humanology 2060 .

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Hello friends. Yeah, welcome to Humanology 2060. Let us start with shoulder exercise
00:00:16for my right shoulder. Physical therapy, please. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Very cool.
00:00:41All right. For my arms, let's do open palm style, okay? Okay. Good enough. All right.
00:01:04Five minutes break, please. Thank you. Okay. All right.
00:05:04Welcome to Humanology.
00:05:32Yeah, first some dream story. Let's start. Very interesting dreams. It was like quite
00:05:45long and very interesting. One dream, it was like family gathering with their relatives
00:05:54in Korea, and my uncle was there, and he started to demonstrate some kicking. I mean,
00:06:12that uncle was very, very, very, I was very close to him, okay? He's super nice guy, okay?
00:06:22I don't think he practiced martial arts. I know he's Buddhist, but he demonstrated his kicking,
00:06:32roundhouse kick, like Muay Thai style. Okay. And then we started to watch martial arts movie
00:06:42together. In that movie, in the dream I saw, we watched together as big family, like family
00:06:49gathering, like relatives. And in that movie, Jekyll and Hyde was there, Tony Jaa was there,
00:06:59Tony Jaa was there, and then a villainous character with a weapon, like video hammer, okay?
00:07:08So that character, what's his name? I forgot, okay? But he's famous one, okay?
00:07:20He was the villainous martial artist in, very muscular,
00:07:28in Enter the Dragon. He was good friend of Bruce Lee, okay? I just don't remember his name, okay?
00:07:36So, let me look him up real quick.
00:07:49Enter the Dragon.
00:07:57A villain.
00:08:07Not Mr. Han.
00:08:19Bolo. Bolo Yeong.
00:08:29I think that's his name.
00:08:38Bolo Yeong, okay? Okay, okay. That's his name, okay. So he,
00:08:43in that movie that I saw in my dream, okay, that movie does not exist. Tony Jaa is more
00:08:52contemporary than Bolo Yeong, and Jekyll and Hyde are kind of in between, okay? But three of them
00:09:01were in that martial art movie that I watched in my dream with my relatives, okay? And
00:09:09then, okay, first Jekyll and Hyde, then Tony Jaa, and then Bolo Yeong, fighting Tony Jaa, okay?
00:09:17And Bolo Yeong had this traditional Chinese martial weapon, the video hammer, metal.
00:09:26And when Tony Jaa and Bolo Yeong were fighting in that movie, Bolo Yeong caught himself with his
00:09:38own weapon, okay? And he started to bleed. And then, because this is a dream,
00:09:45the blood came out of the screen, okay? And I went out the door of the house
00:09:55to hide from all the blood splattering, but I got some on my, still I got some on my face and
00:10:04clothing. So after the movie was over, yeah, I took a shower, okay?
00:10:13But somebody restarted the movie again. Okay, so then I totally went outside the house,
00:10:19it's like a condominium apartment, I guess, condominium. So I tried to go outside the building
00:10:26to move away from all the blood coming out of the TV screen. It's a dream, so it's not possible
00:10:34in reality, but it's a dream, right? Strange dream. And then, okay, it's like a balcony area,
00:10:42it's a big building, balcony kind of corridor, walkway. So I want to get out of the building,
00:10:50but it was like second story, about second story, second floor, okay? And I could not find
00:10:57a staircase to go to the ground level to get out of this building. And, okay, and then there's this
00:11:07main door downstairs, and between that, yeah, between the wall, yeah, there's a small gap
00:11:16that goes like that. So yeah, I was able to, like, crawl down just one story, like a Spider-Man,
00:11:24you know? Between two walls, okay? It's quite narrow, like this narrow, I guess. So yeah,
00:11:33I was able to do that. Actually, I didn't even have to do that. I was like, okay, I went there
00:11:37like this. Then I was able to, like, just jump down, but it was just one story, okay?
00:11:43Okay. Then I started walking, and
00:11:49in the dream, I was like some kind of student, maybe high school student. So, okay, tomorrow's
00:11:54Monday morning, it's late at night, like 1 a.m., so I gotta get back to my parents' place.
00:12:02So I, and, but this is our relative's house, so I tried to catch a bus, but I could not find a bus
00:12:11stop. So I better call my parents so that they pick me up and bring me to their house. Okay,
00:12:18cell phone is not working. No signal. Okay. Okay. Then next dream? Okay, strange dream.
00:12:31Uh, yeah, I used to vocalize, so it must be five minutes, right?
00:12:36Something else, it goes, yeah, five minutes, right? Thank you.
00:12:42Hello, thanks.
00:17:15okay next turn okay it was interesting because uh
00:17:22uh next thing okay i was on a lake with like this tripod
00:17:30cell phone camera i mounted it so it's like a live
00:17:33stream show and yeah i was doing like fishing basically
00:17:39fishing education maybe okay i was on a lake and
00:17:45um so i turn on the camera roll the camera my cell phone mounted to
00:17:53tripod and i started fishing with fishing pole
00:17:56okay and a police officer uniformed police
00:18:00officer came to me and um
00:18:07i guess the officer male uh issued me a citation for fishing
00:18:13without license i think that's what it was okay
00:18:18okay okay and there's one more thing i think i had
00:18:22i try to remember um
00:18:27i cannot remember okay okay
00:18:34yeah so in in the news like they're talking about
00:18:40replacing uh
00:18:43candidate biden with someone else uh i understand the concern but uh
00:18:51but biden is not stepping down okay so
00:18:57i'm not sure if it's going to happen okay so
00:19:00but in my opinion i don't think it really matters okay
00:19:07but i don't understand their concern because uh i mean
00:19:13if a good person like you and me become u.s president yeah we can make a
00:19:20big positive difference but other otherwise
00:19:23is it pretty much the same i mean i don't think
00:19:27it really matters well let me test this because it's getting
00:19:33musty moldy
00:20:10yeah i don't think it really matters i mean
00:20:13other democratic party candidates whatever right
00:20:17but when it comes to vice presidential pick for
00:20:20trump i hope that uh he would pick tom carton arkansas
00:20:28uh senator he went to uh
00:20:35west point like how about the u.s army okay so
00:20:38tom carton arkansas u.s senator he's very well-rounded guy he's young
00:20:45and he's like moderate but looks like trump is looking at some
00:20:52other people okay two people
00:20:57i don't know them okay so but
00:21:05tom carton would be good vice president for trump okay
00:21:08yeah but uh yeah whatever
00:21:18yeah anyway uh i thought about learning some
00:21:22piano like keyboard right yeah i think it's good thing
00:21:27because uh foreign language i learned a lot already
00:21:31okay so i i i enjoy learning okay i want something that i'll enjoy learning
00:21:36okay so i piano should be good choice because
00:21:39it's not as difficult as guitar
00:21:43okay so sure let's try that
00:21:48wow electric keyboard
00:21:54what i want to do is i want to be able to translate
00:21:59from voice like
00:22:07i want to be able to translate from that vocal
00:22:10melody to piano to formularize myself with the keyboard you know
00:22:19too loud
00:22:34yeah this is what i'm looking for
00:22:49okay because like in that movie whether it's true or not
00:22:54most likely it's true right mozart one hearing only it's a youtube
00:22:58movie clip okay amadeus
00:23:04in that movie it could be fictional or real i don't know
00:23:09court composer salieri
00:23:14uh rule of music piano music for mozart
00:23:21when he came to the palace in vienna australia king's palace
00:23:30and was that he heard that tune actually a couple of times i guess okay
00:23:36and then he was have to play it okay
00:23:42if somebody's really good at piano i think that is possible
00:23:47translation between sound
00:23:59okay now i'm going to do it okay but if i have this melody in my mind
00:24:07how about
00:24:24i had to make a couple of trials right
00:24:28i want to get to the point where i'm so familiar with this
00:24:32keyboard if i'm thinking about a melody in my mind i would be just able to play
00:24:40it without lengthy trial and error process
00:24:46it's different kind of language like musical language right
00:24:49yeah yeah there will be interesting learning educational experience for me
00:24:56okay yeah okay let's continue that yeah we'll take five minutes okay sure
00:25:04yeah nice pastime oh yeah okay
00:25:23let me untangle this wire of course for this keyboard
00:25:34there we go all right five minutes thank you
00:31:01so technically i'm not new to music when i was at elementary school i did learn
00:31:06piano uh then i stopped because i was it was
00:31:09too difficult i was not good at it so i'm kind of re-learning it i'm
00:31:15re-learning it
00:31:20it's never late to learn right never old to learn
00:31:23anything so
00:31:33now we have melody very simple now let's put some lyrics to it because i'm a
00:31:38writer as well okay and instead of people metaphobia movie
00:31:41all the music melody i i composed it and then uh
00:31:47played in computer media editor okay so uh and i was i was a poet believe or not
00:31:55so yeah let's put some lyrics lyrics in
00:31:59there that tune i am loving you yes
00:32:05do you love me too
00:32:10will you let me go no
00:32:15it's so corny and uh
00:32:20comical but now it's a song we have melody and lyrics
00:32:32oh it's so funny right i because look uh oliver anthony he
00:32:40wrote and sang and played guitar a song
00:32:47yeah rich man from richman north of richmond
00:32:52and he became very famous so in order to become u.s president i do
00:32:57need to become famous okay but uh i published the novels i didn't
00:33:01become famous i made a movie didn't become famous maybe just a
00:33:05little bit and wrote academic papers didn't become
00:33:08famous so okay let's try music there how about that
00:33:11uh sure it doesn't matter whether i become famous or not
00:33:16we're having fun learning something new to us
00:33:20right yeah
00:33:22continuing education you know okay
00:34:14okay now i did it with one hand okay now
00:34:21we can add some texture to it right some
00:34:24chord okay
00:34:35what is
00:35:19oh it's from this
00:35:44okay that's better right it is elementary because i am learning piano
00:35:50but it's like learning japanese foreign language right
00:35:54you start from very humble place like a child young child like three-year-old
00:36:01two-year-old starting from like basically japanese alphabet syllables
00:36:08okay yeah katakana and hiragana okay
00:36:12i'm adult but as learning japanese new learner
00:36:16yeah start with like uh japanese alphabet
00:36:19like like two-year-old japanese child okay
00:36:24yeah education will humbling yourself before knowledge before god
00:36:31okay humility key to education okay cheers
00:36:51but it's funny lyrics i am loving you yes do you love me too
00:37:00would you let me go no
00:37:06it's embarrassingly corny
00:37:10but it's a song
00:37:17oh it's good starting place yeah now let's
00:37:21take five minutes break okay i need some vocal rest
00:37:24how fun
00:37:27will i become famous with this song
00:37:34i don't know i doubt it but well we keep writing songs okay yeah sure
00:37:41see you yeah five minutes thank you how nice
00:41:48okay welcome back up there
00:42:11i'm excited basically we are opening up a brand new genre in humanology
00:42:15music humanological musicology how about that okay so
00:42:20here six number of keys in this keyboard is finite number
00:42:24but uh so when it comes to melody of three
00:42:31keys three notes how many keys are there
00:42:35here uh you have 12
00:42:4712 5 12 times 5 60 and then one more okay so
00:42:5861 keys okay in this keyboard
00:43:0561 keys so three note melody yeah 61 times 61 times 61
00:43:216 times 6 times 6 that's 260
00:43:3636 times 6 216 okay
00:43:43and 216 000
00:43:48possibility so it as number of notes in a melody increases
00:43:53this goes exponential very fast okay and then one key
00:44:04there's this length of a key so and then you can play several keys at
00:44:12the same time
00:44:22right so the possibility is endless it's infinity
00:44:28okay but when it comes to length of a key
00:44:35there's infinite variation okay yeah so okay finite space
00:44:42but infinite variation okay yeah some uh mathematical analysis of music
00:44:48keyboard music okay yeah human language is same right yeah first
00:44:53you learn alphabet but the number of words that you can make
00:44:58with alphabet is infinite because length there's no length limit
00:45:04and practically yeah one
00:45:08word can practically it's cannot be too too long but in theory
00:45:14yeah there are infinite variations okay
00:45:19okay so after you learn okay when you learn
00:45:28foreign language you start learning the alphabet and then you
00:45:31learn vocabulary the words correct spelling and pronunciation okay
00:45:36after that uh you can also you learn the the grammar
00:45:42how to put words together in a sentence right
00:45:45after that you can create your own sentence if not
00:45:49your brand new word okay but you can do that too i do that
00:45:52quite often neologism and um yeah you can create your brand new
00:45:58sentence that has never been spoken or written before
00:46:07music same way first you learn how to play like
00:46:12keys in keyboard or other musical instrument maybe
00:46:15flute differently but same principle okay
00:46:19first how to play to any random melody that in your mind right
00:46:36i guess i'm getting better piano already
00:46:40yeah that's from amadeus uh movie salary yeah
00:48:33i think also
00:48:37isn't that movie clip from amadeus where uh salary is sitting playing piano in
00:48:44front of a catholic priest confession session yeah it's a new
00:48:57wow quite exertional energy yeah
00:49:04okay let's take five minutes very well nice
00:49:09yeah okay five minutes thank you
00:52:05yeah me learning like japanese language before i
00:52:09went to japan for like five hours it made a huge difference because i
00:52:14gained some confidence because i studied like on and off for several months like
00:52:19just the alphabet but i was able to read japanese language in the
00:52:23tokyo narita airport okay uh so it made me so happy
00:52:28okay self-confidence okay oh yeah so yeah music keyboard
00:52:35yeah i'm new to this kinda because i learned it before but i'm getting back
00:52:41getting back to it and uh yeah i will be able to
00:52:46learn some more okay you just take time and patience that's all
00:52:51yeah uh movie big tom hanks some tunes from there
00:53:55well you see much better than i tried this before
00:53:59oh nice
00:54:04but piano the difficulty in piano is this
00:54:09it's multi-tasking with two hands right it organ is even more multi-tasking with
00:54:15two hands and two feet pipe organ
00:54:19yeah you are Sebastian Bach right yeah
00:54:24but interestingly enough during Johann Sebastian Bach time
00:54:28he was more known as organ engineer like repair
00:54:32okay so uh he was not very well known as a composer
00:54:38which is quite surprising okay but later on
00:54:43after years decades and his music was kind of rediscovered
00:54:55can you play the Toccata and Fugue sure
00:56:08i am not quite sure this is still too fast
00:56:12i guess that's way more advanced than my level okay
00:57:02That's not quite right.
00:57:23That's better
00:57:36Oh, yeah that sounds that all up
00:58:02Okay, there we go finger in okay Wow, uh, yeah boy I got it
00:58:18And with left finger
00:58:39And in music you can make variation of somebody else's music to like Mozart to cellular student. Okay. Yeah
00:58:47Phenomenal saying in Amadeus movie. Oh, yeah
00:58:52One hearing only right? Yeah, it's a new tip. Yeah
00:58:58The Tom Hanks big movie. Yeah, that's in you to move to
00:59:05Piano keyboard being on the floor. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Let's have five is broken. Thank you. Yep
00:59:12How fun? Yeah
01:01:56Okay, let's take a break from music, okay
01:02:01But I still have good people here
01:02:13So we can get back to you when you want it back and
01:02:20inside of life yesterday, I mean
01:02:23sometimes it happens like a internet connection, so I
01:02:28When I do the
01:02:31Instagram live sometimes I cannot see their face. I cannot see their video and
01:02:38So I just listen to their voice and
01:02:42This gentleman sounded like every comment on gentleman to me
01:02:46But so I he gave me a more pass I
01:02:54Said are you African American gentleman and he said yes, we he said yeah, I give you a more pass
01:03:00So I did say more. Okay
01:03:02Do I got a more pass? Okay
01:03:05and then
01:03:07All of a sudden the zoom show stopped
01:03:09So, I guess this new feature in zoom software
01:03:12Maybe they did take a more dance and then it is a stop the show. So that that's what happened yesterday
01:03:18Okay. Okay, so no more and more then okay, so because I cannot afford this
01:03:25Solo zoom show in telemotion to be stopped like that. Okay, so no one more than okay
01:03:31And so after the show I checked a video in Instagram recorded and
01:03:37Then this gentleman was joking he's a white guy I
01:03:43Mean I live in America for a long time. I came in 19. So I'm 46 now. So 27 years
01:03:53Many times I can tell I did the race of this person by just listening to a voice
01:03:58But this time I was in error
01:04:02Okay. Yeah
01:04:08I was asked a gentleman how old he is. He said he's turning
01:04:14He does kind of sound like 10 years old. Okay, so, okay. So, okay. You're 10 years old. You're an adult
01:04:21African-American gentleman twerking this kind of African-American dancing adult
01:04:30Did he ask for twerking
01:04:32Somewhat, okay. Sure. Sure. I did some twerking
01:04:36But because I could not see him, but he did sound like a 20 year old African-American gentleman to me by voice. Okay, and
01:04:44Then later on again, I checked out the video and I think he's he's underage. Okay, so
01:04:55My bad, I did not know okay, it was an honest mistake, okay
01:05:01The twerking that's kind of adult kind of dancing, you know, so
01:05:06my bad
01:05:08But it was an honest mistake. Okay, so
01:05:14So I guess he was just joking with me, okay
01:05:17Take him on to the fact that I cannot see him
01:05:21Is this prank, okay
01:05:25Oh, yeah, but no big deal, okay
01:05:32But twerking is actually very good for hips, joints, bones and
01:05:40It's good stretching. Yeah. Oh, yeah
01:05:51Yeah, and there are many different twerking styles, okay, but the way I do it
01:05:56I just rotate my hip
01:05:59Lower torso. Yeah
01:06:02This is good. I do that for stretching for my lower back
01:06:07It is very healthy practice. So some of his edge came out because it's good for lower back
01:06:21But yeah, no more MR, okay because
01:06:26Think it's new feature in Zoom software. They just stop it. Okay, so, okay
01:06:32Okay, that's fine
01:06:39More music, sure
01:06:43After five minutes break, okay, I need some vocal rest. Okay, then we play more music. Maybe we play Beatles. Sure
01:06:52To familiarize ourselves to
01:06:56The language of keyboard music sure. Yeah, it's fun. Yeah
01:10:44I guess we did the music for today. Okay, so and
01:10:52This episode number is
01:10:56Humanology 2060. Yeah, I forgot to say I guess
01:11:05So, yeah, let's just talk and
01:11:10Yeah, I'll kind of just friends commented that
01:11:14Yeah, every time I watch
01:11:17I'll give this live show. Yeah, I guess I become smarter. Thank you. Yeah, it's a good educational program like kind of a nice cool
01:11:26also, like
01:11:28late-night talk show
01:11:29Well in this home studio. Yeah in their home
01:11:35Typically late-night talk show like Conan O'Brien or whatever. Yeah, they are celebrities, right? We are common people. Yeah, so late-night talk show
01:11:43But it's like television
01:11:46Just you can watch it like in the internet live
01:11:50You know like social media right with your cell phone wherever you are, okay, and
01:11:58Yeah, I'm the host of that show
01:12:01Right, and I'll guess they're in their home too. And I'm in my home
01:12:09That's way better more efficient and
01:12:12Big studio like celebrity guests with the transportation hotel stay
01:12:18airplane fare
01:12:21That is very inefficient that's like old school
01:12:25Right, but when we do our talk show late-night talk show our guests are at home
01:12:31I'm at home and our audience is in their home too and it's live broadcast live
01:12:39Let's get recorded
01:12:41So that people can watch it
01:12:43Later. Yeah, and that is fantastic talk show format
01:12:49Cheers. Yeah
01:12:55Yeah, that's amazing
01:12:57It's both educational and entertaining as well. Okay. Yeah, that's great. Yeah
01:13:10Yeah, good times, yeah
01:13:18Now I some vocalists, okay, so let's take five and spray, okay, so
01:15:27Okay, we're back
01:15:32It's morning. But
01:15:34Why am I here at home not at work I have some body modified schedule these days, okay, so
01:15:42Yeah, it's kind of it's it's a it's a it's concept of race
01:15:46I work less hours, but maybe enough make same exact same salary. Okay, so she wishes great
01:15:53So I was like, yeah, what do I do with all this time in the morning?
01:15:58But how about learning piano
01:16:01And to the show real time that sounds a great idea, yeah
01:16:08Learning piano that would take a while, but
01:16:12Once I mastered well not master, but wasn't become very good at piano
01:16:19Learn some more musical instruments
01:16:24Okay, and then make music
01:16:30First better song than what we did. Let's give it a name. I'm loving you. Okay, I
01:16:37Am loving you. Yes, do you love me too? Hmm?
01:16:44Will you let me go no
01:16:49Yeah, we can do better than that
01:16:59But we made it in a very what it took us was 10 minutes, right? Yeah
01:17:14Let me play that song and then sing it at the same time, okay, have I done it well
01:17:21When I was learning guitar back in Los Angeles, California before I make the movie
01:17:27I did learn some guitar. Okay on my own and I did wrote a song
01:17:34With lyrics and I did play
01:17:37Again I was not good at it
01:17:41Not at all
01:17:43Yeah, I tried
01:17:46But I did not use that music in the movie. Okay. Yeah
01:17:51But there was the plan though
01:17:55It was a too difficult to play guitar. Oh my like finger hearts. It was like acoustic time, you know
01:18:12I am talking you. Yes
01:18:23Will you will you let me go no, there we go
01:18:32Good enough
01:18:35Good enough for the first day of piano lesson. It's a songwriting
01:18:42Singing blank panel sure
01:18:44Multitasking right there. We are writing lyrics melody
01:18:50see singing
01:18:52playing piano
01:18:54Four things at the same time
01:18:56Welcome to humanize school. Yeah
01:19:04I'm drinking drinking water because I have to go to work, you know later on. Okay, so yeah
01:19:13Well my plan for today rest of today, yeah, I'll do some running
01:19:20Have some breakfast
01:19:23Well kind of brunch I guess breakfast lunch. Yeah, I already had breakfast. Okay. Oh, yeah today and
01:19:31Then we're like soon time. Just like workplace uniform these days
01:19:35And then work come back home
01:19:39And then yeah the main humanology on track with student I intact and then
01:19:49Mathematically, I'm not sure if I'm ready to get back to I'll have a table grab from it. Okay for a while
01:19:56yeah, then
01:19:57you say I'm alive at the same time and then
01:19:59Yeah, then you say I'm alive at the same time and then
01:20:04But last night, yeah, I just went to bed I didn't do festival. Okay. I was drunk enough to go to bed
01:20:11And I also novels
01:20:13Sure stories. Yeah until fall asleep
01:20:22Let the fire is broken and then we do almost a month. Okay. Sure
01:20:25Sure, oh
01:22:19Do not inside I'm like, I think I will play this tune I am loving you. Yes
01:22:26If a live audience, okay
01:22:29Who knows you may go viral. I don't know but I think it'll be hilarious. This is ridiculous and corny song
01:22:35Yeah, it's funny
01:22:44It's a little bit inspired by skippy dome skippy skippy the toilet skippy the yes-yes dome dome a
01:22:52little bit
01:22:53Inspired by that. Okay, so yes part. Okay
01:22:59Very cool
01:23:05Okay, I'm getting hungry so
01:23:08I'm going to run and have brunch and then get back to work. Okay. I'll see you tonight. Yep. Thank you. Yeah
01:23:17Okay. Have a wonderful day. Yep