humanology 2083 .

  • last month
00:00:00Hello friends. Yeah, welcome to Humanology 2083. Let's see. Let's try double front kicks.
00:00:14Okay. Okay. Okay. Good enough. Five minutes break please. Thank you.
00:04:20Yeah, I picked some high-risk cranberries. Let me find some file to empty and replace it.
00:04:30Okay. All right.
00:18:02Let's fill this.
00:18:05This is unripe high-risk cranberry. This was ripe. So it's bigger and color red. Yeah, just like apple.
00:18:19Now let me refill this vodka.
00:18:43So Harris team finally rolled out some kind of economic policy. Like what they're saying is they don't want, they will prevent price gouging.
00:18:59Okay, whatever that means.
00:19:05So basically I think what they're saying is some companies are like overcharging the consumers. So they want to prevent that. Okay.
00:19:16But that's fine. But I'm not impressed.
00:19:22Why? Because I do not think it's such a big problem in American economy there.
00:19:29In my opinion, the biggest problem in American economy is this wrong theory about climate change.
00:19:38So yeah, so Biden administration suppressing the fossil fuel, that's the biggest problem in American economy.
00:19:48Okay. So, but Harris, she's Democrats, so she does not want to deviate too much from Democratic Party platform.
00:20:01So that's understandable, but it was disappointing. Okay.
00:20:04So, yeah.
00:20:06Oh, well, but that's why I'm running for US president because Harris better than Trump, but not as good as Hong Ki-Li.
00:20:17Okay. That's why I'm running for US president. Okay.
00:20:41Okay. How about that?
00:20:42Okay. Let's take five minutes break. And then let's talk about, yeah, mathematics, we may get back to you or not.
00:20:57Let's talk about some other stuff like finance, economics. Okay. Sure.
00:21:01Five minutes. Okay. Sure. Okay.
00:23:35So, I learned about financial, American financial system when I was in law school, why? Because
00:23:50I wanted to learn about it. So I took a lot of like finance related classes in law school,
00:23:55like accounting for lawyers, finance for lawyers, and like investor protection, and like financial
00:24:07regulation, and yeah. So I learned a lot about finance, kind of economics. Yeah, the Federal
00:24:15Reserve regulated interest rate. Okay, so how does it work? It's like this. Yeah, inflation,
00:24:22all that stuff, okay? It's, it will take some time to explain all that because it's a big
00:24:31mechanism, okay? First, banking system, okay? The way bank make money is that they sell
00:24:48money, okay? Yeah, so loan, business loan, home loan, car loan, okay? So yeah, this house,
00:25:00I had, I loaned money, home loan, so I have to pay back the principal plus interest. Interest
00:25:11is the price of money, okay? Bank lend me money, so I pay them back the principal, let's say,
00:25:19$100,000 for home price, and then I pay them interest on top of principal, $100,000, okay?
00:25:33Yeah, yeah. If interest rate is like 10%, yeah, then $10,000. For example, of course, compound
00:25:46interest is a lot more than that, okay? To simplify, okay? Now, banks, like town banks,
00:25:59regular banks, they borrow money from federal bank, okay? Yeah. Now, so when Federal Reserve,
00:26:15the federal bank, raise the interest rate, then all the banks who owe them money raise interest
00:26:23rate, that's why it has cascading effect, like domino effect, okay? So, yeah. So, because bank
00:26:32do not want to lose their money, basically, bank like pass the higher price, higher interest rate,
00:26:40the interest rate is the price of money, okay? It pass to the consumers, yeah, the borrowers, okay?
00:26:47Now, I had this interesting dream last night, this morning, about that interest rate, okay? Yeah.
00:27:04And now, let me start drinking a little bit. Let me take vitamin spray. Hey, get some beer,
00:27:14okay? I'll tell you some more, okay? Financial education, yeah.
00:29:14Okay, so borrowers, basically, they're buying money,
00:29:45from banks. Price, interest, is the price of money, okay? So, borrowers are like consumers,
00:29:54buyers of money. Banks, producer of money, kind of, supplier of money, okay? Yeah, cheers, yeah.
00:30:02And so, when interest rate is high, there are consequences. It drives down the price. That's
00:30:26why when inflation, when price is high, Federal Reserve increase the interest rate. Now, if you
00:30:36want, I give one minute to think about why that's the case. If interest rate go up, why does price
00:30:44go down? General, in general, okay? Okay, yeah. I give you like two minutes, okay? Yeah. If you
00:30:54have to think about it. It's economics. Hint, supply and demand, okay?
00:31:14Cheers, happy Thursday, hmm? Okay.
00:31:45Good. School tips, okay. Nice. Okay. Now, let me drink something stronger, okay? Sure,
00:32:01I have this cranberry. Yeah, sure. Vodka, okay. Let me try this one. Hmm, nice color, you know?
00:32:31Cheers. Yeah, the juice hasn't come out yet. It's like straight vodka for now. That's fine.
00:32:51Let me refill this. Yeah, my feet was sore today, earlier. Now, I'm fine. That's why I did not run.
00:33:12I picked berries during the lunch time. Metal Park, the Lake Lucifer, which is fantastic. Yeah,
00:33:20many different kinds of berries there. Bunch of berries. Yeah, this and, yeah, cheers.
00:33:34Okay, when interest rate is high, people want to save their money to the bank. Because when
00:33:42people save money, savings account in the bank, they get interest, right? Yeah,
00:33:48when interest rate is high, people want to make money by saving money to the bank, savings account,
00:33:54okay? Now, then money is kept in the bank, but people want to save and make interest money,
00:34:06okay? That means people buy less, like in the grocery store or whatever. They spend less money
00:34:17because they are saving it to get interest money, okay? And when demand is low, then price drops,
00:34:27like auction market, okay? People are not buying things and sellers, they drive the price down
00:34:38so that people will be more motivated to buy the products that they are selling.
00:34:45Okay, so interest rate is kind of like this level of this door,
00:34:54you know, reservoir, you know, dam, okay? When interest rate is low,
00:35:01then there are more money in the market. Because interest rate is low, yeah, people don't want to
00:35:09save their money, they'd rather spend it. Because if they put money in the bank,
00:35:15yeah, they get very small interest, okay? So people are more motivated to just use the money, spend it.
00:35:23Then, now, we have a lot of demand for products. People want to buy things.
00:35:31That's what drives up the price, okay? So this dam analogy, the interest rate is the level of
00:35:40this door, okay? Interest is low, yeah, then money is like currency, current, water, okay?
00:35:49Yeah, more money in the market, so people want to buy things. Interest is high, yeah, now money is
00:35:56kept in the bank, reservoir, okay? So very little money in the market that drives down the price,
00:36:04the deflation situation, okay? That's pretty much it. Well, there's more to it.
00:36:16Economics is a multivariate environment where there are a lot of factors and a lot of variables,
00:36:22okay? This is just one small part of economics, okay? Let's say finance broke,
00:36:31and then I'll tell you some more, right? Sure, economics there, yeah, nice. It's important.
00:36:38Make up the human argument, yeah. Yeah, I'm a polite man, I know a little bit of everything.
00:36:45Bye, thank you. Yep.
00:40:15Okay, let me watch my things.
00:40:53So, yeah, let's talk about causation, many different causes of inflation, okay? So,
00:41:07we covered one so far tonight, right? But inflation, when interest rate is low,
00:41:14then inflation happens. Interest rate is low, yeah, so people don't want to put money in the
00:41:22bank, they don't get too much interest, so they want to rather use it. So, a lot of demand in
00:41:29market, they want to buy things, so that drives up the price, because sellers, they know that,
00:41:38okay, I have 10 products here, 10 items, but demand is so high, even if I raise the price,
00:41:48I will sell 10 items, and they want to make money, okay? That's why they drive up those
00:41:55price, it's like auction, okay? Yeah. Cheers.
00:42:04Deflation, okay, happens when interest rate is too high. People don't want to spend money,
00:42:10they want to save it in the bank, okay? So, and producers, yeah, where I have to sell these 10
00:42:16items, it's already produced, but not many people are interested in buying it. Okay, how about I
00:42:22lower my price, then, yeah, it will sell, okay? Yeah, so deflation situation when interest rate
00:42:32is high, okay? Yeah, it drives down the price, okay? So, interest rate and inflation, like,
00:42:40interest rate and price of products, they are anti-proportional. They go the other way, okay?
00:42:51Right? Yeah. Okay. Now, next one.
00:43:02Tariff of international trade, okay? I'm against it, okay? Yeah, I'm against tariff,
00:43:09but Biden, Trump, they love tariff, okay? Yeah, they don't know what they're doing.
00:43:17For example, Chinese imports to America, and if they raise the tariff, that's like importation
00:43:28tax, okay? And then what happens is Chinese sellers, exporters, they're smart, they don't
00:43:36want to, they're not going to lose money, no. It will be American consumers who will be losing
00:43:41money, okay? Because Chinese sellers, exporters to America, they're going to just pass the buck to
00:43:49consumers, yeah? They'll raise the price. They're not losing any money. It's American consumers
00:43:56who lose money, okay? That's why tariff is such a bad idea. It's bad for Americans, okay?
00:44:02So, I don't want to protect domestic producers. I understand that, but that's not where to go.
00:44:14Domestic producers, if they're not competitive in international trade, they should sell something
00:44:22else, okay? That's my economic policy, okay? Which can be very unpopular. I don't care.
00:44:37I do what makes sense. I do what's best for American consumers, okay?
00:44:43So, if tariff is high, then price go up because Chinese exporters, they'll raise the price.
00:44:58They don't want to lose money, no. So, it'll be American consumers who will pay that tariff,
00:45:06importation tax, okay? So, high tariff, higher price is proportional relationship
00:45:16between tariff and price, okay? Okay?
00:45:26Okay? Bye, Mr. President, okay? Thank you.
00:45:30Thank you. All right.
00:48:14Okay. So, let's talk about another... Okay, can you come up with another causation of inflation?
00:48:27I'll give you a minute, okay? Sure.
00:48:33Yeah. Cheers.
00:48:42I mean, in the NPI program, several months ago, some guest, the interviewee, I guess,
00:48:53some expert said, yeah, Humboldt, the German explorer, also scientist, okay? They say he was
00:49:03the last polymath. I disagree. There's no such a thing as the last polymath. But I know what
00:49:11they're saying. Yeah, I've heard that before. Like, nowadays, science is so specialized,
00:49:18not like back in the days. Yeah, it's more difficult to study everything.
00:49:26That's not true. Why? Because educational methodology, pedagogy also evolves. People
00:49:36learn things more easily these days by YouTube, web pages, on their cell phone. Yeah, we learn
00:49:43things more easily. Okay? I consider myself a polymath. Okay? Yeah. But not the last polymath. No.
00:49:51No such a thing. Okay? Cheers. Yeah.
00:49:58Okay. Yeah. What are some other causes of inflation? Again, hint, supply side and demand
00:50:07side. Okay. Yeah. Cheers. Two factors there, okay? Two causes.
00:50:26Yeah, if, okay, let's go for it. If demand, supply is fixed and demand is high, demand
00:50:42increased when supply is constant, okay? Then it drops, drop off the price. Inflation, okay?
00:50:48Flip side, demand is constant and supply increases.
00:50:57Wait, wait, wait, wait. No, no. Demand is constant but supply decreases. Okay? That causes inflation.
00:51:09Basically, when demand is more than supply, either demand increases, supply stays the same, or
00:51:18demand stays the same but supply decreases. Okay? That causes breaking the equilibrium,
00:51:27price equilibrium. Okay? Yeah, now demand is higher than supply, so the price goes up.
00:51:36Until demand and supply become equal. As price goes up,
00:51:43yeah, less and less people can afford to buy their products, okay? The demand goes down.
00:51:50Okay? Then price gets equilibriarized. Equilibriarized. Okay? Yeah. Cheers.
00:52:00Economics is fun. Yeah, yeah.
00:52:05Now, there are some other causes. Can you think of a more causation of
00:52:11inflation? I'll give you five minutes, okay? There's one more I can think of now.
00:52:21Okay? Hint, it has to do with politics. Okay? Five minutes, thank you. Okay.
00:52:34Welcome to Human Logic. Having fun with economics. Yep. Nice.
00:55:01Having fun with economics. Nice. Yeah.
00:55:18So, next cause of inflation having to do with politics. Okay.
00:55:26It's this, okay? It's overprinting of money, like coins, bills. If they print, if government
00:55:38print too much money, it causes inflation. Why? Because there are a lot of money.
00:55:46They printed a lot of money and just hand it out to people. Now, people want to use that money
00:55:52because you have extra money, right? So, people want to buy things. That drives up the price.
00:56:01Because auction, market, okay? Yeah.
00:56:07Fix constant supply. Now, more demand, okay? That drives up the price.
00:56:15And as things get more expensive, yeah, demand goes down. Okay. Again, it's just price equilibrium.
00:56:23Equilibrium, okay? Yeah. Cheers. Yep.
00:56:29Time to check real quick.
00:56:40It's been less than one hour. Okay.
00:56:44Okay. Should we get back to mathematics? So, yeah, we're done with economics, okay?
00:56:49Thank you. It's nice. Yeah.
00:57:08Should we get back to mathematics or not? I don't know.
00:57:12Well, maybe a little bit.
00:57:17So, we expressed b in terms of k and also n in terms of k. Our goal is to express
00:57:26b in terms of n. So, we express n in terms of k. Now, we need to express k in terms of n
00:57:34to substitute for k, okay? So, then we'll have to find inverse function of that
00:57:40nk function. That will not be easy, okay? So, we're taking a different approach now, okay?
00:57:48Let's come up with another index, m, that includes the multiple of 5, okay?
00:57:57Yeah. So, that's where we are at, okay? Yeah. Big picture, yeah?
00:58:10And just thinking about it, yeah, it gives me a lot of energy, exhaustion. So, yeah, cheers.
00:58:18Let's take a break from mathematics, okay?
00:58:21And let's take five minutes break, okay? Today, I was quite busy at work, okay? So,
00:58:26yeah, I just want to relax, okay? Five minutes break. Thank you. And some vocal rest. Okay.
00:58:35Yeah. Very cool.
01:00:20So, let's talk about climate change, okay? Because that's what democratic parties
01:00:42bound under this bad ideology, anti-climate changeism, okay? Climate change alarmism,
01:00:48okay? That's what democratic parties are bound by, okay? Yeah. So, ideology is called inertia,
01:00:54right? In time and space, yeah, the kind of ideology, anti-climate changeism,
01:01:01there's been here with us for a long while, during time, big time, big inertia, and also
01:01:13so many people subscribe to the ideology. Now, there's spatial inertia, okay? Yeah. So,
01:01:20both temporal and spatial inertia there, okay? Yeah. Ideological inertia, okay?
01:01:25Yeah. So, yeah, it cannot change very fast. That's why evolution, human evolution is very slow,
01:01:32okay? Because there's a big mass inertia, okay, in physics, okay? Cheers. Welcome to human energy,
01:01:38okay? Yeah. Ideological analysis, okay? Yeah. So, but when it comes to climate change,
01:01:49my attitude is like this, okay? Look, climate change, get used to it, okay?
01:01:56If it's too hot in your state, move up north when it's colder, okay? Yeah.
01:02:03And there's nothing to worry about climate change, okay?
01:02:06So, if people think there are too much carbon dioxide in the air, causing global warming,
01:02:22then do not move. You're alone. Let the plants just grow. That's what I do. And I'm not even
01:02:29worried about climate change. I just love plants in my yard. I let them grow. I never move alone.
01:02:37I don't even have a lawn mower, okay? I love to see them grow. And they absorb carbon dioxide in
01:02:46the air, okay? Yeah. So, what's the problem? Yeah? Cheers. Feels like back in the days,
01:03:05yeah, 66 million years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the planet Earth, they grew so big. Dinosaurs,
01:03:14mammoths, all the big trees, because there was a lot of carbon dioxide in the air. Now,
01:03:19they're buried on the Earth as fossil fuel. Yeah, they're dead trees, dead animals,
01:03:28okay? So, that planet is cooler now than 66 million years ago. But 66 million years ago,
01:03:35dinosaurs, big plants, they were thriving. Big animals, big plants, they're thriving because
01:03:44carbon dioxide, carbon is a building block of life. Yeah, yeah. Carbohydrates, lipids,
01:03:53proteins, they're mostly carbon atoms, all those biomolecules, okay? Yeah. Cheers.
01:04:05So, the more carbon dioxide in the air, that means there are more plants and more animals,
01:04:10greener, right? Okay? So, continual usage of fossil fuel, it will make planet Earth greener
01:04:20and healthier. More food, okay? Yeah. Climate change is a good thing.
01:04:29Yeah, it is.
01:04:37I'm an innovative, creative scientist, okay? I do not follow the mainstream science. I do not.
01:04:44Well, most of the time, I'm actually against mainstream science, okay?
01:04:53Yeah, so, words are getting out, okay? Yeah, social science research network, SSRN, Yeah, slowly, more and more people are reading my academic papers,
01:05:06which is available for free, PDF, freely downloadable, okay? Cheers.
01:05:22Now, time check.
01:05:28It's been more than one hour, okay? How about this? Let's wrap it up for this episode, and then
01:05:36I'll digitize this, and then start over to Dailymotion, and then we'll go to Instagram
01:05:41live together, okay? Okay, all right. See you soon, or see you tomorrow. Thank you.