Home And Away 1st August 2024 (2/3)
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00:00♪ Closer each day
00:03♪ Home in the way
00:08Hey, Harper, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:10I think she fainted.
00:11It's really not that big of a deal.
00:13Talk about the fact that you clearly haven't told Connor yet.
00:16He wants to be a dad so badly
00:18and the second that I tell him I'm pregnant with his child,
00:21I mean, I feel like I have no choice in what happens.
00:23So this is how the AA meetings are going?
00:25I am not drinking in secret.
00:28I'm not hiding it because I'm ashamed.
00:30It's all out in the open.
00:32What's that got to do with anything?
00:34I am in control.
00:36You know what? I should have a dinner party tonight.
00:40That way I can show you and everyone else
00:42that I am fine to have a little drink with them socially
00:46to honesty and living the truth.
00:49No, I'm out. I can't be a part of this.
00:51You're lying to everybody and yourself
00:53and I can't in all good conscience be an enabler.
01:09Good morning, sleepyhead.
01:11Good evening.
01:13Are you waiting on anybody in particular?
01:17Just you, sir.
01:20You know I can't stay long.
01:22But just because you're starting your shift
01:25and mine is ending
01:27doesn't mean you get to skip out on romance.
01:30Oh, I wouldn't dream of it.
01:32Please, do sit.
01:33Oh, don't mind if I do.
01:45The bacon and eggs here
01:47and the steamed barramundi for me.
01:49Thank you.
01:55Really timed this perfectly.
01:57Well, some reheating may have been involved
01:59but please eat up because I am starving.
02:06I'm sorry we haven't had more time for this lately.
02:09It's a new unit.
02:10It's been taking up more time than I would have liked.
02:12Don't worry.
02:13We've got all the time in the world.
02:18Thank you for that cake, Leo.
02:20It's delicious.
02:21Yeah, it definitely hit the spot.
02:23It's just a pity that not everyone could hang around to enjoy it.
02:26Should we get out of here?
02:28Who's for a topper?
02:30I'm good.
02:31Oh, yeah, no thanks.
02:33I thought we were here to have a good time.
02:36Well, we are.
02:38John opens his big gob and suddenly everyone's on his side.
02:42No, no, no one is taking sides.
02:44No, I'm just tired, Irene.
02:45We were actually thinking about calling it.
02:47Oh, I can stay.
02:49See, it can be that simple.
02:52We're just not used to this new Irene, that's all.
02:55Leah, I get it, but that was the point of the whole evening.
02:59And it was lovely, thank you, but Justin's right.
03:02We've got an early start.
03:05Very well.
03:07Thank you for coming.
03:08Thanks for having us.
03:15Are you all right?
03:17I really appreciate your support, Marilyn.
03:22Oh, am I interrupting?
03:28What does it look like, love?
03:32You know, maybe we should have hung around.
03:34Like, Irene went to such a big effort.
03:36Well, it was your idea to leave.
03:38I know.
03:39Things just got weird after John left.
03:41They did.
03:42What was he thinking, carrying on like that?
03:44Well, I can't say I blame him.
03:46It was hard to sit and watch while Irene just carries on like everything's fine.
03:49But he humiliated her.
03:51That is not the way to go about this.
03:53I'm not saying that it is, but acting like everything's fine
03:57while Irene is topping up our glasses doesn't make sense either.
04:01You want my opinion?
04:02You know, what I saw tonight was Irene trying to loosen up
04:05and have a few laughs with her mates.
04:07Yeah, but that's how it starts.
04:11What do you mean, starts?
04:12I have been down this road with Irene before.
04:15I know how it ends.
04:19Can I interest anyone in a little tipple to finish off the bottle?
04:24None for me, thanks.
04:26Are you sure, love?
04:27It's a really good dropper.
04:28It'd be a shame to waste it.
04:29No, really, I'm fine.
04:32Another holier-than-thou friend.
04:35Oh, I'm just not really in the mood.
04:36Yeah, and that's absolutely fine.
04:39I don't get it.
04:40You drink at Salt all the time.
04:42Why can't you have a drink with me?
04:44I don't drink that much.
04:45And I already told you, I just don't really feel like it.
04:47Well, maybe you should have a drink.
04:49You know, you've been a little bit moody lately.
04:52I think we should leave it there, eh?
04:53Call it a night?
04:54Yeah, that sounds good to me.
04:58Well, looks like I have to say goodbye down the drain.
05:11Oh, thought I heard Perry.
05:13No, it's just me here.
05:15Levi working tonight?
05:16Yeah, he is.
05:21What time do you call this?
05:22Um, night time?
05:24Oh, OK, smart mouth.
05:26Why didn't you tell me you were staying out so late?
05:28I don't know, what difference does it make?
05:30Well, I'm responsible for you.
05:31We've talked about this.
05:32Well, my phone died and I left my watch at Dad's place.
05:35Well, you've got to charge it, yeah?
05:38Well, make sure you set your alarm.
05:39You don't want to be late for your first day of work.
05:41At the gym?
05:44So, like, you'll already be getting up at that time, right?
05:47All you have to do is wake me up, too.
05:49I'll be long gone before you're out of bed, mate.
05:51Alright, I'll set an alarm.
05:53But I'm not much of a morning person.
05:55Well, that's about to change.
06:05John, you really upset her last night.
06:07Oh, I don't know.
06:08I probably could have handled it better.
06:10You think?
06:11But I had to do something.
06:12No, you didn't.
06:13You didn't have to do anything.
06:14She just wanted a night with her friends.
06:17Yes, and as her friend, I couldn't sit back and watch her ruin her life.
06:21Irene has an addiction.
06:22It's not her fault and I'm not trying to punish her.
06:24Good for me.
06:26But I also will not be enabling it, either.
06:29I am not enabling her, John.
06:32I have known her for a very long time.
06:34Maybe I just have a bit more faith in her than you do.
06:36Well, if it comes down to a choice between Irene's feelings and her well-being, I know which one I'll be choosing.
06:46Yeah, I was just after a follow-up appointment with Dr Graham.
06:51Yeah, any time after two o'clock would be amazing.
06:56Okay, bye.
07:04Love, I'm really sorry that I had a go at you last night.
07:09Oh, that's okay.
07:10I'm guessing you'd had a few before I showed up.
07:12No, it was just a drink with a few friends.
07:21Would you like a coffee?
07:22Oh, no, thank you.
07:23Thanks so much, though.
07:24Are you sure?
07:25Yeah, yeah.
07:26I'm just headed out.
07:27I'll see you.
07:28Bye, love.
07:30Thanks so much, Mads.
07:31How are you today?
07:32Last night was lovely.
07:37Yeah, it was fun, except for John's grandstand.
07:43And honestly, I could slap that man sometimes.
07:47Needless to say, it'll be a while before he's invited to my next party.
07:51Oh, well, I think we should recover from the first one before we organise another one.
07:55Oh, Mads, please don't tell me he's got you worried too.
08:00Come on.
08:01You saw what I was like.
08:03I stopped drinking as soon as everything wrapped up.
08:06It wasn't like, you know, the old days where I used to write myself off.
08:11I know.
08:12I know you did, but then I went home.
08:18Mads, I'm only going to say this once, love.
08:21I do not have a problem and I am not drinking alone.
08:27All right?
08:28I appreciate that you're worried about me, but I am absolutely fine.
08:35Well, if that changes, I'll be here for you, OK?
08:39If that changes, you'll be the first person I tell.
08:44But right now, I've got some tidying up to do and you've got a job to go to.
08:49Yes, I do.
08:51All right, we'll see you later.
08:52OK. See you, love. Thank you.
08:54See you.
09:24Hey, looking good.
09:27Thank you.
09:28So, excited for your first big day of work?
09:30Yeah, I just thought I'd grab a beer first.
09:33A beer? Not an orange juice?
09:36Is that a problem?
09:38Yeah, there are two problems with that.
09:40First problem being, you're about to start your shift.
09:44So, beers before work, that's not a thing.
09:46Oh, news to me.
09:47Yeah, sorry, honey, that's not how the world works.
09:50And number two, slightly larger problem, you are underage.
09:56I was underage.
10:01What? I had no idea.
10:04Happy 18th.
10:05Thank you.
10:09Oh, hey.
10:12You feeling OK?
10:13Fine, why?
10:14Well, you missed me at 5am this morning, cancelling our PT session.
10:17Oh, bad sleep, that's all.
10:19How's things going with Perry?
10:21We're experiencing a bit of attitude at the moment.
10:24I guess it's as good as mine.
10:26I'm about to go see how he's handling things at the gym.
10:28At the gym?
10:31Hey, what are you doing out here?
10:33I'm heading to work.
10:34Well, you're late. You were meant to be on the desk ten minutes ago.
10:37What have you been doing?
10:38Getting a beer.
10:39Sorry, what?
10:40Been getting a beer?
10:42Are you serious right now?
10:47I'll see you later.
10:54Hey, you should try and go easy on him.
10:56It's his first day on the job.
10:58Why are you serving him drinks?
10:59No, no, no. He came in for a beer, but he settled for a coffee.
11:02He shouldn't be trying to buy drinks at all. He's 17.
11:04That's the thing.
11:05Not anymore, he's not.
11:07Today's his birthday.
11:13Oh, come in.
11:15Joe, you missed a nice dessert last night.
11:17Yeah, I'm well aware.
11:20So, what happened after I left?
11:22Apart from the nice dessert.
11:24Did you have any luck getting through to Irene?
11:27I had no idea it was this bad.
11:29How could you let this happen?
11:31Whoa, whoa, whoa. It's not Leah's fault.
11:33Well, you could have called me.
11:34Hey, how about she pull your head in?
11:36No, no, no.
11:37You weren't the one there embarrassing Irene last night in front of everyone.
11:40I have tried to talk to her.
11:42I have done everything I can to shut this down.
11:44Well, clearly it's not working.
11:46Okay, guys, we need to stop.
11:47We need to take a breath because, trust me, you cannot force her to do this.
11:50You both know Irene much better than I do.
11:52But if there is a problem, yelling at her and, frankly, humiliating her is not going to fix this.
11:58When I was taking those painkillers, baby, how did I react when you first confronted me?
12:04Oh, you denied everything.
12:07And when I tried to talk to you about it, it just made things worse.
12:11You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
12:15What, so we just abandon her, leave her to her own devices?
12:18Well, maybe taking a step back is the right thing to do right now.
12:23Or is it just the easy thing to do?
12:26Hey, I'm sorry, Perry.
12:28I didn't realize it was your birthday.
12:31It's fine.
12:34Is that what you said it was about?
12:37You went to see your dad?
12:55Nah, a birthday is more mum's thing.
12:58So where did you go?
13:01I figured there might be people my age there.
13:04Oh, yeah?
13:06Any luck?
13:08Not really.
13:12I only went to Salt because I wanted to celebrate a little, you know.
13:18We can go back there later if you want.
13:21No offence, but I always thought my first legit beer would be with my mates, you know.
13:28No big deal.
13:30It's just another day.
13:43Good evening.
13:44Well, good evening to you.
13:47Shall we head home?
13:48Are you done already?
13:50I'm just kind of exhausted.
13:52But before I forget, did you go to Yubby Creek and get that thing I asked you for?
13:57You're very generous.
13:58I know, so true.
13:59Well, look who's back in town.
14:01How are Dean and Ziggy?
14:03Oh, they're great.
14:04Actually, they said to say hi.
14:05Oh, that's good.
14:06I always thought they'd do it.
14:07John, we actually have to get going, but we'll see you later.
14:10Yeah, yeah, sure.
14:11See you later.
14:12See you.
14:51I heard it's someone's birthday today.
14:54Tane called you.
14:56He just asked for a little advice.
14:58Of course he did.
15:00Happy birthday, by the way.
15:06Your backup's here.
15:10You saw straight through me.
15:11Smart kid.
15:13Mad now, apparently.
15:15Doesn't seem like he's having a good time.
15:16Mad now, apparently.
15:18Doesn't seem like he's having a very exciting birthday, does it?
15:21I think he's a bit lonely.
15:23That makes sense.
15:25His whole life was just upended.
15:27That's why I need your help.
15:29What am I supposed to do for an 18th?
15:32What does he want to do?
15:34Says he's fine, just keeps looking at his phone.
15:37Okay, well, what did you do for your 18th?
15:40Well, it was different back home.
15:41I had all the family over and we did a hangi.
15:44A hangi?
15:45Yeah, hangi.
15:47Food cooked underground, mouldy sauce.
15:49Oh, the best food.
15:52Best time with the family.
15:54Can't beat it.
15:55That sounds amazing.
15:59Do you think Perry would go for it?
16:01I don't know.
16:02You know him better than I do.
16:05I'd help him learn about his culture, too.
16:14Sorry, guys.
16:15What's going on with you?
16:17Well, we're going to do a hangi for Perry's birthday.
16:19A hangi?
16:20Oh, that's so good.
16:21You will love it.
16:23What's a hangi?
16:25Mate, the fact you even need to ask,
16:26that's exactly why we're doing one.
16:28And don't worry, I'll explain it step by step.
16:32I'd like to know more about that.
16:36Okay, well, how can we help?
16:38I was hoping you could organise some stuff from Seoul.
16:40Yeah, of course.
16:41Just let me know what you want and I'll get it.
16:42Oh, beauty, thank you.
16:43I can pick it up.
16:44I've got a few stops to make anyway.
16:45You keen to get your hands dirty?
16:47Sorry, I have to work.
16:49Oh, fair enough.
16:50But you're missing out on some good food.
16:52I'm sure I am.
16:56Stop studying.
16:58He really would do anything for that kid, wouldn't he?
17:01I have full salt.
17:07Oh, God, what do you want?
17:09Brought lunch to apologise, have ya?
17:13Oh, give me strength.
17:14Am I about to get another lecture?
17:28Now you tell me you haven't got a problem.
17:33I won't once you leave.
17:36Get out.
17:38Please, just talk to me.
17:40So you can judge me again?
17:42I'm not here to judge you, of course I'm not.
17:45I'm your friend.
17:46Not any more, you're not.
17:48Now get out.
17:51I mean it, John.
17:53You and me, we are done.
18:10I make a pretty good team.
18:12Yeah, we do.
18:15Don't mind me, just passing through.
18:17Apparently I have to get a table from the chef.
18:19Oh, wait, before you go, we have something to give you.
18:22Happy birthday, mate.
18:27Oh, no, read the card first.
18:29Of course.
18:45It's okay.
18:55I overheard you telling Tania how you left your watch behind, so feel free to try it on, see how it fits.
19:02Maybe later.
19:04I'd better get this table.
19:06Okay, yeah.
19:13Hmm, not quite what I was expecting.
19:24Hey, I thought you said you had work.
19:27Oh, I do, I have a doctor's appointment first.
19:30Oh, are you sick? Is that why you skipped training this morning?
19:32No, it's just a check-up. How's the party prep going?
19:34Yeah, yeah, good. Just on my way to Salk, get some stuff now.
19:37Oh, perfect. Sorry again that I have to miss it.
19:40Me too.
19:43Hey, what's this I hear about a party?
19:46Oh, it's for Perry. It's his 18th birthday today.
19:48It's true. 18, eh? That's a pretty big deal for a young bloke.
19:51Yeah, yeah, which is why we're giving him the celebration he deserves.
19:53There'll be plenty of food if you come join us.
19:55Oh, thanks, mate. But I stopped going to 18th birthday parties about 100 years ago.
20:00But you have a good time, eh? And pass on my best to young Perry.
20:03All right, will do.
20:13Hey, did you find the table?
20:15Yeah, I just put it out the back.
20:18Maybe I shouldn't have got Levi to get the watch.
20:21It was such short notice and honestly, I just didn't know what else to get you.
20:26Socks. That's what I should have got, you know why?
20:29Because who doesn't love a new pair of socks?
20:33The watch is cool.
20:35It's just, it looks really expensive and we hardly know each other.
20:41Yeah, you know what, you were so right. It must be weird getting gifts from strangers.
20:47Yeah, kind of.
20:49Look, you and your boyfriend are nice.
20:55But that's what you are to me. Strangers.
20:58And everyone here is.
21:10You say the word hangi and it's all action stations.
21:13I still don't even know what it is.
21:15It's about tradition, family.
21:17I don't have any family here.
21:19My whanau is your whanau.
21:21It's called a manaia. It'll protect you and bring you good luck.
21:23I don't deserve this.
21:25Of course you do. Try and enjoy yourself, yeah?
21:27I feel like Tane is trying really hard to make this day special for Perry.
21:30I just hope he knows what he's doing.
21:32You can keep this. I'm not your little cultural project.