Full Video: Learn to tame this animal || Acharya Prashant (2021)
00:00People in their ignorance think of the animal as the poor goat or the cow or the buffalo
00:05or the chicken and they keep slaughtering the physical animal which is all so foolish,
00:11absolutely absurd.
00:12Old religious scriptures, they talk about the animal.
00:17This animal is not the poor goat walking on the street.
00:21This animal is our own physical nature and that animal we all carry within us.
00:26That animal is present in our bodily cells.
00:30In every tissue of our body that animal is present.
00:32What is that animal?
00:33The animal that is to be slayed or conquered or slaughtered.
00:37What is that animal?
00:38That animal is the entity that knows no consciousness and is driven purely by biology.
00:45What does biology want you to do?
00:46Biology wants you to eat, sleep, make merry, procreate, have kids, have territorial occupation,
00:53chase one male or one female.
00:55That man's life has a purpose beyond eating, sleeping and procreating.