humanology 2075 .

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Hello friends, yeah, welcome to Humanizer 2075.
00:00:07Okay, let's see.
00:00:31Let's do jump roundhouse kick.
00:00:36Yeah, I mean I would call it diagonal kick.
00:00:40Good, that's what it is.
00:00:42Okay, yeah, jump diagonal kick.
00:00:45Yeah, okay.
00:00:57Okay, very good.
00:00:59Five minutes break please, thank you.
00:01:07Good exercise there.
00:02:02Take a deep breath.
00:02:04There we go.
00:02:05We are done.
00:02:06We are done.
00:02:07We are done.
00:06:18Good evening, welcome to the human allergy. I
00:06:23Remember the gentleman's name
00:06:24okay the radio talk national level radio talk show host that i called once
00:06:31uh mr james bohanan okay so yeah he and his
00:06:41colleagues kind of generously took my call that was something in 2021 i guess
00:06:46uh yeah the jimbo show jim bohanan james bohanan okay jimbo show yeah yeah i tried to remember
00:06:56his name and i did his wikipedia article about him he used to work with uh larry king of cnn
00:07:03and um he's yeah it's quite a well-known figure he passed away uh in the wikipedia article in
00:07:102022 so i think i caught his shoe maybe back in 2020 or 2021 i think okay i'm very sorry but
00:07:19he lived a long life at 78 and uh long and fruitful life okay yeah so uh when i called to
00:07:29his show year 2020 that's when i ran for bs president and was alaska state senate and um
00:07:38he's kind of center-right kind of guy okay so uh not like far right kind of moderate uh james bohanan
00:07:46okay so uh uh when i called to show i hear some guests who are like
00:07:56in their senior age like in their 60s i guess yeah and people were higher up okay yeah very
00:08:05people maybe former governmental officials or like uh maybe law school professors out of them
00:08:13okay so i talked about like constitutional issue okay so and uh they regarded me as a very good
00:08:21student okay yeah sure sure yeah they do very nicely okay yeah i guess he's one of the most
00:08:31famous people i've ever talked to okay yeah sure nice
00:08:40and yeah we'll get back to mathematics later okay now let's just talk and uh
00:08:46after work i watched some youtube videos of a congressional hearing of a former
00:08:52uh secret service uh director uh miss chito and uh in the she testified in the
00:09:02the house of representative okay and she resigned and uh after that
00:09:09uh the acting director of secret service the former deputy director okay is a gentleman a
00:09:17very tall gentleman and uh he testified uh as an acting director of secret service uh
00:09:25before u.s senate okay
00:09:31but uh former director chito i think she's very cool lady okay i think she's very competent
00:09:38very professional okay and um but the house of representatives especially female ones
00:09:45i think they were very jealous of her she being female and also like very strong yeah head of
00:09:52secret service yeah they're very mean to her and i felt very sorry okay kind of remind me of this
00:09:59like jesus times like a lady caught in adultery and people were about to throw stones at her
00:10:09but jesus stopped right people and protect it all okay i'm kind of like that okay i when i when
00:10:17somebody is like criticized by everybody yeah i rather side with that person manually okay yeah
00:10:26okay it's just my upbringing as a christian well i big part of me is still christian but i
00:10:36don't regard myself as christian though maybe a little bit because i do pray okay
00:10:44and prayer is very therapeutic okay prayer yeah it's good mental therapy prayer okay oh yeah
00:10:54so i still do pray okay just like christians but uh i'm a humanologist okay
00:11:02so i mean well the
00:11:07trump rally incident in pennsylvania i'm sorry it happened but uh uh this
00:11:15representatives in congress congress people and they are unfairly criticizing the director
00:11:23secret service miss chito with this benefit of hindsight 2020 hindsight
00:11:29okay yeah and i don't think they're fair okay and uh yeah
00:11:38these things happen okay yeah mistakes yeah people make mistakes okay
00:11:45i do i make mistakes all the time when i do mathematics
00:12:17and uh
00:12:19uh it is quite surprising yeah this long gone man 20 year old quite young uh he was able to
00:12:32should have gone
00:12:38there and then okay
00:12:42so motive is just he just wanted to some do something very exciting and
00:12:48notorious okay i guess he was very bored
00:13:02that's why it's so important the educational development okay he uh he worked as uh
00:13:08uh in the kitchen of a
00:13:12uh senior care center i think okay but he uh was very good at mathematics science
00:13:19in high school he will receive some award for it
00:13:26something five thousand dollars that's a big money for high school award okay so
00:13:31maybe it was 500 i don't know doesn't matter okay
00:13:35and he briefly attended communist college in engineering or science
00:13:42uh but he should have continued his education
00:13:48with smart guy within science and good with computers too
00:13:54so i'm not quite sure what happened to him okay his parents were quite well-to-do as well
00:14:00and i don't know why he stopped pursuing his career like education okay
00:14:11i'm very sorry for what happened there okay yeah and um but
00:14:19yeah representatives like asking us to resign i think there was rude unprofessional of these
00:14:26representatives and i think that's like uh witch hunt it's like
00:14:33bullism and jealous case of jealousy for from female pop representatives and
00:14:42it was hard to watch i think they were very rude and so cruel and mean
00:14:49yeah we're talking about female representatives like AOC, Boebert,
00:14:57Marjorie Taylor Greene, Alexander Ocasio-Cortez and and others other female representatives
00:15:03whose name i don't remember i don't recognize them i don't represent Luna or something just mean
00:15:11and representative McClain very mean people okay yeah it was horrible they were unfair to the
00:15:21director of secret service very unfair okay i don't think it was necessary to resign okay i don't think
00:15:30of secret service very unfair okay i don't think it was necessary to resign okay i don't think so
00:15:54but with the senate hearing against this acting director of secret service
00:16:03but that one was easier to watch why he's a man okay so and he's total man so
00:16:14yeah yeah like Ted Cruz and some other senator what Hawley or senator
00:16:22Ossoff from Georgia handsome guy yeah senator Ossoff from Georgia is handsome guy is a
00:16:33Jewish American and uh very handsome he was quite professional when he was making questions okay but
00:16:39senator Hawley and senator Ted Cruz they were very emotional like angry and uh but well they're
00:16:47accusing this man tall guy so it was a lot easier to watch okay yeah
00:16:59i'm very protective of females as a man okay yeah
00:17:10i think former director miss uh Chido i think she's fantastic i mean
00:17:19it's not entirely her fault that this incident happened okay and because i mean she's a director
00:17:26she has a lot of acting cases she's busy as director okay she cannot afford to uh
00:17:32devote too much of her time in one single secret service protection detail no she's
00:17:39that she's head of agency she overseeing thousands of thousands of cases
00:17:47okay so it was not her fault that's not fair okay yeah
00:17:57okay let's take five minutes
00:18:02u.s representatives do even around
00:18:08even animalistic like
00:18:12horrible horrible that's quite disappointing actually yeah thank you
00:23:21okay welcome back
00:23:26okay so what else uh well jd vance his eyes it's kind of looks kind of scary his eyes looks like this actor
00:23:40uh who played like vampire dracula with all the facial makeup that's what it looks like
00:23:51it is a natural eyes but it looks like a an actor who's playing the role of vampire dracula
00:24:00with all the special makeup okay because his eyes like look very dark strange looking guy
00:24:07yeah jd vance okay i think trump likes him because he just like him it's like
00:24:13mini trump okay jd vance very offensive okay the way he talks to about other people
00:24:20they are very offensive and uh yeah
00:24:29and uh trump yeah i voted for 2016 i was not running for election that year i was
00:24:41in alaska i voted for him 2016 okay and he got elected and after that yeah i want to renew my
00:24:48passport and his people targeted me they're like oh yeah okay prove that you're really american like
00:24:56all the past records yeah like whatever right membership of some organizations and
00:25:04yeah i sent them so that i can renew my passport but uh they finally said okay okay you can renew
00:25:12your passport okay and i heard this happen to other people too yeah especially people
00:25:16with like foreign name yeah honky that's korean name okay so yeah so i felt very betrayed by
00:25:24trump and his people after i voted for him so i i now i regret having voted for him okay
00:25:31during territory uh covid pandemic he blamed china okay so he make fun of chinese people
00:25:39like china virus kung flu okay and so he is very bad role model okay he basically
00:25:52kinda encourage americans to pick on asian americans and that's what happened
00:26:04was i persecuted yeah but not as harshly as some other states who got actually physically assaulted
00:26:12asian americans during covid19 okay uh in alaska yeah people tend to behave better than other
00:26:19states okay so but they would like stare at me basically blaming me for this covid19 because
00:26:25i'm asian
00:26:29many of them even in alaska okay
00:26:38it's trump's fault it's not china's fault no pandemic happens like aids
00:26:47started in san francisco right yeah are we going to call aids as america virus
00:26:54those things happen okay yeah because virus they mutate okay yeah brand new pandemic happens
00:27:03but heck but what trump did was because he's scientifically ignorant
00:27:08he supported like ivermectin whatever
00:27:19unscientific approach yeah ivermectin has nothing to do with
00:27:26coronavirus okay the covid19 virus but he's scientifically ignorant so he brought in dr
00:27:33Fauci and then he handed over country to dr Fauci who shut the country down dr Fauci okay
00:27:43that happened during uh yeah trump when he was president the failure of leadership okay
00:27:52and so lockdown happened under trump not under biden mandatory vaccine mandatory masking
00:28:03it happened under donald trump not under joe biden trump is liar is pathological liar he
00:28:10portrayed it as if it happened during joe biden no no it happened during
00:28:14donald trump he handed the country over to dr Fauci
00:28:21okay trump is the one who invited dr fauci to our house and handed the country over to
00:28:27dr Fauci that's dr trump's friend leadership after that yeah well let's take a break from
00:28:39mathematics okay welcome to humanology yeah five minutes break please thank you
00:31:23so after pandemic this year of lockdown people are bored they're like cabin fever claustrophobic
00:31:31they're angry so they want to find some excuse to get out of their house and that's why what
00:31:38happened in uh george floyd and january 6th okay yeah that was the reason i mean those kind of like
00:31:48incidents happens all the time but people don't start like mass protests they did it because of
00:32:00lockdown under trump they were they just wanted to get outside and get together
00:32:07because people are social animals okay yeah george floyd mass protest okay that's happened because of
00:32:14covid19 lockdown okay january 6th same thing yeah george floyd protest that's democrats
00:32:24january 6th riot that's republicans okay they just wanted to make some excuse to get out of their house
00:32:32and get together okay yeah it happened because of donald trump's policy of lockdown
00:32:43had i been the u.s president because i ran for 2020 u.s president's election too okay
00:32:48had i been put uh been a u.s president in 2020 okay uh i would not have brought any doctor to
00:32:57the white house why i i am the doctor i don't have medical degree but i have superior knowledge
00:33:06yeah not as superior to doctors as a humanologist okay and also biology too yeah sure
00:33:21do not get covid19
00:33:24yeah masking vaccine optional not mandatory lockdown shutdown optional but not mandatory
00:33:36not even recommended no i would recommend people to go to war actually
00:33:41be more physically active and exercise diet
00:33:47martial arts dancing just do the same thing be physically active and yes personal hygiene
00:33:58okay that way our healthy immune system can fend off whatever virus out there
00:34:06okay yeah i didn't get covid19 was i vaccinated yeah why i was required to
00:34:17in my job okay yeah well i was very reluctant but yeah to keep my job i had to get vaccinated twice
00:34:25okay but i don't think it was necessary
00:34:32what did i wear a mask only when i had to
00:34:37okay only when i had to i don't think it was necessary
00:34:44and so people voted for biden in uh 2020 because they saw this failed leadership of
00:34:55donald trump and they were disappointed and so was i so uh 2020 i voted for myself
00:35:04president and others yeah they were divided okay they also saw trump in the debate
00:35:11yeah what they saw was a madman trump okay
00:35:19that's why he lost election in 2010
00:35:25and then january 6th right yeah he wanted to steal the election so basically it's common
00:35:31strategy by these liars yeah they accuse the opponent of doing something that they themselves
00:35:38did yeah trump is the one who stole the election who tried to steal the election okay but he's
00:35:45accusing biden of stealing the election so that he would not be charged accused of stealing the
00:35:57election it's very common liars uh method of doing things okay yeah
00:36:09so i do not want to see trump as your next year's president okay in this year 2024 of course i'm
00:36:14running okay so yeah i would have seen myself if not then yeah kamala harris okay which is
00:36:25a very competent person and she's funny i like her quite a bit and she's beautiful
00:36:30kamala harris okay yeah
00:36:34but of course it'd be ideal it'd be a lot better if i do be
00:36:38compressed on 2024 but uh that's not quite likely right that's very realistic okay so
00:36:44well i got it wrong of course okay yeah yeah
00:36:54i mean even some republicans say they will vote for harris
00:36:59and democrats will vote for harris independence like myself well i have both for myself of course
00:37:07but i'm not celebrity i'm not well known in america and uh
00:37:15uh yeah but i vote for myself but other independent swing voters most likely they
00:37:23vote for harris okay yeah although policy level uh what trump said in the african-american
00:37:33journalist convention uh he said uh like uh yeah what we he'll do yeah build a border wall and
00:37:45enhance the fast of your production
00:37:50both of which i agree i do okay yeah but that the things that i disagree is
00:37:59mass deportation of illegal immigrants okay i think that's too extreme okay i'll just give
00:38:05them jobs okay and let them stay but so yeah we need to build sort of middle okay i agree with
00:38:11him on that but i'm kind of in the middle when it comes to immigration okay
00:38:19because i sympathize with them me i'm a quasi-immigrant myself
00:38:24okay yeah i i was born in america i guess but i grew up in korea you know south korea
00:38:32until i was 19
00:38:40i of course i don't encourage people to call me illegally no what i'm saying is what would jesus
00:38:49what would jesus do
00:38:54illegal immigrants who are already here yeah mercy charity
00:39:02okay i can go on and on let's take five minutes break okay so
00:39:08let's take a break for mathematics okay five minutes okay thank you
00:39:11thank you
00:41:28yeah i mean this
00:41:32no need for me to repeat myself like saying pretty much the same thing
00:41:36so let's talk to mathematics okay let's get back to it
00:41:42i i don't want to repeat myself time and again you know
00:41:54the rest of time okay so yeah
00:42:10okay ah let's talk a little bit time check
00:42:26it's been less than one hour okay
00:42:37okay we are looking for the function that maps index k to index n okay yeah that's what we're doing
00:42:55let me start with um
00:43:12cranberry vodka sure
00:43:26thursday already time flies cheers happy thursday
00:43:55uh with k right
00:44:00k index which is continuous
00:44:30okay uh we group n
00:44:364 by 4 we group k 4 by 4 okay then very first elements okay 2, 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17
00:44:49and 18, 22 so yeah just look at the two first elements of groups of fours okay
00:44:58four numbers yeah 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 okay and to get that
00:45:07we have k and then k minus 2 and then k minus 2 divided by 4 and then floor it
00:45:16then we get that okay
00:45:22yeah minus 1, 0, 1, 2, 3 okay okay good sure
00:45:35yeah cheers yeah
00:46:16we call this
00:46:23three okay these three sequence okay
00:47:09we have
00:48:20hey okay
00:48:26yeah not n but uh for now k okay yeah
00:49:03It's intermediate difficulty, not too easy, not too difficult, but it's not too hard.
00:49:32It's easy, not too difficult, just the right amount in the middle.
00:50:11Now end sequence.
00:51:10Yeah, 7 plus, 7 plus, 7 plus, 7 plus, 7 plus.
00:51:39Yeah, 7 plus 4, OK, OK.
00:55:39Then 2 plus 4 plus 1, that's 7.
00:55:47And then 2 plus 4.
00:56:01times 1
00:56:03times 2
00:56:07that's 10
00:56:09plus 2
00:56:11then 4
00:56:13um okay
00:56:152 plus
00:56:174 times 3
00:56:19that's 14
00:56:23yeah plus 3
00:56:51uh 22
00:56:53okay 18
00:56:552 plus
00:56:574 times 4
00:56:59plus 4
00:57:0322 okay
00:57:11we are almost there okay
00:57:17if you want to decipher this
00:57:19decode this
00:57:21decrypt this
00:57:23go for it okay
00:57:25I'll talk to you later
00:57:29it's mapping problem okay
00:57:31yeah so
00:57:33find interrelationship between like this
00:57:35many indices
00:57:37okay yeah
00:57:39five minutes okay thank you
00:57:41uh time check real quick
00:57:43oh it's been less than one hour okay five minutes
00:57:45thank you
00:57:51it's more fun than
00:57:55okay five minutes thank you
00:57:59politics can be boring
00:58:03sometimes mathematics can be boring sometimes
00:58:05so we alternate right
00:58:07politics and mathematics
00:58:09welcome to humanology yeah
01:02:19Okay, so, let's continue, we are almost there, 2, yeah, is equal to 2 plus 4 times 0 plus
01:02:460, okay? Yeah, these are n's, okay? Now, we have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, that's what we have right
01:02:58here, that's like C, right? K minus 2 divided by 4, fluorine, okay? We are almost there.
01:03:11I am excited, so let me do some, to amplify my excitement, with liquor, okay? So, yeah,
01:03:19cheers, yeah, welcome to Humanology.
01:03:41All right, 1, 0, 2, 4, 1, 0, 2, 4, that's like
01:04:11let's call this like, E, okay? Is equal to
01:04:24Oh, it's not that simple, huh?
01:04:54okay okay well
01:05:01you have zeros you cannot express 0 as 2 2 or something the power number that 2
01:05:08to the n it's never 0 it's always positive number okay okay all right
01:05:27yeah there will be final hold'em
01:06:09we are mapping like 0 1 2 3 into 0 1 2 4
01:06:19what kind of function would that be
01:06:29function h map to 0 1 2 4
01:06:41I was a bracket okay so let's say this is X this is Y okay so Y is equal to
01:07:07X is not equal to 3
01:07:16then X plus if X is equal to 3
01:07:25then 4 okay we dealt with this before okay so it will be like this
01:07:34now we learned a lot in this department so we are very good at it okay yeah we
01:07:43dealt with this before okay yeah Cheers
01:07:54come on this I was bracket into regular algebra okay if you want to okay let's
01:08:00take five minutes break okay because I'm gonna give you a chance to actually solve
01:08:04this on your own okay we did this before something very similar okay
01:08:09all right okay yeah five minutes break thank you yeah yeah come on this I was
01:08:16bracket expression to regular algebra okay if you want to okay okay nice
01:08:27hint yeah use like flooring function ceiling function like inside of that
01:08:35divide by whatever number okay so I don't look like give you too much hint
01:08:40here okay yeah rule algebra I won that okay yeah
01:08:48bye miss thank you
01:11:17okay yeah this is same problem we had before so now we know
01:11:25Now, to do this, it's the last token we overcame before, okay, so, yeah, mapping problem.
01:11:38Now we are very good at it, in number theory, yeah.
01:11:45Number mapping problems.
01:11:50I'm excited, okay, so if we do the flooring, okay, divide by 3, and then flooring, it becomes
01:12:070, 0, 0, 1, okay?
01:12:13So this is x plus, x divided by 3, flooring, yeah, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 plus 0, 3, 3
01:12:43plus 1, okay, yeah, it works, good, okay.
01:12:58Then e becomes, what is e, yeah, that's where we need row algebra, okay, so, e is equal
01:13:08to, k minus 2, which is 0, 1, 2, 3, okay, row 4, okay?
01:13:34Then it becomes 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, okay, now, that's x, yeah, okay, so, plus, okay,
01:14:00good, yeah, x is, like, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, okay, so, yeah, yeah, okay, we have that.
01:14:28We're almost done, okay, yeah, thank you for your patience, yeah, cheers, yeah.
01:15:20Given all this, now we can express, yeah,
01:15:46now we can express n as a function of k and k only, okay, function g, okay?
01:16:06Now if you want to express this function in terms of k and k only, go for it, okay, so,
01:16:11yeah, it will be quite lengthy, but, yeah, and we're very limited space here, okay, but, yeah,
01:16:21we're almost there, okay, now let's take five minutes here, okay, thank you, yeah.
01:16:26We have more than 30 minutes left, okay?
01:16:30Yeah, it's a long journey.
01:16:34Oh, yeah, mathematics, never-ending story, okay.
01:16:41It's as if mathematical universe is infinite space, as if it's continuously being created, okay, yeah,
01:16:57like in the universe, cosmology, right?
01:17:00New stars get born, new galaxies get born once in a while, something like that, okay, whatever.
01:17:09All right, bye, Ms. Graper, thank you, yeah.
01:17:13How interesting, huh?
01:17:20There we go, thank you, mm-hmm.
01:19:45All right, welcome back, Graper.
01:20:14Yeah, working hard, huh?
01:20:20Yeah, because we don't always work mathematics, sometimes we take a break from it, you know,
01:20:27yeah, so let's do mathematics when we like it, you know?
01:21:10So, there are two layers of auditions, okay?
01:21:58From K to N, it's like we are adding 0001, 1112, 2223, 3334, okay?
01:22:20Maybe it's a lot easier than that, okay?
01:22:22Maybe we don't need all that stuff, okay, so.
01:22:38Okay, two layers, okay, so let's write it.
01:23:00We are running out of space.
01:23:050001, 111.
01:23:17Well, excuse me, 000 and 1, okay?
01:23:201111 and then 1.
01:23:28Then 2222, 1.
01:23:393333, 1.
01:23:47Goes like that, okay?
01:23:49Okay, okay.
01:23:57Yeah, we don't quite need all this, okay?
01:23:59It's a lot simpler than that, actually, okay?
01:24:01That's the good news.
01:24:02But it's good that we did this, because it's good practice and exercise, mathematically speaking, okay?
01:24:08Yeah, cheers.
01:24:38Now, 0001, 0001, 0001, 0001, okay?
01:25:03Let's call the sequence j, okay?
01:25:14And j is equal to k-2.
01:25:36Yeah, that's 0, 1, 2, 3, okay?
01:25:42Divide by 3 and floor it.
01:25:53Well, actually, it really was better than that.
01:26:03Yeah, that's j, okay, so.
01:26:06Like 0001, 0001, okay?
01:26:09So that's j, and j is equal to k-2.
01:26:30Row 4.
01:26:38Yeah, row 4.
01:26:43Divide by 3.
01:26:54Floor it.
01:27:03Do what we have right here, okay?
01:27:05It's good that we did this.
01:27:06We're kind of recycling, okay?
01:27:28Based on this, we have more than 30 minutes left, okay?
01:27:33Based on this, I give you a chance, opportunity to express n in terms of k for the first time in the world.
01:27:44Before I do this, because I know how to do this, okay?
01:27:47Of course, this tab record is not live, but still, okay?
01:27:52If you want to, okay?
01:27:54Yeah, five minutes break, please.
01:27:55Thank you.
01:27:56Yeah, I'm very excited.
01:28:03Very cool.
01:28:06Thank you.
01:28:07Five minutes.
01:28:39Thank you.
01:29:10Thank you.
01:29:11Thank you.
01:29:12Thank you.
01:29:13Thank you.
01:29:14Thank you.
01:29:15Thank you.
01:29:16Thank you.
01:29:17Thank you.
01:29:18Thank you.
01:29:19Thank you.
01:29:20Thank you.
01:29:21Thank you.
01:29:22Thank you.
01:29:23Thank you.
01:29:24Thank you.
01:29:25Thank you.
01:29:26Thank you.
01:29:27Thank you.
01:29:28Thank you.
01:29:29Thank you.
01:29:30Thank you.
01:29:31Thank you.
01:29:32Thank you.
01:29:33Thank you.
01:29:34Thank you.
01:29:35Thank you.
01:29:36Thank you.
01:29:37Thank you.
01:29:38Thank you.
01:29:39Thank you.
01:29:40Thank you.
01:29:41Thank you.
01:29:42Thank you.
01:29:43Thank you.
01:29:44Thank you.
01:29:45Thank you.
01:29:46Thank you.
01:29:47Thank you.
01:29:48Thank you.
01:29:49Thank you.
01:29:50Thank you.
01:29:51Thank you.
01:29:52Thank you.
01:29:53Thank you.
01:29:54Thank you.
01:29:55Thank you.
01:29:56Thank you.
01:29:57Thank you.
01:29:58Thank you.
01:29:59Thank you.
01:30:00Thank you.
01:30:01Thank you.
01:30:02Thank you.
01:30:03Thank you.
01:30:04Thank you.
01:30:05Thank you.
01:30:06Thank you.
01:30:07Thank you.
01:30:08Thank you.
01:30:09Thank you.
01:30:10Thank you.
01:30:11Thank you.
01:30:12Thank you.
01:30:13Thank you.
01:30:14Thank you.
01:30:15Thank you.
01:30:16Thank you.
01:30:17Thank you.
01:30:18Thank you.
01:30:19Thank you.
01:30:20Thank you.
01:30:21Thank you.
01:30:22Thank you.
01:30:23Thank you.
01:30:24Thank you.
01:30:25Thank you.
01:30:26Thank you.
01:30:27Thank you.
01:30:28Thank you.
01:30:29Thank you.
01:30:30Thank you.
01:30:31Thank you.
01:30:32Thank you.
01:30:33Thank you.
01:30:34Thank you.
01:30:35Thank you.
01:30:36Thank you.
01:30:37Thank you.
01:30:38Thank you.
01:30:39Thank you.
01:30:40Thank you.
01:30:41Thank you.
01:30:42Thank you.
01:30:43Thank you.
01:30:44Thank you.
01:30:45Thank you.
01:30:46Thank you.
01:30:47Thank you.
01:30:48Thank you.
01:30:49Thank you.
01:30:50Thank you.
01:30:51Thank you.
01:30:52Thank you.
01:30:53Thank you.
01:30:54Thank you.
01:30:55Thank you.
01:30:56Thank you.
01:30:57Thank you.
01:30:58Thank you.
01:30:59Thank you.
01:31:00Thank you.
01:31:01Thank you.
01:31:02Thank you.
01:31:03Thank you.
01:31:04Thank you.
01:31:05Thank you.
01:31:06Thank you.
01:31:07Thank you.
01:31:08Thank you.
01:31:09Thank you.
01:31:10Thank you.
01:31:11Thank you.
01:31:12Thank you.
01:31:13Thank you.
01:31:14Thank you.
01:31:15Thank you.
01:31:16Thank you.
01:31:17Thank you.
01:31:18Thank you.
01:31:19Thank you.
01:31:20Thank you.
01:31:21Thank you.
01:31:22Thank you.
01:31:23Thank you.
01:31:24Thank you.
01:31:25Thank you.
01:31:26Thank you.
01:31:27Thank you.
01:31:28Thank you.
01:31:29Thank you.
01:31:30Thank you.
01:31:31Thank you.
01:31:32Thank you.
01:31:33Thank you.
01:31:34Thank you.
01:31:35Thank you.
01:31:36Thank you.
01:31:37Thank you.
01:31:38Thank you.
01:31:39Thank you.
01:31:40Thank you.
01:31:41Thank you.
01:31:42Thank you.
01:31:43Thank you.
01:31:44Thank you.
01:31:45Thank you.
01:31:46Thank you.
01:31:47Thank you.
01:31:48Thank you.
01:31:49Thank you.
01:31:50Thank you.
01:31:51Thank you.
01:31:52Thank you.
01:31:53Thank you.
01:31:54Thank you.
01:31:55Thank you.
01:31:56Thank you.
01:31:57Thank you.
01:31:58Thank you.
01:31:59Thank you.
01:32:00Thank you.
01:32:01Thank you.
01:32:02Thank you.
01:32:03Thank you.
01:32:04Thank you.
01:32:05Thank you.
01:32:06Thank you.
01:32:07Thank you.
01:32:08Thank you.
01:32:09Thank you.
01:32:10Thank you.
01:32:11Thank you.
01:32:12Thank you.
01:32:13Thank you.
01:32:14Thank you.
01:32:15Thank you.
01:32:16Thank you.
01:32:17Thank you.
01:32:18Thank you.
01:32:19Thank you.
01:32:20Thank you.
01:32:21Thank you.
01:32:22Thank you.
01:32:23Thank you.
01:32:24Thank you.
01:32:25Thank you.
01:32:26Thank you.
01:32:27Thank you.
01:32:28Thank you.
01:32:29Thank you.
01:32:30Thank you.
01:32:31Thank you.
01:32:32Thank you.
01:32:33Thank you.
01:32:34Thank you.
01:32:35Thank you.
01:32:36Thank you.
01:32:37Thank you.
01:32:38Thank you.
01:32:39Thank you.
01:32:40Thank you.
01:32:41Thank you.
01:32:42Thank you.
01:32:43Thank you.
01:32:44Thank you.
01:32:45Thank you.
01:32:46Thank you.
01:32:47Thank you.
01:32:48Thank you.
01:32:49Thank you.
01:32:50Thank you.
01:32:51Thank you.
01:32:52Thank you.
01:32:53Thank you.
01:32:54Thank you.
01:32:55Thank you.
01:32:56Thank you.
01:32:57Thank you.
01:32:58Thank you.
01:32:59Thank you.
01:33:00Thank you.
01:33:01Thank you.
01:33:02Thank you.
01:33:03Thank you.
01:33:04Thank you.
01:33:05Thank you.
01:33:06Thank you.
01:33:07Thank you.
01:33:08Thank you.
01:33:09Thank you.
01:33:10Thank you.
01:33:11Thank you.
01:33:12Thank you.
01:33:13Thank you.
01:33:14Thank you.
01:33:15Thank you.
01:33:16Thank you.
01:33:17Thank you.
01:33:18Thank you.
01:33:19Thank you.
01:33:20Thank you.
01:33:21Thank you.
01:33:22Thank you.
01:33:23Thank you.
01:33:24Thank you.
01:33:25Thank you.
01:33:26Thank you.
01:33:27Thank you.
01:33:28Thank you.
01:33:29Thank you.
01:33:30Thank you.
01:33:31Thank you.
01:33:32Thank you.
01:33:33Thank you.
01:33:34Thank you.
01:33:35Thank you.
01:33:36Thank you.
01:33:37Thank you.
01:33:38Thank you.
01:33:39Thank you.
01:33:40Thank you.
01:33:41Thank you.
01:33:42Thank you.
01:33:43Thank you.
01:33:44Thank you.
01:33:45Thank you.
01:33:46Thank you.
01:33:47Thank you.
01:33:48Thank you.
01:33:49Thank you.
01:33:50Thank you.
01:33:51Thank you.
01:33:52Thank you.
01:33:53Thank you.
01:33:54Thank you.
01:33:55Thank you.
01:33:56Thank you.
01:33:57Thank you.
01:33:58Thank you.
01:33:59Thank you.
01:34:00Thank you.
01:34:01Thank you.
01:34:02Thank you.
01:34:03Thank you.
01:34:04Thank you.
01:34:05Thank you.
01:34:06Thank you.
01:34:07Thank you.
01:34:08Thank you.
01:34:09Thank you.
01:34:10Thank you.
01:34:11Thank you.
01:34:12Thank you.
01:34:13Thank you.
01:34:14Thank you.
01:34:15Thank you.
01:34:16Thank you.
01:34:17Thank you.
01:34:18Thank you.
01:34:19Thank you.
01:34:20Thank you.
01:34:21Thank you.
01:34:22Thank you.
01:34:23Thank you.
01:34:24Thank you.
01:34:25Thank you.
01:34:26Thank you.
01:34:27Thank you.
01:34:28Thank you.
01:34:29Thank you.
01:34:30Thank you.
01:34:31Thank you.
01:34:32Thank you.
01:34:33Thank you.
01:34:34Thank you.
01:34:35Thank you.
01:34:36Thank you.
01:34:37Thank you.
01:34:38Thank you.
01:34:39Thank you.
01:34:40Thank you.
01:34:41Thank you.
01:34:42Thank you.
01:34:43Thank you.
01:34:44Thank you.
01:34:45Thank you.
01:34:46Thank you.
01:34:47Thank you.
01:34:48Thank you.
01:34:49Thank you.
01:34:50Thank you.
01:34:51Thank you.
01:34:52Thank you.
01:34:53Thank you.
01:34:54Thank you.
01:34:55Thank you.
01:34:56Thank you.
01:34:57Thank you.
01:34:58Thank you.
01:34:59Thank you.
01:35:00Thank you.
01:35:01Thank you.
01:35:02Thank you.
01:35:03Thank you.
01:35:04Thank you.
01:35:05Thank you.
01:35:06Thank you.
01:35:07Thank you.
01:35:08Thank you.
01:35:09Thank you.
01:35:10Thank you.
01:35:11Thank you.
01:35:12Thank you.
01:35:13Thank you.
01:35:14Thank you.
01:35:15Thank you.
01:35:16Thank you.
01:35:17Thank you.
01:35:18Thank you.
01:35:19Thank you.
01:35:20Thank you.
01:35:21Thank you.
01:35:22Thank you.
01:35:23Thank you.
01:35:24Thank you.
01:35:25Thank you.
01:35:26Thank you.
01:35:27Thank you.
01:35:28Thank you.
01:35:29Thank you.
01:35:30Thank you.
01:35:31Thank you.
01:35:32Thank you.
01:35:33Thank you.
01:35:34Thank you.
01:35:35Thank you.
01:35:36Thank you.
01:35:37Thank you.
01:35:38Thank you.
01:35:39Thank you.
01:35:40Thank you.
01:35:41Thank you.
01:35:42Thank you.
01:35:43Thank you.
01:35:44Thank you.
01:35:45Thank you.
01:35:46Thank you.
01:35:47Thank you.
01:35:48Thank you.
01:35:49Thank you.
01:35:50Thank you.
01:35:51Thank you.
01:35:52Thank you.
01:35:53Thank you.
01:35:54Thank you.