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Video Information: 11.11.2021, ASH-Talk (Online), Greater Noida

~ What is consciousness?
~ Is consciousness physical or nonphysical?
~ What does it mean to go beyond ordinary consciousness?
~ Why is consciousness more important than the body?
~ Are Consciousness and body different?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00The next question is by Meghrad Singh Thakur and he wants to know the relationship, essentially
00:14the relationship between the material world and consciousness, whether, what his question
00:21was, does, is the body, you know, just like, what do you say, putting together a few chemicals
00:30and does conscious, how does consciousness come from an unconscious body or is it the
00:37other way around?
00:39Obviously that cannot happen.
00:42That cannot happen.
00:43A sat cannot give rise to a sat, obviously.
00:46So Vedanta answers that in a beautiful way, very beautiful way.
00:51And when you will ponder over it, you will find it to be so obvious.
00:59Vedanta says there is no duality, therefore no watertight distinction between the unconscious
01:12and the conscious.
01:14This Jada Chetan duality is refuted by Vedanta.
01:21Vedanta in its essence is non-dualistic as we had said a while back.
01:27So this duality, Jada and Chetan, unconscious and conscious, as in man being conscious and
01:33the world being unconscious or I being conscious and this pen being Jada or just material,
01:40this is not accepted by Vedanta.
01:43This is there in Sankhya Yoga, the duality between Purush and Prakriti.
01:49There is Prakriti and there is Purush and these two are somewhat at odds with each other
01:55because the Purush often gets corrupted by Prakriti and such things.
02:00Vedanta takes the Sankhyan concept to a greater and more refined height.
02:10It says these two are one.
02:13These two are one, they appear different.
02:21The consciousness that is the perceiver is also the perceived object.
02:30It says that the perceiver is an illusion, therefore he thinks of the perceived object
02:36as an objective thing, an objective truth, an objective fact in itself.
02:41Therefore, Advaitavada is also called as Mayavada, we just talked of illusion, Maya.
02:50These two are not distinct at all.
02:53That what you are seeing is nothing but you.
02:58Therefore that which you are seeing has never been created at all.
03:01It is only being projected.
03:04In Vedanta, there is nothing called creation or creator.
03:10No creation, no creator, just projection.
03:14Nobody created the world.
03:16Vivartavada, Brahma appears as this myriad world because of Maya.
03:29There is just Vivartan, no creation.
03:35So this is all in unity.
03:40All distinctions that we see are really false and those distinctions that we see outside
03:47are fundamentally the distinctions within the perceiver.
03:54Because the mind is fragmented, because the mind is conditioned by several influences,
04:00therefore we see the same kind of diversity outside of ourselves.
04:08And hence one characteristic of the Brahmavid or the Jnani, the realized one, is that differences
04:18stop mattering to him.
04:21This physical apparatus called the eyes do see differences, they will see black as black
04:27and white as white.
04:29But black and white will stop being meaningful or material to the Brahmavid, the knower of
04:37Brahm or the Brahmalin, the one who is one with Brahm.
04:44These distinctions stop mattering.
04:47This is a thing of great importance if you go into it.
04:53Because our world is reeling under the tyranny of diversity.
04:59All diversity is conflict because all diversity is fundamentally division.
05:05You are different from me, A is different from B and if A is different from B, A and
05:08B fight.
05:11And today we have more and more means to fight each other.
05:18Therefore we need something that tells us that all these distinctions are fundamentally false.
05:26They will keep appearing.
05:27I know maya is very formidable, redoubtable maya is not going to leave you free so easily.
05:42So you will continue seeing differences obviously, but at least the punch in the importance that
05:52these differences carry for you would have gone.
05:57Somewhere you would realize that identifying yourself with a splinter does not make much sense.
06:09You know does not make much sense to commit yourself, put your life and all your energy
06:17into something that is fundamentally false.
06:21Then you will not want to fight the other because he carries a different or opposite
06:27identity or ideology.
06:30And this kind of a thing comes only from Vedanta where the false is not the opposite of the
06:37truth but a projection of the truth.
06:44Maya is not against Brahm.
06:47In some sense maya is the daughter of Brahm.
06:53You don't have a Saturn here who is fighting God.
06:58You have a mischievous Brahm here who comes up with maya and maya again is not evil.
07:07Maya is worshipped.
07:09We had Navadurga which is an entire celebration of maya.
07:16Maa Mahamaya, she is being respected, loved because she is not only the one who keeps
07:22you in illusion, she is also the one who will lead you to liberation and redemption.
07:32This is a much more simple, solid, authentic model of reality than anything else at least
07:41I know of.
