humanology 2074 .

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Hello friends. Welcome to Humanology 2074.
00:00:09Sorry about bad hair day. I don't know.
00:00:13Well, I'm losing my hair anyway.
00:00:16Yeah. Okay, martial arts.
00:00:22Let's do jump, side hook, side swing.
00:00:33Okay. Let's try this together.
00:00:46Okay. Yeah, there you go.
00:00:49Five respect please. Thank you.
00:06:35Welcome friends. Welcome to Humanology.
00:06:42So, let's get back to mathematics.
00:06:45But before that, well, let's just grab whiteboard and yeah.
00:07:19I mean, the side swing, let's do it without jumping, okay?
00:07:26Typically, it's not combined with jumping, but try something new, you know?
00:07:35One more time.
00:07:40Okay. I'm not very good at it.
00:07:47This whiteboard is heavy.
00:07:50Okay, now let's change the eraser.
00:08:06Oh, it erases very. This is relatively new whiteboard.
00:08:18Oh, wake up, wake up.
00:08:25It gets more and more challenging as I lose more and more hair.
00:08:32So, we erase this.
00:08:35It's like a geometric group theory, which is very cool.
00:08:38But, yeah, we are not doing group theory these days.
00:08:42We're doing maybe later, okay?
00:08:54So, Mr. Trump went to African-American journalist convention and had some interview there.
00:09:02That was interesting to watch, yeah.
00:09:06Just his reaction, okay?
00:09:09Kind of debate-like.
00:09:13But first 10 minutes was interesting.
00:09:16After that, yeah, it's just same old, same old.
00:09:19Same truth, same thing, you know?
00:09:23But, yes, there are things I agree with him, like his pro-fossil fuel.
00:09:26I agree with that.
00:09:28Okay, yeah.
00:09:31Other than that, I don't really have that much to agree with him.
00:09:59Now, our hypothesis is different in mathematics.
00:10:05Copy from over there.
00:10:12A, rho, B.
00:10:20Let's say mB, multiple of B, okay?
00:10:24Rho B is equal to A rho B.
00:10:34It's a hypothesis.
00:10:38Let's make some examples, okay?
00:10:47I'm going to drink some.
00:10:49Cheers, happy Wednesday.
00:10:59Let's say B is 3, m is 2.
00:11:16We have a couple of examples, okay?
00:11:18So let's say 20, rho.
00:11:29m is 2, B is 3, okay?
00:11:31Rho 6.
00:11:34Rho 3.
00:11:39Is equal to 2 rho 6, rho 3.
00:11:502 rho 3, which is 2.
00:11:56Now, is this same as 20 rho 3?
00:12:07If this is true, then it will be a generalised contraction theorem, okay?
00:12:12In row algebra, okay?
00:12:15It is 2.
00:12:22Okay, let's make another example.
00:12:2517 rho 6, rho 3.
00:12:355 rho 3.
00:12:472, right?
00:12:50Now, is this equal to 17 rho 3, which is 2?
00:13:01It's something I noticed as we were doing the...
00:13:08We are in the realm of like basic coefficient, greatest common divisor,
00:13:11Chinese Riemann number theorem, right?
00:13:14As we studied that independently, okay?
00:13:17Yeah, we noticed some pattern sometimes.
00:13:20So when we see that, we take advantage of that potential discovery
00:13:27and we go for it and we just prove this theorem, you know?
00:13:31Yeah, yeah.
00:13:32Row algebra, right?
00:13:51Is it true, let's say, A rho C rho B,
00:14:01is it equal to
00:14:04A rho B rho
00:14:15C rho B, is this rho distributed against upon rho?
00:14:27If that is true, then let's plug it in.
00:14:33A rho B
00:14:39Mb rho B
00:14:44When Mb rho B, that's zero.
00:14:55And you cannot devise things with zero.
00:15:00Unless when, like, infinite algebra, okay?
00:15:04Yeah, algebra infinity, yeah.
00:15:06I wrote an article and published about it, okay?
00:15:09So, but we are not doing that.
00:15:11Infinite algebra, we are not doing that.
00:15:13We are doing number theory, okay?
00:15:14So it's not that fancy here, okay?
00:15:17So, yeah, so I guess that's not the right way to do it.
00:15:27Yeah, so I don't think this is true, okay?
00:15:29So, okay.
00:15:30And it seems to be true.
00:15:33Then let's prove it.
00:15:35Or disprove it, okay?
00:15:37But it seems to be true, okay?
00:16:01A rho B is equal to
00:16:06Okay, the Euclidean algebra, okay?
00:16:11So, A is equal to
00:16:18We are dividing by B, right?
00:16:22Euclidean division, by definition.
00:16:25B times
00:16:32B is a divisor.
00:16:34And when A is divided by B,
00:16:38we have quotient plus
00:16:44That's Euclidean division by definition, okay?
00:16:54A rho B is equal to
00:16:58A minus B times AQB.
00:17:04Okay, yeah.
00:17:07Cheers, yeah.
00:17:14Given this, we may be able to prove this.
00:17:17If you want to, go for it, okay?
00:17:20Yeah, let's take five minutes break, okay?
00:17:22Thank you.
00:17:24Yeah, math is fun, yeah.
00:17:28Okay, five minutes, thank you.
00:17:43I think we will be able to prove this using this, I think.
00:17:49Okay, five minutes, thank you.
00:21:55so this climate change theory is just mainstream. I think it's a theory
00:22:05motivated not by science but by politics in my opinion okay so yeah
00:22:29okay let's plug it in
00:22:39let's have some fun
00:22:56okay we have
00:23:00plug it in okay yeah
00:23:10mb times
00:23:23rho b okay now in uh okay
00:23:35okay it's been a long time okay so
00:23:41is a times b
00:23:46rho c is this is it equal to like a rho c times b rho c
00:23:55rho c I think so again it's distributed below it's been a long time
00:24:11for example
00:24:22three five seven okay
00:24:59it is
00:25:02I think it works okay yeah but the proof of this yeah it's modular
00:25:07arithmetic it's wikipedia okay so yeah it's all there so we don't have to
00:25:11duplicate it okay so yeah
00:25:29what kind of alcohol should I be drinking
00:25:34I'll just drink some whiskey okay yeah
00:25:42I think it's too strong uh but whatever
00:25:48I can't think of anything else so I think slowly
00:26:02I think we got it yeah I think we proved it okay yeah
00:26:17this is
00:26:21distributed below a rho b minus mb rho b that's zero
00:26:31zero times yeah aq mb rho b we don't care what that is because it
00:26:37comes there okay yeah rho b which is a rho b rho b yeah a rho b okay
00:26:45yeah qd
00:26:50okay end of proof that's the demonstration that's the proof okay yeah
00:26:56we got it good
00:27:01nice cheers yeah
00:27:05so generalized contraction theorem okay yeah we proved it
00:27:15let's put circle here
00:27:18okay here x true false good
00:27:25oh yeah
00:27:32going back
00:27:57let's go to the previous whiteboard
00:28:21yeah moving on this room is like dancing a little bit
00:28:26little things in life
00:28:40yeah rule 4 rule 2 yeah you can contract it yeah sure
00:29:15now what
00:29:44um well
00:29:48you can simplify this right
00:30:00this is same as like a contraction theorem okay
00:30:06k rho 2 okay that's what this is okay so
00:30:29this seems to be a simpler formula than this okay yeah it is simpler so we'll
00:30:37just use this one okay we try to simplify this further but it became
00:30:44slightly more complicated okay but not by much though
00:31:02just pretty same yeah these are different terms from formula 1 and formula 2
00:31:10okay here we have just k plus 1 here we have k and you have one row one row so
00:31:18yeah they are pretty much same in terms of
00:31:25complexity okay yeah okay okay well let's not try this out
00:31:37because we discovered generalized contraction theorem and we proved it okay
00:31:44so it was worthwhile on adventure okay yeah we found something okay yeah nice
00:31:49that's good great
00:31:54all right let's say fine is broken thank you
00:32:10there we go okay
00:32:15all right
00:36:52so this generalized contraction theorem in row algebra it may be already in the
00:36:58inexistent maybe somebody discovered it already I don't know and I don't care to
00:37:03be honest okay I'm not gonna bother checking okay yeah all right yeah well
00:37:10it could be brand new discovery or rediscovery I don't care okay we gotta
00:37:16keep moving okay so yeah now what
00:37:28we gotta get back to our previous whiteboard here
00:37:34yeah I think it's this one
00:37:43whiteboard acrobatics yeah
00:37:48quite a workout oh
00:37:52this was heavy that wasn't quite live but
00:38:02okay now let's have a reference let's have a paralysis a little bit okay so like
00:38:08between Harris and Trump I mean I mean when it comes to fossil fuel yeah I
00:38:14agree with Trump when it comes to border wall well Trump is too well I agree with
00:38:20Trump that we need to put some of the wall but he's gonna do he pressed the
00:38:25mass deportation of illegal immigrants I think that's too inhumane and I so waste
00:38:30and also illegal immigrants are their great asset we can give them jobs and
00:38:37they can be great asset to our American economy because they are both ready to
00:38:41work that's why they came here okay 99% of them 1% of them yeah so much heavy
00:38:47okay tell me put them in jail if they come a crime okay sure okay but yeah
00:38:5399.9% of them are good people and I want to give them jobs why they're great
00:39:00asset to American economy okay they won't work okay how about American jobs
00:39:07you could create some more jobs no problem that's why I'm running for US
00:39:10president okay yeah I will do solutions okay
00:39:16when it comes to entertainment value yeah Trump is funny but Kamala Harris
00:39:20she's funny too she knows how to make jokes okay she has great sense of humor
00:39:25okay and but when it comes to morality Kamala Harris she's good person
00:39:32Trump is villain that's why it's so funny okay he's like a immoral illegal
00:39:39okay so they're both funny Harris she's moral
00:39:46Trump immoral so the choice is clear to me okay when it comes to a fossil fuel
00:39:53yeah I agree with Trump yeah I love oil and gas but American economy is doing
00:39:58just fine okay so to me yeah Trump is just too immoral
00:40:06even if Kamala Harris is hypothetical even if she's not as fun as Trump well
00:40:15and morality is more important than entertainment okay so okay between the
00:40:21two but of course I'm better than both of them because I am funny I'm
00:40:28entertainer and I'm moral I'm good person and also I'm knowledgeable
00:40:34okay Trump Harris they do not know anything about science Trump
00:40:42he kind of know just a little bit of economics just a little bit Harris
00:40:47yes history comments but she's against fossil fuel and that's very bad because
00:40:53she's bound by her democratic politics okay yeah but I'm just superior candidate
00:41:00it's just that I'm unknown to Americans
00:41:09I'm not celebrity okay yeah I'm just smart guy
00:41:17very few people in America know who I am okay so that's fine okay we should wait
00:41:25by our time okay yeah cheers
00:41:32how about VP VP candidate yeah I don't have any VP candidate running with me
00:41:39okay because one F type because hypothetical F type become US president
00:41:43then I will be like one month internship VP internship okay yeah and
00:41:48then leadership training okay how about what if I die you probably won't be the
00:41:56my VP intern will be the next president it will be who the third person is like
00:42:02a speaker of a house or something sure because it has to be elected person
00:42:10in case I die during presidency okay yeah it has to be elected person so yeah
00:42:15number three person the speaker of a house maybe sure I'm okay with that
00:42:21no problem
00:42:31but I'm not worried I have no enemies I love everybody everybody loves me okay so
00:42:37although they may disagree with me I don't think anybody want to kill me I
00:42:42don't think even if I'm president okay because I'm a likeable guy okay
00:42:50I don't know anyway okay because I love everybody
00:43:04I guess our next step would be find some interrelationship between index K and
00:43:12index N because we want to express BN sequence in terms of N okay yeah okay
00:43:26so interrelationship between N and K okay
00:43:33we're gonna need another whiteboard okay so
00:43:39time check real quick
00:43:43but I do not expect it to be too too difficult problem because we became very
00:43:49good at this if you study a lot on this it's been less than one hour okay so okay
00:43:57let's just look at it
00:44:15well let's take five minutes break and I grab new whiteboard and then we just copy over N
00:44:23sequence and K sequence okay then come up with a formula that connects the two
00:44:30sets okay yeah it's making problem yeah very cool yeah five minutes thank you
00:44:37it's fun
00:44:45okay thank you
00:48:34okay so well let's take a breath okay
00:48:41it's all about politics
00:48:45this the season they talk about bedding a lot right so bedding process do you know
00:48:55what it means I'm sure you do by now if not let me explain to you okay welcome
00:49:02to Humanology okay so it's like this bedding is like filtering like examining
00:49:08okay evaluation that's all it is like in a job market okay employer postal job and
00:49:17they say there are ten candidates several applicants okay and then let's say the
00:49:23hundred candidates for one job okay and then yeah submit your resume cover letter
00:49:30cover letter right and then go through employer go through them higher hiring personnel and
00:49:41select ten people to interview okay okay and out of ten interviews yeah that's
00:49:50like one person after evaluation resume and then in-person interaction it could
00:49:57be zoom interview right and then yeah so resume yeah basically they're looking at
00:50:06qualification are you educated enough to take this job right okay then ten people
00:50:14yeah qualified for this job education experience okay after that during the interview process
00:50:26they look at the personality of this person communication skill okay yeah so
00:50:32there's jobs at the employment market bedding evaluation filtering okay yeah
00:50:38Cheers welcome to Humanology
00:50:43in politics bedding is like this media play a very huge role in bedding over
00:50:51political candidate let's say there are ten candidates running for Republican
00:50:57primary okay and journalists they basically pick up the darts of these ten
00:51:07candidates look at their record public record available criminal record or past
00:51:15interviews what they said what articles books that they have written yeah
00:51:22journalists very play a very big role in American democracy these days it is
00:51:28great that journalists they're good at their job okay yeah I appreciate the
00:51:34journalists okay yeah they play a huge role in American democracy okay I
00:51:39appreciate investigative journalists that good at it okay yeah
00:51:48so and then general same journalists interview this candidate you know news
00:51:53channel radio post whatever okay okay so candidate XY and Z yeah you wrote this
00:52:03or you tweeted this in social media do you still have the same opinion now but
00:52:11because that was like five years ago and then this candidate explains yeah well
00:52:17my view has changed my view has evolved I do not believe in that anymore anymore
00:52:22or they may say candidate may say well yeah I still believe in the same view
00:52:29like five years ago and let but let me explain why say all that view on this
00:52:36particular issue it could be LGBT issue immigration economy whatever abortion
00:52:44okay well maybe so that's the bedding process in politics with journalists
00:52:57okay so mr. JD Vance yeah he's going through bedding process national level
00:53:05now before that when he was candidate for US Senate it was Ted level very
00:53:12process now that he's running for vice president this federal level national
00:53:17level okay he's going through a very perfect process right now okay like
00:53:22things that he said years ago why don't you explain this to me huh yeah that's
00:53:32fair questions okay yeah it is Kamala Harris running for president he's she's
00:53:38going through bedding process to these days okay yeah so it's working pretty
00:53:46well American democracy okay so yeah it's not perfect but it's I think it's
00:53:54working pretty well yeah
00:54:07and President Biden suggested like term limit for Supreme Court justices and I
00:54:14think this is an idea okay I mean they say like you know Supreme Court justice
00:54:19like serving lifetime in order to be more politically independent but that
00:54:24was the original intention but passed by framers the Constitution writers okay
00:54:30but I guess it's not working okay they're very politically dependent they
00:54:38want to do Trump appointee Supreme Court justices they're returning the favor
00:54:44they're Republicans conservatives maybe Christians too okay so they are appointed
00:54:50by Trump so they owe him so they're returning the favor like official act
00:54:55then president immunity I don't think that's a good idea okay so I think it's
00:55:02I think it's very biased and very politically dependent okay so it's not
00:55:06working okay yes so President Biden's idea yeah term limit yeah you cannot serve
00:55:13lifetime in Supreme Court no maybe yourself for like five years I think
00:55:21that's a sound idea
00:55:25okay but in my opinion I think Supreme Court justices should not be appointed
00:55:33by president I think something goes just this should be elected by the voters in
00:55:40my opinion okay it's just like president congressman congressperson or senator
00:55:46I think I think that would be better okay how many years well let the Congress decide
00:55:54okay maybe five years ten years I don't
00:56:10good nowadays like US Supreme Court there's lack of accountability like
00:56:15Supreme Court justice Thomas Clarence he takes two bribes and now that's
00:56:21illegal but he's above the law just like President Trump okay that's wrong
00:56:31that's illegal bribery
00:56:36you they're getting away with it with their powerful just injustice okay yeah
00:56:47but they'll do better they get better evolution okay it will happen okay yeah
00:56:54it's not perfect now but you get better yes I'm optimistic okay now let me find
00:56:59a spare okay thank you I grab whiteboard and copy down just two indices n and k
00:57:06and then we'll find formula to interrelate those two indices two sides
00:57:13okay sure five minutes thank you yep
00:57:18you can't miss nice mixture between politics and mathematics right yeah
00:57:22welcome to human knowledge school okay nobody else can do this what kind of
00:57:28class talks about mathematics and politics at the same time only human
00:57:34analogy okay yeah welcome yeah we are the best school okay
00:57:40yeah okay five years thank you
00:57:46oh yeah
01:00:24let's talk about politics a little bit okay so
01:00:28uh so JD Vance uh I mean I appreciate him as a he's a US Marine veteran uh
01:00:36hardcore I appreciate it as a US Army veteran myself okay I thank him for his
01:00:42service the service as a businessman and he went to Yale Law School although he
01:00:47did not practice any law uh but yeah he new york times bestseller author of a
01:00:53book and I appreciate his success okay and US senator yeah young and but his
01:01:02idea is not young at all I see them so many times in post-reform party
01:01:07democratic party they may they may portray themselves as like I'm the next
01:01:12generation politician but it's not because they may be young at age by age
01:01:17but their ideas is carbon copy of old school republican party democratic party
01:01:23okay they're just obeying party politics to get party support okay there's
01:01:28absolutely nothing new about those young republican party democratic party
01:01:33politicians not at all okay just same old same old this carbon copy copy and
01:01:42paste okay yeah but JD Vance as a republican again he's just stereotypical
01:01:50republican okay absolutist right democrats they're more relativists okay
01:01:57and so democrats or diversity republicans yeah you follow my rule
01:02:02absolute rule okay absolutists okay JD Vance is like that okay
01:02:10it's like everybody should get married and have children okay it's kind of young
01:02:16what does he know but more relativistic view would be like yeah diversity okay
01:02:22yeah single people they're cool married people they're cool too it's all diversity
01:02:53hello friends I'm sorry I lost the past footage one hour worth because zoom
01:03:00software just crashed yeah that happens sometimes
01:03:10I lost like one hour footage okay but well that happens okay so hey
01:03:18I don't know maybe it's resumed somehow I don't have a clue okay
01:03:31but no matter what the case is
01:03:35let's just continue okay so
01:03:47but you may not have been lost okay hopefully not but it just stopped and
01:03:51they restarted
01:03:55that happens okay but we'll just continue discussion okay so yeah so mr.
01:04:01mr. JD Vance is saying absolutist like just like very stereotypical you come
01:04:06party yeah democratic party diversity okay yeah yeah married people they're
01:04:12cool single people they're cool too okay democratic party diversity relativist
01:04:18okay reform party at JD Vance yeah after absolutist everybody should get married
01:04:23and everybody should have children yeah look at me just like do what I do you
01:04:29know do what I say just have to come authoritarian absolutist
01:04:35conservatist okay right yeah that's JD Vance just very stereotypical
01:04:40Republican Party okay can do that so but on that issue I have to side with
01:04:47Democrats okay because I mean they're not cultural relativism it could be good
01:04:55it could be bad but when it comes to marriage say I'm not talking about LGBT
01:05:01at all okay I'm talking about straight marriage okay yeah so single people
01:05:06that cool I'm single I don't want to get married I don't like to do yeah but I
01:05:11don't contribute in my own way like provide mentorship in social media to
01:05:17young people okay yeah okay yeah yeah some other journalists talked about
01:05:26this too so it's not my own unique view it's my own view but I'm not unique
01:05:33thinking that okay I heard other people generally saying that okay yeah sure
01:05:38sure yeah okay yeah that's that now time check
01:05:51we have less than one hour left okay yes hopefully the past one hour did not get
01:05:56lost I will see but it could have been lost I don't know well software hiccup
01:06:02hiccup happens technical issue it happens now let's say five minutes break
01:06:09and I grab a whiteboard and then a copy of a N set and K set indices okay then
01:06:17find interrelationship between those two indices N and K okay yeah yeah
01:06:26formula for it sure interrelationship formula mapping okay sure five minutes break
01:06:35please thank you okay
01:06:41there we go
01:11:17okay let's switch out the whiteboard as usual and yeah by the way my
01:11:26feet was a little sore today I'm doing fine now but so I did not run but I did
01:11:33like what like 10 minutes more so like maybe 5 to 10 minutes more so push-ups
01:11:39and sit-ups instead of running oh it makes a huge difference okay so yeah
01:11:45exercise daily exercise routine okay yeah it doesn't have to be like one hour
01:11:5130 minutes no it could be five minutes maybe twice a day three times a day but
01:11:58every day though okay it is so important exercise okay yeah just five minutes
01:12:04twice a day makes a huge difference okay yeah
01:12:10exercise is like eating with like what where I eat like five times a day because
01:12:17I eat small amount five times a day okay exercise just like eating we need it
01:12:25every day like twice a day for five minutes each time yeah
01:12:33okay yeah
01:12:41what a handsome whiteboard huh? It's suit and tie. yeah relatively new
01:12:49beautiful whiteboard. they're like quite expensive like $30 to $40 for whiteboard
01:12:59okay but worthwhile investment but they're reusable you know
01:13:06and they look beautiful hmm
01:13:13cheers yep
01:13:18time check
01:13:23maybe more than 30 minutes left okay let me copy down from the previous
01:13:32and index
01:13:44yeah we're pairing one by like two by two okay so
01:14:14so just n set n index then K index
01:14:30n index is discontinuous okay it skips multiple of five multiples of five okay
01:14:39but K index is continuous okay
01:14:43so not easy
01:15:12now our goal here is to find a function that maps K to n or from K to n
01:15:24whatever okay
01:15:29so like f of n is equal to K or g of K is equal to n. f and g being inverse
01:15:40functions to each other okay
01:15:48okay let's look at together
01:15:52if it's obvious we'll do it tonight otherwise we'll do tomorrow okay so let's
01:15:59relax and let's look at it let me drink some red dry red wine okay so you can
01:16:05see this right yeah good
01:16:13let's see how easy or difficult this problem is okay so
01:16:25well now this is to relax sit back
01:16:31and enjoy the moment Cheers
01:16:50well it will help us to write down the numbers we skip
01:17:09okay all right
01:17:13oh yeah and also group them two by two
01:17:41I'm drinking vodka whiskey beer and wine just a little bit I call buffet yep
01:17:56vodka my favorite the dragon drink the
01:18:03Alaskan ginseng bar vodka okay so yeah Cheers
01:18:11one of my favorites yeah
01:18:16oh it's so good it's very sweet actually yeah
01:18:29Alaska ginseng bark yeah yeah
01:18:40is it easy or difficult
01:19:01it's not that difficult actually
01:19:23we have this pair of numbers yeah pair consisting of two numbers okay so
01:19:30we have same number there the fourth number in the pairs okay
01:19:35same plus 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 okay
01:19:43here we have minus 1 okay okay good
01:19:54okay we are just nowadays we are so good at
01:19:58this you know yeah so Cheers yeah
01:20:11and within the pair in n set
01:20:20plus 2 plus 1 plus 2 plus 1 plus 2 plus 1 plus 2 plus 1 plus 2 plus 1 okay good
01:20:55and within the pair
01:21:00plus 2 plus 1
01:21:51uh time check we have more than 30 minutes left okay let's take five minutes
01:21:55now GK okay express and in terms of K yeah function of K okay
01:22:05there will be a lot easier okay so
01:22:11if you want to go for it yeah find GK function okay so if you want to okay
01:22:17let's take five minutes okay yeah this is nice
01:22:30so a lot more fun than going to like I'm your own for your present okay but this
01:22:35is more fun than going to like campaign trail and like you know this repetitive
01:22:42speeches right I just it's a lot more fun my opinion okay so but I've been to
01:22:49campaign before out there okay two years ago four years ago okay yeah there was
01:22:54fun too okay but been there done that so now let's do something in front of
01:22:58cancer by this thank you yep very cool
01:25:43okay let's go
01:25:56yeah when I was working as a subway sandwich maker back in
01:26:03Los Angeles California yeah our boss she's female in her 60s maybe probably
01:26:1350s or 60s okay but highly energetic lady okay yeah
01:26:17subway sandwich okay and she was like yeah come on baby let's go great lady
01:26:25okay I remember cheers yeah
01:26:30yeah I'm not sure she's Jewish or Arab Arabic but I think she's from Middle East
01:26:39I think not quite sure okay but she's brown lady okay yeah long ponytail kind
01:26:47of gray hair hi there's an energetic lady okay business of your working I
01:26:51remember yeah come on baby let's go yeah
01:26:58yeah okay
01:27:06yeah those jobs is it's like schooling okay it's me long work ethics it's great
01:27:13training and it's kind of like schools okay yeah we learn a lot from jobs right
01:27:19yeah I was subway sandwich maker how old was I that I okay I came to Los Angeles
01:27:29California 2006 so I was like born in 1970s so I was like 28 okay yeah I was
01:27:38making minimum wage back in 2006 28 years old after I dropped out of PhD program in Conant
01:27:49okay computational biology I need to make money you know later I got
01:27:55comfortable on my job okay yeah but it took like three months yeah but fond
01:28:08memories okay yeah okay
01:28:26yeah we are grouping by four by four what I noticed that those smallest
01:28:31number in its four by four set how do we pull okay yeah smallest number and
01:28:37largest number difference of three okay good okay
01:28:54so we are mapping this four numbers to this one number okay yeah
01:29:21then naturally
01:29:32it's either this number k row 5 or k row 4 okay
01:29:52grouping four numbers to one mapping four numbers to one number okay it's
01:29:57either k row 4 or k row 5 okay yeah okay
01:30:18or maybe
01:30:21flooring or ceiling divide by 4 or 5 something like that right yeah
01:30:47I don't think I noticed yeah 2 6 10 14 yes plus 4 plus 4 plus 4 plus 4
01:30:56what else
01:31:02time check
01:31:10let's answer remains left okay okay
01:31:15how interesting mapping problem right yeah this is nice
01:31:23awesome child vodka
01:31:29yeah you're enjoying this
01:31:42oh okay
01:31:46sure happy Wednesday
01:31:52oh it's good yeah
01:33:05this very interesting puzzle
01:33:11it's not too difficult but not too easy either it's kind of intermediate medium
01:33:47I like the challenge of this problem okay so
01:34:24it's a very deep problem okay so I let's solve this problem tomorrow okay
01:34:32because it's not a very easy problem I don't think it's very difficult problem
01:34:38it's just that you will require some time and some rest okay this is a
01:34:46beautiful problem I really like this problem okay
01:34:59you let's wrap it for this episode and then then we take five minutes break and
01:35:05then we'll go Instagram live together okay after five to ten minutes break okay
01:35:11thank you yeah happy Wednesday thank you yeah