Sueños de Libertad - Capítulo 121

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00:30Me precisely, I see you capable of making this idea come true
00:38I need a loan as soon as possible
00:40I shouldn't do this
00:44to get rid of you
00:46I'll lend you the same loans. We can't feed those impulses, no matter how honest they are
00:53Because now everything is fine, but if we give loose rein to our feelings
00:59It would be a disaster
01:01Of course
01:05Take them and put them back where they belong
01:10Begoña, what has he told you now?
01:12Why does everything seem like my brother is apologizing for something?
01:15He has no limits
01:28To live in another way
01:30Wings to fly
01:32Wherever the soul wants
01:34Dreams of freedom
01:36The heart does not wait
01:38It is asking for another opportunity
01:42Dreams of freedom
01:44Although the past hurts
01:47To start again
01:49To love whoever I want
01:51To scream freedom to them
01:53To live without fear and without looking back
02:14Dreams of freedom
02:28Dreams of freedom
02:30Dreams of freedom
02:32Dreams of freedom
02:34Dreams of freedom
02:36Dreams of freedom
02:38Dreams of freedom
02:40You have to do me a favor
02:42Which one?
02:44Save that drawing
02:50Why do you want me to save it?
02:52Because every time you see it
02:56You have to remember
02:58That your life
03:00It has to be full of moments like that
03:10I promise you
03:12I promise that I will try to feel proud of every day of my life
03:33Tere has told me that you just asked for a broth
03:36Are you going to be here all day, my love?
03:44You take the time you have
03:50Didn't you like the flowers I sent you?
03:59Do you really think you're going to fix it with a bouquet of flowers?
04:05I just want things to be like before
04:09But how can you tell me that after what you did to me last night?
04:15Last night we did what any marriage does
04:20I didn't want to, Jesus
04:23You forced me
04:28You raped me
04:30No, Begoña
04:36Begoña, the last thing I wanted was to hurt you
04:40Just to think that...
04:41Don't play dumb with me, Jesus
04:43You know perfectly well what you're saying
04:46You're accusing me of something that has no reason to be
04:49We're married
04:51And we have duties to each other, don't we?
04:55Respect is above duties
05:00I've always respected your times and circumstances
05:04Don't try to dirty me and make me feel bad about something that is completely normal
05:10And what if I don't want to, Jesus?
05:13Are you going to force me again?
05:16My love
05:17Don't come any closer
05:21The only thing I want is for us to be like before
05:27But you don't realize that's impossible
05:38I'll see you tonight at dinner
05:41In the meantime, you rest
05:43I hope you see everything differently later
05:52And please get that drawing out of there
05:55Even if it's out of respect for me
06:25I love you
06:48Come on, let me help you
06:51I used to do it in the big house
06:53I've left Teresa in charge of the kitchen
06:56And I've come to change because I've had a career in the media
06:59Well, you could have told me, I would have given you a clean shave
07:02You have a lot of work to do
07:04As if you were taking care of me
07:06You know perfectly well that you have me for what you need
07:10Gemma, I don't want to be indiscreet
07:14But this morning I saw that Luis' bed wasn't untidy
07:20Yes, I've gone back to my bedroom
07:23I'm glad you've reconciled
07:30You don't look very excited
07:34It's true that Joaquin has taken a very important step to normalize things
07:38But, I don't know
07:42He's not the same as before
07:45It's as if there was a barrier between us
07:50Time to time
07:52It's a first step, daughter
07:54I don't know if he's forcing himself to do something he doesn't want
07:57He's very hurt
08:00Joaquin may seem like a great strength and he's bleeding inside
08:04I know
08:06He's very sensitive
08:08More sensitive than his brother, even if it doesn't seem like it
08:12But he's also very stubborn and very proud
08:16What does he recommend me to do?
08:20Patience and love
08:23What if that's not enough?
08:26He needs to see that there's hope
08:29And also understand that sometimes you have to let yourself be helped and loved
08:34Helped? But if he doesn't even let me make him coffee, what do I do?
08:38Well, there you are
08:41To know when to stop
08:45To know when to listen to him
08:48And when not
08:52Well, I'm going to get changed
09:14I'm going to get changed
09:35Can I have the railroad tickets, please?
09:38Thank you
09:48Are you okay?
09:50You're very pale
09:52Yes, I'm sorry, I was scared
09:56I'm sorry, I just wanted to say goodbye and go back to school
10:01Of course
10:05What's wrong? You're shaking
10:12You know I love you very much, don't you?
10:17You're the most important person in my life
10:20I love you too
10:22Come here
10:27I have to go or I'll be late for the natural sciences exam
10:31Of course, good luck with everything
11:13Hello, daughter
11:16I've heard you were looking for me
11:18Yes, because I have to explain the new medication that Dr. Borrell has given you
11:23That's fast
11:25I still have to go from Nicasio to Parabono y Plantas to the garden of the house
11:29Do you even smell of the king?
11:31It's the first time I go out on the road, and if I do, it's because I feel very good
11:37Father, well, at least let me accompany you
11:41Come on, please, don't be a pain, if I wasn't, I wouldn't go anywhere
11:45Come on, take it
11:49Hey, now that a man is worthy, do you find him as usual?
11:57More or less, why?
11:59I don't know, this morning I saw him behaving very abruptly with Damien, he even threw him out of the kitchen
12:05Oh yeah?
12:07Well, that's that they didn't end well
12:09And it's a shame, huh? Because Digna was in love and willing to marry him
12:16That they were going to get married?
12:18Oh, I didn't know
12:21Well, I'm giving myself up right now
12:23Well, in that case, it would be better if you don't keep telling him
12:26No, daughter, daughter, come on, please
12:30Well, father, that they kind of committed, but in the end Digna broke up with him
12:36Come on, I didn't even give it to him
12:38Don't bother
12:39But please don't tell him that I told him, because Digna told me with all her confidence
12:43No, no, don't worry, don't worry, I'm a tomb, but you leave me very worried because
12:48something very serious has had to happen for Digna to back out like that
12:54And it also bothers you that he hasn't told you, right?
12:58Well look, yes, I don't understand him, and neither of them
13:04I see
13:05Oh, father, I'm sorry I have to go to attend
13:09Oh, come on, see you later
13:14Hi! How can I help you?
13:17Hola. ¿En qué puedo ayudarlas?
13:24Recuerda que te has comido toda la empanada tu sola.
13:26¡Que no! ¡Que la he tirado! ¡Estaba llena de hormigas!
13:29Encantado de como te aprendes.
13:31Que lo pases tan bien.
13:34¿Buscas a alguien?
13:35Eh, no. Solo miraba por si estaba mi padre.
13:39Muchas gracias por este ratito.
13:41El primero de muchos. Y en la próxima te llevaré al Chorro del Malfario.
13:45Te daré una cascada preciosa.
13:47Si te apetece, claro.
13:49Claro que me apetece.
13:53Y es lo que necesito ahora.
13:55Hacer cosas juntos.
13:57Si no me pongo a pensar y...
13:59Sí, han sido días difíciles.
14:02Pero hay que pensar en lo que está por venir.
14:06En fin, tendría que subir a cambiarme antes de volver a la fábrica.
14:09¿Ya? ¿Tan pronto?
14:10Junta directiva.
14:12Uf, no te envidio nada.
14:14Dame. Voy a dejar la cesta en la cocina.
14:17Nos vemos luego.
14:19Te quiero.
14:20Y yo.
14:40¿Qué haces tú por aquí?
14:42¿Te encuentras bien?
14:44Me duele la cabeza desde esta mañana.
14:46Siéntate, anda.
14:49Tómate esto.
14:53¿Pero sabes lo que no falla nunca?
14:55No darle tantas vueltas a las cosas.
14:59¿Y qué quieres que haga?
15:02No paro de pensar en el proyecto de mi padre.
15:05No paro de hacer cálculos y especulaciones.
15:08Si ya sabía yo que estabas así por eso.
15:10Es que es el golpe de suerte que necesitábamos, Gemma.
15:13Y me agobia no poder conseguir la financiación.
15:20Aunque no sé por qué estoy pensando en la financiación
15:22si ni siquiera hemos podido contactar con ese tal Peralta
15:24para que nos venda los terrenos.
15:27Ya, escucha, Joaquín.
15:29¿Y tú te enfadarías mucho si yo te dijera
15:31que ya he encontrado la manera para contactar con él?
15:35No, Gemma.
15:36Yo ya lo he hecho.
15:37He llamado a su sobrina Sonsi.
15:40¿Tu amiguita de Madrid?
15:42La sobrina del señor ese de los terrenos.
15:45No, antes de que digas nada.
15:47Ella no se lleva muy bien con su tío por una cuestión de herencias.
15:50Por eso no nos puede ayudar directamente.
15:52Pero me ha dicho cómo podemos llegar hasta él.
15:54Me cago en...
15:55Que Peralta tiene el despacho en calle Alfonso VI.
15:58Que tengo su dirección.
16:00Y además me ha dicho también que le encantan los mazapanes.
16:02Así que he pensado que podemos regalarle
16:04una cajita de los de San Clemente.
16:07¿Qué te parece?
16:10¿Qué pasa?
16:11¿Has acabado?
16:14Yo te dije que no lo hicieras, ¿no?
16:15Te lo dije, ¿verdad?
16:16Sí, me lo dijiste.
16:17Y a ti te da igual.
16:20A ver, quería aprovechar la confianza que tengo con ella
16:23para ayudar.
16:24Tampoco creo que sea para tanto.
16:27Es que tú siempre haces lo que te da la gana.
16:29Sin consultar.
16:31Y esta vez consultándolo.
16:33Y teniendo un no por respuesta.
16:39Estabas a punto de decirme algo importante antes.
16:43Sabes que puedes confiar en mí.
16:47Está todo bien.
16:51Sabes que siempre te estaré agradecida
16:53por todo lo que has hecho por mi, ¿verdad?
16:55Pero ahora es momento de seguir adelante.
16:58Y no mirar atrás.
17:05Padre, ¿qué tal?
17:08¿Va todo bien?
17:09Sí, acabo de llegar de pícnico a mi esposa.
17:11Iba a subir a cambiarme.
17:13¿A qué hora hemos quedado para la reunión?
17:15A las cinco. Tienes tiempo de sobra.
17:17Vale, pues a por arriba.
17:22¿Te vas, querida?
17:25Sí, voy a...
17:27Voy a llevar unas flores al cementerio.
17:29¿Vas a coger el coche?
17:31No lo digo porque te veo un poco aturdida.
17:35Ya, son las pastillas que me recetó Luz
17:37para sobrellevar lo de mi madre.
17:39Me ayudan mucho, pero...
17:41pero me dejan un poco mareada.
17:43No deberías conducir en tu estado.
17:45Si me das un minuto, yo te acerco conmigo.
17:47No, no, no hace falta.
17:48No hace falta, iré dando un paseo.
17:50Así me dará un poco de aire.
17:52No se ofenda, pero hay cosas que prefiero hacer sola.
17:56Claro, querida, lo entiendo.
17:58Ahí está.
18:06Tenía el contacto.
18:08Y he conseguido información que puede seros de mucha ayuda.
18:11Y en lugar de agradecérmelo, me lo echas en cara.
18:13¿El qué te tengo que agradecer a ti?
18:15Pues que ya sabéis cómo llegar hasta él.
18:17Solo tenéis que presentaros en esa oficina una mañana
18:19y le abordáis.
18:20¿Ah, sí? ¿Qué quieres que hagamos?
18:22¿Que nos presentemos allí y que le digamos que nos manda su sobrina
18:24con la que no se habla hace tiempo?
18:25No, eso no hay que decírselo.
18:27¿Y qué? Y vamos allí con una caja de mazapanes, ¿no?
18:29Como unos provincianos.
18:30Que a esa gente de Alta Alcurnia no hay cosa que le guste más
18:32que le hagan la pelota.
18:34Que lo sé yo, que he tratado con ellos.
18:36Gemma, que no pienso ir.
18:38Pero se puede saber por qué estás tan cerril.
18:40Porque no quiero tener nada que ver con tu vida en Madrid.
18:47Es que, Gemma, me ofende profundamente
18:49la idea de que recurras a esa gente.
18:52Esa gente que te vio del brazo de otro hombre.
18:54Ah, sí, que se trata de eso.
18:56¿Qué va a ser si no?
18:58Y tú te empeñas en restregármelo por la cara. ¡Otra vez!
19:00Que no te estoy restregando nada.
19:02Solo intento ayudarte.
19:04Pero tú prefieres seguir anclado en una historia
19:06que ya está terminada.
19:08¿No es tan importante para ti el proyecto de tu padre?
19:10Pues ve, ve a por él.
19:12Hazlo, aunque sea, de cualquier forma. ¿Qué más da?
19:14No, no, ¿qué más da? No, Gemma. ¿Qué más da? No.
19:16No vale todo.
19:18Yo no pienso usar una información
19:20que viene de una historia plagada de mentiras.
19:23Pero ¿tú quién te piensas que soy?
19:25¿Eh? Yo tengo mi orgullo.
19:28Aunque no lo parezca.
19:30¿Entonces, Fina, tú también le has encargado algo a Tassio?
19:32Sí, le he comprado una radio,
19:34pero más pequeñita que la que se ha comprado Gaspar,
19:36que no tengo.
19:38¿Y qué es eso?
19:40¿Qué es eso?
19:42¿Qué es eso?
19:44¿Qué es eso?
19:46¿Qué es eso?
19:48¿Qué es eso?
19:50¿Qué es eso?
19:52¿Qué es eso?
19:54¿Qué es eso?
19:56¿Qué es eso?
19:58Es más pequeñita que la que se ha comprado Gaspar,
20:00que no tengo tantos posibles.
20:02Pues ya verás la cara de desemblantado que se le queda a tu padre.
20:04Ay, ya.
20:06Yo quiero darle todos los caprichos que pueda
20:08mientras siga con nosotros.
20:10Pues di que sí, Fina. Haces muy bien.
20:12Además que tu padre es que se lo merece.
20:14Que también te digo, eh, tu padre nos va enterrados.
20:16Porque no sé qué medicamentos le han dado,
20:18que está mucho mejor, eh.
20:20Sí, la verdad es que sí, Dios te oiga.
20:22Ay, ¿y tú deberías comprarle algo a Tassio, no?
20:24Que tiene muy buenos precios.
20:26I don't need anything, Fina.
20:28What about your mother?
20:30My mother? I haven't spoken to her since she went to Tremadura.
20:35Maybe you should call her and ask how she's doing.
20:38You'll give her some advice.
20:40Fina, I'd rather not call her now.
20:42Because she's going to start talking to me about the pregnancy.
20:45She's going to make fun of me again.
20:47She's going to tell me all her nonsense about Don Agustín.
20:49I know.
20:50She's got me bad.
20:51I'm telling you, I miss her.
20:53It seems like a lie.
20:55You'll call her when you feel like it.
21:01Fina, do you think Tassio will have a hairdryer?
21:05What if he doesn't get it for you in a moment?
21:07Maybe I'll order one for him when I see him.
21:09Of course.
21:10He'll be making a lot of money, Tassio.
21:13Well, better.
21:15That way your son won't be short of anything.
21:17Let's see if he stretches
21:19and gives me some diapers for the baby.
21:21It's almost time.
21:22There's still time for that.
21:24There's not much left, Fina.
21:26And less and less.
21:27Less for what?
21:28Oh, for the summer holidays.
21:31I'm looking forward to taking a few days off.
21:33Well, I'm sure you'll have a good vacation this year.
21:36I'll go to town to see my mother and Gracia.
21:38Come on, woman.
21:39I'm sure with what Tassio is making in the business,
21:42he'll take you to the beach at least.
21:44What business?
21:46The one with the appliances, woman.
21:52Carmen, Tassio wanted to tell you
21:54because he wanted to surprise you.
21:56I don't know if he surprised me.
21:58He did, but well.
22:09Come in.
22:13What, Jaime?
22:14Come in, come in.
22:16Luz has gone out to make some home visits
22:18and you won't make it to the end of the afternoon
22:20if you want to stop by later so she can take care of you.
22:22No, it's not necessary.
22:23It's just that...
22:24Tell me, what can I do for you?
22:25Well, my stomach is spinning all the time.
22:28I feel like vomiting.
22:29Something's coming up.
22:30Unclog a little and come with me to bed.
22:32I'm going to explore you.
22:33Very well.
22:34The shirt too, if you don't mind.
22:37Have you eaten anything strong?
22:39My mother's stew.
22:41But come on, Joaquín has also tried it and it's perfect.
22:44It's a rather indigestible food.
22:46Not to mention the gases.
22:48But I've eaten it hundreds of times
22:49and I've never felt like I do now.
22:52I don't sense anything strange.
22:56Thank goodness.
22:57I hope I don't get sick
22:58because I have an important meeting and I can't miss it.
23:00Is that meeting very important?
23:01Business meetings are always like that.
23:04It's just that all that outweighs me, you know?
23:06I'm more of a lab rather than an office matter.
23:10You can get dressed.
23:11I would dare to say that it's nerves that have seized your stomach.
23:16Yes, in stressful situations, nerves,
23:18it produces acidity, which is what you feel rising.
23:22I'm going to prescribe you an antacid and...
23:26Although in these cases,
23:27it's best that you take things slowly.
23:33Very well, I thank you very much.
23:35I need you to take an hour
23:39and another tonight.
23:42With an infusion.
23:44Very well, I'll do that.
23:46Ah, what a surprise to see you here, Luis.
23:49Are you okay?
23:50Yes, yes, yes, everything is fine.
23:52It seems to me that it is a stomach pain without importance.
23:54I have prepared a prescription.
23:56Of course.
24:00Here you are, get well soon.
24:02Well, thank you both very much.
24:04I hope to see you soon.
24:09Did it happen to you again?
24:11I don't see anything, Luz.
24:13Do you think he noticed?
24:14He wouldn't have said it.
24:16I can't stop shaking.
24:17Come on, let's go to the apartment.
24:19There you can rest without anyone bothering you.
24:22Lean on me.
24:38Come in.
24:40Man, Isidro.
24:43You look good.
24:44I would say that you have chosen the color.
24:46Yes, I have gone to Olías with the van for fertilizer and plants
24:49and it has given me all the sun in the air.
24:51And between that and that I've been planting flowers for a while.
24:54I'm glad to see that you have the strength to work in the garden.
24:57Yes, the truth is that I feel pretty good.
24:59And all thanks to his generosity.
25:02Well, you don't have to thank me again, Isidro.
25:04You are my friend.
25:06And as a friend I have come to see you.
25:11Sit down.
25:16Tell me, what's going on?
25:21I'm quite surprised by what I saw this morning in the kitchen with Digna.
25:27I saw you two drinking.
25:29Rather, Digna with you.
25:31What is it?
25:35What do you know?
25:37Well, I know that you proposed a marriage to her
25:40and that soon after she rejected you.
25:44Did she tell you that?
25:46No, no, no, my daughter told me.
25:48It seems that Digna trusted what was happening to her,
25:50but let's not go into too much detail.
25:54Yes, I wanted to have kept you informed of my intentions,
25:57but I didn't have time.
25:58My decision was as quick as your rejection.
26:00No, no, I'm not reproaching you for anything, for God's sake.
26:04But the truth is that I was surprised to learn that Digna had rejected you.
26:09She feels something for you, Damián.
26:12I don't know.
26:13Maybe she told you something she shouldn't.
26:22You are always encouraging me to do it.
26:25And always with the best intention.
26:28But there are times when a secret,
26:30poorly told or misunderstood,
26:33or told in a hurry, hurts.
26:35Well, it was nothing like that.
26:37Digna was simply afraid of the reactions
26:40that could arise in news like our union in the family.
26:44Digna doesn't seem to be one of those women who get carried away.
26:47But I don't know much either,
26:48because I didn't want to share much more with her.
26:50Yes, one of the two had to have told you something,
26:52and we didn't.
26:54And I understand that you are upset,
26:56even if you hide it.
26:57Yes, I'm a little upset,
26:59and I'm not going to lie.
27:02But all I need is to know that you are okay.
27:08I am, Isidro. I am.
27:10You know you can count on me for whatever you need, right?
27:16And I wish with all my heart that things will be fine between the two of you again.
27:20They will be again.
27:22After all, we are family.
28:41Excuse me, do you mind if we start the meeting?
28:44Of course. Sit down, please.
28:55Isabel, please.
28:59Isabel is delivering you a document
29:01in which my proposal for our new expansion policy is being developed.
29:10One moment.
29:12Here it says North America.
29:14Where does it say North America?
29:16On page three.
29:33Ma'am, are you okay?
29:39We are checking the roads.
29:41We are looking for a swindler.
29:43Carlangas, the Portuguese.
29:46Has he crossed the road in a van with a foreign registration?
29:51I don't think so.
29:54Get out of the vehicle, please.
30:02I repeat.
30:03Get out of the vehicle.
30:06Let me go, please.
30:08I'm in danger.
30:10Why? Did something happen?
30:12I had to run away from home.
30:15Tell me why.
30:18My husband...
30:20My husband's name is Jesús de la Reina.
30:22From Perfumerías de la Reina.
30:29Ma'am, you have nothing to fear.
30:30We are the authorities.
30:31Tell me.
30:32I'm sure we can help you.
30:38My husband is a murderer.
30:41He killed his first wife.
30:44He killed his first wife.
30:47His first wife, Clotilde.
30:49And also his cousin, Valentín.
30:52Because he found out they were lovers.
30:54And that they were going to die together.
30:58What you are saying is very serious, ma'am.
31:00I know.
31:01I know, I know.
31:03He confessed it to me.
31:05And he did this to me, too.
31:09Ma'am, cover yourself, please.
31:13Look, from what I see, you are not well.
31:15I think the best thing to do is to accompany you to your house
31:17and clarify everything with your husband.
31:19No, no, no, no.
31:20I can't do this, please.
31:21Calm down, calm down, please.
31:22No, I don't want to calm down.
31:23He has to help me, please.
31:24Please, I'm begging you, please.
31:30Okay, we're going to take you to the police station
31:32so you can file that complaint, if that's what you want.
31:35But it will be better if you don't drive.
31:37Do you think it's okay?
31:39Yes, I think it's okay.
31:44Come with us.
31:46The car is over there.
32:08Could you tell us how we're going to do it?
32:10Because we don't have the infrastructure
32:12to set up a delegation there.
32:14It wouldn't be exactly like that.
32:16Algrano, please.
32:20After studying the evolution of the volume of orders,
32:22I have noticed that in recent years
32:24the number of orders from the province of Cádiz has increased considerably.
32:28Maybe it's because of the weather, right?
32:30I mean, with the heat, you need more hygiene products and...
32:35Yes, it could be.
32:37It could be, but it's not.
32:38The draft is determined by the naval base of Rota.
32:42Explain yourself.
32:43Isabel, please.
32:45La Reina's products are receiving very good reception
32:48among the Americans who live there
32:50and buy them at the town's stores.
32:53So the idea would be to open a store near the base
32:56or even inside the base,
32:58as long as we agree with the American government, of course.
33:01And seeing the success among the Americans,
33:04we could consider, perhaps in the medium term,
33:07exporting our products there.
33:09Can you see the profit forecast that has been calculated?
33:20Shall I start the negotiations then?
33:23It looks very good.
33:25But first we'll have to study all this documentation
33:29and see the decision we can make about it, right?
33:33Yes, Jesus, give us time.
33:35Let's not talk about expanding beyond the draft.
33:38This is crossing the pond.
33:41And you? You're very quiet.
33:44I suppose it's because you don't see my proposal as a problem, right?
33:49A priori, it's ambitious. I like that.
33:52But I agree with them.
33:53It's a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly.
33:56First, we should consider all the variables,
33:59including all the variables that are not in this report.
34:03By the way, what I've said is a bit sultry.
34:07For a town shop to work
34:10and extrapolate that success to it working in the middle of the continent
34:14is a somewhat simple and adventurous idea.
34:18But it's worth studying. It's interesting.
34:21Thank you for your effort, Isabel.
34:25Very well, take the time you need,
34:27but in the end you'll come to the same conclusion.
34:29It's a round business.
34:32The meeting is over.
34:43Now I understand why you didn't want to have that coffee with me in the morning.
34:46Preparing such an ambitious project with my brother requires time.
34:51Thank you, Mrs. Marta.
34:57Did you really think I wasn't going to find out?
34:59But if you've sold her a radio, she's one of my best friends.
35:02Carmen, really, I'm telling you it's a fabulous business
35:04that will bring us a lot of benefits.
35:06Besides, I think it's time to do a bit of wrestling
35:09so as not to live so tight, woman.
35:11In my opinion, what? It doesn't count, does it?
35:13Of course it counts, Carmen.
35:15The only thing is that, well, analyzing the matter a bit,
35:17the common sense was telling me something else.
35:19Come on, you've gone too far.
35:21Carmen, I was thinking about you and me and our future.
35:23And what I've invested can be multiplied by three and four,
35:26if I'm honest, don't be so stubborn.
35:28Where did you get the money you've invested in?
35:31Tassio, don't tell me you've emptied our portfolio again.
35:37My goodness.
35:38But, Carmen, I needed a lot more money.
35:40What do you mean, a lot more money?
35:42How much money, Tassio?
35:4520,000 pesetas.
35:47But if the portfolio we had was just over 10,000 pesetas,
35:49where did you get the rest?
35:51Well, look, my colleagues have been giving me money in advance.
35:55And my father has given me a loan.
35:57From Damien?
35:58From Damien?
35:59Yes, Carmen, but really, don't worry.
36:01As soon as I get the rest of the domestic loan,
36:03I'll get the money I need and that's it.
36:04Let's see, Tassio, how smart you are for other things, really.
36:07Don't you find all this weird?
36:09If it were so easy to get money, everyone would do the same.
36:13And I don't like Inigo.
36:15Well, don't worry, Inigo is reliable, in my case.
36:19You'd better, because there are a lot of people involved, Tassio.
36:22Friends, colleagues, the boss.
36:24Yes, yes, I know.
36:25And if this doesn't work out,
36:26you're going to have to face it and you're going to have to deal with it, do you understand?
36:29But everything is going to be fine.
36:31Trust me.
36:33I hope I'm wrong.
36:48Come in.
36:55I came to see if Jaime had finished and if he wanted to come home with me.
36:59He's not here.
37:02He has a housewarming party there.
37:05Every hour that goes by, I doubt he'll come here.
37:08Well, I'll wait for him at home.
37:10Maybe, yes.
37:14Can I tell you something?
37:17Of course.
37:18About what?
37:21About him.
37:23And don't you want us to talk about it better...
37:25No, no, it'll only be a moment.
37:27In fact, I don't know how...
37:29how to approach the subject, so, well, it'll be direct.
37:34Luz, I'm still extremely worried about him.
37:37I know you told me you saw him tired because you had a lot of work to do in the pantry.
37:43But I think there's something else, something he doesn't want to share with me.
37:49why do you say that?
37:51We've been together for many years.
37:57And I know him.
37:59I've never seen him so down-to-earth and...
38:02It's as if something inside him was tormenting him.
38:07Are you surprised by what I'm saying?
38:09If you spend so many hours with him, you must have noticed the same thing I've noticed.
38:13Yes, the...
38:15The truth is that there's something else.
38:17And why?
38:18Why do you think I need to know?
38:21Well, as far as I know, you're in a relationship.
38:24It would be normal for you to have mentioned something to yourself.
38:32I sense that your silence means that there's something between you two.
38:36And, excuse me, the last thing I'd like to do is meddle, but...
38:43We're fine.
38:45We're fine.
38:49Then what's wrong with him?
38:52You see, I love him too much to see something happen to him and look away.
39:02He's the one who should tell you, Marta.
39:06Only Jaime can answer some questions.
39:10I understand.
39:15Thank you for being so honest.
39:23Very good. Very good. Yes, yes, yes.
39:25Of course, of course, I understand. Thank you very much for the information.
39:27Thank you very much. Very good.
39:33What's going on, Joaquín? Problems?
39:36What's going on, Joaquín? Problems?
39:38The politicians, Tassio. They have no idea what's going on.
39:41Do you think they're going to close the bridge of La Degollada for almost the whole afternoon?
39:46And where are the trucks going to go, then?
39:48I don't know. We'll have to advance the timetable of the route so that the orders are not affected.
39:51Do me a favor and get on with it.
39:54And since Ñigo isn't here in five minutes, I'll kick him out on the street.
39:57No, man, Joaquín. Don't be like that with him either.
40:00I'm sure he's smoking.
40:02A cigarette in the loading dock.
40:04It's a factory step all morning.
40:24Why did you tell him that?
40:28Now you're sure something's wrong with me.
40:31And knowing her, he won't stop until he finds out what it's about.
40:34He's not going to stop.
40:35I don't want him to find out that I'm dying.
40:37It's so hard to understand.
40:39You should tell him.
40:40Give him the opportunity to say goodbye to you and accompany you.
40:43I don't want any more company.
40:45The only company I need is yours, nothing else.
40:47And what about me?
40:49Have you stopped to think about what I need?
40:53I don't understand you.
40:54I can't take it anymore, Jaime.
40:57This is too much.
41:00I need help too.
41:16Bar Commander?
41:17Hello, is Inigo Prieto there?
41:20What do you mean he left?
41:21How long ago?
41:23Anyway, when he comes back, tell him Tassio wants to see him.
41:30What do you mean he left with luggage?
41:31Did he say where he was going or something?
41:34Anyway, when he comes back, tell him what I told you, please.
41:40Do you know anything about him?
41:43He was at the bar, but a few hours ago he left with luggage, I don't understand.
41:47With luggage?
41:48I'd rather say he left with some lady.
41:51He likes skirts more than a stupid leopard.
41:54Tassio, Carmen found out, I'm sorry.
41:56She caught us talking about it and I couldn't...
41:58It's okay, everything is fine.
42:01Here are the 500 pesetas.
42:03Do you think you can have the radio today?
42:05I'm meeting my father for dinner and I'd like to give it to him.
42:09I know Inigo is in charge of the deadlines,
42:11so I can't tell you until I see him.
42:13I think Inigo left.
42:16I mean me, because I saw him cross the square with a gun.
42:20It can't be.
42:22It can't be.
42:40I can't believe it.
42:41I can't believe it.
42:45I can't believe it.
42:47I can't believe it!
42:51I can't believe it.
42:57Are you hungry from the factory?
42:59You've said it twice. Do you want more?
43:01No, no, no.
43:02It's just that we've had a problem at the last minute
43:04and I haven't been able to escape to have a bite in the afternoon.
43:07I'll get the fruit.
43:13Yes, I told him to come so we could talk.
43:17How are you, mother?
43:19Why didn't you tell me?
43:21I would have put more quesadillas and we would have waited for you to have dinner.
43:24Well, something will be left for a poor hungry man.
43:27You've spoken a lot, Luis.
43:29Very well, don't worry, Gemma, I'll go get a plate and the cutlery.
43:35Any news about the spa?
43:38Well, we know that the lands belong to a certain Ricardo Peralta,
43:43but it has been impossible for us to communicate with him.
43:46And that?
43:48His secretary is very well trained
43:50and all she does is give us excuses so we can't access him.
43:54Well, son, she's a secretary.
43:56She's following orders.
43:58That goes without saying.
43:59But if we had any way to be able to talk to him, even for a minute,
44:04I'm sure we could convince him to sell us those lands.
44:08And is there no way to contact that man?
44:15knows her niece.
44:19That's very good.
44:20No, no, no.
44:21It's not because apparently she's been fighting with her uncle for a long time,
44:25so that door is closed.
44:29What a shame.
44:30What a shame, yes.
44:34Anyway, I'll take advantage of my sleepless nights
44:38in the room to see if I can think of any way to approach that Peralta.
44:44What's wrong? You don't sleep well?
44:47My roommate snores like a pig.
44:50Son, you don't have to keep sleeping in the factory.
44:53Your room is empty.
44:55And here we miss you.
44:59Well, if it's not too much trouble...
45:02How can it be trouble for you to go back to your family?
45:05This is your home.
45:07And I've missed you a lot.
45:10And you, mother.
45:12I hope very soon we can lift that balcony
45:16and start living as we deserve,
45:18without hardships, without narrowness,
45:21without having to give accounts to anyone who despises us.
45:27No matter what happens,
45:29come on, hands, like when you were little.
45:33Take your brother's hand.
45:36No matter what happens,
45:38the important thing is that we are always like this.
45:43That should be enough for us.
45:46And I can't wait any longer.
45:48I'm going to prepare your room.
45:50Wait, mother.
45:51No, no, no.
45:53I'll help you.
45:54No, no, I've already finished eating.
45:55Well, come on, come on.
45:56Don't worry.
46:04Why didn't you tell them that you don't want to access Peralta because of your pride?
46:07Joaquín, are you really going to lose this project as soon as it starts?
46:11We deserve this opportunity.
46:21Yes, we deserve it.
46:23I don't want to keep feeling like I'm less than anyone else.
46:27Nor accepting a life
46:30that I haven't chosen.
46:32And I don't want to keep seeing my mother slaving away every day.
46:36Nor my brother
46:39fighting to be respected.
46:44Nor you.
46:45I don't want to keep seeing you so sad
46:48every day.
46:55We deserve a little hope.
47:00A better life.
47:01A better life.
47:04Does that mean what I think?
47:11Would you go with me to see Ricardo Peralta?
47:31What? How do you see it?
47:33If you let me finish, I'll tell you.
47:36America, Father. America.
47:38I can already see you in New York cutting the red bandage
47:40of the new store on 42nd Street.
47:42I don't know what street that is.
47:43It must be very small not to have a name.
47:46Father, this is serious.
47:47I've been with Isabel until late preparing this report.
47:49What do you have with your secretary?
47:51What do you mean, what do I have with my secretary?
47:54She's just helping me with a few things, nothing more.
47:57Keep doing that.
47:58And well?
48:00Well, I'm not going to tell you anything.
48:03I'm going to stay out of it.
48:05I want you and your brothers to decide
48:07the direction the company should take.
48:09Look, I knew it.
48:11Father, you're getting older.
48:13Don't give me that.
48:15I'm serious.
48:16And your taciturn attitude is worrying Marta, for example.
48:19She hasn't told me anything.
48:21Well, she does.
48:22She says she feels sad.
48:24And I bet she'll start asking uncomfortable questions.
48:27I see.
48:28And that worries you?
48:30Well, yes.
48:31Too many people know about Julia and...
48:33I'm aware.
48:34So don't worry.
48:37And as for this, what?
48:39Working all day to get to the same point?
48:41That she's arguing with my brothers?
48:45Well, let's go home, it's late.
48:47And I'm sure Begoña will be wondering where we are.
48:50I left, she hadn't left yet.
48:53What do you mean she hadn't left?
48:55Where did she go?
48:56She went to the cemetery to plant some flowers.
49:00But when you got here, it was getting dark, wasn't it?
49:06Has something happened to her, Father?
49:07She's been a bit dazed lately.
49:09The truth is, yes.
49:11I saw her as confused and confused.
49:13She told me it was because of the medication
49:14that Dr. Borrell had given her.
49:16I'm going to call home.
49:18Let's see if something has happened or not.
49:22Good evening.
49:23Good evening.
49:24Good evening, Sergeant. Is something wrong?
49:26I'm Sergeant Pontón, from the Toledo Command.
49:29I'm here for your wife.
49:33Has something happened to Begoña?
49:35Your wife has filed a complaint against you.
49:38She accuses you of killing two people
49:40and of trying to end your life.
49:52Begoña, honey...
49:53Get away from me!
49:54Please, let's keep calm.
49:57Ma'am, you've made some serious accusations
49:59and I have to deal with the people involved.
50:01Everything they're going to say is a lie!
50:03But Begoña...
50:04Don't come any closer!
50:05She's seeing him. She's out of her mind.
50:07Then face it with her.
50:09I can't sit idly by while you condemn yourself to loneliness
50:12in such a delicate moment.
50:13Do you want to do me the favour of respecting my decision?
50:15I'm the patient and you're no one to meddle in my life.
50:19What's this?
50:20I'm looking for a murderer, Carmen.
50:22I haven't found anything.
50:23And this?
50:24Who did this to you?
50:26It was Fermin, an operator.
50:28He gave me some money and...
50:30Well, I'm very sorry.
50:32Look, I don't make deals, it's all nonsense.
50:35I understand, Mr. Peralta.
50:37It's not the right way.
50:39I'm sorry if we've offended you.
50:41What do you mean?
50:43How dare you?
50:44Who do you think you are to talk to us like that?
50:46You're the one who's got it all wrong.
50:49If you loved me, you wouldn't lock me up here.
50:55It depends on you if I can get out.