Suenos de Libertad Capitulo 120

  • 2 months ago
00:00Maria, you're not pregnant.
00:02But you're going to tell my husband and the whole family that I am.
00:05And that I've lost the baby.
00:06If you don't want the whole family to find out that you have an affair with Dr. Borrell.
00:09Father Agustin and I would love it if you could get involved in giving catechesis to children with depressive disorders.
00:15Maria has lost the baby.
00:17Oh no.
00:19We will never be at the same level as those of the Queen.
00:26We will never be at the same level as those of the Queen.
00:29Unless we carry out the project of our father.
00:33Please, don't insist anymore.
00:34Oh, the gift you asked me for was for Mrs. Marta.
00:38Mrs. Marta has behaved very well with my father when he was about to die.
00:43And her husband gets the treatment that saved his life.
00:46This surely has no trap, right?
00:47I already told you that we are not doing anything wrong.
00:49If you were the one who insisted on entering the business.
00:51Without the pills I will not hold on.
00:53I can't stand it, Jesus.
00:55And now with the loss of the baby, please.
00:57What has happened is the hardest thing that could have happened to us.
01:00But I'm sure it will help us to be more united.
01:05We can't continue causing so much pain.
01:07The only thing we have achieved, let's face it, is to destroy the family.
01:23To live in another way.
01:25Wings to fly.
01:27Wherever the soul wants.
01:30Dreams of freedom.
01:32The heart does not wait.
01:34It is asking for another opportunity.
01:38Dreams of freedom.
01:40Although the past hurts.
01:43To start again.
01:45To love whoever I want.
01:47Screaming freedom.
01:49To live without fear and without looking back.
02:09Dreams of freedom.
02:19Dreams of freedom.
02:34Don't you go down to have breakfast?
02:36Everyone has already done it.
02:38I'm not hungry.
02:40I haven't slept all night.
02:43And why didn't you take one of your sedatives before going to bed?
02:48Because I ran out yesterday.
02:50What a pity. You need to rest.
02:55How is the atmosphere at home?
02:57Can you imagine? Everyone is very sad and it is not for less.
03:01Have you seen Maria?
03:03No. She is in her room, resting.
03:07Recovering from that loss will not be easy for her or for Andrés.
03:13How is he?
03:15He is where he has to be.
03:17With his wife.
03:20And you?
03:22How are you?
03:26Well, I guess ...
03:28Just as affected as everyone else.
03:31Just like everyone else, no.
03:34They didn't argue with Maria just before she fell down the stairs.
03:39What do you imply?
03:40I don't imply anything. It's a fact.
03:42Why did you three argue?
03:44That has to do with Jesus.
03:46It was an accident.
03:47Yes, an accident that could have been avoided if he had not gone down the stairs in that state.
03:52Because she was upset by your conversation.
03:55Isn't it true?
03:56I don't like what you're saying at all.
03:58It could have happened to anyone.
03:59Of course.
04:02And that Andrés was hugging you to comfort you has nothing to do with it.
04:05And that he made you a drawing with your mother for having a gesture with you has nothing to do with it either.
04:09Look, Jesus, I'm not arguing.
04:11Assume your responsibility for what happened.
04:13It is regrettable.
04:14Look, at least I'm not trying to justify myself for killing two people and trying to kill a third.
04:18And on top of that, I'm trying to be a victim of the situation.
04:26Look, Begoña.
04:28In life, everyone is forced to carry their faults.
04:32I confessed to you what I did.
04:34And that's why I have to carry that weight on top.
04:38So now you have to carry the weight of the death of that baby.
04:43That's why I wonder if you'll be able to look Maria in the eye after what happened.
05:08I'm jealous of those lovers who, like us, spend the night together.
05:12But then they go out on the street and they can walk hand in hand.
05:15Or look each other in the eye with love.
05:18We can't hold hands.
05:21But we can look at each other with love.
05:23Yes, but all the time watching in case someone notices.
05:26It's what we've had to live.
05:29And even so, I think we should be grateful.
05:32Don't you think?
05:33Well, yes.
05:34I wish we never had to get out of this bubble.
05:37What's wrong with you lately?
05:40I've been a little weird since we met yesterday with your secretary, Isabel.
05:45What happened? We only greeted each other.
05:48What if I suspect something?
05:50Is that what it's about?
05:52Yes, Marta.
05:53No matter how much we hide it,
05:55maybe from the outside they can notice that we're together.
05:57What are they going to notice?
05:58That we're two friends who go to a recital together?
06:00No one's going to notice that.
06:01And what if they do?
06:04Come here.
06:08Look at me.
06:11If someone asks us,
06:13we'll say you've slept at home with your father, like so many other nights.
06:21Repeat after me.
06:23I've slept at home with your father, like so many other nights.
06:28Repeat after me.
06:30Everything's fine.
06:33Come on, say it.
06:36Everything's fine.
06:38You don't have to get obsessed.
06:42Tell me.
06:45You don't have to get obsessed.
06:47You've done a great job. Now you just have to believe it.
06:49You've done a great job. Now you just have to believe it.
06:54Marta, you have such beautiful eyes.
06:56I could lose myself in them.
06:59If you keep looking at me like that,
07:01I'm going to make a scene in public.
07:05I'd like nothing more.
07:08But real life doesn't wait.
07:11You're not wrong.
07:13Real life is this.
07:16It's all I have left.
07:19It's all I have left.
07:23A wedding.
07:36Well, well...
07:37Now I know how Ulises felt when he saw you.
07:41You're unbelievable.
07:42Well, not that much.
07:46Are you okay?
07:47Yes, I'm a bit exhausted, but it's been a long time since I felt so good.
07:53I'm glad, because I don't know, having in mind your state...
07:59Well, I don't think there's anything better for me than helping others.
08:06Well, that honors you, putting all those people in front of you.
08:14What? Are you looking at me?
08:16No, nothing, I'm not looking at you.
08:17No, come on, you're not looking at me, are you?
08:19Well, yes, I am looking at you, but it's because...
08:23Because I don't think there are many people like you.
08:28That's funny.
08:30You're welcome.
08:35You have something on your hair.
08:39A lot.
08:41A leaf.
08:43Thank you very much for taking it off.
08:45You're welcome.
08:49Well, have you seen Madrugada?
09:18How is she?
09:21She's resting.
09:23It's going to be hard for her to assimilate it.
09:25Now more than ever, she needs you by her side.
09:29And she'll have me.
09:31I'm not going anywhere, Luis.
09:35This time it couldn't have been.
09:38But you're young.
09:40There will be more opportunities.
09:44I swear I'm starting to appreciate things.
09:46Before it's too late.
09:49It's a good learning experience.
09:54Hey, Luis.
09:55What's up, Jesus?
09:56What are you doing here?
09:58Well, I came to see how your brother was doing.
10:00Before starting the day.
10:03Well, I was going to call you to check the first batch of perfumes we'll send to France.
10:07We need the quality to be perfect.
10:11It's just what I was going to do now.
10:14That shipment is essential for the company.
10:16Very good.
10:26I'm going to see how Maria is.
10:28Can we talk for a moment?
10:30Can we sit down?
10:32Well, we're coming straight from Almodóvar.
10:34Oh yeah?
10:36You left yesterday.
10:37Of course.
10:38We were just giving the catechesis to the humble people of the area
10:43when suddenly we heard a brutal bang.
10:46And, right?
10:47Well, it was terrible, Mr. Agustín.
10:49What happened?
10:50Well, the case is that the roof of one of the chabolas fell with a family inside.
10:53My God, are there any serious victims?
10:55No, fortunately not.
10:56They just have some bruises.
10:58Yes, but of course, from one minute to the next they were left without a place to sleep.
11:01Of course.
11:02So, well, among all of us, we were able to rebuild the roof again.
11:05It's an honor to have helped those people.
11:08Yes, what else could we do?
11:10Yes, the only bad thing was that we didn't get the last bus and we had to sleep at the station.
11:14Well, sleeping is a lot to say.
11:17Well, at least they gave me a call to let me know that I wouldn't be able to get there.
11:20Yeah, well, thank goodness they gave us hot milk.
11:22But, come on, we haven't eaten anything since yesterday.
11:24You must be hungry.
11:25Well, I'm hungry.
11:26Me too.
11:27Well, come on, well done work deserves a reward.
11:30May Gaspar serve you a good breakfast in the canteen.
11:34Thank you very much.
11:35Come on.
11:36See you later, Mr. Agustín.
11:37Goodbye, see you later.
11:47Look, Andrés, I know things are still not easy between us, but I want you to know that I am very sorry for what has happened.
11:56Thank you.
11:57You're welcome.
11:58No matter how many disagreements we have, I am perfectly capable of putting what is really important before everything else.
12:07And this is it.
12:08I'm glad to hear that you see it that way.
12:11You can count on me for whatever you need.
12:15How are you doing?
12:18I can afford to be a little more whole, but Maria...
12:22Of course, now is the time to focus on her.
12:25Yes, that's what I'm going to do.
12:28That she feels that her husband is there, 100%, no matter what happens, right?
12:36I don't know if that's an advice or a warning.
12:40Andrés, I told you I'm here to help you.
12:43I know very well what my place is.
12:45I'm glad to hear that.
12:47Although it is a shame that you realized so late.
12:50Some things, many things could have been avoided.
13:21Man, where were you?
13:23I've been looking for you for a long time to frame deliveries.
13:27Don't tell me.
13:29You were putting someone's radio.
13:30Smart guy.
13:31And? Was there luck?
13:34Well, it seems so.
13:35I sold it to a woman who came out the door of the store.
13:38I can't believe it.
13:39You were born for this.
13:41And best of all, I managed to get the money back from the savings account without Carmen noticing.
13:45And besides, it brought me a good profit.
13:46Come on, you got the perfect move.
13:48You have all my admiration, Tasio.
13:50A little more and everything will go to hell, I tell you.
13:53Do you realize what you've been able to do?
13:55You have made almost 50% of the profit with just two products.
13:58Now I understand why you lived so well.
14:01My cousin has the credit for getting the products.
14:04Well, the products are worth nothing if you don't sell them.
14:06And if you don't reinvest it with intelligence, then neither.
14:10Something for which you have shown to have a natural talent.
14:15Although those two radios were the last ones I had left, as you know.
14:19And I have no idea when I'll get more products.
14:21Well, I don't care either.
14:23It's been a lot of fun, but I won't play it again.
14:27But everything went perfectly for you in the first one.
14:29Well, let's see.
14:30That's why.
14:31So that I can do it a second time and it doesn't go wrong.
14:34Yeah, sure.
14:35Yes, yes, yes.
14:36You're absolutely right.
14:39That of placing two products in such a short time is the luck of the beginner.
14:43Well, it's not like that at all.
14:45Anyway, I appreciate it.
14:47Thanks for the radios and for the tickets to the Bernabéu.
14:50With what you've earned, you can buy the season ticket.
14:53Although not in the park, but hey.
14:56It's true.
14:58Thank you anyway.
15:05Some people think that to make a fortune, you have to think more about yourself than others.
15:10But I think it's quite the opposite.
15:12And what exactly do you think?
15:14Well, that life, sooner or later, ends up giving you back everything you've done for others.
15:21I don't know.
15:23Well, let's get to work.
15:25Let's go.
15:42May I?
15:43Of course.
15:59You've come to see me.
16:02And now you're standing there, silent. What's going on?
16:07I wanted to talk to you.
16:09About something in particular?
16:13I wanted...
16:18to know how the recital went.
16:24Just good?
16:26Well, in fact, it's been a long time since I've had such a good time.
16:30I'm in a cloud and I don't want to go down to earth.
16:35I understand.
16:37Yes, of course.
16:39You're not the only one who's in love here.
16:42I know.
16:44It's just that sometimes I have doubts about how much you want to know about my relationship.
16:49If it makes you happy, I want to know everything.
16:52It makes me very happy.
16:55I'm living a very sweet moment and...
16:59I just pray that there's nothing that ruins it.
17:02No, of course not. Everything will be fine.
17:05Nothing will ruin this moment for you.
17:09In fact, I've bought a fine detail. Do you want to see it?
17:13Of course.
17:22It's beautiful.
17:24You're going to love it.
17:26You didn't come here to talk about handkerchiefs, did you?
17:31Yes, of course I did.
17:34You know perfectly well that it's one of my favorite topics of conversation.
17:40What did you want to talk about?
17:45It's just...
17:46I just wanted to confirm that you're still a happy woman.
17:54I'm very happy to be able to share my story with you.
17:57Who was I going to tell?
18:01That in spite of everything, we can be honest and continue to be together.
18:10It's me.
18:15Mrs. Marta? I'm sorry, I thought you were alone.
18:19No, no, don't worry. I'm leaving.
18:28Excuse me.
18:30I need you to sign these handkerchiefs.
18:33I passed by here this morning, but I hadn't arrived yet.
18:39Well, the family, you know, always ends up keeping one at home.
18:43That's why I didn't arrive earlier.
18:46Wow. Carnivas.
18:49Do you know it?
18:51Of course.
18:52I often pass by the branch they have in Toledo and I always look at the showcase.
18:59Maybe one day I can come in.
19:01Any birthdays in sight?
19:03No, no, it's not a birthday gift.
19:06A whim that I wanted to give myself.
19:09Well, that's fine. You have to take care of yourself, right?
19:12Where will the happy seal of the company be?
19:15I have one on my table if you need it.
19:18No, it has to be around here.
19:20My brothers who have the happy habit of moving everything around.
19:25I'll order more seals.
19:28So this doesn't happen to you again.
19:31Thank you.
19:36Thank you.
19:47Here you go.
19:49Valeriana will make you feel calmer, you see.
19:52Thank you.
19:54How is Maria? Have you seen her?
19:57She's not well.
19:59They were both very excited.
20:02They want to be parents.
20:04You don't know how sorry I am.
20:07And how are you?
20:09Have you returned to the cemetery?
20:12I came yesterday.
20:15But you know what it's like to lose someone worthy.
20:18It's like a feeling of unreality.
20:20As if that person were to appear from one moment to another at the door.
20:23As if it were a terrible dream.
20:27That's how I've been in recent years. I understand you perfectly.
20:34Losing my mother has been terrible, but...
20:37I can't even imagine what it's like to lose a son.
20:40Do you know about my son?
20:44I'm very sorry.
20:51Begoña, I carry this grief for him.
20:54I have opposed him for your mother too, but...
20:57Above all, I carry it for my son.
20:58I dreamed that one day he would cross the door of my house.
21:03And I could hug him and kiss him.
21:06And tell him how much I love him.
21:09Despite everything he did.
21:11Because he's your son.
21:14And you know what?
21:17The worst thing is not even that he's dead.
21:21It's not being able to understand why he did all that, my son.
21:25I don't understand it.
21:27The news of his death has filled my head with questions.
21:31He wasn't violent.
21:34I have many questions that no one can answer me anymore.
21:38Like what?
21:42Clotilde died of a gunshot wound.
21:46My son never picked up a gun.
21:49Years later, Jesus was married.
21:51And you have an accident that almost costs you your life.
21:55From a gunshot wound.
22:02You said it, Digna.
22:04It was an accident.
22:06A terrible coincidence.
22:08I don't believe in coincidences, Begoña.
22:11But what you're insinuating is too serious.
22:14What has happened too.
22:16I don't believe in coincidences.
22:18But what you're insinuating is too serious.
22:20What has happened too.
22:23Tell me your version.
22:26Because until now I only know Damien's and Jesus's, but not yours.
22:31It was...
22:33A bullet lost by a hunter.
22:36I was unlucky.
22:38So much.
22:40What happened to Clotilde has nothing to do with what happened to me.
22:45Of course.
22:46You're right, forgive me.
22:49I suppose the news of my son's death is making me go crazy.
22:54Don't worry.
23:01Is everything okay?
23:06We were talking about bad luck.
23:09What happened to Maria is horrible.
23:12Yes, poor girl.
23:13It was a hard blow for everyone.
23:22I'm going to the dispensary.
23:28It sounds silly, but the radio gives it a different atmosphere.
23:33It's not silly, because when it's on,
23:36the factory workers come to listen to it.
23:39Me too.
23:40Only this morning,
23:42there were more than one who stayed just to listen to the party.
23:45Well, you've seen what a good acquisition it is.
23:54Mr. Secretary.
23:56Are you looking for Mr. Agustín?
23:58No, I came to be with him.
24:00Actually, it's you who I was looking for.
24:02Can we talk?
24:04Sure, sure.
24:06Do you want to sit down?
24:08Thank you.
24:11Thank you.
24:17Well, tell me.
24:19What's up?
24:21Father Agustín told me that he's been helping
24:24to rebuild a cotton shed while he was giving the catechesis to its inhabitants.
24:28Yes, we were rebuilding the roof.
24:31The truth is that he doesn't know how we feel
24:34helping all those people.
24:36That's what we're here for, to help our neighbor.
24:38The real help comes from the heart.
24:42Mr. Agustín says that you're a very modern priest.
24:46Is that so?
24:48Well, if you compare me to him, then yes.
24:51There's nothing more to see than the place where he spends his time,
24:54full of noise.
24:56I'm a young priest,
24:58modern if you want to call it that.
25:01I like being with people.
25:03But as far as I know,
25:05I don't think that's a problem for my condition as a priest.
25:08The problem doesn't lie in all that, Mateo.
25:11It lies in spending the night with a happy church in a train station.
25:23Ah, it's you.
25:25I didn't know you were coming to eat.
25:28No, don't worry. I was looking for my mother. Is she around?
25:30She's at the big house.
25:32Ah, well, I'm going there to look for her.
25:34Wait, Luis. Do you know if your brother is going to take much longer at the factory?
25:38Well, I've been with him this morning, but I don't know. Why?
25:42Nothing, nothing. It's to lower the temperature a bit so that the kid doesn't dry out.
25:46I knew it smelled good.
25:48Yeah? Doesn't it smell like something's missing?
25:50Not at all. Come on, it smells like holy water.
25:52I'd invite you to eat if it weren't because I have the feeling that I'm going to be late for the evening.
25:57I hope so.
26:00What's wrong?
26:02Isn't it because you've reconciled?
26:04No, your brother hasn't forgiven me for my mistake yet.
26:08I don't know what to do to make him forgive me.
26:10I got him with a whip.
26:12Oh, yeah?
26:14Well, the other day I made him a meatball in salsa.
26:17Yeah, it's a ridiculous strategy, I know.
26:22From what I know, that Feligresa is not exactly an exemplary girl in this community.
26:28That girl is much more exemplary than many of us.
26:31That's not what I've heard.
26:32I see that Father Agustín has told you about an alarmist situation, a completely innocent situation.
26:39Understand it. I must watch over the reputation of the church.
26:42And with performances like that, it's making it very difficult.
26:45I know he had a faith crisis for a while.
26:48And that his ways at work are very different from the traditional ones.
26:52You really shouldn't trust Father Agustín so much.
26:55He's been more boring lately.
26:58I've known Father Agustín for many years.
26:59I've known Father Agustín for many years.
27:02And I have reasons to trust him.
27:04However, you...
27:06You've misled me.
27:08I don't know how strong your faith is.
27:10And therefore, I don't know how dangerous your temptation as a man is.
27:14It's a step away from starting to offend me.
27:16So it would be better if we leave it here.
27:19As you wish.
27:21Is this going to have consequences for me?
27:24At the moment, there are no reasons for it, but...
27:29Be careful with your behavior.
27:31Or next time, I'll be forced to tell the bishop.
27:34I really can't believe we're having this conversation just because I've helped people.
27:38Don't worry.
27:40If he has nothing to hide, he shouldn't worry.
27:55I don't know what to do to get his attention.
27:58To make him realize that I'm really sorry.
28:01That he's my whole world.
28:03That I'm willing to do anything to get him to forgive me.
28:08The same thing happened to me, Gemma.
28:11Yesterday, without going any further, we argued.
28:13And today, he's at war with me.
28:15Is that so? And what about you?
28:19Business at the factory.
28:21As usual.
28:22I'm sure Jesus has taken him out of his boxes, as if he saw him.
28:26He doesn't feel valued.
28:29Jesus still treats him like a lackey, when he should be slapped.
28:33I've told you many times, but he doesn't want to stand up for himself.
28:37Because he doesn't believe in him, Gemma.
28:39And besides, we...
28:41We what?
28:44That we don't value what he does for us.
28:48I'm the first.
28:49I've always been very hard on him.
28:51And now, about me being a lackey.
28:53Which was nothing.
28:55Yeah, but...
28:57That's what he's done to you, Gemma.
28:59But that was just a silly thing, Luis.
29:01Another one that broke the glass.
29:03Because he's thought that you were looking for a life in that guy.
29:07And some attentions that he can't give you.
29:10Well, at first, maybe I was looking for those things.
29:13But then I realized that the most important thing, I already had it.
29:19Unconditional love.
29:24And you said that to him like that?
29:29What have I done to him all this time?
29:35It's not all lost yet.
29:43Come in.
29:45Can I come in, Mr. Damián?
29:47Come in, Tassio.
29:50What brings you here?
29:52Well, I was just taking advantage of my free time
29:55to come and thank you for taking me hunting.
29:57The truth is that I was sorry, as always.
29:59But I enjoyed it a lot.
30:01I'm glad.
30:03For me it was also very pleasant.
30:05So you don't have to thank me for anything.
30:07No, no, really.
30:09Mr. Damián, I want you to know that I am very grateful for what you are doing for me.
30:11And that's why I wanted to have a little detail with you.
30:13For me?
30:16This ...
30:18This is not a detail.
30:20This is much more than a detail.
30:22This is a gift with all the rules of the law.
30:24These sheets are of category.
30:26It would be missing more, Mr. Damián.
30:28But ...
30:30But this must have cost you a lot, right?
30:35Let's see.
30:37The other day you had tickets for the Bernabéu stage.
30:39Today this.
30:41Things are also going well for you.
30:43That seems.
30:45Does this have to do with those new relationships you say you are having in the business world?
30:50It may be, yes.
30:52I made a small investment and I did well.
30:56In the end, it will turn out that you have more business than any of my children.
31:00Well, I have someone to go out to.
31:02Well, this one is going to fall right now.
31:07And the next day we go hunting, I'll take a couple of them.
31:10Of course, we will only smoke them
31:13if we are able to hit a turtle.
31:18Well, well, well.
31:20Thank you very much again for the gift, son.
31:22You're welcome, Damián.
31:24In addition, I am glad to have found a gift worthy of you.
31:26Gifts are always welcome.
31:28Although it is not true with them.
31:32Why do you put that face?
31:35Well, because ...
31:37It depends on the occasion.
31:39Gifts can also be misinterpreted.
31:43You say it because of the happy shirts.
31:46I thought you liked them the way I saw you with one of them.
31:49No, yes, yes. I liked it.
31:51Because I understood that his intention was good.
31:55I have to admit that it was a bit clumsy for me.
31:59I was clumsy for not rejecting them at the time.
32:01And for not telling him how I felt.
32:04Like a second son, right?
32:07Answer me.
32:11Would you have given those shirts to any of your other children?
32:15The truth is no.
32:17Because they are legitimate children.
32:19And I, well, I am a factory worker with whom I have an obligation.
32:22No, he's not your son either.
32:24No, really, Mr. Damián.
32:26I understand that I am the one who has to make an effort
32:29for you to be proud of me.
32:32No, none of that, Otasio.
32:36I am the only one to blame for this situation.
32:39And I assure you that I am already very proud of you.
32:44Believe it or not.
32:47Well, I'm going to do whatever I can
32:50to make you feel even more proud of me.
32:52You'll see.
32:54And now I'll let you enjoy yourself.
32:56Thank you.
33:07Come in.
33:17Can I come in?
33:26I don't want to bother you.
33:28I just came to know how you were doing.
33:31What do you think?
33:32I just lost my son.
33:34How would you be in my place?
33:36I would be abandoned.
33:39Well, you already have the answer.
33:43After the discussion we had yesterday,
33:45it has taken me a long time
33:47to gather the courage to come see you.
33:49You shouldn't have bothered.
33:51I know that your loss is irreparable.
33:54And that now you can't think of anything else.
33:57But you are young
33:59and you know
34:00that you can have children.
34:04Of course we will have children.
34:06And we will be happy,
34:08no matter how much it weighs on you.
34:10Why do you say that?
34:12Maria, I don't want anything bad for you.
34:14I have nothing against you.
34:18And why have you decided to ruin my life
34:20since I met you?
34:22That has never been my intention.
34:24You have tried to steal my husband from the beginning.
34:26Maria, I...
34:28No, don't interrupt me.
34:30Don't give me a break.
34:32But I know why.
34:34Because you are a bitter woman.
34:37With a marriage that is a failure.
34:39That's why you want what I have.
34:43You don't really know what a marriage is like.
34:45Yes, there is nothing more to see.
34:47But that's over, Begoña.
34:50If something good has brought this misfortune,
34:52it is that Andrés has realized
34:54that his place is on my side.
34:56He is just as or more desolate than me
34:58because of the loss of our son.
35:00Just like me.
35:02Because of you, I lost my son.
35:04And because of you, I could have killed myself.
35:07I just hope that one day you can forgive me.
35:10Never, do you hear me?
35:45I have prepared your favorite dish.
35:48I haven't cooked it for a long time,
35:50so I thought...
35:53Don't push yourself, Gemma.
35:56I didn't marry you
35:58precisely because of your culinary talents.
36:01I'm doing everything to please you, Joaquín.
36:04Well, it's no use trying, woman.
36:08Maybe I deserve everything that's happening to me.
36:11Because no one respects me anymore.
36:13You don't respect me,
36:15my colleagues at the factory don't respect me.
36:18That's not true.
36:20Luis was here before
36:22and he told me how much he admires you.
36:27Are you kidding me?
36:28Are you kidding me?
36:30That my brother admires me?
36:33To my brother, I'm useless.
36:35Just like to Jesus, just like to you.
36:37I know you're angry with him because you argued.
36:40What happened?
36:42Leave me alone, Gemma. Really.
36:44Before, you liked to tell me everything
36:46because you wanted my advice.
36:48Yeah, but now it's not before.
36:51And will it ever be again?
37:06I wasn't happy about the deal with my cousin.
37:09I can imagine.
37:11At first, I didn't know
37:13because I thought it was something shady.
37:15I even asked a friend of mine, a civil guard,
37:18if that was legal.
37:21And what did he say?
37:23What did he say?
37:25How much he values you.
37:26He took one for him
37:28and another for a sergeant from his command.
37:32He told me that this thing with jumping the ropes
37:35was a bit on the edge,
37:37but that today was legal.
37:39What a relief, my son.
37:41A lot.
37:43It was hard for me to get the money for the first investment,
37:46but the truth is that I made it.
37:48After three months,
37:50I was giving in for my house.
37:52I also tell you that any day
37:53I change the law
37:55or they close my cousin's factory and I'm done.
37:57That's why I'm still working here.
37:59But for now,
38:01get me out of here.
38:04I'm going to get more tape.
38:11Did you go for work?
38:15Oh, my God, Gema.
38:17You're so annoying.
38:19Look, my brother and I
38:20had the possibility
38:22to start a very good project together,
38:24but he left me more at a loss.
38:26What do you mean, at a loss?
38:30A project of what?
38:32A project, Gema, a project that I was very excited about,
38:34but he, who is so intelligent,
38:36doesn't see it.
38:38And I've stayed with the desire.
38:40And you can't do it alone?
38:42Without him? Or with me?
38:44No, no, no, no.
38:46It's a very big project to do alone.
38:48Let's see, I don't know what it's about,
38:50but listen to me.
38:52Isn't there anyone who knows more about business than you?
38:54Giving me the ears,
38:56I'm not going to forgive you.
38:58You know that.
39:00I'm telling you the truth, Joaquín.
39:02I believe in you,
39:04in your abilities,
39:06in your intelligence,
39:08in your willpower, in your goodness.
39:10The only thing that has bothered me all my life
39:12and that is why we are the way we are
39:14is that you are too good to face others.
39:16So take a chance,
39:18if that project excites you.
39:20If the opportunity is not given to you by others,
39:22give it to yourself.
39:24Be brave.
39:34I don't believe in myself.
39:38Sometimes that's the most comfortable thing.
39:41But now you have the worm.
39:42You have the idea, you have the desire.
39:44So dare.
39:46Do it, my love.
39:50What if I'm wrong?
39:53Well, I'll be here to comfort you.
39:56Or to cook you a goat.
39:59Or whatever.
40:03I'll be here whenever you want.
40:05I'll be here whenever you want.
40:16And then, a question.
40:18Do you know when the next order is coming?
40:22The deal with your cousin, what is it going to be?
40:26I think soon.
40:28He told me that soon he would have
40:30a huge batch of household appliances to place.
40:32Well, he calculated that in a year
40:34you will buy a house with a garden and a pool.
40:36In a year, he says.
40:38A game as big as that
40:40gives a lot of money,
40:42but also a lot of work.
40:44One can only become eternal
40:46to place all that.
40:48Well, you shouldn't fire a partner.
40:50Leave it, leave it.
40:52It would have to be someone with a lot of confidence.
40:59you ask a lot of questions.
41:00Well, no more.
41:03Maybe if,
41:05I don't know,
41:07if you're interested in entering,
41:09we could go to Medias.
41:13I'm seeing that I'm only going to become eternal
41:15with all that.
41:17Explain to me a little how it would be.
41:21We would have to pay all the household appliances
41:23to Medias.
41:25And the transport.
41:27And we would have to look for a warehouse in Toledo.
41:28It would be a capital,
41:30but if we manage to place it all,
41:32we would get twice or almost triple
41:34of what we invested.
41:36So it would be more or less
41:3810,000 pesetas per head.
41:40Surely, yes.
41:42I can't tell you that now.
41:44Iniego, that's a lot of money.
41:46Yes, yes, yes.
41:48I know it is, but for now,
41:50and I cross my fingers,
41:52I've never lost a peseta with this.
41:54Besides, with the nose you have,
41:56I'm sure you're going to make a fortune.
41:58If you want to risk it,
42:00if you don't see it clearly, no problem.
42:02You'll see, partner.
42:04In the end,
42:06not everyone is worth it.
42:12Of course, if you're interested,
42:14don't fall asleep.
42:16I'm not going to wait for you all my life
42:18to make you rich.
42:20Come on, let's hurry up,
42:22because then comes Don Joaquin with the whip
42:24and we have to run.
42:29If you don't feel well,
42:31you can give me those files.
42:33I'm about to finish.
42:35No, no.
42:37I don't like to leave my duties halfway.
42:40And I want to take advantage now
42:42that I can still do it.
42:44Of course.
42:46And forgive me for insisting.
42:49How is your sister-in-law, Maria?
42:51What has happened to her is horrible.
42:53Fine, she's fine.
42:55I don't know what to do.
42:56How is your father?
42:58Fine, he's fine.
43:00She's a young girl, she can have more children.
43:02How many weeks was she finally?
43:06To be sure, I don't know.
43:0812 weeks, calculating by eye.
43:10What do you mean by eye?
43:12Didn't you talk to her obstetrician,
43:14that Dr. González?
43:16Yes, yes, we talked,
43:18but we haven't dealt with that issue.
43:20We preferred to focus on how the patient is
43:22and everything is perfectly clear.
43:24She will survive.
43:26She will live, yes.
43:28But the trauma will take her for life.
43:30Going through something like this, I don't know,
43:32it has to leave a mark.
43:34She will recover, I'm sure.
43:40is she still in a hurry
43:42to be examined by a man?
43:44I wouldn't mind getting closer
43:46and following her.
43:48Luz, please, let her be.
43:50Everything is fine.
43:52Jai, are you okay?
43:54Yes, I can't concentrate
43:56because I'm not able to concentrate.
43:58I need to concentrate,
44:00and I need to get my mind to the point.
44:04I've tried to tell Marta
44:07my problem and I haven't been able to.
44:10I see.
44:12I know I have to do it,
44:14so please don't insist.
44:16As for María,
44:18she doesn't have a problem with me dealing with her.
44:22Don't get upset with me, please.
44:23Maybe we should be more careful.
44:25Miss both at the same time.
44:28Let's see if Isabel is going to start smelling something.
44:30We've only been to Toledo to eat.
44:33Isabel knows that from time to time I go with one of you to a store or visit a supplier.
44:39Yeah, I know.
44:42Besides, I wanted to thank you for the tickets the other day.
44:46It was an unforgettable night.
44:48Marta, it was for me too, but you didn't have to give me anything.
44:51It's just that I want you to have a memory of that night.
45:00You're not going to open it?
45:06It's the one Gloria Lasso wore at the concert.
45:11Since you liked it so much, I saw it on a magazine.
45:14And I looked at this little figure that I had seen in a store in Madrid.
45:17So I called them.
45:18And indeed, Gloria had bought it in that same store.
45:22Oh my God.
45:24Do you like it?
45:25Of course I like it.
45:26Especially with the research you've done.
45:29It's so soft.
45:31And those colors favor you.
45:33You're going to be beautiful.
45:39Did I say something wrong?
45:40No, no, no.
45:42It's just that I won't be able to wear it much.
45:44Only when I'm with you.
45:46Nobody knows I gave it to you.
45:48Yeah, but whoever knows me knows perfectly well that I would never buy something like this.
45:54Because it's too elegant.
45:58Fina Valero.
46:00Nothing is too elegant for you.
46:07Oh my God, it's so beautiful that I would release it right now.
46:10Let's see.
46:11Let's see.
46:15You can wear it tonight if you agree to be invited to dinner in Madrid again.
46:21Let's see, it sounds tempting, but three days in a row?
46:24You're going to have to give a lot of explanations, Marta.
46:26Not that, leave it to me.
46:28Do you like flamenco?
46:31Well, they told me about a board where they say that people of the most varied looks get together.
46:36And then we go back to the hotel.
46:39Another night out.
46:41Lately, nights are the best of my days.
46:45And of mine.
46:49Well, I'll see you later.
46:55You look like an Italian film actress.
47:27I think I need to go out to clear myself a little.
47:30I think it's good.
47:32Let's go for a walk and so we get some fresh air.
47:35Do you think?
47:37I think it's perfect.
47:41Come on, let's go.
47:50Let's go.
47:53Begoña, you're already here?
47:55We were just going to have a coffee.
47:57We're a bit lost.
47:59Do you mind if I take care of the dispensary?
48:01No, of course not.
48:02Do you want us to bring you something?
48:04No, no, thank you.
48:08Are you okay?
48:09We'll talk later.
48:15See you later.
48:16See you later.
48:17See you later.
48:38We can't continue to suffer so much pain
48:40that we feel for each other.
48:42The only thing we've managed to get by letting ourselves go
48:45is to destroy the family.
48:48My family.
48:51So now you must bear the weight of that baby's death.
48:56That's why I wonder if you'll be able to look Maria in the eye
48:59after what happened.
49:01Because it's your fault I lost my son.
49:03And it's your fault I could have killed myself.
49:15I love you.
49:46I found out by chance
49:47that he and Dr. Borrell are lovers.
49:50I heard them on the phone.
49:51Are you talking about the lucky shot I got
49:53or the other shots?
49:54Don't play with me, Begoña.
49:56I saw it in Toledo and not anywhere else.
49:58In the Canobas warehouse, no less.
50:01You know, Carmen, the more you invest in business,
50:03the greater the profit.
50:04Casio, how much?
50:0510,000 pesetas.
50:0610,000 pesetas?
50:08Let's see if I understood correctly.
50:09Do you want to go from an operator to a businessman?
50:14The roof was God's will,
50:15but spending the night together was an exclusively your decision
50:18and very unethical, by the way.
50:20You have to be miserable to insinuate what you're insinuating.
50:22Andres and I will do everything in our power
50:24to be a united and happy family.
50:26And as numerous as possible, of course.
50:28Well, because I was just trying on the handkerchief
50:30you gave me when I came in.
50:32I even brought his mother here, to this house,
50:34to get her forgiveness.
50:36And what did I get in return?
50:38Despise and more despise.
50:40And that as soon as I turned around,
50:42I was going to comfort myself in my brother's arms.
50:44I'm going to make myself respected.
50:46You lived it.
50:47And what else does it give you?
50:48Then you go down for that infusion.
50:50Now let's talk a little.
50:52I just want to have a nice time with my wife.
