humanology 2079 .

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends, yeah welcome to Human Allergy 2079.
00:00:07Let's do some stretching, let's do some breathing and, ah no, floor stretching, okay, yeah,
00:00:16all right, splitting, okay, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:00:25ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:00:38ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:00:39ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:00:40ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:00:41ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:00:55ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:01:25ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:01:55ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah,
00:02:25ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
00:02:55good times oh yeah
00:08:49Uh, we'll get back to mathematics later, but first some news catch-up, analytics mostly
00:09:01The yeah, welcome, welcome, uh, good evening. Happy Thursday already
00:09:08Yeah, time goes fast, that's good. And, um, so in the news, I mean, the continuing vetting process of, uh, Minnesota Governor
00:09:24Tim Walz? Okay. I like him quite a bit, actually. I mean, I don't agree with him on many issues because he's Democrat and I'm independent
00:09:46So, yeah, I mean, he did misrepresent his military record a little bit, but I don't think it's such a big deal, okay?
00:09:58Uh, yeah, okay, so he's not a common sergeant major, but he was a master sergeant as he retired from the military after 24 years in National Guard
00:10:11Yeah, National Guard, well, Reserve based, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, that kind of part-time based, okay?
00:10:20And, yeah, they're right, he never was in a combat zone, okay?
00:10:31But still, look, 24 years of service, oh, I respect that. In the Army, it's like this, after 20 years of service, well, to be honest, I don't know too much about National Guard or Reserve based, okay?
00:10:47But I was in active duty for four years, okay? So in the active duty service, after 20 years, no matter what age you are, you're entitled to retire from the Army after 20 years
00:11:02Meaning, even if you're 40 years, let's say somebody joined the U.S. Army when they were like 18, after high school, okay? And do 10 years, so then this person can retire from the Army at the age of 38
00:11:22Meaning, this person can start collecting Social Security, retirement benefit, and this person can get a full-time job too, if he or she wants, okay? So that's like Army retirement policy, okay?
00:11:37Yeah, so he retired after 24 years of service in National Guard, which is part-time based, but they do deploy though, okay? They do deploy sometimes, okay?
00:11:50But he deployed not to like Afghanistan-Iraq combat zone, but to Europe, okay? So, yeah, that's fine, so it's not like a combat veteran person, okay? Yeah, but that's fine
00:12:06Some people are like that, and they say, oh, he retired just before his unit deployed to Iraq, yeah, I'm okay with that too
00:12:21Because after 24 years of service, he's kind of old to lead, he's too old to lead, okay? Maybe it's a better idea to pass the baton to a younger leader in the actual combat zone, okay? Maybe he's too old to lead in a combat zone, okay?
00:12:40So I don't think it was a bad thing that he got out of the U.S. Army, Army National Guard, just before his unit deployed to Iraq. I would never hold that against him, okay?
00:12:55But he served for 24 years, that's admirable, I respect that, okay? And when it comes to J.D. Vance, yeah, he was active duty in the U.S. Marine, 4 years, not 24 years, just 4 years, okay? Just like I did, okay? In the Army
00:13:19And he did deploy to combat zone, Iraq, I think, but he never saw combat either, just like me, okay? Yeah, I deployed to Afghanistan for a year, but never saw combat. But because J.D. Vance and me, we deployed to combat zone, so we are combat veterans, although we never saw combat, okay? Yeah
00:13:42So I think J.D. Vance has been very disrespectful to Governor Tim Walz. He's been too politician, okay? He's been quite dishonorable as a Marine veteran, okay? Yeah.
00:14:00What he says about fellow veterans, who served way longer than he did, 24 years, who outranked him. Yeah, E.A., not Sergeant Major, but just Master Sergeant, still very high ranking, okay?
00:14:30Yeah. Okay, let's say 5 minutes, I need some vocal rest, okay? And then we'll talk about some more politics, okay? Yeah, cheers.
00:14:42Mm-hmm. Okay. 5 minutes, thank you. Yep.
00:15:30Thank you.
00:16:00Thank you.
00:16:30Thank you.
00:17:00Thank you.
00:17:31Thank you.
00:17:32Thank you.
00:17:33Thank you.
00:17:34Thank you.
00:17:35Thank you.
00:17:36Thank you.
00:17:37Thank you.
00:17:38Thank you.
00:17:39Thank you.
00:17:40Thank you.
00:17:41Thank you.
00:17:42Thank you.
00:17:43Thank you.
00:17:44Thank you.
00:17:45Thank you.
00:17:46Thank you.
00:17:47Thank you.
00:17:48Thank you.
00:17:49Thank you.
00:17:50Thank you.
00:17:51Thank you.
00:17:52Thank you.
00:17:53Thank you.
00:17:54Thank you.
00:17:55Thank you.
00:17:56Thank you.
00:17:57Thank you.
00:17:58Thank you.
00:17:59Thank you.
00:18:00Thank you.
00:18:01Thank you.
00:18:02Thank you.
00:18:03Thank you.
00:18:04Thank you.
00:18:05Thank you.
00:18:06Thank you.
00:18:07Thank you.
00:18:08Thank you.
00:18:09Thank you.
00:18:10Thank you.
00:18:11Thank you.
00:18:12Thank you.
00:18:13Thank you.
00:18:14Thank you.
00:18:15Thank you.
00:18:16Thank you.
00:18:17Thank you.
00:18:18Thank you.
00:18:19Thank you.
00:18:20Thank you.
00:18:21Thank you.
00:18:22Thank you.
00:18:23Thank you.
00:18:24Thank you.
00:18:25Thank you.
00:18:26Thank you.
00:18:27Thank you.
00:18:29Let's continue the discussion on American politics.
00:18:36So I mean, Trump, today, Thursday, had a press conference in his home, Mar-a-Lago in Florida.
00:18:58yeah and uh so uh he says that there will be three debates in uh september yeah one in abc
00:19:09one in fox one in nbc yes it's good idea yeah and um so uh trump's people's criticism on uh
00:19:29harris camilla harris is that uh she's avoiding interviews she's avoiding uh
00:19:35comfort press conference and in her campaign website there's no policies
00:19:44so yeah that's legitimate criticism but my guess is this i think they're still
00:19:48in the process of internal discussion to
00:19:51to about their positions camilla harris's positions on those issues policies i think
00:20:00they're undecided yet okay which is understandable because president kendall is quite new it's
00:20:08less than three weeks by now by now so yeah it makes sense that they have been careful about it
00:20:14taking time uh to officially announce their positions on issues like fossil fuel
00:20:22if their position official position about uh southern border wall okay yeah i think there's
00:20:29two discussing and i guess they're not still decided yet okay well i'm right for you as
00:20:35president myself okay so honky lee camilla harris donald trump okay it'd be either if i get elected
00:20:43this year 2024 okay but if not yeah between harris and trump yeah i want harris to win because trump
00:20:49is too extreme i don't want to be deported from america yeah i love america and i love to
00:21:00live in this country america okay and if trump get re-elected korean people may try to deport me
00:21:09again just like they tried in 2017 okay i i don't want to go through that again okay so to me
00:21:20uh it's an existential
00:21:29that donald trump's possible
00:21:34re-election to me is existential threat because i was born in america but trump and his some of his
00:21:42people they say oh yeah being born in america that's not good enough to be american citizen
00:21:49they want to change that and they want to deport people like me
00:21:53but who got citizenship by birth whose parents are foreign nationals okay so to me is existential
00:22:01threat okay that's one of many reasons well there's other reasons trump does it which is
00:22:08criminal he's a liar that's very bad for american morality you know although i agree with him on
00:22:18many policy issues like yeah i'm pro oil and gas i want to build southern border wall i agree with
00:22:24trump on that okay so my suggestion to kamala harris is this they need to change their position
00:22:33they need to embrace even donald trump's idea of building southern border wall because that
00:22:39makes sense okay they also uh need to change their position and they need to uh be more pro
00:22:50fossil fuel okay which is republican party's position they need to embrace that if they want
00:22:58to win this election so that will be my recommendation to kamala harris and his people
00:23:03because i want them to win okay i want to win but if not between trump and harris i want
00:23:09harris to win but trump is just too extreme too disrespectful like jed vance so disrespectful to
00:23:18his uh fellow veteran like uh governor tim waltz who outranks him although they're not in the same
00:23:30branch okay so disrespectful just like trump jed vance yeah mini trump
00:23:37very disrespectful and very dishonorable okay yeah i don't want them to win
00:23:47but don't get me wrong i have a lot of friends
00:23:50who are in republican party they're smart they're great good people okay
00:23:57yeah we are still friends because politics i that's not important in friendship you know
00:24:02no not at all yeah
00:24:08yeah so okay that's pretty much what i have to say
00:24:17dream yeah i remember dream okay like uh
00:24:21i in my dream like uh
00:24:24some lady delivered some musical instruments and i was like well i did not order this but
00:24:32she said oh it's a gift it's free gift yeah musical instruments okay i'll take it
00:24:39well i saw some garage sale sign yeah musicians got musicians guys sell signs i tried to look for
00:24:46a sign so i tried to look for that place but i couldn't okay maybe it's outdated sign i don't know
00:24:54okay god is based on that experience the dream okay yeah based on that experience i guess yeah
00:25:07okay let's take five minutes break and let's get back to mathematics
00:25:15yeah okay
00:25:27oh i went to the gym earlier today during the lunch hour that was nice
00:25:33see yeah i'll tell you something about petrol okay five minutes thank you yeah
00:25:47there we go thank you
00:29:16okay welcome back so my exercise routine is this these days like uh if i go to work in the morning
00:29:25i do push-ups and sit-ups and sometimes some leg exercise and um during the lunch hour i typically
00:29:32run outside because i work in an indoors office okay so during the lunch hour i want to go outdoors
00:29:39so that's why typically i don't go to the gym okay but it rained today okay i sometimes i run
00:29:48when it rains with my umbrella on uh but uh my pants can get wet even with the umbrella
00:29:56and i i don't want that you know uh because i cannot change clothings when i'm doing my lunch
00:30:04hour during the weekends yeah i i can change when i run outside with the umbrella yeah i can
00:30:11change my pants because i'm at home you know uh but yeah so i went to the gym and did some
00:30:16uh back lower back exercises so it feels a lot better now that's great yeah yeah and in the
00:30:24evening yeah at the beginning of the show i do exercise yeah so exercise three times a day
00:30:31each time like uh sometimes five minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes yeah but three times a day
00:30:36just like eating food three times a day same thing exercise very important okay yeah okay
00:30:46let's get back to this
00:30:48i'm gonna start drinking a little bit
00:31:02mapology okay mapping problem methodology mapping methodology okay
00:31:14i would like
00:31:41let me refill this
00:33:06this is a very crooked
00:33:09crooked bottle so i have to be very careful with this one
00:33:27one of my favorite all time oh so good
00:33:33such a clean taste
00:33:38yeah i just taste just a little bit like coffee too okay yeah
00:33:45cheers happy thursday yeah
00:33:54okay now
00:34:04dragon drink
00:34:15let me refill this too
00:34:39so in the radio i listened a little bit uh trump's like speech during the press conference in mar-a-lago
00:34:46florida uh he can't downplay the abortion issue right he says like oh yeah i we give the right
00:34:53back to the people yes now up to the states abortion issue and he's kind of really downplaying
00:35:00it but uh he's something called appointees three of them right gorsuch uh what amy whatever her name
00:35:11is uh amy cooney barrett and um cabana was his first name brett cabana i guess
00:35:23uh gorsuch was his first name
00:35:33i don't know but gorsuch yeah he's not very conservative he sided with the lgbt marriage
00:35:39okay so that was very disappointing okay but whatever and so you guys super
00:35:47conservative supreme court yeah three trump appointees right and they basically got rid of
00:35:55abortion right basically that's what it is okay and it happened under trump and but trump is
00:36:02like i'm downplaying it uh is absolutely disastrous when it comes to abortion okay because
00:36:09conservative states they just wiped out abortion rights okay so now citizens in that
00:36:17those conservative states should go to other states to get uh abortion okay it's one of the
00:36:25worst things that happened during trump other things was very bad things happened during trump
00:36:30yeah julie floyd riots nationwide happened on the trump covid19 lockdown shut down
00:36:39happened under trump okay so when trump was president the nation was not secure at all yeah
00:36:46january 6th happened on the trump people many people died that day okay so
00:36:54america was not secure at all under trump but he pretended
00:37:00it was america was very secure place when he was president no it was the opposite okay under biden
00:37:07nothing as bad as january 6th covid19
00:37:15george floyd riot none of those things happened under biden
00:37:27it's true okay yeah cheers
00:37:43i mean a sexist nation attempt to trump it did happen it's bad a person passed away
00:37:52right there's a month ago right and i agree yeah it was a miracle maybe god protected trump and i'm
00:38:01glad he survived okay yeah that was very very bad but
00:38:08and the police officer footage came out right today i guess in the news
00:38:14uh the two police officers actually uh
00:38:20approached that building where the shooter was and very bravely yeah like yeah do this and step
00:38:28on the foot on two hands and then one officer actually went to that roof and the shooter
00:38:36pointed at him so he came down he had to right yeah and actually that distracted that shooter
00:38:45okay uh it could have contributed to uh missing the target okay so the officer did fantastic job
00:38:53there okay all right uh so i i am i'm very glad that trump survived that day
00:39:05it was a miracle yeah he was he was very close right yeah and also i agree maybe god helped him
00:39:12survive okay because we do not want criminals to decide who will be the next president
00:39:21we don't want that we don't we want law-abiding citizens
00:39:26to decide who will be the next president because it's democracy okay republicans they call it
00:39:32republic but it means the same thing because they want democracy they don't like that term
00:39:37because it sounds like democratic party i want to call it republic because it sounds
00:39:43right yeah it's the same thing okay
00:39:53yeah i mean i like trump i like his sense of humor it's just that i don't want him to be
00:40:01u.s president why there's so many reasons he's criminal and he wants mass deportation and he
00:40:08wants people people like me so to to me we got citizenship by birth whose parents are foreign
00:40:20nationals to trump and his some of his people i'm not american enough they tried to deport me
00:40:292017 i don't want that
00:40:36i don't want mass deportation of illegal immigrants either well i used to support
00:40:41that position but later on i watched some documentary youtube documentaries about
00:40:46illegal immigrants what they've been through and i i changed my mind okay i'm
00:40:51became very sympathetic to them okay
00:41:00also after i suffered the same fate being
00:41:08disclosed or being deported myself under trump 2017
00:41:15how can i stop williams still
00:41:23not me okay
00:41:50but i will return to build southern border wall and build to control the
00:41:55speed of immigration and also legality of immigration too okay yeah
00:42:05okay now let's take five minutes break yeah we can go back to mathematics at some point okay
00:42:10i think but we did a lot yesterday so we are entitled to take some break from mathematics
00:42:18right yeah we're on this right to take a break from mathematics we did a lot yesterday okay
00:42:26time check
00:42:32it's been less than one no okay good by mistake thank you
00:42:40welcome to humanology yeah yeah we do mathematics politics and
00:42:47many other things too yeah fine thank you
00:49:08okay welcome back we are back
00:49:14i guess we're talking about politics
00:49:20and that's fine
00:49:24it's educational so yeah so cool
00:49:29yeah we are more than mathematicians you know okay
00:49:37now let's get back to this where do we left off of um
00:49:44yeah b and k interrelationship okay
00:49:55one two three four five that's b
00:50:03part of b okay now 0 4 8 12 16 that's part of k
00:50:11okay so yeah k is equal to 4 times b minus 1
00:50:40next one 3 5 7 9 11 that came from
00:51:06now let's look at k
00:51:15in that case
00:51:22uh b is equal to k okay
00:51:24yeah well it depends on the indexing of k but uh
00:51:41not not exactly yeah i take that back
00:51:48yeah so
00:51:51cheers yep
00:52:03okay b yeah 3 5 7 9 11
00:52:10now corresponding k would be
00:53:05the fourth number each pair okay yeah 2 6
00:53:1918 and let's call this u and this came from k okay
00:53:32so we have g number and it came from b and u number they came from k okay
00:54:01so we are mapping
00:54:05like 2 6 10 14 18 to 3 5 7 9 11 okay so 2 6 10 14 18 is like a differential of 4
00:54:19okay 3 5 7 9 11 the differential of 2 okay yeah okay okay good good good
00:54:31that it will be easy
00:54:34to make mapping to find function that interrelate these two sequences okay oh that's easy okay
00:54:44cheers yeah
00:55:04let's introduce an index i
00:55:18let's put i right here
00:55:27one two three four five
00:55:56give me one second um never mind
00:56:14uh here actually we have to re-express this let's not abuse the notation here
00:56:21okay so uh
00:56:26k this one like s right yeah
00:56:32but we got it yeah s is yeah p minus one whatever okay it's good for now now
00:56:55g is equal to
00:57:00a cube q is equal to
00:57:05five plus one
00:57:14u is equal to
00:57:15four i minus two okay
00:57:46q is equal to
00:57:49two times i which is
00:57:55u plus two divided by four
00:58:02which is u plus two divided by two okay
00:58:07here okay we're getting a little by okay yeah plus one which is equal to
00:58:17u divided by two plus two okay yeah algebra
00:58:25u divided by two plus two okay yeah algebra
00:58:49yeah seven plus two nine um nine plus two eleven okay so we got formula for that good
00:58:56yeah mapping problem it's not a difficult problem okay yeah methodology mapping methodology okay
00:59:02it's it's algebra okay
00:59:07quite elementary algebra okay yeah very good
00:59:41uh time to real quick
00:59:49it's been one hour okay good but let me find this bread please thank you
00:59:54yeah making very solid progress here yeah
01:00:11yeah five minutes break please thank you
01:00:24there we go
01:04:16okay so uh
01:04:22i'm not quite sure right now i mean should we just go to inside live or
01:04:27continue this or just a little bit more i'm kind of debating okay so
01:04:32uh because i don't know overall work you know something i don't do well sometimes i have to
01:04:40right but uh
01:04:47i think we did not enough for tonight okay yeah let's go to inside i'm not okay
01:04:52okay i don't want to overdo mathematics okay so yeah let's have some fun okay yeah
01:05:03but one thing though uh before we go to inside i'm live
01:05:10yeah i mean if you're in college yeah google is full okay so i disproved albert einstein's
01:05:14special general relativity theories but i did learn it yeah modern physics as part of my physics
01:05:22class in the third semester physics class okay i got an a rule yeah physics one two three okay
01:05:30three semesters also physics maxwell's country university okay yeah i did learn albert
01:05:35einstein special general relativity theories in college undergrad okay and i got an a okay i did
01:05:41my homework okay that's fine okay but later on after i graduated i disproved albert einstein's
01:05:48special and general relativity theories on my own outside of school okay okay but if you're in school
01:05:54yeah you're studying although it's wrong theories albert einstein special relativity theories it's
01:06:01okay to study it and get an a okay but after you graduate then yeah you can um explore
01:06:11different possibilities okay but when you're when you're in school
01:06:14get an a and study do the homework okay it's all right i i got an a
01:06:21modern physics although yeah i just study albert einstein special general relativity theories
01:06:26okay it was required i was constant measure but we were required to take
01:06:32three semesters of physics and i got all a's including yeah part of modern physics class yeah
01:06:40special general relativity i just studied i got an a okay it's okay
01:06:47but later on after i graduated yeah i disproved them okay
01:06:51yeah no problem okay so do good in school although the theory may be wrong it's okay still
01:07:05okay yeah it's flexible okay
01:07:36oh mental or self-assured
01:07:50good enough
01:08:03yeah we will let them on our left good enough yeah
01:08:16hello friends yeah welcome to
01:08:20humanology examination yeah welcome good evening yeah
01:08:28yeah happy thursday
01:08:35cheers yeah
01:08:39good evening welcome yeah
01:08:46oh chaga vodka so good you're not doing us yeah welcome welcome yeah good evening
01:08:51yeah if you internal works sure yeah
01:09:08yeah welcome yeah
01:09:25yeah thank you thank you yeah
01:09:36nice yeah yeah thank you don't do drugs stay in school yeah yeah right right yeah yeah
01:09:46you're right yep you're right
01:09:54bye yeah thank you yeah i was a friend friends i think they're in some kind of concert venue
01:10:01the music fantastic yeah thank you for sharing yeah nice nice yeah thank you
01:10:09for sharing yeah great concert venue nice very cool yeah welcome good evening
01:10:19cheers yeah
01:10:31welcome yeah
01:10:38uh this chaga vodka chaga mushroom in alaska yeah i put vodka in there yeah so chaga vodka
01:10:47cheers yeah
01:10:51it's very healthy yeah very medicinal
01:10:57oh yeah thank you yeah let me put some more
01:11:07this is chaga mushroom that grow on a birch tree it's shaft tree you know conch yeah
01:11:23yeah yeah
01:11:43there we go
01:12:05thank you thank you yeah mathematics sure yeah we do like uh basic coefficient
01:12:12euclidean algorithm chinese remainder theorem like uh in number theory mathematics yeah like uh
01:12:27the mapping problem and
01:12:31oh yeah making good progress there yeah thank you
01:12:36mm-hmm yeah so it's fun yeah
01:12:55thank you yeah probably i'm the only mathematician in the world
01:13:00who do mathematics when i'm like drinking vodka i don't know about any other mathematicians
01:13:06who do mathematics like drinking alcohol i i do it helps it relaxes me you know
01:13:14yeah cheers yeah
01:13:30yeah thank you
01:13:33yeah so mathematics is like a foreign language right it's very exotic
01:13:39it's not something we see every day in the news it's kind of escapist hobby
01:13:49yeah so quite therapeutic
01:13:53mathematics is a therapy
01:14:08it's brand new concept welcome to humanology okay
01:14:11yeah we do a lot of things differently like brand new creativity right
01:14:15that's what we heavily emphasize in human knowledge okay
01:14:18creativity originality okay yeah create something brand new discover something
01:14:26brand new right originality welcome friends good evening cheers
01:14:39yeah so
01:14:41welcome friends yeah let's take five minutes break i need some vocal rest okay yeah
01:14:45every five minutes of talking yeah five minutes vocal rest okay yeah thank you five minutes
01:14:52break please thank you welcome future leaders mighty proud five minutes break please thank you
01:15:00mighty proud
01:15:03five minutes break please thank you
01:15:11very cool
01:19:16okay welcome back friends
01:19:22yeah welcome good evening welcome to humanology yeah
01:19:26okay oh yeah good times huh yeah
01:19:32welcome yeah and uh yeah i thank you friends the future leaders and also i thank
01:19:44google youtube i thank daily motion daily motion i learned their best in france okay
01:19:51so uh they allow me to upload videos okay so uh they're kind of uh
01:19:59believe in my content and invest in me my content i'm very grateful very grateful to google to
01:20:09uh daily motion and also you friends the future leaders okay yeah thank you for investing your
01:20:16time with me okay and um thank you yeah
01:20:26i'm very grateful yeah thank you
01:20:31cheers to future leaders yep uh mighty proud yeah
01:20:35yeah you save the world okay oh yeah we love peace and um knowledge all right yeah
01:20:54oh yeah oh yeah the debate between trump and kamala yeah i think it will happen because uh
01:21:00earlier today uh mr trump had press conference in mar-a-lago florida right uh he saw there's three
01:21:08different debates in september abc fox nbc right yeah i think that's good idea
01:21:20well i look forward to their debates yeah
01:21:24oh yeah very interesting to watch it cheers yeah
01:21:33of course i'm running for u.s president too but uh i appreciate other candidates
01:21:39okay i'm very respectful okay yeah yeah
01:21:54yeah politics very entertaining right yeah it's fun to talk about fun to watch right yeah
01:22:01yeah but hypothetically
01:22:09okay i'm not that famous all right that's why i'm not invited to those debates
01:22:14as president of canada okay yeah but hypothetically
01:22:23yeah sure sure hypothetically if i'm invited to debate with trump or kamala right uh
01:22:33then i will win the election because it will be too obvious to american voters that
01:22:43i'm just smarter than both of them combined
01:22:48okay so because i'm a humanologist i have a superior knowledge
01:22:58to trump or harris right so it will not be a fair debate
01:23:12if you like a debate between two monkeys and one human being or if i flatter myself
01:23:24it will debate between two human beings and one demigod
01:23:35angel right because my knowledge compared to harris or trump my knowledge is like a
01:23:44different dimension right so it will not be a fair debate at all
01:23:54okay so i guess that's why god is preventing me from debating
01:24:02trump or harris because it will not be a fair debate at all
01:24:09what is my iq
01:24:12oh you want me to unblock your friend yeah send me a private message direct message in instagram
01:24:19okay and then i might unblock your friend okay yeah just send me a message that i look at your
01:24:28friend's profile and i might decide to unblock your friend okay what yeah what is my iq uh
01:24:37intelligence coefficient uh the last time i took it when i was in south korea high school
01:24:43back in 1980 1990s something 145 something like that
01:24:50140 something okay but nowadays if i take iq test uh it may be more than that okay so i don't know
01:25:03cheers yeah
01:25:05cheers yeah
01:25:24but what i mean by intelligence would be like knowledge okay knowledge about economics
01:25:30mathematics science and history foreign languages knowledge about foreign cultures
01:25:41other religions
01:25:51also martial arts dancing acting writing
01:26:00running and cooking
01:26:06right yeah
01:26:10dancing okay yeah singing those kind of knowledge that's what i'm talking about
01:26:16yeah taekwondo yeah very cool yeah
01:26:21yeah so
01:26:21uh i think kamala harris is a better dancer than donald trump okay
01:26:32yeah i saw them dance yeah trump and harris i think harris is better than trump okay yeah
01:26:40but am i better than dancer than harris uh yeah i think i am better than spen
01:26:56wake up dancing honky lee kamala harris donald trump okay wake up dancing
01:27:08yeah kamala harris like a half jamaican half indian okay so uh so she's like blazian right
01:27:18half asian half african right yeah that's cool she's beautiful and i love her smile i love her
01:27:28laughter hostile fashionable very fashionable she's beautiful lady yeah oh yeah very positive
01:27:39bright sunshiny smile and laughter
01:27:46one yeah
01:27:54so how can i very uh optimistic and positive yeah
01:28:00oh okay okay yeah i i understand that yeah yeah i do okay
01:28:13i respect that okay now let's say five minutes break my voice is sharp okay i need some vocal
01:28:18rest i'm 46 i'm getting there i'm aging okay i need some vocal rest okay five five minutes
01:28:29yeah mighty proud yeah future leaders thank you five minutes okay thank you
01:28:34thank you okay time check real quick i think we have like 30 minutes left
01:28:43just about okay five minutes thank you okay five minutes thank you
01:28:49very cool my proud yeah future leaders fantastic
01:31:41yeah so okay raise your head to your uh camera Harris uh
01:31:59oh yeah camera Harris okay okay yeah
01:32:02uh Megan the Italian for the rally yeah that's interesting choice okay
01:32:10so uh i i guess uh maybe it's better to characterize uh me camera Harris's right
01:32:17ethnic heritage background as a black young black indian half black half indian okay because
01:32:25india uh the south asia but when it comes to asia we mostly talk about people like me like
01:32:33china korea japan taiwan right yeah because india they are not like us the south india they're more
01:32:42like uh western like middle east okay that's india okay uh they're quite westernized people
01:32:54india is okay uh so they're like they're south asia but they're not like asia asia indians uh
01:33:04they're more like middle eastern special features i know right yeah so yeah maybe
01:33:11would be better term to describe uh camera Harris ethnic heritage okay you want to be correct
01:33:22okay yeah yeah but she's cool yeah very beautiful lady cheers
01:33:35yeah so
01:33:57yeah so yeah Megan the stallion yeah like a african american female
01:34:03rapper recording artist hip-hop artist i i respect her welcome yeah good evening yeah
01:34:15more like hip-hop right yeah that's very interesting choice actually okay
01:34:19yeah i love hip-hop okay african-american tradition huge fan well cheers
01:34:40yeah so
01:34:49so some female in the news some female comedian
01:35:04i guess she's based in maybe hollywood lawson's california
01:35:07i guess uh yeah in tiktok she kind of impersonated camera Harris's laughter right
01:35:14i i saw that footage okay yeah and that was very and she's like professional comedian so yeah
01:35:22she didn't very well well yeah so impression of camera Harris yeah she she treated very well
01:35:30i watched it okay that's cool it was funny cheers yeah
01:36:10oh yeah
01:36:13so in my past i was invited to debates because i've been in politics for uh how many years uh
01:36:29about six years okay yeah i ran for alaska state senate i ran for united state senate
01:36:38in alaska and now i'm running for u.s president okay so yeah i've been to debates
01:36:46with our fellow candidates in alaska and we were very nice to each other okay because
01:36:53alaska is very close in the community we don't have that many people here okay
01:36:57it's almost like everybody know everybody so yeah we are competing against each other but
01:37:05still we are friends neighbors fellow alaskans right so we are very nice to each other during
01:37:11the debates okay yeah
01:37:24it's still
01:37:27friendly debates right because we are so nice to each other
01:37:31maybe it would not be as entertaining as
01:37:37more hostile debates between biden and trump
01:37:43jonathan kennedy and richard nixon ronald reagan and whoever and
01:37:53also like
01:37:54like trump and hillary clinton
01:38:05more national level debates right between
01:38:10bill clinton and george hw bush senior right yeah more hostile right
01:38:24which can be more entertaining to watch because they can mean to each other right
01:38:34uh but when i was on the debate stage sometimes zoom meeting yeah debate by zoom right sometimes
01:38:42in person okay uh several years ago in alaska okay we're very nice to each other so maybe it's
01:38:50not as entertaining as
01:38:53more national states where they're very hostile to each other okay so but still
01:39:11i'm a nice guy okay i mean like i love everybody and but even in a very friendly debate
01:39:29it can be still entertaining entertaining when i'm there why because i'm a comedian myself
01:39:37i'm a writer actor okay performer entertainer so without being hostility without hostility
01:39:49i can still be very entertaining as a friendly debater on stage and this how it was
01:39:59the debates i've been to okay yeah they were entertained although i was very friendly
01:40:16yeah welcome to humanology cheers yeah
01:40:25as a writer okay i don't really yeah welcome friends welcome yeah welcome good evening
01:40:35okay thank you for joining us future leaders yeah
01:40:43oh teacher great profession very important yeah very proud of you yeah absolutely
01:40:52um yeah i i admire teachers okay educators right yeah it's one of the most important
01:41:05job in the world to educate future generations right yeah
01:41:13my favorite cartoon yeah i like dragon ball z
01:41:19uh mickey mouse down dollar dog
01:41:30lulu tunes
01:41:40now uh can we take five minutes break please because i need some vocal rest i'm 46 okay
01:41:47yeah welcome friends yeah future leaders thank you yeah five minutes break please
01:41:55future leaders yeah very proud of you yeah thank you for joining us yeah
01:42:02okay five minutes break thank you
01:42:06very cool thank you future leaders very proud fantastic okay we have like a
01:42:15about 15 minutes left okay okay five minutes break thank you
01:42:20very cool yeah mighty proud future leaders yeah amazing thank you yeah
01:45:24thank you
01:45:45welcome back we are back and uh
01:45:51yeah good evening welcome and uh
01:45:58let's pour some this like artists punk artist mushroom okay it's like a chef mushroom okay
01:46:06from alaska okay so it's edible okay so uh let me pour this and yeah okay
01:46:21and let's go to this question right yeah uh
01:46:26yeah so welcome friends yeah welcome yeah good evening
01:46:37cheers yeah future leaders mighty proud yeah you saved the world we love
01:46:43peace and knowledge okay so my proud oh yeah
01:46:59so uh
01:47:05we are talking about something right i forgot okay um
01:47:24remember the discussion topic
01:47:35welcome yeah
01:47:39yeah good evening
01:47:56welcome yeah so
01:48:01yeah i came out harris donald trump the intelligence level knowledge level
01:48:08uh it's like uh they're very like when it comes to knowledge kamala harris and donald trump
01:48:15maybe a hundred pounds person okay uh honkey list intelligence knowledge level
01:48:22knowledge level
01:48:261 000 pounds okay so it's not a fair fight it's not fair debate okay
01:48:32okay i think that's what god is preventing me from debating them because you would not be a
01:48:38fair debate okay so i have a higher intelligence different dimension okay so yeah that's fine
01:48:47because i'm like futuristic i'm like future boy like back to the future movie right
01:48:52yeah so i'm like maybe a century ahead of humanity okay yeah so
01:49:08yeah what else
01:49:36oh debate alaska yeah sure yeah so i mean in hollywood
01:49:45uh hollywood movies tv shows right they use like violence
01:49:52and s-e-x i'm not allowed to pronounce that word okay like
01:49:59basically reproductive activity right violence and s-e-x okay there's a theme in hollywood movies
01:50:06tv shows okay uh i'm not in hollywood i used to be okay but i'm in alaska america
01:50:15okay so when i write my novels as a writer fictionalist short story i don't use any
01:50:26violence or s-e-x like reproductive activity adult stuff okay i don't use any of that
01:50:34but i still manage to entertain people why because i'm a higher dimension superior
01:50:42writer novelist fictionalist okay yeah i don't need to use any of that stuff like
01:50:51stephen king right hollywood writer okay yeah i like some of his novels movies okay
01:50:59steven king right too much violence though
01:51:05take a low level old school writers okay a lot of violence crimes or s-e-x whatever okay
01:51:15i don't need that i don't need violence i don't need s-e-x when i write novels and i can still
01:51:23entertain people because i'm next generation futuristic next evolved stage higher level
01:51:31of writer fictionalist novelist okay i don't need all that stuff like violence s-e-x
01:51:41when i write novels but i can still entertain people okay clean novel without violence without
01:51:50s-e-x but still very entertaining okay as a politician yeah i will not be disrespectful
01:51:59no personal attack to other candidates thank you friends yeah welcome yeah thank you for your
01:52:05support thank you future leaders thank you yeah so yeah that's the point i was trying to make okay
01:52:17cheers friends yeah very proud future leaders yeah thank you
01:52:27thank you yeah
01:52:28yeah so back in the days in hollywood even today too much violence too much s-e-x
01:52:40adult entertainment content right but when i write novels more futuristic okay i don't need violence
01:52:47i don't need crimes like stephen king too much crime too much violence okay as a futuristic
01:52:56next level writer i don't need violence i don't need crimes okay but i can still entertain people
01:53:08okay that's what i do in my right right as a writer my novels your stories okay
01:53:15okay yeah just clean moral ethical
01:53:20but still entertaining okay yeah
01:53:34uh welcome to reproduction uh yeah kind of like very nuanced very subtle indirect
01:53:43kind of roundabout okay yeah circumlocution okay a little bit hinted a little bit okay because i'm
01:53:51an adult right but very subtle right very nuanced indirect implicit implied allegorical
01:54:04analogical like uh metaphorical even sometimes philosophical okay
01:54:13more higher dimension right yeah welcome to human logic okay yeah okay yeah cheers
01:54:22yeah now uh my voice is child okay i'm 46 years old yeah i did some vocal rest okay
01:54:34my submission yeah let's make transition to fast food live where we passively watch
01:54:41as audience uh some youtube videos it could be documentaries movie clips or tv show clips or
01:54:50whatever okay yeah okay yeah friends mighty proud of you be the leaders of the future okay
01:55:00as this person musician dancer artist athlete sports person or
01:55:09philosopher historian educator politician
01:55:14engineer scientist okay oh yeah go for it yeah
01:55:25filmmaker actresses actors models right yeah photographers content creators
01:55:35oh yeah you are hugely successful okay yeah mighty proud of you future leaders okay yeah
01:55:43yeah maybe we'll see you see you in a facebook live or we'll see you tomorrow
01:55:49okay thank you happy thursday thank you yeah mighty proud future leaders amazing
01:56:13okay very cool
01:56:17yeah so our wonderful friends in daily motion yeah uh maybe see each other in the facebook live or
01:56:24maybe see each other tomorrow yeah we get back to mathematics right there okay sure that's for sure
01:56:33okay yeah thank you future leaders mighty proud yeah