Home And Away 11th July 2024 (1/3)
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00:00So what sort of criminal history do these boys have?
00:10Assault, break and enter, theft.
00:11I just hope today goes well.
00:12Don't touch me!
00:14Stop it!
00:16Stop it!
00:24I'm so sorry.
00:25We've got to learn from what happened today and make it forward to tomorrow.
00:26That's assuming any of them want to come back.
00:28Can you really teach me that self-defence stuff?
00:30Of course.
00:31They've offered me a return at my previous rank.
00:33That is wonderful!
00:34Why are you not happy?
00:37I have to take a posting at Mangrove River.
00:39The cop I'm replacing was murdered.
00:40Are we that annoying couple that no one can stand to be around?
00:44Finally said that it wasn't about us.
00:46Now all of a sudden Marley's gone to stay with his family.
00:48I don't think we're that bad.
00:49We don't even have pet names for each other.
00:52We could start brainstorming.
00:53No, seriously.
00:54They mean a lot to me.
00:55They're like family.
00:56I just...
00:57I don't want to push them away.
01:02So why did you want to learn self-defence?
01:04I don't know.
01:05To protect myself, I guess.
01:08From anything in particular?
01:11Are you in trouble?
01:14I've been in trouble.
01:17I just want to be prepared if it happens again.
01:20You mean in juvie?
01:24What did you do to get put here?
01:28What I was told to.
01:31Someone brought you up to it?
01:33Something like that.
01:35Look, I'm 18 soon.
01:38If I go away again, that's prison, not juvie.
01:42I need to be ready.
01:45Hopefully there won't be a next time.
01:47That's what this program's all about.
01:50Look, self-defence won't teach you how to start a fight.
01:54It will teach you how to end one.
01:56Sounds good to me.
02:00Let's see what we're working with here.
02:02Left leg forward.
02:03Feet apart.
02:04Bouncing on your toes.
02:06This keeps us light.
02:07So we pinch forward and back as fast as possible.
02:15That's it.
02:22Something wrong?
02:24Did I wake you?
02:26Is everything okay with the restaurant?
02:27It's nothing.
02:30G'day, g'day.
02:31Welcome back.
02:33Did you have a good break?
02:50It's always great seeing family.
02:53I bet your mum was happy to see you.
02:56She was.
02:59And, uh, how's Aluka doing?
03:01Max said it was a pretty big deal that Aluka went home.
03:08Everything else is working out okay?
03:13I guess.
03:16Anyways, I should unpack.
03:19Oh, no, no, no.
03:20Leave that.
03:21That can wait.
03:22Why don't we catch up?
03:23Um, sure.
03:32Every time I turn around, you're back on the computer.
03:35You must know everything there is to know about this case.
03:38I just can't shake what happened to this cop.
03:43Talk to me.
03:45They beat him.
03:46They threw him in a dam and left him there to die.
03:50Babe, you can't take this job.
03:53Just say no.
03:54I hear you.
03:59But if there's a chance, I can help.
04:04What is it?
04:09HQ needs my answer or I close the business today.
04:14Next time we go away, we're going away for a whole week.
04:17So you had fun?
04:18Oh, didn't you?
04:21Kept me up all night.
04:23Every night.
04:24Oh, yes.
04:26If it were up to me, we'd still be away.
04:29I know.
04:32If only I wasn't a responsible business owner.
04:35I get it.
04:36We need a boss.
04:37There's no time off.
04:49Everything okay?
05:00It is.
05:04Another offer will come up.
05:06You just might have to wait a few months.
05:10Hey, I just, I just want to understand.
05:13I can't get it out of my head.
05:17Poor guy.
05:18Died alone.
05:19How am I supposed to walk away from that?
05:24Then I guess you have to take the job.
05:28Are you sure?
05:30It's not my call, Cash.
05:31It's yours.
05:32I know it's not what you want.
05:33It's okay.
05:34You want to do the right thing and I won't get in the way of that.
05:48Don't mind us.
05:50How was the break?
05:51Great, but technically not over until tomorrow, so bye.
05:59You think it's serious?
06:00I'm not sure.
06:01Maybe we should get to know Rory in case it is.
06:04I just, I cannot believe she almost didn't go out with him.
06:07They seem crazy about each other.
06:09I know how that feels.
06:13So the board orders are still piling up then?
06:19Business is good.
06:21That's great.
06:25Anyone want a tea?
06:30Sorry, what?
06:31I was going to make a tea.
06:32Oh, I can do that.
06:43What's going on?
06:47You have said like six words since I've come home.
06:51Is something on your mind?
06:55Dean's coming for a visit.
06:58It's about time.
07:00Isn't that good news?
07:01Yeah, right.
07:03Is there a problem?
07:05It's just complicated.
07:10Anyway, I need to get back to work.
07:13Is it going to be okay?
07:14Yeah, it'll give us a chance to hang out.
07:16Great, okay.
07:17I will see you both later.
07:19See ya.
07:22What was that look between you two?
07:27When you were talking about her brother, do you know something I don't?
07:33I don't think Dean is going to be your biggest fan.
07:38Why not?
07:40You're a smart man, Levi.
07:42Have a think about how you got together with his sister.
07:55The eggs are good and it'll fuel you for our gym session after.
08:03So what did you do?
08:07You said you were in trouble with the law.
08:08I made the wrong decision for what seemed to be the right reasons.
08:13Did you do time?
08:15I got lucky.
08:16Just had to complete a court-mandated program.
08:19Which gave me the idea to start up my own program.
08:21So I could maybe pass on some of what I learnt.
08:26You know, like I said this morning, it's all about discipline.
08:28Finding somewhere to focus your energy.
08:32Sorry to interrupt.
08:33Can I borrow you for a sec?
08:36What's up?
08:37Um, Dean's coming to visit.
08:40I haven't told him anything that's been going on lately.
08:43Like what?
08:44Like my heart attack, the fact that I'm having an affair with my doctor
08:48who's not really married but just got stabbed by Wally's brother.
08:51Alright, it's going to be okay.
08:52Are you kidding me?
08:53Come on, the second that Dean finds out about all this,
08:55he's going to want to deck Levi.
08:58What am I going to do?
08:59What am I going to do?
09:13So you had a good time away?
09:15Where'd you go?
09:16Couple hours south.
09:18We found this amazing beach.
09:21Totally private.
09:23Hope he didn't make you sleep in a tent.
09:26We crashed in the back of my car.
09:31I'm not a princess.
09:33It was actually very romantic.
09:36Sounds like my idea of hell.
09:43Don't you two want to go to Eden's?
09:45Oh, I thought that we could all hang out for a bit.
09:48It's cool.
09:49My port.
09:50So do you like to go camping a lot?
09:51I wish.
09:52I don't get much of a chance.
09:53Why's that?
09:54It's got a bit going on.
09:55Okay, that's enough.
09:57Calm down.
09:58Yeah, Flick.
09:59So what brings you around here then?
10:00Maybe we should take off.
10:02Great idea!
10:04Something like that.
10:05What sort of business?
10:06Okay, clearly you're not leaving, so maybe we should.
10:09Let's go.
10:10See you around.
10:11Sure will.
10:18Your interrogation skills are very rusty.
10:21Quick, call HQ and take the job before they change their mind.
10:24Or before I do.
10:26Last chance.
10:29Are you sure?
10:31I said do it quick.
10:39It's not that I never want Aidan to meet Levi.
10:42You just don't want him to dick him.
10:44Which is exactly what will happen if I don't, you know, fill in the gaps first.
10:47He can be a hothead.
10:50I just, I love Levi so much, you know, and I want to be with him forever.
10:54And I can't have the first time that he meets my brother to be a complete disaster.
10:59Why don't you go visit Dean first?
11:01Get him up to speed.
11:02I can't leave Levi, not while he's in recovery.
11:04I'm sure Marley would help.
11:06He's got enough on his plate.
11:08You know, he just broke up with Rose and all that trouble with Eluka.
11:11Then why don't I come and look after both?
11:14You wouldn't mind?
11:16I know you've really been enjoying your peace and quiet for a change.
11:19You're family.
11:20Oh, thank you.
11:23Seriously, that is such a big weight off my shoulders.
11:27Thanks for sharing me dinner, Flick.
11:29Would you stop it already?
11:30Flick, so cute.
11:32Do you want to lose a limb?
11:34Hey, Marley.
11:35Hey, what's new, mate?
11:37You two know each other?
11:39Is that a problem?
11:41How long have you guys been friends?
11:43I'm making him a board.
11:45Which I need to talk to you about.
11:47Hey, can I meet you upstairs?
11:50So, how's it coming along?
11:54The blank's done.
11:55Thanks, brother.
11:56I just need to know what design you want.
12:00I want it to say blood and sand.
12:07I'll send you a photo, so you can match my tat.
12:10Apart from that, the rest is up to you.
12:12Just make it...
12:14I don't know.
12:22Oh, I can do that.
12:23I can make dinner.
12:24No, no, no, no, no.
12:25You sort the wine.
12:26Oh, okay.
12:32Hey, Marley might have told me about why you're nervous about Dean visiting.
12:38I figure it's going to be all good.
12:40You just tell me a bit about it, and I'll do the rest.
12:44Change of plans.
12:45Dean's not coming.
12:46Change of plans.
12:47Dean's not coming.
12:48Oh, really?
12:49I know how much you miss him.
12:52Well, I figure I'm going to fly up there and visit him instead.
12:58Okay, so you know how your sister reacted when we first hooked her up?
13:02Okay, so my brother's exactly like that, just with a lot more red mist.
13:05I don't think that's possible.
13:07I'm actually serious.
13:09So, I'm just going to go up there, lay the groundwork, so when you two do eventually meet,
13:14there'll be no surprises.
13:17Seems fair.
13:18Wait, so it's just going to be me and Marley for the next few days?
13:21Oh, and Tane.
13:22Yeah, I spoke to him, and he's going to come and stay with you guys.
13:24Isn't that great?
13:31Cash seems pretty protective of you.
13:35Um, you know how we were talking about foster care?
13:40Well, our parents died when we were young, so he's always felt responsible for me.
13:50I'm sorry.
13:51Don't be.
13:53It happened a long time ago.
13:55Anyway, whenever I've gone off the rails, he's always been there to pick up the pieces.
14:03So, I'm lucky to have him.
14:06There's nothing better than a brother that has your back.
14:10Do you have a brother?
14:12A few.
14:14How many?
14:16Now I sound like Cash.
14:18I'm only asking because I've talked so much about myself, but I hardly know anything about you.
14:24You know everything that counts.
14:26Like what?
14:28That you're into surfing and drinking beers with your mates?
14:35And you?
14:36I know.
14:44I should get this.
14:46Go for it.
14:56What sort of problem?
14:58Are you following me?
15:00Max, we're not here so that Cash can give Rory the third degree again.
15:03You'd better not be.
15:05We're grabbing a pizza and then we're heading home to celebrate.
15:07He took the job?
15:11Hey, thank you.
15:13Find out what you can about the new cop, alright?
15:15I'll be back soon.
15:20Cash has a new job.
15:22Hey, congrats.
15:23Thank you.
15:25Listen, sorry about all the questions before.
15:27I get it, you're just looking out for your sister.
15:29All I really need to know is that you're treating her right.
15:31He is.
15:32All good?
15:36All good.
15:48Something tells me you've done that before.
15:50There was a punching bag at juvie.
15:52Used his bluff steam.
15:54Must have picked it up pretty quick.
15:56Surfing's not my thing.
15:59Never really got into it myself.
16:03No, no, it's just I thought you were cool.
16:07Hey, so that woman you were talking to before, is she your girlfriend?
16:12No, no, just a mate.
16:15Oh, no, it's just you were being really nice.
16:16That's all.
16:18I'm sure you've got your mates backs too.
16:20Oh, no, ever since juvie I've got like zero mates.
16:25Not anymore.
16:27I reckon you might have a bit in common with this guy.
16:30This is Perry.
16:32Marley owns the ball shop here.
16:33Made all these balls himself.
16:35No way.
16:36Nice to meet you, man.
16:38Hey, sick rails on the stick.
16:40Yeah, took me ages.
16:44You only need to change one life to make it all worthwhile.
16:53Come on, stay.
16:55I'm way more fun than you.
16:58I'm way more fun than whatever else you had to do.
17:00There's some trouble at home I need to deal with.
17:02Ditching me for your mates again?
17:05I'd stay if I could.
17:08I suppose we'd have to part ways eventually.
17:24Call me?
17:25You know I will.
17:42What, you want all the juicy details?
17:44That's my cue to leave.
17:46You don't have to go.
17:47Yeah, I really do.
17:48No, you spent half the day trying to interrogate Rory.
17:50Don't you want to know everything?
17:51I really don't.
17:53And I've got an early start tomorrow.
17:54New job, remember?
17:57I didn't realise you started so soon.
17:59Yeah, they asked me when I wanted to start.
18:00I said tomorrow.
18:02Well, I'm really glad you're back doing what you love.
18:04Me too.
18:13Everything, now.
18:14Come on!
18:21All packed?
18:24Thanks again for helping out.
18:26No problem.
18:32Oh, I'm going to miss you.
18:34I'm going to miss you too.
18:36Try not to have too much fun without me.
18:38I'll try not to.
18:40You better get going.
18:42You'll miss your flight.
18:46Behave yourselves.
18:49Let me give you a hand.
18:50No, I got it.
18:52Play nice.
19:01So, who's up for a movie marathon?
19:07It's all right.
19:17You're still here.
19:18Why didn't you wake me?
19:19Been up since dawn.
19:21You've eaten.
19:22I wanted to make you breakfast.
19:25It's kind of a one-time offer only, so...
19:28Fair enough.
19:30Look at you.
19:34Very handsome.
19:35Thank you.
19:38You OK?
19:40I'm with Flick.
19:42You're back doing what you love.
19:44I want you to be happy.
19:46I'll be OK.
19:48You better be.
19:52See you tonight.
19:53See ya.
19:54Wish me luck.
19:55Good luck.
20:13Thought you could use one of these since it's Cash's birthday back at work.
20:17How many of these have you already had this morning?
20:20Without roaring my bed, I finally got some sleep.
20:23I'm glad things are going well.
20:27We just get each other.
20:28We're just weird because we only just met.
20:30And I finally stopped thinking about Tane.
20:33Good figure.
20:36You OK?
20:39Yeah, I'm a bit stressed about Cash, that's all.
20:42He's doing a job he was born to do.
20:43He'll be fine.
20:45Hopefully, yeah.
20:50You OK?
21:14I saw the new cop.
21:16Didn't waste much time replacing old Franco, did they?
21:18What do we do now?
21:19We welcome him to town.
21:25You don't know these guys like I do.
21:26Yeah, I'm getting that.
21:27What I wouldn't do is dig too deep on the Riverboys.
21:30Do I need to remind you why you're here?
21:31Who you're replacing?
21:32Do you think the Riverboys have something to do with his death?
21:35We have a unique opportunity to get some dirt on the new cop.
21:38Welcome to Mangrove River.
21:39Stick your neck out here, it's gonna be the last thing you ever do.