Mean Dreams (2016) Romance Drama Thriller

  • last month
Casey and Jonas, two teenagers, are in love with each other. When Casey's abusive father threatens her life, Jonas steals money from him and elopes with her.
00:02:01Hey boy boy you come from
00:02:26Hi there hi
00:02:30Thanks for finding him
00:02:33Yeah, no he kind of found me
00:02:38We just moved in right back there
00:02:52That yours yeah, yes mine
00:03:00I suppose that makes us neighbors
00:03:09All right, well yeah, I head home
00:03:14Hey, um, I'm Jonas Ford, I'm Casey Carraway
00:03:53There you go
00:03:55Kind of buzztail in the barn. She walked out the woods a bit. I'll deal with this
00:03:59They check valve on the hose is leaking. We need to use a kitchen pipe for today
00:04:04I'm not gonna like that. Yeah, let's see how she likes it. We can't afford her rum and smokes cuz we're too backed up
00:04:09Hey, you remember how I showed you shut off that water supply and let the pressure out
00:04:14and Jonas
00:04:16When that snake finds its way back
00:04:19You kill it
00:05:00Hey boy
00:05:05Morning morning
00:05:08Sleep okay. Yeah that coffee. I'm smelling. Yeah got some toes up to you
00:05:17There's nothing to put on it though
00:05:19I'll leave you some cash
00:05:21Why don't you go into town today and pick us up a few things? How's that sound? Sure
00:05:35You outdid yourself baby girl
00:05:49You nervous nervous about what
00:05:55New station in town catching bad guys your daddy's trade you can take it anywhere
00:06:03Why do I look nervous
00:06:09Come here
00:06:12Come on on
00:06:18Let me have your hand
00:06:24You feel it can't get any calmer than that
00:06:40I'm sorry. We had to move. I'm proud of you for making the best of it
00:06:46I'll get us out of here as quick as I can
00:06:50Before you know it
00:08:27My name is Casey Caraway my daddy and I we just moved into the house down the road
00:08:37I met your son Jonas this morning
00:08:42See home by any chance
00:08:44What's your business with him?
00:08:46It's no business. No, it's just I was about to head into town
00:08:52Jonas he don't go to town
00:08:56So he can't show you nothing that you wouldn't see for yourself, no, I
00:09:01Guess I just mean the way to get to know him a little
00:10:05Hey cowboy I was looking for you
00:10:12Your mom
00:10:14Yeah, she's
00:10:17She gets sad sometimes you're gonna be in trouble
00:10:28Where you going
00:10:32Nowhere really you want to come yeah
00:11:02How's the school here
00:11:05They start on Monday, that's good, but I don't really go anymore
00:11:14And your parents are okay with that I
00:11:17Hope so. It's their idea
00:11:20And here I thought I'd have someone to cheat off of
00:11:23I'll be doing you a favor in that case
00:11:32How'd y'all move here actually my daddy grew up in Nix County over
00:11:39He says they need a lot of eyes and ears because of all of the dirty training coming through town
00:11:46Your mom
00:11:48She okay with the move
00:11:52My mom's dead
00:11:56When I was a baby cancer
00:12:02I'm sorry
00:12:06Can't miss what you never had
00:12:20That's not right to you
00:12:35There you are baby girl
00:12:39Getting to worry about you Vic. Hi daddy. This is our neighbor Jonas. It's a caraway
00:12:49So that's your old ranch down the road is it sir how many ranchers right here still see worth it to stick it out
00:12:57Something to admire there can't be easy living. Ah ain't so bad, sir. I
00:13:05Hope you're hungry
00:13:09Got some steaks that a girl you take that bag off you go on back and fire up the grill. I
00:13:18Take it your mom has got a nice dinner waiting for you that right? Yes, sir
00:13:27Call me Wayne
00:13:31Casey you come in soon now
00:13:39Come on blaze
00:13:46Well, thanks for showing me around
00:13:51Sorry if I might have spoiled any other not
00:13:53I can spoil nothing
00:14:26Where the hell you been
00:14:28Just showing Casey around town
00:14:30Being friendly
00:14:32Some neighbors ought to be don't they?
00:14:34But you took in that lip you're not to run on out of here without notice
00:14:38No, I wouldn't had to if Ma didn't slam the door in her face. You left me high and dry today, son. I
00:14:44Fell behind a great deal because of your selfishness. Oh, I ain't selfish
00:14:49Can't work just as hard as any ranch hand that gets paid now, don't complain or ask for nothing
00:14:58I'm sorry for running out on you
00:15:01I'm gonna finish chopping up that wood and round it up this morning then reinforce a pin all a guy was supposed to
00:15:16I'll forget the pin
00:15:18It'll be there tomorrow. I know I got plans tomorrow
00:16:51You know people can see for three miles on flatland it's pretty far
00:16:58It's not far enough
00:17:05It's always been my dream to see the ocean one day
00:17:30My mom used to say how beautiful the coast is said she felt trapped by the land
00:17:41Told me the ocean is freedom
00:17:51Thought you said your mama died when you were a baby I
00:17:56Was alive
00:18:03Guess it
00:18:06Just hurts too much to remember
00:18:12You uh
00:18:15You lie a lot all the time
00:18:31You don't think about
00:18:34God I
00:18:38Think God's also a lie
00:18:40It's just something someone made up to keep people from being bad
00:18:46Like Santa Claus the grown-ups
00:18:59But I don't need to lie with you
00:19:04Not anymore
00:19:06Ask me anything and I'll tell you
00:19:10I'll tell you the truth
00:19:18You uh
00:19:23Be my girlfriend
00:19:49Yeah, gotcha son
00:19:54There's two of them the other ones back in my house
00:19:59Now if we need to talk to each other can I
00:20:05Love it
00:20:08Yeah, so I was thinking maybe tomorrow busy
00:20:18Why are you hiding daddy?
00:20:20Ain't hiding. I'm waiting. It's it's my fault. She's late sir. I took it on home. It's my time with my daughter now
00:20:35Guess I'll come by tomorrow. I've got shit in years boy
00:20:43Come on plays
00:21:10Wanted to celebrate with my baby girl tonight
00:21:14I'll make spaghetti bolognese your favorite
00:21:18I'm not hungry
00:21:20The thing I tossed it then I
00:21:26Wouldn't get too attached to that boy
00:21:28Looks like we're gonna get out of this shithole sooner than I thought
00:21:32That's too bad
00:21:34So starting to like it
00:21:39Calm down
00:22:00Look like her
00:22:05You talk like
00:22:10Look at me
00:22:17Don't be like her
00:22:20You're my blood your care away
00:22:28It's you and me Casey
00:22:34Say it
00:22:38It's you and me
00:24:00Next time I see you around my house and my daughter
00:24:07I'll hold you under for good
00:24:19Casey get in the house said get in the house
00:25:17Should be there with him
00:25:19Ain't right
00:25:22No, don't you don't understand
00:25:29My dad I ain't afraid of him you should
00:25:55See in there today, mr. Ford quite a sermon you missed to talk to you about one of your officers, sir. Uh-huh
00:26:05Mr. Carraway, well, I'll go on then
00:26:09He's no good, sir
00:26:13I'm gonna need more than that
00:26:16No good, huh, that's how he treats his daughter. I
00:26:24Understand the two of you become pretty close. Am I correct?
00:26:29Yes, sir
00:26:30Now this complaint of yours it wouldn't have anything to do with a potential complaint of his about you spending all day and night
00:26:35With her would it know?
00:26:36But he has made such an objection
00:26:48Saw him beat her
00:26:52Then aren't afterward to drowning me half to death. Well, that doesn't sound quite right
00:27:00But what puzzles me about this you see is
00:27:04It kids are a product of their parents
00:27:07Now Casey's about the sweetest
00:27:10Happiest little girl these old eyes ever seen
00:27:13And considering her mama ain't been around for some time. I
00:27:17Credit sergeant Carraway with the type of young lady. She's become
00:27:22Now regarding all this hitting and drowning I'll surely look into it because that's my job, but I will tell you this
00:27:30You ain't Casey's family
00:27:33You might share spit and secrets
00:27:35But the two years don't share blood and the only business you have with her is what her father says
00:27:45You go on now
00:28:16Well, hell boy
00:28:19It's on the fence about you, but it's official now I like you
00:28:27Got a pretty good pair
00:28:29Sooner than they ain't dropped yet
00:28:32Of course that being said
00:28:35Get off my property
00:28:37You ain't welcome
00:28:41You're a bad man, oh, is that so
00:28:45What's your idea of a good man your daddy?
00:28:49Some hard bum keeps his family locked up on his ranch like it's a damn tomb. You don't beat on us
00:28:57You ever laid a finger that's cuz he's a coward
00:29:03Don't know nothing about him. Oh, that's where you're wrong, son
00:29:08See, there's only two kinds of men in this world
00:29:14Your daddy and me
00:29:17Now the way I see it you got two options and I'm sorry to say that not either one of them
00:29:24Involves you having a friendship with my baby girl
00:29:28option number one
00:29:30You'd be civil it's all neighbors ought to be
00:29:35See each other in town
00:29:38Not smile be on our respective ways option number two
00:29:45I make life for your family live in hell
00:29:49one little phone call about violated regulations and I'll have
00:29:53Land inspectors so far up your daddy's ass the cattle be impressed how hard he shits
00:30:00You keep coming around here doing what you do
00:30:05I'll know which option you chose for yourself and your family
00:30:46Don't shush me
00:30:50In the middle of this thing you're always in the middle of the top what I talk to you
00:31:22It's mr. Carraway sir
00:31:25Casey's dead
00:31:28What about him
00:31:31I saw him hit Casey. I
00:31:35Tried to protect her dragged me outside and he held my head in the basin
00:31:43What do you mean when you try to protect her
00:31:48Right inside not
00:31:50Try to protect her
00:31:52Well, that was a pretty damn foolish thing to do now, wasn't it?
00:31:56The hell was I supposed to do Paul watching beat on her now, it probably wasn't like that
00:32:00He's a man of the law. I ain't saying that makes him a saint. I'm saying it ain't up to us to judge
00:32:06You need to be smart in this life son think before you act
00:32:11You don't go running into a man's house uninvited and start attacking him and a police officer
00:32:17No less you have any idea the reign of shit that man could bring down on this family needs help. Oh
00:32:24Do something like what
00:32:29Run over there throwing punches. The only thing that'll do is wind me up in the drunk tag court date
00:32:39You heard how
00:32:43You know
00:32:45You and your mama
00:32:47I'll take a little trip sometime
00:32:50Because this world will eat you up whole
00:32:54And I'll tell you something else you ever talked to me like this
00:34:56Know damn well your wife
00:39:49Hey place, all right
00:43:57Don't was taken out of my truck while I was here. There's the only place that could have been taken speak
00:44:03There was a boy boy, I saw a boy he was hiding outside before he had a bag
00:46:12What's in the bag
00:46:25You took this from my dad
00:46:31Who did he take it from
00:46:39What were you thinking that home ain't safe for you
00:46:43We had to get you out of there and now cuz this money we can
00:46:47Where are we gonna go?
00:46:50Don't it
00:47:03Still get out of this son. I'll make a deal with you
00:47:07Bring back my daughter in my bag and that'll be the end of it
00:47:11No harm. No foul
00:47:21If you don't return what's mine
00:47:24Make me chase you
00:47:26It's gonna get me and you're gonna wish I drowned your ass
00:49:04Jonas yeah
00:49:18Now might be a good time
00:50:21Hey, come here
00:50:49Sunday school best place to be every Sunday morning
00:51:03Lost count twice, but I think I got around four hundred thirty thousand
00:51:10I've got about five hundred and fifty thousand
00:51:15That's nine hundred eighty total. It's almost a million dollars
00:51:22Do you know what that means
00:51:23He's rich. No Jonas. This is not our money. Hey, why didn't your paws neither?
00:51:29Yeah, I stole from him just like he stole from them. So he has much right to it as he does
00:51:37He's deserve it
00:51:40We're good
00:51:46It's only half
00:51:48And it's just a backup. So if ever we need more and we'll come back in to get up
00:51:53So where you want to go?
00:51:55the ocean
00:53:14Help you with something
00:53:17Want a gun
00:53:19And I want to retire
00:53:21Not old enough
00:53:25Yeah, I can help with that
00:53:31Where'd you get that doesn't matter
00:53:58Single-action Colt 38. It's an antique
00:54:02What's wrong with those those are on the books it's this one or nothing
00:54:14So work it works
00:54:19Take it then some bullets to the hell you want with this anyway protect my family
00:54:32All of it get the other half when you show me how to use it
00:55:32Won't be much longer
00:55:44Doesn't hurt now Jonas stop worrying
00:55:52He's mean as hell
00:56:01Never used to lay him
00:56:11I'm on
00:56:15It wasn't too concerned beating her up
00:56:22He used to say she could take it
00:56:31Tried no
00:56:34Tried convincing her to run away with
00:56:38She wouldn't even
00:56:44This one time
00:56:48Came to pick us up
00:56:51We were at the movies me and my mom
00:56:58Have been drinking
00:57:03So she she got in his case about it and started yelling
00:57:12He lost control
00:57:17And car crash
00:57:29Watched her die
00:57:36And then the cops came
00:57:43So they were his friends
00:57:48They made sure nothing bad would happen
00:57:55Did after that I guess I
00:58:01Guess I was the only one around to get angry
00:58:16Yeah, you know we feel bad the day after
00:58:23If I need a present
00:58:28Dress and shoes puppy
00:58:37Every time he promised he will lose control again
00:58:47But he's a liar
00:58:50Just like me no
00:58:52God made a mistake giving you to him
00:58:58You're good
00:59:01That's something you can trust
00:59:05Something else you can trust you ain't never gonna see him again
01:01:32Got used to the fact of you smelling that
01:01:36Those you the whole time
01:01:38Hey, you're freezing. Oh, really? Yeah. How about this one? Yep. That's even worse
01:01:58Spared in the dark
01:02:08Have you ever kissed a girl
01:02:59Don't do anything
01:04:24Last time you hopped into the back of someone's car without them knowing
01:04:29It got you into some trouble. Mr. Ford. Give me your gun. Don't carry one
01:04:47Chains on the wheel
01:04:53Do find us
01:04:55Got word of a report from a pawn shop owner in town said a young boy tried to sell him an old pistol
01:05:02Says the boy was with a pretty blonde and a dog to that got my attention even if the rest didn't quite add up
01:05:09Motel must have been mighty hard to resist after a storm like that
01:05:14Having fun spending our money ain't your money
01:05:37You're gonna get that poor girl killed, you know that don't you saving her
01:05:41Your chin deep in shit yourself
01:05:43The longer you play this out the worse off you'll be
01:05:46So let's just put the gun down go get Casey and the money and be done with all this money's gone
01:05:53Gun mugged by a bum and Crow Lake
01:05:55You expect me to believe that believe what you want. Just keep driving. What's in your head boy?
01:06:00How can you possibly think you're gonna get away with this just will?
01:06:05Deserve to I hate to break the news to you. Mr. Ford, but who deserves what don't mean diddly in the real world
01:06:12One thing's for sure
01:06:13You too soon to lift a nice trail of breadcrumbs behind you slow down a couple of runaways
01:06:18Travel packs and a dopey old dog. That's an image that tends to linger in people's minds slow down
01:06:25You stole a lot of money. Mr. Ford you steal from a man. He doesn't stop looking for you
01:06:30It isn't just one day decide to let it go slow down God forgives so we don't have to
01:07:02Give me your wallet phone
01:07:04Son you should get that checked
01:07:28You think I'm a bad man Jonas I'm tooth fairy compared to what's coming
01:08:45Need some things
01:08:47Nothing back here. I'm allowed to sell you without a parent on a prescription hun. I need disinfectant and
01:08:53Stuffed and I'm pain someone, you know hurting
01:08:58You're just take it
01:09:00Give me what I need, please
01:09:03He's my friend he
01:09:05He's bleeding. It's really bad. Then you better get them to a hospital. We can't I
01:09:11Want to help you? I can't just give you what you're asking
01:09:15I'm not asking
01:12:01Hey cowboy, how are you feeling? Save me?
01:12:13What do you think
01:12:16It's no ocean, but it's ours
01:12:23We need to rethink a few things I
01:12:32She's figure out a way to
01:12:34Cover a lot of ground
01:12:39That'll be tough with blaze
01:12:56Looking for the gun. Yeah
01:13:00It's gone
01:13:04What got rid of it this morning while you're passed out Casey, why would you do that?
01:13:10Because it scares me
01:13:13Scares me more to think about what we're supposed to do without it
01:13:15Okay, that gun keeps us safe. And you know, I don't want to be those kind of people
01:13:19What kind of people the kind that sticks a gun in someone's face to get what they want?
01:13:23Well, I don't want to be those kind of people either Casey, but we have to be realistic about this
01:13:28It's only a matter of time before someone sees us with blaze and puts it together
01:13:32It's gonna get us caught again. And when he does we need to be ready for it
01:13:36I'm not saying we need it Casey just in case someone stronger than me tries to hurt you
01:13:45No one's stronger than you Jonas
01:15:06Hi there, hi, sir, what can I help you with?
01:15:20Would you go
01:15:23Where's place he's gone. I gave him up just like you wanted. Hey
01:15:28He was my only friend before you and I abandoned him to keep you safe. Keep me safe
01:15:36We talking about Casey. This has all been to protect you
01:15:39It's the reason for my whole plan. What plan you didn't have a plan
01:15:44You barely gave it a thought a time for that Casey. I had to get you out of that house. Why?
01:15:50Okay, why could you just leave me right where I was?
01:15:53You stole the money you had to leave not me. Why are you still here then?
01:16:00Huh, why'd you even come because you weren't leaving without me
01:16:06And he was coming after you
01:16:10That's why I left
01:16:12To get you out of there to protect you and I still am
01:16:18If my daddy finds us he'll beat me two inches from death
01:16:23But you
01:16:26Don't look all the way
01:16:33Just go get place Casey we can it's done. It's pack. We're already behind
01:16:49You hate me
01:16:59I love you, too
01:17:08Just um, wait one second
01:17:55Hello Jonas
01:18:08Gotta are you? All right. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Where are you?
01:18:23Whatever we've done to
01:18:26Make you abandon us. I can't do nothing
01:18:32Okay, so dad's after us
01:18:36He's dangerous
01:18:40The thief the killer
01:18:43the chief do
01:18:45Well could come home then you'll be safe here Casey won't be
01:18:50Come after us take her away and we'll be anything we can do about it
01:18:54Well, then we'll go to the police and and tell them what you're telling are the police oh
01:19:01My word won't hold up against theirs son. Listen to me. Tell my lover
01:19:09I'll be home in a little while
01:19:16Since I'm close for you Jonas, don't you hang up?
01:21:06Sorry folks looks like we're being pulled over
01:21:30My god Jonas
01:21:44Sir son, I'm gonna need you to keep your seat pay you. Okay. I got a lot of money
01:21:54Good afternoon officers
01:21:57Hey boy, sure. I'm glad to see you step off the bus. Mr. Ford
01:22:19There's my angel
01:22:23Things fine folks least matter
01:22:34Casey let's go
01:22:40Goddamn girl
01:22:42No, don't let him take us no Casey it's time to go home, honey
01:23:04That'll be all
01:23:21Where's the rest of it told the sheriff I got mountain crow like it's all slip
01:23:30Casey the truth
01:23:41That's a little vague no back north just in case we'd want to come back
01:23:55It's your ass up get back in the car
01:24:29Did pretty good considering
01:24:31Let my daughter give up the thing. She loves the most in the whole world
01:24:35She thought it set you free
01:24:37Pretty cold. Mr. Ford. Funny thing is abandon the dogs. What got you caught? I
01:24:43Got a call from a vet in Hodgeville
01:24:45Someone brought him in check his ID had a microchip under his ear scan it our info comes up
01:24:51Figured the only reason to ditch the peppers you was aiming to take a bus
01:24:57Blazes our dog Casey
01:25:04Not everything's as simple as it seems when you're a kid
01:25:09It's a mean world and the angels left us to fend for ourselves you got a fight for whatever's yours
01:25:16However, you know how I wouldn't know an angel if you were beaten on one
01:25:22That's what you do ain't it be on angels
01:25:33How we on gas on the red yet take the next stop anyway, these kids are probably hungry
01:25:48Why don't you let me take over
01:25:51These patties take two hands to eat
01:25:53If you insist
01:26:43What's happening
01:27:03Couple of crushed Valley, I've never heard anybody
01:27:06Hell are you doing?
01:27:09This is as far as I go
01:27:11I'm taking my half of the money your half wherever it is. It's your problem your fault
01:27:17I'm done with this nonsense you fuck
01:27:19Sweet dreams darling, it's at least you deserve
01:27:49You really fucked me on this one
01:29:50How much farther Casey
01:29:58Casey 50 miles
01:30:46Up ahead through that clearing
01:30:49I'd be sure if I were you
01:31:32Come on now, baby girl get this done Casey Casey
01:31:50All you had to do was mind your own business
01:32:01Let's go
01:32:07Casey Casey
01:32:47It's under here somewhere, what are you waiting for then?
01:32:51I'll try that one
01:33:43You stalling
01:33:50Whoa, baby girl, I'll kill you before I let you kill him. Nobody's killing anybody
01:33:58Put the gun down Casey and we'll talk shut up
01:34:03Okay, see you're scaring me
01:34:05Okay, I admit it. I know I failed you. I
01:34:10Lost my heart. I lost my way
01:34:13But I swear on my soul on your mama's grave, I'll let him go. I don't believe you
01:34:20You know what happens if you pull that trigger, don't you
01:34:23You'll be alone. I know you with Jonas now
01:34:27Pretty soon. He's gonna get tired and he's gonna want to go home
01:34:31You'll see one day. He'll quit on you quick as light. It's coming. I guarantee it
01:34:37Hey, see, you're my angel
01:34:39Baby girl, please
01:34:42It's you and me, right
01:34:46Say it
01:34:49It's you
01:41:10We'll walk the other side
01:41:18We'll brace for it and conquer everything
01:41:33And conquer everything
01:41:57We'll wake the dead from sleep
01:42:05Shed our skin
01:42:08We'll walk the other side
01:42:34Tear me away
01:42:37Take me to them
01:42:42Alternate alternate
01:43:32Make what we can
01:43:42We make what we can
01:44:12What we believe
