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Video Information:

How did Krishna teach Arjun?
What is the essence of Bhagwad Gita?
Bhagwad Gita hold a very special place in Spirituality.
What makes Bhagwad Gita so special?
The real meaning of Gita
How to understand Bhagwad Gita?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Namaste Acharya ji, I am Mani Agrawal and I am in my final year of law at U.G.U.
00:15And my question to you Acharya ji is that, what solution does the Gita have for contemporary
00:24socio-political issues like global warming?
00:29And could Shri Krishna anticipate back then that the planet would be facing such a crisis
00:36You see, the crisis that you are talking of is man-made.
00:44You call it anthropogenic global warming, right?
00:47It's not just global warming or climate change, it is AGW, anthropogenic, we did it.
00:55So, it's not of much use to talk of the problem without talking of the problem creator.
01:04We created that problem, the human mind created that problem and the human mind created that
01:11problem because the human mind is infested by, is vulnerable to certain very, you could
01:28call them malicious tendencies, right?
01:32By birth, we have almost a design flaw, right?
01:42The child is born enveloped in ignorance and that ignorance displays itself in everything
01:56that we do throughout our lives.
02:00As the flow of history would have it, today we have more material power than we have ever
02:06had in the course of time.
02:12That's a deadly combination.
02:14One, we have tendencies pertaining to accumulation, consumption, ignorance, violence, fear.
02:27These are deep-seated tendencies sitting within everyone.
02:31On the other hand, we have a lot of destructive power in our hands and these two things have
02:38combined to give us this gruesome specter of biodiversity loss, ecological catastrophe,
02:54the total vandalization of Prakriti that we see around us, extension of species and obviously
03:05climate change that you are referring to.
03:10That cannot be solved by just talking of the problem.
03:17You will have to go into the mind of the human being.
03:22Unless the mind of man is addressed, understood and purified, these problems will continue
03:33to exist.
03:35You can probably, to console yourself, take care of one form of problems but the underlying
03:46reason will continue to exist, therefore the same mother problem will manifest itself in
03:54some other way and then you will say, oh now we have a fresh challenge in front of us.
03:59Let's occupy ourselves in addressing this challenge and that's a great time pass.
04:04One after the other, problems will keep appearing and we'll continue to feel great about ourselves
04:12by fighting those problems and we'll continue to distribute Nobel Prizes and pat our own
04:22backs by saying that such things came to trouble us and we were able to successfully negotiate
04:30them even if partially and we do not understand that no problem is ever solved till its root
04:38is taken care of.
04:41It's like having cancer in your body and giving it some kind of superficial or incomplete
04:48treatment and allowing the root of the cancer to exist and there will be metastasis.
04:58The cancer will show up in some other way, at some other place, at some other time because
05:04you are not addressing the root.
05:05The root is called aham vritti.
05:10The entire scripture of Bhagavad Gita, the entire domain of Vedanta is devoted to nothing
05:23but this one thing.
05:27How to place it, that primordial tendency, that ancient animal within man, outwardly
05:41we are cultured and civilized, inwardly we carry what I just referred to as an ancient animal.
05:53That ancient animal has started working on laptops and wearing modern clothes and speaking
06:01contemporary jargon but it wants just the same things as animals in the jungle do but
06:08in a far more powerful and destructive way.
06:14So all religious scriptures and I am especially referring to Vedanta here and Gita is one
06:20of the three canonical texts in the Prasthantrayi of Vedanta.
06:28They have no other business to take care of.
06:34This is the one thing that they want to take care of, the root problem.
06:40The mother troublemaker, unfortunately a lot of our energy and attention goes towards
06:51clipping the leaves, the twigs, the branches of the problem tree and that helps us remain
07:04blissfully ignorant about ourselves.
07:08That helps us continue our worldly business as it does.
07:15That helps us evade the real problem because if you address the real problem you have to
07:22admit that there are a thousand times more problems than you ever acknowledged.
07:30You acknowledge one problem as a problem and the other 99 things in your life you take
07:38as normal.
07:39Whereas the fact is that all thousand decisions or actions or things in your life are coming
07:46from the same problem and diseased center.
07:50Therefore really actually everything needs to change because the very center, the very
07:57origin, the root itself is flawed.
08:01We do not want to address the root and that's the extent of our delusion.
08:11That's what is referred to as Maya.
08:14You suffer but you want to continue suffering.
08:18Not only that, to remain in your suffering state you just take care of teeny-weeny little
08:29peripheral symptoms of suffering.
08:35That's what man is designed to do.
08:40Scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita want to disrupt that design.
08:46They want to do something that is actually against our prakritic constitution.
08:52As we are born, we are really not predisposed towards the truth or liberation or freedom.
09:02We are designed to remain in bondages and continue suffering in our problems.
09:07Gita is like a circuit breaker.
09:11The Gita is an intruder.
09:12So are the Upanishads, so are the Vedanta Sutras.
09:17If they are not there, we will happily continue to move about in our circuit of suffering
09:25without ever even realizing how badly we are trapped.
09:31So once you address the mind of man, not only climate change but so many other problems,
09:38in fact all other problems are taken care of and please it might sound a little incredible
09:46but do understand that all the problematic situations we face, inner or outer, are actually one.
09:58You cannot look at one problem as distinct from the other because the problem creator is one.
10:08So you cannot address climate change in isolation.
10:13You cannot have great international conferences that want to look only at climate change and
10:22hope those conferences to bear results.
10:27Has anything really happened in the last 40 or 50 years?
10:32Now you know why things have not happened because you are not addressing the root.
10:38Unless there is wisdom education in family and in the curricula of schools, colleges, universities.
10:50Unless the very wisdom quotient of the population in general is uplifted, we will just continue
11:01to hop from one problem to the other.
