Seven Blood-Stained Orchids (1972)

  • last month
00:04:59Mochillo what?
00:05:00We don't know her last name yet, but nickname's La Toscana.
00:05:04All right.
00:05:19Tuscans generally aren't the superstitious kind.
00:05:21Matter of fact, sir, she was southern. Sicilian or Calabrian.
00:05:25See if you can find out why they call her La Toscana.
00:05:27Yes, sir. Get on it right away.
00:05:30Now, now, look. Let me get rid of this at least.
00:05:32I mean, we've got to be reasonable, dear.
00:05:34Or you'll come out resembling a piece of fruitcake.
00:05:36You're telling me.
00:05:38I want to get married and wife with orange blossoms.
00:05:41Then insist on it while there's still time to.
00:05:43That's too dangerous. You know how stubborn Mario is.
00:05:46He might cancel the wedding.
00:05:52Yes, she is. What?
00:05:54Yeah, I think she's free. I'll ask. Just a moment.
00:05:56Julia, it's called for you.
00:05:58Thank you.
00:06:15Boutique Jolie.
00:06:16Oh, boy. Hello.
00:06:18The line's cut off, I guess. It happens all the time at this hour.
00:06:21They'll probably call back in a minute.
00:06:23All I can say is, faced with that dress,
00:06:26I'd rather give up marriage.
00:06:27Oh, yeah? I notice you haven't given up selling my stuff.
00:06:30Can I help it if people go for nutty designers these days?
00:06:33Ciao, Mario.
00:06:35What'd you take away the scarf for?
00:06:38So you're the culprit.
00:06:40Wanda, take this away and you'd ruin the whole design.
00:06:46It'd make her look like some sort of a slut.
00:06:48You'd make her look like a slut.
00:06:51It'd make her look like some sort of call girl.
00:06:53I beg your pardon?
00:06:54Wanda, just carry out my designs.
00:06:56Haven't you gotten rich on them?
00:06:59Here, have the cutter start on these.
00:07:03It's the winter line for St. Moritz.
00:07:05Yes, master.
00:07:08Did you tell anyone that I had an appointment here?
00:07:11Someone phoned a moment ago.
00:07:13He asked for me, but there was no one there when I answered.
00:07:16That kind of thing happens to pretty girls.
00:07:19Listen, are you coming to that opening with me tonight?
00:07:23You should enjoy your last free hours as a bachelor by yourself, darling.
00:07:26Oh, sure.
00:07:27With a bunch of abstract painters.
00:07:35I'll never forgive you for taking me here.
00:07:37John, I'm glad I made you come.
00:07:41I can't stand this.
00:07:42I really can't.
00:07:43Do you consider this art?
00:07:45No, I don't.
00:07:46I really don't.
00:07:47Thank you.
00:07:56Good evening.
00:07:57La Nuova Pesa Gallery.
00:07:59Yes, we're having a show opening tonight.
00:08:02I'll see if I can locate her for you.
00:08:04Just a minute.
00:08:06Could I have that name again, please?
00:08:08Kathy Adams.
00:08:09Hold on.
00:08:20Hello, who is this?
00:08:22Well, hello.
00:08:28Ciao, Kathy, ciao.
00:08:30Tomorrow at ten, don't forget.
00:08:32I will, Mariano.
00:08:47Good evening.
00:08:48Good evening.
00:09:17Oh, poor kittens, yes.
00:09:36Oh, you're starving, aren't you?
00:09:47You have a very bad mummy.
00:09:49I hope you're not going to denounce me to...
00:09:52How do you call it in Italy?
00:09:57Yes, here, here, here.
00:09:58Yes, yes, yes.
00:10:00I'll give it to you.
00:10:03There we go.
00:10:06Come on, darling.
00:10:09That's it.
00:10:16That's it.
00:10:46Oh, you're angry.
00:10:59Of course, that's right.
00:11:02My poor kitties, I forgot, didn't I?
00:11:04I forgot to open the door for...
00:11:16Who's there?
00:11:26Who's there?
00:11:37Who's there?
00:11:41Who's there?
00:12:07Who's there?
00:12:16Who's there?
00:12:26Who's there?
00:12:47Who's there?
00:13:01You really think it's only a coincidence?
00:13:04You see amulets like that everywhere nowadays.
00:13:07It's the latest fashion.
00:13:09Let's make a hypothesis.
00:13:12Two dead girls and a single killer.
00:13:15Now, did the girls know each other?
00:13:16And what could they have had in common?
00:13:18Well, that's easy.
00:13:19They were both found half naked.
00:13:20The English girl was in her apartment and getting ready for bed.
00:13:23Was she...
00:13:25Yes, Palumbo, all alone.
00:13:26Okay, but take an eye between that and the hole.
00:13:28Right now, the main thing is to identify the other one.
00:13:30La Toscana.
00:13:46Oh, please, darling, the window.
00:13:58You laugh, huh?
00:13:59Yeah, it's a riot.
00:14:01Call the conductor.
00:14:02Why, I'm at it.
00:14:03You want a coffee?
00:14:04No, thanks.
00:14:05Well, I'm going to go for a sandwich, okay?
00:14:15Oh, go on, Mario.
00:14:56Lady, are you all right?
00:14:57Oh, my God.
00:15:15Oh, my God.
00:15:45Oh, my God.
00:16:16That's Silvio, a designer.
00:16:17Silvio Graber.
00:16:18He works with me.
00:16:22Giorgio Romani.
00:16:23Just a friend.
00:16:24Of both of ours.
00:16:26Ah, that's Bruno Belli.
00:16:28Used to be in love with Julia.
00:16:30He's married now.
00:16:31His wife had twins a couple of weeks ago.
00:16:38That's Giovanni Lepo, the janitor from my old apartment.
00:16:43Who's he?
00:16:45That one I don't know at all.
00:16:46No, I shouldn't think you would.
00:16:48That's Police Lieutenant Renzi.
00:16:50Very clever.
00:16:54A distant relative.
00:16:58Kid who works in our office.
00:17:01In other words, all friends.
00:17:02Not a stranger in the lot.
00:17:04Yeah, looks like it.
00:17:06Looks like we scored a big fat zero.
00:17:10You read the news at all?
00:17:13The police always score big fat zeros.
00:17:16If it weren't for inside info here and there.
00:17:20Only in these cases, there's never anyone to come up with it.
00:17:24When did you first meet your wife, Giroza?
00:17:28Three years ago.
00:17:30You know Bertello, her father owned a hotel there.
00:17:33After her father died, Julia sold out and then came on down to Rome.
00:17:38Then out of the blue, we met again.
00:17:41So for a while there, she might have been doing anything.
00:17:43Oh, come on now.
00:17:44You're not still trying to find a connection with those two other killings.
00:17:47How come you're so sure there's none?
00:17:49Because it's impossible.
00:17:50What in the world would Julia have in common with those two girls?
00:17:54That's the question.
00:17:55And what's more, a psychopathic killer like him would also have left this trademark with Julia.
00:17:59This pin or whatever it is, and there wasn't a damn thing left in her case.
00:18:02Because the arrival of the conductor prevented it.
00:18:05Some mail came for your wife at her old address this morning.
00:18:11Oh, whatever it is.
00:18:23Well, how's our victim?
00:18:25You had a very nice funeral, lots of flowers.
00:18:28What an awful pity I wasn't there.
00:18:30Whoever your attacker was, for the time being, it's best that he believes that you were there.
00:18:34Let's hope it's not going to be for long, Inspector.
00:18:41You sure this means nothing to you?
00:18:42Think very hard.
00:18:44No, nothing.
00:18:50And you're sure you've never met this woman before?
00:18:54I thought all night long, but...
00:18:55Well, you see, I'm not much good at remembering faces.
00:18:58Just have no memory for them.
00:19:00Because of your shock, I've held this one back for a long time.
00:19:03I don't know how long it's been since I've seen her.
00:19:05I don't know how long it's been since I've seen her.
00:19:08Because of your shock, I've held this one back till now.
00:19:11Why, that's Inez, I'm sure it is.
00:19:14She worked at our hotel.
00:19:15Are you positive it's her?
00:19:17She was a very good girl.
00:19:19She wasn't a very good maid, but she tried awfully hard.
00:19:22She came from some village in Calabria.
00:19:24But she was known as La Toscana.
00:19:25The hotel's in Tuscany, though, in Orbitello.
00:19:28Did you ever run into her here?
00:19:30No, never.
00:19:31Can you think of anyone who might have had a grudge against this girl, Inez?
00:19:35Someone with a grudge against you, too.
00:19:37Against me and Inez?
00:19:41Mario, do you remember Raul?
00:19:44No, no, I don't.
00:19:45Of course, you never met him.
00:19:46Giovanni Raul, sort of an unpleasant guy.
00:19:49He was more or less engaged to Inez.
00:19:52But then he stole from the hotel and was arrested.
00:19:56In fact, I denounced him, and Inez was for it.
00:19:59And why do you say she was for it?
00:20:03He took advantage of her job to commit the robbery.
00:20:06And when she found out, she felt humiliated.
00:20:08She was very proud of her honesty.
00:20:11Now, come on, Raul, confess.
00:20:13Admit it, Raul, you're the murderer.
00:20:15I never met no Katie Adams.
00:20:16Inez Tamburini, you knew her.
00:20:18Julia Trezzi, you knew her.
00:20:20Yes, but it wasn't me that killed her.
00:20:21Well, let's say the conductor recognized you.
00:20:23He couldn't, Lieutenant. I wasn't there.
00:20:24Then where the hell were you Tuesday night?
00:20:26I'm innocent, I swear it.
00:20:28I'm innocent. I want to talk to my lawyer.
00:20:30Tuesday night, Raul, you're going to tell us where you were?
00:20:32Go on, confess, Raul.
00:20:34Tuesday... I forget, Lieutenant.
00:20:36You killed the Englishwoman that night, didn't you?
00:20:38No, Tuesday night, Raul.
00:20:40I'm not... I'm not sure.
00:20:42I know, Raul.
00:20:43He's a louse and a petty thief, but I doubt that he's capable of murder.
00:20:48You mean you agree then with Inspector Vismara?
00:20:50If Raul is innocent, the real killer is still free to go around murdering at will.
00:20:53In which case, you're much safer right here, believe me.
00:20:56No, I've had enough of this clinic.
00:20:57Let's go ahead as we planned.
00:20:59Let everyone believe that I'm dead for the moment.
00:21:01And when we come back, we'll see about taking a decision with the police.
00:21:06I'd be the happiest guy in the world if it was all cleared up by the time we get back.
00:21:17It's from Vismara.
00:21:18A little souvenir.
00:21:19He says that with this, your case is closed.
00:21:23Let's put it all down to a maniac, hmm?
00:21:25He runs around killing and presents trinkets to all of his girlfriends.
00:21:29Wait, now I recognize it.
00:21:31Seeing it on a key ring, it looks different.
00:21:38Two years ago, there was an American who had one just like it.
00:21:45He left it on his table in the restaurant at a hotel one day.
00:21:50Yes, I'm sure. He was an American.
00:21:52He was tall, young, only his face escapes me.
00:21:56Do you remember his name by any chance?
00:21:58No, I never knew it.
00:22:00He wasn't a client of ours.
00:22:01Just came to the hotel to eat every once in a while.
00:22:04He lived in a residence hotel.
00:22:06Yes, that's right.
00:22:07The River Del Sole.
00:22:23We'll drive on up to the hotel.
00:22:25And we'll see if anyone there can recall him.
00:22:35Poor Senorina Teresi.
00:22:36Unfortunately, I never actually met her when I bought the hotel.
00:22:39It was all done through our lawyers.
00:22:41But when I saw her name in the paper, I recognized it immediately.
00:22:44What a monster.
00:22:45I don't know what to do.
00:22:46I don't know what to do.
00:22:47I don't know what to do.
00:22:48I don't know what to do.
00:22:49I don't know what to do.
00:22:50I don't know what to do.
00:22:51Poor Senorina Teresi.
00:22:52What a monster to knife a girl like that.
00:22:54Are you the police?
00:22:55No, no.
00:22:56I was just hired to investigate by her...
00:22:58I see.
00:22:59A private detective.
00:23:00Well, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid your trip was for nothing.
00:23:03Our personnel since then has changed completely.
00:23:06There was one lad still who helped out in the bar,
00:23:09but then he left for Switzerland a month ago, so there's...
00:23:16Police are intensifying their search for the killer
00:23:18who last Thursday stabbed a young woman to death
00:23:20in the parking department on the Rome Paris Express.
00:23:23Although there have been no further clues regarding the killer's identity,
00:23:26police maintain that...
00:23:28Why are we going back to the hotel?
00:23:50To have a look at the old registers.
00:23:51By law, you have to keep them for five years.
00:23:55So let's try to trace some of the guests.
00:23:57Maybe there's someone who has a better memory for faces than I.
00:24:00But are you certain it was two years ago in September?
00:24:03September or October.
00:24:04It was the end of the season.
00:24:11There's one page missing.
00:24:12The one for September 29th, 1969.
00:24:15Yeah, it was ripped out.
00:24:17Listen, uh, has anyone else asked to see this register?
00:24:21Not that I know of, no.
00:24:23Just a minute.
00:24:24Now that you ask me, there was something a bit odd a few months back.
00:24:27As I recall, one day my wife went in and found the books in disorder.
00:24:30If you'll wait, I'll go check with her.
00:24:32Well, let's assume the page is missing.
00:24:34Have a look and see if there are any changes from the 28th to the 30th.
00:24:38What changes?
00:24:39Compare the names.
00:24:41Whoever was in the hotel on the 28th or the 30th
00:24:44must also have been present on the 29th.
00:24:46Sure, but what if there was someone who only spent the 29th here?
00:24:49No, that wouldn't have happened in September.
00:24:57Luciani Augusto, the 28th.
00:25:00Luciani, the 30th.
00:25:02Feri Raffaele and Feri Anita, the 28th and the 30th.
00:25:13Kathy Adams.
00:25:16How could I have remembered Miss Adams?
00:25:18She was only here four days, from September 27th until the 30th.
00:25:22If the guy that ripped out the page did it because he wanted to make her name disappear,
00:25:26he'd have ripped out four pages, wouldn't he?
00:25:28Obviously, that wasn't it, since he only took one.
00:25:31What he wanted was the list of guests on the 29th
00:25:34who were all here the day before and the day after.
00:25:37I've got them all listed here.
00:25:39Let me see something.
00:25:41Anita Feri, Kathy Adams, Elena Markey.
00:25:46I remember her and also the teacher, Conchita De Rosa.
00:25:50Four women.
00:25:52Oh, no, there's another woman, Anna Sartori.
00:25:55That makes five.
00:25:57And then there's poor Inez and myself.
00:26:02Well, that's seven, so.
00:26:04What you said, a man who likes to run around giving silver half-moons to women.
00:26:08What if he only bore a grudge against these women?
00:26:11The American with the key ring.
00:26:14Three out of seven.
00:26:16And all women.
00:26:18He killed Inez, Kathy Adams,
00:26:21and then tried to murder you on the train.
00:26:24Sure, it's a good theory, but in that case...
00:26:26If what we think is true, then the other four women might also be in danger.
00:26:31You can relax now, Mr. De Rosa.
00:26:33No, no, there's nothing more to worry about.
00:26:36No, no, there's nothing more to worry about.
00:26:38He's confessed.
00:26:41I say Rao confessed. Giovanni Rao.
00:26:44We'll give you the whole story when you get back.
00:26:47You're on your honeymoon now, so enjoy it.
00:26:49Enjoy it.
00:26:50Wait, I'm not through yet. Listen.
00:26:58You heard the whole thing.
00:27:00That jerk lieutenant cut me off right in mid-sentence.
00:27:02Mario, after all, they're the policemen.
00:27:04Since when are you so damn sure the police can do no wrong?
00:27:07Can I see your own phone book a minute, please?
00:27:09Your own phone book? Sure.
00:27:21Here you go.
00:27:27Here, they're always trying to force things down your throat.
00:27:30Sit down.
00:27:31I'm not as loony as they think, that's for sure.
00:27:34Just waiting her chance.
00:27:36I tell you, she's just waiting her chance.
00:27:38And it's not the first time she's tried to kill me, Franca.
00:27:43Franca, Franca, you've got to help me.
00:27:46I don't, I don't want to be killed.
00:27:49Of course, Senor Marchi. Now try to calm down.
00:27:52Go on, you'll be all right.
00:27:54Look over there.
00:27:55She's playing very innocent, isn't she?
00:27:57But she'll kill me the first chance she gets.
00:28:03She wishes me in hell.
00:28:05That woman's a devil.
00:28:06She's not a devil at all. Now calm down.
00:28:11She is.
00:28:13You don't believe me, Franca.
00:28:15You must help. Please, you must.
00:28:17No one wants to hurt you, Senor Marchi.
00:28:20Come, lie down for a while. You're tired.
00:28:23Go look, under that pillow.
00:28:26You know what's under that pillow, Franca?
00:28:28She's got a knife hidden under there.
00:28:30Yes, yes, I saw her hide it there.
00:28:41It's a thermometer.
00:28:43See? It's just a thermometer.
00:28:46It was a knife, though.
00:28:49She's a devil. She changed it.
00:28:57There was a knife there.
00:28:59Yes, that's right. No, you have the correct word.
00:29:01Hold on a minute, sir.
00:29:04Senor Marchi has a phone call.
00:29:06You hear that? It's for you.
00:29:08You don't want to talk?
00:29:10Tell them to call back later.
00:29:12Come on.
00:29:13Could you possibly...
00:29:17Did you get the wrong number?
00:29:20No, Senor Marchi doesn't live there anymore.
00:29:22Have we tried all of them now?
00:29:24All except Conchita de Rosa, who's in Palermo.
00:29:27Oh, right.
00:29:29Anita Ferri's been dead a year, natural causes.
00:29:32Anna Sertori married Palmieri, and they're touring Australia.
00:29:35So it's Eleanor Marchi who'd most likely be next.
00:29:38Then we've got to find her, Mario.
00:29:46Look, tomorrow I'll find Miss Mara and tell her the whole story.
00:29:50Talk about tenacity.
00:29:52Come on, he's not going to kill her tonight.
00:29:54Just the same, that woman's in danger.
00:29:56All right, we'll do what you want.
00:29:58Only let's hope we manage to find her.
00:30:00When the Signora became real bad,
00:30:02the owner of the building had her move out.
00:30:04And I think she went to her sister's in Via Castellini.
00:30:07No, wait a minute.
00:30:09I'm not sure. It could have been Via Castellino.
00:30:12But Via Castellino's in Eure.
00:30:14That's all the way across the city.
00:30:16Well, either Via Castellino or Via Castellini.
00:30:19Now, if I recall correctly,
00:30:21she said a building with an iron gate.
00:30:27I see no iron gate.
00:30:30I guess it's Via Castellini.
00:30:35Listen, hon, how about letting Via Castellini go until tomorrow?
00:30:39Yes, it would be the most reasonable thing to do.
00:31:09Now, get yourself a good night's sleep.
00:31:13And don't think about those awful things anymore.
00:31:16You promise me now?
00:31:26Take your pills.
00:31:37Go to sleep now.
00:31:39Good night.
00:31:43Wait, listen, Franca.
00:31:46Please stay here a while.
00:31:48I'm afraid.
00:31:50There's no reason to be. Come on, go to sleep now.
00:32:12There's an iron gate.
00:32:26There's an iron gate.
00:32:57She's in the hospital, like I told you.
00:32:59Yes, but which hospital?
00:33:01Well, I don't know. A clinic. One of those loony people's hospitals.
00:33:04Maybe we could look around and see if you've got the phone number, huh?
00:33:07Let me in a second, will you?
00:33:08Oh, no. I don't let anyone in at this hour.
00:33:11I'm not gonna hurt you. Open up.
00:33:47Help! Franca, help!
00:33:49Open the door! Let me out!
00:33:54It's the Marquis lady. I've had it with that persecution complex of hers.
00:33:57Didn't she take a tranquilizer?
00:34:00Give it a while and she'll calm down.
00:34:02Help! Franca!
00:34:05Franca, help!
00:34:07Open the door!
00:34:09Open the door, please! Franca!
00:34:11Open the door!
00:34:14Franca, open the door! Open the door!
00:34:20The door!
00:34:54Wait here, okay?
00:35:09Look, it's a matter of life or death.
00:35:11Are you the party who called a few minutes ago?
00:35:13Yes. Nurse, please, will you let me talk to Signora Marquis?
00:35:16I told you on the phone, sir. It's after visiting hours.
00:35:18And anyway, you have to get permission from the director.
00:35:24Come on!
00:35:54Signora Marquis!
00:36:54Then what?
00:36:56Well, as I said, I never got a look at his face.
00:36:58Anyway, the lights went out all of a sudden and I was terrified.
00:37:01All right, you can go back to work.
00:37:04Where's Palumbo?
00:37:06He's out trying to get information on those other women from the hotel and the American Geroza mentioned to you.
00:37:11Are you still here?
00:37:13What, are you waiting for the press to arrive and take pictures of you?
00:37:16You mean to say you think I did this for publicity's sake?
00:37:19I don't think anything.
00:37:21All I know is you were at the right place at the right time.
00:37:23And looking at it from that angle, you might even say your alibi is almost perfect.
00:37:27Just what the hell have you got against us?
00:37:29Your rashness?
00:37:31Now, why don't you take your wife on home?
00:37:33After all, we're still responsible for her safety.
00:37:35You, for her?
00:37:37Let's drop it, man, huh?
00:37:39You know what I say? You police can go to hell with your methods.
00:37:42I'll look after her myself.
00:37:45Listen, Mario.
00:37:47Let's go.
00:37:48Nevertheless, for the moment, your wife stays dead.
00:37:50Renzi, I want two plainclothesmen outside their house.
00:37:55Why didn't you tell me he called?
00:37:57Well, the man phoned just when we torn Raul's alibi to shreds.
00:38:00How was I to know? He confessed to everything.
00:38:01Every two nights without sleep, and you give him the third degree?
00:38:03Well done.
00:38:04If that ever gets to the press, it's out of the boondocks for the rest of our careers.
00:38:09When's the one in Australia due back?
00:38:10Their maid said the next week or so.
00:38:12The next week or so.
00:38:13How many days? How many hours?
00:38:14I did the best I could, sir.
00:38:16Well, let's hope you did a little better with the other one, at least.
00:38:18What's her name?
00:38:19Ah, De Rosa. Concetta De Rosa.
00:38:26Her permanent residence is in Palermo, where her family lives.
00:38:29The last four years, up to this year, that is, she taught in Perugia, Todi and Urbino.
00:38:34Don't say how it's possible for a murderer to find out she lives here in Spoleto.
00:38:37The same way as you.
00:38:39By calling the Department of Education.
00:38:50Hey, hey!
00:39:01I'm going to Rome. You understand?
00:39:06I was going to Rome.
00:39:14Signorina De Rosa.
00:39:16The director would like to speak to you.
00:39:18Hey, be quiet for a moment.
00:39:25You'll be under police surveillance 24 hours a day.
00:39:28You're not to go anywhere on your own.
00:39:31We'll be listening to all calls on your phone and any calls we hear.
00:39:35Got it?
00:39:37And if you ever think of anything you feel could, I don't know, could help in the investigation...
00:39:42A tall, fair American.
00:39:45But I'd remember him if I'd met him.
00:39:47You see, I do remember Signora Marchi, a maid, and poor Signorina Torresi.
00:39:59Two more guards and angels. They've come for the changing of the guard.
00:40:04Come on, honey.
00:40:06The world thinks you're dead forever.
00:40:07I've had our place in Parioli closed, and I used a fake name when I rented this pad.
00:40:11So relax, will you?
00:40:13I know, but I'll never feel safe until they've caught him.
00:40:17Are you absolutely sure there's nothing else you can recall about that American?
00:40:20Oh, please, don't start that again.
00:40:24Let me see. You said the only time he came to the hotel was to eat.
00:40:28Isn't that right?
00:40:32But doesn't it seem a little strange to you that someone living in one hotel would go to another hotel just to have his meals there?
00:40:38There's no logic in it.
00:40:39Nothing makes any sense in this story.
00:40:41And now three women have been killed.
00:40:43Could make sense, though, if our friend had some special reason of his own for going there.
00:40:48Well, our food was good.
00:40:51Score one for the good guys.
00:40:54If we could just put a face on this damn ghost.
00:41:00Julia, that list of addresses I got from the hotel registry, you kept it, didn't you?
00:41:04Yes, why?
00:41:14Quiet down.
00:41:34That's enough, boys. Stop it.
00:41:36Quiet down. Quiet.
00:41:39I'm looking for a certain Signor Ferri.
00:41:42Raffaele Ferri.
00:41:45You found him.
00:41:59No, no, not like that. The lips are much thinner.
00:42:01I've got a photographic memory. I was born with it and I've developed it.
00:42:05The face of that American will always be on file in my brain, even though his name escapes me.
00:42:11So show me what you've got.
00:42:16Yes, yes, that's him all right.
00:42:19Tell me, did you ever talk to the man there at the hotel?
00:42:22You know how it is when you're on holiday.
00:42:25One night my wife invited him to our table.
00:42:27We talked about this and that.
00:42:28And you know why he remained so impressed on my mind?
00:42:30Because of a contradiction.
00:42:31The man was a Protestant, and yet he went to mass every single Sunday.
00:42:34He was a fanatic for Gregorian chants.
00:42:39You're sure he wasn't Catholic, Signor Ferri?
00:42:46Well, goodbye, sir, and thanks.
00:42:48You're welcome.
00:43:02I don't know. I can't say.
00:43:03I don't know. I can't say. It's a completely unfamiliar face.
00:43:32He's American, you say? Yes, American.
00:43:35Well I'd draw a complete blank, I'm afraid. In other words, you can't help me.
00:43:40No, I'm awfully sorry. No harm in trying. Thanks all the same.
00:43:44You're welcome. Good morning.
00:43:48Goodbye. I'm one of the oldest and most deciduous
00:43:54members here. He doesn't belong to our church. I have never seen him. Well, I'm sorry.
00:44:03What, a face like that? Certainly not around here.
00:44:10Why don't you try where the artists hang out? You know, painters, hippies, vagabonds.
00:44:18Thanks for the advice.
00:44:32You're welcome.
00:45:02You're welcome.
00:45:32Hey man, you got a little something for a nicotine freak? Huh? You're a wreck. Oh, sure,
00:45:54sure. Hey man, I know this cat. He's a friend of that way out Barrett's. Say man, you got
00:46:01a thousand lira for a candy freak? Yeah, friend of Barrett's. Thanks, man.
00:46:32Uh, where's Barrett's? Screwing, dear.
00:46:49You man.
00:47:01Who's Barrett? What do you want?
00:47:08Frank. You know that queen, Jack? Yes, but I don't know her.
00:47:38They don't know where to find her right now. Then why should I know? July of 69 is the
00:47:43last time I saw her. Sure got hung up on some chick, I heard. You mean Frank had a girl?
00:47:51Hold still, damn it. You were saying Frank had a girl? Yeah, and I haven't seen him since
00:47:57then. I just got back from the States a month ago anyhow, so I can't help you. So long,
00:48:02Jack. Hey, wait a moment. Just who was this girl? What's the matter? You jealous? No,
00:48:08you listen to me and listen good. I don't feel like kidding around. I haven't got the
00:48:11time to smash your face in, so answer me straight, Barrett. All right, you ask for it. I never
00:48:18met the bitch and I couldn't give a shit. That door's open all the time. I don't give
00:48:22a shit for anything. Did this belong to Frank? I think so. Where did you get it? Someone
00:48:31had the bright idea of sending it to my wife in the mail one day. What's his name again,
00:48:37again? Saunders.
00:49:37I'll be right outside.
00:49:44Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good afternoon. Afternoon. Anything new? Ah, not a thing, sir. Just a
00:49:55telephone call. Oh. Who was it? Ah, the parish priest. Wanting to know why she didn't go
00:50:01to mass yesterday. She doesn't go today either. So much the better. Matter of fact, she is
00:50:06going, sir. Oh, I sent Savvy and Garroza with her, of course. When did she leave, Lieutenant?
00:50:11Oh, 20 minutes ago. Let's hear the tape of that phone call.
00:50:25She's in the confessional. I'm sorry, Father Hannibal, but I just couldn't get there yesterday.
00:50:29Yes, I understand. But that's not the only reason I called. It's about the new religion
00:50:33textbook for the high school. I'd be very interested in your opinion of it. Of course,
00:50:40of course. Come when you like. Anytime after four, I'll be here. All right, Father. Thank
00:50:45you, Concetta. Bye. Ah, excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you. I was looking for Signorina
00:50:53de Rosa, who was going to come to see me. But unfortunately, today's been total confusion.
00:50:59I received a call to attend a dying man. When I got there, he was fine. Well, now that I'm
00:51:04here, I'd like to leave these books. Tell Signorina de Rosa she needn't bother to come.
00:51:30What are you doing out here? Salvi's inside with her, and I thought...
00:51:47Where is she? She's confessing, sir. Which one? That one.
00:52:00Concetta de Rosa, a teacher, was found murdered a few hours ago in Spoleto. First bulletins
00:52:17issued by police indicate the killer is once again the Half Moon Maniac, making this his
00:52:21fifth murder. The fact that the victim was strangled in a local church has brought a
00:52:26special bizarreness to this incredible case.
00:52:43Hello, Mario? Where are you?
00:52:45Checking leads out of the Daily American. Yes, I heard about it. Look, please, Julius,
00:52:53stay calm, huh? Yes, yes, I'll get home as soon as possible, okay? Yes, I promise you.
00:53:00Ciao, ciao, ciao. Awfully sorry to have kept you waiting. Mr. Saunders is not listed as
00:53:08taking delivery. Oh, well, I guess I'm just unlucky. Oh, but you're not. You're very lucky.
00:53:14I looked in the archives. Delivery to him was stopped two years ago.
00:53:20Casanova, Chateau No. 8. Miss, you're a genius. Thanks very much. Not at all.
00:53:30What did he want? The address of a subscriber, one called Saunders.
00:54:19Is there anyone here?
00:55:49Are you looking for Frank Saunders? Are you?
00:56:01That's right.
00:56:02Go to the Acaio Chester No. 6. Have you got that?
00:56:07The Acaio Chester No. 6. But who am I speaking to? Hello?
00:56:43Hey there. Looking for someone?
00:56:46Yes, for an American.
00:56:48What's the name?
00:56:49Frank Saunders.
00:56:51Saunders. Saunders. Saunders. Saunders.
00:57:12Signore, over here.
00:57:19I believe I found him.
00:57:27You did say Frank Saunders, didn't you?
00:57:30Well, what did you think? You were going to find him alive here?
00:57:34Strange. Orchids stained with red.
00:57:37Pretty, huh? But not the kind of flowers you bring to a grave.
00:57:41Seven orchids and seven women. Who brought them?
00:57:45Poor fellow. Now, this is the first respect anyone has paid him since the day he was buried.
00:57:49There's been no flowers, no visitors, nothing.
00:57:52And a real sad funeral was, too.
00:57:54The kind hospitals give to poor people.
00:57:57You mean that's where he died?
00:57:59Yep, the American hospital.
00:58:02The American hospital.
00:58:15Oh, it was fabulous. I'd better go back.
00:58:17Yes, of course. Me, too.
00:58:48Is this your wife here, Anna Sartori?
00:58:51Yes. Why?
00:58:52Please come with us. It's only a formality.
00:58:56It's ridiculous.
00:58:58It's absurd. My husband hasn't even smuggled in a carton of cigarettes. Imagine drugs.
00:59:02Of course. But you see, whenever we get these calls...
00:59:05Calls or not calls. You should check before bothering innocent people.
00:59:08I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm just following orders.
00:59:11I don't know what to say. It sounds so unreal.
00:59:14Yes, it does. But there are four dead women to prove it.
00:59:17Correction. Five women.
00:59:20Five victims, Signor Palmieri.
00:59:22And we want to prevent your wife from becoming the sixth.
00:59:25Yes, I agree with you. But what worries me is...
00:59:27Yes, we've already taken into account her emotional balance, which...
00:59:31According to your mother-in-law, it's a bit...
00:59:34Shall we say fragile? She suffered a shock a while back.
00:59:37And she's never completely recovered.
00:59:40And now this. God only knows how she'll react.
00:59:43We'll use the drug bid as our excuse.
00:59:45That way we should be able to protect her without her suspecting anything.
00:59:59Frank Saunders.
01:00:01Yes, I remember him very well.
01:00:04He died as a result of a car accident.
01:00:07But in my opinion, he was murdered.
01:00:09Not murder in the strictest sense of the word, but just as cold-blooded.
01:00:12Leaving the scene of an accident.
01:00:15You see, Frank wasn't the driver of the car.
01:00:18It was a woman.
01:00:20Why she ran off and left him to bleed to death, I have no idea.
01:00:23Perhaps she lost her head or just didn't want to face the responsibility.
01:00:26Or else she could have had something she wanted to hide.
01:00:29One thing I do know, though, if he'd been brought up here an hour sooner,
01:00:32no ifs or buts, I could have saved Saunders.
01:00:34And wasn't this woman ever tracked down and found?
01:00:36Not to my knowledge, no.
01:00:38Where'd they have the accident?
01:00:40Just outside Rome.
01:00:42And, of course, the car belonged to Saunders.
01:00:44Yes, it did. But she was at the wheel.
01:00:47The one I consider the murderer.
01:00:49I put that in the report that I wrote up for the consulate.
01:00:51It's on record there.
01:00:53And if your police, for some reason or other, never acted on it, it's no fault of mine.
01:00:57They never did, huh?
01:01:01Doctor, this report, is there any way I could see it?
01:01:04Certainly. Anyone can see it.
01:01:06Just ask. They'll show it to you.
01:01:25Signor Giroza.
01:01:27Roma F-477-04. And I've only seen it once.
01:01:31Of course. Photographic memory.
01:01:33I've managed to recall everything about our friend.
01:01:35To start with, he's an evangelical Baptist.
01:01:38And his name is...
01:01:40Fred Saunders.
01:01:42Frank Saunders.
01:01:44Now, wait a second. If I say Fred...
01:01:46Then you've just made a rare mistake.
01:01:48It's Frank Saunders.
01:01:50That is, it was.
01:01:52Because he was murdered two years ago.
01:01:54What was that?
01:01:56Two years ago last fall.
01:01:58Just about the time the two of you met.
01:02:00Mind if I ask how old your wife is?
01:02:03My wife, when she died, was only 27.
01:02:07Mind telling me your reason for asking?
01:02:09Oh, no reason. Just asking.
01:02:18Why don't you tell Bismarra the whole story and leave it all to him?
01:02:21What the hell do I tell him?
01:02:23That your American's been dead and buried for two years now?
01:02:25He wasn't my American. I wasn't the woman who left him to die on the highway.
01:02:29I know, I know. But what if Bismarra doesn't believe you?
01:02:32Look, if they could get Ralph to confess.
01:02:34You think they'd have any trouble convincing a girl?
01:02:37Another point. Since Frank is dead and buried, he couldn't be the killer anyhow.
01:02:41What about the man who phoned you?
01:02:43Have you any idea who he could be?
01:02:45Yeah. Someone who took it upon himself to tell me that Saunders was dead.
01:02:49He could be an accomplice.
01:02:51Sure, he could.
01:02:52On the other hand, he might be the murderer.
01:02:54Of course.
01:02:56He was afraid that in looking for Saunders, you would discover something about him.
01:03:00Don't you see? There's a link between the murderer and Saunders.
01:03:04What you're saying is he had me find Saunders because he was dead.
01:03:07And being dead, therefore, must have nothing to do with this story, in theory.
01:03:11In other words, he's actually trying to make me think I'm following a false trail.
01:03:15How could he know that you were looking for Saunders?
01:03:20I left a message on the wall in Barrett's house.
01:03:22And I sure wouldn't give Barrett any prizes for honesty.
01:03:29I want to speak to your friend Barrett.
01:03:31Sorry, he isn't in.
01:03:34Hey, wait a minute. I said he wasn't here.
01:03:40Hey, look. You just can't come busting into people's houses like this.
01:03:56Answer, kid. Is it morphine he's on?
01:03:59Heroin, kid.
01:04:06Can you hear me, Barrett?
01:04:07Leave him alone. How can't you see the lousy trip he's on?
01:04:09Stay out of this, kid. Or you'll only make things worse.
01:04:12There's no good as bad, if you're right.
01:04:16He's dead, Barrett. Frank's dead.
01:04:19What the hell do I care for Pete's sake?
01:04:21Frank Saunders was murdered, Barrett.
01:04:23I don't give a shit. Now get the hell out of here.
01:04:25Yesterday, it was you who called me up at Frank's old house, wasn't it?
01:04:28You couldn't stand the idea that Frank had fallen in love with a girl.
01:04:31So you set up a clever little accident.
01:04:34Why did you get rid of that message I'd written on the poster?
01:04:37All right, you've had your fun. Now, let's go.
01:04:39I said, stay out of this.
01:04:44All right, Barrett. What have you got to say?
01:04:48You never went back to the States, Barrett, did you?
01:04:52Look, let me alone. Go away.
01:04:55You'd better call a doctor. And fast.
01:05:00Wait. Give me Chuck.
01:05:04I have pursued mine enemies and overtaken them.
01:05:07Neither did I turn again until they were consumed.
01:05:11I have wounded them that they were not able to rise.
01:05:15They have fallen under my feet.
01:05:17Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies.
01:05:22Blessed be my rock and let the God of my salvation be exalted.
01:05:27For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle.
01:05:30Thou hast...
01:05:34I'm sorry. Excuse me.
01:05:38Good morning, Father.
01:05:39Good morning. Have a seat.
01:05:42Thank you.
01:05:43I'm sorry to barge in on you like this,
01:05:45but it's about that little girl.
01:05:47Thank you.
01:05:48I'm sorry to barge in on you like this,
01:05:50but it's about that American again. You remember?
01:05:53Oh, yes, of course I do. Did you manage to find him?
01:05:56His name is Frank Saunders.
01:05:59And he's in the cemetery in Villa Calle Chesto.
01:06:02Oh, I'm sorry.
01:06:05How can I help you, if I may ask?
01:06:07You see, the circumstances which surrounded Frank's death are somewhat unusual.
01:06:11Then I would imagine that the police would be more help than I.
01:06:14Frank belonged to this church.
01:06:15If you could tell me the name of the minister who officiated at his funeral,
01:06:18well, perhaps I could ask him if he remembers any of Frank's friends that came.
01:06:22Why, surely. It's no problem at all.
01:06:30What year was it?
01:06:311969. He died September 30th.
01:06:33Oh, 69. Let's have a look.
01:06:36Yeah. Here we are.
01:06:39F.A. Saunders.
01:06:41Ah, yes. It's Father Barnaby's signature.
01:06:44Could you possibly give me this Father Barnaby's address?
01:06:47Yes, sir. It's 3990 Mount Street, Melbourne.
01:06:51Father Barnaby was transferred there four months ago.
01:06:54I'd be glad to write him a letter on your behalf.
01:06:57He's a very nice man. I'm sure he'll answer right away.
01:07:00Thank you.
01:07:01It's one's duty to help one's fellow Christian.
01:07:04I'll get off a note today, and as soon as I have a reply, I'll be sure to let...
01:07:07I'd better take your address.
01:07:10No, don't bother, really. It's too complicated.
01:07:12Well, then, why don't you try writing him directly?
01:07:14I could give you a letter of introduction if you'd like.
01:07:16It's not important. I just wanted to talk to him if he was around.
01:07:20Ah, mister, just a moment.
01:07:25I'd be pleased if you'd accept this offering from our church.
01:07:28And any time you'd care to attend one of our services, well, you'll be more than welcome.
01:07:32You see, today, even those representing God must rely on advertising.
01:07:43Ancient Greece. Nine letters.
01:07:48How about Acropolis?
01:07:50No, no, it can't be Acropolis, Luigi.
01:07:52The second letter's got to be a C.
01:07:54You spell Acropolis with a C.
01:08:05The drinks are over here.
01:08:07The ice is in the kitchen, and don't throw the ash on the floor.
01:08:10The maid comes tomorrow.
01:08:12Where are you planning on going?
01:08:14I'm going to pick up my child from the school.
01:08:16I'm sorry, but could you phone your husband and see if he can do it?
01:08:19My husband? I wouldn't know where to find him at this hour.
01:08:22Unfortunately, we have orders not to let you go out.
01:08:24Isn't there anyone else you might ask?
01:08:26A relative? Maybe a friend?
01:08:30Come here.
01:08:34Here's your mother. Are you ready?
01:08:35That's not my mother. That's my Aunt Maria.
01:08:37You mean they're twins?
01:08:38How do you tell them apart?
01:08:39Oh, it's very easy, sir. You can tell by their car.
01:08:41My mother's got a Fulvia, and Aunt Maria has a Mini Cooper.
01:08:45Ciao, Aunt Maria.
01:08:51What are you doing?
01:08:52I'm going to pick up my child from school.
01:08:54I'm going to pick up my child from school.
01:08:56I'm going to pick up my child from school.
01:09:14I forgot to buy newspapers for Mommy. Go on upstairs.
01:09:26Thank you.
01:10:56Mom! Mom!
01:11:27It's too horrible for words.
01:11:29I'm going out of my mind just thinking about it.
01:11:31That you're the only one left?
01:11:33You're wrong. You're not the last.
01:11:35Anna Sartori is alive and well.
01:11:37She's alive?
01:11:38Yes. He killed her twin sister, Maria.
01:11:41A mistake anyone could have made. They're so alike.
01:11:43But they wrote that Anna had been killed.
01:11:45To protect her.
01:11:47How did you get to know all this?
01:11:49Because I talked to Miss Mara this morning.
01:11:52Did you tell him?
01:11:53I talked to Miss Mara this morning.
01:11:55Did you tell him what you found out about Saunders?
01:11:58I didn't see any reason.
01:11:59The first problem is to bring the killer in.
01:12:01You and Anna aren't safe until he's been put away.
01:12:03I'm tired of pretending to be a live corpse.
01:12:12Maybe there's a way to finish this thing once and for all.
01:12:16It's risky.
01:12:18But it's the only way.
01:12:23Oh, boy. What a scoop.
01:12:24You ain't kidding. This is going to be a scoop.
01:12:26Let's just hope that information I got was right.
01:12:29Wait a minute.
01:12:30Do we have a shot here?
01:12:31Give me a minute.
01:12:33Hey, come on.
01:12:37Wait a minute.
01:12:40Come on, boys. That's it.
01:12:42There's the man.
01:12:43There's the man.
01:12:44There's the man.
01:12:45There's the man.
01:12:46There's the man.
01:12:47There's the man.
01:12:48There's the man.
01:12:49There's the man.
01:12:50There's the man.
01:12:51There's the man.
01:12:59It was discovered today that Julia Giroza,
01:13:01supposed third victim of the killer known as the Half Moon Maniac,
01:13:04is alive and well.
01:13:06Apparently, Mrs. Giroza was only wounded in the attack
01:13:08and has since completely recovered.
01:16:22The injection will make her sleep till morning.
01:16:25And by then, the tensions will have gone and the shock subsided.
01:16:29Damn it. This never would have happened if I hadn't broken the window.
01:16:32That's what made her faint.
01:16:34Well, these things...
01:16:36Well, nothing, sir.
01:16:37We've been over the whole area thoroughly and didn't find a thing.
01:16:40I'm afraid that, as usual, we got there too late.
01:16:43The same with Markie and Giroza.
01:16:46Well, apart from a scare,
01:16:48nothing very serious happened to your wife.
01:16:51All right, that I agree.
01:16:53But the trap failed.
01:16:54And the murderer got away again.
01:16:56Even with the whole place surrounded.
01:16:59He had no trouble at all evading us.
01:17:01It wasn't worth taking the risk.
01:17:05I think you're wrong.
01:17:06Have a look at this.
01:17:10Our little plan didn't fail completely.
01:17:12This time he made a fundamental error.
01:17:18Line's connected.
01:17:19He blocked the line open to prevent your wife's calling for help.
01:17:22What he didn't know is we have a tap in this telephone.
01:17:25I can find out where he made his call from.
01:17:27You mean you know the murderer's phone number then?
01:17:29Yes, we have the name the phone is registered under and the address.
01:17:32It corresponds with what you told me.
01:17:35Wanna come along?
01:17:44It's on the first floor, inspector.
01:17:45No one answers.
01:17:46And the door's locked.
01:17:49Come on.
01:17:55All right, break it down.
01:17:56What? Without a search warrant, sir?
01:17:58Yes, I'll get one tomorrow.
01:17:59Hurry up.
01:18:08That's where I wrote the message on the poster there.
01:18:20Come on.
01:18:49Police headquarters.
01:18:50Would you hold on a second?
01:19:03You got any idea how much longer he'll be?
01:19:05You know how picky you and the district attorney can get.
01:19:07They might not finish until midnight.
01:19:09You'll just have to have a little patience.
01:19:10Oh yeah, patience.
01:19:12It's more than just a virtue in a police station.
01:19:15Ah, here he is.
01:19:18The case is closed.
01:19:20Here's a photostat of Dr. Harris' report.
01:19:23And this here...
01:19:25confirms the report.
01:19:28It's the hotel my wife owned.
01:19:32September 29th.
01:19:33Well, the place is right and the date is right.
01:19:37What's this?
01:19:38I found real love here.
01:19:39Goodbye, Frank.
01:19:40What's this?
01:19:41I found real love here.
01:19:42Goodbye, Frank.
01:19:44And it's addressed to New York.
01:19:46Good point.
01:19:48Barrett comes back to Italy this year in January
01:19:50and finds out Mr. Saunders is dead and buried.
01:19:52He reads the date and calls it death on a Dr. Harris' report.
01:19:55Willful negligence.
01:19:58Oh, I see.
01:19:59So that's why Harris said the girl killed Saunders.
01:20:02And already a girl that Barrett had it in for because she'd stolen Frank.
01:20:05And now in his eyes, she was a killer.
01:20:07Naturally, Inspector, Barrett must have been out of his mind.
01:20:10Naturally, that's one thing you can always be sure of.
01:20:13All criminals are out of their minds.
01:20:15The girl was an unknown quantity for Barrett.
01:20:18The only thing he knew was that he was at the hotel that Frank met her.
01:20:22He goes up there and he talks to someone.
01:20:25And he learns about the proprietor's daughter and the maid,
01:20:29Tamburini, who was then employed there.
01:20:32And then there was the page in the register for September 29th.
01:20:35The proprietress, the maid and the clients.
01:20:37The girl that he wanted was one of those six.
01:20:40Seven, actually.
01:20:41But one of them was dead.
01:20:43So he decides to do in all of them.
01:20:45And then he commits suicide.
01:20:47Bravo for Limbaugh.
01:20:49Inspector, there's one thing I still find totally incomprehensible.
01:20:54And that is, what were the half-moons for?
01:20:56Maniac's fetish.
01:20:58My impression is that they were some sort of trademark.
01:21:01And there's something else about this that bugs me.
01:21:03Barrett was a man who took drugs.
01:21:06How could anyone in this condition prepare and then commit all those murders the way he did?
01:21:10For the simple reason he wasn't under the influence of drugs.
01:21:13Don't think about it anymore.
01:21:15His suicide was his confession.
01:21:20Inspector Vismata.
01:21:22Ah, good morning. How are you?
01:21:24This is Senor Palmieri, Anna's husband.
01:21:26Senor De Rosa.
01:21:27Is it really over?
01:21:28I mean, can we relax now, Inspector?
01:21:30Yes, the whole thing's finished.
01:21:31Well, thank God, because the death of her sister was really the coup de grace for my wife.
01:21:36And after two years of trying to help her recover from that nervous breakdown,
01:21:39God only knows what I'm going to do now.
01:21:53Good evening.
01:21:54Senor Palmieri isn't in.
01:21:55Well, I'd like to speak to Senora Palmieri.
01:21:57The Senora isn't receiving.
01:22:01Don't you policemen ever go home to bed?
01:22:04Senora, there's a policeman here to see you.
01:22:07Come on up.
01:22:10What is it this time?
01:22:12Can't you ever leave me at peace?
01:22:14I'm very sorry, but I think this is rather important and could very well be beneficial to us both.
01:22:19So you're not from the police?
01:22:21The fact is that I'm married to Giulia Torresi, the proprietor of the hotel where you stayed two years ago in Obertello.
01:22:27Do you remember?
01:22:28Yes, but I don't understand.
01:22:30My wife was on that murderer's list.
01:22:33Just the same as you were on it.
01:22:35But it's all over now.
01:22:36That man committed suicide, didn't he?
01:22:39Sure, it's over if that guy really was the murderer.
01:22:43What do you mean?
01:22:45Oh, nothing.
01:22:46You were in a car accident two years ago, right?
01:22:50I don't have to answer.
01:22:52You remember Frank Saunders?
01:22:54He died in a car crash.
01:22:56The same car crash that you were in.
01:22:57You must be mad. I don't know any Frank Saunders.
01:22:59Please get out of here.
01:23:01How about this? Do you recognize it, Signora?
01:23:03A perfect twin of the one that belonged to Frank Saunders.
01:23:06You used it on the morning of the accident.
01:23:08You were at the wheel.
01:23:10And afterwards you got scared and split while he lay there bleeding to death, right?
01:23:14You ran.
01:23:15Stop it, will you?
01:23:16It wasn't my fault. I didn't want him to die.
01:23:19He loved me.
01:23:21He wanted to take me to the States, but how could I?
01:23:24I'm a married woman with a child.
01:23:27And that's why you ran off and abandoned him.
01:23:31My husband didn't know anything.
01:23:33I had to leave Frank.
01:23:35I wanted to forget him.
01:23:37Oh, please don't tell anything to the police.
01:23:40I'll do anything you want. I'll give you money.
01:23:42Look, calm down, please.
01:23:44I have no intention of turning you in.
01:23:46And money's got nothing to do with it either.
01:23:47I just want you to please help me, Signora.
01:23:50Help you? How can I?
01:23:52By answering my questions.
01:23:53Four days ago, did you take seven orchids to Frank's grave?
01:23:57No, I certainly didn't. Why?
01:24:00The solution to the problem lies here.
01:24:02In this one small medallion.
01:24:04Now, there has to be a reason why the killer left one with each woman, right?
01:24:07I don't understand.
01:24:09What do you mean?
01:24:10This trinket could represent some kind of a bond between Frank and the killer.
01:24:14Can you recall if it was a gift from Barrett?
01:24:18No, I don't think so.
01:24:19It was a gift from someone.
01:24:21It was a gift from someone.
01:24:22I'm sure of that.
01:24:24But I don't remember who.
01:24:26Well, give it a try. Think. It might hit you.
01:24:29Are Frank's parents alive?
01:24:31No, he only had an older brother.
01:24:33A brother?
01:24:34Well, do you know where he is?
01:24:35I think he's in America.
01:24:37Yes, of course. Now I remember.
01:24:40It was his brother who gave him the key ring.
01:24:43Did you know him at all?
01:24:45No, but I have seen photos of them together.
01:24:47Can you recall what the brother looked like?
01:24:51They were a lot different.
01:24:53You said the brother was older?
01:24:55A couple of years, yes.
01:24:57Go on, please. It's very important.
01:25:01His brother looked more serious.
01:25:03He had a high forehead.
01:25:05He and Frank were about the same size.
01:25:07But what really struck me was his face.
01:25:10He had a kind face.
01:25:12He was almost bald.
01:25:15He had a thing, you know,
01:25:16a cleft in his chin, oh yes.
01:25:18And he looked short-sighted,
01:25:20like he might need glasses.
01:25:46Mario, I know you're here.
01:25:48Put on the record again.
01:26:16Come on.
01:26:46Come on.
01:27:16Come on.
01:27:46Come on.
01:28:46I don't know which one of you was driving that car.
01:28:48It may have been one of the others.
01:28:49But then, of course, it may have been you.
01:28:54So you, like the others,
01:28:57you must die.
01:28:59So that Frank may rest in peace.
01:29:03No, I needed a way to keep you all off my trail.
01:29:07That's why Barrett had to die.
