Sueños de. Libertad - Capítulo 122

  • 2 months ago
00:06The contador dynamic Julio Sunita
00:10Esa niña es mi hija, pero como se atreve a hacer algo así me hubiera gustado que mis abuelas me hubieran contado recetas
00:17Me tienes a mí para eso y para todo lo demás
00:21para ella siempre
00:23Ahora si puedo irme tranquila vas a hacerlo
00:28O de lo contrario voy a llamar a tu marido ahora mismo y le voy a contar lo que ha pasado entre nosotros hace un rato
00:34Así en resumen le he dicho que se va a casa con un senito rita la cantadora porque yo no un 2%
00:39cómo lo has conseguido
00:40se había plantado en un 5 un proyecto en el que andábamos trabajando antes de que muriera
00:46cuando lo veas sabrás de qué se trata es que eres lo único que me queda en este mundo
00:50yo no quiero verte sufrir
00:52Y mi hija y su madre
00:54Al final no hemos ido a pasear por el río
00:56Pero mañana iremos sin falta
00:58Bueno intentaré portarme muy bien
01:00para que también me des el desayuno
01:04Mañana te daré los billetes
01:06Algo que pueda hacer yo para solucionar esto
01:22Sueños de libertad
01:24Vivir de otra manera
01:26Alas para volar
01:28Adonde el alma quiera
01:30Sueños de libertad
01:32El corazón no espera
01:34Está pidiendo otra oportunidad
01:40Sueños de libertad
01:42Aunque el pasado duela
01:44Volver a comenzar
01:46Amar a quien yo quiera
01:48Y darles libertad
01:50Vivir sin miedo y sin mirar atrás
02:10Sueños de libertad
02:20Sueños de libertad
02:30No sé, ¿crees que voy bien para ir a visitar a unos clientes después del enterro?
02:36¿Vas a ir a trabajar después?
02:38¿Ah, sí?
02:40Perdona que no te lo he comentado
02:42Pero vaya que si tú me necesitas yo me puedo quedar a tu lado todo el día, ¿eh?
02:46Ve donde tengas que ir
02:51Cariño, yo sé que perder a una madre es de los momentos más difíciles por los que uno tiene que pasar
02:58Pero piensa que Mercedes se ha ido en paz
03:01Y que por lo menos ha podido vivir sus últimos momentos a tu lado
03:05Debes sacarla del sanatorio en cuanto empiece el brote de gripe
03:10Bueno, ahora ya no sirve de nada lamentarse por la decisión que tomamos
03:15La decisión la tomaste tú
03:21Pues sí, la tomé yo pensando en que era lo mejor para todos y utilizando el sentido común
03:26Pero bueno, si tú te sientes más tranquila contigo misma culpándome de todo pues oye, adelante
03:32Total, ya empiezo a estar acostumbrado
03:35Aunque sí creo que deberías aprovechar para hablar con don Agustín
03:38Seguro que él sabe darte las palabras de consuelo que a mí no me aceptas
03:43Prefiero que sea Mateo quien oficie la ceremonia
03:46Mateo, y lo dices ahora
03:51Pegoña, don Agustín lleva siendo el guía espiritual de esta familia desde hace muchos años
03:55Es de nuestra confianza
03:56Eso también me lo vas a negar
03:57Está bien, hablaré con él para comentarle tus deseos
04:08Cariño, ahora toca recordarla y estar agradecida por los momentos que pasaste
04:12Cariño, ahora toca recordarla y estar agradecida por los momentos que pasaste con ella
04:16Que fueron pocos, sí, pero intensos
04:19Y me alegro de haberte dado por lo menos eso
04:22Aunque solo tenga tu desprecio como respuesta
04:35Disculpa la espera
04:37A este abogado le encanta charlar y yo ya no sabía cómo cortarle
04:40¿Ha ido bien?
04:41Sí, ya hemos redactado un borrador para el contrato de distribución con Francia
04:46¿Tan deprisa?
04:47Sí, y me ha asegurado que Patricia Lambert va a hacer bien su trabajo
04:50Porque si quiere cobrar su comisión tendrá que demostrar que ha puesto todo su empeño
04:54Y acreditar con detalle todas las reuniones
04:58Yo es que no tengo ni idea de lo que me estás hablando, pero vaya
05:00Que eres una hacha en los negocios
05:04¿Te parece si paseamos un rato antes de volver a Toledo? Así te relajas
05:11Me repatea que mi hermano se lleve todo el mérito de un trabajo que es compartido
05:16A Patricia la contacté yo
05:19Yo la traje
05:20Es muy injusto, no te voy a decir que no
05:23Y que encima se presente ante todos como el alma de la fábrica
05:26Como hizo con ese artículo de España Hoy
05:28Ya, ya, si es que leyéndolo parecía que había levantado la fábrica él ladrillo a ladrillo
05:32¿Y tu padre no dice nada?
05:34Mi padre anda todo el día templando gaitas
05:37Pero echo de menos un poco de contundencia defendiéndome
05:40Tampoco sabes lo que dice cuando están a solas
05:43Si se lo dice a escondidas no me sirve
05:45Me gustaría que alzase la voz delante de todos
05:49Pero ya sé que terreno piso
05:52No te entiendo
05:54Que este mundo no está hecho para las mujeres y menos el empresarial
05:58A veces creo que me dejan estar ahí porque creen que doy una nota de color entre tanto gris
06:01Pues sí, no te voy a decir que no
06:04Por suerte tengo a Isabel, me siento menos sola ahora
06:08¿Tu nueva secretaria?
06:20¿Se puede?
06:34Puedes llorar, yo también he llorado
06:37Intento no hacerlo, lo que pasa es que estoy rota por dentro
06:43Porque voy a echar mucho de menos a mi mamá
06:47Lo sé, pero ella siempre estará aquí, contigo
06:53En este hueco entre el pecho y la espalda vive la gente que nos deja, en nuestro corazón
06:59Eso que dices es precioso, mi amor
07:02¿No te acuerdas de quien me lo enseñó?
07:05Tú, cuando me llevabas poquito tiempo en esta casa
07:09Una tarde, que vi una foto de mi madre entre unos cromos
07:16Y te lo dije con esas palabras
07:18Y me hiciste sentir un poquito mejor
07:22Tú también me has hecho sentir un poquito mejor
07:24Tú también me has hecho sentir un poquito mejor
07:29Qué suerte he tenido de encontrarte, Julia
07:31Suerte la mía, por convertirte en mi nueva mamá
07:43Julia, cariño, ve a cambiarte los zapatos y enseguida voy a buscarte
07:54Tendrías que verla trabajar
07:56No es de las que se deja cegar por sus jefes, sino de las que planta cara
08:00Y creo que lo hará, dado el caso, si mi hermano...
08:05Pues me alegra que tengas a alguien que te apoye, ese Tercia
08:09No te importa mucho, ¿no?, lo que te estoy contando
08:11No, no, me importa, me importa si a ti te importa
08:14No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
08:16No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
08:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
08:20No, no, no, no, no, no
08:22Si a ti te importa
08:26Pero me da la sensación de que le das mucha importancia a la empresa
08:32Anda, suelta ese reproche
08:35No, Marta, sí yo entiendo perfectamente que te preocupe tu trabajo
08:40Pero la vida es lo que hay cuando sales de él
08:43Nosotras, nuestras escapadas, nuestros momentitos a solas
08:45Para mí eso es la vida
08:48Noches como las de ayer
08:51Y lo sé
08:54Si me levanto todos los días con una sonrisa
08:57Es porque sé que voy a estar contigo
09:00Si no, yo ahora mismo podría renunciar a todo menos a ti
09:06Y deberíamos ir volviendo si quiero llegar puntual al funeral de Mercedes
09:10¿Te dejo en la colonia antes de pasar por casa?
09:15Gracias por su comprensión, don Agustín
09:17De su parte
09:20Por supuesto, y gracias por todo
09:34¿Qué ha dicho don Agustín?
09:36Se ha mostrado comprensivo, aunque imagino que le habrá parecido una ofensa el dejarlo al margen
09:41Pero si Begoña prefiere a Mateo, pues nada
09:44Mateo bien está
09:45Aquí lo único que importa es que Begoña pase este momento como ella desee
09:50Ya hablaré yo con don Agustín para descansar
09:53Perdonad, pero hay algo que no hemos hablado y que debería preocuparnos
09:56¿Qué ocurre?
09:57¿No será peligroso velar el cuerpo?
10:00Lo digo porque esa gripe es muy contagiosa y...
10:02El ataúd ha sido sellado por seguridad, pero si tú prefieres quedarte en casa, lo comprenderemos, María
10:08¿Por qué te vas a quedar en casa?
10:10¿Dónde cuentas bien?
10:11No, estaba preguntando por el riesgo de contagio
10:13Pero ella me ha dicho a tu hermano que no existe
10:16Así que por supuesto, acompañaré a Begoña en estos duros momentos
10:20¿Cómo está?
10:22Su madre acaba de morir, creo que te puedes hacer una idea, ¿no?
10:26Cuando murió mi padre estaba tan ida que quería que todo terminara cuanto antes
10:31Sentirse acompañado es vital para pasar este trago
10:34Y no tanto hoy, sino...
10:36A partir de mañana, cuando hay de comer
10:38Sí, es ahí cuando se notan las ausencias
10:40Hablando de ausencias...
10:42¿Vuestra hermana?
10:44Está en Madrid, con el abogado, cerrando los flecos del contrato con Lambert
10:48Irá directamente al cementerio
10:51Voy a volver a subir, a ver qué demonios pasa, que vamos a llegar tardísimo
11:12Te acompaño al sentimiento
11:14Lo que ha ocurrido ha sido una desgracia tremenda
11:19Mucho ánimo, ya sabes que me tienes aquí para lo que necesites
11:30No sé ni qué decirte
11:32Poco hay que decir en momentos como este
11:34Bueno, al menos pudiste despedirte de ella antes de que se fuera
11:38No hemos tenido tiempo de decirnos muchas cosas
11:41Pero sé que aunque haya fallecido, siempre la tendré presente
11:46Lo siento muchísimo, Vigoña
11:48Deberíamos ponernos en marcha, llevamos mucho retraso
12:02Sí, vamos
12:09Día 2
12:14Buenos días
12:16Los de Dios
12:17Qué sorpresa verle por aquí
12:19Sí, iba a oficiar una ceremonia íntima y parece que ha habido un pequeño cambio de planes
12:23Así que me he dicho, voy a visitar a esta chica
12:26Con esta chica supongo que se refiere a mí
12:28Supones bien
12:30Imagino que le manda a mi madre
12:32Y si es así le pido que cuando la llame, que también imagino que la llamará
12:35Le diga que sigo pensando lo mismo
12:38Es normal que los hijos quieran tomar un camino al margen del que dictan los padres
12:42Y que los padres solo traten de guiar a sus vástagos para que no tropiecen
12:47Y ahora viene cuando me va a decir que mi madre solo quiere lo mejor para mí
12:50Al igual que usted
12:52He hecho en falta en ti un poco de humildad, Claudia
12:56Lo siento
12:58Tu madre por un lado y yo por otro
12:59Hemos intentado ayudarte para que puedas reencauzar tu vida
13:03Mírate, por Dios
13:05¿Qué pasa?
13:06Que ya...
13:08Que ya se pueden adivinar en ti las formas del pecado
13:13Lo suficiente para ir preocupándote
13:15Y mucho
13:16Tus hechuras, tus redondeces
13:18La turgencia de tu gusto
13:21Muy pronto no podrás contener las habladurías
13:24Y sabes lo que van a decir, ¿verdad?
13:27Bueno, si no lo sé
13:29Ya está usted aquí para recordármelo de vez en cuando
13:31No puedes hacerte una idea de lo cruel que es la gente con el que comete una equivocación como la tuya
13:36Pues apechugaré con las consecuencias
13:37Eres tan irresponsable que no sabes ni lo que dices
13:40Claudia, aún estás a tiempo de encontrar una salida digna para ti
13:43Sobre todo para tu hijo
13:44Tienes que juntarte con ese chico
13:46Que no me voy a juntar con ese chico, con Joselito, porque no le quiero
13:51¿Y no quieres nada con ese muchacho?
13:53Porque ya...
13:54¿Ya le has echado el ojo a otro, quizás?
13:56Pues claro que no, no
13:58No, no me voy a casar con ese chico porque no estoy enamorada de él
14:01Ni tampoco le voy a dar mi hijo a ningún matrimonio cristiano
14:04Como usted y mi madre proponen que haga
14:07Mire, ya he decidido criar a mi hijo sola
14:11Porque de momento tengo trabajo para hacerlo y fuerza para criarlo
14:15Si es que te dura mucho el empleo
14:17Porque crees que doña Marta te mantiene
14:20Si es que te dura mucho el empleo
14:22Porque crees que doña Marta te mantendrá de dependienta cuando sepa la verdad
14:26Pues claro que sí, doña Marta sabrá comprenderlo
14:30Doña Marta no querrá que nadie manche el buen nombre de la tienda y tendrá que despedirte
14:36Pues si es así ya buscaré otro empleo
14:38¿Y crees que alguien te contratará siendo madre soltera?
14:40¿Con tu hijo correteando alrededor mientras trabajas?
14:44Ay, alma descarriada
14:46Ya veo que eres de esas que tiene que padecer las cosas en sus propias carnes para darse cuenta
14:52Tú misma, hija, tú misma
15:05Sí, me llamo
15:06Este es Íñigo, el nuevo refuerzo para el almacén
15:09Fenomenal, aquí todas las manos son pocas. Un placer, soy Tassio
15:12Explícale cómo hacemos las cosas por aquí
15:14Y no te confundas, no es un novato, viene de Textiles Market
15:17Ostras, pues ahí dicen que pagan bien
15:19Sí, no me podía quejar, la verdad
15:21¿Y entonces por qué te fuiste?
15:22Bueno, ya os haréis amigos a la hora de comer
15:24Poneos a trabajar, yo me paso luego a ver qué tal
15:26¿De acuerdo? Íñigo, bienvenido a Perfumerías de la Reina
15:31Bueno, ya me estás contando por qué te fuiste
15:33De la mejor fábrica de Madrid para venirte aquí a Toledo
15:35Que cuando pase algo no pasa nada
15:37Lo prefiero a que pase demasiado
15:39En Madrid hay mucho ruido, hay mucha gente
15:41Y mucha exnovia suelta
15:43Bueno, bueno, no me cuentes nada más entonces, pillastre
15:45A ver
15:48¿El qué toca? ¿Embalar?
15:50Sí, mira, hay que embalarlo todo y luego llevarlo al muelle de carga
15:53Pero te explico
15:54Estos son jabones, así que es un producto delicado
15:57La parte de abajo de las cajas hay que hacerlas en forma de H, por el peso
16:02Bueno, pues toma, demuéstrame que eres tan bueno como dice Joaquín
16:12¿A ver, tú estás sordo o qué?
16:14Te he dicho que lo hagas en forma de H
16:16Ah, bueno, bueno, es que me parece que hacerlo así no es necesario
16:19Bueno, pues te estoy diciendo que se pueden romper las cajas por debajo
16:22Pero que son jabones, digo yo que tanto no pesarán
16:25Bueno, tú hazlo como tú quieras, yo lo haré
16:40No pesarán
16:41Bueno, tú hazlo como te digo, haz el favor
16:44Mira, a ver si terminamos pronto y puedo dejarme caer por la plaza un rato
16:48Ojalá vuelva a cruzarme con una de las dependientes de la tienda
16:51que antes le he echado el ojo a una y...
16:53¿Y cómo era?
16:55De las que quitan el hipo
16:57¿Ah, sí?
16:58Mira campeón, cuidadito con lo que haces porque mi mujer trabaja en la tienda
17:01¿Ah, sí?
17:02¿Y cómo es tu mujer?
17:03Pues de esas que quitan el hipo
17:08Private quota.
17:10Keep working and don't be in such a hurry to finish.
17:12Come on, let's go.
17:27And be careful with the tone.
17:28You don't have to come here.
17:29To snore?
17:30And to listen too, right?
17:31Look, I've been in this business for many years,
17:33so a little respect and start obeying what I tell you.
17:35Let's see, Tassio, right?
17:37You are as in charge here as I am,
17:39so stop telling me how to do things.
17:41All yours and all mine.
17:51What did Mrs. Agustín want?
17:52What does she want?
17:54Is she still giving you the headache with the pregnancy?
17:57My mother, who ate her head with the pregnancy, yes.
18:01She came to see how things were going.
18:03She says she is worried about the future of the child and mine.
18:06Hmm, worried.
18:08Next time, make it very clear that you won't need anything.
18:11That's why Tassio and I are going to be here.
18:15What's wrong? You don't believe me?
18:17Yes, yes.
18:19Why do you put that face?
18:21Well, Carmen, because you and Tassio
18:23are not going to be able to avoid the rumors and that they repudiate me.
18:27The devil's healer, every time he opens his mouth,
18:29he covers himself with real glory.
18:30Yeah, Carmen, but you're right.
18:32Think about it, there are people who won't understand
18:34that I want to raise my son alone.
18:36And that's another one.
18:38I can tell, Carmen.
18:39I can tell by one drop.
18:41And look how I'm wearing the skirt.
18:48And the worst thing is that I don't know how to tell Mrs. Marta.
18:50How do I tell her, Carmen?
18:52Well, Mrs. Marta is much more modern than you think.
18:55Modern until the rumors of the client begin.
18:58Oh, Carmen, really, I think every day,
19:01on the day I come here,
19:02and I would do everything differently, really.
19:06Well, we wouldn't be all friends, you and me.
19:09And now I would be comforting you
19:11with Raquelita and her friends.
19:14Did you laugh?
19:17Oh, Carmen, really, I don't know what I would do without you.
19:22Your father has thought that it was best
19:23that after church you didn't go to the cemetery.
19:25And he has his reasons.
19:27He has insisted that I have to miss class as little as possible.
19:30That, and that he has wanted to prevent you from having a bad time.
19:36Unfortunately, one day you will have it.
19:38But the later, the better.
19:40Do you think it hurts?
19:44To die.
19:49You just asked me a very difficult question.
19:52Heaven, nobody knows.
19:55But I want to think no.
19:58Because I wouldn't like the people I love
20:00and who are no longer with me
20:03to have suffered before they left.
20:06You miss them.
20:08Because my mother has missed her a lot.
20:12And I, my life, every day.
20:15You have me.
20:17I have you.
20:21I have you.
20:23And you know, I agree with you.
20:27You are no longer a girl.
20:29You have become a beautiful young girl
20:32with whom you can talk about older things.
20:36Grandpa, you took so little time.
20:38Yes, it was a quick thing.
20:41And Begoña?
20:43She stayed a while longer in the cemetery.
20:45It was a shame to see her, the poor thing, so sunk.
20:48They had just reunited.
20:51They haven't had time for anything.
20:54That was the fault of the one who separated them for so many years.
20:56There is no right to do that to them.
20:59Julia, you should go packing your things to go to school.
21:03If you hurry, you can catch a break.
21:06Let's go together to prepare something for you to take, okay?
21:10Dina, I would like to talk to you for a moment.
21:14Julia, go to the kitchen. Now I'm going.
21:19What's wrong?
21:22You haven't told me the word all day.
21:25Yesterday we told each other everything we had to tell each other.
21:29I refuse to accept that what we have ends up like this.
21:34We don't have anything, Damián.
21:37I know you don't feel what you're saying, which is the product of your anger.
21:41I can't take it anymore.
21:43Let me go, please.
21:44Yesterday you told me that you still loved me.
21:47And love fades from night to morning.
21:50We can't deny our feelings.
21:53But we can change them if they don't suit us.
21:58Your loyalty is killing me.
22:01Your lies are killing me.
22:04I'm sorry, I'm very sorry.
22:06And I will apologize to you every time I need to.
22:09But even if I could forgive you, I will never forget what you have done to me.
22:16Yes, yes. If you loved me, you could forget it.
22:20But I don't want to.
22:22I don't want to forget the harm you have done to me.
22:25But Dina...
22:26I don't trust you, Damián.
22:28Damián, I'm deeply disappointed.
22:31And there's no turning back.
22:35I want to ask you a question.
22:37Tell me.
22:39Have you told Jesus?
22:41That I know Julia is my granddaughter?
22:44And I beg you not to mention it.
22:47It was quite hard for him to know that Julia is not his daughter, just to remove the subject.
22:51Don't worry.
22:54I'll keep quiet.
22:58Feeding your lies.
23:16What are you doing here so early, son?
23:20I came to pay my respects to Begoña.
23:24How is she?
23:26She's very bad.
23:29But if you want to do that, you'll have to wait for them to come back from the cemetery.
23:34Very well. I'll come back after dinner.
23:37I'll make you a tartare right now.
23:40I've made sausage in sauce, as you like.
23:44There's no need.
23:46I've already met the boys at the bathroom.
23:49Are you going to have dinner?
23:50Fausto is going to have another baby.
23:54I'm going to get the backpack and the bag.
23:59And I'm leaving too.
24:01I'm going to the factory.
24:13I want to talk to you.
24:21You're here.
24:24I thought you'd go to the dispensary after the funeral.
24:26I've come to pick up these reports and I've stayed.
24:29I'm keeping an eye on Begoña.
24:32Has he arrived?
24:34Yes, I saw him directly in his bedroom.
24:36I've seen him very affected.
24:38Too much emotional load.
24:40He has gone from being compassionate with his wound to this and sometimes the body says enough.
24:46Too many emotions.
24:48And there are wounds that cannot be sutured.
25:00You know, while we were burying Mercedes, I imagined my own funeral.
25:11Who would be there?
25:13The response.
25:14What will the priest do?
25:15Who will cry for me?
25:16Or who will be glad to lose sight of me?
25:19No, that's not going to happen.
25:20Everyone would cry a lot because it would be a great loss.
25:23No, here the irreplaceable is you.
25:26That you are the doctor.
25:28And a good and great friend of your friends.
25:32It's ridiculous that people are determined to live from their backs to death.
25:36But if we all know that one day it will be our turn.
25:41Don't laugh, I'm serious.
25:46Didn't you have to go to the factory?
25:49Yes, I should be going.
25:51Shall we go together?
25:53No, I'm going to stay to finish this.
25:59Jaime, I know you and I know you're hiding something from me.
26:04Why do you say that?
26:09Everything is fine, with Luz something happens.
26:11Yes, yes, yes, everything is fine.
26:14And it's a blessing to be able to count on her at work too.
26:21I think we both take it too seriously.
26:24Maybe we should enjoy a little more.
26:27And enjoy what we have.
26:29As we can.
26:31Do you mean Fina?
26:33I thank you for being by her side.
26:36But sometimes I don't know enough.
26:39I would like more of her later.
26:43You have all the time in the world to spend it together, Marta.
26:49I know I've told you a thousand times.
26:53But I'll never be able to pay you for what you've done for us.
26:57Don't worry, I wasn't going to charge you.
27:01I'm not joking.
27:03I mean it.
27:06We deserve to be happy as long as we are in this world.
27:12I'm going. See you later?
27:15Yes, at dinner time.
27:22Teresa, can you bring me some water, please?
27:32How long are you going to keep this up?
27:35Until I feel like it, Mother.
27:37That's a very good answer for your mother.
27:40Forgive me, Mother.
27:44I don't know what she wants me to do.
27:49There are things you can't forgive.
27:51Indeed, there are things you can't forgive.
27:55But this is not the case.
27:57Gemma is very sorry, son.
28:01Yes, I made a mistake.
28:05But don't give it any more importance.
28:08It is important to me.
28:11It made me feel like I wasn't up to the expectations.
28:15Again with the same song?
28:17Yes, Mother, yes.
28:19Yes, again.
28:22Gemma approached that man.
28:25And he got a frog.
28:27But I would do it again with anyone else who promised her
28:32what I am incapable of, not even touching with my fingertips.
28:36Jewels, restaurants, tickets for men...
28:39No, what your wife needs
28:41is a husband who shows her that he loves her.
28:45That's what she needs.
28:47You don't see how she is.
28:49You don't see her face, son.
28:52She has learned, Joaquín.
28:55And she has realized that love is not shown with expensive gifts.
29:07You know what, Mother?
29:08It's not the first time we distance ourselves for this reason.
29:13And I don't think it's the last either.
29:18And I'm...
29:21I'm tired of trying over and over again.
29:26Go, Joaquín.
30:08You don't know that you can't eat here.
30:15Anyway, you know that a 20-minute break takes longer.
30:19I've been chatting with some people in the canteen.
30:22Well, with one.
30:24Don't worry, she's not from the store.
30:27Her name is Candela.
30:29I've had to make an effort not to look at her,
30:32because she really caught my attention.
30:34In the end, I convinced her to go have a drink in Toledo.
30:37And what's up?
30:39I wouldn't go that far, because she's not like you think.
30:42She's not, until she meets me and the guard comes down.
30:45And what's not the guard...
30:47My God, you're so rude.
30:51Can I know what the hell you've done with the soap order?
30:54Are you kidding me, Tasio?
30:58You can't say that.
31:00Because half of the boxes have opened because of the weight
31:03and all the merchandise has fallen to the floor.
31:05Luckily, there were some ropes in the dock
31:08and we were able to pack everything again.
31:10Even so, the trucks left late.
31:12Come on, what a first day, you've done well.
31:15And you, you're doing this to me at this point?
31:18Really, focus, Tasio, focus.
31:20Joaquín, I thought...
31:22He was just doing what I told him to.
31:25Very good.
31:27Explain yourself.
31:31We saw that we didn't have enough tape for the whole order,
31:34so we decided to pack all the boxes we could,
31:37even if it was with less tape,
31:39knowing that some order could go wrong.
31:41My God, my God, this couldn't happen again.
31:45Another mistake, Tasio.
31:47And I'll ask you for responsibility.
31:49I'll take that as a yes.
31:51Me too, Mr. Joaquín.
31:52I'm glad.
31:54Get to work, then.
32:05You've saved my life, man.
32:08Look, Inigo, I may not have the guts,
32:10but I have enough experience.
32:12So, please, next time, listen to what I say.
32:15Yes, but why did you do it?
32:17Why did you save my ass?
32:19Well, because...
32:20I'm someone who always gets in trouble, like you.
32:23And maybe it would have been better
32:25if someone else had helped him in time.
32:27I see.
32:29There won't be a second time.
32:31So, please, focus on doing your job right.
32:33Yes, yes, yes, don't worry.
32:35I've learned my lesson.
32:37Starting tomorrow, H for good, I for bad.
32:51Very hot milk.
32:53As you like it, Ani.
32:55Thank you very much, Gaspar.
32:59Don't worry.
33:01I'm sure you're thinking of a new genius, right?
33:06Another perfume?
33:08Could you bring me a...
33:10a loincloth, please?
33:12I understand.
33:14Confidentiality, right?
33:16Another soap.
33:17Loincloth with cheese.
33:19Point in the mouth.
33:23How are you, Gaspar?
33:27I've been waiting for you for a long time.
33:29I've had a problem with an order.
33:31And I came as soon as possible.
33:33What do you want to show me?
33:35It turns out that Mario has returned.
33:39He hadn't returned to his house?
33:41That's right, but he came back because he wanted...
33:44to give us this.
33:45Give us this.
33:48What is it?
33:50Open it.
33:53The project he had in his hands with our father...
33:56before he died.
34:00It seems that they found an underground source of thermal water.
34:05On this map, you can see the exact location of the spring.
34:09There is a meticulous plan to extract that water...
34:12and turn those lands into...
34:15a barn?
34:17That's it.
34:19They wanted to start a business together.
34:21If we listen to those documents, that's what it seems, right?
34:24Everything is detailed here.
34:26The volume of the business, possible expenses, needs, everything.
34:29They had everything very well studied.
34:31But there's one thing I don't understand.
34:33Why give us this information right now?
34:37thought that his father wanted us to have it.
34:39Besides being very sure that something like this...
34:42could change our lives.
34:45I don't get it.
34:50Can you escape for a while?
34:54Well, come on. Pick this up.
34:56Let's not argue.
35:00Wait a minute!
35:04If during the journey, the products suffer imperfections...
35:08these can be returned and discounted from the final price agreed.
35:14What's wrong?
35:16I don't think it's fair.
35:18How can I know if the products have been damaged during the itinerary...
35:22or when it has reached its final destination?
35:24You have no choice but to trust the word of Mrs. Lambert.
35:27In business, only the written word is valid.
35:30I learned that as soon as I entered this factory.
35:33I still remember...
35:35a distributor who swore to me by his children...
35:37that he was going to respect the agreement.
35:40And I trusted him.
35:41And he swore to me.
35:43Never again.
35:45If my experience is useful to you...
35:50It's a clause that I've seen a lot in export contracts and...
35:53honestly, I've never heard that there was abuse on anyone's part.
35:57I don't know.
35:59After the Pyrenees, things are done differently.
36:02They are very respectful with the rules.
36:04I see.
36:07But do you know what I would demand?
36:09What would you demand?
36:11Tell me.
36:13That the distributors take care of the labeling in French.
36:16Costs, printing...
36:18although reserving to you the final supervision, of course.
36:21That would imply a reduction in costs.
36:27But I didn't convince you.
36:29Yes, I love the idea of labels.
36:31What I'm also thinking is...
36:34to force them to buy a percentage...
36:37of other of our products.
36:39What product do you mean?
36:41The less known ones.
36:43You see, we offer them our star product...
36:46on the condition that they add a pair...
36:48with a worse outcome.
36:52I'm fascinated by the ability to see beyond.
36:56To find other business paths where no one finds them.
37:00I've worked with very reputable businessmen...
37:03and I can assure you that you are far above many of them.
37:06Maybe that's the problem, that I'm not a very reputable businessman...
37:09but it's hard for me to show the others what I'm worth.
37:14What can I tell you?
37:16I know that feeling, yes.
37:18Every time I get a new job, I have to fight...
37:22so that my resume stands out more than the photo that adorns it.
37:27A photo that, on the other hand, you know, I have to decorate.
37:31Take off my glasses, loose hair...
37:33I know where it goes.
37:39But at least it hasn't been hard for me to be taken seriously here.
37:43You have listened to me...
37:45and appreciated my proposals.
37:47Isabel, I'm sincerely glad...
37:50that you joined Perfumerías de la Reina.
37:53And also to have someone to talk to in the same language.
37:59When I finish the day, I'll start writing a report...
38:03explaining these new proposals to the lawyer and Mrs. Lambert.
38:06If you don't mind, of course.
38:07What I don't mind is that you do it outside of your working hours.
38:11Well, it's not like I have a lot to do.
38:14Do you have a friend?
38:16Yes, of course.
38:18And from time to time we meet to go to Madrid to the theatre...
38:21to look at the record shops...
38:23and to take a stroll through the bookstores.
38:25Do you like to read?
38:27I love it.
38:29Right now I'm with a book by Carmen Laforet...
38:32...that I find fascinating.
38:34You know, I met Carmen Laforet a few years ago...
38:37at a train station in Barcelona.
38:41And we started chatting.
38:43And we didn't talk about books.
38:45In the end, she only talked about her children.
38:47I'm so excited.
38:49If you want, I can lend you the book because it's wonderful.
38:51I'd love to.
38:53I'll bring it to you tomorrow.
38:55A coin for your thoughts.
38:58Your mother used to say that a lot.
39:02It seems that today we're remembering a lot about those who are not here.
39:05Today I have my son Valentín very present.
39:09Aunt, come here.
39:12I'm very sorry, darling.
39:15It's what was missing.
39:17I'm sorry.
39:19I'm sorry.
39:21I'm sorry.
39:22It's what was missing.
39:24I'm sorry for hurting your son.
39:28It's not just hurting.
39:34It's a shame.
39:40I think about Mercedes.
39:44At least she could leave this world in the hands of someone she loved.
39:49No one deserves to be buried in a common grave.
39:56maybe it seems a little hard for you what I'm going to say.
40:01But I want you to know that what fills that common grave is only his body.
40:06I know, darling.
40:08I know.
40:14I will always thank you if you want to find him.
40:19And your friend too.
40:24It's a shame that we didn't get him before his death.
40:31I felt that we were very close, very close to finding him.
40:40But what I receive is his deathbed.
40:45Did someone tell you that I was looking for him?
40:49No, I don't remember.
40:51Well, I told your father.
40:54But no one else in the family.
40:58Why do you ask me that?
41:00Out of curiosity.
41:07I'm going to see how the food is. I'm sure it's almost ready.
41:11Aunt, I owe you a lot of money.
41:16You owe me.
41:18You owe me.
41:34From what the map says,
41:36we would have already arrived.
41:39At this point,
41:41at about 200 meters deep, the thermal waters should be there.
41:47don't you think it's incredible
41:49that such an underground paradise has been here for so long
41:52and we didn't even notice?
41:54Well, at first glance,
41:56all I see is a place to hunt rabbits.
41:58Father had it very well thought out.
42:01Yes, the thermal waters,
42:03the laboratory,
42:05the annex hotel.
42:07It was a very ambitious project.
42:11I can't stop thinking
42:13about what would have happened if Father hadn't died
42:16and the project could have materialized.
42:18Well, now you and I
42:21would be behind a desk of solid oak
42:24and ordering a table
42:26at the most luxurious restaurant in Toledo.
42:31I don't like that kind of life, Joaquín.
42:33Because you've never had it.
42:35But I say you'll have something if no one wants to give it up, right?
42:37What I don't see is if they wanted to count on Los de la Reina for the project.
42:41It's clear they don't.
42:43Considering Mario's secrecy with this whole thing.
42:54What are we going to do with this?
42:58Well, it might look like a chimera to you,
43:03it's not a chimera.
43:04It might look like a chimera to you, but...
43:07But what?
43:10I think we should follow our father's legacy.
43:14You're not serious.
43:17Why not?
43:20Joaquín, you're my brother and you don't...
43:23I don't what?
43:25I'm not a man with initiative, right?
43:30With determination.
43:32I'm not saying that.
43:34I'm a perfumer.
43:36And you?
43:38Luis, I have a university degree.
43:41And I prepared myself very hard to take part in this company.
43:45And I would have done it if my father hadn't died.
43:48Listen to me.
43:50This is our chance to show that we're not only good at following orders.
43:55You said it yourself over and over again.
43:58That we have to get our place back.
44:01This is the way to do it.
44:10What doesn't convince you?
44:12No, I think we're complicating our lives.
44:15No, Luis.
44:17We're assuming what we really are.
44:20And what would our father have wanted for us?
44:23Are you serious?
44:25Yes, but I know that you're reluctant
44:28because you're part of the management of the company.
44:31But don't be fooled.
44:33The people of La Reina will always rule.
44:36On the other hand, this, Luis...
44:40would only be ours.
44:43So you're thinking about raising the balneary?
44:49And you want to tell me how we would do it?
44:51Because I don't think we would have enough savings to buy the land.
44:53We would talk to the bank.
44:55For what?
44:57To ask for a loan and to cool us down with the interests?
44:59We just have to negotiate with them.
45:01It's as simple as they see the opportunity this business offers.
45:07I don't know, Joaquín.
45:10I don't think this will end well.
45:15We'll never know if we don't try.
45:32When my mother died, I was a child.
45:35And there you had me with the tie that reached my feet.
45:41Everyone accompanied me in the feeling and lamented my loss.
45:45I didn't understand anything.
45:48Not even the next day, my mother wouldn't read me the story at night.
45:55Poor thing.
45:58What are you going to do?
46:00What would you like to hear, Begoña?
46:06That I will be able to move forward after this attack.
46:15Of course you will.
46:22Right now,
46:26I'm so confused that I have my doubts.
46:30My father's loss was very hard.
46:34It's been a year and a half,
46:37and I still miss him.
46:41And now, when I recover a lost mother,
46:46why did God have to take her away so quickly?
46:49Why is God so cruel?
46:52It's something I've been asking myself all my life.
46:56And I still don't have answers that convince me.
47:00But think that at least you were able to know the truth about who she was.
47:04To have close talks with her.
47:08To give her hope in her last days.
47:11That was one of the last things he told me.
47:15But then you have to be happy.
47:18The truth is that it was a hard farewell, but...
47:21but very beautiful.
47:25It had a lightness
47:27that gave fear.
47:30It's as if he had suddenly healed.
47:33He wanted to leave without leaving anything for the whole day.
47:36It's his fate.
47:40On the other hand, I...
47:43What about you?
47:45I wasn't honest with her.
47:48Why? I don't understand.
47:50I had to promise her that I would be happy.
47:53And that I would be proud of every day of my life.
47:55And that I would be proud of Andres.
47:57Of many things, Begoña.
47:59Of your work, of the work you do with Julia.
48:02I gave myself to others so I wouldn't see reality.
48:06My husband is a man who doesn't give me what I need.
48:10And what do you need?
48:13A bit of warmth.
48:16Nothing else.
48:20A warmth that I only felt when I was with you.
48:23Why don't we go to the mountains?
48:26To the place where we met for the first time.
48:29To go for a walk.
48:32Do you think I wouldn't want to do it?
48:35There's nothing in the world that I want more.
48:39But we would only hurt each other more.
48:42I know.
48:47I'm sorry.
48:48I know.
48:52I've always admired your ability to rationalize what you feel.
48:56It's hard for me.
48:58It's like trying to contain the flow of a lightning bolt.
49:03I have the feeling that I've controlled it, but...
49:07Nature always goes overboard.
49:10It's not easy for me to act as if nothing happened.
49:14To live behind what my heart dictates.
49:16I'm sorry.
49:18But we can't do anything else, Begoña.
49:23Today I have to accept many losses.
49:31Come here.
49:39Do you believe in life after death?
49:41Maybe then I can be happy.
50:12She's very cultured.
50:14She knows about books, concerts.
50:17I think we'll get along very well from now on.
50:19Really? Then why don't you go to Madrid with her instead of me?
50:24But what happened?
50:27Andrés and Begoña.
50:29Hugged on the porch.
50:31You must find a way to achieve marriage.
50:34Jesus would kill me.
50:36He was about to do it.
50:42Luis, Luis.
50:44We could go little by little.
50:46Besides, the Balnearians are no longer as popular as they used to be.
50:49And if they were in love and had a daughter in common, why would he kill her?
50:54I'm telling you, people are going to start talking.
50:56I'd rather tell everyone.
50:57No, no, Claudia.
50:58What are you saying? Are you crazy?
50:59Don't worry, I'll tell you.
51:01He has received the death certificate from Valente.
51:03How is that possible?
51:05What am I telling you? I don't need you to give me anything.
51:07They're for this afternoon's match between Real Madrid and Osasuna.
51:09Andrés and Begoña.
51:11On the porch.
51:13Hugged, about to kiss.
