• last year
Somewhere on Leave is a 1943 British comedy film directed by John E. Blakeley and starring Frank Randle, Harry Korris and Dan Young. It was the third in the series of Somewhere films following Private Randle and his comrades. It was followed by Somewhere in Civvies (1943).


Private Randle and army pals Privates Young and Enoch are invited by Private Desmond to spend some off-duty time at his stately home. Desmond is too busy courting an ATS girl to notice that the squaddies are running riot in his house.

Source: Wikipedia
00:01:16Well, this is a surprise. Let's see meeting you here. Where are you up to? Oh, I've joined the land army
00:01:21I got my calling up papers yesterday. That's strange. So did I I'm on my way to join the ATS
00:01:25But I thought you were on work of national importance. So I was but I asked to be released
00:01:30I wanted to get away from everybody get away from everybody. Whatever for I'll tell you you heard
00:01:36Of course that I lost everything in the big rain mother father. Oh, yes
00:01:41I did Tony and how sorry I was I've often wondered what had become of you
00:01:45I made several inquiries, but nobody seemed to know where you were
00:01:48It nearly drove me mad and I was advised to go away for a while
00:01:58Where were you at the time of the raid I went to some friends for a game of bridge and when the raid started
00:02:03They insisted on me staying the night. Oh, it must have been dreadful
00:02:07Yes, Maisie. It was pretty tragic and then to have another shock immediately after that another shock. What was that?
00:02:13Well, it was not my mother and father that were killed in that awful raid, but my foster parents
00:02:18It appears I was only an adopted child what Sir John and Lady Beaumont were not your real parents
00:02:23How did you learn all this a few weeks after the tragedy? I wrote to mr
00:02:27Sinclair the family lawyer asking him how he was progressing with the estate and would he let me have some information and then what happened?
00:02:34He wrote back regretting that he could not give me any information yet
00:02:37Accepting that he wished to point out to me that I was not the daughter of Sir John and Lady Beaumont
00:02:41But only an adopted child. So that's why you joined the ATS. Yes. What else could I have done?
00:02:47Who am I now who are my parents if only the Beaumont's had told me never mind, Tony
00:02:52You're still young and attractive and the world before you you're a darling Maisie a word of sympathy goes a long way
00:02:58Good heavens. My train's almost due. I must be going. I'd better be going to Maisie hand me my things, please
00:03:05What platform do you go from number seven? Oh, I go from number four. I
00:03:11Wonder when we shall meet again Tony, you never know Maisie perhaps somewhere on me. Come on, let's hurry
00:03:17Let's go
00:03:47Squad left turn
00:03:54What's up, what's the idea? What are you doing this squad? I'm enjoying myself. He wore me
00:04:02Who sent you here a sergeant Cory's mrs.
00:04:05Corporal, it's a course. I'm sure he didn't yes
00:04:08He did well, he told me to go somewhere warm and I'll make you a bit of a hot and I'll report you for this
00:04:13Hey get off me foot. You've no right here. You know it. Oh, yes, I am
00:04:17Sorry, because I said I'd be better in the ATS. So I'll join have you yes
00:04:20Well go back and tell sergeant Cory said you'll be better in a dog's home dogs home
00:04:23I used to work he won whatever doing bring a lamp post in for the dogs
00:04:30Very well, then good morning girls. I'll call again
00:04:34Oh, no, you won't
00:04:43There are one or two vacancies in the anti-aircraft section any volunteer, yes sergeant, are you interested in anti-aircraft very interested
00:04:50It's just what I wanted. All right, then give your name and number into the orderly room and leave the rest to me. Yes, sergeant
00:04:57Parade this
00:05:09Well, how do you like the jolly old army not too bad it's a bit strange at first
00:05:12Oh, you'll soon get used to that here. Look at me. Why what's the matter with you? Nothing with me nothing
00:05:17I mean, I was strange at first but now well, how do you mean?
00:05:20I'm known as the smartest man in the battalion how splendid and I'll tell you something
00:05:24I'm thinking of writing a book a book. I'm gonna call it from private to general great idea
00:05:29Well, yes, but who will the general be me? Of course my people would be delighted
00:05:33I know that I must make a note of the title do hmm
00:05:36Thanks. Hey, that's a lot of money to carry about with you, isn't it? Heavens. What are you a burglar?
00:05:41Oh, no, my people gave it to me to come away with but I say it's dangerous to carry such a lot of money about
00:05:46With you in any camp is it? Yes, give it to me. I'll take care of it. Won't it be dangerous for you, too?
00:05:51No, I'm in the know so to speak. I'll take care of it for you
00:05:55If you want any just ask me easy. I'll be a banker be quite safe with me, you know, I hope so
00:06:00Yes, so do I
00:06:07Where have you been I've been in the beauty chorus, but the sergeant was jealous
00:06:13Yeah, have you seen a cartload of monkeys go by why have you just dropped off I'll drop you off
00:06:18You know who you're talking to the sergeant. That's me sergeant. What am I you you're nothing. Oh, you've got a good job
00:06:24What's that sergeant? Oh, no, I seem to know your face. Well, I've had it a long time
00:06:29Why don't you wash the back of your neck? I've got no soul. No soap. You've got a tongue, haven't you?
00:06:33But it won't reach the back of me neck
00:06:37What's the matter with you vacant I was just thinking thinking what how uncomfortable it would be sitting on the point of a bayonet
00:06:43That might be possible yet. Yeah
00:06:45Rookie a first time on parade. Yes, sir, sir. Nay, not sir. Think again. What do they call me?
00:06:52I could tell you shut up you sergeant. Remember? Yes, sir
00:06:56Sergeant well, as long as you take notice of everything you're told everything will be okay
00:07:01But I'm sorry with this bunch of bomb pots
00:07:03You'll be all right with us kid do as I do and it'll be reach heaven forbid get back to your place
00:07:10Pay attention son
00:07:12Close up there close up. Pardon. I said close up. Oh, what do you think? We are a lot of old women
00:07:18You're worse than that
00:07:20Come here you
00:07:28Right get back to your place
00:07:30Hey, what a mess. I don't know what I'm gonna do with them
00:07:34I sergeant which of the men for the commando course five of them you you you you and you
00:07:41you five
00:07:43one pace to the rear much
00:07:45the turn
00:07:47quick much
00:07:55Come on don't be a general knock down a woman sergeant. What is this man's name Randall, sir?
00:08:01He's our last line of defense
00:08:05Then there's no hope for us how long have you been in the army a dump site too long
00:08:09Don't you want to be a commando? No, why not? I'm a buffalo Oh the ancient order a buffalo
00:08:14As a matter of fact, I am
00:08:17That's enough of it sorry get off me foot
00:08:20So you don't want to be a commander a not bloody likely. Well, what would you like me to eat?
00:08:24What a fine strapping fellow like you. I'm not so bad ever a commando course would do you good. I'm sure of it
00:08:30Oh, no, not me, sir. Not me. I'm still
00:08:32I say that the commando course will put new life in I don't want new life put in me
00:08:36It's the life for a man. I'd rather be a nanny goat nonsense. It's an honor. I tell you
00:08:39Oh, not me. No since I do curry
00:08:44Enjoying those others
00:08:46Be off with you. No
00:08:49This is your doing get away
00:08:52That man should be medically examined. You're telling me
00:08:55Listen Desmond, how would you like to take an anti-aircraft course?
00:08:58I'd like to very much sergeant if you think I could get through the course, of course you can it's easy
00:09:02I've already been told it's very interesting. Of course. It's interesting. What's more you'd get away from this crowd
00:09:07All right, sergeant, whatever you suggest right Desmond you go to the orderly room and wait for me
00:09:11Okay sergeant the rest of you
00:09:12We want some very good men for clerical work all those who are any good at clerical work put up your hands
00:09:17Very good. Now go off at once and report to the cook house for fatigue scram. I
00:09:26Thought that was a splendid lecture so did I most interesting? I'm very glad I've been put on this course
00:09:31Are you why all for various reasons for one thing? I shall be able to see more of you
00:09:35That's very nice of you. Don't you feel very lonely in the evenings? No, not very. Why do you ask?
00:09:40Why do and it was just crossing my mind
00:09:42How very nice it would be if you could come for a walk sometime with me. This is a bit sudden
00:09:47You don't even know my name. Oh, yes, I do Tony Beaumont. You're right. Roy Desmond. So, you know my name, too
00:09:52Yes, what about the little walk? I've just suggested when tonight why not? Oh, I'm sorry
00:09:58I can't I promised to attend a meeting of the camp concert. We're putting on a new show by the way
00:10:03Have you any musical talent? Oh, I sing and play a little then
00:10:06Why don't you join the concert party?
00:10:08Would it be all right if I came along to the meeting? Of course, it's a wonder sergeant cars hasn't roped you in already
00:10:13Right. We'll go along together. So what do you say Tony if we have a coffee? I'd love to right come along then
00:10:22So you're from the land army mrs. Gerrard won't you sit down?
00:10:26What can I do for you? Well, I'm arranging billets for about 150 land girls that have come into the district
00:10:32Oh, I see according to my list that you have some rooms unoccupied
00:10:36Yes, I have how many girls do you think you would take mrs. Desmond really don't know it rather depends on how much attention they
00:10:43Want and what inconveniences will cause I think you'd find everything would work out
00:10:47All right
00:10:48The land girls are usually of the jolly type and in the evenings they'd assist in the work and would be grand
00:10:54Company for you. All right
00:10:55I'll give it a trial as long as they don't expect too much and keep reasonable hours at night
00:11:00Has your son been long in the army mrs. Desmond? No. No, he's only just joined. I'll show you his photograph
00:11:11He looks a grand boy mrs. Desmond he is a grand boy. He's a darling
00:11:15I wonder what he's doing now at this very moment. I wonder
00:11:22Go on it him don't kiss him go on get stuck into him
00:11:26That's the idea
00:11:30That's enough for now, that's enough that's enough that's enough shake hands
00:11:34Well, how are you liking it to tell you the truth not too much up to now or you'll improve
00:11:39Do you think so?
00:11:39Of course
00:11:40Have you ever had the gloves on before only once well all you want to think of is lead with your left guard with your
00:11:45Right, you can't go far wrong. Thanks sergeant. Now go and join the others for physical jerks. Thank you
00:11:51Number one number two number three
00:11:56number four
00:11:58number five
00:12:01number six
00:12:03number seven
00:12:08Come on
00:12:12Go back and try again. Yes, sir
00:12:56One two, one two, what's the matter with you? I'm not really you get out
00:13:06Well, I think of that oh, there's no to it well you have a try it's easy or can see that well go on then
00:13:12I'm gonna have a read come on
00:13:27You slipped out of me hands, I'm sorry. Well come and have another try. I'll hold you this time. You won't let me fall
00:13:32Oh, yes, but what come on get stuck into it. Okay
00:13:39Now who is he
00:14:44Said for me, sir. I did sergeant Coryce. There are one or two things that I want to discuss with you
00:14:49Okay, sir. I mean very good. That is okie-doke
00:14:52Okie-doke sergeant your military terms are very unorthodox. I'm sorry, sir. What I really mean is thumbs
00:14:59First of all this concept that you're arranging. How's it progressing? Okie-doke, sir. I mean, okay. Yeah, that is very good
00:15:06Oh, that's good. Quite a good crowd coming from what I hear so that it must be okay
00:15:10I I mean, okie-doke dammit. You've got me at it now. Okie-doke, sir. Will you stop it sergeant? Sorry, sir
00:15:15I mean, I want the show to be first-class. Yes, sir. We won't let you down
00:15:20Who's appearing well, there's Enoch. Yes, I've heard of him and me. Yes. Yes go on and a few of the ATS girls
00:15:27Private Randall and private young good heavens. Are you sure they can do something? They're very versatile, sir. They make me laugh
00:15:34I'm afraid sergeant that Randall is a handful a handful sir to me. He's just one belly full
00:15:40I've been thinking about those two men thinking I've been thinking so much that I got brain fever
00:15:45Do you think they could handle horses? Well, sir, they can't handle rifles
00:15:49I thought they could ride a horse. They might become useful. That's a very good idea, sir
00:15:53All right
00:15:54Get a couple of horses from the stables and see how they shape well if they shape as well as that as they do it
00:15:58Other things sir, they are marbles, but I'm sorry for the horses. It's an idea
00:16:02Anyway, see what sort of an attempt they make and let me know. Okey-doke, sir
00:16:10Hi there, I want you to it wasn't us was it? No, this fella's always putting in
00:16:15Do you know anything at all about horses do anything about horses?
00:16:17Well, don't you have lost me sure don't want many a time. I'm not talking about race horses your mug
00:16:21I mean those that run straight do you know anything about horses me?
00:16:24I don't know about horses
00:16:25It's a black horse the white horse the gray mare the horse and jockey the swan with two necks. What a mare
00:16:30What a filly what a trotter? What are you talking about the barmaid the horse and plow?
00:16:34I'm not talking about pubs but about horses horses. I can ride anything from a donkey to an ostrich. Oh, yeah
00:16:40Yeah, hey kiddo when I was in Texas, I was a nice rider. Oh, yeah
00:16:47Hey, right. I'm cowboy. I don't believe you could ride a Dobby horse. Oh, yes, you can
00:16:52I've seen him on the fairgrounds now
00:16:53Listen, the less you say the more you sign for the last time do you fancy a chance on a horse?
00:16:57Yes, I'm as much of the house time to eat and to eat and to be
00:17:02Blimey the very thing
00:17:03Corporal take these two blokes out and give them a test
00:17:06Let me know how they get on and off very good sergeant. Go on you to go with him. Do you stop?
00:17:17Well of all the scroungers you're the biggest bunch ever as soon as ever my backs turn you all fall asleep
00:17:23Don't leave everything to austerity here. You know, you know, you don't seem the same since you fell out with that little blonde at the dance
00:17:29What did you say to her? I told her she dance like his effort. Well, that should have pleased her
00:17:34No, she thought I said she dance like a heifer. Well, never mind son
00:17:37There's as many good fish in the sea as ever came out, but I don't want to marry a fish sergeant
00:17:41I want to marry a woman. Yes. Well when I say a fish, I mean a woman. Ah, perhaps you mean a mermaid
00:17:46I don't suppose you even know what a mermaid is. Yes a mermaid is half a woman upstairs and half a kipper downstairs
00:17:52Oh, don't be ridiculous, but I don't want to marry one of them sergeant
00:17:56Why not because last night I dreamt I married a mermaid and with seven little children
00:18:00Seven little children a and what were they like plenty addicts. Oh if ever a sergeant suffered go away
00:18:08Here's some more headaches
00:18:10Did make two fine jockeys wouldn't you look at me? I'll never be straight again
00:18:13I suppose horse riding gives you a headache. No, just the reverse. Hey, you better sit down for a while. No, thanks
00:18:19Why not? I've got toothache the roots are gone a bit far down. You know, I'm so depressed
00:18:23I am really I've settled the saddle so long the iron has entered my soul
00:18:27I wish some sense could enter into your head. Now. Remember you're on fatigue now. I'm fatigued enough
00:18:32I dare say but you've got to put a jerk in it. Oh my poor heart aches
00:18:36Yeah, there's also I didn't give you a middle-aged spread shut up
00:18:39Now, you know what you got to do get this stage ready for the concert now
00:18:42You're gone boils all of you. You've got to make this stage clean and tidy and take care of that grand piano
00:18:48Oh leave it to us
00:18:49We know you know, you know nothing about piano once moving over there after you've dusted and cleaned it up
00:18:55We know we know we're musicians. We are that we can play out you you couldn't play truant now once and for all
00:19:01Don't touch those instruments. They're very valuable. So is this grand piano? Okay, it's in good hands
00:19:07Well, I'll come back later on to see how you've gone on and remember any damage will be stopped out of your pay
00:19:13Well, it's only much I get it started. Yes, I think he's right. Come on. Let's go
00:19:18Now you all know what to do. So do it
00:19:21We have to get it over there
00:19:23I'll tell you what that's a you to get in front and pull I'll get behind and shoot. That's an idea
00:19:33Hey, oh, come on, come on, don't worry about all day. There's work to be done. Oh
00:19:39Yeah, that's better. Go on
00:19:42Pull it this time. Don't you it?
00:19:45That's it
00:19:48Somebody's left a half here. Yes, you would away
00:19:59Play a little ditty
00:20:01What's in a place a paper to know I shall play when the red red Robin comes up Bob Bob
00:20:08Bobbin and long. Yes
00:20:23That's no good
00:20:40You want to spoil it who left this damn thing here we won't want that anyway
00:20:47Hey, what about cleaning this piano I won't even give me a bucket of water, will you
00:20:53Get out
00:20:55Then what should I play for you anything you like
00:20:58How the hell do I know? Well, you are my heart's delight. You're a liar. I've spoken for well
00:21:03I can't give you anything but love. Well, you can keep it. Tell me what can you play?
00:21:07I could play the farmer's daughter sleeps above only I've got the wrong key, but that's jolly hard
00:21:11I know what I'll play for you my own competition my latest
00:21:15It's a pizzicato movement a symphony rhapsody sonata
00:21:19Opus 49 good, but if you can stand it so can I
00:22:05I've just seen sergeant Corrie. He'll be here in a few minutes. Hey, we better get this piano. All right
00:22:10All right, let's get the lid on
00:22:15Come on
00:22:47Keep your eye on this one here and don't scratch it. You'll spoil it
00:23:18Where are the others I'll break the necks. I thought it told him to shift this piano over there. Get out
00:23:23It's the old saying if you want a thing doing properly do it your blooming self
00:23:29If ever a sergeant suffered
00:23:40And now for a surprise item a sketch specially for you
00:23:44Now for a surprise item a sketch specially written for this occasion
00:23:48It is to be played by four prominent members of the camp. The sketch is entitled putting up the bands
00:23:55This is going to be good
00:24:17Have an appointment it'll be in in a minute. What name shall I tell him?
00:24:21Just say Constance Peabody is here. All right, Connie. I suppose he knows what you want
00:24:26Oh, yes, it's about putting up the bands for matrimony. You see I'm expecting my fiancee here. I didn't move. Oh, I
00:24:33Yes, I fancy is called in the local for a quick one. I hope the vicar doesn't smell his breath
00:24:38He's death on drink. My fiancee wouldn't do that. He has a very weak heart. Of course. He isn't very young
00:24:44I'm only warning you mind you he may be termed as old but he's young ideas
00:24:48If you know what I mean, you should know it's your choice. Mm-hmm. You're quite understand. Aren't you at all?
00:24:57Hello, that'll be him open the door
00:25:08Darling my sweet
00:25:13I'll look spot of me. Oh, dear. You are rough
00:25:17Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I'm a bit late my own lamb. Oh, that's quite all right gorgeous
00:25:23I've been waiting long my angel. No, just a few moments. I don't like these off-license places
00:25:29Aha, you mean register officer? I have you seen that Victor fella? You mean Vicar? Yes
00:25:34No, he isn't in but the main sets expects him at any moment. I wish he'd hurry up. Yeah, I'm all over fever
00:25:41Restrain yourself. Yes, we should have a special license instead of waiting for the balance to go
00:25:46Oh, I think it's far better to wait
00:25:49Then all our friends will get to know and give us all the more present. I will perhaps you're right, but darling. I'm on fire
00:25:57Restrain yourself or the Vicar will put you up. Shh. Here he comes
00:26:05Now my little lovebirds, what can I do for you?
00:26:08Hi, well, then it's like this. Mr. Victor. Hey
00:26:14We have to get married as quick as possible
00:26:17Have to no no Vicar. No, he means we wish to ah, that's better
00:26:21Are you registered with me now? Wouldn't you propose to enter into matrimony?
00:26:27There's only the quicker then I must take down your details. Not here. Not here. Go on conscience
00:26:33We're both broad-minded. I'll call my secretary
00:26:37Unity get the job over and don't wait bring my diary
00:26:41Okay, brother and unity should anyone call I'm engaged righty-ho
00:26:50Unity is such a nice virtuous girl. I with a face like that. She's got to be virtuous
00:26:57Now children, listen to me your name Clutterbuck Jerry my Clutterbuck Jerry
00:27:05Clutterbuck. I now listen Jerry Jerry. Mr. Jerry if you don't mind, I'm a handle to my name
00:27:12So sorry, mr. Buttercluck. I've got a buck shuttlecock. I'll stand the old book from these. Oh, I was only saying mr.
00:27:18Clucking hen
00:27:20My name is cattle truck
00:27:23Darling decompose yourself decomposing. Look at that. I'll knock his blinky clock round. Oh, don't get so excited
00:27:33What's the idea sit down do I gather from your remarks you have been married before of course I am you don't think I'm a
00:27:40Learned it. How often?
00:27:42Sixty-sixty-seven. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
00:27:48Of course I am you don't think I'm a learner. How often six times if you want to know six times how romantic and you my
00:27:55Dear, oh, no. I'm only a simple maiden a spinster. I see a spinster who has never spins
00:28:04I'll soon knock that silly giggle off me dial dear dear. We're not making much progress
00:28:10Quiet quiet now Jerry Maya shuttlecock
00:28:14And you Constance Peabody both of this parish wish to enter into love lock padlock
00:28:21Wedlock, I know you're sitting at the earliest possible moment Vicar
00:28:25You know dear matrimony is a most serious thing. I've been married six times before I keep telling me it needs great
00:28:33Contemplation and meditation. Oh, it needs more than that. I beg of you. Think what it means
00:28:40I can stand this no longer. My patience is exhausted
00:28:46Hello hello
00:28:48Give me white all one one one one double one double double double one one one double wonder with the needle stuck
00:28:54There's nobody there. Oh
00:28:56You're a very lucky girl
00:28:58My hat, thank you so much. Where did you meet your lover? I met him in the blackout
00:29:04Well, I very much regret you will not be able to get married until the first Sunday after Pontefract
00:29:09Oh, is that the earliest and there will be no music? Why not?
00:29:13Well, we recently had a salvage week and the choir boys pinched all the hymn books and now mr.
00:29:19Cut about are you still of the same mind? You still love this maiden? You still want to marry her?
00:29:25I with all my might and strength and you are you still in the same mind my dear? Oh, yes Vicar
00:29:31It told me was a very wealthy man a millionaire in fact, and I don't think it live very long
00:29:36So what can a poor girl do? I'm from the asylum, sir. Come on dad up to your old tricks again
00:29:42Sorry, madam. Sorry, sir. It's quite harmless, you know
00:30:02Hey, will you go away what I wish to hurry up with the pay I'm skint. Don't forget. I want some from you
00:30:08I say what a wonderful memory you have. Can't it be bygones be has been all right?
00:30:12It can stand over for the time being. Thank you. I'll not forget. I'll pay you when I become a field marshal
00:30:17I'm going to ask for an increasing wages. Hey talking like that makes me think you're tough. Get away. We're all daft, aren't we?
00:30:24I knew a bunch of hangovers jump to it. This is a paper aid not a bank of school
00:30:30Let's have some kind of order. Oh
00:30:33You make me dizzy line up line up
00:30:36Hey, well, you know before both sides now for the benefit of one or two of you
00:30:40Let me just go through the routine. It's awfully nice of you sergeant. Shut up you
00:30:45Certainly when you hear your name called spring to attention saying sir
00:30:50March to the pay table salute with your right hand in a soldierly manner hold out your left hand for your money
00:30:56Salute again about turn march back smartly to your place about turn stand at ease
00:31:02There's nothing in it. Nothing. They want the money. No in the routine
00:31:06There seems to be a lot of force you can draw any wages. Don't you think that does get back to it there?
00:31:15Already started. Yes, sir. All waiting to touch come along it
00:31:20We don't want to touch it we want to get it quite ready sergeant. Okey-doke, sir, private Desmond 15 shillings
00:31:34Private young 15 shillings
00:31:42You throw your money about in this emporium don't you you're getting as much as you're worth but you can accept my resignation
00:31:47I don't go back to my people. I wish you would get out. Oh, that's different private
00:31:53Seven and six
00:31:59Hey, I've only got half a well, you're only half the size of the others get out
00:32:08Mr. Randall if you don't mind, please. Oh if ever a sergeant had to suffer
00:32:15A sorry old bean but in the army we haven't time for the ordinary courtesies and customs of civilian life
00:32:21Oh, I see. Yes, but in future when I call you to the pay table, please come smartly dear
00:32:30He's a quite a nice sort of a chap, but he's a sergeant isn't he I would dearly love to tear his hair right out
00:32:39private Randall
00:32:54You've got to go back what for you forgot your money
00:33:00Let it go sergeant go and see that those others come up to their pay correctly very good, sir
00:33:05Where is it? It's great a moonlight sonata. Give me that. Oh, I'm awfully sorry, sir
00:33:10I was all often bothered it might be sir. No, no, no your hand
00:33:14No, you idiot your hand for your pay. Ah, now, what do you think? I am a fortune-teller. I don't know sir
00:33:20No, no, no your other hand. Hey, give it your left hand
00:33:26What's this your pay what two dollars yes, you see the quartermaster says you're in debt what the hell does he know about it
00:33:33Silence, say the court what I see. There are certain stoppages use of the hut that stopped washing, etc
00:33:39Of course that stopped then there are damages to a grand piano 45 pounds that stopped couldn't you stop the war silence?
00:33:46Oh, well, give him a card. I expected an increase not stoppages increase. What for well, my wife's had an increase sir twins
00:33:53Oh, congratulations. Thank you. Don't I get the King's pardon the King's pardon?
00:33:58You mean the King's bounty. I know you get the King's bounty for three not two
00:34:02Well, aren't they all right for place? I presume a wife will get the increased allowance in due course
00:34:06She will and I didn't out that's so you call that Christian gratitude. She wouldn't have had the twins only for me
00:34:12That's quite enough quite enough twins. It's more than enough. Yeah, here's a little present for you from me just about the occasion
00:34:18Oh, thanks. I'll wet the baby's head
00:34:21I'd like to give you something to return sir. Oh, what would you like to give me the twins?
00:34:25Sir, that's enough from you. Get out of my sight. Don't be late. Get out
00:34:30Right out now. Yes now
00:34:48Hello, is that you mother I have a surprise for you. I'm coming home this afternoon on a weekend leave what?
00:34:57Coming home this afternoon for the weekend. Oh
00:35:00Glorious news
00:35:03How many?
00:35:05Five of you including a young lady
00:35:08Who is she miss Beaumont the ATS girl? I wrote you about she's lovely. I know you'll like her
00:35:15We should arrive about nine o'clock
00:35:18You will have the car to meet us
00:35:20Thanks mother. Oh, and will you ask winters to get him plenty of reviews?
00:35:24No, you'll know what I mean. I
00:35:28Must go now mother. Yes, Roy. Yes, dear. I understand. Yes. Now, don't you go and miss that train?
00:35:33Oh, I am so looking forward to seeing you. Yes, darling. All right. Goodbye. Goodbye
00:35:38Oh winters winters wonderful news. Mr. Roy is coming home on leave for the weekend
00:35:43I'm very pleased to hear it and he's bringing some friends with him any friends of mr. Roy and be well looked after
00:35:48Yes, I'm sure they will winters. Oh, I'm so excited, you know and and winters. Yes, madam
00:35:53He said something about preparing a room with plenty of river ooze. Do you know what he means? River ooze? Yes, madam
00:36:00What is the meaning of river ooze, well, it means that mr. Roy has been learning the army vernacular river ooze means a booze
00:36:08Whatever it is. Never mind. Whatever it is. See to it. Will you winters? I will madam with great pleasure. Oh and
00:36:14If I may make a suggestion
00:36:17Certainly winters well for tomorrow night. Why not engage tables at the majestic hotel? I'm sure all the guests will enjoy it
00:36:23Oh, what a good idea winters. Yes. Well, will you see to it and then make all the necessary arrangements?
00:36:32Sergeant Corris just the man I want now. What's the matter? I've just got rid of one bunch of headaches
00:36:37There's a letter just come for Tony Beaumont. Well, why didn't you give it to her?
00:36:40She's gone on leave, of course as if I didn't know yes
00:36:44And as if I didn't know, you know, you should be coming with us Roy didn't bite me
00:36:48But I promised to go home. All right. Give me the letter. You won't forget to give it to Tony
00:36:52Will you I think it is important me forget do you ever know the sergeant forget anything?
00:36:57Sometimes have you got your pass what pass for your knees by Jingo? I've forgotten it
00:37:03You know you women will be the death of me. Well, hurry up. Don't miss your train and don't forget the letter
00:37:08I won't forget
00:37:11Bye go my left to hurry
00:38:10You mrs. Desmond, it's nice to meet you to Sergeant Corris my mother. How do you do?
00:38:14Hey, it's proper champion to meet you
00:38:16Private young how do you do? Are all these girls your daughter's?
00:38:21Oh, yeah, I mean, you know, how do you tell you I'm a private friend
00:38:32I'm glad to meet you. Oh, take my notice. Mrs. Desmond. He's scatty. Oh
00:38:38Little man, I think he's more to be fitted than blamed
00:38:42Thank you. But I think you're proper champion. I'll get on. All right with me
00:38:52Tony so you're the miss Beaumont who's sharing my room. Am I really that's splendid Maisie. Don't let on
00:38:59You know me just now. I'll explain everything to you later. All right, Tony
00:39:05Are they ready? Yes, mr. Winter not quite Daisy. Shall I wait? Yes, I shall be a moment
00:39:10By the way, do you know anything about the land? What the jolly old land?
00:39:13That's where they put the seeds in isn't it? Oh, you don't seem to know very much about it
00:39:17I do I read it all in books. Well, what is a hoe?
00:39:21What's all she bumps?
00:39:23Well, what is a hero a man? Oh, no a hero. Oh, it's a college. Anyone knows that. Oh, I'd love to see you
00:39:29On a farm. Really? What do you think? I am a turkey. No, I mean working on a farm
00:39:33I couldn't tell you the difference between a pullet and a push it. Well, you know what a cow is
00:39:38Ah now you're right up my street
00:39:39A cow is an animal with four legs one in each corner and a trumpet on each ear and a set of bagpipes underneath
00:39:47You know with your knowledge you ought to be a farmer. No, I'd rather be soldier
00:39:51Well, why aren't you?
00:39:54You know as a land expert, you're a very fine dancer. Thanks very much. I must remember that
00:40:02And so you mother
00:40:06Not too badly, I believe I passed the anti-aircraft course
00:40:09I must introduce you to Captain Delvane. Who's he? Oh, he's in charge of the anti-aircraft section just down the lane
00:40:14He and mr. Bassett his young lieutenant, you know frequent visitors here now. I should be glad to meet them
00:40:19I told them all about you. It's a matter of fact. I'm expecting them around here this evening
00:40:23I suppose you won't have a cigarette mother. Oh, I'd love to. Thanks. I
00:40:28Say the army has brought you out in what way?
00:40:31every way
00:40:33Tell me how did you come to invite all these soldiers?
00:40:35Well, sergeant Cory's has been very good to me. The other chaps are friends of his a trifle eccentric
00:40:40Perhaps that you'll get a good laugh out of them
00:40:43I've done that already and I thought sure you wouldn't mind. Of course not darling. This is open house these days
00:40:49Ah, I see. I'm not the only one to have changed
00:40:51No, I suppose not. Well, what with all these land girls and entertaining the anti-aircraft section does broaden one's outlook, you know
00:40:57I'm glad to see a mother
00:40:58Well, it gives me something to do while you're away and I feel I'm helping and besides I like it good for you mother
00:41:05Now tell me about the girlfriend. I thought you were leading up to that. But of course darling naturally
00:41:12I'm interested. Who is she? She's the nicest girl in the world. And the more you know her the more you'll love her
00:41:18Oh dear, I didn't know it had gone as far as that still
00:41:20I suppose I might have guessed from your letters and your progress in singing
00:41:24You'd be tickled to death to hear the broadcast darling. We loved it
00:41:28You must tell me more about it and miss Beaumont, of course
00:41:31I shall and now mother I think we'd better go in and join our guests. All right, darling
00:41:57Don't seem to know what to do with me in the army
00:42:00I'm not surprised they've tried me at all sorts
00:42:03I think I'll get me ticket if I go about it the right way. What would you call the right way?
00:42:07I'll pretend to be deaf. Why bother to pretend I suppose you must read a lot of books
00:42:13See hundreds of them besides I make up my own poetry. Oh marvelous. Do recite a poem of your own
00:42:18Do you like this one? There was a young lady named Aster whose clothes fit her like a plaster
00:42:24She happened to sneeze and felt a cold breeze. Then she knew that she'd met with disaster
00:42:47I'm not surprised at that people are always talking about me
00:42:51But I can't help being handsome can of course not and you know, I think my son's broadened out
00:42:58Tremendously, he has of course he has he's improved a ton all under my tuition. All the boys are the same with me
00:43:05I don't know how you do it sergeant. I really don't. Oh just natural. No, I rule him with a rod of iron
00:43:11But I'm all like that
00:43:13Because I know what would be a very good thing for your boy. Do tell me he wants a good kind stepfather
00:43:20Do you really think somebody big and strong to be devoted to you?
00:43:24Yes to kind of act as a background to Roy's beautiful mother
00:43:29Oh, I mean it someone who could tell you how much he cared
00:43:34How he simply loved the very ground you own I mean walk on
00:43:40Something in what you say, there's everything in what I say, you're too beautiful to be alone
00:43:49Sergeant I feel I can trust you you can trust me with everything you have and there is something in what you say
00:43:55Of course, there is I'll come to a decision this very weekend
00:44:00This is the happiest day of my life to think you may change your state when may I hope to know
00:44:07possibly tomorrow
00:44:10Dear dear lady
00:44:13After all money isn't everything is it?
00:44:17How right you are, but a man makes such a difference in the home. Yes, indeed. He does such
00:44:24Well, it's been lovely to hear you and I won't forget just your bright eyes
00:44:41Who I'm awfully sorry did I upset my hash on you
00:44:45By gum, I'll bet you're a bit of a cotton and why you only seem a grand bit of stuff
00:44:49I wouldn't call shine. It's one of your drawback. Not likely if you want anything in this world, you've got to grab it
00:44:54Give us a kiss
00:44:56God give us a kiss. There's nobody looking
00:45:02You sir, I am I say well my gum the little are they good
00:45:08Hey be a better fetch him in pine pots next time
00:45:12It tastes all right, too
00:45:15Ah, thank you. Hey, I love that as a cheater. Yes, sir. I never leave out if I can help it, you know
00:45:22Put some more with you
00:45:24By the way, you mister. Have you a bath in this joint? Yeah, we have four bathrooms
00:45:29Oh, yeah, I don't want for one's plenty for me. I'm itching for a bath
00:45:33Hey, get me a bath ready. Will you yes and put some water in it. Yes
00:45:41Just the sort of night for Jerry to come over all right, you would say that spoiler
00:45:45Well, you never know. I'd love to bring one down. Yes, sir
00:45:49I you've had no experience. I mean practical experience of a real raid
00:45:52Have you know have you Roy not yet captain, but it must be very thrilling
00:45:55It is and sometimes very dangerous. Well, they always say a little practice is worth a lot of theory
00:46:00They told us that when we passed our course, how long is the course now? We took eight weeks. Hmm, very creditable
00:46:06It used to be 12 weeks
00:46:09I wonder say you've got to well, we've just been talking. Oh, I'm in I've come to report sir
00:46:14A warning has just come through pretty good
00:46:17Now for some excitement. There you are. What did I tell you? I must go right away
00:46:20Oh, do you let me come with you captain Delvaux and meet you captain? All right, it might be experience for you
00:46:24You better go indoors. Mr. Desmond. If you hear gunfire see everybody takes cover. Come on quickly. We must get our respirators
00:46:38On target finder on target read first twelve eight hundred twelve eight hundred set
00:46:44Angle Philip predictor steady fuse one. Oh, you one. Oh
00:46:52Pretty good shooting
00:46:56Look out he's diving isn't he?
00:46:58He's diving he's diving he's diving
00:47:00He's diving he's diving he's diving
00:47:02He's diving he's diving he's diving
00:47:04He's diving he's diving
00:47:06He's diving isn't he
00:47:08Duck Tony
00:47:10That was a near one
00:47:12Joe's copped it reporting to the other sir
00:47:14reporting casualty sir
00:47:16gunner breaks head
00:47:18that's bad sergeant your girls alright
00:47:20One casualty sir badly hurt no sir nothing serious
00:47:22flesh wound left arm better get them down to the dressing station
00:47:24anybody can take over
00:47:26no sir captian can't I take her place
00:47:28i know how to use the bar and shroud
00:47:30place is against regulations
00:47:32very good sir
00:47:34Right, sir.
00:47:38Bearing four six, angle two six.
00:47:41Bearing four eight, angle two eight.
00:47:44On target, finder on target.
00:47:47Read first 10-600.
00:47:49Set 10-600.
00:47:5010-600 set.
00:47:51Predictor steady.
00:48:01We got him!
00:48:05Tony, Roy, we got that one. He's on fire.
00:48:07We can claim that for a certainty.
00:48:09Good work, Tony.
00:48:10Good work, both of you.
00:48:11If that claim is okay, you'll both be recommended for promotion.
00:48:13Oh, gran!
00:48:16There's somebody dodging about.
00:48:18Go on, see who it is.
00:48:20What, by myself?
00:48:21Go on. Don't dash about.
00:48:23You know, you've got a weak heart.
00:49:07Hey, German, don't get excited.
00:49:10It's all right.
00:49:11Italian, Japanese.
00:49:13Watch it.
00:49:14What's the matter with you?
00:49:16He's got me. I have him.
00:49:17Come with me.
00:49:18Get out of here.
00:49:20Well, I think they've gone over.
00:49:24What was that?
00:49:25There's a wild duck gone over.
00:49:27Oh, it's you, is it?
00:49:29Well, if it isn't, I've drawn another man's money.
00:49:31What's the trouble?
00:49:32You, a soldier, you put years on me.
00:49:34If ever a sergeant suffered, go on, get out.
00:49:39Now, then, go on.
00:49:46Hold it. Don't worry.
00:49:48This is you. Is that me?
00:49:50Pull him down. Stick him up.
00:49:51Don't be silly. It's Tony and Roy.
00:49:53Well, that man's been paralysed. Reconciled.
00:49:55I mean...
00:49:56Oh, don't be a mug, you mug.
00:49:58What's up?
00:49:59Well, it's all over now, Sergeant.
00:50:00So you can all go indoors.
00:50:02Good. That's my cue for a drink.
00:50:04Aye, it would be.
00:50:05Do you never think of anything else but a drink?
00:50:10You improve for the worse.
00:50:11Where's the other bloke?
00:50:12Here he is, Sarge.
00:50:13Oh, was that a service?
00:50:14Now, listen, lads.
00:50:15Go in nice and quietly.
00:50:16We might click for a drop at the summit or something.
00:50:17Aye, Sergeant.
00:50:19Off you.
00:50:20After you.
00:50:24Come on. That'll keep.
00:50:25Come on.
00:50:26Move me first.
00:50:40Now then, now then.
00:50:42Don't you know your manners?
00:50:44Sergeants first.
00:50:50That's you.
00:50:55I'll kill that damn cat.
00:50:57Don't be daft.
00:50:59Well, there we go.
00:51:00Well, cheerio, boys.
00:51:01All the best.
00:51:03Oh, I don't blame you.
00:51:04Don't be silly. Don't be silly.
00:51:11It's your palace that's wrong.
00:51:12It must be those skippers I want.
00:51:14Well, I'll try again. Good health.
00:51:18His boots are leaking.
00:51:20It tickles your throttle, doesn't it?
00:51:22Well, for me, I'll have a milk soda.
00:51:23I might be driving him, I know.
00:51:25Do you think we ought to have a drink, Sergeant?
00:51:27Well, it'd be a nice change.
00:51:29Who's waiting on?
00:51:30Let him serve us.
00:51:31Good idea.
00:51:32Yes, it'll be a labour of love.
00:51:33Now, behind this, what are you going to have?
00:51:34There's plenty here and it's all pre-war stuff.
00:51:36How do you know that?
00:51:37Ah, just a little birdie.
00:51:38Just a little birdie.
00:51:39Little birds are always telling you something.
00:51:41Not so much gassing.
00:51:42Get on with the job.
00:51:43OK, it's coming up.
00:51:44Now, what's it going to be, lads?
00:51:45Two pints.
00:51:47I'll have two pints as well.
00:51:48OK, it's coming up.
00:51:55Here we are, lads.
00:52:01Boy, are you in bad odds.
00:52:05I wet myself, look.
00:52:07Replenish, Civil Play.
00:52:09That's ready for a double.
00:52:12Here we are, lads.
00:52:15Yes, you're not showing the beer much, Mercy, are you?
00:52:17Give us another quick.
00:52:19You seem to be taking a liking to this.
00:52:21It keeps your mind off me first.
00:52:23Sweet Adeline, my Adeline.
00:52:29Shh, I can hear somebody singing.
00:52:32You fellas have got to the Sweet Adeline stage very quick, haven't you?
00:52:35Shut up, you.
00:52:36Shut up, me?
00:52:38Don't you tell my father this.
00:52:39Shut up.
00:52:40Sit down, you mugger.
00:52:41I'll fall on you.
00:52:42He's my best friend and I'm not going to have him consulted.
00:52:45Go away.
00:52:46Don't do that, don't do that to my friend.
00:52:48I don't like it.
00:52:49Leave the charges alone.
00:52:51He's the best friend I've ever had.
00:52:53Is that so?
00:52:54So what?
00:52:57Hey, fetch me a pint of beer.
00:53:00Harked is the voice of the mockingbird.
00:53:06Ah, so it's you, my little passion flower, eh?
00:53:09Get up.
00:53:11I thought you were supposed to be a fire watcher.
00:53:14I am a fire watcher, but I don't put the fires out.
00:53:18Well, what do you do then?
00:53:19I just watch them.
00:53:21Get out of it.
00:53:23Go on, get out.
00:53:27We must go indoors.
00:53:29It must be getting very late now.
00:53:31Just one more moment, Tony, please.
00:53:33Oh, but I'm so tired.
00:53:34You've told me before you love me, haven't you?
00:53:37Then why can't we become engaged?
00:53:38Oh, Roy, I can't.
00:53:40If only you knew why.
00:53:42Please don't let's talk about it.
00:53:43But I must talk about it.
00:53:44I want you to become my wife.
00:53:46You can make me so happy.
00:53:48If you could only understand.
00:53:49But what is there to understand?
00:53:51Oh, Roy, I've made up my mind.
00:53:53We must just remain friends, as we are.
00:53:57Tony, you're unreasonable.
00:53:58I'm not unreasonable.
00:53:59I'm trying to remain sensible.
00:54:01It's no good, Roy.
00:54:03We must just remain friends.
00:54:04Good night.
00:54:09Here we are, boys.
00:54:10Are you?
00:54:11In no rush.
00:54:12You're lucky to get this.
00:54:13You know, this is the last drop in the bottle.
00:54:16That's the last drop in the glass.
00:54:18Say when.
00:54:20No, round the other way.
00:54:24I think there's something wrong with this bottle.
00:54:26I'll change it.
00:54:27That's what I'll do.
00:54:28Good idea.
00:54:29Go on, then.
00:54:32Gentlemen, may I suggest that the hour is late?
00:54:35Well, you may go to bed.
00:54:36Good heavens, it's dirty, Dick.
00:54:38Your head's coming through the top of your hair.
00:54:41You are the gentleman that ordered a bath.
00:54:43Yes, I've just had it.
00:54:45I've already filled it four times, sir.
00:54:47I've already filled your bath four times, sir.
00:54:49Oh, well, fill it again, then.
00:54:51I have just filled it again.
00:54:54Now, don't let it go cold this time.
00:54:56No, bung it in the oven.
00:54:58And don't forget that you have another big night tomorrow at the Majestic Hotel.
00:55:06I suggest that you all go to bed now.
00:55:08It's very nice of you, Father.
00:55:10Good night.
00:55:12What the devil?
00:55:18Nice little fellow.
00:55:20It's time to say good night.
00:55:23Call me early, Mother dear, for I am to be Queen of the May.
00:55:28Good night, Sergeant.
00:55:30Sleep tight.
00:55:31Well, I think it's time you went to bed before you start talking to yourself.
00:55:36Do you think so?
00:55:37Yes, I do.
00:55:38Very well, I'll go then.
00:55:40Well, hurry up now.
00:55:41Don't rush me.
00:55:42Don't rush.
00:55:43Good health.
00:55:48A boy's best friend is his mother.
00:55:54Good night.
00:55:55Good night.
00:55:56Good night.
00:55:57Good night.
00:56:02Good night.
00:56:12We'll have to let this liquor, she'll never testify.
00:56:19It's a far better thing I do now than I have ever done before.
00:56:26It's a far better thing.
00:56:28He shall in again.
00:56:32Ah, well, I about it.
00:56:36Excuse me.
00:56:37My compliments.
00:56:39You're not pale?
00:56:40Are you cold?
00:56:42Don't go away.
00:56:43Don't go away.
00:56:45I'll come with you.
00:56:47Been fighting, eh?
00:56:49Excuse me.
00:56:51Hey, help!
00:56:56What are you doing, you silly ox?
00:56:57What are you doing?
00:56:58You want to kill me?
00:56:59Mine does, I think.
00:57:00Who's the bird?
00:57:01Who's the bird?
00:57:02It's an old flame of mine.
00:57:03Let's go!
00:57:04All right.
00:57:06Don't get excited.
00:57:07Which is me.
00:57:08You'll have us thrown out of here.
00:57:13Stop it, girl.
00:57:15Stop it, girl.
00:57:16Well, I was in time, anyway.
00:57:17I was in time.
00:57:19Mine go.
00:57:20Sorry, this is my mistake.
00:57:22You're always in trouble, aren't you?
00:57:26Well, where do you want to go?
00:57:28Let's go.
00:57:29I'll go into the bathroom.
00:57:31Bathroom, is it?
00:57:33Up the stairs.
00:57:34Up the stairs.
00:57:36Come on.
00:57:37We'll get there.
00:57:38We'll get there.
00:57:39Don't worry.
00:57:40All right?
00:57:41All right.
00:57:42Come on.
00:57:43Up the stairs.
00:57:44Up the stairs.
00:57:46Thank you very much.
00:57:47What's the long one?
00:57:48I won't go to the bathroom.
00:57:50I'll find it myself.
00:57:52Good night, old pal.
00:57:53Good night.
00:57:54Good night.
00:57:55Good night.
00:57:56Good night.
00:57:59Good night.
00:58:01Good night.
00:58:13Hey, don't.
00:58:14Hey, hey.
00:58:28I have your fellow.
00:58:35It is me.
00:58:39It is me.
00:58:42It is me.
00:58:45It is me.
00:58:48It is me.
00:58:50It is me.
00:58:51It is me.
00:58:52It is you, sir.
00:59:07What the hell?
00:59:18Hello. What a wonderful establishment.
00:59:27They provide you with tea, sir, if you will.
00:59:30I'll try them.
00:59:37Oh, poor me.
00:59:41Good evening.
00:59:43What are you doing here?
00:59:45Having a bath?
00:59:46Well, perhaps you will join me.
00:59:49Yes, I will.
00:59:50I may as well clean my teeth.
01:00:01I'll beautify myself.
01:00:04I'll beautify myself.
01:00:15Oh, the spicy river.
01:00:35Help! Help!
01:00:38Me with the children first.
01:00:40No, it's a lifeboat.
01:01:04I say, I can't find my room.
01:01:06Can you tell me where it is?
01:01:08Aye, it's in a bottle on the roof.
01:01:10In a bottle?
01:01:11Aye, thanks.
01:01:12Good night.
01:01:13Good night.
01:01:14Good night.
01:01:15Good night.
01:01:26I say, there's pink rats running all over my room.
01:01:30That's not.
01:01:31This place is full of blue elephants.
01:01:47I go my skin stretches.
01:01:50I'm a swell guy.
01:02:19Hello, is that Winters?
01:02:33Oh, wash me in the water.
01:02:36You wash your dirty daughter.
01:02:38And I shall be whiter than the white wisp on the wall of Christmas.
01:02:46Oh, the boat's rocky.
01:02:53It's a hell of a bath to get out of, isn't it?
01:02:58It's like a good bath to lie in.
01:03:16It's like a good bath to refresh.
01:03:19I think it's time for a bit of sugar.
01:03:31Excuse me.
01:03:33Good night.
01:03:34Good night.
01:03:35Good night.
01:03:36Well, there's a pillow.
01:03:40Good night.
01:03:41Good night.
01:03:46Hey, where am I?
01:04:02Somebody come.
01:04:03Hey, where's me trousers?
01:04:10Do you want anything, sir?
01:04:13You're like me idiot, Twillop.
01:04:14But sir, I...
01:04:15Get off me foot.
01:04:16You're like me idiot.
01:04:17You're a funny...
01:04:18Where's me clothes?
01:04:19They appear to be in the bath, sir.
01:04:20Oh, yes.
01:04:21I had a bath.
01:04:22Well, get me some clothes, will you?
01:04:23Well, I'm afraid we've no soldier's uniforms, sir.
01:04:26Don't call me sir.
01:04:27You're up to your crackers.
01:04:28Get me something.
01:04:29I can't walk about.
01:04:30I'll have these.
01:04:31But sir, they're hardly suitable, sir.
01:04:32No, no, sir.
01:04:33I'll see if I can find something, sir.
01:04:34I'll see if I can...
01:04:35All right.
01:04:36Well, don't be long.
01:05:08Oh, I'm awfully sorry.
01:05:13Excuse me.
01:05:15Get off my foot.
01:05:16By the way, would you marry me if you had any spare time?
01:05:19Oh, my spare time is always occupied.
01:05:21Then you have another.
01:05:22Oh, no.
01:05:23But after seeing you, I don't think I'll bother.
01:05:25Ah, that's different.
01:05:27Oh, awfully sorry.
01:05:30Excuse me.
01:05:32I come from great stock, you know.
01:05:37So do elephants.
01:05:39We are progressing, aren't we?
01:05:41Have you ever heard of Dan McGrew?
01:05:43He was my father.
01:05:45Oh, what a pity they didn't shoot the sun as well.
01:05:47Yes, what a charming lady.
01:05:49How the devil did that get there?
01:05:52Quite simple.
01:05:55I suppose you like dancing, don't you?
01:05:59Oh, yes, very much.
01:06:00I'm very fond of dancing.
01:06:01I've danced in America, you know.
01:06:03Oh, well, then you're near the next dance, the jitterbugs.
01:06:05Oh, yes, jitterbugs.
01:06:07I'm a great jitterbugger.
01:06:08You're telling me?
01:06:10Would you care for a bit of a shuffle, a do, as it were?
01:06:13Oh, yes, I'd like to.
01:06:30Please, please, please.
01:07:00Oh, yes.
01:07:01Oh, yes.
01:07:02Oh, yes.
01:07:03Oh, yes.
01:07:04Oh, yes.
01:07:05Oh, yes.
01:07:06Oh, yes.
01:07:07Oh, yes.
01:07:08Oh, yes.
01:07:09Oh, yes.
01:07:10Oh, yes.
01:07:11Oh, yes.
01:07:12Oh, yes.
01:07:13Oh, yes.
01:07:14Oh, yes.
01:07:15Oh, yes.
01:07:16Oh, yes.
01:07:17Oh, yes.
01:07:18Oh, yes.
01:07:19Oh, yes.
01:07:20Oh, yes.
01:07:21Oh, yes.
01:07:22Oh, yes.
01:07:23Oh, yes.
01:07:24Oh, yes.
01:07:25Oh, yes.
01:07:26Oh, yes.
01:07:27Oh, yes.
01:07:28Oh, yes.
01:07:29Oh, yes.
01:07:30Oh, yes.
01:07:31Oh, yes.
01:07:32Oh, yes.
01:07:33Oh, yes.
01:07:34Oh, yes.
01:07:35Oh, yes.
01:07:36Oh, yes.
01:07:37Oh, yes.
01:07:38Oh, yes.
01:07:39Oh, yes.
01:07:40Oh, yes.
01:07:41Oh, yes.
01:07:42Oh, yes.
01:07:43Oh, yes.
01:07:44Oh, yes.
01:07:45Oh, yes.
01:07:46Oh, yes.
01:07:47Oh, yes.
01:07:48Oh, yes.
01:07:49Oh, yes.
01:07:50Oh, yes.
01:07:51Oh, yes.
01:07:52Oh, yes.
01:07:53Oh, yes.
01:07:54Oh, yes.
01:07:55Oh, yes.
01:07:56Oh, yes.
01:07:57Oh, yes.
01:07:58Oh, yes.
01:07:59Oh, yes.
01:08:00Oh, yes.
01:08:01Oh, yes.
01:08:02Oh, yes.
01:08:03Oh, yes.
01:08:04Oh, yes.
01:08:05Oh, yes.
01:08:06Oh, yes.
01:08:07Oh, yes.
01:08:08Oh, yes.
01:08:09Oh, yes.
01:08:10Oh, yes.
01:08:11Oh, yes.
01:08:12Oh, yes.
01:08:13Oh, yes.
01:08:14Oh, yes.
01:08:15Oh, yes.
01:08:16Oh, yes.
01:08:17Oh, yes.
01:08:18Oh, yes.
01:08:19Oh, yes.
01:08:20Oh, yes.
01:08:21Oh, yes.
01:08:22Oh, yes.
01:08:23Oh, yes.
01:08:24Oh, yes.
01:08:25Oh, yes.
01:08:26Oh, yes.
01:08:27Oh, yes.
01:08:28Oh, yes.
01:08:29Oh, yes.
01:08:30Oh, yes.
01:08:31Oh, yes.
01:08:32Oh, yes.
01:08:33Oh, yes.
01:08:34Oh, yes.
01:08:35Oh, yes.
01:08:36Oh, yes.
01:08:37Oh, yes.
01:08:38Oh, yes.
01:08:39Oh, yes.
01:08:40Oh, yes.
01:08:41Oh, yes.
01:08:42Oh, yes.
01:08:43Oh, yes.
01:08:44Oh, yes.
01:08:45Oh, yes.
01:08:46Oh, yes.
01:08:47Oh, yes.
01:08:48Oh, yes.
01:08:49Oh, yes.
01:08:50Oh, yes.
01:08:51Oh, yes.
01:08:52Oh, yes.
01:08:53Oh, yes.
01:08:54Oh, yes.
01:08:55Oh, yes.
01:08:56Oh, yes.
01:08:57Oh, yes.
01:08:58Oh, yes.
01:08:59Oh, yes.
01:09:00Oh, yes.
01:09:01Oh, yes.
01:09:02Oh, yes.
01:09:03Oh, yes.
01:09:04Oh, yes.
01:09:05Oh, yes.
01:09:06Oh, yes.
01:09:07Oh, yes.
01:09:08Oh, yes.
01:09:09Oh, yes.
01:09:10Oh, yes.
01:09:11Oh, yes.
01:09:12Oh, yes.
01:09:13Oh, yes.
01:09:14Oh, yes.
01:09:15Oh, yes.
01:09:16Oh, yes.
01:09:17Oh, yes.
01:09:18Oh, yes.
01:09:19Oh, yes.
01:09:20Oh, yes.
01:09:21Oh, yes.
01:09:22Oh, yes.
01:09:23Oh, yes.
01:09:24Oh, yes.
