• last year
00:00What's wrong Orozco? Did you have to go to the bathroom during recess?
00:03No teacher, it's not that. The answer is 57.
00:11Very good Orozco. The answer is correct.
00:15Go to the blackboard and solve it.
00:17The answer is wrong. Go to the blackboard and solve it.
00:25And for you to dance with the delicious flavor...
00:34Nectar! Nectar!
00:39David! David, I brought your dad's letter!
00:47You have to read it! You have to read it!
00:56Tony, bring me your plate and that table.
01:01Bon appetit.
01:07We are from Peru.
01:09Nice to meet you.
01:12What do you want?
01:13I've been watching you for days.
01:15What do you think? That I haven't seen you around?
01:17What do you want?
01:18Calm down, Johnny. Relax.
01:20They're from Chacal, right?
01:22They're on your side.
01:24What do you want? Talk!
01:38David, I've always been lucky.
01:41Helen, I've been practicing a lot, but I still feel nervous.
01:46You'll do well. Talent is in your blood, right?
01:50Now, the next participant is Davis Orozco.
01:55It's my turn, it's my turn.
01:56I'll be applauding as soon as you step onto the stage.
01:58If we disconnect the speaker, the microphone will turn off,
02:02and no one will be able to hear Davis' applause.
02:07Good morning, everyone.
02:08My name is Davis Orozco, and today,
02:10I'm going to sing a song that reminds me of my dad.
02:14He always sang it to me, and today, I dedicate it to all of you.
02:18Let's go!
02:19Let's go!
02:20Let's go!
02:21Let's go!
02:22Let's go!
02:23Let's go!
02:24Let's go!
02:25Let's go!
02:26Let's go!
02:27Let's go!
02:28Let's go!
02:29Let's go!
02:30Let's go!
02:31Let's go!
02:32Let's go!
02:33Music, please.
02:42Turn up the volume, so we can hear you.
02:44What's going on? I can't hear anything.
02:46I can't hear anything.
02:47Ladies and gentlemen, please, I can't hear you.
02:50I can't sing.
02:51Poor thing, he can't sing.
02:52I can't hear you.
02:53Please, pay attention.
02:54I can't sing.
02:55Next song.
02:56Next song.
02:57Next song.
02:58Next song.
03:01Relax, brother.
03:02Look, we're all musicians here.
03:04Just like you.
03:05We know who Chacal is, but we don't work for him.
03:08We are the Cyclone Group.
03:13Nice to meet you.
03:14Facho Hurtado.
03:16I'm sorry, Master Hurtado.
03:17Oh, I'm sorry.
03:18I'm sorry.
03:19I'm sorry.
03:20I just got here a few days ago, so I don't recognize you.
03:22I didn't know you were part of the Ciclón group.
03:25Don't worry, I've heard a lot about you.
03:27Ever since you started to show up here,
03:29I had to come and see you.
03:31You know what?
03:32I saw you on stage.
03:33You sing very well.
03:34You have a good voice.
03:37You know,
03:38I want to propose something to you.
03:41I want you to be part of the Ciclón group.
04:00What's going on?
04:01I don't know, Eva.
04:04What did you do?
04:05Kid, did you turn off the microphone?
04:06I can't hear anything.
04:07Your turn is over.
04:08What? No one heard me?
04:10Come on, come on, come on.
04:11Get out, get out, get out.
04:12You've been standing there for a long time.
04:13Please, let me sing.
04:14Let me sing without the microphone.
04:15I can do it loud and clear.
04:17Your turn is over.
04:18There are other participants.
04:19Get out, please.
04:21Do you think it's true?
04:22I can't hear anything.
04:24I can't hear anything.
04:26I can't hear anything.
04:28I can't hear anything.
04:30Get out, get out, get out.
04:32You're going to be in trouble.
04:34You're going to be in trouble.
04:36You're going to be in trouble.
04:38Are you serious, maestro?
04:41Do you want me to be part of Ciclón?
04:43Of course I do, Johnny.
04:44Hey, hey, hold on to your car, Pachito.
04:46In Ciclón?
04:47We're already complete.
04:49It was the voice that was missing, Lalo.
04:50You heard him. He's good. He sings well.
04:53But that doesn't mean he's going to join Cyclone.
04:55No, then he won't be able to.
04:57Look, Cyclone, we're all in this together.
04:59Support my idea, yes or no?
05:01Don't get me wrong, Pancho. I'm the leader of the group.
05:04And I have the last word. And if I say no, it's no.
05:11David, sing again, please.
05:13What a shame, poor David.
05:15What a shame, David.
05:17Come on, David.
05:19You can sing, David.
05:21But you can sing again.
05:23Give him another chance, David. He sings well.
05:26Sing again, David.
05:28Look, look. He's going to talk.
05:31Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the school.
05:34My apologies. I'm just a waiter.
05:37It happens to all artists.
05:39But I don't need a microphone to sing.
05:41With my voice, it's enough.
05:43Well done, David!
06:13That little tree, where is it written?
06:17Your name and mine.
06:20Your name and mine.
06:22No, my little girl.
06:24You remind me so much of my brother.
06:26Look at the feathers my nephew has. Pure talent, come on!
06:31And his father inherited it.
06:33Fortunately, my David also has other talents.
06:36Not just music.
06:37Where is it written?
06:39Your name and mine.
06:41Your name and mine.
06:43That little tree, where is it written?
06:48Your name and mine.
06:51Your name and mine.
06:53Your name and mine.
06:55The prize is ours! We're going to win!
07:00Where is it written?
07:02Your name and mine.
07:04Your name and mine.
07:06It was useless to pull the cable to David.
07:08Look at him. He's singing.
07:11Tell him I'm waiting for him next to the little tree.
07:16Tell him, little tree, where is it written?
07:20Hey! You disconnected the microphone so David can't sing, right?
07:25I'm going to tell the principal!
07:27You're not going to say anything.
07:29Because if you don't...
07:33Let's go!
07:34Let's go!
07:35I'm going to tell your dad!
07:38I would be crying for my little tree.
07:43My cord!
07:44I would be crying for my little tree.
07:46Get out!
07:47Don't hide!
07:48Give me back my cord!
07:53You're fools!
07:54You wanted to ruin David's presentation.
07:56I'm going to tell the principal!
07:58Look how she defends her boyfriend.
08:01Shut up!
08:02You'll see.
08:03You'll be punished.
08:05Shut up!
08:06Let's give the cord back.
08:07Let's see.
08:08Catch him.
08:09Give it to me!
08:10Give it back!
08:17Who's that?
08:18Hit me, fish.
08:20I'll take it.
08:22Get out!
08:23I didn't call you.
08:24Give me the cord!
08:25Give me the cord!
08:29What's going on?
08:30Professor, this gang wants to hit us.
08:33And Jeremy is defending us.
08:35That's not true. They wanted to hit me. He was just defending me.
08:40How did you get in here? Where did you come from?
08:42I came with Mrs. Eva. Davis is my friend.
08:46Don't come to me with Chinese stories. What you want is to steal, right?
08:50I've seen you on the street with the other piranhas. Let's go.
08:52No, I swear.
08:53Let's go.
08:54Talk to Davis Orozco. Davis Orozco, come and help him, please.
08:57Tell him everything that's happening to me.
08:59Let's go.
09:01Yo, tu nombre y el mío, tu nombre y el mío.
09:09Bravo! That's my nephew! Good job, Davis!
09:17I'm so proud of you, Evita.
09:19I want to dedicate this song to my dad, who has supported me with a lot of pride.
09:24My dream is that he listens to me like all of you have listened to me.
09:31Davis, Davis! They took your friend!
09:33What? David, what happened? Where is he?
09:38Damn, Lalo. He's a patriot. He sings very well. He could be in the big leagues.
09:42What is he doing singing here?
09:43It was very nice to do, right?
09:46I appreciate it.
09:49Excuse me. Enjoy.
09:54Hey, kid. Johnny.
09:57Come here.
09:59Look, in Ciclón we are complete if we don't need singers.
10:03But if you agree and you are interested,
10:06suddenly, I don't know, you could help us with the equipment, with the instruments,
10:10to prepare the stage.
10:12Hey, wait. What do you want?
10:14Do you want me to be a lead singer?
10:15I am willing to start from the bottom,
10:17as long as it is to show my talent.
10:19You see? The boy wants to grow. He wants to start from the bottom.
10:22Johnny, if you agree and there is no problem,
10:26welcome to the Ciclón group.
10:29No, thank you.
10:34I'm going to finish it.
10:41From a salesman to the owner of a restaurant chain.
10:48With you, the most successful man in Coyique,
10:53in all of Lima.
10:59Marcial Montero.
11:06Mr. Montero, what is the secret of your success?
11:10Conviction, determination and realism.
11:14You don't have to walk with little birds in your head
11:16that fill you with impossible fantasies.
11:19You have to be realistic.
11:21In life, you don't do what you want.
11:24You do what you have to do.
11:29And what are you doing there?
11:30Have you distributed all the flyers? So fast?
11:32Sorry, Mr. Marcial.
11:33What happens is that I'm dying to go to the bathroom.
11:36Come on, girl, come on.
11:38But you have to get back to work fast.
11:40We're going to inaugurate this soon.
11:42And that day I want the place full.
11:43If I don't see it full, I'll know you didn't do your job.
11:47Come on, girl, come on.
11:50Marcial Montero.
11:53Marcial Montero.
11:57I can't believe they're doing this kind of scandal
11:59when the inter-school talent contest is being held at this school.
12:04What are the other directors going to say?
12:06But we haven't done anything wrong, Miss Director.
12:08Tabito is my friend and he was just defending Helen.
12:12This boy is not even from this school
12:14and he was in one of the classrooms.
12:16I don't know what you're up to.
12:17I'm not a criminal, just in case.
12:19I don't know that.
12:20But you've tried to hit a boy from this school.
12:22I won't allow it.
12:23I'm going to call the police right now.
12:25No, the police, no, the police, no.
12:28Tabito, come on.
12:29I don't want to go with Tabito, Mom.
12:31But, son, please.
12:35Carmen, you can't talk to him like that.
12:37He's a boy.
12:38We both know that the only ones responsible
12:40are those boys Beto and Orlando
12:42who keep bothering Davis.
12:44You have to do something.
12:46Eva, please don't tell me how to do my job.
12:48Then do it, Carmen.
12:50Do it.
12:51Those boys have to be punished.
12:54I warn you that if you don't do something this time
12:56I'm going to have to get Davis out of school
12:58and also out of the talent show.
13:00No, wait, wait, wait, wait, Eva.
13:02Eva, please.
13:03Calm down.
13:04Let's talk.
13:05Look, they're about to give the results of the contest
13:07and I'm sure that Davis will be the winner.
13:18Hey, Tabito.
13:19Did you see him running?
13:20Did you see him go by?
13:21No, I haven't seen him.
13:22Pucha, I hope he didn't go to the street
13:24and the cobra didn't catch him.
13:44Don't cry anymore, Tabito.
13:45You'll see that everything will be fine.
13:48The principal is kind of annoying,
13:50but my mom is going to talk to her now.
13:52She's going to call the police, Davis!
13:54They're going to call the police!
13:56I don't think so.
13:57My mom won't let them take you anywhere.
14:00Yes, I'm going to talk to the principal right now.
14:02I'm going to tell her what happened.
14:04You were just defending me.
14:06Bye, Helen.
14:08They're always going to think I'm a criminal, Davis.
14:12Because I'm alone.
14:14You're not alone, Tabito.
14:16You're with me.
14:17I'm not going to let anyone take you to the cobra.
14:20I promise.
14:21But I don't want to be in my house either, Davis.
14:24I don't want to.
14:26Don't you like your house?
14:29My dad is always drunk.
14:32That's why I only come home to sleep.
14:37And where's your mom?
14:40My mom died when I was a baby.
14:43I used to have a brother.
14:45But he's in jail.
14:49He was very bad, just like the cobra.
14:52I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, Tabito.
14:54You're my brother.
14:55My brother.
15:02Don't run like that again.
15:04It's dangerous.
15:05Something could happen to you.
15:06But I'm going to get a result, Mom.
15:08Davis, please, son.
15:10Let's go home right now.
15:12I'm not going to let that director use you as his personal trophy.
15:15I'm sorry, Mom.
15:16Vanessa, he's going to win.
15:17Davis wins anyway.
15:18But Kike...
15:20This man, always encouraging him to do stupid things.
15:23Come on, Tabito.
15:25And the winner of the inter-school talent contest is...
15:35Hurry up, don't make it long.
15:38Don't worry.
15:39You have a beautiful voice.
15:41The winner is...
15:47Davis Orozco from Virgen de la Medalla School!
16:17Oh, my God!
16:18My first award as a singer.
16:20I already feel like a celebrity.
19:02And the second announcement is that Beto and Orlando...
19:05Are we also going to another classroom?
19:08You are going to your homes suspended.
19:11What? But, Miss Principal...
19:13A student talked to me and told me that they tried to sabotage this school in the talent contest.
19:19We could have lost our prize, gentlemen.
19:22And next time, you will be definitely expelled.
19:33Come in, come in.
19:39It's a pleasure to see you, man. I'm glad you came.
19:42Come in, come in, come in.
19:44I'm going to bring you a couple of beers.
19:46Flor, a couple of beers here for my brother.
19:49Hurry up, girl!
19:51Well, the place is nice, man.
19:53I came to congratulate you personally.
19:56Just for a little while.
19:57Oh, just for a little while, brother.
19:58This is your home.
19:59Did you see?
20:00With a little effort and dedication, you can achieve what you want.
20:04My little bar.
20:05Alive and kicking.
20:07Hey, just in case, the offer to work here is still good, right?
20:10I don't regret it.
20:12I'll make you a commercial, but it won't be necessary anymore.
20:16Mr. Felipe got me a construction site and I don't lack anything to complete for the passage.
20:20So now, compadre, I'm going to Argentina.
20:24Of course.
20:25Of course.
20:26Well, we have to celebrate that, right?
20:28Flor, the beers!
20:30I'm coming, I'm coming.
20:32Here they are.
20:35It would be 10 soles.
20:37No, no, no.
20:38Nothing for 10 soles.
20:39My friends don't charge.
20:40Cheers, Kikín.
20:41The house pays.
20:43But sir, we're not charging anyone.
20:46Shut up!
20:48Don't answer me.
20:49Where are the other tables?
20:55Cheers, compadre.
21:07Hey, Johnny.
21:09I saw you, compadre.
21:11What a talent.
21:12You sing and I feel like dancing.
21:17Thank you, maestro.
21:19I enjoyed it.
21:21How I wish people saw the same.
21:24In Peru, no one gave me the opportunity to show my talent.
21:28And here in Argentina, it's practically the same.
21:32I wanted to propose something to you.
21:34Since there is no place for you in Ciclón,
21:37I think we should be thinking of looking for a new place.
21:41Something new.
21:43How? I don't understand.
21:46Look, I've wanted to leave Ciclón for a long time.
21:50Form my own group.
21:52My own orchestra.
21:54And I think the time has come.
21:58But with you as a vocalist.
22:01I met you, right?
22:05With me?
22:07Both of us?
22:09A group?
22:10Yes, well...
22:11A group?
22:12Yes, yes, a group.
22:15Good, good, good, good.
22:16Good, Johnny, good.
22:17Listen to me, listen to me.
22:19I have a friend.
22:20A great producer.
22:21And I'm sure he will bet on us when he hears you.
22:25Do we have him?
22:27Maestro, that's what I want the most.
22:30Thank you, maestro.
22:31Although, I'm going to ask you something.
22:34And if you don't do it,
22:36the agreement ends here.
22:38What? What is it?
22:40Let me call you maestro.
22:43Call me Panchito Azeca.
22:46Sorry, sorry maestro Panchito.
22:50You scared me.
22:51Look, finish everything at once
22:53and we're going to celebrate with a couple of beers.
22:55Come on.
23:09Are you really going to go to Argentina, uncle?
23:13I have to meet your daddy.
23:15The sooner he fulfills his dreams,
23:17the faster he will be able to be here with you, nephew.
23:20And I'm going to put him in the elevator, you'll see.
23:22I'm going to miss you a lot.
23:38I'm going to miss you a lot too, nephew.
23:40I want this to be an example
23:42of how your dad and your uncle dared to fight for their dreams.
23:45And I want you to do the same in the future, Davis.
23:48It doesn't matter if you have to go to the other side of the world.
23:51Dreams always have to go ahead.
23:54Do you understand?
23:55Yes, uncle.
23:56I promise you that I will also be a great singer.
24:00But that's our secret, dwarf.
24:02Your mom can't find out.
24:03Well, your aunt Katy is right.
24:04Your mom has given us permission.
24:05Mom and I didn't even stop to travel.
24:06Tremendous beggars asking for permission.
24:10Let's go.
24:14That was the right answer.
24:15I'm a genius!
24:17No, Davis, you're wrong.
24:19It's 32, not 33.
24:21Tabito, how much did you get?
24:26Is something wrong?
24:28No, nothing, nothing.
24:31It's just that...
24:34I haven't seen my friends for a long time,
24:36the ones I sang with on the street.
24:38I don't know how they are.
24:39Damn, they must be with Cobra, right?
24:42I don't think anyone could escape.
24:45And why don't they call the police?
24:47Cobra says that if the police take him,
24:50they will take me too.
24:52I don't think so, Tabito.
24:53You are a child.
25:03Panchito Hurtado has spoken to a producer.
25:05He says he is interested in producing a new group.
25:07I told you, Cholita.
25:09Things here are going to get better.
25:18You're going to make it, Johnny.
25:21You're going to make it, my love.
25:32How are you? Pancho Hurtado.
25:33Pancho Hurtado, nice to meet you.
25:34Kike Orozco.
25:35Kike Orozco.
25:39My cute little brother.
25:41Welcome to Argentina.
25:45Kike Orozco is here.
25:48The Orozcos of Argentina.
25:50He made it, man.
25:51He made it, man.
25:52He made it, he made it.
25:54Oh, brother.
25:55And the best is yet to come,
25:57because I've been waiting for you for so long.
25:59Tell me, how is that?
26:01I'm from the terminal, I'm tired.
26:04Tell me, where do I go?
26:06Pancho has met a very brave producer
26:08who is interested in listening to us
26:10to launch our own group.
26:11And this is his office, brother.
26:13And we're going to meet him right now.
26:15Are you serious, Johnny?
26:19So our time has come, Johnny.
26:21We're going to be famous.
26:22We're going to be a star.
26:24Hey, hey, hey, calm down.
26:25Calm down, brother.
26:27Be careful not to crash against the wall.
26:30Here we have to go calmly.
26:32Calm down.
26:34But yes.
26:36We still can't talk about stars,
26:38but the sky is clearing up, brother.
26:51Mrs. Eva, Mrs. Eva.
26:53Can I help you with your bags?
26:55Of course, son.
26:58Hey, shouldn't you be at school by now?
27:02Ma'am, I'm not going to school.
27:05I was at the back school, until last year.
27:08Besides, my father forgot to enroll me.
27:11And don't you want me to talk to your father myself?
27:16You can't stay without studying, Tavito.
27:19School is very important.
27:21Besides, it's not right for you to walk alone on the streets.
27:24No, better not.
27:26No, my father doesn't like to talk to anyone.
27:33Rather, can't you help me with something else?
27:36Of course.
27:37What do you need, Tavito?
27:40Can't I talk to the police?
27:42With the police?
27:43Has something happened, Tavito?
27:46It's just that the copper is exploiting some children,
27:48my friends.
27:50What do you mean, exploiting some children?
27:52Yes, it forces them to work.
27:54And even steal.
27:55Can you help me, please?
27:57Tavito, did that man hurt you too?
28:14Hello, hello.
28:15Dad, my brother, how are you?
28:17The great Pancho Hurtado. Thank you, Sofia.
28:19Johnny, come, come.
28:21Johnny Orozco.
28:23Juan, it's a pleasure to meet you in person.
28:25Panchito has told us wonderful things about you.
28:27The pleasure is mine, boys.
28:29Quique Orozco, Armando and Johnny.
28:30Nice to meet you. Take a seat, please.
28:33I'm resuming work.
28:35That's what I need.
28:37You should know that my daughter Sarita
28:39is in heaven, resting in peace.
28:41Yes, we feel it.
28:43Panchito told us everything.
28:45I'm very sorry.
28:46Well, I was reading the lyrics,
28:48listening to what they sent me and ...
28:50That's just a model.
28:51If she agrees to produce our first album,
28:53it will be much better.
28:54Yes, of course.
28:55You're going to end up dancing all over your office.
28:57Boys, calm down.
29:02Juan, what do you say?
29:04Did you like the model, yes or no?
29:10You'll have to help me not to be late.
29:12I don't want to be sent back to another classroom.
29:14The teacher here is very fast.
29:17Did you hear what he asked for?
29:19About the squads and the compass?
29:21My parents won't be able to buy me any of that.
29:24Yes, well, my mom won't be able to either.
29:27We don't have enough money for food.
29:29I can't ask them to buy me anything else,
29:32especially since they broke my brigadier's cord
29:35and had to spend it buying me a new one.
29:38Maybe that day I'll be late,
29:40so I don't have to present my homework.
29:42What? No!
29:43How can you be late?
29:44I like to see you every day.
29:47Hey, babies. See you later.
29:54I really liked what I heard.
29:56It's music with a good rhythm that infects.
29:59And your voice, Johnny, is exceptional.
30:02And that means that...
30:04Farfan, listen to me.
30:06I would already be a cyclone.
30:08All my girls are in this new group.
30:11I can't miss the luxury of producing the first album
30:13of such talented boys.
30:15Of course I accept!
30:23Thank you, Farfan, thank you.
30:25You won't regret it.
30:26We're going to be a hit!
30:27We'll be the best stars I've ever seen, man.
30:30That's the spirit I want, I need.
30:32By the way, have you thought of a name for the group?
30:35Yes, Nectar, Grupo Nectar.
30:37Kike, do you remember that bar
30:40that was on the corner of Main Avenue
30:42where all the musicians and singers go?
30:44Yes, of course.
30:45That's where my inspiration for music was born.
30:48And Nectar symbolizes the essence,
30:52the sweetness of the music that we want to transmit
30:56to the ***, brother.
30:58I like that name, Nectar.
31:00Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, I already have it.
31:02Nectar from Peru to the world.
31:07Well, then, we have a name.
31:10Here begins the story of Grupo Nectar.
31:30What is this?
31:31My share, then charge.
31:33My share, then charge.
31:35This is nothing.
31:36They haven't brought me any money.
31:38So don't even think I'm going to feed them, idiots.
31:41Stop it, charge. Don't be like that.
31:43How are we going to give you the same as before
31:45if you're no longer in good health?
31:46Don't answer me.
31:48One more and I'll take the dirt out of you like last week.
31:51So shut up.
31:56Have you followed them?
31:57No, charge.
31:58Have you followed them?
31:59No, charge.
32:01Nobody knew this place.
32:05Stop there.
32:09Arrest him.
32:10Arrest him.
32:11I didn't do anything.
32:13I didn't do anything.
32:14David Alfredo Huaman Jara
32:16is under arrest for the crime of child labor exploitation.
32:21Take him away.
32:31To a new beginning.
32:32To Nectar.
32:34To the nectar of the gods.
32:41I just saw Chacal.
32:43I turned around.
32:44Damn it.
32:45He has to find out about our plans.
32:46He's capable of eating crazy people right now too.
32:48Who's Chacal, Johnny?
32:51The great Panchito Hurtado.
32:54Chacal, how are you?
32:56Along with the unmatched Johnny Orozco.
33:00Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?
33:02Kike Orozco.
33:03The brother.
33:05Chacal, at your service.
33:07What are you two up to?
33:10We're drinking a couple of beers.
33:11As friends.
33:12Then don't say more.
33:13Chacal invites you.
33:14Of course.
33:15Compatriot, right?
33:17A few beers.
33:19We don't want you to invite us anything.
33:21You're always so affectionate, dear Johnny.
33:27What do I have to do to win your affection?
33:31What have you done, Pancho?
33:32What's the secret?
33:34Hey, listen to me.
33:35Make Lalo and Cyclone agree.
33:37I'm waiting for their gift at the end of the month.
33:40I don't belong to Lalo's group anymore.
33:42I left Cyclone.
33:46And without separation of assets?
33:48No, man.
33:50A musician like you can't be without doing anything.
33:53Or am I wrong?
33:54And now?
33:55Which band do you belong to?
33:59Don't tell me there's a new marriage.
34:14Oh, Helen, Helen.
34:16What can I do to help you?
34:24What happened?
34:26They caught the cobra!
34:28They caught it?
34:30Yes, your mom helped me.
34:31Really, mom?
34:33Actually, it was thanks to David.
34:35He's a very brave boy.
34:37They caught it!
34:38And my friends are fine.
34:39They're going to take them to a hotel.
34:41And soon they'll have a family.
34:43That's great, David!
34:44That's great!
34:45Thank you, mom, for helping my friend.
34:47You're the best!
34:53So there's a new romance in the world of music.
34:58How nice!
34:59How nice!
35:03So, from that union, many things can come out, right?
35:08I mean, a new group, right?
35:11There's no group.
35:12Leave us alone!
35:14Let's see, my dear Johnny.
35:16I understand your frustration for not singing.
35:19I understand.
35:21I'll tell you one thing.
35:23Screaming is not the same as singing.
35:26So lower your voice.
35:28Because I'm getting tired.
35:31Well, guys.
35:32I promised you a beer, right?
35:34So, please.
35:36Serve this group here to clear your throat and celebrate.
35:40Because I have very good news.
35:42Jackal, please, don't insist.
35:44Look, I chose this club for personal reasons.
35:47We're here among friends.
35:48Drinking a beer, nothing more.
35:50I understand, Panchito.
35:51I understand.
35:52Right now they're in diapers.
35:53But when you come out, when that happens,
35:57Jackal will be there to give you security.
36:02It's just a matter of time, nothing more.
36:04I told you he was going nowhere.
36:05Let him go! Let him go!
36:09You saw what happened, right?
36:12Don't worry.
36:13Don't worry, don't worry.
36:19I found out everything.
36:21It's like...
36:22Like babies when they're born.
36:24What do they do?
36:26What do they do?
36:27They cry.
36:28They're sad.
36:31So remember.
36:33I have jackal ears.
36:37Some beers here for the group.
36:41I'll leave it there.
36:49Hey, Tabito.
36:54I have an idea to help Jelena buy the utensils she asked for at school.
37:01Have you seen Mr. Marcial's bar?
37:03Yes, yes, yes.
37:04Where there are only drunkards, right?
37:06You have to sing there.
37:07Those gentlemen always give you a good tip.
37:10Oh, Davis.
37:11And if your mom finds out, she doesn't want you to sing.
37:14Yes, yes.
37:15We have to sing when Mr. Marcial is not there.
37:17Because if he sees me, he will surely accuse me.
37:20But is he the owner?
37:23Yes, but every Friday his son is leaving.
37:25So in the afternoon, after helping me with the chores, we go straight to her.
37:30Hide that your son is coming there.
37:31Of course.
37:34What are you guys whispering?
37:36Nothing, mom, nothing.
37:37It's men's stuff that you wouldn't understand.
37:39Ah, men's stuff.
37:41Don't be funny anymore.
37:42Eat, eat.
37:50This is the moment, Tadito.
37:52Did you sharpen your instrument?
37:54Of course, teacher.
37:56You know, sharpen it hard, hard, hard.
37:58Let's go.
38:02Good afternoon, good afternoon.
38:04Distinguished gentlemen of this refined bar of Coyique.
38:08What a good joke.
38:13Good afternoon, good afternoon.
38:15Distinguished gentlemen of this refined bar of Coyique.
38:19My name is JB Sorosco and today I come with my musician, the great Tabito Mendez.
38:29Together we come to sing a beautiful song.
38:32I hope you like it and it goes like this.
38:35A little piece of my life, I love you so much.
38:37A little piece of my life, there is love.
38:39A little piece of my life, I love you so much.
38:41A little piece of my life, there is love.
38:43How beautiful it is to live life like this.
38:46To have you close to me.
38:48To call you with frenzy.
38:50To call you with frenzy.
38:52To call you with frenzy.
38:54To call you with frenzy.
38:56To call you with frenzy.
38:58To call you with frenzy.
39:00To call you with frenzy.
39:02To call you with frenzy.
39:05My eyes are to love you.
39:09They are to adore you for an eternity.
39:14My eyes are to love you.
39:18They are to adore you for an eternity.
39:24Rosita, the bar is just starting.
39:27Don't get like that.
39:30You can't forbid me to see him.
39:32Also my son.
39:35Yes, I know my puppy has asthma, but...
39:39This business has no loss.
39:41This time it's real.
39:53I'm going to show everyone that I'm going to make her beautiful.
39:56I'm going to be Coyique's bravo.
39:58The greatest of all.
40:08Little piece of my life.
40:10I love you so much.
40:11Little piece of my life.
40:12Oh, love.
40:13Little piece of my life.
40:14I love you so much.
40:15Little piece of my life.
40:16Oh, love.
40:23Thank you very much for those generous applause.
40:26Now my colleague will go through his seats to receive his generous collaboration.
41:24What's wrong? Why don't you touch it?
41:34We can't fall into the hands of the jackal, Farfan.
41:36The first thing I looked for when I got to Buenos Aires was him.
41:39I found him hitting a...
41:40Stop, stop, stop, Johnny.
41:41You don't need to tell me.
41:42I know the reputation of the jackal.
41:44Precisely, I was thinking of aligning us at once.
41:46No, no, Farfan, no.
41:48Johnny, sooner or later we're going to end up paying him.
41:50That's why it's better now, because later it's going to be worse.
41:53The jackal can't find out about the Nectar group.
41:55Much less that we're going to record our first album.
41:57Something has to be done, please, Farfan.
41:59Calm down, Johnny. Calm down, please.
42:01I promise you that I'm going to do everything possible to keep this a secret.
42:04What I don't know is what's going to happen later when they start sounding on the radios.
42:07We can't go against how things work either.
42:10You're just getting to know me, Farfan.
42:12I never learned to lower my head.
42:14Very well, Johnny.
42:15I just hope that the first album of the Nectar group doesn't end up being the last.
42:19The Nectar group is not going to die.
42:21And if the jackal wants war, well, he's going to have war.
42:28Mr. Marciano, don't say anything to Mom.
42:31She's going to be very angry.
42:33I promise you, I promise you that I will never sing in your place again, okay?
42:37You should have thought about that before, Davis.
42:39I'm very sorry to do this.
42:41I've known you since you were in your mommy's belly.
42:44Every decision you make has consequences, Davis.
42:47Your dad, for example.
42:49He decided to follow his dreams of being a musician, and you see?
42:52He's not here with you, and that's why you do stupid things.
42:55Please, Mr. Marciano, don't say anything to my mom.
42:59Please, Mr. Marciano, please.
43:04They went to the bar.
43:06He and the other brat who ran away.
43:08They were singing, dancing, and asking for money.
43:11Mom, I swear that...
43:12Go to your room, Davis.
43:13But I...
43:14I told you to go to your room.
43:19I don't understand how that...
43:21I don't understand, Marcial.
43:22What happens is that I had gone out to make a phone call,
43:25and when I got there, I found them there.
43:26Obviously, if I had been there, I wouldn't have allowed it, but...
43:28Quique and Johnny are giving your son, Evita, a terrible example.
43:31And there it is.
43:32There are the consequences.
43:33You're exaggerating, Marcial.
43:34No, Mr. Felipe, I'm sorry, but I don't think so.
43:37You have to watch him a little more.
43:39I know how to take good care of my son, Marcial.
43:41I know, I know, Evita, don't bother.
43:43But you have to make him understand that on that path,
43:46with that idea of ​​being a singer,
43:47the only future that awaits him is that of his father.
43:49And frankly, I don't think anyone here wants that, right?
43:51Not even Johnny himself.
43:54Well, I'll leave you.
44:03Now that boy is going to listen to me.
44:05Now he's going to listen to me.
44:06Daughter, wait.
44:08Wait, please.
44:11Mom, I promise you...
44:13What happened when they saw you singing in the street?
44:15What did your dad tell you?
44:17He told me that...
44:18I can't hear you.
44:20To sing in a bar, your voice comes out there.
44:22But to take on your misbehavior, you can't speak there.
44:25Eva, you don't have to yell at him like that.
44:28But how do you want me to talk to him, dad?
44:30We've been telling him a thousand times not to do it,
44:32and he's still disobeying.
44:34What did your dad tell you?
44:36He told me he didn't want me to sing in the street.
44:39And then, son?
44:40I just wanted to help Helen.
44:42And you too.
44:44In school, they asked for some squares and a measure.
44:47And here, the money is not enough to go shopping.
44:50And in Helen's house, neither.
44:52So I thought that...
44:55Forgive me, mom.
44:57Your dad was very clear with you, Davis.
45:00Music is not going to be for you, son.
45:02You just have to study and be a professional.
45:05Money is your dad's concern there, and mine here.
45:09Your only duty is to study.
45:11Why don't you understand that?
45:13Please, mom, don't cry.
45:17Calm down, little one, calm down, calm down.
45:20It's going to pass, don't worry.
45:30How I wish you were with me, dad.
45:35I miss you so much.
45:37All I want is to see you and hug you.
45:41I don't want you to bring me any gifts.
45:44No balls, no shoes.
45:47All I want is to be with you.
46:12To dance with a lot of joy, here is Nectar.
46:29Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha.
47:01For you.
47:02All you have to do is ask the teacher.
47:04Thank you, Davis, thank you.
47:29The cumbia dance is going to start.
47:33If you come this afternoon, I'll take you
47:35To Tucumán, to dance, to dance.
47:38If you arrive on time, I'll take you
47:40To Santa Cucuy, to dance, to dance.
47:45Here it is, please.
47:46Let's see.
47:49Thank you very much.
47:50And may the successes continue.
47:53May they continue to fill concerts.
47:55To fill all our pockets.
47:57To Tucumán, to dance, to dance.
47:59You are listening to this new cumbia group
48:01That promises to cause a sensation.
48:04Directed by the teacher Pancho Hurtado
48:06And the great Johnny Orozco.
48:08The Nectar group.
48:11And the cumbia dance.
48:15And the people of the north.
48:19Go, Carillo.
48:27Cumbia music
49:27Capasso Chakal esta fuera mi secretaria dice que ha venido
49:35Me chico de nectar
49:38Nacho por favor dejen me felicitar los banshee toyoni que buena chamba muchachos a
49:45Muy buena chamba los he escuchado por la radio y son un éxito son un boom
49:49Como acecho farfán que buena chamba hombre pero porque no me contaste
49:56Asegura estaba distraído con la muerte tu hija no
50:00Propósito lamento mucho y lo que tengas que decir y larga
50:07Que rápido se te subió la fama no yoni
50:10Muy bien muy bien a ver ustedes saben que yo trabajo dándole seguridad a todos los grupos que tocan en la zona
50:19Elincuencia crecido imagino que ustedes quieren seguir tocando su musiquita lo más tranquilo posible
50:28Y yo puedo hacer que ustedes trabajen lo más tranquilos posibles sin que nadie lo fastidia
50:35pero la seguridad tiene un precio
50:384.000 pesos por show chacal es el más de la mitad de lo que sacamos
50:42chacal recién estamos comenzando
50:44Damos un poco más de tiempo para pagarte todo no
50:48No tenemos por qué darle nada un delincuente
50:50Cuidadito como me habla yoni un cuidado
51:03Es tu decisión yoni
51:05Te lo pregunto por última vez
51:08No vas a pagar
51:11Te vamos a dar
51:15Muy bien muy bien yo no te voy a obligar ese no es mi carácter
51:22Yo tengo otros métodos
51:24Pero vas a ver que tú solito me vas a dar mi dinero
51:29quedan advertidos
