• 2 days ago


00:00If you start thinking that a man or a woman will bring contentment to you, will bring
00:04godliness to your home, then you are going to be severely disappointed.
00:09And that is why you see disappointed couples.
00:11The man was living a forlorn life, the woman was living a spineless life, a colorless life.
00:16She would think that the man would bring some character, some spine, some verve.
00:21The man himself is often spineless.
00:23So after a while the woman starts feeling disappointed.
00:25I thought he would be a pillar of support.
00:27I don't know what kind of a flaccid pillar he is.
00:29Never upright enough to support anything.
00:31And there is then the usual lukewarm depressing drama, that which we call as married life.
00:38He wants the omelette, she doesn't have the eggs, he wants to go shopping, he doesn't
00:42have the time or the money.
00:44Actually neither of them really have what the other one really wants.
