorry.
00:41:00I'm sorry.
00:41:01I'm sorry.
00:41:02I'm sorry.
00:41:03I'm sorry.
00:41:04I'm sorry.
00:41:05I'm sorry.
00:41:06I'm sorry.
00:41:07I'm sorry.
00:41:08I'm sorry.
00:41:09I'm sorry.
00:41:10I'm sorry.
00:41:11I'm sorry.
00:41:12I'm sorry.
00:41:13I'm sorry.
00:41:14I'm sorry.
00:41:15I'm sorry.
00:41:16I'm sorry.
00:41:17I'm sorry.
00:41:18I'm sorry.
00:41:19I'm sorry.
00:41:20I'm sorry.
00:41:21I'm sorry.
00:41:22I'm sorry.
00:41:23I'm sorry.
00:41:24I'm sorry.
00:41:25I'm sorry.
00:41:26I'm sorry.
00:41:27I'm sorry.
00:41:28I'm sorry.
00:41:29I'm sorry.
00:41:30I'm sorry.
00:41:31I'm sorry.
00:41:32I'm sorry.
00:41:33I'm sorry.
00:41:34I'm sorry.
00:41:35Me and Sean were talking the other day and out of curiosity, how old was I when those
00:41:42nightmares stopped?
00:41:43You remember those?
00:41:46Uh, well you had them for a few years.
00:41:51Uh, we're pretty much done by the time you were 11, 12.
00:41:57But they affected you afterwards.
00:42:00I mean, it took a while, but eventually you seemed to put it all behind you.
00:42:05Why, huh?
00:42:06Please, just tell me the truth.
00:42:09I imagined something the other day.
00:42:12I fell asleep in my car and I, um, it just, it felt familiar, you know?
00:42:20It reminded me of that time, the first time in years.
00:42:24Don't fool around with this stuff, Zach.
00:42:28Okay, it was a very disturbing episode of your life.
00:42:33If you feel like you need to see someone, please don't blow it off.
00:42:38Just promise me, okay?
00:42:45Hi there.
00:42:49This is Lila Cross.
00:42:50She lives in the neighborhood.
00:42:52Lila, this is my boyfriend, Zach.
00:42:54Pleasure to meet you, Lila.
00:42:56I, she might help me with some art projects, right, Lila?
00:43:01Um, maybe, I guess.
00:43:09I should, I should go.
00:43:12Well, I'm, I'm glad you came.
00:43:14And we'll talk again soon, okay?
00:43:20Wow, well, she's charming.
00:43:22Just the kid having a tough time fitting in.
00:43:25Yeah, I can't imagine why.
00:43:28It's not always that easy for everyone, Zach.
00:43:31Yeah, sometimes a single act of kindness can make all the difference in the world.
00:43:38I, Sean, what did I say?
00:43:40I'm sorry, geez.
00:43:48I was laid off in 96.
00:43:50I didn't know how I was gonna feed Molly and the boys.
00:43:53My father just drove up in a truck full of steaks, chickens, groceries.
00:44:01Then the next month, there he is again.
00:44:05I just don't know how you're gonna repay something like that.
00:44:07I know.
00:44:09Aiden, it doesn't make sense.
00:44:11He was always such a proud man, such dignity.
00:44:13He's the last guy in the world to commit suicide.
00:44:16I mean, I, I just can't believe it.
00:44:18Excuse me.
00:44:20I'm so sorry, Vince.
00:44:21Very nice.
00:44:23I feel so badly.
00:44:24I don't know what to say.
00:44:26What can you say?
00:44:27This is the craziest thing.
00:44:31Listen, can, can you guys do me a favor and go on in and see Jo?
00:44:35She loves you kids, and it'd be nice for her, you know?
00:44:38Just, she hasn't been herself.
00:44:41Hey, anything you need, okay?
00:44:43We're right here.
00:44:44I appreciate it.
00:45:07Jo, you okay, sweetie?
00:45:14Why don't I just sit for a while?
00:45:24You guys are messing with me right now, right?
00:45:27The guy actually hung himself with a chain link?
00:45:30Who does that?
00:45:32Shut up, Timmy.
00:45:33No, I mean, what, he's just, just dangling there,
00:45:35shitting and pissing in his boxers?
00:45:38Hey, that's enough, okay?
00:45:40We're friends with the family.
00:45:41This is tragic stuff.
00:45:42Yeah, and Mr. Moreno was already pretty old.
00:45:44You know, if he had died naturally, you'd say,
00:45:46okay, you know, it's sad.
00:45:48But for him to commit suicide,
00:45:50You know, it's sad.
00:45:52But for him to commit suicide at his age,
00:45:54you know he was really tortured about something.
00:45:57Had to be that money.
00:45:58He was traumatized, dude.
00:46:00I don't buy that.
00:46:01He was a strong man,
00:46:02and he dealt with a lot of adversity in his life.
00:46:05It was something else.
00:46:07Something was haunting him and wouldn't leave him alone.
00:46:16All right, now I know you guys are fucking with me, right?
00:46:18Guys, stop busting my balls, all right?
00:46:21I just came over to grab a couple of beers
00:46:23and have some laughs with my friends.
00:46:25All right, so can we just calm down, for Christ's sake?
00:46:29I'm taking myself off all social networking.
00:46:31Oh, yeah?
00:46:33I keep hearing from these kids
00:46:34that we were in, like, second and third grade with.
00:46:36It's a pain in my ass.
00:46:38Hey, I'm surprised anyone looks for you anymore, man.
00:46:40People freaking hated you second and third grade, dude.
00:46:43Fuck you, man.
00:46:44At least I wasn't crazy.
00:46:50I'm sorry.
00:46:51That wasn't funny.
00:46:55Hey, what did people think of me when I was a kid?
00:47:01You know, kids can be tough.
00:47:06You know, especially when you're...
00:47:11You weren't right, all right?
00:47:12You weren't right for a long time.
00:47:14Everybody knew it.
00:47:16You know, sometimes you would just kind of zonk out.
00:47:19Or even worse, you'd start screaming
00:47:20about a bunch of crazy shit.
00:47:22I did?
00:47:24The school told your mom they couldn't manage you
00:47:26flying off the handles and shit,
00:47:27so she took you away for a few months.
00:47:30No one really knew where you went,
00:47:32but when you came back, you were different.
00:47:35You were good.
00:47:36You know, cool.
00:47:37It was good.
00:47:38Hey, man, why have we never spoken about this before?
00:47:40We've known each other for years.
00:47:42This is the first time it's come up?
00:47:45Zach, you've got a really good thing here.
00:47:49I mean, you get to live with a fucking goddess.
00:47:54I mean, dude, I can't even hang out with you guys
00:47:56without wondering exactly what it is
00:47:58that she lets you do to her.
00:48:00Oh, yeah?
00:48:01You know what I mean?
00:48:02Ow, ow, shit.
00:48:04I'm saying, law school by day,
00:48:06love nest by night.
00:48:09Shit, man, I get my right nut just to have one crack at her.
00:48:13It's the smaller one.
00:48:16You got a good life, man.
00:48:18You really do.
00:48:20So don't fuck it up by bringing up all this old shit, okay?
00:48:24Doesn't matter.
00:48:26Yeah, buddy, thanks, man.
00:48:44This place is haunted.
00:48:46The closet leading to the room in the closet
00:48:48did not complete the board game this week.
00:48:50They lose to New York 8-2.
00:48:52This future Hall of Famer, Ken Clark,
00:48:54enters the house in his sleep.
00:49:29No, stop!
00:50:05Come here.
00:50:06Come here, Shawn.
00:50:07Joe, what is it?
00:50:09Are you okay?
00:50:10Come here.
00:50:11You have to go.
00:50:12What are you talking about?
00:50:13The cottage, it's not safe.
00:50:15You have to go.
00:50:17Joe, you and I need to...
00:50:18No, no, no, you don't understand, okay?
00:50:20You're in danger, okay?
00:50:21You have to go.
00:50:22Hey, Joe.
00:50:23Oh, God.
00:50:25How you doing this morning?
00:50:26How's Vince?
00:50:31He's fine.
00:50:32He's waiting for me.
00:50:34So I have to go.
00:50:38What was that all about?
00:50:41Is this just all becoming too bizarre for me?
00:50:44Shawn, it's...
00:50:45I've got to get going.
00:50:47I can't be late for the kids.
00:51:10I'm sorry.
00:51:40I'm sorry.
00:54:31No, do not!
00:54:35This is Cindy Bradford.
00:54:37Sorry I missed your call, but please leave a message
00:54:39and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
00:54:42Thank you.
00:54:43Mom, Mom, please.
00:54:45Please call me as soon as you get this, okay?
00:54:47I'm remembering again.
00:54:49I think it's...
00:54:50I think it's fucking happening all over again.
00:54:52Please, can you just...
00:54:53Can you just call me as soon as you get this, okay?
00:54:59What's up, my brother?
00:55:01What's up, my brother?
00:55:03Timmy, you there?
00:55:05Yeah, why so surprised?
00:55:07I would really, really appreciate
00:55:09just, like, a hangout right now.
00:55:11Are you okay, Zach?
00:55:12I'll see you soon, right?
00:55:25I agree with your mom.
00:55:27I think you should see somebody, like, now.
00:55:29If you want, you know, I can go with you.
00:55:31Hey, what was the name of that shrink
00:55:33that you saw when you were a kid?
00:55:35Uh, Dr. Summers, I think.
00:55:37But, man, I don't know. I don't know.
00:55:39Maybe we should find the Summers guy.
00:55:41Hey, you know what?
00:55:42I'll just pass out on the couch.
00:55:44You and I will get up in the morning
00:55:45and we'll just go together.
00:55:46What time's, uh, Shawn getting home?
00:55:49Uh, late.
00:55:50She's, uh, she's home late tonight.
00:55:52Good, good.
00:55:53Hey, don't tell her I'm here.
00:55:54Might get lucky and see her naked.
00:55:56Make my whole fucking year, right?
00:57:09Oh, God, go Go!
00:57:11Go, Go, go, Go!
00:57:13Go, Go, Go!
00:58:46What happened to the bathroom mirror?
00:58:49I broke it.
00:58:51Oh, okay.
00:58:54I'm sorry.
00:58:59You'll never leave me.
00:59:01What? No.
00:59:42Have you seen Timmy this morning?
00:59:44Timmy? What do you mean?
00:59:46He stayed over last night. He's gonna help me with something.
00:59:49Um, I don't think so. There's no Timmy out there.
00:59:53You sure?
00:59:55Timmy's tough to miss. Pretty sure he's not here.
01:00:06I do find it curious that you've come to see me again after all these years, Zack.
01:00:11Please, have a seat.
01:00:23So, what seems to be troubling you?
01:00:28Um, I don't remember much of my treatment from back when I was a kid.
01:00:34I just, it seems like a black hole. I just want to know what was wrong with me.
01:00:39Memory recapture is a delicate practice, Zack.
01:00:43It's not always in the patient's best interest.
01:00:45Please, Dr. Summers, it's really important. I want to know.
01:00:54All right, then.
01:00:56Dissociative personality disorder is a, well, it's a clinical way of describing a whole host of psychotic behavior.
01:01:04It may appear as personality disorders, schizophrenia, hallucinations, sexual deviance, and so on.
01:01:12But in your case, it was a severe depersonalization disorder.
01:01:17What is that? I don't know what that is.
01:01:20Can I, uh, interest you in some tea?
01:01:24Yeah, sure, yeah.
01:01:26Chamomile all right?
01:01:27It's fine, yeah.
01:01:29Well, typically the, uh, the patient may feel divorced from his own body.
01:01:36As though his own sensations, emotions, behavior, no longer his.
01:01:43They belong to another.
01:01:50Almost, uh, almost like you're in a dream, watching a movie of yourself, detached.
01:01:58Like you're not part of the real world.
01:02:05It's most common among people who've had a traumatic experience, but that didn't seem to be the case with you.
01:02:11It started out as a series of nightmares, gradually invaded waking hours.
01:02:17You became more aggressive, more violent.
01:02:24You became consumed by it.
01:02:30And then what happened?
01:02:33You were medicated.
01:02:36Underwent some hypnotic sessions.
01:02:40But ultimately, only a series of electro-convulsive treatments proved successful in getting rid of the hysteria.
01:03:01You were there.
01:03:03You were there.
01:03:07The nightmares eventually subsided and the images of this other self disappeared.
01:03:13You got your childhood back.
01:03:15Your mother tells me you're in law school and in a healthy relationship.
01:03:19Clearly, we were successful.
01:03:21You still speak to my mother.
01:03:23I like to keep track of how some of my patients are doing.
01:03:26For 12 years?
01:03:28Well, usually no.
01:03:30But then, yours is not a usual case.
01:03:36You can have a great life now, Zack.
01:03:40If you choose.
01:03:44Trust me.
01:03:47Trust you?
01:03:49Trust you?!
01:03:51Well, fuck you, Dr. Summers! I trusted you once before!
01:03:56Fuck, fuck!
01:04:02So, how's your dad doing?
01:04:04He's good.
01:04:06You guys getting along?
01:04:09Yeah, sure.
01:04:14Let me ask you something. When you were watching yourself acting up,
01:04:21you also see whoever else is around?
01:04:27And how does your dad react when everything gets crazy?
01:04:31Does he get mad? Is he sad?
01:04:35Scared, I guess. Angry. He doesn't really know what to do.
01:04:41And does that make you feel bad?
01:04:45No, not really.
01:07:05I'm so scared.
01:07:15You're a rat.
01:07:18I know.
01:08:15Marcus, will you excuse me?
01:08:18Hey, hon. Where have you been? You know, I've been trying to reach you for a while.
01:08:22Mom, why didn't you tell me you still speak to Dr. Summers?
01:08:25I'm sorry.
01:08:27He just wanted to be notified the moment any of your old problems began to resurface.
01:08:32Mom, that's freaking great, okay?
01:08:34How many more surprises are there going to be before I find out what the fuck is wrong with me?
01:08:37Zack, no one is trying to fight with you here.
01:08:40Okay, we're trying to help you. What did Dr. Summers say?
01:08:43Who gives a shit what he said, okay?
01:08:45I didn't like him when I was a kid, and I like him a lot less now.
01:08:48He was a very big help to us during a brutal time in your life, okay?
01:08:52Just listen to what, follow what he says, okay?
01:08:55Mom, I got to go. I got to go.
01:08:57Just stay on the line for...
01:09:02Hey, what the hell are you doing?
01:09:04No, no, no. Come here. No, no.
01:09:06I want to know what you're doing snooping around our house.
01:09:08Let go of me.
01:09:09No, no, no. I'm not going to let you go.
01:09:10What's going on here?
01:09:12I just caught this one sneaking around our house.
01:09:14I want to know what she's up to.
01:09:15Let her go, Zack. She's not up to anything.
01:09:17She's just waiting for me.
01:09:20What is the matter with you?
01:09:22You're so paranoid.
01:09:24I was just letting her borrow this hat for a party she's going to.
01:09:27I just... I just thought...
01:09:33It's okay, sweetie. You don't need to be upset.
01:09:42I'm sorry.
01:10:13That's real nice, Andre.
01:10:24Maybe it's best we don't send these home.
01:10:27Okay, Miss Edmund.
01:10:32Maybe I shouldn't take these.
01:10:34No, you shouldn't.
01:10:36You should.
01:10:38Maybe I should take these.
01:11:08Don't do that.
01:11:11Leave it on.
01:11:15Just the pants.
01:11:31What's gotten into you today?
01:11:34Against the window.
01:12:01Is he still...
01:12:38Oh, God.
01:13:09What happened before?
01:13:11I don't... I don't know. I don't know.
01:13:15That wasn't like you.
01:13:19What's happening to you?
01:13:22I'm not sure.
01:13:39I've never been in a relationship before.
01:13:45Did you know that?
01:13:51Your wife just loves that.
01:13:56And I looked for you for a long time.
01:14:04I found you.
01:14:08You did.
01:14:11You did find me.
01:14:14It seemed like one minute I was alone,
01:14:17and then the next, there you were.
01:14:21I don't know what...
01:14:23what feels real or...
01:14:27I don't know what's gonna last
01:14:29and what might get taken away from me.
01:14:31I told you, I won't leave you.
01:14:34Yeah, why, though? That's just it, isn't it? Why?
01:14:38I just look at you.
01:14:40How is it possible that there was no one before me?
01:14:42I told you, I didn't want to love anyone else.
01:14:46I was too afraid that something awful would happen
01:14:49because it always did.
01:14:52You make me feel safe.
01:14:54You make me feel like I'm allowed to love you.
01:14:57But am I right, Zack?
01:14:59Is my love safe?
01:15:03I'm worried.
01:15:08I'm sorry.
01:15:14And I'm sad for you.
01:15:17Because you needed me.
01:15:28No, it's not gonna happen.
01:15:30We're not sending Zack to some mental health lock-up
01:15:32where you can do whatever the hell you please.
01:15:34Daniel, just listen to me.
01:15:35No, forget it!
01:15:36Mr. Bradford,
01:15:37he needs to be in a controlled environment
01:15:39where we can properly treat his diagnosis.
01:15:42Otherwise, there's no guarantee of success.
01:15:45Please, Daniel.
01:15:46I am so afraid.
01:15:48How do you know he's been diagnosed incorrectly?
01:15:51How the fuck do you know
01:15:52if you've never seen anything like this?
01:15:54Because any other explanation
01:15:55would be a hell of a lot harder to swallow.
01:15:59But I can't be part of this.
01:16:01You can do whatever you think you need to.
01:16:08You want to share?
01:16:13Zack Bradford came to see me today.
01:16:16He did?
01:16:19And what do you want?
01:16:21What all my patients want.
01:16:23My help.
01:16:27But I thought you cured him.
01:16:30No, I didn't.
01:16:32Did you?
01:16:34No, I didn't.
01:16:37I just try to fool myself that I didn't.
01:16:44No, I was, uh...
01:16:46I was lost.
01:16:50It made me question everything I believed in.
01:16:55I copped out.
01:16:58I just wanted to stop, you know?
01:17:03So I, uh...
01:17:06I erased his memories.
01:17:11Wiped them clean like chalk from a blackboard.
01:17:17Honey, I've never asked you to do this before, but...
01:17:22I want you to refer him to somebody else.
01:17:24He scarred you for life when he was 10.
01:17:26Who knows what he's gonna do now that he's a grown man?
01:17:30Promise me you won't get involved again.
01:17:37Okay, pinky promise.
01:17:41You better.
01:17:49Now, if you can manage...
01:17:52to lighten up...
01:17:54maybe I'll surprise you in the morning.
01:18:10He'll be sedated, so he won't feel a thing.
01:18:14He'll just lose a little memory, that's all.
01:18:19You know, I've loved that child every minute of his life.
01:18:24Look, you have to swear to me.
01:18:27That he'll be all right.
01:18:29You have to swear to me that I'm doing the right thing.
01:18:34He will be, and you won't.
01:19:28I knew it.
01:19:31I knew that I had to keep going.
01:19:38Don't be afraid.
01:19:40There's nothing we can do.
01:19:44Close your eyes, my love.
01:19:46We'll be together forever.
01:19:57I love you.
01:20:27I love you.
01:20:57I love you.
01:21:27I love you.
01:21:57I love you.
01:22:27I love you.
01:23:11Dad! Dad!
01:23:13You need to go!
01:23:24I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
01:23:26I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
01:23:28I'm sorry!
01:23:30I got money! I got money!
01:23:36Whatever you want.
01:23:40Somebody! Somebody!
01:23:42Somebody help me!
01:23:46God, where are you, God?
01:23:48Where are you, God?
01:23:50No, no, no.
01:24:01There's no reason to be afraid.
01:24:05All this...
01:24:08is just a dream.
01:24:15I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
01:24:17No, no, no, no!
01:24:19No, no, no!
01:24:54I can't believe this.
01:24:57I can't believe that this is actually happening to you.
01:25:06We loved each other once before, Zack.
01:25:09A very long time ago.
01:25:12Can you remember?
01:25:17I had suffered from an incurable sadness.
01:25:22My mind was filled with visions.
01:25:25Voices so treacherous.
01:25:28Devotions so cruel.
01:25:32And in the end,
01:25:34my only choice was to take my own life.
01:25:39Or surrender.
01:25:54You gave your life trying to save me.
01:25:58Save me from what I was to become.
01:26:05But I grieved for you like no other.
01:26:09I searched for you over the course of many lifetimes.
01:26:13And I would have searched for many more.
01:26:17But then I found you.
01:26:28I've always been with you.
01:26:38Trying to help you make the passage.
01:26:41Help you become complete.
01:26:43Hope you become complete.
01:26:48But you weren't strong enough.
01:26:52Please don't leave me!
01:26:54Find him, Zack!
01:26:56Find him!
01:26:59So you remained trapped in the body of a child.
01:27:04Until now.
01:27:07But now you're grown.
01:27:09Now the boy has finally become a man.
01:27:14What have you done to me?
01:27:33Mine is the capacity to love that knows no boundaries.
01:27:39I'll teach you everything.
01:27:45You'll experience a power that is incomprehensible to all but a few.
01:27:51The power of life and death.
01:27:56There are those that worship you as a god.
01:28:00They will grovel at your feet.
01:28:03You're finally mine.
01:28:05You're finally mine.
01:28:11And I will never leave you.
01:28:15I will love you.
01:28:34As a child,
01:28:36especially during those fragile moments of twilight sleep,
01:28:42it's often difficult
01:28:44to discriminate between our experiences
01:28:48and our imagination.
01:28:51But as we grow,
01:28:53we're taught to place in separate boxes
01:28:57what is known to be real
01:28:59and what we imagine.
01:29:09But what if the child,
01:29:11in his innocence,
01:29:13is simply more open to other experiences,
01:29:17able to connect the cosmos we see
01:29:20with those we don't?
01:29:24I believe that as a species,
01:29:26we are trying to raise our consciousness,
01:29:29become closer to God.
01:29:33But perhaps at every turn,
01:29:36an equivalent force of evil is present,
01:29:40attempting to block our path,
01:29:42keeping us from becoming more divine.
01:30:13Like a silent death
01:30:16And all the sins you've sown
01:30:21Have turned your heart to stone
01:30:26And the fire in your soul
01:30:30Won't leave you alone
01:30:34I will love you
01:30:36Double inside of you
01:30:39I'll be beside you
01:30:42Never feel the darkness burn
01:30:47When you're living a nightmare
01:30:50I will be right there
01:30:52Together we'll find a place to hide
01:30:58And I will love you
01:31:00Like devil inside you
01:31:04When the lines you've crossed
01:31:08And the chains you've tossed
01:31:11Hang around your neck
01:31:14Like an albatross
01:31:16When the rage won't wane
01:31:19And the stakes you've claimed
01:31:22Have pierced your heart
01:31:25And ripped your veins
01:31:27After all the pain you've been
01:31:33Left to no more tears to shed
01:31:38I will bring you back
01:31:41Bring you back from the dead
01:31:48And I will love you
01:31:51Like devil inside you
01:31:54I'll be beside you
01:31:56There on the edge of a lonely abyss
01:32:01When you're living in despair
01:32:04I will be right there
01:32:06To give you one last eternal kiss
01:32:12And I will love you
01:32:14Like devil inside you
01:32:16When you're full of impure thoughts
01:32:18Lost and alone
01:32:19Everybody but you gone
01:32:20We sit alone
01:32:21Time tick, tick, tick, tick
01:32:23Sing along
01:32:24When every corner you turn dark
01:32:26Time to go home
01:32:28When the monsters in your head
01:32:33Leave you shaking in your bed
01:32:39When you wake up screaming
01:32:43I won't be afraid
01:32:47I will love you
01:32:49Like devil inside you
01:32:52I'll be beside you
01:32:55Wherever you feel the darkness burn
01:33:00When you're filled in a nightmare
01:33:03I will be right there
01:33:05Together we'll find a place to hide
01:33:11And I will love you
01:33:13Like devil inside you
01:33:15The doubt I feel in my heart
01:33:16You're in my zone
01:33:17When the day comes, baby
01:33:18I'm gone, coming along
01:33:20It's either me and you for the time
01:33:21Maybe you don't
01:33:22And I'm lost without you
01:33:24I just gotta know
01:33:25Like devil inside you