• 2 months ago
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00:00Do you know how long it took me to get here?
00:03I'm about to come back with another jam.
00:05Okay, Dato.
00:06I got cold water.
00:07Okay, Dato, Dato.
00:08He gave me cold water.
00:11He gave me cold water.
00:12There's no cake, no food.
00:14I'm the one who got hit. You guys watch.
00:21Okay, Episode 1.
00:23Episode 1?
00:24Episode 1, yes. First one.
00:26Alright, everyone.
00:27Welcome to A-Room.
00:30We're going to talk about a very interesting show...
00:33...on Astro.
00:35Today, I have a special guest.
00:37He's a bit controversial sometimes...
00:41...with his opinion.
00:42But we can't deny that he's a legendary.
00:49He's been in 55 movies...
00:51...32 TV shows and many more projects.
00:56So, can we please introduce Dato Rosham?
01:01Everyone out there who's watching...
01:04...I hope you have a great time tonight.
01:06Of course.
01:07When we do research on Dato...
01:10...his autobiography is quite long.
01:14But before we...
01:15Dato is too old.
01:16Not old.
01:18It means that...
01:21...Dato is a very...
01:24...what do you call that?
01:25Very hardworking.
01:26Because Dato's first movie...
01:28...was in 1980.
01:30Starting from 1984, it was released in 1985.
01:35So, is there a day that you don't work?
01:37No, I work every day.
01:39You work every day, right?
01:41So, today we're going to have a show from Dato...
01:45...called Exchange.
01:47But before we talk about it...
01:49...I want to...
01:51...let the audience get to know you better.
01:53Because Dato is not just an actor.
01:56You're also a producer.
01:58And you also wrote a book.
02:00But give us a bit of a cliff-note version...
02:03...of Dato's story...
02:05...from last time to now.
02:08It's a long journey.
02:09Don't make it too long.
02:11Can't I?
02:12No, because young people these days...
02:13I said three hours.
02:14You can.
02:15If you can, go ahead.
02:16You can.
02:17We can.
02:19I grew up in Kuala Lumpur...
02:21...in Stingan, in Kampung Kerinci.
02:24Now it's called Bangsa South.
02:26Yes, Bangsa South.
02:27Bangsa South.
02:28It was a poor family.
02:32So, since I was little...
02:35...I grew up with six siblings.
02:39Two of them passed away.
02:42There were four of us left.
02:44My second brother passed away.
02:46My fifth brother passed away.
02:50So, there are four of us now.
02:52I'm 57 years old.
02:54I was born on 1st March, 1967.
02:58I just said 1st March.
02:59If they know it's 1st March...
03:00...they'll give me a present.
03:02It's your birthday on 1st March.
03:04So, I went to MCKK.
03:09It's not Kuala Lumpur's Malay College.
03:12It's Kampung Kerinci's Malay College.
03:15Do you know?
03:16I'm from Penang.
03:18Oh, you're from Penang.
03:19So, you went to Kampung Kerinci's Malay College...
03:20...and went to school until you were in Form 5.
03:22To make it short...
03:26...I worked when I was little.
03:28When I was 13 years old...
03:30...I started working.
03:32I worked in the afternoons and in the mornings.
03:34So, I saw my idol...
03:37...my father-in-law, Ustaz Abu Hassan.
03:40Of course, my second cousin, Faizal Hussein.
03:43I saw them in a glamorous world...
03:46...as actors and actresses.
03:48So, I had an interest in them.
03:50I kept them in my heart.
03:53I thought it'd be great if I could be like them.
03:55So, I want to tell you...
03:59...what we dreamt of in the past...
04:02...can become a reality.
04:05It can become a reality with our efforts.
04:07Our efforts, like Allah said in the Quran...
04:11...ask for whatever I can give.
04:13So, if we dream of something...
04:16...and we always strive to get what we want...
04:20...God willing, one day, God will give it to us.
04:23But, how do we strive to get it?
04:25To make it short...
04:27...one day during Eid, I went to Faizal Hussein's house...
04:30...for Eid.
04:32Coincidentally, his late father, Ustaz Abu Hassan...
04:36...wanted to make a film called Gila-Gila Remaja.
04:40That's how the journey started.
04:42When I was 17 years old, I was waiting for SPM's decision.
04:46That's when I started acting.
04:49But, at that time, there weren't many productions.
04:53There weren't many private dramas either.
04:56There were only one or two private dramas.
04:58So, it was hard to get a chance to act.
05:03But, I saw him as a big responsibility...
05:08...for me.
05:10If we want something, we have to wait.
05:13So, to get closer to the industry...
05:17...because Kampung Kerinci is a remote area.
05:20It's very sad.
05:22Just like your name.
05:24It's a remote area.
05:26But, it's CED, not SAD.
05:28Oh, CED. Sorry.
05:30It's okay.
05:31So, I grew up there in a difficult situation.
05:35Finally, I became an actor.
05:39I used to ask myself...
05:41...why I was born in a remote area.
05:44Why wasn't I born in a remote area?
05:46But, opposite Kampung Kerinci...
05:49...there's a remote area called Bukit Pantai.
05:52Bukit Pantai is a bungalow.
05:55So, I thought, why was I born in Kampung Kerinci?
05:58Why wasn't I born in a bungalow...
06:01...with a fan?
06:03In the 70s, there were no air-conditioning.
06:06No air-conditioning, no air-conditioning.
06:08But, even with a fan, Kuala Lumpur was cold.
06:11Not many vehicles, many trees.
06:13It was cold.
06:14Imagine if we woke up in the morning...
06:17...with coconut oil in a bottle.
06:19It would freeze.
06:22Kuala Lumpur was cold.
06:24Before global warming.
06:26So, I thought, why was I born here?
06:29Apparently, when I started acting...
06:31...I realised that God wanted to test me...
06:36...so that I could understand life.
06:39I understand.
06:40That's why, when I act in dramas...
06:45...it's easier for me.
06:48You don't have to use eye drops.
06:50Because we have experience.
06:52Because life is an experience.
06:53If we look at the actors abroad...
06:57...those who come from poor backgrounds...
07:01...have a lot of experience...
07:03...and become good actors.
07:05In my time, I didn't have a school to study acting.
07:09But, I was active at school.
07:11I was active at school.
07:12I joined a drama club.
07:14Sharahan Club.
07:16This made me closer to that direction.
07:21So, Dato, when you look at your cousins...
07:25...it looks like this industry...
07:27...has a lot of glamorous lives.
07:30So, until when did you realise...
07:34...I think I feel the glamorous life.
07:38It's a long journey.
07:40When I first started acting in dramas...
07:42...I didn't see myself as a popular actor.
07:46So, I had a lot of weaknesses.
07:49Especially, the look.
07:51To become an artist, you have to have a look.
07:54A look that looks different from a normal person.
07:57I mean, the way we look, the way we dress...
08:00...the way we do our hair.
08:02But, when I first started acting as a teenager...
08:05...I didn't have any wardrobe.
08:07You didn't have a stylist, right?
08:08No, I didn't.
08:09I didn't have an artist.
08:10That's why if you look at old dramas...
08:12...the heroes have oily faces.
08:15The actresses have a lot of make-up.
08:18Like me tonight, I'm wearing a lot of make-up.
08:22So, at that time, I had to make my own clothes.
08:27I bought a bundle of clothes.
08:29So, when we put a bundle of clothes on our body...
08:33...it doesn't look interesting.
08:35It doesn't have any style.
08:36It looks like a normal person.
08:37An artist has to have something extra.
08:41Because an artist becomes a follower.
08:44So, when we look at foreign actors...
08:47...they have a stylist, a designer...
08:50...including my hair.
08:51Look at my hair.
08:52It's messy.
08:53But, luckily, my hair is a bit messy.
08:56Yes, that's what I wanted to say.
08:57You called me, so you have to say yes.
08:59No, I just wanted to say...
09:01...if you rely on your looks...
09:05...how can you stay powerful?
09:06It's the real thing.
09:08Can I drink this?
09:09Sure, go ahead.
09:12Of course, I have to say yes.
09:14If you don't say yes, you'll go home.
09:16Imagine if I said, Dato is not handsome at all.
09:19My goodness.
09:21But, at the same time...
09:23...old actors have to have their own style.
09:27I try to look as good as possible...
09:33...in the current situation.
09:35Do you think I don't feel hot wearing this?
09:37It's hot.
09:38It's hot.
09:40It's not my fault.
09:41But, I want to look okay...
09:43...so I'm wearing glasses.
09:45I thought you were wearing this to match me.
09:47The clothes are the same.
09:48But, it's cold in your studio.
09:51Your studio is hot.
09:52Is your air room hot?
09:56Air means airless.
09:58We don't have air.
10:03I'm sorry.
10:04It's not on purpose.
10:05I'm okay.
10:06It's their fault.
10:07But, I actually feel hot in here.
10:09If you look at Malaysian actors...
10:11...they wear thick clothes.
10:13I can't wear Korean clothes.
10:17It's for show.
10:19This is a big problem in Malaysia.
10:21There's no identity in Malaysia.
10:24You're right.
10:25There's no identity.
10:26Look at us.
10:28Do we have foreigners...
10:30...who follow our way?
10:32I mean, we set the trend.
10:35We follow people's trends.
10:37We watch Bollywood and follow Bollywood.
10:39Now, it's all Korean.
10:40If you wear a lot of clothes...
10:44...it doesn't suit our weather.
10:49They're okay.
10:50They're cold.
10:51But, we want to wear green clothes.
10:55But, okay.
10:58The identity in Malaysia is multicultural.
11:02It's not Korean.
11:03If I wear Bengali clothes...
11:05...Indian clothes or Chinese clothes...
11:07Imagine if I act.
11:08I can't wear chongsam or sunflowers.
11:11You can.
11:13I dig my own grave.
11:17But, if I really wear chongsam...
11:19...I can't be on TV.
11:21What I mean is...
11:23Our identity, I get what you're saying.
11:25What I mean is...
11:28...where is our face?
11:31If our film is shown abroad...
11:34...people will ask, where is this film from?
11:38But, if you show an Indonesian film...
11:40...they'll say, Indonesia.
11:41If you show a Bollywood film...
11:43...they'll say, this is from India.
11:45If you show a Chinese film...
11:46...they'll say, it's from China.
11:48But, if you show a Malay film...
11:50...they'll ask, where is this film from?
11:52Because, it's not there.
11:53What I see is that there's a culture...
11:55...that can penetrate the international market...
11:57...is Upin & Ipin.
11:59Because, they bring the culture.
12:01People go abroad to see our culture.
12:04But, in exchange, we have our own culture.
12:07I see.
12:09It's great that you're doing my job...
12:12...because of how you lead back to exchange.
12:15That's what I want to say.
12:16Because, I appreciate the production...
12:19...because of life.
12:21In exchange, we talk about life.
12:26The meaning of life.
12:28Some people have a good life.
12:30You're lucky to be a businessman...
12:35...your father is an ustaz...
12:37...your father is an imam.
12:38You're a good person.
12:39There are also bad people.
12:41But, there are also good people.
12:45So, Yaakob and the family...
12:48...in exchange, they don't have a chance to...
12:52There's a dialogue.
12:55I told my son...
12:57...to the shopkeeper.
13:00They're lucky.
13:02Their life is easy.
13:04But, it's not like us.
13:06It's hard for us.
13:08We have to find happiness...
13:10...with our own strength.
13:12I got chills.
13:14Everyone is like that.
13:16Why are you here?
13:18You're looking for your identity.
13:20You're looking for your economy.
13:21You're looking for money.
13:22Yet, you're in Penang.
13:24Go and live in Penang.
13:25Sell nasi kandar.
13:27If I sell nasi kandar in Penang...
13:29...it won't be a scandal.
13:30It's Chinese.
13:32You're the first person in Penang...
13:34...to sell Chinese nasi kandar.
13:36Chinese nasi kandar.
13:38But, I disagree with the fact that...
13:42...an actor must have good looks.
13:45Sometimes, actors are good-looking.
13:47Not only looks.
13:49They don't have talent.
13:50There are many actors in Malaysia...
13:53...who have good looks.
13:54But, the most important thing for an actor...
13:56...is charisma.
13:57That's right.
13:58An actor must have charisma.
14:00Charisma doesn't come from acting.
14:03It's all a blessing from God.
14:05If we look at other countries...
14:08...such as Bollywood or Hollywood...
14:11...if we look at the actors...
14:14...they're all perfect.
14:16They're handsome.
14:18They're tall.
14:20They're fit.
14:21They're charming.
14:22They're perfect.
14:23They're perfect.
14:24So, they must look extra.
14:27In Malaysia, like me...
14:30...we don't go through that process.
14:32We don't go through that process.
14:33So, when there's an opportunity...
14:36...I have to trim myself.
14:38I have to trim myself...
14:40...to look like a movie star.
14:46...people don't look at our work first.
14:49They look at us first.
14:51It's like when we look at people...
14:53...we look at their looks first.
14:55But, we don't know their insides.
14:56Sometimes, they're handsome.
14:58They're pretty, but they're stupid.
14:59There are a lot.
15:00They're boring.
15:01Sometimes, they're not that handsome.
15:03They're not that charming.
15:05But, it's because of their IQ...
15:07...that we're attracted to them.
15:09But, an artist must have everything...
15:13...to attract the audience.
15:18It's like a man...
15:20...attracting a woman.
15:22A woman attracting a man.
15:24Of course, it's because of their looks.
15:26Actors are attracted to their looks...
15:28...and their talent.
15:29There are a lot of handsome people...
15:30...but if they don't have talent...
15:32...they won't last long.
15:34That's right.
15:35I'm not saying I'm very talented.
15:36But, this is my personal opinion.
15:39Dato, do you think you're charismatic?
15:41I don't know. I can't say that.
15:42Do you have to say that?
15:43No, but do you think you are?
15:44I don't know.
15:45I can't say that...
15:46...because people will say that I'm too obvious.
15:48No, because...
15:49...it's very funny because...
15:50...when I tell people that I'm going to have you...
15:53...as a guest...
15:54...people will say,
15:55..."But, Dato, you're so fierce."
15:58But, actually, when I talk to you...
15:59...you're just chill.
16:00You're actually calm.
16:02Maybe it's because of the way I look.
16:05Maybe it's because of the way I look.
16:07I look fierce.
16:08Maybe it's because of the people around me.
16:10Actually, I rarely smile.
16:12Because I'm afraid of smiling all the time.
16:15I'm afraid that women will be tempted by me.
16:17It means that your charisma is a plus 10.
16:20It's a must.
16:21It's a must.
16:23Okay, so, Dato,...
16:24...you went from...
16:26...because in the past...
16:28...our acting scenes were...
16:31...very traditional, old school.
16:34But, Dato, you've gone through...
16:36...different stages...
16:37...in the acting industry.
16:39Of course, it evolved over time, right?
16:41What is the difference between...
16:43...acting before this and now?
16:45Oh, there are a lot of changes.
16:47I'm lucky because I got to go through...
16:50All the phases, right?
16:51All the changes.
16:52Yes, the changes.
16:53That's what's interesting.
16:54I started with negative films.
16:56Negative, right?
16:57Like, in the past, we took pictures...
16:59...using negative.
17:00You can't make a mistake.
17:02If you make a mistake, you'll get scolded.
17:03So, you have to memorize everything properly.
17:05That's right.
17:06We had to rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.
17:08When we were really ready...
17:09...that's when they shot it.
17:10Because everything was calculated.
17:12Because all the footage...
17:13...had to be bought and calculated.
17:15Then, we had to wash it.
17:17Like now, you're using a card.
17:19Using a card.
17:20If you make a mistake...
17:21Take two, take three.
17:22There's no problem.
17:23But, if you make a mistake, you'll get scolded.
17:27Even though, in my current age,...
17:29...I'm a senior in this field,...
17:32...I'll feel embarrassed...
17:35...if I take a lot of pictures.
17:37Because, that's our...
17:40People say...
17:42...honour as a senior actor, right?
17:45So, there are a lot of changes...
17:47...in terms of equipment, in terms of...
17:49Now, even when I go for a shoot, I'm just wearing a shirt.
17:52My clothes are all prepared.
17:54But, in the past, we only ate nasi bungkus.
17:57Nasi bungkus, one syrup, tied up.
18:00That's how it was during the shoot.
18:01There were no make-up artists, no wardrobe.
18:03Now, there's catering.
18:04We went for a shoot on a bus.
18:07Are there any artists who go for a shoot on a bus now?
18:09No, right?
18:10Because it's good for them.
18:13Because the times have changed.
18:15Because the economy has changed.
18:17So, the actors today...
18:19...have their own luxuries.
18:21In the past, actors and actresses...
18:23...whether they're actors or singers...
18:25...they didn't necessarily want it.
18:27Because they knew that the actors in the past...
18:29...were very stingy.
18:31But, in the past, they didn't have social media.
18:34They didn't have a TV station.
18:36They only had one film.
18:37They made five films a year.
18:39So, the opportunity for them to...
18:41...get into the industry...
18:43...was quite hard.
18:45So, we can't blame them.
18:46Sometimes, I feel sorry for them.
18:48Some people say that actors and actresses...
18:50...don't have a home.
18:51When they're old, they want to move out.
18:53But, we have to remember...
18:54...their times are not the same as today's.
18:57But, if they're not there...
18:59...there's no today's.
19:01They are the continuity of today's.
19:04So, we have to appreciate them.
19:07We have to sacrifice them.
19:09Some people go through the same process...
19:11...as teenagers, adults, and old people.
19:14Because they can't make a lot of money in their time...
19:18...they live like that.
19:20But, today, it looks different.
19:22I'm sure that in the next 10 years...
19:24...Malaysian artists will be more affluent...
19:26...than what they have today.
19:28Today's artists can make money...
19:30...through social media.
19:33Through reviews, products, etc.
19:36They can make money.
19:38Endorsements are scarce now.
19:40In my time, I was the first artist...
19:42...to start an endorsement.
19:44I was the first artist with a company.
19:47It's called Nona Rogai.
19:49It's like a herbal company.
19:52People laugh at it.
19:54But, I started it.
19:58Today, they don't have to endorse anymore.
20:00They can come out with their own products.
20:02They can become businesspersons.
20:04There are people who took the opportunity...
20:06...from the world of entertainment...
20:08...to introduce themselves.
20:09Finally, they start a business.
20:11They don't act or sing.
20:14Not for the art.
20:15Not for the art.
20:16Because they're smart.
20:18They use this platform to give them branding.
20:23Finally, they start a business...
20:25...because a business needs branding.
20:27So, they themselves become ambassadors...
20:29...for their own products.
20:32So, those endorsement deals last time...
20:35...means that you're a blueprint...
20:38...for aspiring young actors.
20:42Many want to be actors.
20:45There are many who want to be actors.
20:47I want to be an actor too.
20:48But, I'm always called a cameo.
20:50There's just one thing.
20:51I can't commit to the time...
20:53...because the production takes time.
20:56It's too long.
20:58Long hours.
20:59I'm interested.
21:00You're not interested.
21:02You're not interested in acting.
21:03I'm interested.
21:04If you're interested, you don't care about the time.
21:06But, it doesn't have a role for me.
21:08If you ask me to be a real man...
21:11...it'll be hard for me to come.
21:13My face will fall off.
21:14When I saw you, I wanted to scold you.
21:19You're always like this?
21:21You're sweet like this?
21:22Yes, this is who I am.
21:24This is my charisma.
21:26What's your nationality?
21:27What's your nationality?
21:28I'm Chinese.
21:29Where are you from?
21:30I'm from Penang.
21:31Where are you from?
21:33You're from Kandah, right?
21:35I got a lot of compliments.
21:38That's why I don't want to be an actor.
21:40If I become an actor, people will be interested in me.
21:43But, if you become an actor, you'll become a heroine.
21:45You won't become a hero.
21:47That's why I don't have a role.
21:49I'm just a cameo.
21:50Just go there and be yourself.
21:52Be a corpse.
21:53That's why.
21:58Dato has a lot of shows.
22:00Astro's shows.
22:02If you have Astro Go, please search for Rosham Nor.
22:06You'll see all his old shows.
22:08Not all.
22:09Some of his previous movies and TV series are in there.
22:13Dato, among Astro's movies and series, which one do you like?
22:20Which movies do you like to watch from Astro?
22:22Shows or movies?
22:24My movies.
22:26It doesn't have to be your movies.
22:27What's in Astro?
22:29For example, Project High Council.
22:33Right now, I want to congratulate Astro.
22:41For giving birth to Astro Show.
22:43With Astro Original.
22:45It's been a long time.
22:47Me and my friends.
22:49We've been dreaming of a production.
22:53A production that has a high quality.
22:58In the past, we only acted in regular channels.
23:02Which we understand.
23:04The budget is not big.
23:05If we can act in a movie, the budget is big.
23:09The movie will look different.
23:11But today, the quality from Astro Original.
23:14It's equal to a movie.
23:18The quality is comparable to other international platforms.
23:25I want to congratulate Astro Show.
23:29For giving birth to high quality series.
23:35High standard.
23:37I haven't acted in a long time.
23:39When I acted in Jack Yusof.
23:45Jack Yusof in Astro.
23:47I haven't acted in a long time.
23:50I haven't acted in 10 years.
23:52I made a comeback.
23:54I made a comeback with Astro Original.
23:57I'm satisfied with the quality.
23:59The second offer came from Astro Original.
24:03Which is iD.
24:04The latest one, of course.
24:06The reason I came here is X-Chain.
24:08Yes, X-Chain.
24:11I work with a director that I don't know.
24:15I've never heard of him.
24:16I'm a bit sceptical.
24:19Because I'm an actor.
24:22We have talent.
24:25But who will take our talent?
24:28I'm just an actor.
24:30But who will make the actor the best?
24:33Of course, the director.
24:35Of course, the production team.
24:36Of course, the crew.
24:38I need them to help me.
24:44To raise my name.
24:48Or at least maintain my name in the industry.
24:53When I worked with X-Chain,
24:56I was very excited.
24:59I worked with a new director.
25:02We call him Labu.
25:04He's a great DOP.
25:0738 years of experience in acting.
25:11The first time,
25:13the whole 10 episodes
25:16were shot with a moving camera.
25:20It challenged my credibility.
25:23When the camera moves,
25:25it means we'll shoot everything in one shot.
25:30The movement of the camera.
25:32We have to be alert with the lighting.
25:34We have to be alert with the camera.
25:36It was a new phenomenon
25:39in my career as an actor.
25:41It challenged my credibility.
25:43But thank God,
25:45I used to work as a crew.
25:47I worked behind the scenes
25:49before I became popular.
25:51It had a big impact on my work.
25:56I always said,
25:59I'm not a good actor,
26:01but I'm a technical actor.
26:03I can work with a camera.
26:05I can work with the lighting.
26:08I always appreciate the work of the crew.
26:12They make me great.
26:14It's easy to understand.
26:16Production can make me fly.
26:19Rosham can't fly.
26:21But production can make me fly.
26:24That's the strength I want in my career.
26:28Even though I'm 57 years old,
26:30I still dream of doing something bigger.
26:34When I'm gone,
26:36I'll leave behind interesting archives.
26:38A legacy to be watched by people.
26:42I also choose my work.
26:45What I want to do,
26:47who I want to work with,
26:49who the actors are.
26:50I don't care if they're new actors.
26:53As long as they want to work with me.
26:56Because I always put myself at zero.
26:59I put myself at zero.
27:01Because we want to create something new.
27:03We're going to create our own world.
27:07Our own world.
27:09From an idea to a script.
27:12From a script to a visual.
27:14This is our own world,
27:16being created by humans.
27:18So, it's not easy.
27:20It has to be make-believe.
27:23Make-believe is a difficult thing.
27:26If you look at big Hollywood movies,
27:28they're all make-believe.
27:30If they say they made us in 2017,
27:32it's make-believe.
27:33In 2018, it's make-believe.
27:35So, we have to have movies that are make-believe.
27:39So that our audience can see that
27:42the production in Malaysia is make-believe.
27:46They believe that X-Chain,
27:48for example, I played X-Chain.
27:49It's make-believe.
27:50With the setting, the scenery, the location,
27:53the look,
27:54the actors, the characters,
27:57it's all make-believe.
27:58And there's time for the actors to go for a month
28:02to learn acting.
28:05It's not like a normal drama.
28:07They don't have budget,
28:08they just go in and act.
28:09It's up to you.
28:10That's right.
28:12So, tell us a little about X-Chain.
28:15Spoiler or not, it doesn't matter.
28:17What is the show about?
28:19Most importantly, what is your role inside there?
28:22My role as Yaakob,
28:24the father of three children,
28:26with a wife who always
28:30runs from one place to another,
28:32looking for a life.
28:34I was once locked up in prison,
28:36and when I got out of prison,
28:38people didn't accept me.
28:40So, for Yaakob,
28:42humans are not fair,
28:43this world is not fair.
28:45While I was already in prison,
28:47because of my past mistakes.
28:49But when I got out,
28:50I kept looking for a new life.
28:52Why can't you accept me?
28:54So, for me, I can't follow the law.
28:57So, I have to make my own law
29:01for my life with my children.
29:04So, I'm a robber.
29:07Yaakob is a robber.
29:09And I raised my children to be robbers.
29:12But this story is fresh.
29:14Because we never heard of a story
29:16where the father
29:18trains his children to be robbers.
29:20Usually, it's,
29:21I'm a robber,
29:22but I don't want to tell my children.
29:23If you look at the poster,
29:25you'll know that this is a high-class,
29:27very high-quality show.
29:29Not only the exchange,
29:30if you look at all the production
29:33by Astro,
29:34the originals,
29:35all of them are very high-quality.
29:38That's why I really appreciate that.
29:40To myself also,
29:41I was able to be in Kancah.
29:43So, I was given the opportunity
29:45to play the main character in a series.
29:48Even Jack Yusof.
29:49I'm the hero of that series.
29:51Jack Yusof.
29:52And in this story,
29:53I'm the main character.
29:55It's difficult.
29:57In today's situation,
29:58if it wasn't for this,
30:01maybe people wouldn't appreciate
30:04the older actors.
30:06While we,
30:08the older actors,
30:09me and my friends,
30:10I need support from the industry
30:13to bring out our talents.
30:15If we look abroad,
30:16the older they are,
30:17the more they are appreciated.
30:19They are given roles.
30:20Because the characters are created for us.
30:24They are created for us.
30:25It's not...
30:27If we look at what's happening to our industry,
30:30most of the films that we make,
30:33the majority are children's films.
30:36That's why a lot of older viewers
30:40don't go to the stage
30:42because the film is not catered for them.
30:45That's right.
30:46So, it's a loss.
30:48You took them in
30:50because they were interested in the work,
30:53but you didn't do the work for them.
30:55You can't ask your parents to eat Nestle.
30:59You can't ask your parents
31:01to eat milk in the morning.
31:03You can't do that.
31:04They're used to eating nasi lemak.
31:06You have to give them nasi lemak.
31:07That's what I mean,
31:08so that it's easier to understand.
31:10So, there's no...
31:11Maybe it's because of Astro Originals,
31:14when they dared to show
31:16older actors
31:19who were paired up with new actors.
31:21This has happened abroad.
31:23The pairing has happened abroad.
31:26Okay, the viewers don't want to see me.
31:28They don't want to see Rosham.
31:30But they want to watch the new faces.
31:33But I'm there.
31:35In the end, they will appreciate
31:37because of my performance.
31:39Maybe it's because of my performance.
31:41And this is the pairing that we need.
31:43So, I said, Astro Originals,
31:45especially Astroshore,
31:47has made a new innovation
31:50in the production.
31:55Okay, so Dato,
31:56thank you for sharing.
31:57But I have one...
31:58Do you want me to go home?
31:59No, no, no.
32:00It's not me.
32:01Actually, the production is...
32:03No, no, no.
32:04We're bored with you guys.
32:05It's okay.
32:06But I want to ask, Dato,
32:07honestly speaking,
32:08Dato, this is straightforward, right?
32:10So, when you act with new blood,
32:12young blood,
32:13is there any pet peeve for me?
32:15As a very established...
32:16I know you said
32:17because you're in the set,
32:18you think of yourself as zero.
32:19But there must be something like,
32:21young kids, you better learn.
32:24Of course, they have to get ready
32:26because I also get ready myself
32:27to be on the set.
32:29Yeah, everybody has to get ready
32:30because this production
32:31is not just 10 ringgit, 20 ringgit,
32:3230 ringgit, 100 ringgit production.
32:34This is a production worth millions.
32:36This is a production.
32:37If you're not ready,
32:38there's a lot of people
32:39who can enter your place.
32:41What does ready mean?
32:42It means ready.
32:43It means your skill of acting,
32:46everything has to be perfect
32:47even though you're new.
32:49Because if you don't have this,
32:51you'll make it difficult for people,
32:53you'll make people lose money
32:55because of you.
32:57I, as a senior,
32:59I have to support the new faces
33:01because I won't be here for long.
33:04One day, I'll die,
33:05I'll leave,
33:06they'll take over this place.
33:07So, if we don't pass on
33:09our knowledge to them,
33:10it's not that we're teaching them,
33:12but we're giving them our knowledge.
33:14Our knowledge to them,
33:15who else?
33:16The people I mentioned earlier,
33:18the people before me,
33:19they've made a lot of sacrifices for me.
33:23And now,
33:24my job is to give all my knowledge
33:27to the new faces.
33:29Because these are the new faces
33:31who are shining.
33:32If not, our industry will die.
33:34Just look at my face,
33:36people will throw up looking at me.
33:38I'm a college actor.
33:42If anyone wants to throw up,
33:43look at Datuk Roshanor,
33:44dare to comment below.
33:46They're just brave.
33:47Now, the netizens are brave.
33:48They're brave, right?
33:49Datuk has a podcast.
33:50Sometimes, he can comment about you.
33:52I don't care.
33:53I don't even read.
33:55That's why.
33:57Now, Datuk has to react
33:59to a video.
34:01Alif Sattar made a video for me?
34:03Special, right?
34:04Let's react first.
34:09Alif likes to watch
34:11the first popular story
34:14of Datuk Roshanor.
34:16Suami Isteri...
34:19I grew up watching that.
34:20Alif can't recall
34:22a specific scene,
34:24but his character of being somewhat like him.
34:27But that character,
34:28that's Roshanor for me.
34:30How do you feel?
34:31I heard everyone praises you.
34:35That's my goal.
34:37I hope that my work
34:40will have an impact
34:41on my siblings.
34:43Alif Sattar is a good actor.
34:44He's a good artist.
34:45Very knowledgeable.
34:48Very respectful to people.
34:50And he gets what he wants.
34:52And I also hope
34:54that my character,
34:55my idea,
34:57my acting,
34:59not that I want them to follow my acting,
35:01but to give an impact
35:02so that they can think.
35:05no matter how high you are,
35:08you have to look down as well.
35:11Because our industry is not like Hollywood.
35:15If I was in Hollywood,
35:17I don't think you would have the chance to interview me.
35:19Of course not.
35:21You wouldn't have the chance to interview me.
35:23If I was in Hollywood,
35:24I would be rich.
35:26I wouldn't be late.
35:27I would be in a helicopter.
35:28I would have the chance,
35:29but I would have to pay for it.
35:31You just sit in the back.
35:32You don't have to interview me.
35:34The one who interviewed me was Sean Connery,
35:36David Letterman.
35:37Sean Connery wanted to interview you.
35:39If I was in Hollywood,
35:41Sean Connery wouldn't have the time now.
35:43I think he's not acting anymore.
35:44He's interviewing me.
35:45He doesn't have a job.
35:47That's right.
35:48Sean Connery, what did you do?
35:49Until he got caught.
35:52I read a story last time.
35:55You lost a role to Chow Yun-fat, right?
35:59I was supposed to act in that movie.
36:01I didn't have the chance.
36:02What movie was that?
36:03Anak and the King.
36:06I was supposed to be the brother to Chow Yun-fat.
36:10Where did I make a mistake?
36:12I don't know.
36:13Because the casting director,
36:15I still remember her name.
36:17Priscilla John.
36:19She promised me later,
36:21I'll make sure you get the role.
36:25I was shocked at that time.
36:27I didn't get the role.
36:30in 2019,
36:32I got to act in a movie in Hong Kong.
36:36The title is G-Storm,
36:38with Louis Koo,
36:39the number one actor in Hong Kong.
36:41Louis Koo, G-Storm.
36:43Before that,
36:44I got to act with
36:47India's superstar, Rajinikanth,
36:51in Kabali.
36:54there's a track record.
36:58I understand.
36:59Her name is Priscilla John.
37:00Priscilla John.
37:01Priscilla John.
37:02Luckily, I didn't get the role.
37:03She's white.
37:04She's white.
37:05She can't speak Malay.
37:06Thank you for not having him.
37:07If not, I can't interview him.
37:09Or else, he'll be in Hollywood.
37:10If I want to interview him,
37:11I'll have to sit in the back.
37:14I thought you were going to get mad at him.
37:15I don't want to.
37:16Who knows, he might cast me.
37:19I want to.
37:21Anyway, thank you so much, Dato.
37:23Are you done?
37:25Sorry, it's only 30 minutes.
37:27Do you know how long it took me to get here?
37:30An hour and a half.
37:31If you want to,
37:32you can just ask Dato.
37:33If it's like this,
37:34it's the age of social media.
37:37I should have interviewed you from home.
37:39You don't have to come here.
37:40Now, I have to go back with Jam.
37:43Dato, let's go.
37:44I got cold water.
37:45Dato, Dato.
37:46He gave me cold water.
37:48He gave me cold water.
37:49There's no cake, no food.
37:51Look at this.
37:52What time is it? It's 9 o'clock.
37:53If there's no cake,
37:54it's a different show.
37:55It's a different show.
37:56It's a different show.
37:57There's a problem with the broadcast.
37:58There can be cake here.
37:59It's a different show.
38:01It's just a movie.
38:02The air-conditioning is so suffocating.
38:05I'm the one who's affected.
38:06Look at me.
38:08My face is in the air-conditioning.
38:09I'm the one who's affected.
38:12If I ask you a spicy question,
38:13you won't be able to answer it.
38:14I'm shocked.
38:15I'm shocked.
38:16There's no food.
38:18What's shocking?
38:20My picture is gone.
38:21Look at other people's pictures.
38:24This is you.
38:27Look at his face.
38:29You kept covering my face.
38:30Did you see my face?
38:31Yes, I did.
38:34Sorry, guys.
38:35I was just kidding.
38:36It's okay.
38:37If I ask you a question,
38:38have you ever been in a movie
38:40and you're a part of the movie
38:42and you hate it
38:43because the movie is not good?
38:46That's not me.
38:48Whatever I choose,
38:49if you ask me which movie I like,
38:51I like all the movies I've acted in.
38:53Even if the movie failed,
38:54I still like it.
38:56Because it's a very big experience for me.
38:58If you ask me,
38:59are there any characters that I like?
39:03I don't like all the characters
39:05because I can still improvise.
39:09From what we've seen so far,
39:11when you do your hair like this,
39:13you can make it more curly
39:15for your face.
39:16That's what I mean.
39:18But you're actually sweet.
39:21I don't know how to react, honestly.
39:23No, I'm serious.
39:28I mean,
39:29you're considered sweet.
39:32You know,
39:33a gift from God.
39:34Do you have a sister?
39:35No, I'm the only child.
39:36Okay, guys.
39:37Thank you so much
39:38for watching.
39:39And thank you, Dato,
39:41for sharing your experience
39:43and chatting with us.
39:45Stay tuned for the next episode
39:46of A-Room Podcast,
39:47Lights, Camera, Usha.
39:49See you all next time.