humanology 2076 .

  • last month


00:00:00Hello friends, welcome to Humanology 2076. Happy Monday.
00:00:08Let's do martial arts. Let me grab two nunchucks, double nunchucks. Oh yeah.
00:01:00Okay. Double nunchucks, yeah. Twin dragons. Yeah, let's have some fun. Okay. Okay. So,
00:01:28what do I do? Yeah, with armpit grab, right? Then forward, and then, so forward, and then
00:01:39rotate, and then fold. Okay? It's very easy. Okay? Okay? And, I want to make sure that
00:01:57they don't intertwine. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Okay? Good exercise. So, it's like
00:02:15this, the infinity loop. Right? Yeah, one up there, one down there, okay? So that they
00:02:30don't hit each other. Okay? And then, under the legs like this, and behind the back like
00:02:41that, around the necks. Something like that, okay? Good, good, good fun. Okay, five minutes
00:02:54please. Thank you. How fun this is, right? Yeah. Double nunchucks. Ooh. Fun, fun, fun.
00:03:08Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah
00:13:24okay welcome friends
00:13:28yeah happy monday yeah i'm running the laundry in the dryer so it's kind of noisy out there
00:13:43so close the door and i'm not sure if i'm ready to get back to mathematics yet uh
00:13:51uh i don't know okay to be honest yeah uh
00:14:05yeah so let's have olympics huh i mean i am proud of these young people
00:14:15medals that's great but when it comes to female olympics uh nowadays i think they have way too
00:14:22much muscle okay so it does not look very attractive females with a lot of muscle uh
00:14:29no offense but they kind of look too masculine to me so not very attractive okay so yeah so i
00:14:36want to make some comment there for the record okay uh it's too looks too excessive muscle for
00:14:44females okay so it just doesn't look attractive to me okay yeah because feminine beauty is very
00:14:54important part of women's life okay so they're beautiful ladies but too much muscle in my opinion
00:14:59okay yeah yeah
00:15:09and another comment about paris olympics i think there are two legs about this gender regulation
00:15:17like i mean like i'm not sure if they are actually transgender or not and but i think
00:15:22they're too relaxed about that okay so men pretending pretending to be a woman and competing
00:15:29with women that's not fair because men by genitive they have more muscle you know than females okay
00:15:35so that's not fair they're too relaxed about that and other but when it comes to other parts
00:15:41they're too strict paris olympics okay uh some somebody just went outside the olympics village
00:15:50some athlete they got they sent home just because of there's a left without permission outside
00:15:58athlete village that's too harsh i mean that's too strict that's unnecessary i think
00:16:06um yeah
00:16:10so i had nice dinner uh salad and uh
00:16:17some rolls i guess kind of uh mexican style i'm sorry i don't remember what it's called
00:16:30but i bought it from walmart in the bargain price because uh it was the last day for the
00:16:39chef life expiration so i bought it like two days ago so now it's two days late
00:16:45after the expiration date so what do i do i microwave it okay the rolls like with like a
00:16:54kind of like it's mexican style roll which is very nice
00:16:59with uh maybe tortilla i don't know but it's kind of like
00:17:04some kind of roll right and they cut it right the ham and their cheese and lettuce
00:17:11i don't know what it's called okay but uh
00:17:15yeah i mean it's supposed to be served raw but because it's export after expiration date
00:17:22yeah microwave it that's too good great yeah
00:17:31yeah did i get sick no
00:17:36i don't recommend it though
00:17:37um yeah
00:17:54So in the inside of life, yeah, I told our friends some old story, me being hospitalized
00:18:08in the mental hospital.
00:18:10We did diagnose with some like bipolar, like manic depression, or megalomania, even schizophrenia,
00:18:21I think, as far as I remember.
00:18:23But those are bogus diagnoses, yeah, why?
00:18:27Because they want to make money, so they just want to make, basically it's a lie, okay?
00:18:36They make up some fully fake diagnosis so that, you know, to justify my hospitalization
00:18:44because my parents are paid for it, you know?
00:18:47They didn't make money, so that's all there was, okay?
00:18:53No, I've never had mental illness, no, okay?
00:18:59But it's an interesting experience, though, and interesting story, for sure, yeah, yeah.
00:19:07So at work today, I was busy, okay, and it's quite a long day, actually, okay, so, yeah,
00:19:15so I cannot do mathematics tonight, okay, because my brain is on break, okay?
00:19:24Mathematics may be possible tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, okay?
00:19:36But, yeah, I don't feel like doing it.
00:19:46Okay, yeah.
00:19:50Yeah, let's just relax, and, yeah.
00:19:57So during my lunch hour, I was driving, and this morning, and I listened to this, The Daily,
00:20:08this, like, New York Times show in NPR, high-quality show.
00:20:17So they interviewed JD Vance, yeah, the VP candidate, JD Vance's former friend
00:20:28when they were in Yale Law School, okay, yeah.
00:20:33So that friend basically criticized JD Vance, like, he used to be a very nice guy, sympathetic,
00:20:40but he kind of changed once he became very powerful.
00:20:45He basically, yeah, became like MAGA, Donald J. Trump type, very unsympathetic, cold-hearted,
00:20:55like, cold-blooded, like, reptile.
00:20:59So he, the friend was very disappointed, okay, yeah.
00:21:09Yeah, basically, JD Vance, like, selling his soul to the devil, you know, for power, right, yeah, okay.
00:21:19JD Vance, I guess he used to be a nice guy, but in order to get power, he had to obey the Republican Party platform.
00:21:33When it comes to abortion, very unsympathetic to women who don't want this pregnant fetus, right.
00:21:42That is, I'm 100% against it.
00:21:45For abortion, I'm 100% women's right.
00:21:50At any stage, for whatever reason, abortion is fine, in my opinion, okay.
00:21:55And we can harvest the fetus to extract stem cells, organ tissues, for real people who need them,
00:22:06the disabled people, okay, or children who need them, okay.
00:22:10Because to me, fetus is nothing but a biological machinery.
00:22:15It's like an animal, without consciousness, without memory.
00:22:22Fetus is less than an insect, adult insect.
00:22:25Adult insect have feelings, like fear, pain.
00:22:31Adult insects have fully developed nervous system and brain.
00:22:37They have emotion. Adult insect, like ants, they have emotions, like fear, joy, pleasure and pain.
00:22:47They feel it. That's why they do what they do, okay.
00:22:52Biological, like generative programming, it's binary, in terms of pain and pleasure, that's it.
00:23:01Yeah, back up to humanology, okay.
00:23:04That's basic emotion, and that's what drives insects or any animals to do what they do
00:23:11and to not do what they do not do, okay.
00:23:15Ant feel the pain when it go near a fire.
00:23:20So they avoid fire, because it is painful.
00:23:25Ant drink honey.
00:23:30Because it gives them pleasure.
00:23:33Sugar, they love it.
00:23:36Insect, ant, underground, okay.
00:23:39Yeah, so pain and pleasure, that's what drives their behavior in insects or any animals,
00:23:46like reproduction, for example, or eating, defecation, avoiding danger, okay, because it's painful.
00:23:57Okay, yeah.
00:24:01But fetus doesn't have that.
00:24:04Why? The central nervous system is not fully developed at all.
00:24:09They have no memory, and they have no consciousness.
00:24:16It's just biological machinery, fetus.
00:24:19It's not an animal, it's less than an insect.
00:24:26Okay, it's not a finished entity, okay, it's just a possibility entity, okay.
00:24:35It is less than an ant, adult ant, human fetus, okay.
00:24:42So it's less than an animal, basically.
00:24:45Far less than a human being.
00:24:48Wait, I'm just talking science and logic, okay.
00:24:56What matters to me as a human being?
00:25:02Adult females do not want this child.
00:25:06It's not a child, it's a fetus, okay.
00:25:08They don't want this fetus.
00:25:11Whatever reason, at any stage of pregnancy, okay, yeah.
00:25:17There's some time left when Tom comes over, sure, okay.
00:25:23All right, so again, I'm repeating myself.
00:25:25It's kind of boring, right, yeah.
00:25:27So let's just take five minutes break, and let's go through this timeline, okay.
00:25:34And J.T. Vance, his eyes look very scary, like,
00:25:37looks like some vampire Dracula movie character.
00:25:42He's not wearing any makeup whatsoever, okay.
00:25:47He looks so creepy.
00:25:53But I'm sure he's not just a bad guy, I don't think so.
00:25:56I don't think so.
00:25:59Just a little weird.
00:26:05All right, five minutes later.
00:26:36All right, five minutes later.
00:26:37All right, five minutes later.
00:26:38All right, five minutes later.
00:26:39All right, five minutes later.
00:26:40All right, five minutes later.
00:26:41All right, five minutes later.
00:26:42All right, five minutes later.
00:26:43All right, five minutes later.
00:26:44All right, five minutes later.
00:26:45All right, five minutes later.
00:26:46All right, five minutes later.
00:26:47All right, five minutes later.
00:26:48All right, five minutes later.
00:26:49All right, five minutes later.
00:26:50All right, five minutes later.
00:26:51All right, five minutes later.
00:26:52All right, five minutes later.
00:26:53All right, five minutes later.
00:26:54All right, five minutes later.
00:26:55All right, five minutes later.
00:26:56All right, five minutes later.
00:26:57All right, five minutes later.
00:26:58All right, five minutes later.
00:26:59All right, five minutes later.
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00:27:19All right, five minutes later.
00:27:20All right, five minutes later.
00:27:21All right, five minutes later.
00:27:22All right, five minutes later.
00:27:23All right, five minutes later.
00:27:24All right, five minutes later.
00:27:25All right, five minutes later.
00:27:26All right, five minutes later.
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00:27:28All right, five minutes later.
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00:27:32All right, five minutes later.
00:27:33All right, five minutes later.
00:27:34All right, five minutes later.
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00:27:36All right, five minutes later.
00:27:37All right, five minutes later.
00:27:38All right, five minutes later.
00:27:39All right, five minutes later.
00:27:40All right, five minutes later.
00:27:41All right, five minutes later.
00:27:42All right, five minutes later.
00:27:43All right, five minutes later.
00:27:44All right, five minutes later.
00:27:45All right, five minutes later.
00:27:46All right, five minutes later.
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00:27:59All right, five minutes later.
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00:39:12All right, five minutes later.
00:39:38Before we go to insert a lie, yeah, let me explain something again. It's pretty much same thing. I said in the past
00:39:46But still
00:39:48I mean, I couple days ago. I wrote a short story in the
00:39:55Social media and then then I
00:39:58Archived it archiving means that nobody can see it except for myself. Okay, so
00:40:03Thank you. I'm publishing it. Okay, so but in the name of human origins
00:40:08Novel, yeah, it's there. Okay. Yeah, sometimes I do that. I
00:40:13I put it off social media, but in the name of human as a book series. Yeah, I'd leave it there. Okay, so
00:40:21now selfie
00:40:41But enough
00:40:44So, I mean I it's a comedy it's a fiction, okay, so
00:40:49Like Trump his two blonde white daughters one of them married
00:40:57Juice guy the other married
00:41:01Arabic guy, okay, so basically brown guys
00:41:05so those disappointing because
00:41:09The thing is there are not that many blonde
00:41:12White people in the world not that many. Okay, so
00:41:16all red hair
00:41:19white people
00:41:21They're quite rare rare occurrence in the world
00:41:24So I rather recommend young women like that to marry white people so that they have like
00:41:32We preserve this blonde gene or red hair gene
00:41:36then only occurs among white people, okay, so and
00:41:40That's why but do I think?
00:41:44Juice Arabs are dirty people. I do not think so. No, what I'm saying is
00:41:50The heart to husband's what brown people, you know, they got to white blonde daughters of Donald Trump
00:41:57I think their marriage is kind of like
00:42:03Yeah, I do not agree with their marriage
00:42:06Okay, because
00:42:08The young white blonde women
00:42:11Okay, I recommend them to marry good white men so that
00:42:16they preserve the
00:42:18Blondes and red hair in the world. Okay, good. They're very rare
00:42:24That's all
00:42:28But I love all races, yeah mixed races, they're beautiful. Yeah, they're mysterious. Okay. I love all races before a okay. Oh
00:42:36yeah, I
00:42:38Just want to protect this endangered species of blonde red hair
00:42:45Do the endangered species
00:42:48The very few of them in the world. Okay, I want to protect them. That's all it's about conservation
00:43:00That's all
00:43:01Let's say this particular species of bird. There is some hummingbird is endangered species
00:43:07This endangered hummingbird species may not be my favorite animal in the world, but I want to protect this
00:43:16Species because it's endangered. I don't want to go to extinct
00:43:22Same analogy. Okay. I love all races equally. Okay. Yeah
00:43:28Now let's go to the inside of life. Okay
00:43:48Okay, hello friends, yeah, welcome to Pneumonology
00:43:58What I've seen the best
00:44:102076 yeah human is 2076
00:44:17Inside my base. Oh, yeah. Welcome. Yeah, we're concluding. Yeah
00:44:22Mm-hmm. Well go
00:44:27Yeah, good morning happy Monday, yeah
00:44:37Yes, hmm
00:44:46When I come
00:44:59Yeah, so
00:45:02Well, I would consult your school counselors
00:45:06about job counselors
00:45:11They may have better idea than I do. Also, you can go to whatever the internship program and
00:45:21Yeah, internship does help yeah it does
00:45:32You are looking to get or
00:45:36High-paying job. Okay. I didn't do internship. So I got the kind of job that's very low paying. Okay. Why I don't care about money
00:45:44Okay. Yeah, I
00:45:47I'm not saying it's a bad thing that you pursue high paying career. No, it's not a bad thing at all
00:45:54Oh, of course not. Of course not
00:45:56Everybody's different
00:45:58Okay, but internship is a good idea
00:46:02Like sometimes recruiters they come to your school campus, right and
00:46:10Right. Yeah, take advantage of that opportunity and
00:46:16Perhaps ask your professors
00:46:21The kind of professors who really like you
00:46:24Do they have connections to like companies?
00:46:28Okay, yeah talk to professor that you really like you
00:46:36Okay, and go to his or her office hour and ask them
00:46:43Do they have connections?
00:46:46To like companies, okay. Yeah
00:46:49Yeah, so also let's go to some companies websites like
00:46:54You do computer science though like Oracle Microsoft IBM
00:47:00Google Facebook
00:47:04X Twitter, right
00:47:07Tumblr or
00:47:11Meta like Facebook Instagram
00:47:13Tumblr or
00:47:16Meta like Facebook Instagram, okay
00:47:20Yeah, also like gaming companies too. Gaming company
00:47:24Xbox, PS3 or
00:47:27some computer hardware
00:47:30companies like Nvidia or web browser companies like Yahoo
00:47:41Web browser like Mozilla Firefox Mozilla and
00:47:46Video game companies go to their websites. Okay, and see if they have job postings there. Oh
00:47:58Quantum computing. Oh, that's that's quite academic
00:48:03You can get an internship maybe of I mean those universities do internship
00:48:09For undergraduates, um
00:48:14Nah, maybe maybe but typically like this search institutions
00:48:22um, I
00:48:24Mean, I don't know about nowadays. Okay, but who knows maybe they have some internship for undergrads
00:48:30What you can do is
00:48:35In schools
00:48:38They do have some
00:48:41Opening for research assistants RA. Sometimes they do hire undergrads
00:48:51For examples that as your professor in quantum computing, right? Hey, I do the summer
00:48:57I can I be a research assistant as an undergrad
00:49:03Because that's very specialized highly specialized advanced area
00:49:08That is not possibly not quite
00:49:13Commercialized yet. Well, that's my understanding. Okay, so but
00:49:20Big companies like IBM Microsoft
00:49:30I'm pretty sure they have quantum computing division
00:49:35Okay, they may hire some undergrads for some internship
00:49:39Okay, but most are some big companies because this like really high-tech
00:49:47cutting-edge, right
00:49:50Research and development area, right
00:49:56So as your professor in quantum computing for devices, you know what companies?
00:50:01Do this research and development in quantum computing. Well, you can just Google
00:50:07Right, just Google
00:50:12Companies or research institutions or private companies
00:50:16Would who does like quantum computing like research and development? Okay. Yeah
00:50:22Just Google it or ask your professor. Okay
00:50:34Another option is that you go to graduate school
00:50:38After you graduate from undergrad, okay
00:50:42Yeah, you can do masters or you can do PhD
00:50:48But PhD is quite long
00:50:50Okay, it's like sometimes the five years
00:50:54Sometimes three or sometimes four years sometimes six years seven years. Okay
00:50:58PhD tend to be very lengthy. Okay, so I dropped out of PhD after two years. It's not for everybody
00:51:05It was too intense for me. Okay, but
00:51:09Masters, yeah, it's like one year or two years depending on the school
00:51:15This is another option
00:51:19Very cool. Very proud. Let's take five minutes break. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, welcome. Good evening
00:51:25Yeah future leaders geniuses mighty proud five minutes, okay, thank you. Yeah
00:51:34Very cool
00:55:11Okay, welcome
00:55:19Yeah, good evening
00:55:23Another advice for job applicants would be this
00:55:27It's kind of important this phase
00:55:31Yeah, welcome welcome so like some companies
00:55:38very sensitive about social media these days, so
00:55:41They may find you in social media. Okay, or they may even ask you what your social media accounts are
00:55:48Okay, and they may look at your postings
00:55:51Okay, some companies do that
00:55:54Before interview process, okay, and
00:55:58So you go through your post past postings in social media?
00:56:02And if you put something that very controversial to edgy to naughty
00:56:09You may want to hide them from public view
00:56:12Okay before interview process, okay
00:56:15Because some companies are very sensitive about this
00:56:22Especially nowadays, okay. Yeah. Okay. Just hide from public view. Okay
00:56:38Before you go to job interview, okay
00:56:41Google your name in the internet and see what comes up because some employers
00:56:47They look up job candidates name in the Google
00:56:52Okay, and see what comes up. Okay, so
00:56:55Some employers do that
00:57:13Yeah, just get ready and
00:57:17See what comes up when you type your name in the Google, okay, and
00:57:21If something shows up, well, if something is something that you cannot quite
00:57:28from public view because somebody else
00:57:31said something about you and
00:57:33Then at least come up with some explanation
00:57:41To your potential employer
00:57:44Because they may ask you I don't know this look I got my lawyer job how many years ago six years ago
00:58:00But nowadays it's not a same story, right
00:58:06Six years ago social media was not as big as today 2024. It was not
00:58:13Six years ago social media was a very nice beginning stage
00:58:18Nowadays is fully developed social media became mainstream, right? Not not six years ago
00:58:23No, so six years ago social media was not a mainstream thing like today
00:58:312024 okay world has changed quite a bit
00:58:35past six years right social media, okay
00:58:39So, I guess I kind of locked out
00:58:41Yes, type your name in Google Yahoo Bing whatever and if somebody wrote something that
00:58:49I don't know
00:58:51I don't know
00:58:53I don't know
00:58:55I don't know
00:58:57I don't know
00:58:59I don't know
00:59:01I don't know
00:59:03I don't know
00:59:05I don't know
00:59:07I don't know
00:59:09Wrote something not nice about you and you cannot
00:59:15Delete somebody else's posting, right?
00:59:18and you can contact that person and
00:59:21Ask them to like unpublish it just
00:59:25Do that's possible too
00:59:27Okay, and
00:59:29Ask them. Hey, uh, no, I type my name in the Google and this your posting showed up and
00:59:36Look I'm in applying for jobs. Okay, so would you please unpublish this one for me and
00:59:43If I offended you in the past, I apologize
00:59:48I'm sorry
00:59:50Okay, be nice. Okay
00:59:53Then sometimes yeah, they unpublish it for you
00:59:58Okay, because people are people
01:00:00Yeah, okay
01:00:07Has that kind of situation happened to me? Yes
01:00:12I asked them to unpublish that posting in social media and they did
01:00:21Hmm there was a little long time ago
01:00:27How long
01:00:30That was gosh I was in Los Angeles, California right there
01:00:36again back then
01:00:38So I was in LA between 2006 and 2009
01:00:42Almost 10 years ago. Okay, but I
01:00:45Mean not exactly social media per se but just like online blogging website, I guess
01:00:52All right. Yeah
01:00:59So I asked them to unpublish this posting and they did unpublish it
01:01:08Yeah, just be nice
01:01:19But if they insist that they do not unpublish it then you have second option
01:01:28You can tell them
01:01:30Rationally not emotionally but rationally. Okay. Hey, I may have to file a lawsuit against you for defamation
01:01:41Okay, because that's what it is
01:01:48Welcome friends. Good evening. Yeah
01:01:54Yeah, sometimes that works better it depends on the individual right sometimes talking to them nicely just asking them
01:02:01Please unpublish this posting. You're
01:02:05Not so nice posting about me. Sometimes they comply. Otherwise, it depends on their personality, right? Otherwise
01:02:12It's not a threatening person. It's just
01:02:18Explanation. Hey, I
01:02:20Asked extra nicely to unpublish your posting
01:02:27Which is very unfavorable to me and it's out there in the public and I'm a plentiful job
01:02:32So but you're not unpublishing it
01:02:35then I may have to file a lawsuit against you for defamation and
01:02:42If I cannot get this job because of your posting is my employer
01:02:47Googled my name your posting shows up and my employer decide not to hire me then
01:02:55You are you'll be liable for the damage financial damage that you incurred
01:03:03You caused
01:03:05to me
01:03:07let's say
01:03:09this job
01:03:10Potentially will have been
01:03:13$50,000 per year salary
01:03:17And I could have rested in this
01:03:22Job for
01:03:26Four years
01:03:32You've been liable for
01:03:35Yeah, $50,000 per year times four. Yeah
01:03:46You'll be liable to me in a court of law
01:03:53Okay, so think about that, okay
01:03:55but if you unpublish this posting right now because it's very
01:04:00Unfavorable posting toward me and it's not based on facts. It's just I
01:04:07Apologize if I offended you but what you said about me is not true. So
01:04:13If you just unpublish it
01:04:16Then you just go away. Yeah, you're you're you not owe me
01:04:25Okay, so what's it gonna be
01:04:34Yeah, sometimes it works better that way it depends on personality of that person, okay. Yeah sure
01:04:43You welcome to Humanology, okay. Yeah
01:04:50Okay, we'll take five minutes. Thank you. Yeah
01:05:00Yeah, you're in a very good place
01:05:03to be informed
01:05:05Okay. Yeah, Humanology school. Welcome. Oh, yeah
01:05:09You told the truth. Yeah. Thank you
01:08:22All right, friends welcome you
01:08:28Good evening and
01:08:30It's not politics very interesting development politics, right? This is it moving so fast, right?
01:08:38It's just like up and down rollercoaster ride like before party Democrat Party, it is quite entertaining
01:08:45Yeah, US politics these days
01:08:48soon like
01:08:50Joe I mean
01:08:52When Biden was still there, right Biden and Trump
01:08:56I I guess Trump people they kind of coded the Sun Tzu art of war the Chinese military
01:09:05Like when your opponent make mistakes do not interrupt let the opponent continue to make mistakes, right?
01:09:12So that it was there were most
01:09:15important parties most of the apparently despite
01:09:18Biden back then making a lot of mistakes right being too old and whatever
01:09:23So Republicans were very passive. This is looking at Biden. Just let him continue to make mistakes after mistakes after mistakes
01:09:33right now
01:09:35The table has turned
01:09:38Biden dropped out and appointed Kamala Harris
01:09:44It's the opposite situation
01:09:49Nice Trump making mistake after mistake as you will take and was dead events to the epic pick
01:09:57Trump and Vance making mistake after mistake as mistake and
01:10:01Kamala Harrison his team a whole team rather
01:10:05Just looking at them and not interrupting. Okay. Yeah continue to make mistakes. Okay
01:10:21Unexpected development. Yeah, my conference. Yeah, we live in
01:10:26So this is like more and more Republicans
01:10:32Come out to say yeah, I'm gonna go for Kamala Harris
01:10:38There is very unexpected development these days
01:10:42Yeah, my day is good. Thank you. Welcome. Good evening. Yeah
01:10:48Cheers yeah
01:10:53Yeah, welcome
01:11:05Yeah, welcome
01:11:20No, I guess Harris will announce for VP pick tomorrow, I guess
01:11:28They say between
01:11:30Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro and
01:11:34Minnesota governor whose name I don't remember. Okay. Oh
01:11:45Thank you, yeah, welcome. Yeah, good evening
01:11:51No, I'm voting for myself I'm running for US president, okay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, welcome. I
01:12:03As all make a citizen I follow the news, right
01:12:07Yeah, Harrison Trump is in entertaining news, but I'm voting for myself because I'm right for US president. Okay. Yeah
01:12:17So it's just fun to talk about them, okay, yeah, that's all
01:12:27No, I'm single yeah dressing woman. Yeah. Mm-hmm
01:12:48So, I
01:12:50mean I I may be wrong, but my guess would be that
01:12:54camera Harris probably will pick Josh Shapiro of
01:13:01Pennsylvania governor because
01:13:07Do I know I'm not good married one day no marriage it's not for everybody it's not for me if for some other people
01:13:19Love story sure
01:13:25But after this one more comment, okay, I think camera Harris will pick Josh
01:13:32Shapiro the Pennsylvania governor because
01:13:35Pennsylvania is a swing state and
01:13:37Josh Shapiro is a former attorney general prosecutor
01:13:42Distributor it just like camera Harris was
01:13:45That's when they met as attorney generals
01:13:49prosecutors, okay
01:13:50long time ago
01:13:52So just similar background this think the same way
01:13:56former prosecutors, okay
01:13:58So never my guess I could be wrong
01:14:05Love stories sure romantics
01:14:09Yeah, I tell you
01:14:11did events
01:14:14Where is morning veteran? I'm an army veteran. So
01:14:18He's younger than me 39, I'm 46 so I appreciate
01:14:24his service in the US Marine and
01:14:31Congratulated him for his success in business like Silicon Valley and as an investor and
01:14:39Became US senator in Ohio and
01:14:41It's nice guy, but I think it's too far, right just like Donald Trump
01:14:47There's a big mistake that Donald Trump picture has a VP candidate
01:14:55They are both too far, right
01:14:58So they're not gonna get in the middle people independents like me like I'm gonna vote for myself of course
01:15:05Okay, but I'm talking about other independent swing state swing people independent
01:15:09Swing people independence, okay
01:15:11Good that their votes are the only votes that matters because there's some time they vote for the program candidate
01:15:18Sometimes they vote for a democratic candidate
01:15:20They look at the person candidate. They don't look at the party swing voters
01:15:25Independence, okay dead like 10% of American voters, but they are the only voters who actually matter
01:15:32Who get to decide who become US president next year?
01:15:41Trump picking dead events was far right. Just like him. It was big mistake and
01:15:49Even many Republicans think it was big mistake
01:15:55Trump picking dead events for VP
01:16:01Yeah, and I agree with them it was a big mistake
01:16:11Trump picked
01:16:17Dead events
01:16:23He was still competing against Joe Biden
01:16:28He was still competing against Joe Biden
01:16:36That's an easy election, right?
01:16:38So he was not very careful about picking the vice president candidate Trump
01:16:44He was not careful because it's an easy election against Joe Biden, right?
01:16:49So he picked somebody
01:16:52Who's just like him?
01:16:54He picked somebody
01:16:56He wants to work with
01:16:58Who obey him because he's just dead same same personality, right?
01:17:03So he didn't care about like swing voters at all because it would be an easy election against Joe Biden, right?
01:17:15after he picked dead events for VP
01:17:19Things have changed to Biden is no longer candidate. He dropped out
01:17:25He put Kamala Harris in his place
01:17:32Now it's totally different ballgame
01:17:39Yeah, they're in trouble
01:17:50Hypothetically if Kamala Harris
01:17:52If Joe Biden dropped out
01:17:56Before Trump made that dead events VP pick
01:18:03hypothetically Joe Biden had dropped out way before then and put Kamala Harris in place
01:18:11Then Donald Trump would have been more careful about that VP pick. He would have picked a
01:18:18More moderate person to get swing voters. Okay, but it didn't happen that way
01:18:32Democratic Party VP candidate. I do not know. Maybe we'll know sooner maybe tomorrow. Okay. Yeah
01:18:41Opinion about LGBT. Yeah, I'm against LGBT ideology. Yeah, I recommend people to be straight
01:18:49Just a recommendation, that's all
01:18:52Okay, let's take five minutes break. I need some vocal rest. Okay. Thank you. Welcome. Yeah
01:18:58Yeah, five minutes break, please. Thank you
01:19:01Okay, time check
01:19:26Time flies on
01:19:30It's been more than one hour and we have less than 30 we have more than 30 minutes, but it's been more than one hour
01:19:36So, okay
01:19:39We have more than 30 minutes. Okay. Okay. Good. Good. Very cool. Yeah five minutes break, please. Thank you. Welcome
01:19:49Yeah, very nice
01:19:55Pitch on the doors my problem
01:23:40Okay, welcome back
01:23:48Yeah, welcome
01:23:52Let's see
01:23:57Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Have a wonderful day. Mm-hmm. Yeah
01:24:03Let's see
01:24:11Then for some dragon drinks, it's like Alaskan since then who's like dragon I like this in bars
01:24:20Yeah, it's one of my favorite all the time, oh
01:24:25Yeah, I put the vodka there
01:24:30Welcome. Yes
01:24:49So like
01:24:56The way I mean there's a lot of internal criticism
01:25:02against in the public service party
01:25:06Against the way Donald Trump is doing his campaigning or JD Vance is doing his campaigning
01:25:12Okay, so a lot of internal criticism against both of them within the Republican Party. Okay
01:25:19so many Republicans express their opinion that
01:25:24Yeah, you know what? I'm gonna vote for Trump. I'm gonna vote for
01:25:28Kamala Harris met so increasingly as many Republicans are gonna vote for
01:25:33Kamala Harris
01:25:35Which is very surprising
01:25:38And is it a good news? I think it is. They're crossing the party line, right?
01:25:44That's great
01:25:47See American politics is evolving for the better. So I'm optimistic about
01:25:52About politics in general. Okay, they're evolving. Okay. Yeah. Cheers. Yeah
01:26:02They are learning to cross the party line
01:26:05It's very brave thing to do. Okay. Yeah, this is something new
01:26:14Being more open-minded, right? Yeah
01:26:20Yeah, yeah, Michael, thank you friends, yeah
01:26:25Yeah, I'm very happy to see that yeah
01:26:30Americans are evolving. Okay in politics. They're getting better
01:26:36Not to cross the party line
01:26:38More open-minded not less of bigotry
01:26:41That's fantastic development. Okay. I'm glad to see that. Yeah
01:26:54So I'm 46 Donald Trump 78
01:26:59yeah, he's aging and
01:27:04My guess is that he's taking his political career as some kind of like retirement job
01:27:10He's not quite taking it seriously. He's just too old
01:27:14So we just say whatever he wants to say
01:27:17Although it may hurt his campaign
01:27:21In Atlanta Georgia rally couple days ago
01:27:26He vilified
01:27:30Georgia governor
01:27:33Who's hugely popular in Georgia, which is a swing state?
01:27:40He's like, oh he doesn't care he just wanted to make some jokes have some fun
01:27:49So he's taking a retirement job, right this is very old man. Yeah
01:27:58Understand that I do
01:28:04It's just hard to have fun making fun of
01:28:09Republican governor, right? Yeah, he's just want to make fun of it for fun
01:28:23What is TWT
01:28:44I'm trying to define decipher what you said there in the chat room
01:28:56Oh get more advanced got it
01:29:05Okay evolution in politics, yeah, I agree with you. Yeah, well
01:29:13The way I envision the future of politics would be like a to me more based on knowledge
01:29:22as opposed to
01:29:26Pakistan division
01:29:28Ideology party agenda like Democratic Party people on party, right?
01:29:35My prediction is that the future of politics is more independent politics
01:29:42That's what I'm doing I'm independent, okay. Yeah fatherless politics, right?
01:29:48more knowledge based
01:29:54But nowadays yeah Democrats vote for Democratic candidates Republicans vote for Republican candidates most of them, right
01:30:03That makes absolutely no sense. It's like
01:30:07Is that football game in sports competitive sports that football game?
01:30:13Baseball basketball. Yeah, two teams compete each other
01:30:17One, you know, right, but they take side, right?
01:30:22But politics is not sports
01:30:25Parties entertaining. Yeah, I get it
01:30:30It's more important than sports
01:30:34To become US president. I
01:30:37Mean sports entertainment. It is important. What I'm saying is
01:30:43These days people approach politics as like
01:30:47spectator sports like football baseball
01:30:50Well, they should not do that why because stick is tie
01:30:55You know football game baseball game. Whatever team wins
01:31:01That's fine, it's important entertainment we need people to be happy
01:31:07people get angry and
01:31:10Too many crimes, right?
01:31:12We don't want that. Okay. Yeah, we need competitive sports like football baseball basketball. That's great. Okay. Yeah
01:31:19But politics is more than a game. It's like
01:31:24It has
01:31:27More impact on society that would become US president or any other country president promised. Okay
01:31:34So they should not take it as a gamble or like some entertainment
01:31:40sports game
01:31:44Sticks twice sticks are too high. Okay
01:31:47It's just too important to regard politics as some kind of sports game. Okay
01:31:53Don't get me wrong sports game is important. Okay, but politics it has humongous impact like who become US president
01:31:59Okay, it affects the moral fabric of that country
01:32:09Well, I do not watch sports but in YouTube
01:32:14Sometimes I watch like mixed martial arts
01:32:21Martial arts, yeah
01:32:26But yeah sports spectator sports it's good hobby, yeah, it's very healthy
01:32:33Yeah, I appreciate that
01:32:36It's like big party, right? Yeah people gather
01:32:39Yes, that's good entertainment value absolutely is important
01:32:51Now let's say five minutes break, okay, I'm simple harassed. Okay. Yeah, welcome future leaders my proud of you five minutes break, please. Thank you
01:33:00Okay time check
01:33:08We have less than 30 minutes left, okay
01:33:13Five minutes break, please. Thank you. Yeah, very cool
01:36:01Welcome back
01:36:06Thank you for your amazing participation
01:36:08Friends future leaders mighty proud the smartest people in the world. Yeah, welcome
01:36:20Oh, did I do sports as I was growing up, uh, I play some soccer when I was in Korea and
01:36:27Basketball. Yeah a little bit. Well, I was not good at it soccer. I was okay with it, but
01:36:35What I mainly what I did was running running jogging, okay
01:36:40Like sprinting or long-distance running
01:36:44Majors. Yeah, that was my main focus. Yeah Cheers. Yeah
01:36:54Table tennis. Yeah ping-pong. Yeah, I I did that. Yeah
01:36:58I was okay with it. Yeah
01:37:02Not very good at it
01:37:04Bowling again. Yeah
01:37:06My friend told me and I was okay with it, but not good at it
01:37:12Okay, cheers
01:37:21Uh several years ago, maybe three years ago. I published this article humanized paper in a social science research network and uh
01:37:32Yeah, like envision vision future politics, right? Yeah. How about reality tv show?
01:37:38Featuring all these presidential candidates unknown candidates like me, right?
01:37:44Yeah, yeah
01:37:47America for example
01:37:49the viewers
01:37:51TV television show reality tv show. Okay
01:37:54Yeah, the unknown candidates, right? Yeah
01:37:57Yeah, give a chance to pitch our
01:38:02political policies
01:38:09America people voters, right? Yeah reality tv show
01:38:13Because every four years, uh, there are about like 300 presidential candidates every four years. I'm just one of them. Okay. Yeah, so
01:38:23Like season one season two season three season four
01:38:27four years worth of reality tv show
01:38:30Yeah, this unknown candidates
01:38:33teaching their ideas to
01:38:37You know national stage
01:38:40TV show national tv
01:38:44Yeah, I think that's a good idea
01:38:48Maybe one day. Okay. Yeah
01:38:54Oh, yeah
01:38:59Oh, yeah
01:39:03And that
01:39:05reality tv show unknown candidates
01:39:08Yeah, it will be funded by commercial advertisement
01:39:11Okay, okay. Yeah, sure
01:39:17You run by yourself, okay, so no taxpayers money no donation money. No just commercial advertisement, okay
01:39:27Because it will be hugely popular reality tv show
01:39:32In many countries
01:39:36I just happen to be american. So yeah
01:39:41In my other country to
01:39:43Adopt that idea. Okay, I pitch ideas for free. Okay. Yeah. Cheers. Welcome to humanity
01:39:52Very creative original
01:39:56Yeah, so I just give my business ideas for free to everybody in the world
01:40:03Right. Yeah
01:40:09Pro bono for the benefit of humanity, okay
01:40:42Yeah, so
01:40:45I think it's good time to make transition to facebook live. My voice is shy. Okay, and my back of my neck is sore. Okay
01:40:54It's good time to make transition to facebook live where we watch
01:40:58youtube videos
01:41:00In facebook live and together and make some video commentaries. Okay. Yeah, it could be like
01:41:06Documentaries tv shows short films or movie clips tv show clips, whatever
01:41:16Thank you
01:41:17good night, and
01:41:19Maybe I'll see you in facebook live. I'll see you tomorrow. Okay. Yeah, mighty proud of you. Yeah, fantastic
01:41:43Very cool. Yeah
01:41:58Either we'll see each other in facebook live or uh, see you tomorrow. Okay. Yeah. Good night. Thank you. Yep
01:42:04Fantastic mighty proud of you
01:42:08Future leaders. Yep