Divka Za Zrcadlem - 2018

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Můj otec a ostatní muži, Krásný čas a Opravdová láska, to jsou tituly televizních filmů, které věnovala režisérka a scenáristka Andrea Sedláčková postavě Renáty Soukupové (T. Vilhelmová), půvabné, emancipované ženě, která je pod nesmlouvavým povrchem křehká a zranitelná. V současné době je šťastnou matkou sedmileté dcerky a se svým partnerem, novinářem Ivanem (O. Kaiser), žijí v prvorepublikovém dřevěném srubu na břehu zatopeného lomu. Místo je to idylické, vztahy mezi Renátou a Ivanem jsou komplikovanější. Z Ivana je nyní zapomenutý mrzout, zatímco Renáta, která se stala režisérkou, je na vrcholu svých sil. Potkává novou a prudkou lásku a musí tento nečekaný problém bolestně rozhodnout... Režisérka Andrea Sedláčková však nikdy neřeší jen prostý milostný příběh, její filmy mají také společenský přesah a vyznačují se přesnou dobovou atmosférou. Dívka za zrcadlem je natočena zajímavou a atraktivní metodou filmu ve filmu, což předpokládá dvojí příběhovou linii. Výkon Tatiany Vilhelmové, která hraje Renátu ve všech čtyřech filmech, zraje spolu s její postavou. Jejím partnerem je niterný a uměřený Oldřich Kaiser a oběma zdárně sekunduje i mladší dvojice Eva Josefíková a Vojtěch Dyk. (Česká televize)
My father and other men, Krásný čas and Opravdová láska, these are the titles of the television films that the director and screenwriter Andrea Sedláčková dedicated to the character of Renáta Soukupová (T. Vilhelmová), a charming, emancipated woman who is fragile and vulnerable under the uncompromising surface. Currently, she is the happy mother of a seven-year-old daughter and lives with her partner, journalist Ivan (O. Kaiser), in a First Republic log cabin on the bank of a flooded quarry. The place is idyllic, the relationship between Renáta and Ivan is more complicated. Ivan is now a forgotten sulk, while Renáta, who has become a director, is at the peak of her powers. She meets a new and fierce love and has to make a painful decision about this unexpected problem... Director Andrea Sedláčková, however, never solves just a simple love story, her films also have a social dimension and are characterized by a precise period atmosphere. The Girl Behind the Mirror is filmed using an interesting and attractive film-within-a-film method, which assumes a dual story line. The performance of Tatiana Vilhelmová, who plays Renata in all four films, matures along with her character. Her partner is the introspective and moderate Oldřich Kaiser, and the younger couple Eva Josefíková and Vojtěch Dyk also successfully second both of them. (Czech Television)
00:01:43Do you have to go?
00:01:44I have to, why?
00:01:45Well, bye.
00:01:50Will you pick up Jolinka after school?
00:01:52Of course.
00:01:54You won't even give me a kiss.
00:01:57Don't you need any money?
00:01:59No, I haven't got the money yet.
00:02:02I need to buy something, get some gas.
00:02:05Jolinka needs new shoes.
00:02:07And to finish the camp.
00:02:09Yes, yes.
00:02:11When are you coming back?
00:02:13I don't know.
00:02:14Some evening, when the casting is over.
00:02:17I'll call you, ok?
00:02:52I've always wanted to live abroad.
00:02:55You have a beautiful garden, everything blooms here.
00:02:59Now, in August, it's beautiful here.
00:03:02You live with Mirka in Prague for a school year.
00:03:05You're on the same level.
00:03:07That's why we came for you.
00:03:09We have good references for you.
00:03:11Your father is a worker.
00:03:13You show the ability of Marxist understanding.
00:03:16You are politically highly aware.
00:03:19You can think through the core of things.
00:03:22Ok, yes, thank you.
00:03:24Now I'd like to ask Mr. Pavla,
00:03:27if you could play Mirka,
00:03:29and the rest of you,
00:03:31from 1 to 3, ok?
00:03:33Thank you, let's get ready.
00:03:35And action!
00:03:37The World Student Congress is approaching.
00:03:40People from all over the world are coming to the Republic.
00:03:44Most of them think it's good with our organization,
00:03:47but some, on the contrary,
00:03:49want to use the way for evil purposes.
00:03:52I'm a student of the History of Labor Oppression
00:03:55and a member of the KSČ.
00:03:57We need your help.
00:03:59We're looking for someone
00:04:01who will have an overview of the people living together.
00:04:04On the track, where they can say different things.
00:04:07I don't understand at all,
00:04:09it will be a game for me.
00:04:11I appreciate your interest.
00:04:13It's good that you take it this way.
00:04:15The Congress starts in two weeks.
00:04:17When you get to Prague,
00:04:19call this phone number
00:04:22Ok, stop, thank you.
00:04:24I'll ask the gentleman on the right to leave.
00:04:27Thank you, I'll call you.
00:04:29And I'd like to ask Mr. Fibich,
00:04:33who hasn't played Mirka yet,
00:04:35to take his text.
00:04:54I'm hungry.
00:04:56I made you a soup,
00:04:58I hope it's still warm.
00:05:00You're amazing.
00:05:02I was afraid something happened to you,
00:05:05and you had your phone turned off.
00:05:07I'm drunk.
00:05:08And what have you been doing all day?
00:05:11I've been working.
00:05:13And you?
00:05:14I've been working.
00:05:16And you?
00:05:17I've been working.
00:05:19And what have you been doing all day?
00:05:21As always.
00:05:23More wine?
00:05:27So tell me a little bit more, what have you been doing?
00:05:30I've been plowing the grass,
00:05:32playing the guitar,
00:05:34drinking wine,
00:05:36and chilling.
00:05:39That's a lot.
00:05:42Have you been writing?
00:05:44Not much.
00:05:47At least I did my homework.
00:05:52She doesn't have any.
00:05:54What do you mean?
00:05:55She has an exam for it.
00:05:57I totally forgot about it.
00:06:00It's amazing.
00:06:01I have to buy her a present tomorrow.
00:06:03Well, for her.
00:06:06I think she'd appreciate it more
00:06:07if you spent a little more time with her.
00:06:11What about your audition?
00:06:13Weren't you supposed to decide today?
00:06:16The producer is pushing me to play Helebrand.
00:06:19I don't think anyone would believe me
00:06:20that he's a spy.
00:06:22He's not like my father at all.
00:06:24I don't care about him.
00:06:28You don't care about me?
00:06:36I'm sorry, I didn't have much time.
00:06:38I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you
00:06:41that Mirka's character is a bit...
00:06:49He needs to be successful,
00:06:51and that's not happening.
00:06:54Let's continue.
00:06:58I'm sorry, sir.
00:07:00I didn't have much time.
00:07:02And you said it would be easy for you.
00:07:05But if it was going to be easy,
00:07:07I came up with the idea of going to the Palace.
00:07:11That's a great idea.
00:07:13If it's the World Congress of Students,
00:07:15there should be students there.
00:07:18But I found out that no one
00:07:21like a student moves there.
00:07:23Did you talk to anyone there?
00:07:25Or did you hear anything interesting?
00:07:27I tried, but people didn't seem to want to talk to me.
00:07:30They said they were waiting for an appointment
00:07:33or for an appointment.
00:07:35When I asked them more,
00:07:37they said they were busy.
00:07:39It's hard to say.
00:07:40Sometimes those antisocial creatures
00:07:43are quite careful.
00:07:45Do you like music?
00:07:48Yes, I do.
00:07:51Tomorrow there's a jazz orchestra
00:07:53from London.
00:07:55They play various string and decadent music.
00:07:58We need to find out what they're talking about
00:08:01and thinking about.
00:08:04I've never been to Rudolfinum.
00:08:07Don't worry, I'll do everything I can.
00:08:17What do you think?
00:08:21Well, the lines you have to say are quite good.
00:08:26They're authentic, they're from the script.
00:08:29Do you think the film about Bolsheviks
00:08:31will interest anyone today?
00:08:33Especially the young people.
00:08:35They have a different world.
00:08:37I don't envy them.
00:08:39It will interest them,
00:08:41because they didn't live in it.
00:08:44And you're not worried
00:08:46that the film may sound
00:08:48like it's from the 6th bank?
00:08:51Oh, come on.
00:08:53I'm not worried about that.
00:08:56What do you think of that Hlabrant?
00:08:58Maybe you liked the Hlabrant
00:09:00I showed you last week better.
00:09:02That one was boring.
00:09:04Boring? Not at all.
00:09:06This one is so funny,
00:09:08like a judge.
00:09:11I'd choose him.
00:09:13I think he has talent.
00:09:16And he's different.
00:09:18That's a good thing.
00:09:20He's different than he seems.
00:09:23Do you know how many people
00:09:25jumped on his cute little face
00:09:27when he saw the Hlabrant?
00:09:30I know.
00:09:32Me, for example.
00:09:46I'm sorry.
00:09:48I'm not in the mood today.
00:09:50Ivan, don't say that.
00:09:52You have to try a little.
00:09:55I'm trying.
00:09:57I'm trying.
00:09:59I'm trying hard.
00:10:10My life is a struggle for life.
00:10:17Because you don't like it?
00:10:20Because you've tried everything.
00:10:22You don't want anyone.
00:10:25Yes, you're right.
00:10:28Because the people I liked
00:10:30and respected
00:10:32are all dead.
00:10:34And the ones left
00:10:36are either solved
00:10:38or still talking
00:10:40about the past.
00:10:42You feel like you're
00:10:44walking from monument to monument.
00:10:47You talk like an old man.
00:10:49You're not that old.
00:10:51So write about it.
00:10:53Write something positive.
00:11:01I hate that word.
00:11:06You know what?
00:11:08Good night.
00:11:10Good night.
00:11:23Who's here?
00:11:25Now I'm curious.
00:11:29Only 1s.
00:11:31You're a genius.
00:11:34I also had only 1s.
00:11:37The future rebel was an idiot.
00:11:40I didn't care.
00:11:42I'm a genius too.
00:11:44You're a smart girl.
00:11:46He'll want a Christmas breakfast.
00:11:50I'd like to try the second dress.
00:11:53The dark one.
00:11:55I liked it more.
00:12:00I'd take the hat home.
00:12:04And the dress is great.
00:12:06We'll have to lengthen the pants.
00:12:12It doesn't look nice.
00:12:14I thought it'd look great.
00:12:16The dark one.
00:12:18But it'll have a coat.
00:12:20It'll fit.
00:12:22Try these glasses.
00:12:27It's great.
00:12:29My father wore them.
00:12:31Are these really Mirek and Marie?
00:12:34No, they're my parents.
00:12:36I took them as inspiration.
00:12:38Try this shirt.
00:12:44And this is the festive one?
00:12:47I thought he'd wear it to the theatre
00:12:50or when he goes dancing with Marie.
00:12:53And then he'd wear a work shirt.
00:12:56He has short sleeves.
00:12:58It's a bit tight.
00:13:00It's not small.
00:13:03I wouldn't change it much.
00:13:06His father was a worker.
00:13:08They probably didn't have much money.
00:13:11I see.
00:13:13What else?
00:13:16Not this one.
00:13:18No, that's stupid.
00:13:22I don't have anything about it.
00:13:28I can't imagine
00:13:30a play in front of a director.
00:13:34I'd be surprised.
00:13:36Sorry, I didn't think of that.
00:13:39I didn't watch it.
00:13:41I didn't either.
00:13:43You can dress up.
00:13:45Yes, like this.
00:13:47I have one more test.
00:13:49Will you have time?
00:13:51Yes, sure.
00:13:53I don't want you to disappoint me.
00:13:56I wanted to invite you to dinner.
00:13:59To tell me something about the character.
00:14:02Yes, I'd like that.
00:14:05I'm sorry, I'm late.
00:14:07No, it's OK.
00:14:09This is Kateřina, the actress.
00:14:14We know each other from school.
00:14:16I'll call you.
00:14:18I'll be here for another two hours.
00:14:21Then I'll call you.
00:14:23We'll go through it.
00:14:29Be careful, he's not old.
00:14:33About a year ago,
00:14:35they published it in the Ministry of the Interior.
00:14:38It inspired me to write this script.
00:14:41Can I have a drink?
00:14:43I feel like a professor.
00:14:45I'd love to.
00:14:47I'll have tea.
00:14:49Honza, bye.
00:14:52Aren't you afraid of working with a beginner like me?
00:14:56I'm glad I can play something else.
00:15:01Why is it called The Man with the Mirror?
00:15:05My father never wanted to watch the mirror.
00:15:09In the bathroom?
00:15:11I guess so.
00:15:13We never had a big mirror at home.
00:15:16When I was a teenager,
00:15:18we fought to have a big mirror in our room.
00:15:23Do you think anyone would be interested in a film like this?
00:15:27Especially the political aspect.
00:15:30I'm afraid no one cares about that anymore.
00:15:33Everyone only cares about their own butt.
00:15:41Excuse me, but can I take a picture with you?
00:15:44Of course.
00:15:46Honza, let's take a selfie.
00:15:51No, I'm still working.
00:15:56I'll be right there.
00:16:12What did the doctor say?
00:16:15He said it's nothing serious.
00:16:18But on the phone, it looked serious.
00:16:21She had a fever and a stomachache.
00:16:24I hope I didn't disturb you.
00:16:26No, you didn't.
00:16:28But you scared me.
00:16:30I'm sorry.
00:16:32Where have you been?
00:16:34I had a team building.
00:16:38What is that?
00:16:40You drink with someone you're going to work with
00:16:43because you hope he'll work better.
00:16:47That's so sophisticated.
00:16:49You know that.
00:16:51We used to drink beer to get drunk.
00:16:54Or we used to beat up girls.
00:16:57I see.
00:16:59Times change.
00:17:04The first part should be on the stairs.
00:17:07Then there's the second part of the dialogue.
00:17:10It's at the word.
00:17:14I'm glad you came.
00:17:16Let's do it again.
00:17:20Come here, please.
00:17:22How are you?
00:17:24I'm fine.
00:17:26I'm nervous.
00:17:28Can you see me?
00:17:30We don't have headphones yet.
00:17:35You'll hear what's going on here.
00:17:38Fando, are we ready?
00:17:40Yes, let's go.
00:17:42Ondra, can you go upstairs?
00:17:44Yes, let's start.
00:17:46Come here, please.
00:17:49Quiet, everyone.
00:17:53Ondra, action.
00:17:5715, take 1.
00:18:08Stop, stop.
00:18:10What's going on?
00:18:12We bought the wrong reflex.
00:18:16I see.
00:18:18Here, I can see it.
00:18:20The reflex.
00:18:22Here, the reflection.
00:18:24There's the staff, the shoulder.
00:18:26The lights.
00:18:28Let's get ready.
00:18:325, take 2.
00:18:46He can still reach here.
00:19:05I was afraid you wouldn't be here.
00:19:07I was in the greenhouse.
00:19:11No, no, no.
00:19:15Blasto, you have the snacks.
00:19:17In the greenhouse.
00:19:21In the greenhouse.
00:19:51I was afraid you wouldn't be here.
00:19:53I was in the greenhouse.
00:19:55My wife's birthday is coming up.
00:19:57She loves crayfish and whipped cream,
00:19:59so I bought it for her.
00:20:01I have to be home in 20 minutes.
00:20:03So, if you could...
00:20:05What about the queue?
00:20:07At the moment, it's completely quiet.
00:20:09No one's talking about anything.
00:20:11What's going on in Hungary?
00:20:13I can't say anything about it.
00:20:15But we've been working on our party organization.
00:20:19We've decided to keep the service in Bratnica
00:20:21to ensure the control of life on the queues.
00:20:25If anything happens, contact me by phone.
00:20:29Can I ask you something, sir?
00:20:31You've already asked.
00:20:33I'm finishing school this summer.
00:20:35I need a new job.
00:20:37I'd like to work for you.
00:20:39It won't be that easy.
00:20:41You need to have a perfect profile.
00:20:43We need to train you.
00:20:45We'll talk about it next time.
00:20:53Let's do it one more time.
00:20:59I've never hurt my legs like this.
00:21:01I've never hurt my eyes like this.
00:21:03What do you think?
00:21:09I don't know.
00:21:11I just don't like
00:21:13how they're manipulating our father's life.
00:21:15How are they manipulating it?
00:21:17Did it really happen in Lucerne?
00:21:19I read about it in the newspaper.
00:21:21In 1956, Budapest is under fire.
00:21:23And the father proudly describes
00:21:25to the S.T. Bach
00:21:27that he's organizing security patrols on the queues.
00:21:29I just don't like that you're bringing up
00:21:31conclusions that don't have to be true.
00:21:33You're making deals with a person
00:21:35who can't do anything about it.
00:21:37Unless you're the same opportunist
00:21:39as he was.
00:21:41So I'm a corporate pig
00:21:43and you're Mrs. Maria?
00:21:45Get a grip, please.
00:21:47You're making the same compromises
00:21:49as everyone else.
00:21:51Fortunately, this film isn't just about our father.
00:21:53It's about my mother, too.
00:21:55At least we're not together here.
00:22:00What time did Julie go to bed?
00:22:05She didn't call, sorry.
00:22:07We had a two-hour break.
00:22:09Yeah, I'll drive her out.
00:22:11They're picking me up at 7 a.m.
00:22:15Okay, good night.
00:22:19Ivan says hello.
00:22:21Yeah, thanks. How are you?
00:22:23Of course terrible.
00:22:25I'm not surprised when he lives with you.
00:22:27Ciao, Segra.
00:22:29Ciao, brother.
00:22:31Excuse me, what's going on?
00:22:33Why isn't the camera rolling?
00:22:35We have a problem in the make-up room.
00:22:37Katerina will be here in 15 minutes.
00:22:39What are they doing to her?
00:22:41We're creating a complicated scene.
00:22:43Let's try it out.
00:22:45We'll take a step back.
00:22:49I'll arrange it.
00:22:51Ondra, I'll go get Katerina.
00:22:53You can start from the inside.
00:22:55You'll be gone in five seconds.
00:22:57Let's try it.
00:22:59Quiet, please.
00:23:01Camera rolling.
00:23:03Camera rolling.
00:23:05Katerina comes out.
00:23:07The camera moves.
00:23:09She has a glass of wine in her hand.
00:23:11She slowly approaches the tree behind her.
00:23:13Ondra should appear now.
00:23:15She's watching her.
00:23:17Katerina knows he's following her.
00:23:19Can you give me some tweezers?
00:23:21Yeah, tweezers.
00:23:23A little higher.
00:23:25She's leaning against the tree.
00:23:29Mirek comes in and starts talking.
00:23:33I'll go look at the monitor.
00:23:39I'd forbid you to be here.
00:23:43Because you're more beautiful
00:23:45than the bride.
00:23:47She doesn't mind?
00:23:49You, as a witness,
00:23:51are more beautiful than the bride.
00:23:53How old are you?
00:23:55I'll be 18.
00:23:57What do you do?
00:23:59Do you study?
00:24:01I've been working as a construction worker since September.
00:24:03Here in Brno?
00:24:07They only opened my department in Prague.
00:24:09I hope I'll meet you there.
00:24:13I don't have a phone at home,
00:24:15but I'd give you my address.
00:24:17Promise you won't call me
00:24:19when you're in Prague.
00:24:25That's not what I meant.
00:24:27But okay.
00:24:29I just don't want it to be
00:24:31so obvious.
00:24:33And don't put your hands there.
00:24:35It's not so flirtatious.
00:24:37It's written in text
00:24:39and that's enough.
00:24:41And the monitor is ten years older
00:24:43than the last time we saw it.
00:24:45It's a thirty-year-old,
00:24:47mature man.
00:24:51I have a visitor here,
00:24:53so we'll wait for Kateřina
00:24:55and we'll shoot, okay?
00:24:57Yes. Ten minutes, okay?
00:24:59We'll fix the decoration
00:25:01and we'll shoot in ten minutes.
00:25:03Thank you.
00:25:05Mom! Mom!
00:25:09You came to see me?
00:25:11What a surprise!
00:25:13It's too much.
00:25:15It's not a problem.
00:25:17I'm just a staff member.
00:25:21Do you know what we're shooting today?
00:25:23It's how Grandma met Grandpa.
00:25:25Do you know how it was?
00:25:27It was at a wedding.
00:25:29Tety and Oling
00:25:31looked at each other and fell in love.
00:25:33Then they danced all night,
00:25:35all day.
00:25:37And what happened next?
00:25:39It's a surprise.
00:25:43It's a surprise.
00:27:33What are you doing here?
00:27:37I came for you.
00:27:39What time is it?
00:27:47Where have you been for so long?
00:27:53At work.
00:28:43I'm sorry, I didn't know it hurt so much.
00:29:15Okay, yes.
00:29:17Thank you, this picture is ready.
00:29:39Can I interrupt you?
00:29:45I just wanted to ask you something.
00:29:51Are you satisfied with the way I act?
00:29:53Of course.
00:29:55Why wouldn't I be?
00:29:57Why do you ask?
00:30:01I noticed that you take more pictures of Ondřej
00:30:03than of me.
00:30:05I don't know, I feel like you're afraid of me.
00:30:09No, why would I be afraid of you?
00:30:11It just happened today,
00:30:13with those shots.
00:30:15Not just today.
00:30:17Since the beginning of the shooting.
00:30:19I'm just thinking
00:30:21if there's something wrong.
00:30:23No, nothing.
00:30:29Thank you.
00:30:37Thank you.
00:30:55What's wrong?
00:30:59I'm just looking.
00:31:01I'm working.
00:31:03I'm sorry.
00:31:05I can't concentrate.
00:31:07It suits you.
00:31:13So I should get up in the morning?
00:31:19I'm thinking
00:31:21about your potential
00:31:23erotic escapades.
00:31:25Don't you want to think
00:31:27about our erotic escapades?
00:31:29I told you
00:31:31that it's good for you
00:31:33when you're an erotic object,
00:31:37when you're the center of attention,
00:31:39when you flirt.
00:31:41It's in you.
00:31:43I don't want to think about anything else.
00:31:45I should understand it
00:31:47and respect it.
00:31:49I want to apologize
00:31:51for my behavior.
00:31:55I'm sitting at the computer
00:31:57and I'm only thinking about you.
00:31:59You're the mirror
00:32:01through which I see my failure.
00:32:03Don't say that, Ivan.
00:32:05I know. I'm cold.
00:32:07I'm sorry.
00:32:09I'm sorry.
00:32:11You're amazing.
00:32:30I can't do this.
00:32:32I'm sorry.
00:32:34I'm sorry.
00:33:00Good morning.
00:33:02Good morning.
00:33:06We can't talk yet.
00:33:08Mr. Pruch is not here?
00:33:10He's gone somewhere.
00:33:12Would you like some coffee?
00:33:16I thought we could
00:33:18read the text.
00:33:20I'm thinking about you.
00:33:22Good morning, director.
00:33:24Good morning.
00:33:26I was in the costume room.
00:33:28Did you catch a cold?
00:33:32I see your role as a colonel
00:33:34as a cheerful dad,
00:33:38he's a bad person.
00:33:40And Mirek
00:33:42is a great colonel.
00:33:44He's proud
00:33:46that his superiors like him.
00:33:48And he's
00:33:52I'd like to try it.
00:33:54What do you say?
00:33:58I'll start.
00:34:00I should start with Briella, right?
00:34:02With Krystyna.
00:34:04As a cultural reference,
00:34:06you've proven
00:34:08that you have a positive opinion.
00:34:10I'll remove Briella now.
00:34:12How long have you served in the 3rd division?
00:34:1410 years, sir.
00:34:18that a new world is waiting for you.
00:34:20Intelligence is an elite.
00:34:22The best are among them
00:34:24and so can you.
00:34:26I know, sir.
00:34:28Why did you choose the name Siler?
00:34:30Don't you like sports?
00:34:32I don't have time for it.
00:34:34Tony Siler is a famous skier from Austria.
00:34:36He's been my idol for many years.
00:34:38He won the Olympics twice.
00:34:40He was born the same year as me.
00:34:42It sounds too exotic
00:34:44to me,
00:34:46but you'll see.
00:34:48I see you're not married.
00:34:50Do you have a girlfriend?
00:34:52Yes, I do.
00:34:54Does she work here?
00:34:58She studies construction engineering.
00:35:00It would be a shame
00:35:02if she was employed here.
00:35:04What did you say you do?
00:35:06As always.
00:35:08I'm a cultural reference
00:35:10for the Foreign Ministry.
00:35:14Back to work.
00:35:16I transferred you to the UK.
00:35:18It's a very important sector.
00:35:20You have a fast career there.
00:35:22I know you have a 2nd degree in English.
00:35:24Everyone praises you.
00:35:26And you'll study at a vocational school.
00:35:28So good luck.
00:35:30Thank you, sir.
00:35:32All the best, sir.
00:35:52I made this yesterday with my dad.
00:35:54Oh, Kára.
00:35:56You should try it.
00:35:58It looks amazing.
00:36:00I made it with my dad.
00:36:02It's so good!
00:36:04I made it with my dad.
00:36:06It's so good!
00:36:08It's so good!
00:36:10It's so good!
00:36:12It's so good!
00:36:14It's so good!
00:36:16It's so good!
00:36:18It's so good!
00:36:20It's so good!
00:36:22I made you some coffee.
00:36:24I'll go get it.
00:36:26No problem.
00:36:28Me too.
00:36:30Me too.
00:36:32Me too.
00:36:34Me too.
00:36:36Me too.
00:36:38I thought it would be nice to go with you.
00:36:40I thought it would be nice to go with you.
00:36:42We haven't been on a trip together for a long time.
00:36:44What about Julinka?
00:36:46She'd go with us.
00:36:48It's not a trip.
00:36:50It's shooting outdoors.
00:36:52It's work.
00:36:54I need peace.
00:36:56We'll go somewhere together.
00:36:58You go there.
00:37:00I'd be your driver.
00:37:02I'd be your driver.
00:37:04I'd be your cook.
00:37:06I'd be your bodyguard.
00:37:08You're so nice.
00:37:10But I have people for all of that.
00:37:12But I have people for all of that.
00:37:14It's not about peace.
00:37:16It's about my...
00:37:18What's his name?
00:37:24I'm going to work.
00:37:28I was joking.
00:37:32I'll die of thirst.
00:37:34I'll die of thirst.
00:37:36I'm going for a ride.
00:37:38It's going to be crazy long.
00:37:40I need you.
00:37:46I, comrade Farkas,
00:37:48confirm that comrade Seiler
00:37:50was entrusted to me
00:37:52to take care of London
00:37:54together with comrade Bielik
00:37:56from the Ritz residence.
00:37:58It was a regular visit
00:38:00that the future agent of intelligence
00:38:02before going on a mission
00:38:04must complete.
00:38:06We visited various tourist places in London.
00:38:08We showed the comrade
00:38:10what life in a capitalist country looks like.
00:38:16Nice weather today, isn't it?
00:38:40Do you need any help, sir?
00:38:42No, no, no. Thank you.
00:38:44Sir, can you breathe?
00:38:46Somebody call an ambulance.
00:39:14...to the headquarters in Prague.
00:39:16He's afraid he won't be sent to England
00:39:18for a long time,
00:39:20although he's looking forward to it.
00:39:22I personally think
00:39:24that comrade Seiler
00:39:26can't bear the burden
00:39:28that the function of an agent requires
00:39:30and that he's not able
00:39:32to serve his socialist authorities.
00:39:36Why didn't she emigrate
00:39:38to England, for example?
00:39:41They drink beer and whiskey there
00:39:43and I like wine and coffee.
00:39:45I also take it there
00:39:47as a kind of enemy territory.
00:39:50And how long did you live in Paris?
00:39:52Ten years.
00:39:54And why did you come back?
00:39:58Because I was expecting a baby with Ivan.
00:40:00Thank you.
00:40:10Do you miss Paris?
00:40:14I miss the way I used to be.
00:40:18And what were you like?
00:40:22without ties,
00:40:26You're still young.
00:40:30More beautiful
00:40:32than all the others.
00:40:34Please, don't say that.
00:40:38Look, we get up early in the morning.
00:40:40So we should go to bed.
00:40:44Are you coming?
00:40:46To my room?
00:40:50Of course.
00:40:54All right.
00:40:56All right.
00:41:22What is it?
00:41:28I'm sorry.
00:41:32It's never happened before.
00:41:38So it's my fault.
00:41:46It's not my fault.
00:41:50It's never happened before.
00:41:52Please, don't say that.
00:41:56I'm sorry.
00:42:02What is it?
00:42:06Do you love me?
00:42:10I haven't slept with any other guy for a long time.
00:42:16I have a lot of emotions now.
00:42:20Please, go away.
00:42:26You're beautiful.
00:42:28It was my mistake.
00:42:30It's never happened before.
00:42:34That's why I'm a specialist.
00:44:08Hi, Mom.
00:44:14I don't know if we missed you as much as you missed us.
00:44:16But without you, it wouldn't be a year.
00:44:18Good day.
00:44:20Good day.
00:44:22You're great.
00:44:32I brought you something.
00:44:34What is it?
00:44:36You'll see.
00:44:50Don't you want to go to bed?
00:44:52I have to finish my e-mails.
00:44:54I have 20 more to finish.
00:44:56You can't wait until tomorrow.
00:44:58No, I can't.
00:45:04Who's calling you at 2 a.m.?
00:45:06I don't know.
00:45:08Some strange number.
00:45:14So where are we going to bed?
00:45:16I'll come, but first we have to finish this.
00:45:18I'll come, but first we have to finish this.
00:45:32I think Maria wants to go to bed.
00:45:34She just needs to be convinced.
00:45:36She doesn't want to.
00:45:38He did it against her will.
00:45:40He didn't pay attention to her,
00:45:42even though she asked him to.
00:45:44When we were shooting the scene,
00:45:46Good morning.
00:45:48Good morning.
00:45:54We're preparing the scene.
00:45:56Maria went to bed.
00:45:58She's sorry.
00:46:00Mirek comes and sees what she's doing.
00:46:02He wants to save the child, the relationship.
00:46:04He loves her more than he loves him.
00:46:08Can we start?
00:46:10Let's go.
00:46:16Close the doors.
00:46:18Quiet, please.
00:46:28Come on.
00:46:32What are you doing?
00:46:34I told you to stop jumping.
00:46:36You could get hurt.
00:46:40It's too late to do anything.
00:46:42I don't want to.
00:46:44I don't want to.
00:46:46Maria, please.
00:46:48It's a child, you and me.
00:46:50You'll see.
00:46:52You'll see you can do it.
00:46:54I'll help you as much as I can.
00:46:56You say that now,
00:46:58but you'll leave me alone with it.
00:47:00You'll go to work.
00:47:02Calm down.
00:47:04I'll cry at home.
00:47:06You did it against my will.
00:47:08You should have let me go.
00:47:10Calm down.
00:47:12I can't hear you.
00:47:20I love you.
00:47:22I love the child, too.
00:47:26You'll see you'll love him.
00:47:28You won't feel sorry.
00:47:30I'd like to give you so much in life.
00:47:44You don't have to push so hard.
00:47:46She's young,
00:47:48but she's tough.
00:47:52Can we start?
00:47:54Yes, right away.
00:47:56We need 10 minutes.
00:47:58We'll fix it.
00:48:00I'll smoke and we'll start.
00:48:02Can I go with you?
00:48:04I'll go, too.
00:48:06The picture is under the table.
00:48:08I see.
00:48:12Let's get ready.
00:48:14We'll start in 10 minutes.
00:48:20I don't read your texts,
00:48:22so don't worry.
00:48:24I need a clear head for this movie.
00:48:26You should have one, too.
00:48:28Don't think about stupid things.
00:48:30Don't take it as a compliment,
00:48:32but if you don't let me go,
00:48:34you're a puberty.
00:48:36Give me a kiss and you'll be calm.
00:48:38I won't.
00:48:40I have to tell you
00:48:42what we're going to shoot in the afternoon.
00:48:44That's a good idea.
00:48:46I wish you all the best.
00:48:48Thank you,
00:48:52I know there were some doubts
00:48:54about my resignation,
00:48:56but you'll see you'll be satisfied.
00:48:58I hope so.
00:49:00You'll be in touch with our lawyers
00:49:02and you'll get new contacts.
00:49:04You and your wife are young.
00:49:06You look good.
00:49:08You'll get there.
00:49:10But don't tell your husband about your job.
00:49:12Women don't understand these things.
00:49:14Of course.
00:49:16You'll get along, Colonel.
00:49:18Please go to room 4.
00:49:22We're ready.
00:49:24We're going to start.
00:49:32Now you're in a good mood.
00:49:36When you were little,
00:49:38did Mommy scratch your back like that?
00:49:40Not Mommy,
00:49:42but Daddy.
00:49:46Don't go.
00:49:48Don't go.
00:49:50Do you want me to sleep here with you?
00:49:54So it's you.
00:49:56All right.
00:50:00Have a nice sleep.
00:50:22Will you write to me?
00:50:24I'll call you.
00:50:26But Mommy,
00:50:28there are no phones in the camp.
00:50:30You're right.
00:50:32How many times will you be back tonight?
00:50:34I don't know.
00:50:36Maybe up to 10.
00:50:38Will you send me a package?
00:50:40You know that.
00:50:42Will you accompany me?
00:50:44No, I won't.
00:50:46I have work to do.
00:50:48Have fun.
00:51:34You're doing well in the office.
00:51:36You won't have any other friends in London.
00:51:38If a foreigner,
00:51:40especially an emigrant,
00:51:42will talk to you,
00:51:44you'll report it to your husband.
00:51:46What do you mean?
00:51:48If I start talking to an English mom in the park,
00:51:50should I report it?
00:51:52No, stop.
00:51:54I asked you not to play it so provocatively.
00:51:56You're being rude.
00:52:02I'm a director's assistant.
00:52:04So be it.
00:52:08I'm a string that needs to be tuned.
00:52:10And I play exactly what I understand
00:52:12you want from me.
00:52:14You said you were going to flirt with him.
00:52:16But you're pushing him away.
00:52:20So you can't tune me.
00:52:26Let's try it again.
00:52:28Katerina will pretend
00:52:30she's the only girl from the village.
00:52:32And you're afraid of the colonel.
00:52:34OK, no problem.
00:52:36So where do we start?
00:52:38From your last sentence.
00:52:40That'll be enough.
00:52:44Let's change the shot.
00:52:46Let's go.
00:52:48OK, let's go.
00:52:5025 objects.
00:52:52Let's go, guys.
00:52:54Let's add tea.
00:52:5858, take 3.
00:53:06When a foreigner talks to you,
00:53:08you report it to your wife.
00:53:10What do you mean?
00:53:12When I start talking to
00:53:14an English mom in the park,
00:53:16should I report it?
00:53:20You're doing it on purpose.
00:53:22Don't be paranoid.
00:53:24OK, we can do it.
00:53:26Can I feel it too?
00:53:28OK, let's go.
00:53:30Let's go.
00:53:3458, take 3.
00:53:40When a foreigner talks to you,
00:53:42you report it to your wife.
00:53:44What do you mean?
00:53:46When I start talking to
00:53:48an English mom in the park,
00:53:50should I report it?
00:53:52I'm young, but I know how to take care of myself.
00:53:56You don't know anything about life out there.
00:53:59Such an inexperienced woman is perfect for a foreign law firm.
00:54:03She'll let you go to the station,
00:54:05offer you some rings or clothes,
00:54:07because she knows you have a lot of important information.
00:54:11It's like from a spy book.
00:54:14Don't take it lightly.
00:54:17If you found out anything,
00:54:20report it to me.
00:54:23If someone followed you,
00:54:26or if someone from the embassy
00:54:29suspected you of cheating on your wife...
00:54:32And stop.
00:54:34Excellent. Yes, we have it.
00:54:36We can go to the next picture.
00:54:38So I'm done for today, right?
00:54:40Yes, yes, thank you.
00:54:41Thank you, goodbye.
00:54:42So we're leaving Prague in 1968,
00:54:44and we're getting ready for London in 1970.
00:54:48...and we're moving to the next set.
00:54:51Thank you very much.
00:54:56So how was it?
00:54:59Thank you.
00:55:00That's exactly how I wanted it.
00:55:06Hey, what are you doing here?
00:55:08You're not shooting today, are you?
00:55:09I came to see you.
00:55:11So we're even.
00:55:12Yeah, you knew he was here,
00:55:14so why were you so mean to me?
00:55:16How could you think of such a stupid thing?
00:55:21But it suits us.
00:55:23You could record it.
00:55:25We're going to shoot the phone.
00:55:27I'm here because of that.
00:55:29Your professionalism is absolutely flawless.
00:55:32So I'm going to change.
00:55:36Come on.
00:55:37I'll show you London.
00:55:49I'm going to call Kateřina.
00:55:52I'll call you in the evening.
00:55:59Everyone back on set.
00:56:00We're going to start.
00:56:01Thank you.
00:56:0261, take 1, take 5.
00:56:18What's going on?
00:56:23How long has it been?
00:56:25I was afraid something had happened to you.
00:56:27You haven't called in a long time.
00:56:29Maria, listen to me carefully.
00:56:31I don't remember anything.
00:56:33I don't remember anything.
00:56:35I don't remember anything.
00:56:37I don't remember anything.
00:56:39I don't remember anything.
00:56:41I don't remember anything.
00:56:43I can't go back to London.
00:56:46I have to stay in France.
00:56:48But we were supposed to be together for another two years.
00:56:50I know, but something changed at the office.
00:56:52I can't...
00:56:53I can't explain it to you on this phone.
00:56:56Listen to what I'm about to tell you.
00:56:58And think that this phone is official, okay?
00:57:00But you did something.
00:57:02Why can't you...
00:57:03I'll explain it to you later.
00:57:05Now listen to me.
00:57:07Tomorrow's the day.
00:57:09Maybe you'll have to go somewhere else.
00:57:11I'd like you...
00:57:13I'd like you not to forget one thing.
00:57:16Oh my God, it's Rusa.
00:57:18It's Rusa.
00:57:20Maria, do you hear me?
00:57:22Bring me the picture in the living room.
00:57:24Above the crib.
00:57:26I don't understand you at all.
00:57:28How can you think of a picture now?
00:57:30For me, it's important.
00:57:31Like a memory of the evening we bought it, you know?
00:57:34I don't want you to leave it in London.
00:57:37So be good and take it to Prague.
00:57:40Take it right now.
00:57:42Take it and prepare it.
00:57:44Do you understand?
00:57:46Maria, do you understand?
00:57:50Yes, yes, I understand.
00:57:52It's also very important to me.
00:57:56We celebrated the second anniversary of our wedding at Tower Bridge.
00:57:59Do you remember?
00:58:01Do you remember the date?
00:58:02Yes, yes, I remember.
00:58:11I'll definitely take it to Prague.
00:58:15Velvyslanes will call you tomorrow and tell you when you're leaving.
00:58:19I love you.
00:58:21I love you too.
00:58:32Did Sailor grow up?
00:58:37Okay, bro, thanks a lot.
00:59:10I've been on a bad guy
00:59:13Get out
00:59:14As my stamp goes by
00:59:17Get out
00:59:18I've had a broke up heart
00:59:20Get out
00:59:39Get out
00:59:47Do you sleep with him?
00:59:50With Ivan?
00:59:55Not very often.
01:00:01I'm telling you, I can't stand it.
01:00:04You don't have to.
01:00:07This only happened exceptionally.
01:00:11I can't stand it.
01:00:15Why not?
01:00:17Because I have a child with him.
01:00:20I have to take care of him.
01:00:29Do you love him?
01:00:31You're asking me questions.
01:00:33These are normal questions.
01:00:39I don't like to see you only sometimes.
01:00:43The first time I saw you, I knew I wanted to be with you.
01:00:57I can't leave him.
01:01:03I can't leave him.
01:01:09I'll wait for you.
01:01:34Are you interested if I brought you your secrets?
01:02:01I'd like to have a drink with you.
01:02:08I'd like to have a drink with you.
01:02:1463-1, 5th floor.
01:02:20I went for a walk around the Czech Republic
01:02:22and someone told me I'm a revisionist.
01:02:25They took my passport to the ministry.
01:02:27What ministry?
01:02:29The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of course.
01:02:31Stop it, please.
01:02:33Do you really think I'm that stupid?
01:02:35You work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
01:02:37You have a fake name.
01:02:38You're a cultural attaché.
01:02:39You've been lying to me all this time.
01:02:41It wasn't a lie.
01:02:42But in my profession, you don't tell this to your wife.
01:02:46I asked myself all the way to Prague
01:02:48why I'm coming back.
01:02:50We were supposed to stay there with Renata
01:02:52and start a new life.
01:02:54Do you think about the guy who invited him to our house?
01:02:57How could you think I wouldn't find out?
01:03:00He was lucky to have a colleague who supported me
01:03:02and didn't fire you.
01:03:05I came back with the condition that you'll leave the Ministry.
01:03:07Otherwise, I won't be with you.
01:03:08But that doesn't make sense.
01:03:09I'm glad they didn't fire me.
01:03:11After the check-ups, my head was spinning.
01:03:14Do you know how long I've been waiting
01:03:15to be able to work for a revisionist?
01:03:17Ten years.
01:03:18Mirek, listen to me.
01:03:20I'm not sure if I want to stay with you.
01:03:23For a long time.
01:03:25And I definitely know I won't live with a cop.
01:03:27And what do you think I should do?
01:03:28Some manual work?
01:03:30And I'm not a cop, I'm a revisionist.
01:03:32But spies lie.
01:03:33It's dangerous.
01:03:34Please, don't dramatize it.
01:03:36My job was just to get Englishmen
01:03:39who sympathize with our system to cooperate.
01:03:42I want you to know one thing.
01:03:44I have no sympathy with your system.
01:03:50Please, forgive me for lying to you.
01:03:53But I had to.
01:04:03The snow was great just now.
01:04:05The snow was just perfect.
01:04:07Kateřina, give them gloves.
01:04:09So it's a nice cold.
01:04:12Make their noses red.
01:04:14This tree is too...
01:04:16It's too snowy.
01:04:18And you took the green...
01:04:20The green branches.
01:04:21That's stupid.
01:04:23It has to be...
01:04:25She knows I'm not a minister.
01:04:26I'm infected.
01:04:27How does she know?
01:04:28Come on, you'll remind Milena.
01:04:30She has to be infected.
01:04:31You were really good at this.
01:04:33I can't believe it.
01:04:36Let's do it one more time.
01:04:42Good night.
01:04:50Here you go, miss.
01:05:01Good night.
01:05:31Good night.
01:05:47What do you really mean with those suitcases?
01:05:52You have some things there.
01:05:54You wear them.
01:05:55Shoes and stuff.
01:05:57You can come to the other addresses.
01:05:59Ivan, I don't like this behavior.
01:06:02What behavior?
01:06:04What behavior are you talking about?
01:06:05Your son?
01:06:06Your son.
01:06:07I'm talking about my son.
01:06:09You know what?
01:06:10Stop acting.
01:06:12You slept with your brother for two nights.
01:06:15I don't believe you.
01:06:18Tell me the truth.
01:06:20Be honest.
01:06:22Did you sleep with Jakub?
01:06:24Did you or didn't you?
01:06:26I didn't sleep with Jakub.
01:06:28Did you sleep with the doctor?
01:06:31Did you or didn't you?
01:06:35You're ruining me.
01:06:37Let me live so I can get out of here.
01:06:40I don't want to see you anymore.
01:06:42This is not how it works.
01:06:44We have a child together.
01:06:46What about Julinka?
01:06:49You don't have time for her anyway.
01:06:51Do you know why I don't have time for her?
01:06:53Because I have to go to work and earn money.
01:06:56You can come back on Saturday if you want.
01:06:59I have a feeling I'm just interrupting you.
01:07:03Of course.
01:07:06You're coming back from the camp in a week.
01:07:08I'm curious what you'll tell them.
01:07:18I can't hear you. Where are you?
01:07:21Oh, there you are.
01:07:24Send me a look.
01:07:26I have a problem.
01:07:28I'll tell you later.
01:07:30Can I stay with you for a few days?
01:07:35Thank you. Yes, I have the keys.
01:07:4768, 3, 5, 3.
01:07:546 months later.
01:08:246 months later.
01:08:36Renato, why don't you pick up?
01:08:38Is something wrong?
01:08:40Call me anytime.
01:08:42I'm alone at home.
01:08:44I miss you.
01:08:55Look, Maria.
01:08:57You've got a right to live your own life.
01:08:59Don't let your fears stand in the way of your dreams.
01:09:03I know you don't want to live in this beautiful place,
01:09:05but what future do you have here?
01:09:07There are Russians everywhere.
01:09:09You're alone now. You can tell me what you're thinking.
01:09:13Come and live in London with me.
01:09:15We're going to have an amazing life together.
01:09:18You've got to think of yourself.
01:09:20You're young. You've got years.
01:09:22Think of your own happiness.
01:09:24Be with me.
01:09:52He's got his own orders, too.
01:09:54And he's with you only because of him.
01:09:57My orders are for your own good.
01:09:59They don't give a fuck about who you're with.
01:10:11It's terrible. I'm sorry. It's just so awkward.
01:10:15My husband, he's crazy and...
01:10:18I don't want to talk about it anymore.
01:10:21And stop!
01:10:23Yes, excellent!
01:10:25Thank you!
01:10:27The last shot of this film!
01:10:32See you tonight at the set?
01:10:36Thank you very much.
01:10:38Thank you.
01:10:40Thank you very much.
01:10:42Thank you.
01:10:44Thank you.
01:10:46Thank you very much.
01:10:48I want one, too.
01:10:51Here you are, Sanya.
01:10:53Thank you.
01:10:56Champagne for the actress.
01:10:58Thank you.
01:11:02Let me see if I can exchange it with you.
01:11:04No, thank you.
01:11:20Thank you.
01:11:34Can you have lunch with us?
01:11:37It's a big place.
01:11:39You don't know what you're talking about.
01:11:42Jolinka is going to school.
01:11:44She's staying soon.
01:11:46She's appointed there in our country.
01:11:49He's got friends there, but he's a nice guy.
01:11:55And you're moving out, right?
01:11:58I don't know if that's a good idea.
01:12:02Have you ever lived with anyone?
01:12:05Of course.
01:12:09With my parents.
01:12:14It's not true that I've been living here since then.
01:12:17I feel very lonely here.
01:12:21And I'm supposed to be a mother?
01:12:23No, no one wants that from you.
01:12:27But maybe you're not ready to be with me.
01:12:31Maybe you think you'll go back to Ivan after a while.
01:12:37I've already decided that.
01:12:43Julinka, open the door!
01:12:50I'll come on Monday and walk you to school.
01:12:57I have to go.
01:13:09I'll take Julinka to school on the first of September.
01:13:13I think she'll be better if you leave her alone.
01:13:16I'll call her. She'll figure it out.
01:13:18Anyway, I'm fine without you.
01:13:21I even started writing.
01:13:23That's great.
01:13:26I've always been afraid that I'd break you.
01:13:29But in the end, the opposite was true.
01:13:32You broke me.
01:14:28We have to think about whether to go through Vienna or to Spoden.
01:14:32We have to get out of here as soon as possible,
01:14:34otherwise we'll get stuck on the border.
01:14:39What are you doing here?
01:14:41We're waiting for you.
01:14:42We decided to go to Split.
01:14:44To Split?
01:14:45Well, my uncle has a pension there,
01:14:46and some people told him about the reservation,
01:14:48so he invited us.
01:14:50That's great. And when?
01:14:51Well, now.
01:14:54So get ready, let's go.
01:14:55I can't, I have to go to Střížny.
01:14:58So postpone it.
01:14:59Postpone it, it's only for a week.
01:15:01I'm also shooting.
01:15:03Take your swimwear and let's go.
01:15:06I can't.
01:15:07I'd have to plan it.
01:15:08Ondra, we'll wait for you down by the car, okay?
01:15:11Renata, bye.
01:15:17Why do you have to plan everything?
01:15:20You look great when it's not planned.
01:15:23When it's improvised, when it's crazy.
01:15:26I can't do crazy things.
01:15:30I'm sorry, I really can't.
01:15:35That's a shame.
01:15:37So I'll call you, okay?
01:15:42Wait, you're going?
01:15:44You don't mind that we won't see each other for so long?
01:15:46You know I don't mind.
01:15:47I thought you'd go with us.
01:15:49That you'd be happy.
01:15:51That would be a surprise.
01:15:56But I can't leave you now.
01:15:58We're going by car.
01:16:02If nothing happens, I'll be back in a week.
01:16:04I'll fix everything.
01:16:07I'm working on it.
01:16:09I hope the movie will be a success.
01:16:26I like this the most.
01:16:28It's really great here.
01:16:39They won't shoot us there.
01:16:42Erik will never let me go to Yugoslavia with Renat.
01:16:45Renat can join us later.
01:16:52I will go with you just for a few days.
01:16:54Then I will come back.
01:16:55No, you mustn't.
01:16:57If you do, you'll never leave Czechoslovakia again.
01:17:02I have to go.
01:17:05Thank you.
01:17:11How are you?
01:17:14I'm worried about you.
01:17:18I see.
01:17:21You have to shoot next week.
01:17:25When did they postpone it?
01:17:30So you're busy.
01:17:33No, I'm in Střižně every day.
01:17:37At least I'll have time for our movie.
01:17:45You're so beautiful.
01:17:49Call me again.
01:18:10Girls, where have you been?
01:18:15Where are you sitting?
01:18:17In the first bench?
01:18:24Is your teacher nice?
01:18:29Why aren't you eating?
01:18:35It's your favorite food now, isn't it?
01:18:44Did Julia find out?
01:18:47A little.
01:18:51Do you think Ondřej is worth it?
01:18:53He is. He's a speeder.
01:18:56You should visit him.
01:19:00He's great.
01:19:02You'll see.
01:19:04I will.
01:19:06What's wrong?
01:19:10He's too young for you.
01:19:12I see.
01:19:14I used to live with a 20-year-old guy.
01:19:18You won't like it.
01:19:20You're too extreme for me.
01:19:22I am.
01:19:24I'm finally happy.
01:19:26That's great.
01:19:29How are you and your relationship with Patrick?
01:19:34Are we going to eat ice cream today?
01:19:37Not today.
01:19:39I'll have to go now.
01:19:41You'll be with Kuba.
01:19:43You'll sleep at his place.
01:19:45I see.
01:19:50Talk to you later.
01:19:54You're not angry at all.
01:19:56You were angry with me.
01:20:00I was at the beach.
01:20:02At the beach?
01:20:04That's what we did.
01:20:06You're not angry at me?
01:20:10Did you like it there?
01:20:14Of course.
01:20:16I wouldn't stay there.
01:20:18That's a question.
01:20:20Maybe I wouldn't like it without you.
01:20:23I don't know.
01:20:25What did you do there?
01:20:27Everything is possible.
01:20:29Everything is possible.
01:20:33We went to a restaurant.
01:20:35We went to a disco.
01:20:37We drank vodka.
01:20:39Different things.
01:20:44What about you and the movie?
01:20:46I'm not happy with it.
01:20:50I think I didn't choose Katerina well.
01:20:57I think she played it well.
01:21:05It wasn't easy.
01:21:07What do you mean?
01:21:11It was obvious that you were jealous.
01:21:16I'm not jealous.
01:21:18Everyone saw it.
01:21:20I had a different opinion.
01:21:22Everyone saw it.
01:21:24And she didn't?
01:21:26A little bit.
01:21:28And in Split?
01:21:30A little bit too.
01:21:32But she did it well.
01:21:34I see.
01:21:36So I'm stupid.
01:21:38Everyone saw it.
01:21:40I love it when you're so happy.
01:21:42You should get used to it.
01:21:44Katerina and I will like a new series.
01:21:46Do you have a favorite dish?
01:21:52I have to tell you
01:21:54in a different position.
01:22:00This is better.
01:22:12The one with the face.
01:24:09Thank you for coming.
01:24:11It was a musical vlog.
01:24:13Now you can do whatever you want.
01:24:15It's good, isn't it?
01:24:17I'll be here in a minute.
01:24:23Will you stay?
01:24:25No, we have to go to the ballet.
01:24:27I have to go home for Christmas.
01:24:29Julia wants to go to the mountains.
01:24:31I have an idea.
01:24:33We have to go on a charity day.
01:24:35If you don't mind.
01:24:37I want to go to the mountains.
01:24:39I want to die there.
01:24:41Have you talked about it?
01:24:43When will you come back on Sunday?
01:24:45As always.
01:24:47Julia, I have to go.
01:24:49Julia, bye.
01:24:51See you on Sunday.
01:24:55See you.
01:24:57I'm afraid of him.
01:25:07If we don't have a party with Ondřej,
01:25:09you'll be with me, won't you?
01:25:13You'd leave me alone on a party.
01:25:20That's nice of you.
01:25:38You don't have a home party, do you?
01:25:43It was Julyanka's agenda.
01:25:48I didn't know you come here.
01:25:54Have you eaten?
01:25:56You haven't been here in four days.
01:25:58You said you'd shoot outside Prague
01:26:03and I saw your shooting plan. You were shooting in Prague.
01:26:06You saw an old shooting plan.
01:26:08Look, I'm not going to argue with you about this.
01:26:11I don't understand why I live here when you're not here at all.
01:26:14Why are you asking me to stay here?
01:26:17What kind of situation are you putting me in?
01:26:20I know you're bored with me.
01:26:23That I was only interested in you when you weren't sure about me.
01:26:26Now you're chasing someone else.
01:26:28No, Renata, please.
01:26:29So where have you been these four days?
01:26:31First, you're still interested in me.
01:26:33Second, I don't have to talk to you at all.
01:26:35You just have to get used to it.
01:26:36I'm not going to get used to anything.
01:26:38I've been waiting for you to tell you that I'm done.
01:26:41Renata, please calm down.
01:26:43Let's go to bed, I'll tell you everything.
01:26:45Don't touch me.
01:26:46Now, besides sex, the two of us have nothing in common at all.
01:26:49Well, that was enough for you.
01:26:50It wasn't enough.
01:26:51I just didn't have the strength to admit it.
01:26:54I want to have a normal, serious conversation with you.
01:26:57About what, for example?
01:26:58I don't know.
01:26:59About politics, for example.
01:27:01About literature, about history.
01:27:04It's just that you don't have a brain for that.
01:27:06You know you're offending me now.
01:27:07And you know you're offending me when you sleep with someone else.
01:27:11You're an idiot, young man.
01:27:19Take the sugar one.
01:27:20It's disgusting.
01:27:48Attention, please.
01:27:49We will continue.
01:27:50We will play two tactics before your performance.
01:28:08And now you go to sleep.
01:28:14Follow me, come on.
01:28:19Oh, come on.
01:28:22It's a beautiful kitten, is it for me?
01:28:25Thank you.
01:28:26And are you going to have another one with daddy?
01:28:30So run away.
01:28:37I don't like this.
01:28:41Stop, sorry, sorry.
01:28:42I don't like this.
01:28:43I'm not done with Marie.
01:28:45I need to see that she's fighting.
01:28:48I need to understand it.
01:28:49I imagined it to be more interesting.
01:28:52Can't we play the second melody a little earlier?
01:28:55Wait, do you mean this one?
01:29:04Yeah, yeah, that's it.
01:29:05So give me a minute, okay?
01:29:07And where is mommy going?
01:29:10To Yugoslavia.
01:29:11And will she come back?
01:29:12No, she won't.
01:29:13And why?
01:29:14I'll explain it to you later, okay?
01:29:15So can I go?
01:29:17Okay, thank you.
01:29:18So let's continue from the beginning again, thank you.
01:29:19Let's do it.
01:29:20And this violin, what do you think?
01:29:21No, no, they're still beautiful here, come on.
01:29:22This one is for you.
01:29:23Thank you.
01:29:24Thank you.
01:29:25Thank you.
01:29:26Thank you.
01:29:27Thank you.
01:29:28Thank you.
01:29:29Thank you.
01:29:30Thank you.
01:29:31Thank you.
01:29:32Thank you.
01:29:33Thank you.
01:29:34Thank you.
01:29:35Thank you.
01:29:36Thank you.
01:29:37Thank you.
01:29:42This one is for a lady here.
01:29:48Now we're bringing it to our mother, right?
01:29:54Come follow me.
01:29:59Come here.
01:30:01This beautiful kitten is for me?
01:30:04Okay, thank you.
01:30:06Are you going to take another one with Daddy?
01:30:10Then run!
01:30:14Daddy wants to take the flowers by himself.
01:30:37Everything can still be saved.
01:30:44I could arrange for you to take the belt.
01:30:47You know it very well.
01:30:50But I want you not to go there with your lover
01:30:53because of your own will,
01:30:55and not because I told you to.
01:31:02I'm afraid you won't come back.
01:31:07You've never loved Renata.
01:31:11I'm sorry.
01:31:13Don't make fun of me.
01:31:19We can't live the way we want to.
01:31:22We always have to adapt to what life brings.
01:31:27But we can be happy in that adaptation.
01:31:36I love you.
01:32:06I love you.
01:32:36I love you.
01:32:52Are you here?
01:32:55Do you have to go there?
01:32:58I'll be back soon.
01:33:01I'm going to miss you so much.
01:33:06I have to, honey.
01:33:08I have to.
01:33:11You know what?
01:33:13I'll make you a braid.
01:33:17So you'll be a beautiful princess.
01:33:37Peter, what's wrong with you?
01:33:40Are you trying to kill us?
01:33:42Relax, baby. It's under control.
01:33:45You're going too fast. Please slow down.
01:33:48But it's going for a nice country drive.
01:33:50I'm scared, Peter. Please, I'm begging you.
01:33:53Take it easy, honey. I'm just showing you what you can do.
01:33:56I'm not going to kill you.
01:33:58I'm not going to kill you.
01:34:00I'm not going to kill you.
01:34:02I'm not going to kill you.
01:34:04Take it easy, honey. I'm just showing you what you can do.
01:34:08Peter, why are you racing?
01:34:11I'm not racing, honey.
01:34:14Oh, my God!
01:34:35Thank you.
01:34:37It's good, isn't it? We did it.
01:34:40Great job, camera man.
01:34:42I'm so glad you liked it.
01:34:45Can I take a picture with you?
01:34:47Of course.
01:34:50I'll go with you.
01:34:58And two more for the poster.
01:35:04Thank you.
01:35:21Hi. So?
01:35:23Good, good.
01:35:25It just seemed to me that Ray was our father.
01:35:30What? You thought of that?
01:35:32What does Michalová have to do with it?
01:35:34Let's have a drink.
01:35:38So you wouldn't like it?
01:35:41I'm not objective.
01:35:43I didn't get it.
01:35:45Maria would really leave her child.
01:35:47She wouldn't come back.
01:35:49No one will ever find out.
01:35:51And the girl has to live to the end of her life.
01:35:53I think Maria would come back.
01:35:55And that Englishman was a real spy.
01:35:58No, it's all made up.
01:36:00My mom went to Yugoslavia with some Moravian.
01:36:03Anyway, I really liked the main actress.
01:36:07I liked it too, Segra.
01:36:09But please, I never ask for anything after our family.
01:36:13Do you want something to eat?
01:36:15Do you want to bring something?
01:36:16Some rice?
01:36:17No, thank you.
01:36:19Congratulations, it was great.
01:36:21Thank you.
01:36:22There were a few places I would like to play out.
01:36:24We'll talk about that later.
01:36:26So have a nice evening.
01:36:27You too, thank you.
01:36:48Sorry, I'm late.
01:36:49It's okay.
01:36:51I'm afraid Ivolinka will be sleeping with those new bras today.
01:36:55We've been here for two hours.
01:36:57She's completely frozen.
01:37:00Hi, Julie.
01:37:02Hi, Daddy.
01:37:04We're going home.
01:37:06In a minute.
01:37:16I read your book.
01:37:22it's a bit of a depressive look at today's society, isn't it?
01:37:27I don't know.
01:37:28I don't think people do everything for the sake of success.
01:37:31Or that they forget about the past.
01:37:34But I liked it.
01:37:36I couldn't take my eyes off it.
01:37:39You're probably the only one.
01:37:42There were a lot of bad reviews.
01:37:44No one buys that either.
01:37:48They're all idiots.
01:37:51All of them.
01:37:54I guess so.
01:37:55What's up?
01:37:57Do you have it?
01:37:58Not yet.
01:37:59My brothers gave it to him.
01:38:01He's still in love with his girlfriend.
01:38:04But I'm looking for him.
01:38:05I haven't seen him in a while.
01:38:08I'd like to live somewhere downtown.
01:38:12And I'd like Julinka to live with me since September.
01:38:16Let her figure it out herself.
01:38:19You don't want to go to a cafe sometime so we can talk about us?
01:38:24Why didn't it work out?
01:38:27That's a good idea.
01:38:30But for me, it's a closed chapter.
01:38:34Hi, Dad!
01:38:35Julka, you're a star!
01:38:37Now go to the locker room and get changed.
01:38:42Julinka, we won't see each other again.
01:38:44I'll see you on Friday.
01:38:48Come here, kiss me!
01:38:52I love you so much.
01:38:57How was your journalism project?
01:39:02Yeah, something like that.
01:39:06Something like that.
01:39:12When is it on TV?
01:39:17We'll watch it with Julka.
01:39:22You can call me if you like the idea.
01:39:43I would forbid you to drink at your sister's place.
01:39:49Because you're more beautiful than a bride.
01:39:52She doesn't mind?
01:39:54You're more beautiful than a bride.
01:39:59How old are you?
01:40:00I'll be 18.
01:40:03What do you do?
01:40:05I'm a lawyer.
01:40:07I'm a lawyer.
01:40:09And what do you do?
01:40:11Do you study?
01:40:13I've been studying since September.
01:40:16Here in Brno?
01:40:18They only opened my course in Prague.
01:40:22I hope I'll see you there.
01:40:25I don't have a phone at home.
01:40:27I'd give you my address.
01:40:31Promise me you'll call me when you get to Prague.
01:40:38I promise.
01:40:57Sorry, I was waiting for Julinka to wake up.
01:41:01Did you see her?
01:41:02Of course.
01:41:04That's why she's calling you.
01:41:05What did she say?
01:41:08She was crying when she saw the scene with the car.
01:41:12Have you ever heard about the car accident?
01:41:16She told me how my grandmother died.
01:41:18I guess she forgot about it.
01:41:21Maybe she was right.
01:41:23About what?
01:41:25That we should talk about us.
01:41:32How do you like it?
01:41:33Maybe now?
01:41:36I don't have a phone at home.
01:41:39Me neither.
01:41:44Can I go now?
01:42:04LIFE IS A GAME
01:42:34Adieu, adieu,
01:42:38Láhev se dopije,
01:42:41Osanělá je,
01:42:44Cesta do ráje.
01:42:47Bylo mi s vámi krásně,
01:42:50Bylo mi nádherně,
01:42:52Adieu, moje básně,
01:42:55Opouští vás rozverně.
01:42:59Bylo mi s vámi teskno,
01:43:02Bylo mi dopláče,
01:43:05Každý si svůj úděl
01:43:08Nějak odskáče.
01:43:10Adieu, adieu,
01:43:14Láhev se dopije,
01:43:17Osanělá je,
01:43:20Cesta do ráje.
01:43:23Adieu, adieu,
01:43:26Láhev se dopije,
01:43:29Osanělá je,
01:43:32Cesta do ráje.