Mac And Me (1988) Sci-Fi Family

  • last month
The film revolves around a wheel-chair bound boy and a stranded mysterious alien and how they become friends and help each other with their problems.
00:06:19Closing pressure valve hydraulic system deactivated
00:06:24Installation cover open.
00:06:27Did you hear that?
00:06:30What was that?
00:06:31Did you hear that?
00:06:34Electrical system activated.
00:06:37There it is again.
00:06:39Procedure number six completed.
00:06:41Second memory bank access open.
00:06:47Professor, it's good to see you again.
00:06:49Good to see you, Major.
00:06:50Agents Wickett and Mitman, how do you do?
00:06:52Looks like we've got a malfunction on the amp sampler feed.
00:06:56Try a reset.
00:06:57Doctor, remember Major Bradley, head of intelligence.
00:07:00Hi, Major.
00:07:01Opening C5 container now.
00:07:07Three full load.
00:07:09The gross weight discrepancy's still there.
00:07:11Recheck the prestat.
00:07:13I've given it the auto test, I've given it the manual test.
00:07:15It's still there.
00:07:16All right, let me see.
00:07:19Can you reset these and give me one last...
00:07:29Do you see any little green monsters in there?
00:07:34HMS samples look great.
00:07:39Section seven closing down.
00:07:41Gross weight discrepancy's still there.
00:07:43I've cross-checked everything.
00:07:46Let me see.
00:07:55Opening add sampler chamber.
00:07:57Pressure system in second mode.
00:08:00Eighth procedure completed.
00:08:02Going to program nine.
00:08:13What happened?
00:08:15I don't know!
00:08:16I undid the panel and it's blue!
00:08:18Come on, guys, shut it down!
00:08:20There's something in there!
00:08:22What the hell?
00:08:23Don't move, don't move!
00:08:27Larry, back off.
00:08:28Back off, Larry, get away from it.
00:08:30Reverse the add sampler.
00:08:32Back off, back off!
00:08:35You okay?
00:08:36You're okay!
00:08:37Come on, get up!
00:08:38Get out of here!
00:08:39Come on!
00:08:40Let's go, let's go, let's go!
00:08:45Break out, break out.
00:08:46We've got a problem here.
00:08:47Seat in, seat in.
00:08:48Pull back to second perimeter.
00:08:50Repeat, pull back to second perimeter.
00:08:53Call in red.
00:09:06Keep still, don't move.
00:09:15Stay back.
00:09:16Stay away from it.
00:09:51Hey, to the right!
00:09:53Move it!
00:09:59Second perimeter!
00:10:00Stand ready!
00:10:01Stay back!
00:10:02Hold your fire!
00:10:03Stay back!
00:10:04Hold your fire!
00:10:05Everybody hold your fire!
00:10:12Roger, we see him.
00:10:14He's heading towards the north vent.
00:10:18Holy smoke, what the hell is this?
00:10:22He's on the north vent!
00:10:34Oh, no!
00:10:35Someone's killing us!
00:10:36Oh, God, look out there!
00:10:39We're going to crash, Dick!
00:10:41Oh, no!
00:10:45Oh, my God, a horse!
00:10:48Oh, look out!
00:10:49Over here!
00:10:51Look out!
00:11:00Stay there.
00:11:01Okay, you okay?
00:11:09Fire again!
00:11:11I've got one!
00:11:12I've got one!
00:11:13I've got one!
00:11:14I've got one!
00:11:32Come on!
00:11:33That's it!
00:11:34Close your mouth!
00:11:35Don't cry!
00:11:36It's okay!
00:11:44It's okay!
00:11:55Looks like a biggie!
00:11:56Come on, get in that lane and follow him down.
00:11:58Will you guys just stop it?
00:12:00Can we get in and watch?
00:12:02No way.
00:12:04Is anybody hurt?
00:12:05Oh, nothing serious, lady.
00:12:06Something just ran across the road.
00:12:09I'll tell you, I'm not crazy.
00:12:11It looked like an island with two eyes.
00:12:13It must have been some sort of alien.
00:12:15I think it was a drunk.
00:12:17It's probably an A.D.U.I.
00:12:20An alien driving under the influence.
00:12:31Okay, bring it up, bring it up.
00:12:33Good evening, miss.
00:12:34Everything all right?
00:12:35You tell me.
00:12:36This won't take a minute.
00:12:43All right, you can go.
00:12:44Go on.
00:12:45Next door!
00:12:46Come on, let's pull up!
00:12:49I wonder what they were looking for.
00:12:53With eyes.
00:12:57He jumped over two cars!
00:12:59And nobody got hurt?
00:13:01Yeah, right.
00:13:02The car's flat.
00:13:04Okay, give it back, Mike.
00:13:07He took my Coke, Mom.
00:13:09Come on, you guys.
00:13:10I don't have it.
00:13:11I didn't take it.
00:13:12I knew it!
00:13:14It wasn't me.
00:13:15Who was it then?
00:13:18It wasn't me.
00:13:20Mom did it.
00:13:34It wasn't me.
00:14:08Eric, wake up.
00:14:09We're almost there.
00:14:13All right.
00:14:17Hey, look at all the cars.
00:14:20This looks pretty nice.
00:14:22Yeah, it does.
00:14:23I know, right?
00:14:25It's a nice place.
00:14:27It's a nice place.
00:14:29It's a nice place.
00:14:31It's a nice place.
00:14:33This looks pretty nice.
00:14:34Pretty nice.
00:15:04Ah, great hill for the wheels, man.
00:15:07No, you're not going down any hills
00:15:08until we've checked it out, okay?
00:15:10I know, Mom.
00:15:11Okay, we're almost here.
00:15:13Close your eyes, guys.
00:15:14Close them.
00:15:16Oh, there's a pretty girl.
00:15:18I said close them, you cheaters.
00:15:21Come on.
00:15:22You guys are going to love this place.
00:15:25Okay, you can open them.
00:15:30Okay, you can open them.
00:15:35Kitty, kitty.
00:15:36Wow, top of the hill.
00:15:37Oh, cool.
00:15:38Check it out, two-car garage.
00:15:39Yes, it's the chauffeur's day off.
00:15:41Can we afford this?
00:15:42No, we can't, Eric.
00:15:43That's why I'm forced to sell your brother.
00:15:45Tough break, Mike.
00:15:49That's my stuff you're throwing around there.
00:15:52Relax, lady.
00:15:53It's just our furniture pads.
00:15:55Oh, sorry.
00:15:57Bring the groceries in, guys, okay?
00:15:59I like it.
00:16:00Me, too.
00:16:02Hey, how's it going?
00:16:05We're commuting with the air spirits.
00:16:11Welcome to California, bud.
00:16:16Aren't you going to carry anything?
00:16:19I got my skateboard.
00:16:21Let's go.
00:16:22Hello, California women.
00:16:24Have no fear.
00:16:25Your hormonal hero is here.
00:16:28Oh, nice.
00:16:44Oh, my God.
00:16:48Oh, great house, man.
00:16:50I can't see anything.
00:16:51Put the stuff over the table, guys.
00:16:53You're going to love it.
00:16:54The ceiling looks good.
00:16:56Well, check it out.
00:16:57It's totally rad.
00:16:58Is this going to get me a great Mother's Day present or what?
00:17:01You really scored big, Mom.
00:17:03Look over here.
00:17:04Hey, is that all ours?
00:17:06Yeah, about the first 25 yards of it.
00:17:08You think there's any wild animals out there?
00:17:10Oh, yeah, definitely.
00:17:12Some big grizzly bears.
00:17:15Big nasties.
00:17:16Are you guys kidding?
00:17:17Maybe a couple of gorillas.
00:17:20Yep, yep.
00:17:21Do you think?
00:17:22Yeah, right.
00:17:23Hey, Mom, where's my room?
00:17:24It's down the hall.
00:17:25Come here.
00:17:28Did you notice, my dear, that there is not one step in the entire place?
00:17:32Low counters.
00:17:34Wide hallways.
00:17:36And you can see out of every window.
00:17:38And, baby, you ain't seen nothing yet.
00:17:50Oh, yeah, it's great.
00:17:51You see the size of these closets?
00:17:52I'm going to need more clothes.
00:17:54Yeah, we'll push it on the lift.
00:17:56Ah, thanks.
00:18:02What do you think, huh?
00:18:04I thought we'd put the bed right over here.
00:18:05That way you can just wake up every morning and see the sun coming over the mountains.
00:18:08You did great, Mom.
00:18:10Thank you.
00:18:37Want some lunch?
00:18:38Uh, no thanks.
00:18:40I'm fine.
00:19:24Come on, let's go.
00:19:54Uh, your mom said this is your TV.
00:20:19You want me to hook it up for you?
00:20:21No, I can handle it.
00:20:22Just put it down right there.
00:20:23Got it.
00:20:37And Sugar shall be on feet there.
00:20:40Or is it the other way around?
00:20:46Casey Kelp on clam dancer.
00:20:48Junior Wentworth riding snorkeling.
00:20:53And old Star Seaworthy on top sea brisket.
00:20:58They're all in line.
00:20:59Here's your toe.
00:21:02Tuna on whole wheat.
00:21:03Oh, thanks.
00:21:04Hey, come look at this.
00:21:10That's very good.
00:21:12It didn't do that last time.
00:21:13It stayed on.
00:21:15Yeah, well, uh, if it happens again, let me know.
00:21:24And I'm going to put the whole stretch on.
00:21:44Oh, yeah.
00:22:14Oh, yeah.
00:23:16You looking for your friend?
00:23:19He went down the hill.
00:23:20Did you get a good look at him?
00:23:22Yeah, he's real cute.
00:23:24What did he look like?
00:23:26He's your friend, and you don't even know what he looks like.
00:23:29I was just kidding.
00:23:30He's my brother.
00:23:32Your brother?
00:23:33Where are you from?
00:23:36Welcome to the neighborhood.
00:23:38Looks like you'll be an interesting addition.
00:23:40I hate to have time to eat.
00:23:43I've got to go.
00:23:44What's your name?
00:23:46I'm Debbie.
00:23:47This is my sister, Courtney.
00:23:50We'll talk later.
00:23:52See you.
00:23:54Come on.
00:23:55What happened in here?
00:23:56Did you just go down the hill?
00:23:59Mom is going to freak out.
00:24:01There's something weird going on.
00:24:03Look at this.
00:24:05There were footprints here.
00:24:07Somebody was just in my bathroom taking a shower.
00:24:10Yeah, right.
00:24:11You think she's going to go for that, huh?
00:24:12I'm serious.
00:24:13The TV went on, and it wasn't even plugged in.
00:24:17I'm not joking, Michael.
00:24:19Who broke the lamp?
00:24:21Well, Sherlock Holmes here thinks it's all a ghost.
00:24:23What, did the ghost do it?
00:24:24Something was just in my bedroom.
00:24:26It jumped over my head.
00:24:28Yeah, right.
00:24:29What thing?
00:24:30I never saw it.
00:24:32It just kept doing things.
00:24:33I'm not lying, Mom.
00:24:35I swear it.
00:25:10Oh, Mama.
00:25:11I'm messing the clutter up in the fireplace anyway.
00:25:50Eric, you asleep?
00:26:02Now come on, I want you to stop worrying about this.
00:26:20Did you lock all the windows?
00:26:25I was thinking maybe it wasn't such a bad thing anyway.
00:26:29All it did was take a shower and drink a soda.
00:26:33Well, maybe it was one of the neighborhood kids or something.
00:26:35I'm sure there's a rational explanation.
00:26:39Come on, try and get some sleep, huh?
00:26:41It's been a long day.
00:30:19Oh, my God!
00:30:23Michael? Eric?
00:30:25What have you done?
00:30:27I didn't do it, Mom.
00:30:29Oh, my...
00:30:31Oh, this is my mother's painting.
00:30:34It's 100 years old!
00:30:36Whoa, what happened in here?
00:30:38Everything's ruined.
00:30:40It's totally ruined.
00:30:42It wasn't me, Mom. It was the little creature. I saw it.
00:30:45The house is totally destroyed.
00:30:48What do you want me to say?
00:30:50I don't want you to say anything!
00:30:52Well, calm down, Mom.
00:30:54This is incredible. It's insane. I don't believe it.
00:30:56Look at this. Oh, my God.
00:30:58I'm going back to bed.
00:31:00What the heck happened, man?
00:31:18Oh, my God.
00:32:37Eric, stop!
00:32:48Oh, my gosh!
00:32:57Put this aside, Eric!
00:33:00Mom! Mom!
00:33:14What is it?
00:33:36Eric! Look at me! Say something!
00:33:40Did you see him?
00:33:43The little creature!
00:33:45I can't believe he did this.
00:33:47It's all right, Mom. I'll go get him.
00:33:49No, no. Just go and get some help.
00:33:59I don't know why he did it. I just saw him go.
00:34:02Deep breath.
00:34:04Good. One more.
00:34:07Oh, fine. All right, sit back.
00:34:10How's your head feel? Fine.
00:34:12No dizziness?
00:34:14Close your eyes.
00:34:16Good. Once more.
00:34:19Fine. You're a lucky young man.
00:34:22Everything seems to be okay.
00:34:25Could you leave us alone for a minute?
00:34:33Your mother tells me that you've been seeing some things.
00:34:37Can you tell me about it?
00:34:39You wouldn't believe it.
00:34:41Try me.
00:34:45It's a little creature.
00:34:47Do you see him often?
00:34:49Just the things that he does.
00:34:51Has anyone else seen this little creature?
00:34:54Just Debbie. She's the girl next door.
00:34:57I'm going to give you this mild sedative.
00:35:00It'll help you get some rest.
00:35:02Why don't you just ask Debbie? She knows all about it.
00:35:05Here. Take this.
00:35:08And we'll discuss all that later, okay?
00:35:14You get that rest.
00:35:17I'll come back to see you soon.
00:35:25He's not your brother, is he?
00:35:27Why didn't you tell him that you saw him?
00:35:30Because nobody would believe it.
00:35:32What is he, some sort of ghost?
00:35:34I don't know what he is. You should have backed me up.
00:35:37It wouldn't do any good.
00:35:39They only believe what they want to believe.
00:35:41They already think you've got schizophrenia.
00:35:46Phrenia. It's when you see people that really aren't there.
00:35:50Well, I'm going to prove it to everyone.
00:35:52I'm going to catch them.
00:35:54Can I come in?
00:35:58Sorry to hear what happened.
00:36:00You look okay.
00:36:02I'm fine.
00:36:03Mom wants to go, Deb.
00:36:05Okay. I'll see you later.
00:36:07Give me a call.
00:36:10Hey, why don't you invite Eric to Brittany's birthday tomorrow?
00:36:13You want to come?
00:36:15Okay, I'll see you then.
00:36:17Bye. I'm glad you're okay. Bye.
00:36:24I'm Michael, Eric's brother.
00:36:26I'm Courtney, Deb's sister.
00:36:29Nice meeting you.
00:36:30Me too.
00:36:32It's McDonald's, huh?
00:36:35Why don't you stop by for a Big Mac?
00:36:38Let's go.
00:36:42You never told me about her.
00:36:52I knew I shouldn't have taken this job right now.
00:36:54Mom, it's going to be fine.
00:36:56Are you getting a draft?
00:36:58I'm rolling up the window.
00:37:00You should be in bed anyway.
00:37:01I'm fine.
00:37:04Hey, look out, you idiots!
00:37:06I saw it, Mama. I have plenty of room.
00:37:07What is the matter with you today?
00:37:11I'm going to have to hire somebody to take care of you guys.
00:37:13I can be on my own, Mom.
00:37:14That's it. No, not if I can help it.
00:37:16Well, Debbie's mom said she could look after him.
00:37:18Okay, we're here.
00:37:20I should have called in sick.
00:37:21You can't call in sick on your first day.
00:37:24Are you going to be okay?
00:37:27Listen, I'm getting out at 9.
00:37:28Mr. Allen is bringing me home.
00:37:29Please be there, guys.
00:37:31I'll be there, Mom.
00:37:33I'm not ready for this.
00:37:34Mom, relax. You've already got the job.
00:37:36You look great.
00:37:39I've never seen her this tense before.
00:37:42Yeah, well, it's her first job in ten years.
00:37:44You know what I feel like?
00:37:46A Big Mac?
00:37:47A man is a genius.
00:37:49I'm psychic.
00:37:50I tell you.
00:38:59That's over, though.
00:39:00You know me.
00:39:01She's back in Indiana.
00:39:02I'm here.
00:39:03She's there.
00:39:05Well, you know, it doesn't really matter,
00:39:07so let's talk about you.
00:39:09Are you dating anyone?
00:39:13What are you doing right now?
00:39:16Oh, what subject?
00:39:18Oh, that's sort of my subject.
00:39:20You know, I can help you if you want some help.
00:39:23Come on up.
00:39:25Oh, um...
00:39:29Well, they cut them for, you know, finance.
00:39:55What are you doing here?
00:39:58Did you catch him?
00:39:59Not yet.
00:40:00I want to help.
00:40:02What about your mom?
00:40:03I'm not going to tell her.
00:40:05Who's that?
00:40:06It's just my old Chicago Cubs mascot.
00:40:09Here, you can carry the equipment.
00:40:11Put this on.
00:40:13What are we going to do?
00:40:15It's just a present.
00:40:16I'm not going to tell her.
00:40:18I'm not going to tell her.
00:40:20I'm not going to tell her.
00:40:22What are we going to do?
00:40:23It's just a precaution.
00:40:25I think you should know I bruise easily.
00:40:38Get those cords! Come on!
00:40:41You still haven't told me what we're going to do.
00:40:44Here, strap this vacuum cleaner on your back.
00:40:46We're going to suck them up.
00:40:53What's it doing?
00:40:55I don't know.
00:41:23You ready?
00:41:26Hit it!
00:41:32Come on!
00:41:34Don't hurt him!
00:41:36You're hurting him!
00:41:39We got him!
00:41:41Get me out of here!
00:41:43We got him!
00:41:45We got him!
00:41:47We got him!
00:41:49We got him!
00:41:51Get me out!
00:41:53Get me!
00:41:55Get me!
00:41:57I did it!
00:41:59Get me!
00:42:01My car!
00:42:03Get me!
00:42:07Hey, what's going on?
00:42:10Get me out of this thing!
00:42:13Turn it off!
00:42:15Stop it!
00:42:20Are you okay?
00:42:22Could you get me off of here?
00:42:24I think I'm going to throw up.
00:42:26Would somebody please tell me what is happening?
00:42:28He's in the vacuum.
00:42:30What? What are you talking about?
00:42:32Something I've been telling you about. The map.
00:42:36The mysterious alien creature.
00:42:38We've got to get him out of there.
00:42:40Plug it back in.
00:42:42Wait, Eric, what are you going to do?
00:42:44Just do it. I'm going to reverse the motor.
00:42:49Oh, my God!
00:43:20Get me a drink.
00:43:29We heard it bad, didn't we?
00:43:32It's okay.
00:43:34He looks tired.
00:43:36I'm going to get him.
00:43:38I'm going to get him.
00:43:40I'm going to get him.
00:43:42I'm going to get him.
00:43:44I'm going to get him.
00:43:46I'm going to get him.
00:43:49This is unreal.
00:43:51This is incredible, guys.
00:43:53This must be like what they drink on their own planet.
00:43:55Where'd he come from?
00:43:57I don't know.
00:43:59He came in the van with you.
00:44:01I saw him when he first got here.
00:44:03Why didn't you tell me? I thought you knew.
00:44:05Wait a minute.
00:44:07This is what they were looking for back at the accident.
00:44:09That's Mom.
00:44:11What are we going to do?
00:44:13We're going to tell her.
00:44:15Don't tell her about me, please.
00:44:20I'm sorry we sucked you up.
00:44:22I'll see you later.
00:44:36It's okay.
00:44:38It's just my mom.
00:44:40Come back.
00:44:42What's going on?
00:44:44Power surging in the whole neighborhood.
00:44:50Is everything okay?
00:44:52Fine, but you better come look at something.
00:44:54What's the matter? Where's Eric?
00:44:56He's fine.
00:44:58Where is he?
00:45:00He's over here.
00:45:02What is all this smoke?
00:45:04He ran off again.
00:45:06It's Eric's friend, Ma, the one he's been trying to tell us about.
00:45:08They caught him in a vacuum cleaner.
00:45:14He ran off in the vacuum
00:45:16to prove to everyone that he exists.
00:45:18He's not lying, Mom.
00:45:20I saw it.
00:45:22You sucked this living thing
00:45:24into a vacuum cleaner?
00:45:26Yeah, and then we blew him out again.
00:45:28It's the truth, Mom.
00:45:30No, I can handle it.
00:45:32I can. Really.
00:45:34I can handle it.
00:45:54Strange-looking pets in this neighborhood.
00:46:14Oh, my God.
00:46:44Mike, hey, Mike, wake up.
00:46:46Looks like it came back.
00:46:50The little creature. Come on.
00:46:56I don't know.
00:46:58I don't know.
00:47:00I don't know.
00:47:02I don't know.
00:47:04I don't know.
00:47:06I don't know.
00:47:08I don't know.
00:47:10I don't know.
00:47:14He cleaned up everything.
00:47:18You think he did it?
00:47:20Hey, I sure didn't.
00:47:22Check out the door.
00:47:24That's why we didn't kill the little dude.
00:47:26Yeah, he even fixed Mom's old painting.
00:47:28And look at the ceiling.
00:47:30Hey, we should rent this guy out.
00:47:32We'd be millionaires.
00:47:34Look at this.
00:47:36What is it?
00:47:38I don't know.
00:47:40The Wicks Furniture Store?
00:47:42And what about these?
00:47:44Maybe he likes horses.
00:47:46This is incredible.
00:47:48I don't believe it.
00:47:50Thanks, you guys.
00:47:52I really appreciate it.
00:47:54We didn't do it, Mom.
00:47:56He came back.
00:47:58Come on.
00:48:00Are you telling me this thing came in and cleaned up the house?
00:48:02Well, think about it.
00:48:04Would we do something like this?
00:48:06That's a good point.
00:48:08He left these.
00:48:10We think it's some kind of message.
00:48:12It's that thing they were looking for back at the crash site.
00:48:14I'm telling you.
00:48:16It's an alien, like the guy said.
00:48:18You still don't believe us, do you?
00:48:22Come on, guys.
00:48:24I believe there's something,
00:48:26but the question is what.
00:48:38I don't know.
00:48:40I don't know.
00:48:42I don't know.
00:48:44I don't know.
00:48:46I don't know.
00:48:48I don't know.
00:48:50I don't know.
00:48:52I don't know.
00:48:54I don't know.
00:48:56I don't know.
00:48:58I don't know.
00:49:00I don't know.
00:49:02I don't know.
00:49:04I don't know.
00:49:06I don't know.
00:49:08I don't know.
00:49:10I don't know.
00:49:12I don't know.
00:49:14I don't know.
00:49:16I don't know.
00:49:18I don't know.
00:49:20I don't know.
00:49:22I don't know.
00:49:24I don't know.
00:49:26I don't know.
00:49:28I don't know.
00:49:30I don't know.
00:49:32I don't know.
00:49:34I don't know.
00:49:36I don't know.
00:49:38I don't know.
00:49:40I don't know.
00:49:42I don't know.
00:49:44I don't know.
00:49:46I don't know.
00:49:48I don't know.
00:49:50I don't know.
00:49:52I don't know.
00:49:54I don't know.
00:49:56I don't know.
00:49:58I don't know.
00:50:00I don't know.
00:50:02I don't know.
00:50:12Come on, mom! Let's go!
00:50:14How far do you want to go?
00:50:16How about to the next driveway?
00:50:18Let's go down the bottom of the hill and back.
00:50:22I'm going to beat you.
00:50:24Do you want to make a bed?
00:50:30Good dogs, good dogs. Stay where you are.
00:50:33Come on.
00:50:43Eric! Eric!
00:50:47I don't think he saw me.
00:50:53What is that?
00:50:55Go get him!
00:50:57What is he, crazy or something?
00:51:57Eric! Eric!
00:52:29You came along and I saw the light
00:52:36We'll be friends forever
00:52:42I can't face the thought of you leaving
00:52:48So take me along
00:52:51I swear I'll be strong
00:52:54If you take me wherever you go
00:53:01I wanna learn the things that you know
00:53:07That whatever you do
00:53:11I'll follow you
00:53:17Get your shoes on, we gotta go.
00:53:22Maybe he went to haunt somebody else.
00:53:24That's not even funny, Mom.
00:53:32Yeah, he's ready.
00:53:34Okay, bye-bye.
00:53:36Eric, it was Debbie. She's on her way.
00:53:39You ready? Yeah.
00:53:42Are we gonna have a good time at the party today?
00:53:47Did you remember to lock the back?
00:53:49Water and power, ma'am.
00:53:50While we're looking into last night's blackout,
00:53:52can we check your power boxes?
00:53:54Yeah, sure. They're right around the back.
00:53:56Thanks. It'll just take a minute.
00:53:58Mrs. Cruz, did you notice anything unusual last night?
00:54:01Like what?
00:54:03What were you doing when the blackout occurred?
00:54:05I was driving up the street.
00:54:07I see. Thank you.
00:54:09Mom, that's the guy from the crash in the desert.
00:54:11Don't you recognize him?
00:54:13Remember? He was the one looking in all the cars.
00:54:16Doesn't it seem a little weird?
00:54:18Hi, Debbie. I'm almost leaving in five minutes.
00:54:21Okay, fine. Come on. We gotta go.
00:54:23Uh, I'll pick you up at the party later.
00:54:26Listen, don't forget the present I left for you on the table, huh?
00:54:28And call me. I want to know what's going on.
00:54:35So what happened? Where is he?
00:54:37Shh. Come on.
00:54:49It's here.
00:54:51Get Rankin and the capture group up here.
00:54:53This is 100 X-ray.
00:54:55Do you think they followed you here?
00:54:57I don't know. I bet they're looking for him.
00:55:00Maybe that's why he's so scared.
00:55:06Who is it?
00:55:08I don't know.
00:55:12What's all this stuff?
00:55:14Straws and flowers.
00:55:16I don't know.
00:55:26He doesn't look so good.
00:55:30Now drink.
00:55:33What's the matter with him?
00:55:35I don't know.
00:55:37Here, you want some?
00:55:42He looks depressed or something.
00:55:47You have a family?
00:55:51Oh, my gosh. There's three of three.
00:55:53Ask him where he came from.
00:55:55How am I gonna do that?
00:55:57Wait a second.
00:56:02Your family here?
00:56:06He's pointing to my school.
00:56:09Oh, my gosh. That's my mom.
00:56:11What are we going to do?
00:56:13You'll have to go without me.
00:56:15She won't do that. She's supposed to be looking after you.
00:56:18We can't leave him here like this.
00:56:20You have to go, Eric.
00:56:22Tell her I'll be there in a minute.
00:56:24What are you going to do?
00:56:26Just go and tell her.
00:56:30Bye. I'll see you later.
00:56:35It's not safe here anymore.
00:56:37You have to come with me.
00:56:39Please? I won't let anybody hurt you.
00:56:45Come on.
00:57:10What is he doing in there?
00:57:12I think he was changing steering wheels on his wheelchair.
00:57:15Debbie, wheelchairs don't have a steering wheel.
00:57:20Maybe it was a flat tire.
00:57:23Maybe I better go help him.
00:57:25I'll do it.
00:57:31Kind of old for a teddy, isn't he?
00:57:34He's from Illinois.
00:57:38Sorry it took so long.
00:57:40That's okay. So, how do we do this?
00:57:42My wheelchair can fit in back, and I'll sit in front.
00:57:45Sounds good.
00:57:47Here, take him. Go.
00:57:51All right.
00:57:53There we go.
00:58:03Are you crazy?
00:58:05There's no way you're going to get away with this.
00:58:07I have to do something with him.
00:58:09Keep him quiet.
00:58:15Sit still.
00:58:20Everybody, fasten your seatbelts.
00:58:23Let's go.
00:58:32What do you think?
00:58:34Follow them.
00:58:39Follow them.
00:59:00This is J3.
00:59:02We're traveling east on Valley Vista.
00:59:04Tell them to stand by.
00:59:10Shh. Don't.
00:59:12So, Eric, how long have you two been together?
00:59:16This means a teddy, Eric.
00:59:18Oh, a long time.
00:59:21Keep still, please.
00:59:23Does your bear move?
00:59:25Oh, yeah. He's one of those new computerized kind.
00:59:29But I thought you said you had him a long time.
00:59:32I have. He just got new microchips.
01:00:36What's in here?
01:00:40Hi, Brittany. Happy birthday.
01:00:43Thank you.
01:00:45This is my friend, Eric.
01:00:51Hiya, coach. How's it going?
01:00:53It's going.
01:00:56Hi, Eric. How are you feeling?
01:00:58Have you seen my brother yet?
01:01:00He'll be here soon.
01:01:03Hi, Brittany. Happy birthday.
01:01:07Oh, Matt, give me that.
01:01:09Did you see that?
01:01:11There's something in it.
01:01:13I don't believe it. It's freaking me.
01:01:15Look it. Honey, look it. We're leaving.
01:01:18I'm gonna go, and I'll leave Courtney here to watch you
01:01:21until Michael gets here, okay?
01:01:23Boy, that teddy is amazing.
01:01:25I'll see you. Bye-bye.
01:01:28Happy birthday.
01:01:30Okay, kids, let's get this dance contest going.
01:01:33He's here. Matt, he's in the teddy suit.
01:01:36He is? I don't believe this.
01:01:38Debbie, what's going on?
01:01:40It's okay. Everybody thinks he's just a toy.
01:01:43Hi, Michael.
01:01:45The thing I was telling you about, it's in the teddy suit.
01:01:48Oh, no way. He's so cute.
01:01:50Yeah, real cute. Those guys are following us.
01:01:53What are we gonna do?
01:01:55I don't know. Just keep him dancing.
01:01:57They'll just think he's a teddy.
01:02:04Okay, pick up the pace.
01:02:06That's very good, Kathy.
01:02:25Yes, you are
01:02:27That you need
01:02:29A friend in the end
01:02:32Is always there
01:02:35Who gives their heart
01:02:37Right from the start
01:02:39You know you can't get hurt
01:02:42Staying down to work
01:02:44In depression
01:02:46Feels like more than you can take
01:02:50Life can work
01:02:52Living down to work
01:02:54Get the head
01:02:56Going down
01:02:59Down to work
01:03:08What's he doing?
01:03:10I don't know.
01:03:12Where are you guys? Move it.
01:03:15You know that nothing comes for free
01:03:25All right, come on, move it. Let's go.
01:03:47Clothes don't matter, baby
01:03:49Looks can't fade away
01:03:52What's inside?
01:03:54Leave him alone. He's not hurting anyone.
01:03:56I don't know what he's getting into.
01:03:58What's he done wrong?
01:04:00Come on, back off.
01:04:06Well done, man.
01:04:09Get after them. Move it.
01:04:13Get him before he hits the street.
01:04:15Look out. Come on.
01:04:19All right, come on. Come on.
01:04:22Come on.
01:04:28Come on.
01:04:33Come on.
01:04:36Stay with him.
01:04:38All right, all right, all right.
01:04:40Come on, keep going.
01:04:47Hey, come on.
01:04:49Stay with him.
01:04:51Come on.
01:04:53Look out. Stay with him.
01:04:57Come on.
01:05:04Come on.
01:05:10Stop it.
01:05:21Come on.
01:05:26Stay with him.
01:05:35Come on, come on.
01:05:51Come on.
01:06:06Come on, let's go.
01:06:17There he is.
01:06:22You got him.
01:06:24You okay?
01:06:26I'm okay.
01:06:28Come on. Come on.
01:06:31Come on.
01:06:33How long have you been in lingerie?
01:06:35Oh, excuse me. I'll be right back.
01:06:41Come on, guys.
01:06:43What are you people doing?
01:06:45Eric, what is that on your lap?
01:06:55The door's jammed. The door's jammed.
01:06:57Go get something. Get something.
01:07:05What the fuck is that doing?
01:07:09This is not gonna work, Michael.
01:07:11Just trust me.
01:07:13It's gonna work.
01:07:15Be careful.
01:07:19Get up!
01:07:21Get ready!
01:07:36Hey, those are my kids in there!
01:07:38Those kids?
01:07:40Those kids just ran off with a...
01:07:44A little creature from outer space?
01:07:47No, Wicks.
01:07:49Well, no, Palmdale's fine.
01:07:51I just need...
01:07:53That's fine. Thank you.
01:07:55Here's the address.
01:07:57Wait, give me that again.
01:07:59Why don't you give it to me?
01:08:01Here, Mac. I don't think he's feeling too good.
01:08:03Something's happened to his family.
01:08:05He keeps on pointing in the same direction.
01:08:07There's a Wicks in Palmdale.
01:08:09It's about 20 miles from the crash.
01:08:11We have to go there.
01:08:13What do you think?
01:08:15Look, she's not gonna understand.
01:08:17She's just gonna tell us to turn him in.
01:08:19Maybe that's what we should do.
01:08:21No, we have to help him!
01:08:23What if they have a good reason for wanting him, Eric?
01:08:25What if he's dangerous? What if he's got a disease or something?
01:08:27He doesn't have any diseases.
01:08:29I know no one's interested what I have to say,
01:08:31but I think he's communicating with someone.
01:08:33It's his family.
01:08:35Don't you like him?
01:08:37Of course I do.
01:08:39I just don't want anyone to get hurt.
01:08:41Look, we're gonna get caught sooner or later.
01:08:43I don't see what we've got to lose.
01:08:49We're gonna go.
01:08:51Come on.
01:08:53Let's do it.
01:08:55All right!
01:08:57Let's go! Come on!
01:08:59All right!
01:09:13Oh, yeah.
01:09:23You never know how love begins.
01:09:27Thought that we were only friends.
01:09:31Thank you, my dear.
01:09:35Ooh, he likes this.
01:09:39Here, see if he likes this.
01:09:57Maybe they're just flowers.
01:09:59How about a spaceship?
01:10:03Yeah, maybe we'll have a close encounter of the third kind.
01:10:05What's that?
01:10:07That's when you get to go on a ship.
01:10:09Here's another police car.
01:10:11We're fine.
01:10:19Hey, he's pointing at something.
01:10:21It's the horses.
01:10:23I think we're passing horses all the way here.
01:10:25Hey, did you see that?
01:10:33That's it!
01:10:35It's a sign, not a storm.
01:10:37Looks like he wants to go down there.
01:10:39Maybe he's picking up some sort of signal.
01:10:41Hold on.
01:10:43Maybe he lives around here.
01:11:09Hey, look!
01:11:11A windmill.
01:11:13That's what he was trying to tell us.
01:11:15It's the straws.
01:11:17That's it!
01:11:19We must be getting closer.
01:11:23I thought it was going to be a spaceship.
01:11:25You never know.
01:11:27There still could be one.
01:11:29Maybe it's just a windmill.
01:11:31Maybe it's just a windmill.
01:11:33Maybe it's just a windmill.
01:11:35Maybe it's just a windmill.
01:11:37You never know.
01:11:39There still could be one.
01:12:07What's he doing?
01:12:36He's communicating!
01:13:06That's it!
01:13:20Let's go!
01:13:36Are you sure this is it, Mac?
01:13:59You guys better just wait here.
01:14:00You better get him the flashlight.
01:14:02Let's go, Mac.
01:14:03Come on, on my back.
01:14:07Be careful.
01:14:11I know everybody's trying to be optimistic,
01:14:14but what if they really are dangerous?
01:14:16They're not dangerous.
01:14:19Are you sure it's okay?
01:14:20Yeah, just wait there.
01:15:21Get off, Mac.
01:15:22Come on.
01:15:50She's alive, Mac.
01:16:03We're gonna get some help.
01:16:04Just stay here.
01:16:05She's alive.
01:16:12Here's some drinks in the jacket.
01:16:13What is it?
01:16:14There's three more of them.
01:16:16Are they friendly?
01:16:17No, we'll find out soon enough.
01:16:18There's only two cans left.
01:16:19Fine, let's go!
01:16:21Come on, Eric!
01:16:25Be careful.
01:16:26It's slippery there, guys.
01:16:28Hey, Mac.
01:16:34Give me a straw.
01:16:45That's it.
01:16:46See, Mac?
01:16:48She's gonna be okay, Mac.
01:16:54It's okay.
01:16:55All right, see if you can get the other one to drink.
01:16:57The little one.
01:17:09Here, put the jacket on her.
01:17:29It's okay, no one's gonna hurt you.
01:17:31Here's your baby.
01:17:32He brought it to you.
01:17:34Easy now, it's okay.
01:17:35She must be Mac's sister.
01:17:37Why is she?
01:17:42She's so gentle.
01:17:47Easy, easy.
01:17:52She won't hurt you.
01:17:54I'm Debbie.
01:17:55I live next door.
01:18:00This is my friend, Eric.
01:18:21Here, give me the other jacket.
01:18:24It's okay, just a minute.
01:18:46All right, put the jacket on her.
01:18:49Give me that one too, Debbie.
01:18:51Hey, hey, hey, come on!
01:18:53Guys, give me another drink!
01:18:55We don't have any more.
01:18:57We better get something soon.
01:19:00We're Mac's friends.
01:19:01He brought us to meet you.
01:19:03You know, we're friends.
01:19:32You know, we're friends.
01:19:56What if they need some kind of medical attention or something?
01:19:58Look, we can't just walk into a hospital.
01:20:00Everyone's gonna freak out.
01:20:01It's just like you said.
01:20:02People are gonna find out sooner or later.
01:20:04Oh, my gosh.
01:20:06What's he doing now?
01:20:07He just started knotting that tire iron.
01:20:10It's okay, I think it's just water.
01:20:12Well, keep him busy.
01:20:13Guys, keep him busy.
01:20:14Here, here, read on this.
01:20:16It's okay, he's got the hat.
01:20:17Look, maybe we should go public.
01:20:18If we can get him on the news, everyone is gonna want to help.
01:20:20I'm not so sure about that.
01:20:22I think there'll be a big hit on TV.
01:20:24What's he doing now?
01:20:25I think he wants my bracelet.
01:20:27Well, then give it to him.
01:20:28You're hurting me.
01:20:29Let go!
01:20:30I'm driving.
01:20:31I don't know.
01:20:32You can't do this in a vehicle like this.
01:20:34You just cross your arms.
01:20:35Don't lose them until I tell you you can.
01:20:38Cross your arms.
01:20:39That's right.
01:20:40That's right.
01:20:41Just be the mommy.
01:20:42Be the mommy.
01:20:43That's right.
01:20:44You teach him.
01:20:45How much further is it?
01:20:46We should be there by now.
01:20:47He's starting to move again.
01:20:48What do you want me to do?
01:20:50Okay, Simon says.
01:20:51All right, Simon says.
01:20:52Put your hands on your head.
01:20:53All right.
01:20:54Hands on your head.
01:20:55Your head.
01:20:56Yeah, that's right.
01:20:57On your head.
01:20:58Here we are.
01:21:00All right, it's working guys.
01:21:02Simon says to your right.
01:21:03All right, great.
01:21:04Tyler says, wiggle your ears.
01:21:06Wiggle ears.
01:21:07Wiggle ears.
01:21:10All right, it's working.
01:21:14Clap your hands.
01:21:15Tyler says, clap your hands.
01:21:16Clap your hands.
01:21:18Old McDonald had a farm.
01:21:23And on his farm he had a bird.
01:21:26All right, let's keep them singing, all right?
01:21:31All right, you got any money?
01:21:33All right, pay for the gas, get some drinks.
01:21:34I'm gonna call my mom.
01:21:35What if they trace the call?
01:21:36We're not gonna be here that long.
01:21:37Just don't do it, come on.
01:21:39Do you need anything?
01:21:40Yeah, get me some smokes.
01:21:42Wait and break my heart tomorrow
01:21:46For a night I can't take the pain
01:21:51Wait and break my heart tomorrow
01:21:56For a night I can't take the pain
01:22:01Wait and break my heart tomorrow
01:22:07Wait and break my heart tomorrow
01:22:12Don't do that!
01:22:13It's okay, they won't hurt you, they won't hurt you!
01:22:19Well, when did she leave?
01:22:22Did she say where she was going?
01:22:25You better come quick, they got out of the van.
01:22:27Everybody's freaking.
01:22:29Oh, why don't you keep them singing, Debbie?
01:22:32Ma'am, I have to total all the groceries first,
01:22:34then I can eat after you.
01:22:35Oh, what is that?
01:22:39It's all right, buddy, it's just the promotional games.
01:22:44Oh, they're not advertising books, that's for sure.
01:22:48Oh, I think they are real.
01:22:50Oh, they don't know what they're doing.
01:22:53You're an alien customer service to register for.
01:22:56Oh, I want to see, see, see what they're doing.
01:22:58Mommy, bye, bye.
01:22:59That's it, now I'm going back on the sodas.
01:23:03Hey, hey, put that down!
01:23:07Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?
01:23:11I don't believe this.
01:23:19Security, get security, quick.
01:23:22Security to the front, please.
01:23:24Buck, get up here.
01:23:26What is that?
01:23:27I don't know, get them out of here.
01:23:29Don't hurt them, they're not dangerous.
01:23:30They won't hurt you.
01:23:31All right, all right, now you put that down, right now.
01:23:33They're not dangerous.
01:23:35Stay out of this.
01:23:36Now, now, put it down.
01:23:37Look, they're not going to hurt you.
01:23:39Look, I'll pay for the damage.
01:23:41You stand back, now I'm warning you.
01:23:43No, they don't understand you.
01:23:45He's telling the truth.
01:23:46Tell him to back off!
01:23:52Give me the gun.
01:23:55Get out of here!
01:23:56I'm not leaving!
01:24:00Give me the gun.
01:24:02Step back!
01:24:03Move away from him!
01:24:04Step away from him!
01:24:05They're not going to hurt you!
01:24:07Move it, now!
01:24:08Michael, please!
01:24:09Come on.
01:24:10They don't understand, they're not going to hurt anyone.
01:24:13Give me the gun!
01:24:15Come on.
01:24:16Don't shoot him.
01:24:17Come on, don't shoot him, they're not going to hurt you!
01:24:20I don't know where they came from, we found them in a cave.
01:24:23Just get out of the car, come on, move.
01:24:25They're not dangerous.
01:24:26Just get them out of here right away.
01:24:28No, leave them alone, they're not going to hurt anyone!
01:24:31Hold your fire, everybody, hold your fire!
01:24:33Still got a gun?
01:24:34Just do as I tell you.
01:24:35Hold your fire.
01:24:36No, let him go!
01:24:37This is the police.
01:24:38Put down your gun and nothing will happen to you.
01:24:40I repeat, put down your gun and nothing will happen to you.
01:24:44He doesn't understand you.
01:24:45Get back, get back, get back, get back, get back.
01:24:51Get those people out of here, get those people back.
01:24:54Now move it!
01:24:55Get those people out of here, get back.
01:24:57Get that building, get those people out of there.
01:25:00Can you tell them to stop?
01:25:01I told you, they don't understand.
01:25:03Where's this going now?
01:25:05I can stop him, let me go after him, please.
01:25:08I can't let you do that, son, he's got a gun.
01:25:13We're going to lose him, Bill.
01:25:14They don't know how to drive anyway.
01:25:16Drop him!
01:25:19Drop him!
01:25:20Drop him!
01:25:40Get a doctor!
01:25:51Eric, Eric!
01:25:54Let me get him on the ground.
01:25:56Eric, talk to me, please.
01:25:59Eric, Eric, talk to me.
01:26:01Talk to me, Eric, come on.
01:26:03He's still breathing.
01:26:06He's going to be okay.
01:26:09Get back, I have a doctor, get back.
01:26:13Oh, my God.
01:26:14Eric, come on.
01:26:16Talk to me, please.
01:26:20What is it?
01:26:21He's going to be okay.
01:26:23He's gone.
01:26:24What is that?
01:26:26He's gone.
01:26:27There's nothing I can do.
01:26:28I'm sorry.
01:26:30Oh, my God.
01:26:34Take care of me.
01:26:35Oh, my God.
01:26:56That's it, we've got a problem.
01:26:58What is it?
01:26:59Where's Horton?
01:27:00Where's Horton?
01:27:01Let's go for it.
01:27:02I don't know his name, but he's in a wheelchair.
01:27:04Where is he?
01:27:05He's over here.
01:27:06We can secure the area.
01:27:07Okay, take that area over there.
01:27:08He's left there.
01:27:10All you people, move back.
01:27:12Let me go.
01:27:13Let me go.
01:27:14Let me go.
01:27:15Let me go.
01:27:16Let me go.
01:27:17Let me go.
01:27:18Let me go.
01:27:19Let me go.
01:27:20Let me go.
01:27:21Let me go.
01:27:22Let me go.
01:27:23Let me go.
01:27:29We tried to stop him.
01:27:34Oh, my God.
01:27:44Oh, my God.
01:28:25They won't hurt you, Mom.
01:28:27They won't hurt you.
01:28:35They're not going to hurt him, Mom.
01:28:37Just trust him, all right?