• 19 hours ago
00:39Need to speak with you
00:42What's wrong? What do you need?
00:45I don't want to sound meddlesome, but
00:48I've been very worried about your situation
00:52I know you're alone and with the kids
00:56Entonces le quería decir que si en algún momento necesite a mi ayuda pues aquí estoy
01:02colaborar en lo que necesite además a mí me encantan los niños
01:06sí entonces
01:10La verdad que la gente exagera un poco
01:13Si estoy con los niños la mamá salió del país y eso pero me va bien
01:18Bueno, eso me deja más más tranquila, pero de todas formas a los reitero si necesitan algún momento
01:24Alguien que le colabore con los niños yo que se pues aquí estoy para servirle
01:30Lo voy a tener en cuenta y muchas gracias otra vez
02:23Solamente estado en mi vida con Juan David. Yo pensé que tú me conocías que tú creías en mí creía creía pero entiende
02:32Acabas de tener un bebé
02:35Vamos a buscarle una explicación
02:37Por el lado de tu papá todo el mundo blanco por mi lado todo el mundo blanco y por el lado de Juan David
02:43Prácticamente son albinos eliana por dios
03:00Eso es lo que eres una testa
03:04Tú porque
03:06El lana no me vas a decir que el tipo es tan importante que no me puedes decir quién es
03:11Pues igual o hay mejor
03:17Dios mío como nos pudiste hacer esto una familia ejemplar como la nuestra una familia modelo
03:23Respetable no la señorita decidió en una sola noche echar todo a la basura
03:28Usted fue se emborrachó se enloqueció se acostó con el primero que se le atravesó y convirtió en esta desgracia mi vida eliana
03:36sabes que mamá
03:37Piensa lo que quieras yo ya estoy cansada de decirle a todo el mundo que yo no engañe a juan david la verdad tarde o temprano
03:44se va a saber
03:49Cuando el verdadero papá de este niñito aparezca
03:52hay un doctor en esta clínica que sí creen
03:55hay un doctor que me está ayudando
04:01Yo lo amo pero necesito saber
04:20Bueno rápido rápido
04:29Bueno muchachos tenemos una situación muy incómoda que comentarles y yo creo que algunos ya se han dado cuenta pero pues por eso lo
04:35Reunimos acá por favor prosigue doctor bueno como todos ustedes saben a nosotros nos están llamando la atención a cada rato por cualquier
04:41Vaina que hacemos acá en el hospital y lo sorprendente es que la junta directiva se está dando cuenta de cualquier cosa que hacemos de las
04:46cosas más íntimas que hacemos acá exactamente
04:49acá en sap
04:56Un sapo acá
04:58Ya usted nosotros ya sabemos quién es o ya queremos a quienes precisamente por eso necesitamos que todos traemos en equipo a veces
05:03Lo hacemos a ver a ver solano
05:05Usted me está diciendo que aquí en el hospital entre nosotros está esa persona
05:12Díganme quién es
05:14Díganme quién es porque yo quiero tener entre mis manos la cabeza de ese héroe
05:18doctora como nosotros no podemos señalar no le echarlo al agua sin estar seguros estamos pensando en hacerle alguna trampa alguna cosa por eso
05:24tenemos que trabajar todos en equipo están conmigo
05:32El sapo es gómez
05:38gómez doctora esa poesía
05:40El sapo es gómez así que nosotros tenemos que encontrar alguna manera de poder
05:44Esa máscara va a ser lo que hay de una de por todas y que sugiere solano
05:47a ver cristina se ofreció pues para
05:50Hacerlo caer la idea es que pues usted le llame la atención a cristina delante de él
05:55Y si a cristina le llegan a llamar la atención de la junta directiva pues el sapo es rafael nada que hacer
06:01Bien bien vamos a hacerlo pero mucho cuidado
06:03Porque si esto resulta no ser cierto nos van a demandar por calumnia
06:05Y ya no mas reunioncitas a trabajar
06:09Si si
06:11Hay que hacerlo caliente
06:13Es el sapo
06:17Cris tu has sabido algo de Maria Alejandra
06:19Yo la verdad ya me estoy preocupando
06:27Tranquilo bienita
06:29Tranquilo oiganme lo que le digo
06:31Esta feliz pasandola bien
06:33Seguramente va a llegar con la sonrisa de oreja a oreja
06:35Me va a contar a mi yo soy su amiga
06:37Y muy seguramente yo la voy a terminar contando a usted
06:39Que ella esta absolutamente feliz reciendo su vida
06:41Y ahora porque no se pone
08:47Doctor, in this case, anything can be very useful, so I'm listening.
08:52It's just that it's very difficult. You would have to get into that couple's intimate life
08:57and get to the moment of the day, the hour, the fertilization.
09:01But no, that can take a long time.
09:03Doctor, look, if you don't allow me, I'll do the homework. I'll investigate right now.
09:06Give me one.
09:07Diana, what if it's a case of infidelity?
09:10No, look, I assure you it's not, doctor. I give you my word, it's not. I'm sure.
09:15Very well, then, to work. It is to investigate.
09:18Look, I'll call a doctor.
09:20Done, doctor. Thank you.
09:26No, I called you in case you could, but it's okay.
09:30Well, see you later and thank you.
09:34What's wrong with Dr. Burros? Can I help you with anything?
09:38Mother, I don't think anyone can help me right now.
09:40But why don't you tell me and maybe I'll give you a surprise here in Quito.
09:43I have a conference at the Experimental Center of Medicine in the afternoon.
09:47And I don't have anyone to leave my children with.
09:49I'm calling all my closest friends, but they're all busy at that time.
09:52But that's not a problem. I can take care of the kids.
09:55Look, why don't you give me your address?
09:57I'll go to your house and wait for you to finish the conference.
10:00Besides, I've already told you that I'm very good to the kids.
10:04Really? Would you do that for me?
10:06Of course. Give me the address, all the information, and the keys to the house.
10:11I'm going to change.
10:13The kids arrive at five.
10:15We have to get them to do the homework, right?
10:17And from there, well, a while, television, and that they go to bed early.
10:20Of course.
10:21That's what we have to do.
10:22And I'll play with him.
10:25Well, these are the keys. There's the address.
10:28Yes, that's it.
10:29Ah, you have to ask for a home.
10:32So they can eat.
10:33Of course.
10:34Of course.
10:36The boy is allergic to shrimp and he doesn't eat chicken either.
10:39So they're going to tell him what they want, right?
10:41Don't worry.
10:42But don't stress yourself out anymore, really.
10:44I'll be there at ten.
10:45Is it too late for you at ten?
10:46No, not at all.
10:47Don't worry.
10:48Go to your conference.
10:49Don't worry.
10:50I'll take care of the kids.
10:51Well, then, thank you very much.
10:53I'm in touch with you.
10:55Good luck.
10:56To you.
10:59I would frustrate that much, much more.
11:04Let me talk to the commander, okay?
11:08It seems that Maria Alejandra and Juan Felipe have been found.
11:12I'm going to talk to the commander.
11:14Yes, commander.
11:20What do we know about the doctor?
11:22Dr. Cepeda, we are here to inform you that Dr. Maria Alejandra Rivas Cavalier and Dr. Juan Felipe Becerra are in perfect condition.
11:33Do you know anything?
11:34Did you give any explanation about their disappearance?
11:37A couple of idiots.
11:40The doctors were in Rome and they lost track of time.
11:42That's why they lost the flight to Bogotá.
11:44But they are fine.
11:45Very nice, very nice.
11:46We have to park them, I think.
11:48Doctor, tell them how important it is that they are fine, right?
11:50Thank you very much, commander.
11:53Sorry for all the inconvenience.
11:55Thank you very much.
11:56You are very kind.
11:57Don't worry, doctor.
11:58Have a good day.
12:00The important thing is that everyone in this country always thinks about the worst, right?
12:06But they are fine.
12:09Excuse me.
12:14Well, do we sanction them or not?
12:29Let's go call the doctor.
12:31Dr. Solano, what's wrong with you?
12:34When you want to work, you work, and when you don't, you don't.
12:38Where are the nanotechnology reports?
12:40The board of directors has been waiting for them for a day.
12:43Dr. Toledo has already passed the reports and his notes are missing.
12:47Very nice, right?
12:48But, doctor...
12:49No, but, doctor, nothing, Solano.
12:51What's wrong with you?
12:52You are all angry, all disconcerted.
12:55What's wrong with you?
12:56You are all angry, all disconcerted.
13:00We have to work.
13:03Look, Solano.
13:04Either you develop that job...
13:08...or I'm going to have to pass it by memorandum.
13:11No, it's more.
13:12I'm going to have to suspend you.
13:14Suspend me, doctor?
13:17To work.
13:19Well, I'm going to do everything as soon as possible.
13:21I swear I'm going to have those reports, doctor.
13:25I'm going to have those reports, doctor.
13:26I'm going to have those reports, doctor.
13:33Yes, my friend.
13:34Well, what news do you have for me?
13:36What's new?
13:37This is getting hot.
13:38How do you think Dr. Solano didn't give the nanotechnology report...
13:45...that was for the board of directors?
13:47So, Dr. Miranda scolded her...
13:49...and told her how Dr. Toledo, who was well-off...
13:52...had given all the reports.
13:54What do you think?
13:55But this is inaudible.
13:57This should have been delivered at least four days ago.
14:01Can you imagine?
14:02I think I'm going to talk to Sepeda...
14:04...to see what happened.
14:05Yes, yes.
14:06And what else?
14:07Well, I'm very aware of everything that happens.
14:10I did want to tell you that...
14:13...I would like to participate a little more in the surgeries...
14:16...learn about the specialties.
14:18Of course, look, look.
14:19That's why you don't worry.
14:20You know how I handle things.
14:23But be careful.
14:24Detail by detail.
14:26Looking, observing.
14:28Don't forget that my head is there...
14:30...and you are with me, right?
14:33Take care of it.
14:34Yes, yes, sir.
14:35You are in charge, right?
14:37Excuse me.
14:38You are in the middle of it.
14:39Everything you know.
14:40The youngest one will immediately inform me.
14:42Don't worry.
14:43I'll help you, I'll help you.
14:54Dr. Kirk is living very well.
14:58What a beautiful house.
15:00Look at his waterplates.
15:04I love this fabric.
15:09It's beautiful, it has a good taste and everything.
15:14I don't know, but...
15:16...I think that I would live in this house...
15:19...without any problems.
15:21I think that I would live in this house like a queen.
15:27Yes, yes.
15:38It's good that you are well.
15:39Everyone was very worried about you at the hospital.
15:42Thank you for your concern.
15:43We are fine, we are fine.
15:52Very worried.
15:53Doctor, what a shame.
15:54What a shame, really.
15:55What was it?
15:56We lost him.
15:57The truth is that it was my fault, Dr. Cepeda.
16:00They invited us to a rumba.
16:02I told you that he was having a good time.
16:05I deserved it.
16:06Perfect, perfect.
16:07I'm going to locate him.
16:12A truck!
16:13There's a truck!
16:15A truck!
16:16Quick, quick.
16:17Help us, help us.
16:18Two, three.
16:20Watch your head.
16:23Let's go, the nurses.
16:24Quick, quick.
16:26What happened?
16:46Dr. Cepeda, the tests say that you have appendicitis.
16:49And we still don't know if you have peritonitis.
16:52So I'm going to take you to that operating room now.
16:54Miranda, please be careful with the anesthesia.
16:57And I don't want to have a cast in my abdomen.
17:00Who's going to stay in front of the hospital while I recover?
17:04Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
17:06Do you want to?
17:07No, I think I should be the person, not Isidoro.
17:09And that's me.
17:10I don't know.
17:11It's what I'm listening to.
17:13Okay, so I'll take care of it.
17:15I'm going to change and we'll talk.
17:18I hope so.
17:20Good luck, doctor.
17:22I have to talk to you.
17:24I'm going to tell you the day you didn't come to work.
17:27And I think it's your fault that you lent the Hippocratic Oath.
17:35Don't worry, I'll help you.
17:37But for that I absolutely need all the details from the fertilization.
17:41And believe me, if I didn't believe you, I wouldn't be bothering you right now.
17:46Thank you, doctor.
17:47I'm going to help you with everything I can.
17:50So what we're going to do is...
17:52I need you to remember nine months ago.
17:55We need to find the date on which you could have been pregnant.
18:00I did the pregnancy test around mid-January.
18:06It was, I think, on Friday.
18:09And did you take any tests after consulting the doctor?
18:12I talked to Dr. Ibáñez and he told me that I was about four weeks pregnant.
18:17And the date of the last period?
18:21Around November 15th.
18:23November 15th.
18:24So you could have been pregnant in December.
18:27At the December parties.
18:29Didn't they give you a tentative date on which you could have been pregnant?
18:34On December 7th.
18:36That day, when David came home after a year-end party at the office.
18:43He was very affectionate.
18:45He told me that he loved me.
18:47And that night we made love.
18:50About two days later, he had a business trip and went to Canada.
18:56And what happened after that?
18:59After that, he came back.
19:01I told him that I was pregnant and everything was fine until today.
19:08Doctor, thank you.
19:11Thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in me.
19:14Right now, you are the only voice I have.
19:18Not even my mom believes in me.
19:21Really, thank you very much.
19:24Don't worry. I will help you.
19:26I will help you.
19:29Dr. Becerra, how did Ricardo do?
19:31Everything went well.
19:32Now, if we don't intervene immediately, he will get a peritonitis.
19:36And when do you think he will be discharged?
19:39In a week, more or less.
19:45Any other questions?
19:46No, not really.
19:48Oh, well, yes.
19:49I wanted to know how it went at the congress.
19:52How do you see that?
19:53About the law 100.
19:54Does it work for something or not?
19:57For that, no one can assure you.
20:00Except those who made the reform.
20:02Now, there is someone who got very rich with that congress.
20:07Oh yeah? Who?
20:09Dr. Rivas.
20:11There were samples from the last first aid teams.
20:13In case of disaster, a lifeguard stole the show
20:16because he was carrying a portable hospital care unit.
20:19The area had a diagnostic unit.
20:21Dr. Guerra, Dr. Becerra.
20:23We are requested in emergency.
20:24The injured have just arrived by fire.
20:26It seems to be very serious.
20:30Dr. Becerra, take care of that patient.
20:32I'll take care of this company.
20:34Come on.
20:38Here we go.
20:40Let's go.
20:51Doctor, get ready.
20:54We have to perform the first aid.
21:05Charge in 200 volts.
21:11Charge in.
21:24Charge in.
21:35Dr. Becerra has died.
21:41Hora de la muerte.
22:37Yes, it's me. I came to take care of you.
22:43It's not necessary, Carmenza. It's not necessary at all.
22:46The hospital is at my service to help me.
22:51I don't want you to sacrifice yourself for me, please.
22:54It's not a sacrifice for me.
22:56I'm very happy to be here, really.
22:58I'm going to spend my energy.
23:02Sleep, sleep, sleep.
23:04That's it.
23:07No cheating. Sleep.
23:37We're not going to watch that program anymore.
23:38Yes, we're going to watch it.
23:40We're not going to watch it.
23:41Yes, we are.
23:43Hi, kids.
23:45Who are you?
23:47I'm a friend of your dad. I came to take care of you.
23:51What time is my dad coming?
23:53Don't worry, honey. He'll be here later.
23:55But don't worry. Relax.
23:58But I'm hungry.
24:00Well, if you're hungry, why don't you go to the kitchen and look for something to eat?
24:05Because I came to take care of you. I didn't come to cook.
24:08But I'm going to order a delicious pizza for the three of us.
24:12And in the meantime, obviously, you're going to change your uniform.
24:15Because we're not in school anymore.
24:17Because you're not going to do your homework.
24:19Very good, right?
24:20I'm going to order the pizza.
24:22The uniform, please.
24:23And the clothes, well put on.
24:26Have fun and do something.
24:29I'm going to call my dad. Who is this old woman?
24:31In the meantime, let's listen to the witch.
24:36I'm going to call my dad. Who is this old woman?
24:38In the meantime, let's listen to the witch.
24:40Who is this old woman?
24:41In the meantime, let's listen to the witch.
25:06What are you doing here?
25:07How are you, David? I came to talk about Eliana and your daughter.
25:11What about your time?
25:12I don't want to know anything about that woman and that child.
25:15Wait a minute, there's an explanation here.
25:18The explanation is very clear, doctor.
25:20My wife slept with another woman and of another color.
25:23And the proof is there. That baby.
25:25No, but come on.
25:26Excuse me.
25:27But come on, David, why don't we talk for a moment?
25:36I don't know what to do.
25:39Dr. Becerra.
25:40Dr. Becerra, I want to introduce you to Commander Parra de la Dijín.
25:44Dr. de la Paz, I'm on my way out.
25:46Well, I need to talk to you about the fascinators of your state.
25:52Nice to meet you.
25:54Alirio Parra de la Dijín. How are you?
25:56Dr. Becerra, right?
25:59Those men you are attending to were captured this morning on the outskirts of the city.
26:04They are militiamen. They are very dangerous.
26:06And they belong to a cell that is heavily armed and that is currently operating in the communes.
26:11The commander is the hero of the country who captured them. Congratulations.
26:15One is dead and the other is in the operating room.
26:17I'm really hungry. I have to go.
26:19Excuse me, Dr. Becerra, you need him urgently in room 204.
26:22Excuse me.
26:24He's also a hero.
26:25He's a hero.
26:26He's a hero.
26:34He's a hero.
27:05He's a hero.
27:06He's a hero.
27:07He's a hero.
27:08He's a hero.
27:09He's a hero.
27:10He's a hero.
27:11He's a hero.
27:12He's a hero.
27:13He's a hero.
27:14He's a hero.
27:15He's a hero.
27:16He's a hero.
27:17He's a hero.
27:18He's a hero.
27:19He's a hero.
27:20He's a hero.
27:21He's a hero.
27:22He's a hero.
27:23He's a hero.
27:24He's a hero.
27:25He's a hero.
27:26He's a hero.
27:27He's a hero.
27:28He's a hero.
27:29He's a hero.
27:30He's a hero.
27:31He's a hero.
27:32He's a hero.
27:34There is no backup.
27:35I have no backup.
27:37No backup.
27:38I have no backup.
27:48Let's go.
27:57I promised him I was going to help.
27:59And I'm going to help him.
28:01I can do a lot of things for you to be okay, brother.
28:04At least give her the benefit of the doubt, man.
28:06Go away. Go away.
28:08I already told you that I don't want to know anything about that woman.
28:10Hey, brother, what's it going to cost you to give me just a few minutes?
28:13Look, I swear that between the two of us we can clarify all this, brother.
28:16Seriously, how can you think that she betrayed you?
28:21Look, Juan David, I'm going to tell you one thing.
28:24Eliana, you love him.
28:27She gave him the first kiss since you kissed her for the first time.
28:30That woman knew at that moment that you were going to be the man of her life.
28:34That you were going to be the father of your children.
28:38Juan David.
28:40Juan David, brother, open the door for me.
28:43Look, I'm sure, I can swear to you that there is a scientific justification for all this.
28:48Just give me a few minutes. What's it going to cost you, brother?
28:51Juan David.
29:01Is it true that there may be a scientific explanation for why my son was born an ex?
29:06Are you sure?
29:07I'm sure.
29:08Give me a moment, brother.
29:11Yes, doctor.
29:16Hi, Isa.
29:18Here I tell you that you are missing us a lot.
29:21I tell you that things here do not change at all.
29:23Cristina, as always, wanting to excel at work.
29:27Wanting to be the best.
29:29And obviously denying that she loves Burgos.
29:31But you know one thing?
29:33Every day that passes, I feel that she loves him.
29:35But she is afraid of love.
29:37I hope she does not lose him because, as you say, he is a good man.
29:42What do I tell you?
29:43Look, Maria Alejandra.
29:44Maria Alejandra again does not want to know anything about war.
29:48You know how they are both.
29:50I do not know, but I think the best thing is that each one takes his own path.
29:54Maria Alejandra has suffered a lot for him and I think she should be happy.
29:57And if someone deserves to be happy?
30:00Well, of me.
30:02Well, nothing strange.
30:04You know, in search of my princess.
30:08You know one thing, Isa?
30:09I already feel the need to love and that someone really loves me.
30:13And I hope that happens soon.
30:14I already want to be as happy as you are now with Augusto.
30:17And well, I imagine how they must be having a good time.
30:27Hello guys.
30:28I tell you that I am very happy here in Brazil.
30:31Augusto is much better and ...
30:34And he makes me feel too good.
30:43My wife was not with anyone else.
30:45If he did not sleep with another man.
30:47So what is the explanation for all this?
30:49What is your theory?
30:50Look, Mr. David.
30:51There is an explanation.
30:53It's a bit complicated.
30:55Yes, because DNA is a mystery.
30:57It's a mystery, but believe me that every day new things are being discovered.
31:03But something concrete, concrete, concrete, no.
31:05At this time there is no.
31:07He has nothing, doctor.
31:08He has nothing.
31:09Then do not waste your time or make me lose mine.
31:11Calm down.
31:12If you give me a few minutes, we can get to the truth of all this.
31:15Do it for her.
31:16And do it for you.
31:22We need two units of red blood cells to analyze a second vein.
31:26Ready, doctor.
31:27Dr. Ramos, this is 90-50.
31:28Pulse of 120.
31:29Glucose of 6.
31:30It's already there.
31:31Did you see the dopamine?
31:32Yes, sir.
31:33Very well.
31:34We need a central catheter.
31:37Please prepare the operating room.
31:41Yes, sir.
31:51And that night we were partying at the office.
31:53Things were going very well.
31:56Then I got home.
32:00I made love to Eliana.
32:04Let's see.
32:06According to the accounts I have, the conception was that same day.
32:10But you traveled.
32:11You left a month ago.
32:12Yes, yes, yes.
32:15I traveled.
32:17And she took the opportunity to betray me.
32:18To deceive me.
32:20Calm down.
32:21David, calm down.
32:22Come on, let's focus well on that day.
32:25Did something strange happen?
32:26No, doctor, no.
32:37Mr. David, what's up?
32:39Mr. David.
32:40If you remember anything, tell me, brother.
32:42That can be very important.
32:49That night...
32:51That night we were at the office, right?
32:54We were partying.
32:55And I was a little drunk.
32:58Pretty drunk.
33:00And a friend...
33:01Pretty drunk.
33:03And a friend...
33:05A friend took me to a brothel.
33:09Mr. David, do you remember another woman?
33:11No, no, no, doctor, no.
33:14But I don't...
33:15I don't remember.
33:19I think so.
33:21Okay, okay, calm down.
33:22Calm down.
33:23What we have to do is find that woman.
33:26But I have no idea where Hector took me.
33:29Who is Hector?
33:30Do you know a friend of his?
33:32And how do I contact him?
33:33How do I call him?
33:34Well, I have his phone number.
33:35Well, let's call him.
33:36Let's call him.
33:37Very good.
33:38The bullet entered with an oblique angle from behind without affecting the brain.
33:43And at the level of the skull, only the bone and skin were injured.
33:49And the ocular orbit is quite destroyed, yes, gentlemen.
33:52Doctor, the patient has stabilized.
33:55We have to clean the bone spines and verify that there is absolutely nothing between the brain mass, okay?
34:05The skull, the clockwork.
34:10Very good.
34:16Yes, sir.
34:18Dr. Becerra.
34:19Dr. Becerra.
34:20I want to introduce you to the hard of the digine.
34:23The great F.
34:24I need to talk to you.
34:25How are you, doctor?
34:26Nice to meet you.
34:27Colonel Estrada.
34:28How are you?
34:29How can I help you?
34:31I understand that you were the one who received the injured terrorists.
34:36How are they?
34:39One was dead, the other was in the operating room, but I have no data on his condition.
34:43I need you to save that man's life.
34:45He is part of urban cells.
34:47I have some information and I want to speak to you very clearly, doctor.
34:50It is very important to us.
34:53I am sure that the people who are attending him will do everything possible to save his life.
34:58Now, can I go?
35:01Yes, thank you very much.
35:02Nice to meet you.
35:08Dr. Rivas, Dr. Rivas, Dr. Rivas.
35:11Dr. Rivas, Dr. Rivas, Dr. Rivas.
35:13Doctor, I'm sorry, I'm looking for Dr. Becerra, it's urgent.
35:15Don't look for him anymore, don't look for him anymore, because he left, he was very tired.
35:19I need you to help me here with the colonel and what he needs.
35:22He will do his best.
35:24All of you have a good hand.
35:30Very good.
35:31We already have the vessels, nerves and pedicules connected.
35:34What's next, Dr. Peña?
35:35We must remove the balloon, doctor.
35:38Very good.
35:41Let's go.
35:58After you have extracted the balloon, what's next, Dr. Peña?
36:04We must clean the ocular cavity of all content, doctor.
36:07Muscles, fat and also any bone marrow.
36:13The basin must be washed very well with saline solution, okay?
36:22That's it.
36:25And we must find the ocular cavity very well, doctor.
36:28Dr. Peña, have you ever thought that your specialty could be ophthalmology surgery?
36:37Yes, Dr. Guerra, I've been thinking about that.
36:46Well, the happy hour has come, the time to eat.
36:49It's been so long since I had that.
36:51Canessa, I'm not hungry, for God's sake.
36:53I know you're not hungry.
36:55I know you're not hungry, but look.
36:57You didn't lose weight with the surgery, but we're not going to risk it.
37:00So we have to eat, okay?
37:02Let's see.
37:03I really don't have any desire.
37:05Open your mouth.
37:06That's it.
37:08Very good.
37:09Another spoonful.
37:11Oh, the mess there.
37:12Look, look, look.
37:16Give me the spoon.
37:17I can do it myself.
37:20I know you can do it yourself because you're a very intelligent man.
37:24Because you're a very independent and strong man.
37:26But for the first time in your life, let someone take care of you.
37:34Or did you not like it?
37:36I made the soup here in your hospital kitchen.
37:40In the hospital kitchen?
37:41Of course.
37:44Oh, yes.
37:45What a shame.
37:46I was bringing an apple to the boss.
37:49He was very well treated.
37:51I'm leaving.
37:52Germán, Germán, is something wrong?
37:53No, no, no.
37:54I just wanted to let you know how things are going.
37:56Oh, oh, oh.
37:57Doctor De La Pava.
37:59I'm dying of shame.
38:00I'm going to have to be rude, but he's convalescent.
38:03He's delicate.
38:04We need him to rest, to recover, and not to talk about work at all.
38:08So I'm going to beg you, please, to leave.
38:11Yes, yes.
38:16Excuse me.
38:17Can I close the door for you so you can be more comfortable?
38:19Oh, thank you very much.
38:23Oh, so kind, so gentle.
38:24I wasn't rude, was I?
38:26Let's continue with ours.
38:33Papaya for the enzymes.
38:34To help you close your eyes.
38:36No, we're going to finish.
38:37Are you sure?
38:38With the soup.
38:39Oh, the message, the message, the message.
39:25How are you?
39:49How are you, Sandra?
39:52Don't start.
39:53Maria Alejandra, don't be like that.
39:55Come on, don't make that face. I know her.
39:57I know her. I saw her running around the hospital looking for you.
40:00Don't make that face.
40:01What if I had something with Juan Felipe?
40:04Are you going to tell me a story?
40:05No, I mean, don't expect me to believe that you fell asleep.
40:09That's the truth.
40:10Oh, Maria Alejandra.
40:11It's the truth, nothing happened with him.
40:13Absolutely nothing happened.
40:15But we had a good time, I'm not going to deny it.
40:18He behaved very well with me.
40:20We danced, we laughed.
40:22I had a good time, like I haven't had in a long time.
40:27Do you like him?
40:30I was looking for him all over the hospital to thank him
40:32because he behaved well with me at the congress.
40:34That's all. I'm not looking for a boyfriend, Cristina.
40:37Well, I believe you.
40:41Well, finally, you know, what worries me
40:44and what I would like is for him to be happy.
40:47I'm glad I treated him well.
40:49I'm glad I made him have a good time.
40:52I'm glad I distracted him.
40:54I'm glad.
40:57Did something happen with Burgos?
40:58No, it's about my brothers.
40:59Hey, I forgot to tell you something.
41:01Isabel wrote me that she doesn't want to come back.
41:05That she's happy with Augusto, that's better said.
41:07And that she never wants to come back.
41:09What are you going to do with the residency?
41:11Well, I don't know, postpone it, I guess.
41:14Well, see you later.
41:15See you later.
41:18Friends need to be taken care of.
41:21And you and I would look for Becerra,
41:23talk to him,
41:25and thank him for everything.